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Girls, Social Proof, Herding, and

Copycat Hookups
By: Chase Amante

Most girls are inveterate copycats… Especially when it comes to

when, where, and whom to hook up with. But you can leverage this
herding behavior to your advantage.


a. Effect of Seeing Hookups

b. How to Create Hookup Conditions

5. How Big is Hookup Copycatting?

In his wonderful book Influence, Dr. Robert Cialdini discusses social

proof to great extent. In particular, he discusses the human tendency
to look to other humans for what to do in uncertain situations... and
to follow their leads. Examples Cialdini uses in the book include:

Laugh tracks on comedy shows: even though you know it’s

canned laughter, and even if you hate canned laughter, the
laugh track still makes you rate the jokes you hear as funnier
than jokes you hear without a laugh track on (due to social
proof; i.e., “I’m not sure if that’s funny, but everyone else thinks
it’s funny, so I guess it must be funny”)

The bystander effect: why you’re actually more likely to get help
in an emergency if there is only one person around, rather than
a crowd (folks in a crowd ask themselves, “Is this really an
emergency?” look around to see no one else responds like it’s
an emergency, and conclude it is not an emergency... then
proceed not to do anything, even as terrible things happen
around them)

The Werther effect: when suicides hit the front page in a

newspaper, 58 more people in the region where that suicide
story was published commit suicide over the next month. Where
murder-suicides hit the front page of a newspaper, throughout
the next month, drivers in that region crash their cars, with
passengers in them, and pilots in that region crash their
airplanes, with passengers in them (scary, no?)

Lane-switching during rush hour: if two cars put on their signals

and switch lanes at the same time, the cars behind them, not
having visibility of the road ahead, decide there must be a
reason for this, and suddenly everyone tries to switch lanes
(incidentally, I used awareness of this tendency for years when I
used to commute for work. I’d look for everyone suddenly
switching lanes, and noticed about 50% of the time it was due
to an obstruction, and I could always just merge in later; the
other 50% of the time there was no obstruction and I could zip
ahead down the now-empty lane. Benefits of having a rebellious
mind, I suppose. You still feel the pull of social proof, and the
desire to switch lanes like everyone else, but choose to override
it. Though occasionally I’d follow the herd and switch, and
always feel like a rube when it turned out there was no reason
and I watched other cars zip by on my left. Oh well...)

If you’re reading so far and thinking, “Wow, people really copy each
other to a very high extent, don’t they? I wonder how I can use this to
get girls,” don’t worry. We’re going to cover some ways today.

Along the way, you’re going to see a few ways to engineer this sort of
‘follow the leader’ effect... in hooking up.

Girls Do What Other Girls Do

Women use the ‘follow the leader’ concept to high degree. They rely
on it to a seemingly greater extent than men; while you can find
plenty of men off doing their own thing, it’s a lot less common to find
women who are. Women look to those around them to tell them what
is good, right, and correct.

I’m not going to post up all the research on preselection here; if you
want to read it yourself, hit up Google Scholar and type in ‘mate
choice copying’. You’ll find dozens of bits of research on how people
– but especially women – use the mates and companions of
members of the opposite sex to decide whom they want to date, and
how bad they want to date them.

This in mind, right off the bat, you should have a few things pop into
If I want to hook up with girls, I should go places girls hook up
with guys like me (very important)

If I want to hook up with girls, I should behave like the men girls
hook up with

If I want to hook up with girls, I should seek out (or create) the
social conditions women hook up in

If you read no further in this article, this little bit alone should be
enough to get your mind working to come up with a few new ways to
meet more women (and have it go well).

But let’s say you decide to keep reading. What are some examples of
things like this?

Is This Somewhere Girls Hook Up with Guys

Like Me?
There are two (2) considerations in venue selection, when we’re
thinking about this sort of follow-the-leader behavior. Those
considerations are:

1. Do women hook up here?

2. Are you like the men women hook up with here?

The first item is self-explanatory. Is this a place women go to meet

men? If it isn’t, you may sometimes stumble on a hidden gem, or pull
off an against-the-odds pickup. But you usually won’t. If you go
places hooking up rarely happens, you will, most of the time, rarely
hook up.

