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Prospect Channel
Partner Execution Plan


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Effy Rubin
N eve Ilan, JUNE 2022
Prospect Channel Partner Execu-
tion Plan
Chanel Partner excution plan

Dear Partner,
Providing you with this Execution Plan template is an indication that your company and Nanox have success-
fully completed a due diligence process, and that there is a mutual conviction that your Market fits for a
Nanox deployment.
The Execution Plan will help us understand how you plan to bring Nanox into the Market in a sustainable
way, and it might serve you as a guideline which includes all the necessary principles you must bring into ac-
count while planning for deployment.

Next 3 years Growth Horizon (Hassan)

1. Assumptions
2. Growth drivers & areas of focus
3. Main activities
4. Vertical/segments
2. Revenue projections (Gosta/Abdulmalik)
2.1.Radiology services
2.2.Other (peripheral)
3. Budget & Resources (Gosta/Abdulmalik)
3.1.Funding and issuing needed LC
3.2.Team build-up
4. Sales & Marketing (Suleiman/Hadiza)
4.1.Pre/Post Sales
4.3.Demo Center
5. Supply-chain & operation (Rilwan)
5.1.Import process
5.2.Storing & Distribution
5.3.RMA process & Reverse Logistics
6. Service (Abduljabbar)
7. Connectivity (Abduljabbar)
7.2.3rd party providers
8. Local Regulatory Process (Sadiq/Tekena)
8.1.Import License
8.3.Registration experience

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Effy Rubin
N eve Ilan, JUNE 2022
1. Next 3 years Growth Horizon
1.1 Assumptions
In this section you should outline the business assumption which you based your business plan on. Your as-
sumption can refer to macro assumption such as healthcare expenditure, product related assumption (the
Arc 2.2 will be able to do such and such…), market structure, policy making and more.

1.2.Growth drivers & areas of focus

In this section you should outline your main channels through which you plan to grow the Nanox business

1.3 Main activities

Please describe the main activities (sales and marketing) that are going to “move the needle”. Please refer to
internal activities such as organization build up, recruitment as well as external factor such marketing activi-
ties and thought leadership activities.

1.4 Verticals/Segments
In this section you should indicate which of the verticals you are going to target (based on the market analy-
sis you outlined in previous section (urgent care, clinics, hospitals…)
Main GTM actions to target each specific segment/vertical.
Please refer in your explanation to any sub dealers or agents you are going to employ (if any)

2. Revenue Projections
2.1 Radiology Services
Please describe the revenue model and engagement model with the Health Facilities you plan to deploy the
Nanox devices. How does the retail price of the service divide by all relevant stake-holders?
2.2.Other (peripheral)
Please describe any other source of revenue, if any (shielded room, accessories…)

3. Budget & Resources

3.1 Funding and issuing needed LC
3.1.1 Please describe your funding assumptions, and funding resources for the deployment of the Nanox
devices in the volume detailed in the signed contract.
3.1.2 Please provide the name of bank you plan to use for the Nanox-related operation.
3.1.3 Please provide a sample of a Letter of Credit issued by this bank.
3.2 Team build-up
As a heavy, innovative medical device, the Nanox.ARC requires a wide and diverse personnel to support the
deployment and on going operation. Since you are planning a high volume deployment over the next few

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Effy Rubin
N eve Ilan, JUNE 2022
years, you will require a gradual and on-going team build-up. Please describe where you plan to start with a
team, and how you strategize your team’s build-up.
4. Sales & Marketing
4.1 Pre/Post sales
Please indicates the structure and the personnel you are planning to include in this team. Please refer their
typecast and required expertise.
4.2 Marketing
Please describe your strategy, channels, and plans to grow the Nanox brand awareness in your region. What
would be your early Go-To-Market strategy?
4.3 Demo center(s)
Please outline the plan regarding the Nanox.ARC Demo Center. Please refer to the customer journey and re-
quired resources.

4.4 KOL
Please indicate if you plan to lean on any related KOL to gain credibility in your territory. If so, please provide
their names and roles.

5.Supply chain and operation

5.1 Import process
In this section, please specify your import process as well as your experience importing capital equipment
and spare parts to your territories:
Please indicate your process & experience of custom brokerage.
5.2 Storing and distribution
In this section, please specify your capabilities/plans with regards to storing, distribution and transportation
within your territory, including logistics partners, locations of distribution centers etc.
5.3 RMA Process and Reverse logistics
In this section, please specify your RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) process
Do you operate repair centers / exporting fail components to manufacturer etc.

6. Service
Please indicate how you plan to provide all needed technical support to the deployment in your territory. Do
you provide Service “In House” or through a third party? Please refer their typecast and required expertise.

7. Connectivity
7.1 Assumptions
Since the Nanox.ARC is operated through the cloud, please indicate your assumptions related to the Connec-
tivity in theecosystem(s) where devices are to be installed.
7.2 3rd party providers
In case Connectivity is a challenge, how would you mitigate it and through who?

8. Regulation
8.1 Import License
Do you currently hold the needed Import License allowing you to import radiology devices?
8.2 Assumptions

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Effy Rubin
N eve Ilan, JUNE 2022
Please indicate your assumptions related to registering the Nanox devices in your territory- duration of
process, is this supported “in house”? Will you need a sample device? etc.
3. Registration experience
Please include your process & experience with getting all regulatory approval of importing X ray / radiation
device / other capital equipment.

Thank You!
And looking forward to a fruitful co-

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Effy Rubin
N eve Ilan, JUNE 2022

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