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Zoologica Scripta

Speciation and dietary specialization in Drupa, a genus of

predatory marine snails (Gastropoda: Muricidae)

Submitted: 8 November 2011 Claremont, M., Reid, D.G. & Williams, S.T. (2012). Speciation and dietary specialization
Accepted: 11 December 2011 in Drupa, a genus of predatory marine snails (Gastropoda: Muricidae). —Zoologica Scripta,
doi:10.1111/j.1463-6409.2011.00512.x 41, 137–149.
We test the competing predictions of allopatric speciation and of ecological speciation by
dietary specialization in Drupa, an Indo-Pacific genus of carnivorous marine gastropods in
the family Muricidae. We use a well-resolved molecular phylogeny (reconstructed from
one nuclear and two mitochondrial genes) to show the validity of the traditional species
D. elegans, D. rubusidaeus, D. clathrata, D. morum and D. speciosa. ‘Drupa ricinus’ is shown to
consist of three species: D. ricinus s. s., D. albolabris and a new species, possibly endemic to
Japan. ‘Purpura’ aperta is transferred to Drupa. Despite potential widespread dispersal and
a high degree of range overlap among sister species, range sizes between sister species are
highly asymmetric, suggesting that speciation has been predominately peripatric. The
exception is the sister pair D. ricinus s. s. and D. albolabris, which have symmetric range sizes
and are sympatric over broad Indo-Pacific ranges. Such symmetry and extensive sympatry
are contrary to the predictions of the (peripatric) allopatric model of speciation. Neverthe-
less, contrary to the predictions of an ecological speciation model based upon dietary spe-
cialization, broad dietary range appears to be identical between the species. Small
differences in microhabitat preferences (or hypothetical dietary specialization at a fine taxo-
nomic scale) may have been significant in the speciation process or, if initial divergence
was allopatric, in permitting subsequent sympatry. Broad dietary shifts appear to have
accompanied more ancient divergences within the genus Drupa.
Corresponding author: Martine Claremont, Department of Zoology, Natural History Museum,
Cromwell Rd., London, SW7 5BD, UK & Division of Biology, Imperial College London, Silwood
Park Campus, Ascot SL5 7PY, UK. E-mail:
David G. Reid & Suzanne T. Williams, Department of Zoology, Natural History Museum,
Cromwell Rd., London SW7 5BD, UK. E-mails:,

Introduction predicted based on potential dispersal ability (Williams &

A fundamental question in evolutionary biology concerns Reid 2004; Lee & Ó Foighil 2005; Rocha et al. 2005; Ayre
the generation of diversity in lineages with wide dispersal et al. 2009; Claremont et al. 2011b). This apparent contra-
and potentially high gene flow among populations. Under diction has led to the recognition of many factors limiting
an allopatric model of speciation, gene flow is the main dispersal including historical and current physical barriers,
process opposing population differentiation; theory pre- larval behaviour and the availability of suitable settlement
dicts that sister species are at first allopatric, but that the habitat (Cowen & Sponaugle 2009). As a result, a primar-
likelihood of range overlap should increase with age since ily allopatric mode of speciation among marine organisms
divergence (often estimated by genetic distance; Mayr is widely accepted (see e.g. Williams & Reid 2004; Reid
1954; reviewed by Coyne & Orr 2004). In a marine sys- 2007; Frey 2010; Claremont et al. 2011b).
tem, geographical barriers to dispersal (and gene flow) are Nonetheless, there are indications that speciation in the
not immediately obvious, and it might be expected that face of gene flow (‘sympatric speciation’) may be common
speciation in the sea should therefore be rare and slow in the sea. In several marine gastropod radiations, some
(Palumbi 1992). This is clearly not the case: many marine young sister species are broadly sympatric at a geographical
groups are highly diverse in areas smaller than would be scale, contrary to the predictions of allopatric speciation

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Speciation and dietary specialization in Drupa d M. Claremont et al.

