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Sentence Transformation (Β2)

Unit 6: Wishes and Conditionals

Rewrite the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first one. Do NOT change the
word given.

1. I want to buy a new car but I cannot afford it. WOULD

I ............................................................................... afford it.

2. We don’t go to the beach often because we live too far away. DID
If we ................................................................................ to the beach often.

3. You’d better not eat so much chocolate. WERE

If .................................................................................. so much chocolate.

4. She didn’t take her raincoat with her so she got wet. TAKEN
She ..................................................................................... her raincoat with her.

5. If you don’t follow the instructions carefully, you may make mistakes. UNLESS
You ............................................................ follow the instructions carefully.

6. With your encouragement, the players will improve. LONG

The players will improve ..................................................................... them.

7. If you do the washing up, I will do the coffee. PROVIDED

I ............................................................................................ the washing up.

8. You never enter competitions so you will never win anything. MIGHT
If you .................................................................................... something.

9. If only they had taken up this hobby at a younger age. HAD

I .................................................................. this sport at a younger age.

10. Their neighbour’s car makes a terrible noise. WISH

They ……………………………………………………… such a terrible noise.

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