Chapter 2 Componentoftechnology

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Department of Management and Technology
Faculty of Technology Management and Business
University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Objective of the chapter
• Understand and able to identify the component of
1. Technoware
2. Humanware
3. Orgaware
4. Infoware
• A company may use technology for a wide range of functions:
 Transformation (production, conversion);
 Transmission/transference (distribution, collection);
 Transaction/trade (exchange, service);
 Treatment (care, service)
• It is difficult to reach a clear understanding of what is technology. To
– Technology is simply hardware;
– Critical information which can improve a product or process; or
– Efficient organizational practices.
Process Technology
• Refers to the technology needed to make a
• Four distinctive embodiment forms namely:
 Technoware
 Humanware
 Orgaware
 Inforware
Process Technology
– Object-embodied (physical) technology.
– Can enhance human physical powers and controls in transformation activities,
such as:
 Tools
 Devices
 Equipment
 Machinery
 Structures
Process Technology
• What are the components of technoware?
 Machines that are needed for a process.
 Software that are needed to operationalize the machines.
 Tools that re needed to maintain the machines.
 Spare parts that are needed to repair the machines
Process Technology
• Technoware comprises of:
1. Material transformation subsystem - performs desired
mechanical operations that the technoware has been
designed for;
2. Information processing subsystem - carried out a three stage
control sequence, i.e. sensing-analysis-actuation; can be
fully- or partially-built into a technoware.

• In a company, technoware changes through a process

of periodic substitution.
Process Technology
– Person-embodied technology, or human abilities.
– Needed to realize the potential of technoware, such as:
 Skills to operate machines
 Craftsmanship
 Knowledge/ expertise
 Creativity
Process Technology
• Humanware consists of:
– Contact humanware – operators of technoware.
– Support humanware – maintenance crew, software
specialists and production management personnel.

• Humanware changes through progressive learning

process of new things.
Process Technology
• Organization-embodied technology – organizational frameworks or
operational technologies.
• Coordinate a company’s activities to achieve its objectives, such as:
 Methods
 Techniques
 Linkages
 Practices
Process Technology
• Orgaware may be viewed in terms of work:
 Conventions
 Organization
 Facilitation
 Evaluation
 Modification

• Orgaware changes through a process of evolving arrangements and

Process Technology
• Work conventions
– Beliefs and principles that can set the tone for introduction of
management practices.

• Work organizations
– Management techniques that can be used to plan production based
on demand forecasts.
Process Technology
• Work facilitation
– Management techniques used in, for example, quality assurance and inventory
planning and control.

• Work evaluation
• Management techniques used to monitor performance.

• Work modification
– Management techniques to facilitate worker participation for performance
improvement, e.g. 0 defect programs
Process Technology
– Record-embodied technology, or documented facts.
– Enables quicker learning processes and savings in terms of time and
– Represents accumulated knowledge, such as:
 Facts and formulae
 Design parameters
 Specifications
 Manuals
 Theories
Process Technology
• Three categories of inforware :
– Technoware-specific inforware (TSI)
– Humanware-specific inforware (HIS
– Orgaware-specific inforware (OSI)
Process Technology
• Technoware-specific inforware (TSI)
– Needed to operate, maintain and improve technoware
– For example:
 Machine specifications and list of spare parts
 Operating manuals
 Trouble-shooting checklists
 Tacit knowledge gained by experience on how to get the best out of a
Process Technology
• Humanware-specific inforware (HSI)
– Needed to obtain a good understanding of manufacturing process
and the technoware being used.
– For example:
• Theories on the way the machines operate and their limitation.
• Tables of engineering data
• International, national performance standards and calibration schemes.
Process Technology
• Orgaware-specific inforware (OSI)
– Needed to ensure effective use of, and timely interactions between,
available technoware and humanware.
– For example:
 Demand forecasts
 Customer specifications
 Machines capacity details
 Lists of material and components suppliers
Process Technology

• All four components of technology are required

simultaneously by all business units to perform specific
value addition functions.