(reviewed by Krug 2011). There is increasing evidence of molluscivorous Conus. Alternatively, some sympatric sis-
that, in these cases, ecological specialization may play a ter species of Conus may be differentiated by microhabitat
role in the speciation process, promoting differentiation in (Vallejo 2005), suggesting that ecological speciation may
the face of gene flow. The theory of ecological speciation be promoted by differentiation along ecological gradients
suggests that reproductive isolation evolves via disruptive unrelated to diet.
selection acting on populations that occupy contrasting To test the competing predictions of allopatric specia-
environments or use different resources (reviewed by tion and of ecological speciation mediated by diet, we use
Schluter 2001; Coyne & Orr 2004). This may result in another group of carnivorous marine gastropods, the
sister species that are sympatric but differ in ecological genus Drupa in the family Muricidae. Although most mu-
characters; examples have been identified in fish (Rocha ricids feed by drilling holes in slow-moving or sessile prey,
2003; Rocha et al. 2005, 2008) and molluscs (Williams & including other molluscs and barnacles (Taylor 1976,
Reid 2004; Meyer et al. 2005; Reid et al. 2006; Frey 2010). Taylor 1978; Vermeij & Carlson 2000), species of Drupa
Although ecological factors limit distributions in some are not known to drill (Taylor 1976). Instead, some species
marine organisms, their role in speciation is uncertain, of Drupa feed upon more active prey such as errant poly-
because ecological divergence may follow (rather than pre- chaetes and fish by trapping them in holes and using an
cede) speciation, perhaps as a result of adaptation or com- extensible proboscis (Taylor 1976, 1982). The range of
petition (reviewed by Coyne & Orr 2004; see also diet across the genus is known in some detail (Taylor
Claremont et al. 2011b). 1976, 1978, 1983, 1984). The 12 morphospecies (and sub-
Some of the best evidence for an ecological role in spe- species) were recently revised by Monsecour & Wuyts
ciation has been found in groups with specialized diets. In (2007); distributions and anatomical characters were
terrestrial systems, host preference and local adaptation described by Emerson & Cernohorsky (1973). Drupa spe-
have long been a focus of speciation research (reviewed by cies can be presumed to have the potential for wide dis-
Coyne & Orr 2004). Although fewer such studies have persal, because some are known to have large (and
been performed on marine organisms, examples of local probably long-lived) planktotrophic larvae (Taylor 1975)
adaptation and possible ecological speciation are found and both Drupa morum and Drupa ricinus s. l. have dispersed
among crustaceans, polychaetes and molluscs, despite across the 5000 km of the Eastern Pacific Barrier to colonize
potential gene flow between sisters in some of these remote islands of the Eastern Pacific (Emerson & Cerno-
groups (reviewed by Sotka 2005). However, few studies horsky 1973; Monsecour & Wuyts 2007). We aim to
have tested the predictions of ecological speciation in a (1) produce a well-resolved molecular phylogeny to delin-
phylogenetic context. Two exceptions are found in work eate species and reconstruct their relationships in Drupa;
performed on the parasitic gastropod genera Leptoconchus (2) estimate ages of species divergences; and (3) map diet
(Gittenberger 2006; Gittenberger & Gittenberger 2011) and range onto the phylogeny to compare dietary special-
and Phestilla (Faucci et al. 2007). Both genera have free- ization and range overlap between sister species. The allo-
swimming larvae and include examples of sister species patric speciation model predicts that sister species will be
that feed upon different hosts (Faucci et al. 2007; allopatric; it makes no prediction about ecology. Alterna-
Gittenberger & Gittenberger 2011), consistent with eco- tively, if the prevailing mode of speciation is ecological
logical speciation mediated by diet, even in the face of and mediated by diet, it is predicted that sister species will
gene flow (see also Sotka 2005). not share the same dietary niche, regardless of range overlap.
Species in the gastropod genus Conus are also widely
dispersed and specialized predators, but are not parasitic. Materials and methods
Phylogenetic analyses in the group show that sister species Specimen identification and outgroup selection
are often geographically sympatric, while still sharing the The type species of Drupa, D. morum, is a member of the
same broad prey type (e.g. worms, fish or molluscs; Duda Rapaninae, a subfamily of the Muricidae (Kool 1993;
et al. 2001; Duda & Palumbi 2004; Duda & Kohn 2005; Vermeij & Carlson 2000; Claremont et al. 2008; Houart
reviewed by Krug 2011). This appears to contradict the 2008; Barco et al. 2010). The most recent revision of the
predictions of both the allopatric and the ecological speci- genus (Monsecour & Wuyts 2007) recognized 12 species
ation models. However, because it is known that Conus and subspecies in three subgenera: Drupina, Ricinella and
can exhibit specialization within broad prey groups (Kohn Drupa s. s. (Table 1); note that the familiar subspecies
1968, 1980; Kohn & Nybakken 1975), it could be argued D. ricinus hadari Emerson & Cernohorsky 1973 is a junior
that prey choice may yet prove to be significant in an eco- synonym of D. ricinus lischkei Hidalgo, 1904 (Monsecour
logical speciation process. Indeed, Duda et al. (2001) men- & Wuyts 2007). The subspecies of D. morum and Drupa
tioned one case of contrasting diets in a sister–species pair clathrata are geographical variants distinguished by small

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M. Claremont et al. d Speciation and dietary specialization in Drupa