For instance, go to an amusement park where it’s mostly families and

groups of teenagers all going on rides and having fun and no one is
meeting strangers or hooking up. You’re probably not going to find a
girl who steals off to the cornfield adjacent to the park here, as fun
as it might sound. It’s simply not an environment that attracts women
to hook up. And the women who are in attendance here are not
looking for or (by and large) open to hooking up, either. So if you
drive to the amusement park, do it because you want to ride the
park’s roller coaster, not to meet some girl who you hope will ride
your roller coaster.

But now take the example of a gym. There is some hooking up that
goes on at the gym (see my article on gym pickup). Girls go to the
gym dressed to impress, and sometimes meet men there. However,
if you are overweight, and have no muscles, and go to the gym, you
will probably not do so well at hooking up. Why not? Because girls
don’t hook up with guys like you here.

You might think that’s shallow. But let’s get inside the girl’s head:

You’re at the gym, working out

A guy approaches you. He seems confident enough. But he’s a

little fat. And has no muscles

It feels weird. Aren’t you supposed to talk to people who are in-
shape here? You look around and see a few other girls, all
talking with trim, muscular guys. You look back at the guy
talking to you. Big gut. No muscles

Fat, unmuscular guy asks you out. You panic. Uncertainty! “This
guy seems pretty confident,” you think. If you met him in the bar,
you might say yes. Everyone would be drunk there, he’d
probably be a lot of fun, and your friends might like him. And
you could just go for what you like. But here? You look around
again. Girls with trim, muscular guys. Here’s this fat guy with no
muscles asking you out. No one else you know is around to pass
their approval on him and reassure you he’s a cool guy despite
his beer gut. “I’m sorry,” you tell him. “I have a boyfriend.” He
says he understands, and excuses himself. You sigh in relief,
backward rationalize your decision as having definitely been the
right one, and get on with your workout

And just like that, follow-the-leader nipped your nascent romance in


Could there have been a way to get this girl? Quite possibly. But
you’d need to be strategic about it. Namely, you’d need to catch her
somewhere she would not be able to see other women talking with
muscular men. You’d want to meet her in a place where there were
no other leads for her to follow, and she would be forced to make up
her own mind on you, and date you on your merits.

I used to do just this in gyms, when I was overweight. I’d meet girls in
line, or chat up the receptionist girls outside the gym. In those
environments, I would be the only guy in eyeshot talking to women.
Girls could see other men who were much trimmer or more muscular
than I was... But those guys would not be approaching. And here was
chubby, confident Chase chatting her up, and she was liking it. So
when I’d ask her out, she’d say yes, at least sometimes (I wasn’t
quite a Casanova in those days... but I still got dates). On the other
hand, I was much more circumspect while actually in the gym – and
usually preferred to catch girls on the way out, or outside the main
weights and machines area, if I could.

The follow-the-leader effect is why you see so much disagreement

among men over which venues are best to meet women in. If the
only point of contention was, “Do women hook up here?”, there’d be
far less disagreement. But that’s not the only point of contention.
The other point of contention is, “Are you like the men women hook
up with there?”

If you are a nightclub manager or a high roller who throws money at

tables, you probably feel a lot warmer and fuzzier about large,
impersonal mega clubs than I do. However, you likely do not like
dark, narrow, anonymous house music clubs to anywhere near the
same degree as me. Nor do you likely like street game or transit
approaches to the same extent. These places don’t allow you to
showcase your social connections (nightclub manager) or affluence
(high roller) the way the stratified mega club does, which makes the
house club, the street, and transit better environments for me, but
the mega club a better environment for you.

