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Unit Topic Part 2


Which transferable skills and personal qualities are the most valued by

You should say:

1 ❖What skills and personal qualities are valued by employers
❖What skills and personal qualities you currently have or need to learn

❖How you can improve or develop them

and explain the reason why you think these skills and personalities are important.


Imagine that you are attending a year-end meeting with your teacher and other
classmates. Every participant will share their experiences or achievements. Tell
everyone about a project you worked on in this year - in education or in your job,
as a volunteer or as a hobby.

You should say:

3 Projects
❖What the project was

❖Who you worked with on the project

❖What went well with the project

❖What the project’s biggest challenge was

and discuss what you may do differently next time.


Your company would like to introduce a store or product to a new international

market. As a marketing manager, give a short presentation on your plan to the
management board.
4 You can use one of the ideas below or your own.
▪ A national or local fast-food chain
▪ A regional drink or dish
▪ A clothes store

You should say:

❖Where you want to place this new store or product

❖What customers in the target market want

❖Why the standard store or product may not do well in the new market

and present the way how you can customize your products to the new market.


Nowadays, more and more people have been successful in online markets. Imagine
you also want to be a sofapreneur and talk about you plan.

You should say:

❖What products you could make and sell online or what services you could offer

❖What e-commerce site you will choose

❖What are potential benefits and disadvantages of online marketplaces.

and explain the reasons why you want to sell products online.


Think of a business you visit often - a supermarket, clothing shop, car

mechanic’s.... Imagine this business is conducting a survey to find out what
customers think of their services (or products). As a loyal customer, tell your
opinion on the services (or products) and suggest some possible innovation ideas.
You should say:
5 and
Innovation ❖What happened when you go there

❖How you felt what it happened

❖How the business can improve their services or products (Could any of the steps
be done in a different way, perhaps using different technology?)

and explain the possible results if the business applies this innovation.


Describe a premium service that you know or have experienced.

7 You should say:
❖What the type of business is (transportation, catering, tourism…)

❖What type of premium services you know/ have experienced

❖What you are satisfied most

and explain the reasons why you may or would like to pay more to be a premium
customer of this business.


Think of a business you visit often (E.g.: a supermarket, clothing shop, car
mechanic’s…). Imagine this business is conducting a survey to find out one contact
channel that customers find it the most convenient.

You have five options: email, chatbot, live chat, social media forum, telephone. As
a customer, which ways do you prefer when you want to communicate with the
business’s customer service department ? Why?

You should say:

❖What the type of business is

❖What the most effective ways to communicate with customer service department

❖Why do you think it is the best customer contact channel for this business

and describe how that contact channel works.


Describe two most effective methods of communication.

You should say:

Face to ❖What they are

face? ❖ What you like or dislike about using each way

❖ When each way of communication is best used

and explain the reasons why you think these methods of communication is the most

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