Table 1 Classification of Drupa according to Monsecour & Wuyts domains D1–D6), 700 bp of COI (completely contained
(2007) compared with the revision proposed herein. Type species within the standard bar-coding region) and 650 bp of 12S
of each (sub)genus shown in bold. Drupa aperta was previously (corresponding to domains II and III). Primers and PCR
usually placed in Purpura (e.g. Kay 1979)
conditions for all genes were those used by Barco et al.
(2010), except for some COI sequences that were obtained
Classification of Monsecour & Wuyts (2007) Classification proposed herein
using primers COIF and COI-MUR (Claremont et al.
Drupa (Drupa) Röding, 1798 Drupa 2011a). PCR products were sequenced using a BigDye Ter-
morum morum Röding, 1798 morum
minator v1.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems,
morum iodostoma (Lesson, 1840) albolabris (Blainville, 1832)
denticulata Houart & Vilvens, 1997 aperta (Blainville, 1832) Carlsbad, CA, USA) and run on an Applied Biosystems
elegans (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829) clathrata 3730 DNA Analyzer automated capillary sequencer.
ricinus ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) denticulata Sequences were assembled and edited with SEQUENCHER
ricinus lischkei Hidalgo, 1904 elegans (v4.8; GeneCodes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI, USA).
Drupa (Ricinella) Schumacher, 1817 ricinus s. s.
Clear heterozygous peaks in both the forward and reverse
rubusidaeus Röding, 1798 rubusidaeus
clathrata clathrata (Lamarck, 1816) speciosa sequence of 28S were coded as polymorphisms.
clathrata miticula (Lamarck, 1822) n. sp. Sequences for ribosomal genes (28S rRNA and 12S
speciosa (Dunker, 1867) rRNA) were aligned using the G-INS-i method of MA-
Drupa (Drupina) Dall, 1923 Drupina FFT (Multiple Alignment using Fast Fourier Transform,
grossularia Röding, 1798 grossularia
v6.847b; Katoh & Toh 2008) as sequences were not
lobata (Blainville, 1832) lobata
expected to be highly divergent. Long gaps in the align-
ment were also not expected, so the offset value was set to
0.1. The resulting alignments were adjusted by eye in
differences in shell shape and colour; their status is not MACCLADE (v4.06 OSX; Maddison & Maddison 2003).
evaluated here. GBLOCKS (v0.91beta; Castresana 2000) was then used to
Of the nine species recognized by Monsecour & Wuyts remove poorly aligned sites (minimum number of
(2007) in Drupa s. l., 46 samples from seven species were sequences for a conserved position: 70%; minimum num-
obtained (see Table S1). Identifications were from the ber of sequences for a flanking position: 90%; maximum
descriptions of Monsecour & Wuyts (2007) and Emerson number of contiguous non-conserved positions: 3; mini-
& Cernohorsky (1973). Preliminary molecular analyses of mum length of a block: 5; all gap positions allowed). COI
the Rapaninae (M. Claremont et al. unpublished data) sequences were aligned by eye in MACCLADE (v4.06 OSX;
indicated that an additional species, ‘Purpura’ aperta, Maddison & Maddison 2003). For each gene partition, 24
should be assigned to Drupa and three samples were there- different models of nucleotide substitution were tested
fore also included; identification was based on Kay (1979). with MRMODELTEST (v2.2; Nylander 2004).
As outgroups, we used seven species confirmed with A three-gene concatenated alignment was constructed,
molecular analysis to be members of the Rapaninae consisting only of specimens for which all three genes were
(Claremont et al. 2008; Barco et al. 2010), as well as Cymia available. Before combining gene partitions, we compared
tectum of the Rapaninae sensu Vermeij & Carlson (2000; posterior probabilities (PP) of all clades among individual
Table S1). gene Bayesian trees. Conflict among strongly supported
A total of 66 specimens and 181 sequences were used in clades (PP > 95%) is evidence of genetic incongruence that
this study (Table S1). Sequences for some or all genes of suggests divergent phylogenetic histories of loci, while con-
8 species (24 sequences) have previously been published flict among weakly supported clades (PP < 95%) may be
(Table S1; Claremont et al. 2008; Barco et al. 2010). due to stochastic error (Wiens 1998; Erixon et al. 2003;
Reeder 2003; Williams & Reid 2004; Williams & Ozawa
DNA sequencing and alignment 2006). Lack of resolution does not indicate conflict.
For all samples, regions of two mitochondrial genes (cyto-
chrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), 12S rRNA) and one Molecular species delimitation
nuclear gene (28S rRNA) known to be informative for phy- All alignments were analysed using Bayesian inference and
logenetic analysis in the Muricidae (Claremont et al. 2008; the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method
Barco et al. 2010) were sequenced, following the protocols (MRBAYES v3.1, Huelsenbeck & Ronquist 2001). Model
of Claremont et al. (2011a). DNA was extracted with the parameters for each gene were set according to the model
Qiagen QIAamp DNA mini kit (Qiagen Ltd., Crawley, selected by MRMODELTEST and were free to vary among
West Sussex, UK). Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) gene partitions. The MCMC analysis ran twice for each
amplified approximately 1500 bp of 28S (corresponding to alignment: five million generations for each individual

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Speciation and dietary specialization in Drupa d M. Claremont et al.