• Different components of
technology are usually
available at different levels
of sophistication.
Product Technology
• Consists of two major components:

1. Product design inforware –

technology associated with
the design of a product;

1. Product usage inforware –

technology associated with
the use and maintenance of a
Product Technology
Categories of product design inforware:
1. Design foundation inforware (DFI)
• E.g. Customer requirements, design concepts, techniques for impact/performance
analysis, design software.
2. Design backup inforware (DBI)
• E.g. Tables of engineering data & functions, calibration scheme, international/national
performance standards.

3. Design specifications inforware (DSI)

• E.g. engineering drawing, blueprints, product design specification.
Product Technology
Categories of product usage inforware:
1. Product operating inforware (POI)
• E.g. product installation information (including computer-based training tools),
standard operating procedures, and software.
2. Product maintenance inforware (PMI)
• Manuals/drawings/checklist needed to maintain, repair and service a product, parts
listing, and software.
3. Product performance-enhancing inforware (PPI)
• E.g. tacit knowledge gained based on experience related to the use of a product.
Degrees of sophistication of technology components and their

• Sophistication represents increasing integration of
additional functions in physical facilities.
• Degree of sophistication corresponds to increasing
complexity of the physical facility for transformation
of operations.
Degrees of sophistication of technology components and their

• Major factors/criteria that determine transformation

complexity of technoware include:
» Scale of operation
– Type of operation
– Scope of outputs
– Quality of outputs, and
– Safety or environmental soundness of operation.
Degrees of sophistication of technology components and their

• Sophistication implies amplification of human ability
and creativity by continuous education and training
that results in increasing efficiency.
• Degree of sophistication indicates increasing level of
competency of all individuals engaged by a
Degrees of sophistication of technology components and their

• Factors that determine individual competency

 Level of general education
 Appropriateness of training
 Relevant experience
 Motivation of personnel.
Degrees of sophistication of technology components and their

• Sophistication results from accumulation of
knowledge through collection, processing and use of
information that increase the value of documented
• Degree of sophistication represents increasing utility
of recorded facts.
Degrees of sophistication of technology components and their

• Factors that determine utility of inforware are:

 Relevance
 Timeliness and
 Reliability of acquired facts.
Degrees of sophistication of technology components and their

– Sophistication represents increasing use of management
technique to improve competitive performance.
– Expansion of transactions and competitiveness for growth
of market share and diversification of organizational
frameworks based on increasing effectiveness of
management practices.
• Degree of sophistication results in improved overall
performance in the marketplace.
Degrees of sophistication of technology components and their

– Factors that determine competitiveness of a

company include:
 Market performance: cost, quality & time
 Organizational effectiveness
 Technology capability
Degrees of sophistication of technology components and their

– Improvement in the degree of sophistication of the

four components of technology can gradually
enhance the technology content addition potential of
a company.

• Higher degree of sophistication can

induce higher potential for technology
content addition that can lead to high
value-added outputs.
Degrees of sophistication of technology components and their
• The four components of technology are complementary to one
• No transformation can take place in the complete absence of
any of the components, for example:
 Attempting any kind of transformation without technoware is
 Without humanware, physical facilities remain idle;
 Without any inforware, human abilities take a long time to learn and
hence inefficient;
 Without orgaware, management of a company is ineffective.
Degrees of sophistication of technology components and their

The simultaneity requirement can be explained as follows:

• Technoware is the core of any transformation. It is
developed, installed and operated by humanware.
• Humanware is the key element of any transformation
operation and it is in turn guided by inforware.
• Inforware is generated and also utilized by humanware for
decision-making and operation of technoware.
• Orgaware acquires and controls technoware, humanware
and inforware that affect transformation operation.
The end.



Department of Management and Technology,

Faculty of Technology Management and Business
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat
Johor, Malaysia

Tel: +607-453 7000

Fax: +607-453 6337


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