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1. How long have you been studying English?

2. Should everyone learn English?

3. Why are you studying English?
4. In your experience, what studying methods are most effective for you?
5. What accent do you find easiest do understand?
6. If you could speak English perfectly, how would your life change?
7. What might cell phones be able to do in the future?
8. What are some things your parents told you when you were young that might
not be true?
9. Do you think a woman could be president of Brazil?
10. Could China become the dominant superpower in the world?
11. What are some things that could improve your life?
12. What are some things you should do to improve your Engish?
13. I want to make a lot of money, give me some advice.
14. I don’t know what I want to do in the future, what should I do?
15. I just saw an UFO. Give me some advice.

16. What makes a good teacher?

17. Do you have any funny school stories?
18. How has technology changed teaching methods?
19. Is there such a thing as a dangerous book?
20. What’s your opinion of video games?
What are the pros and cons of letting children play video games?
Modal Verbs Table

Modal USES Present / Future PAST

be supposed We are supposed to meet We were supposed to meet
to them here. here.
be to strong expectation We are to meet them here. We were to meet them here.
I can learn modal verbs
can / could ability / possibility online.
I could jump high a few years
ago but now I can't.
can informal permission You can use my car
can’t tomorrow.
informal polite request
could Can I borrow your book?
That can't have been true!
couldn’t impossibility (negative only)
Cats can't swim.
necessity I have to go to class today. I had to go to class yesterday.
have to
I don't have to go to class I didn't have to go to class
lack of necessity (negative) today. yesterday.
I have got to go to class
have got to necessity I had to go to class yesterday.
had better strongly advised You had better be on time. (past form uncommon)
polite request May I borrow your book?
may formal permission You may leave the room.
less than 50% certainty He may be at the school. He may have been at school.
Might less than 50% certainty He might be at school. He might have been at school.
strong necessity
I must go to class today. I had to go to class yesterday.

You must not open that door.

must prohibition
Mary isn't in class. She must Mary must have been sick
be sick.(present only) yesterday.
95% certainty
I ought to have studied last
advisability I ought to study tonight.
ought to
She ought to have done well
80% certainty She ought to be at school
on the test.
ask another person's opinion Shall I invite them too?
(only used with I or we) Shall we dance?
You should have paid your
advisability I should study tonight
He should have done well on
80% certainty He should be at school
the test.

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