gene and 50 million generations for the combined align- Cretaceous) and a minimum of 33.9 Ma (the end of the
ment. Analyses were sampled every 5000 and 50 000 gen- Eocene) was used for the divergence of C. tectum.
erations, respectively, to generate 10 000 trees each. We estimated the timing of diversification with BEAST
Convergence between runs was tested by examining the (v1.6.1; Drummond & Rambaut 2007). Site models were
average deviations of split frequencies and the potential initially set based on MRMODELTEST, but reduced in com-
scale reduction factor (PSRF). A 10% burn-in for all anal- plexity based on preliminary results observed in TRACER
yses was used, based on the traces in TRACER (v1.5; (v1.5; Drummond & Rambaut 2007). We used a relaxed,
Drummond & Rambaut 2007). Branches in consensus uncorrelated lognormal molecular clock, estimating all
trees with PP < 50% were collapsed. rates, and the Yule process for the species-tree prior. The
We used BEAST (v1.6.1, Drummond & Rambaut Yule model estimates species-level branching rates, so single
2007) to generate an ultrametric tree for use in species exemplars were used for each species of Drupa (as defined
delimitation tests. Site models were again set based on by the GMYC analysis) for which sequences of all three
the models chosen by MRMODELTEST. In this analysis, genes were available. All outgroup sequences were removed
we were only interested in relative clade ages, so we used except for C. tectum, which was used to calibrate the analy-
a relaxed clock model (uncorrelated log normal; sis. A single analysis (100 million generations) was sampled
Drummond et al. 2006) without calibration for time. The every 10 000 generations to generate 10 001 trees. A 10%
starting tree was random and the coalescent tree prior burnin was used, as determined by examination of traces in
was set to a constant population size. Priors were TRACER (v1.5; Drummond & Rambaut 2007).
adjusted based on preliminary analyses in order to
improve effective sample size (ESS) values. Three analyses Mode of speciation
of 25 million generations were sampled every 2500 gener- In order to test hypotheses about mode of speciation, the
ations to generate 10 000 trees each. Length of burn-in phylogenetic position of Drupa denticulata, the only species
(10%) was determined by examination of traces in TRA- of Drupa s. s. missing from this analysis (Table 1), was
CER (v1.5; Drummond & Rambaut 2007). Tree files were plotted onto a cladogram of all analysed species, based on
combined with LOGCOMBINER (v1.6.1, part of the BEAST predictions from morphological examination, the original
package; Drummond & Rambaut 2007). The final tree description (Houart & Vilvens 1997) and the revision of
was calculated with maximum clade credibility and med- Monsecour & Wuyts (2007).
ian node heights using TREEANNOTATOR (v1.6.1, part of Range overlap and range-size symmetry in the four sis-
the BEAST package; Drummond & Rambaut 2007). ter pairs were calculated based on the distribution maps of
In order to find significant clusters within the BEAST Emerson & Cernohorsky (1973). Because white and yellow
tree, we applied the GMYC function from the SPLITS pack- colour forms were distinguished on these maps, ranges of
age (Ezard et al. 2009) in R (R Development Core Team D. ricinus s. s. and Drupa albolabris could be differentiated.
2009). This function optimizes the likelihood of genetic The range size of Drupa aperta was extrapolated from Kay
clusters, where branching rates between species follow a (1979) and D. denticulata from Houart & Vilvens (1997),
Yule model, but branching rates within species follow a following the methods of Barraclough & Vogler (2000).
neutral coalescent model (Pons et al. 2006; Fontaneto Specifically, range overlap (degree of sympatry) is defined
et al. 2007). This method has been shown to help identify as the percentage of the more restricted clade’s range that
phylogenetic species and cryptic taxa in other muricids is overlapped by its more widespread sister, while range-
(Claremont et al. 2011a,b). We also estimated the uncor- size symmetry is defined as the range size of the clade with
rected pairwise distance over all pairs of COI sequences the smaller range divided by the sum of the range sizes of
among and within clusters using MEGA5 (Tamura et al. each clade (Barraclough & Vogler 2000).
2011). Where possible, we re-examined the shell morphol- Dietary information was based primarily on gut contents
ogy of all specimens in each cluster. analyses by Taylor (1976, 1978, 1982, 1983, 1984). For
D. aperta, gut contents analysis was not available, but this
Time of diversification of Drupa species has been observed to feed upon other gastropods
Fossil evidence suggests that the subfamily to which Drupa and barnacles (Kay & Magruder 1977; Bird 2011; C. Bird,
belongs (Rapaninae) dates from the Late Cretaceous personal communication).
(Vermeij 1996); the earliest fossil rapanine is Cymia berryi
from the Mancora Formation (late Eocene) of Peru Results
(Vermeij & Carlson 2000). A member of this genus, Sequence results
C. tectum, was included in the analysis, so a fossil prior The three-gene alignment consisted of 55 sequences, while
with a maximum of 99.6 Ma (the beginning of the Late the 28S alignment had 57 sequences, the 12S alignment

140 ª 2012 The Authors d Zoologica Scripta ª 2012 The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 41, 2, March 2012, pp 137–149
M. Claremont et al. d Speciation and dietary specialization in Drupa