Note that each of these places use the follow-the-leader effect


In the mega club, girls see other girls pairing off with men with
high in-venue status, and begin to look for other men with high
in-venue status to pair up with. If you try to play sexy guy game
here, you get ignored by most of the women present. The men
who do best in high end, impersonal mega clubs tend to be the
ones who do the best at playing the in-venue status game

In the house club, girls see other girls pairing off with random
sexy men, and begin to look for other random sexy men to pair
up with. If you try to play the status game here, most women are
completely disinterested. The men who do best in dark, narrow
house clubs are those who do best at sexy guy game

In transit and on the street, you operate with a reverse follow-

the-leader effect: that is, she looks around, and everyone is
busily walking down the street or boarding / de-boarding their
conveyance. Women are not meeting men. So when you
approach, you yank her immediately out of autopilot and ask her
to do something she is the only one doing (talk to a random

What’s the effect of violating the follow-the-leader effect? What if

you cause a girl to stop and talk with you on the street, or in transit?
Or what if you’re the sexy guy and manage to get a girl in a good,
sexual, touchy conversation in the mega club... or you’re the high
status guy and manage to get a girl to stop at a table and drink from
a pricey champagne bottle with you in the house club? The effect is
that this girl has chosen to go against the crowd, and is actively
choosing to pursue this courtship with you. It is not on autopilot. Her
compliance is up.

When you get her to break the follow-the-leader pattern just for you,
she overrides her follower instinct and complies with your request to
It’s somewhat easier to get women to violate the follow-the-leader
effect on the street and in-transit than it is in places where women
actively hook up... reason being that while there are no supportive
examples in the former locales, there are also no counter examples.
Women do not see other women on the street exclusively going for
guys who don’t look like you. They don’t see other women going for
guys on the street at all. There are no examples for them to follow
here, aside from a feeling of, “Wait, should I do this? Should I talk to
this random guy?” If you are fun and attractive and comfortable,
you’ll often be her only reference point. She’ll look at you, decide you
seem comfortable, and tell herself, “Okay, I guess this is fine. He
seems comfortable about it.”

However, in the club, if you are in a place where all the guys girls go
for are nothing like you, you aren’t just asking her to break from the
flow. You are asking her to actively go against the flow... Which most
women (especially if they have chosen to come to an environment
like this – if she’s in the mega club, she could have chosen the house
club, and if she’s in the house club, she could have chosen the mega
club – but she didn’t; she chose what she chose) will feel social
pressure not to do.

Thus, when you select venues, don’t just pick places that are good to
meet women at. Pick places that are good for men like you to meet
women at – where there will be examples of women going for guys
like you to help your courtships along.

The next best type of venue is one where women do hook up yet
there are no present examples for or against – the street, for
instance. (women do meet guys on the street – the answer is ‘yes’ to
the question “Do women hook up here?” Ask any girl you know if
she’s ever met a guy on the street – if she’s out of college and lives in
the city, you’ll often get a yes response)
The worst type of venue? A hook up place where women hook up
almost exclusively with men who are not like you. Some of the
sourest (yet perhaps also most educational) nights you will ever have
will be the nights where you go to a place you’ve heard is great for
hooking up, only to realize you are the complete opposite of all the
men women are hooking up there, and you get to watch a bunch of
people leave with each other and go home to have sex, while every
girl you talk to blows you out.

The lesson you learn is that it isn’t just about “Do women hook up
here?” It is also about “Are you like the men women hook up with

Behaving Like the Men Women Hook Up With

I’ll only spend a brief amount of time on this point... Because it’s what
most of is devoted to. That is to say, “How do you
become like the men women lust for and desire to date?”

Confidence, great fundamentals, and expert game all serve as

indirect signals to a woman that you are a man who is heavily
preselected. Preselection is simply another way for women to
employ the follow-the-leader effect and choose men other women
have already chosen.

