Nursing Management Cirrhosis

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Nursing Managements

1. Elevate the head of the bed to minimize shortness of breath

2. Monitor intake and output and electrolyte balance
3. Weight client and measure abdominal girth daily
4. Monitor level of consciousness, assess for precoma state (tremors, delirium)
5. Instruct the client about the importance of abstinence of alcohol intake
6. Encourage rest when fatigued or when abdominal pain or discomfort occurs
7. Provide diet high in carbohydrates with protein intake of 1.2 to 1.5 g/kg/day
8. Assist with selection and pacing of desired activities and exercise
9. Encourage increased fluid intake and exercise if client reports constipation
10. Provide safe environment (pad side rails, remove obstacles in room, prevent falls)
11. Observe stool for color, consistency, amount
12. Encourage gentle blowing of nose to minimize risk of bleeding
13. Provide soft toothbrush and encourage to avoid use toothpicks
14. Encourage intake of foods with high content of Vitamin C
15. Use small gauge needles for injections

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