had 66 sequences and the COI alignment had 58 GYMC clusters was <1.5%. In addition, there were several
sequences (see Table S1 for GenBank accession numbers). fixed differences in the nuclear gene among most clades
After the removal of primer sequences and regions of (Table S2). The only exception was the nuclear sequence
ambiguous alignment, the 28S alignment (originally of the entity D. ricinus lischkei, which was identical to that
1486 bp) was reduced to 1454 bp (3%), while the 12S of D. ricinus s. s. (Table S2).
alignment (initially 569 bp) was reduced to 486 bp (15%).
COI alignments were 703 bp long; sequences obtained Age of Drupa
with COIF and COI-MUR (Claremont et al. 2011a) were Based on preliminary results, site models were reduced in
703 bp and those sequences obtained using universal prim- complexity to HKY for 12S and COI, and HKY+I+G for
ers (Folmer et al. 1994) were 658 bp. In the alignment, 28S for the age estimation analysis. All ESS values for the
43 bp of 28S, 152 bp of 12S and 269 bp of COI were BEAST analyses were >500. The median age estimated for
informative; remaining bases were either constant or phy- the diversification of Drupa was 25.5 Ma (13.6–38.2;
logenetically uninformative. The model chosen by MRMO- Fig. 2). Relationships among species of Drupa were well
DELTEST was GTR+I+G for 28S and 12S, and HKY+I+G resolved and the three pairs of sister species diverged at
for COI. Inspection of individual gene trees did not reveal approximately the same time, in the Late Miocene (5.5–
any well-supported clades (PP > 95%) in conflict. Resolu- 6.2 Ma; Fig. 2; PP = 100% for all sister relationships).
tion in the three-gene analysis was greater than in the
individual gene analyses, so we will primarily discuss the Patterns of endemism and dietary specialization
three-gene analysis (Fig. 1). However, for several speci- Based on morphological similarity, the only species of
mens, sequence information was only available for 12S, so Drupa s. s. missing from the molecular analysis, D. denticu-
this analysis will also be discussed (Fig. S1; individual gene lata, was placed as sister to D. morum (Fig. 3). In three of
trees for 28S and COI analyses are given in Fig. S2). the four sister–species relationships in Drupa, a species
with a wide range was sister to a narrowly restricted ende-
Phylogeny and species delimitation mic (Fig. 3). Of these, only one sister pair (D. clathrata–
PSRF values for all MRBAYES analyses were 1.00 and aver- D. aperta) is allopatric (Emerson & Cernohorsky 1973;
age deviations of split frequencies were < 0.008 for all Kay 1979).
analyses, indicating that all runs had reached stationarity. Range overlap among sister–species pairs was calculated
All ESS values for the three-gene BEAST run were >200. to be 100% for D. morum–D. denticulata, 96% for D. ricinus
Specimens of Drupina grossularia were excluded from s. s.–D. albolabris, 67% for D. rubusidaeus–D. speciosa, and
the clade containing the type species D. morum and the 0% for D. clathrata–D. aperta (Table 2). The degree of
remaining sampled Drupa species (Figs 1A and S1); this range-size symmetry for the sister pairs D. morum–
clade is designated Drupa s. s. D. denticulata, D. rubusidaeus–D. speciosa and D. clathrata–
Nine significant entities were recovered within Drupa s. s. D. aperta was <0.05 (highly asymmetric) in all cases, while
by the GMYC analysis (Fig. 1; ML clusters = 7; ML enti- the degree of range-size symmetry for D. ricinus s. s.–
ties = 9; likelihood of null model = 249.435; likelihood of D. albolabris was 0.49 (highly symmetric; Table 2).
GMYC model = 263.437; P < 0.0001). Four entities corre- In the two sister pairs where diet is known from gut
sponded to species of Drupa recognized by Monsecour & contents analysis and observation (D. clathrata–D. aperta,
Wuyts (2007): D. morum, Drupa rubusidaeus, D. clathrata D. ricinus s. s.–D. albolabris; Kay & Magruder 1977; Taylor
and Drupa speciosa, and an additional entity corresponded 1982, 1983; Bird 2011; C. Bird, personal communication),
to D. aperta (formerly Purpura aperta; Figs 1A and S1; prey items were similar between the sisters (Fig. 3). In the
PP = 96%). Four entities were composed of individuals other two sister pairs (D. rubusidaeus–D. speciosa, D. morum–
identified morphologically as D. ricinus (sensu Monsecour D. denticulata), diet is only known for the more wide-rang-
& Wuyts 2007; hereafter D. ricinus s. l.; see Discussion ing sister (i.e. D. rubusidaeus, D. morum; Taylor 1976,
for identifications of these entities). An additional species 1978, 1982, 1983, 1984; Fig. 3). We reconstruct missing
of Drupa recognized by Monsecour & Wuyts (2007), dietary information for the restricted endemics based on
Drupa elegans, was present only in the 12S analysis the assumption that diet is a conserved character (Fig. 3).
(Fig. S1). Clearly, this assumption needs to be tested in future work.
Average uncorrected pairwise distances among all
GYMC entities within Drupa ranged from 12.5 to 31.8%, Discussion
except for the distance between the entity identified as Phylogeny and species delimitation
D. ricinus lischkei and its sister entity, D. ricinus s. s., which The genus Drupa, as defined by Monsecour & Wuyts
was 3.5%. Average uncorrected pairwise distance within (2007), is polyphyletic, because its subgenus Drupina did

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Speciation and dietary specialization in Drupa d M. Claremont et al.

Cymia tectum
Vanuatu-65 Drupina
Vanuatu-58 grossularia
Thalessa aculeata
100 Menathais intermedia
Thais nodosa
100 68 Concholepas concholepas
100 Dicathais orbita
99 Rapana bezoar
100 Tahiti-11 Drupa clathrata
100 Hawaii-61
96 Drupa aperta
96 Hawaii-79
Tuamotu-37 Drupa speciosa
100 Hawaii-72
Hawaii-70 Drupa rubusidaeus
100 Japan-10
100 Vanuatu-51
Guam-74.1 Drupa morum
100 Hawaii-75
100 Japan-64.3 Drupa n. sp.
Egypt Drupa ricinus lischkei
100 Japan-78
Taiwan Drupa ricinus s.s.
100 Hawaii-81.1 Drupa albolabris
A 28S rRNA +12S rRNA + COI Japan-17 B 28S rRNA +12S rRNA + COI
0.1 substitutions/site

Fig. 1 Phylogeny of Drupa and rapanine outgroups based on concatenated analysis of 28S, 12S and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI).
—A. MRBAYES analysis support values are posterior probabilities. Intraspecific support values are not shown for the sake of clarity. Codes
indicate general localities; detailed information can be found in Table S1. —B. Simplified ultrametric tree generated by a BEAST
molecular phylogeny of Drupa based on concatenated analysis of 28S, 12S and COI, indicating the entities supported by GMYC analysis;
topology is identical to that of the MRBAYES analysis.

not form a clade with other Drupa including the type spe- The GMYC analysis recognizes nine entities within
cies D. morum (Figs 1A and S1). We therefore recognize Drupa (seven clusters and two single terminals; Fig. 1).
Drupina as a full genus. Although a few previous authors Four of these entities correspond to the morphological
have also used it in this way (e.g. Vermeij & Carlson species D. morum, D. clathrata, D. rubusidaeus and D. speci-
2000), this is the first formal demonstration that Drupa and osa (Figs 1 and S1). Drupa aperta was not recognized as a
Drupina do not form a clade. The two remaining subgener- member of this genus by Monsecour & Wuyts (2007),
a of Monsecour & Wuyts (2007), Drupa and Ricinella, are but this assignment has previously been suggested on
not monophyletic either (Figs 1A and S1; Table 1), but we morphological grounds (Iredale 1937; Vermeij 2001a).
refrain from subgeneric division of Drupa. Recognition of these GMYC clades as species is further

142 ª 2012 The Authors d Zoologica Scripta ª 2012 The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 41, 2, March 2012, pp 137–149
M. Claremont et al. d Speciation and dietary specialization in Drupa