Preselection explains female behavioral phenomenon men often

have trouble understanding at first, such as:

Women are much more attracted to men they see other

attractive women flirting with

Single women are much more attracted to men who are in

Men who go to bars with wedding rings on get many more
approach invitations and get approached much more often than
men without wedding rings

Men who tell women they have children usually witness a

notable attraction boost from those women

These are things that as a man you will often instinctively think
should repel a woman... but instead they attract women. Preselection
is the largest single attraction factor out there. Good looks or
physical dominance each boost your attractiveness by about 10%.
Preselection boosts your attractiveness by a whopping 25 to 30%
(depending on the study). Nothing has a bigger impact on how a
woman feels toward you than how she witnesses other women
behave toward you.

Thus, indirect signals (like confidence, great fundamentals, and

expert game) all help boost your attractiveness to women because
they communicate preselection, indirectly. i.e., a man is not going to
be confident around a beautiful woman unless he has experience
dating and sleeping with beautiful women.

However, direct preselection signals are even more powerful. If you’d

like examples of what these are, or strategies on how to use them,
check out the articles we have on Girls Chase that deal with

How Preselection Works to Get You Girls

The Pros and Cons of Social Proof for Seduction
Preselection: The Deadliest Style of Game

Conditions Women Hook Up In

All right. This is the fun part. This is where we bend the environment
to make hooking up a lot more likely. The way we do this is by
creating environmental conditions (or leading women into such
conditions) where women like them are hooking up with men like

The easiest and perhaps most common example is when you pick up
a girl with a friend, and your friend hooks up with her friend (or vice
versa). If you go out with a wingman often enough, and you and him
are of similar attractiveness and at similar skill levels, you’ll run into
this fairly often. Once one of the girls is having sex, it’s a whole lot
easier for the other one to, too.

What if you don’t have a wingman? The next easiest, most common
way to make use of this is to look for girls toward the end of the night
whose friends have already hooked up with someone. If you want to
screen for this, get in the habit of asking girls what their friends are
up to tonight. If you get a response along the lines of, “Oh, my one
friend went off with some guy,” or, “I think she hooked up with some
guy,” this is good. If you get a direct, unambivalent response, along
the lines of, “She’s hooking up with some guy she met in the club,”
this is ideal. Girls whose friends have already hooked up with
someone that night feel a lot freer to engage in hooking up
themselves, and they are a lot more inclined to play follow-the

The Effects on Girls of Seeing Other Girls Hook Up

Her friend having already hooked up with someone that night has the
following effects on her:

1. It gives her permission to hook up. One of the major

questions a girl will often have before she decides to go home
and sleep with a guy is, “Is this okay?” When she sees her
friends hooking up with men, the answer to this question is
clear: “Yes, it’s okay. See? My friends are already doing it!”

2. It removes social stigma from hooking up. If she’s the only

one who hooks up, she risks feeling like a slut. “I won’t be the
only one to have sex with a guy tonight; no way,” she says. But if
other girls – her friends especially – do it, the stigma goes away.
She’s not the only one doing it... everyone is doing it! This zero-
stigma element is most visible in hookup-heavy vacation spots.
However, you’ll see it at parties with lots of hooking up, or in
clubs at the end of the night (or in nighttime street game – you
can meet a lot of girls on the street at night whose friends have
already run off with some other guy; it’s part of what makes
nighttime street game so good). Anywhere hooking up is
happening, hooking up gets destigmatized.

3. It makes hooking up seem like the normal thing to do.

Once the stigma is gone, if lots of girls are doing it, you can get
that “everyone is doing it” vibe. Not always; if only one of her
friends hooked up with someone, the stigma will be lower, but it
won’t feel like “everyone is doing it” yet. When you find yourself
in environments where lots of people hook up, that’s when this
effect kicks in.

If you talk to a girl who’s hooked up in a vacation spot, for

instance, and you kind of scoff at her silliness for doing wild
vacation hookups, you’ll almost always get the same response:
“Don’t laugh! EVERYBODY does that there!” or “EVERY girl was
hooking up!” The implication is, when everybody does it, it’s fine
if she does it too.
Life at a vacation spot.

