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G15 XENON – Cable Fault Locator (Teaching Aid)


Introduction Design & Methodology

Circuit Diagram
Project Background

Damage to cables that causes resistance in the

cable is referred to as a cable fault. If allowed to
continue, this can result in a voltage breakdown. To
find a fault in a cable, it must first be tested for
flaws. As a result, cable testing is typically
performed first in cable problem location. During Design Calculation
the cable test, flash-overs are generated at the
cable's weak places, which can subsequently be
located. One of the most prevalent methods is to

use a time domain reflectometer that employs the Problem Statement

pulse reflection approach. However, there is an

issue in gaining and practising this knowledge and Teaching the principles and operation of an
abilities in the context of teaching and learning. underground cable fault locator is challenging Gantt Chart

Due to the difficulties in teaching, it is critical to due to the complex equipment and diverse
create effective teaching aids that can demonstrate techniques involved.
the operation of the cable fault locator based on the
methods so that students can gain the necessary Existing aids lack comprehensive resources ACAD Drawing
knowledge and abilities to easily and securely and hands-on experience. Thus, there is a

recognize and locate cable defects. need for a comprehensive teaching aid that
enables learners to confidently detect and
locate faults in underground cables.

Objective This aid should provide practical learning and

application in various scenarios.
Provide hands-on training opportunities for Flowchart
learners to practice using the cable fault locator.
Create simulated fault scenarios or utilize faulty
cables to allow learners to operate the locator
and apply their knowledge in locating and
diagnosing faults.

Provide step-by-step instructions on how to use

the fault locator effectively. Teach learners how Block Diagram
to connect the equipment, set appropriate
parameters, interpret the readings or signals,
and determine fault locations.

Introduce learners to the cable fault locator, its

components, and its functionalities. Explain the
purpose and importance of using a fault locator Keypad 4x3

in identifying faults in cables accurately.

Developed System

LCD 20x4 I2C

ARDUINO UNO Result & Discussion Discussion:

Output Data:
The results obtained from the distance and resistance
outputs exhibit some variations compared to the expected
values. For the distance measurements, slight deviations
were observed in the recorded distances, with some values
being slightly lower or higher than the expected distances.
These variations could be attributed to factors such as
measurement inaccuracies, calibration issues, or minor
fluctuations in the cable properties. Similarly, the resistance
measurements also displayed slight discrepancies, with the
recorded resistances deviating from the expected values.
This could be due to measurement errors, circuit
CABLE FAULT component variations, or uncertainties in the cable
properties. To improve the accuracy of the measurements,
LOCATOR it is essential to ensure precise calibration of the measuring
equipment, verify the circuit connections, and consider the
CABLE FAULT LOCATOR BUZZER 6-12V quality and consistency of the cable being tested.
Additionally, conducting multiple tests and averaging the
WITH PROBE results can help mitigate measurement discrepancies.
Documenting these observations, addressing potential
sources of error, and suggesting improvements will provide
Sustainability of Product: a comprehensive analysis in the project report.

1. Safety Features: One aspect of sustainability is ensuring the safety of

RESISTOR the users. Incorporating safety features into the design of the product,
VOLTAGE REGULATOR such as isolation mechanisms, protective enclosures, and proper
PROBE TEST grounding, helps minimize the risk of accidents or electrical hazards
during fault detection exercises.
2. Educational Value: Your product's purpose as a teaching aid promotes
sustainability through knowledge transfer and skill development. By
enabling students to understand and identify cable faults safely, they can ROI Calculation
acquire valuable knowledge about electrical systems, troubleshooting
techniques, and safety practices. This education contributes to building a
sustainable workforce with a strong foundation in electrical engineering.
3. User-Friendly Design: A user-friendly design enhances the usability and
accessibility of the product, making it easy for students and educators to
operate. Clear instructions, intuitive interfaces, and ergonomic
considerations ensure that the product is inclusive and usable for a wide
range of users, regardless of their abilities or technical expertise.
4. Repairability and Upgradability: Design the product with repairability
and upgradability in mind. Use modular designs that allow for easy
replacement of faulty components or upgrading of features. This extends
the product's lifespan and reduces electronic waste by avoiding complete
product obsolescence.

A cable fault locator is a teaching aid that helps students learn how to detect and locate faults in cables. It simulates different types of faults and shows their
location, allowing users to develop practical skills in troubleshooting cables. It consists of a transmitter and receiver that send and detect signals to identify
abnormalities. The device enhances understanding and hands-on experience in cable fault detection and localization, making it valuable for educators and
learners in cable engineering.

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