Cymia tectum

D. clathrata
D. clathrata (IWP)
32.6 100
D. aperta

D. aperta
D. speciosa (Hawaii)
25.5 6.4
100 100
11.5 D. rubusidaeus
D. rubusidaeus
D. morum
Drupa n. sp.
8.3 ?? ? D. speciosa
100 D. ricinus s.s. (Tuamotu/Pitcairn)
D. albolabris

Oligocene Miocene Pliocene/ D. morum

Pleistocene (IP)
33.9 23.8 5.3
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Fig. 2 BEAST phylogeny of Drupa with outgroup Cymia tectum,

? D. denticulata
based on combined analysis of 28S, 12S and cytochrome c oxidase (Mascarene Is)
subunit I (COI). Values above the branch are node ages; values
below are BEAST posterior probabilities. Grey bars indicate 95% ? ?
highest posterior density intervals on nodes with more than 50% ? ? D. elegans
? (French Polynesia)

? ?
supported by the pattern of variation in COI: nucleotide ? ? Drupa n. sp.
? ? (Japan)
diversity is higher between clades (minimum 12.5%) than
within them (maximum 1.5%), and the evolutionary dis-
Key to prey items
tances among and within clades are similar to those found molluscs D. albolabris
barnacles ? (IP)
in other species, both in the Rapaninae and other gastro- polychaetes
pod groups (e.g. Reid 2007, 2009; Claremont et al. sipunculans
other small crustaceans
2011a,b). fish D. ricinus s.s.
Although complete sequence data were not available for
a sixth species, D. elegans, it forms a discrete lineage in the Fig. 3 Tree summarizing relationships among species of Drupa
12S analysis (Fig. S1) and is morphologically distinct based on MRBAYES and BEAST analyses. The placement of the
(Monsecour & Wuyts 2007). For these reasons, we con- single species missing from the molecular analysis, Drupa
sider it a valid species. All of the remaining four entities denticulata, was based on its morphological similarity to Drupa
recognized by the GMYC analysis were initially identified morum (Houart & Vilvens 1997; Monsecour & Wuyts 2007). Prey
as a single species, D. ricinus (following Monsecour & items indicated by gut contents analysis or observation (e.g. Kay
& Magruder 1977; Taylor 1982, 1983; Thomas & Kohn 1990;
Wuyts 2007). Three of these entities can now be identified
Bird 2011) are shown in solid boxes. Predicted prey items
as species: D. ricinus s. s., D. albolabris and a new species, indicated with a question mark. Range is shown under species
here referred to as Drupa n. sp. A discussion of the fourth name; IWP: from East Africa to Hawaii and Pitcairn; IP: IWP
entity can be found below. plus Eastern Pacific. Thicker branches indicating the widespread
Sequence divergence among D. ricinus s. s., D. albolabris species (see also Table 2). Branch lengths have no meaning.
and Drupa n. sp. was >16.8% (maximum 1.5% within
clades), and there were several fixed differences in the Table 2 Range overlap and degree of range symmetry among
nuclear gene among these clades (Table S2), supporting sister–species pairs in Drupa
their recognition as species. All three clades are repre-
sented in material from the Amami Islands of southern Degree of range
Sister–species pair Range overlap (%) symmetry (scale of 0.0–0.5)
Japan, suggesting that these are biological species that are
reproductively isolated in sympatry. In addition, morpho- D. ricinus s. s.–D. albolabris 96 0.49
logical re-examination revealed a number of differences in D. morum–D. denticulata 100 0.05
D. rubusidaeus–D. speciosa 67 0.05
shell characters between the sister species D. ricinus s. s.
D. clathrata–D. aperta 0 0.05
and D. albolabris, the most striking of which was a

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Speciation and dietary specialization in Drupa d M. Claremont et al.