4. It makes her want to hook up – which lowers her walls

(and her standards). When other girls around her are getting
laid, she wants to get laid too. She thinks about it. She imagines
it. The excitement of it – her girlfriend met this random guy and
is now off getting her nethers jackhammered. It’s the most
interesting thing that’s happened that night, so it sticks in her
head. And the more she thinks about her friend screaming and
yelling and climaxing, the more she wants to do this tonight, too.

Better still for you, the more she wants it, the more “find a guy to
have sex with” becomes a priority for her, and the less important
it becomes whom that guy is. If at the start of the night, when
she was in a non-sexual state, the only guy she would’ve
willingly hooked up with was a good-looking, muscular hunk in a
thousand dollar suit, by the end of the night she may be willing
to take any guy who can spit moderately good game, has a
modicum of confidence, and isn’t afraid to push things forward
with her.

5. It makes her feel left out if she does not hook up. If she
has to watch other girls – and especially her friends – hook up,
and she’s still there without a serious prospect for some late
night fun, she can start to feel like... well... kind of a loser. Oh
sure, every other girl gets a guy... but not her? What’s so wrong
with her? Like desiring a hookup, feeling left out can make her
lower her standards too. It can even make girls who aren’t all
that into you or aren’t even horny decide to hook up with you...
Just because they don’t want to be “left out.”

These aren’t always the most satisfying lays – I’ve had girls
sleep with me in this condition where the girl never stopped
acting like I was just ‘some guy’, and always seemed like the idea
of sleeping with me was somewhat distasteful, yet she still slept
with me anyway because all her friends were getting laid and
she didn’t want to be the only who wasn’t... and I was the only
guy making a serious play for her. Doesn’t bug me; my ego is
not tied to initial impressions people have of me anymore (I
usually make awesome impressions... but if I don’t, that’ll
change as she gets to know me more / I shag her more).
Nevertheless, when you get those lays where the girl is like, “All
right, well... let’s do it and get it over with so I can tell my friends
I got laid too,” they’re always somewhat hollow victories. Yes,
you got sex, but you never actually captured the girl’s heart or
mind. You just happened to be in the right place, at the right
time, and knew enough game to know how to lead things

These are all some pretty cool effects. Well, maybe except for those
hollow “All right fine, you can bang me” lays. Although sometimes
those are fun too, if you have a good sense of humor about it (“Ha!
I’m banging this girl who doesn’t even want to bang me. Women are
so silly”).

How to Seed the Conditions for ‘Hookup


So... are there ways to create these sorts of conditions in which girls
hookup copycat?

Why yes; yes there are. I’ll list out a few for you.

1. Have a good wingman. You won’t always be ‘on’. And your

wingman won’t always be ‘on’. But if you have a good wingman,
much of the time at least one of you will be ‘on’. And if you’re
approaching pairs of girls, oftentimes all you need is for ONE (1)
of you to be ‘on’. If one guy is doing well with his girl, so long as
the other guy is doing an okay job, this will often be enough to
get both couples in bed. The okay guy’s girl sees the guy who’s
doing great’s girl getting so excited, and much of the time will
decide okay... this guy I’m with is all right. If he stays cool and
doesn’t do anything weird, and if my friend hooks up with her
guy, I’ll probably just hook up with this guy too. It won’t work out
100% of the time, but a fair bit of the time one wing taking his
girl to bed leads to the other wing bedding his own girl as well.

2. How you frame a girl’s missing friends. I love when a girl’s

friends go missing. I used to hate it. It used to be I’d be with a
girl, and her friends would be missing, and she’d say, “Oh no. I
have to find my friends!” then drag me around a venue looking
for her friends, fail to find them, get flustered, and then she’d go
home by herself. Or she’d find them and then we’d be stuck with
her friends all night and the vibe would shift from ‘building up to
something’ to platonic.

These days, I love missing friends. All I’ve changed is how I

frame her missing friends. When a girl notices her friends are
missing in a bar, club, or party, our conversation goes like so:

Her: Oh no! Where’s Sam! I just realized I haven’t seen her in

like half an hour!