difference in colouration of the aperture: marked with yel- 1973’. This name is a junior synonym of D. ricinus lischkei
low in one clade, but entirely white in the other (Fig. 3). (fide Monsecour & Wuyts 2007) and both were introduced
This colour variation has been the subject of long contro- for the supposed subspecies endemic to the Red Sea, so
versy. Both forms have been named as species: Ricinula are not available for the Japanese species. Available mate-
arachnoides Lamarck, 1816 (yellow form; see Dodge 1957) rial is insufficient for morphological diagnosis or detailed
and Purpura albolabris Blainville, 1832 (white form; comparison with D. albolabris, so although no name is
Blainville 1832). Some authors have treated the two forms available, we do not describe the new species here.
as separate species (usually naming the white form D. rici- The fourth entity recognized by the GMYC analysis
nus and the yellow form D. arachnoides, e.g. Bernstein within D. ricinus s. l. corresponds in morphology (includ-
1974; Thomas & Kohn 1990). However, the two forms ing its white aperture) and locality to the subspecies
are often found in mixed populations (Hertlein & Allison D. ricinus lischkei, endemic to the Red Sea (Figs 1 and S1;
1960; Cernohorsky 1969; Emerson & Cernohorsky 1973; Monsecour & Wuyts 2007). Although D. ricinus lischkei
M. Claremont & D.G. Reid, personal observation) and no was recognized as a significant entity by the GMYC analy-
differences in anatomical or radular characters (Emerson sis, COI divergence between this entity and its sister clade,
& Cernohorsky 1973) or in diet (Taylor 1983) have been D. ricinus s. s., is low (3.5%), and there are no fixed differ-
observed between the two forms. Thus, the forms have ences between it and D. ricinus s. s. in the nuclear gene
usually been regarded as conspecific (Emerson & (Table S2). Therefore, we do not elevate it to species sta-
Cernohorsky 1973; Taylor 1983; Monsecour & Wuyts tus, but retain D. ricinus lischkei as a subspecies.
2007). Despite these similarities, the molecular results The other two subspecies of Drupa recognized by
show unequivocally that these forms should be recognized Monsecour & Wuyts (2007; D. clathrata miticula and
as separate species. D. morum iodostoma; Table 1) exhibit similar levels of
However, it is difficult to determine to which colour morphological divergence from their respective nominal
form the name Murex ricinus Linnaeus, 1758 applies, subspecies to those shown by D. ricinus lischkei (Emerson
because apertural colour was not specified in the original & Cernohorsky 1973; Monsecour & Wuyts 2007); their
description. We have examined the publications referred status remains to be tested. Our revised classification is
to by Linnaeus in both the 10th and 12th editions of the summarized in Table 1.
Systema Naturae (Linnaeus 1758, 1767), and while the
cited figures are not definitive, yellow colouration is men- Timing and mode of speciation of Drupa
tioned in several places. Linnaeus’ concept of ricinus may Drupa is estimated to have diversified in the Late Oligo-
well have included both forms, apparently as well as speci- cene (25.5 Ma; Fig. 2); this estimate is older than the avail-
mens of what is now D. morum (see Dodge 1957). A speci- able fossils (Pleistocene; Vermeij & Carlson 2000), but
men of the yellow form is in the collection of the Linnean consistent with ages estimated for other intertidal and reef-
Society, London, marked with the number ‘540’, the num- associated gastropod clades, including two within Conus
ber of M. ricinus in the 12th edition of the Systema Naturae (late Oligocene to early Miocene; Williams & Duda 2008).
(Dodge 1957; Emerson & Cernohorsky 1973). To stabilize Species divergences are estimated to have taken place in
the concept of the species, we designate this specimen as the Late Miocene (5.5–11.5 Ma; Fig. 2). These diver-
the lectotype of M. ricinus Linnaeus, 1758. This specimen gences may have been stimulated by the considerable
was figured by Emerson & Cernohorsky (1973), who also expansion and reorganization of coral reefs in the Miocene
restricted the type locality to ‘Ceylon’ (Sri Lanka). (Wilson & Rosen 1998; Crame & Rosen 2002; Hughes
The type locality of D. albolabris is Trinquemalay (i.e. et al. 2002; Wallace & Rosen 2006), which led to an
Trincomalee, Sri Lanka; Blainville 1832). Although we increase in available habitat. From the early Miocene, the
have no samples of the white form from the Indian Ocean Indo-West Pacific fauna appears to have been character-
(Fig. 1; Table S1), this form appears to be widespread ized by trophic novelty and dietary specialization across
throughout the Indo-West Pacific (Emerson & Cernohor- many taxa (Kohn 1990; Vermeij & Carlson 2000; Vermeij
sky 1973). We suggest, therefore, that the appropriate 2001b; Bellwood et al. 2010). Consistent with this pattern,
name for the white form is D. albolabris, but this requires the genus Drupa includes some dietary specialists (D. clath-
confirmation with additional sampling. rata, D. aperta, D. morum and D. rubusidaeus; Bernstein
Only five specimens of D. n. sp. were available for anal- 1974; Taylor 1983; Fig. 3). However, it is possible that
ysis. Based on this limited sampling, this species has a Drupa species are less specialized than they at first appear
white aperture and appears to be restricted to Japan. It is and may have the ability to feed on other types of prey
possible that the radula of this species was figured by when it is available. For example, D. rubusidaeus is known
Fujioka (1985) as ‘D. ricinus hadari Emerson & Cernohorsky, as a specialized polychaete feeder (Bernstein 1974; Taylor

144 ª 2012 The Authors d Zoologica Scripta ª 2012 The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 41, 2, March 2012, pp 137–149
M. Claremont et al. d Speciation and dietary specialization in Drupa