Me: [in a slow, casual, matter-of-fact way] She’s probably

hooking up with some guy.

Her: No, I mean, she... I mean, she COULD be. I don’t know.

After this, about 90% of these “I have to find my friend!” issues

go away (with girls who like you). You don’t want to harp on the
issue too much, because you don’t want to seem like you are
trying to ‘convince her’ of this. So don’t just keep saying, “I’ll bet
she’s hooking up.” Just say it once. If she tries to say her friend
would never do that, shrug your shoulders and say well, she is
human, isn’t she. Or you can say well, she’s an adult, we can let
her make her own decisions. Then change the topic. Even if
she’s not 100% on-board with the frame, it’s at least in her
head, and now she’s thinking about it: “Is Sam hooking up with
someone RIGHT NOW?” And the more she thinks about it, the
more she starts to convince herself it must be true.

If she’s dogged about trying to find her friend, you can use the
“Well, she has your number, right? She can text you if she’s
looking for you” line. She’ll say ‘yes’, she’ll check her phone, see
her friend hasn’t texted her... and now this makes your frame
look even more likely to be correct. Maybe she is hooking up
with a guy! If she wasn’t with a guy, wouldn’t she be texting her
to see where she was?
3. Where you take a girl. This can be either a girl you’re on a
date with, or a girl you’ve met in one venue and want to move to
another. If you take her somewhere everyone is hooking up, it
will make her want to hook up too.

The catch is you want to avoid venues with aggressive other

(straight) men. While this can be good – I’ve had a fair few times
where a guy’s tried to steal a girl from me, I’ve whipped the
other guy (socially), and the girl’s arousal very visibly went from
“I’m pretty turned on” to “Take me now!” and I just pulled her
out of there and shagged her right after – it’s a bit of a wild card
for your interactions. Yes, he may try to get her, and you may
shut him down, and this may send her arousal through the
charts. But he may try to get her, you may botch the handling,
and she’ll lose interest in you.

So be sure to take her to places where either you are going to

be one of the manliest men there (again, I recommend house
music clubs – often a lot of hooking up in these places, but the
men don’t tend to be very aggressive; guys here are lovers, not
fighters), or take her somewhere like what Alek recommends in
his article on gay venues (which can be good spots to take girls
to increase their horniness without opening yourself up to men
who want to peel her off you).

4. Your wingwoman. I’ve not used this myself. However, I’ve

known a few guys who would go out with a high sex drive
wingwoman. Often the way the game would work was a guy
would meet a girl together with his wingwoman, the girl would
enjoy talking with them both, then once his wingwoman felt like
he probably had a girl he was going to hook up with, she’d go
and find a guy to hook up with on her own. The girl would either
see this, or she’d ask my friend what happened to his female
friend, and he’d tell her, “Probably found a guy to hook up with.”
Because she spent a few minutes talking with her already, the
wingwoman feels like a ‘friend’ – she is already one of the girl’s
closest acquaintances in the bar – and now her ‘friend’ is
hooking up with someone else. Permission granted, normalcy

tfw she just watched your wingwoman hook up with some guy, and
now she’s thinking about you.

5. Pictures. Some guys use a picture strategy, where they put a

bunch of cool photos on their phone, and slip in a few where
girls are doing wild things with them. Some guys I know will
include naked pictures of girls on their bed, or just girls in
lingerie doing sexy things in their apartment. The “girl in lingerie
in your apartment” picture is the one I see guys use most often;
when a girl comes across the picture, the guy will point to
something in it and say, “Yeah, I got that vase in Morocco. It’s
100 years old. Some lady hand-painted the thing a century ago,”
and not mention the girl in the picture or clarify who she is at all.
But it’s clear from his description she is in his place, so it’s
assumed she hooked up with him. That sets a clear “girls hook
up with this guy” precedent in the mind of the girl who’s viewing
the pictures. (I also had a natural friend who left a random
picture on his phone of a girl naked on his bed with a giant
gaping... hindquarters... after he’d anal-fisted her for half an
hour... he’d act surprised and laugh when a girl would find it
while flipping through pictures on his phone, then he’d lean in
and quickly swipe to the next photo – “You don’t want to look at
that.” It was always hilarious to watch girls’ reactions to this.
Pretty effective tactic the way he used it, too)

All fun stuff, right?