1983), but nevertheless feeds mostly upon sponges at Addu are highly symmetric as well as broadly sympatric across
Atoll (Taylor 1983). Perhaps, where prey are abundant or the entire Indo-West Pacific (Fig. 3; Table 2). Symmetry
competition intense, diets are specialized, but in marginal and extensive sympatry are contrary to the predictions of
habitats, species are more opportunistic. the (peripatric) allopatric model of speciation (although
Unfortunately, dietary information is not available for this signature can of course be removed by range shift fol-
all species of Drupa, leading to uncertainty in the lowing initial allopatry). In addition, diet appears to be
attempted reconstruction of dietary evolution across the similar between the two species, contrary to the expecta-
genus (Fig. 3). In this reconstruction, we have assumed tions of a dietary ecological model. For example, Taylor
that broad dietary range is a conserved character, (1983) found no significant difference in the broad taxo-
although this is known only in the case of two species nomic composition of the diets of D. ricinus s. s. and
pairs. If future studies support this prediction, clades D. albolabris from Kenya and Guam (species from both
within Drupa appear to be characterized by dietary localities consumed crustaceans, vermetid gastropods, chi-
adaptations. While D. aperta and D. clathrata retain the tons and polychaetes). Thomas & Kohn (1990) compared
plesiomorphic muricid diet of slow-moving or sedentary the diets of D. ricinus s. s. and D. albolabris (as D. arachnoides
hard-shelled prey (Taylor 1978, 1983; Vermeij & Carlson and D. ricinus, respectively) collected in different habitats
2000), the other two clades of Drupa species prey mainly at Enewetak Atoll and showed that while the diet of
upon more mobile organisms. Both D. morum and D. albolabris was different in more exposed locations
D. rubusidaeus are known to feed upon errant eunicid and (D. ricinus s. s. was not present in exposed locations), die-
nereid polychaetes (Taylor 1983; Thomas & Kohn 1990; tary composition did not differ significantly between the
J. D. Taylor, personal communication), while species species when collected from the same locality (Taylor
within D. ricinus s. l. use entrapment behaviours to feed 1983). The dietary similarity in this pair of sympatric sis-
upon fish and nereid polychaetes (Taylor 1982, 1983; ter species, combined with possible opportunism in other
J. D. Taylor, personal communication). Such adaptations supposedly specialist Drupa species, suggests that dietary
suggest that major shifts in feeding behaviour accompa- shifts have not played a major role in the most recent spe-
nied the early diversification of the genus (see also Taylor ciation of Drupa. Nevertheless, it remains a possibility that
1978). A similar phylogenetic pattern of dietary special- diet is specialized at a finer taxonomic scale, which has not
ization of entire clades has been described in the much been revealed by existing studies that have recorded broad
more diverse cone snails (Duda et al. 2001) and labrid fish prey categories. Fine-scale dietary preferences have been
(Cowman et al. 2009). found in Conus (Kohn 1968, 1980; Kohn & Nybakken
In the marine realm, diversification of invertebrates with 1975), indicating that future analyses of dietary composi-
widespread larval dispersal has repeatedly been interpreted tion in carnivorous snails must take into account prey
as the result of primarily allopatric speciation (see e.g. preferences at the species level.
Williams & Reid 2004; Reid 2007; Frey 2010; Claremont While there is yet no evidence for dietary differences
et al. 2011b). This pattern could also be expected in between D. ricinus s. s. and D. albolabris, some differences
Drupa, in which the combination of planktotrophic (and in microhabitat have been reported. Although these spe-
probably long-lived) larvae (Taylor 1975) and effective cies may occur together, even occupying the same rock
long-distance colonization (Emerson & Cernohorsky (Emerson & Cernohorsky 1973; Taylor 1983; M.
1973; Monsecour & Wuyts 2007) suggest that gene flow Claremont & D.G. Reid, personal observation), D. albola-
is high. However, in Drupa, the allopatric signal is not bris is more abundant in sites of high wave action, such as
strong, because only one sister–species pair is entirely allo- reef edges and algal-ridge habitats (Bernstein 1974; Taylor
patric (D. aperta–D. clathrata; Fig. 3; Table 2). Neverthe- 1983; Kohn 1987; Thomas & Kohn 1990). In both Hawaii
less, an additional two species pairs have highly and Clipperton Island, D. albolabris is common in the
asymmetrical ranges, with the more narrowly distributed intertidal zone, but D. ricinus s. s. is found only subtidally
sister in a peripheral position (D. denticulata from the (Hertlein & Allison 1960; Kay 1979; M. Claremont, per-
Mascarene Islands; D. speciosa from the Tuamotus and Pit- sonal observation). It is possible that this ecological prefer-
cairn; Fig. 3; Table 2). Similar patterns in other marine ence for microhabitats differing in exposure to waves may
invertebrates have been interpreted as indicative of periph- have promoted speciation at a very small scale, even in the
eral (peripatric) allopatric speciation, with range overlap face of gene flow.
being the result of subsequent range expansion (Barrac- Habitat partitioning has also been implicated in the
lough & Nee 2001; Frey 2010; Malay & Paulay 2010). diversification of other marine groups, at a variety of dif-
The pattern in the sister–species pair D. ricinus s. s.– ferent scales. At a broad geographical scale, a preference
D. albolabris is different. The ranges of these sister species for low or high productivity environments limits species

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Speciation and dietary specialization in Drupa d M. Claremont et al.

distributions, even of species with widespread dispersal; Biodiversity Project [a joint project between University of
this preference may have influenced speciation (e.g. Echino- San Carlos, Cebu City (USC; co-PI Danilo Largo) and
littorina: Williams & Reid 2004; Stramonita: Claremont MNHN (co-PI Philippe Bouchet), funded by the Total
et al. 2011b; reef fishes: Rocha et al. 2005; see also Krug Foundation and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs];
2011). At the very smallest spatial scale, different ecotypes the AURORA 2007 cruise [M ⁄ V DA-BFAR associated
of Littorina saxatilis (a viviparous species with no with the National Museum of the Philippines (NMP,
pelagic dispersal) occupy different microhabitats on the co-PI Marivene Manuel), MNHN (co-PI Philippe Bou-
same shore, within the range of potential gene flow chet) and BFAR, funded through a grant from the Louns-
(Johannesson et al. 1993; Johannesson 2001; Grahame bery Foundation]; the MNHN-IRD-PNI Santo 2006
et al. 2006). This has been used as an example of incipient expedition (funded by grants from, among others, the
non-allopatric or ecological speciation (Rolán-Alvarez Total Foundation and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation);
et al. 2004; Butlin et al. 2008). Such a pattern is also seen EBISCO, NORFOLK 2 and CONCALIS cruises [R ⁄ V
in the genus Nucella, where sister species with restricted Alis deployed from Nouméa by the Institut de Recherche
dispersal are sympatric in central California, and separated pour le Développement (IRD)]. M.C. was supported by a
on the shore by degree of wave exposure (Marko 1998, studentship from the Natural History Museum, London
2004). In terms of its likely wide gene flow, the ecological and by an Imperial College Deputy Rector’s studentship.
separation between D. ricinus s. s. and D. albolabris is on a We thank Thomas Duda Jr. and one anonymous reviewer
remarkably small scale, even between exposed and for helpful comments on a previous version of this
sheltered habitats in the same locality. manuscript.
In conclusion, peripatric allopatric speciation appears to
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