These all take a little orchestration to do, or are somewhat reliant on

luck (like ending up with a girl whose girlfriends are suddenly
missing). However, with the luck-based ones, you can also screen for
girls who fit; to do this, early on into a conversation just ask a girl, “So
what’re all your friends up to tonight?” If you get an answer along the
lines of the “My friend went off with some guy” or “She’s hooking up
with a guy she met here”, she’s a pretty decent bet.

How Big an Effect Does Hookup Copycatting

Go to any major hookup vacation spot and you’ll see how enormous
an effect hookup copycatting can have. The entire reason the place
is a hookup destination spot is due to copycatting. Girls (and guys)
go there specifically because they know it’s somewhere they can
hook up and feel completely normal and relaxed about it.

It’s worth noting that some women are more independently minded
than others. This works both ways:

When no one is hooking up yet, you need to have that first girl
who decides she doesn’t care what everyone else is doing and
opts to hook up with a guy anyway

When every one is hooking up, you will still have girls who are
more resistant to following the herd than others are

That said, I have hooked up with some very herd-resistant girls in

herd-like settings. It might sound weird, but when you meet these
girls, often the best thing to do is to assure them you know they
don’t just follow the herd. Then lead them to hook up with you
anyway. Even if she’s resisting it, the environment still impacts her.

The environment has enormous effects on women’s behavior. You

can have a girl who’ll behave aloof, haughty, and hard-to-get in one
environment, then plop her into an environment where everyone is
hooking up and she’ll become a flat-out hedonist. It’s striking. And it
may be weird for you, if you’re not used to seeing this switch, and
you rather expect people to be ‘consistent’. In uncertain scenarios –
and deciding whether to hook up with someone or not is often one of
the most high uncertainty decisions a woman will have to make –
women look to the herd for answers. They follow the leader.

Individual women, of course, have varying levels of cross-

environmental consistency, and resistance to herding behavior. But
everyone – male and female alike – is strongly, usually unconsciously
influenced by his environment. No one is fully – or even largely –
immune to it.

Just remember, if you want to make full use of this very powerful
Go to places where girls hook up with guys like you. If you must
work against the environment, try to approach girls in isolated
positions (e.g., at the reception desk facing away from the gym
floor), where they cannot observe other women and are in less
of a position to follow the leader against you

Match your behavior to the behavior of men girls hook up with.

That means a confident approach, good fundamentals, good
game, and a sexual vibe. However it also means matching your
behavior to the behavior of successful men in that specific
environment. Successful male behavior is not always the same
across environments. The more you seem like a man who is
experienced hooking up, and in particular whose behavior is
matched to the environment, the more women will feel like
hooking up with you is what women (both in general, and in that
environment) do – and should do

Engineer hookups, through seeding, framing, environment

selection, or changing the environment. There are a bunch of
ways to do this – review the section on them to get ideas on
what to do

Women (like men, though perhaps even more so) are creatures of
the herd. They do what they feel allowed, permitted, and encouraged
by those around them who are like them to do. So if girls like her in
the environment around her aren’t hooking up with guys like you,
she’ll be less likely to; if girls like her in the environment around her
are hooking up with guys like you, she’ll be more likely to.

You have more control over this than you think, though. You can go
to environments better suited to your purposes... You can meet girls
in less suitable environments and bring them along to more suitable
ones... Or you can even create conditions within an environment to
make that environment better suit your ends.

Alter your environment, and you alter your possibilities... and, very
quite often, your outcomes, too.


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