3 The Implementation of Natural Lightingfor Human Health From A Planningperspective

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Lighting Res. Technol.

2021; 53: 489–513

The implementation of natural lighting

for human health from a planning
J Mardaljevic PhD FSLL FIBPSA
School of Architecture, Building & Civil Engineering, Loughborough
University, Loughborough, UK

Received 9 March 2021; Revised 4 May 2021; Accepted 5 May 2021

This paper makes the case that a significant factor in the failure to ensure adequate
daylighting performance for interior spaces is often due to the inadequacy of
methods used at the early stages of planning. All of the methods currently used for
daylight/sunlight planning share common failings: they cannot make meaningful
estimations of performance at the outset, nor can the methods used be extended/
refined to overcome these failings. Thus, it is argued, a new approach is required.
The paper gives an overview of the history and development of methods to predict
performance; from the conception of the daylight factor to climate-based daylight
modelling. The impact of prescriptive planning regulations is described using New
York City as the example. The paper concludes with an outline of a new modelling
schema which can provide the much needed link between the real-world
practicalities of building planning and the need to determine realistic indicators
of building performance at the earliest stages of obtaining planning consent.

1. Introduction insufficiency as a significant factor behind the

onset of myopia is not yet fully understood;
1.1 Daylight and human health however, illumination levels that can only
There now appears to be a general consen- usually be achieved outdoors have been
sus that regular exposure to daylight is suggested.2
essential to maintain human health and With regard to daylight indoors, there is
well-being. The earliest connection linking ample evidence that building occupants
insufficient daylight/sunlight to a recognised invariably prefer spaces with windows (pro-
clinical pathology (the bone disease known as viding ‘good daylighting’ and views) to spaces
rickets) was made in 1861–1862.1 More without windows (or with ones that are ‘too
recently, insufficient illumination received at small’).3 The reasons why would appear to be
the eye during childhood/adolescent develop- multi-factorial, e.g. ‘connection’ to the out-
ment is implicated as one of the factors doors, the information provided by the view
causing an enormous increase in the incidence (including the sense of time), the continuous
of short-sightedness in teenagers: a ‘myopia (daylight) spectrum of illumination, the inher-
boom’.2 To prevent rickets, exposure to sun- ent changeability and dynamics of daylight
light outdoors is needed. The role of daylight illumination, etc.4 The complex and inter-
dependent nature of these interactions are
such that it has proven extremely challenging
Address for correspondence: J Mardaljevic, School of to quantify the importance of any one of the
Architecture, Building & Civil Engineering, Loughborough
University, Loughborough LE11 3TU, UK. individual factors. Accordingly, there is little
E-mail: J.Mardaljevic@lboro.ac.uk consensus regarding what the general or
 The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 2021 10.1177/14771535211022145
J Mardaljevic
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minimum requirements for daylight illumin- being. However, as indicated above, at pre-
ation inside buildings should be. sent, there is little agreement regarding what
Commonplace notions of well-being have constitutes an adequate level of daylight
long been associated with improved measures illumination, or even if the (yet to be deter-
of human performance: ‘happy’ workers are mined) illumination level(s) should be
believed to be ‘better’ workers. Studies relat- described using photopic measures or one of
ing occupant comfort to (worker) productiv- the recently formulated non-visual/circadian
ity first appeared in the literature nearly a metrics, e.g. equivalent melanopic lux.16
century ago.5 The environmental parameters Around the time that the importance of
investigated were typically temperature, daylight in buildings for health and well-being
humidity and airflow – factors that were was beginning to be recognised (i.e. the
relatively easy to control in air-conditioned 1990s), new, so-called, ‘climate-based’ com-
buildings. However, it was not until the 1990s puter simulation techniques to predict day-
that evidence began to appear suggesting that light in realistic architectural spaces were
‘good daylighting’ could result in improved pioneered.17,18 These offered huge advances
measures of alertness, productivity and aca- over existing methods, e.g. founded on annual
demic achievement.6–8 Also in the 1990s it weather file data and using realistic sun and
was discovered that the eye possesses an sky conditions. More recently, the daylight
additional non-rod, non-cone photoreceptor performance recommendations in the new
named photosensitive retinal ganglion cells European Standard have undergone a signifi-
(pRGC).9 The pRGC communicate light- cant upgrade to base evaluation on the
induced signals to the suprachiasmatic nuclei provision of absolute levels of illumination
(sometimes referred to as the ‘circadian pace- derived from weather file data.19
maker’) in the anterior hypothalamus of the Notwithstanding the development of the
brain. Light has measurable neuroendocrine new simulation techniques and the possibili-
and neurobehavioral effects on the human ties they offer, there is no consensus regarding
body, in particular with respect to maintain- how – or even if – these techniques should be
ing a regular sleep–wake cycle that is used at the earliest stages of building design/
entrained to the natural diurnal cycle of planning.
night and day.10 These and related discoveries The daylight evaluation method used at the
have led to the emergence of a new area for early design stage is a major determining
photo-biology research concerned with day- factor governing the actual daylighting per-
light/light exposure and its, so-called, ‘non- formance of the resulting spaces, particularly
visual’ effects on people.11–14 It is now widely in any obstructed/urban setting. Early design
accepted that the nature, the patterns and evaluation for planning purposes (e.g. to seek
levels of illumination experienced by people approval for development of a site) typically
have a major effect on their long-term health employs methods that do not account for
and well-being. possible window sizes. It is generally the case
In many parts of the developed world, that early design daylight/sunlight evaluation
people are now spending 90% of their time methods are founded on techniques that offer
indoors.15 As a consequence, and given the little or no opportunity for ‘seamless’ pro-
weight of evidence emerging from photo- gression to more refined/revealing evaluation
biology (and related disciplines), it is now methods, e.g. climate-based daylight model-
widely accepted that ‘adequate’ daylight illu- ling. In other words, it is difficult – if not
mination inside buildings is essential to sus- impossible – to make meaningful estimations
tain and promote human health and well- of likely daylighting potential of the
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completed buildings from using the early penultimate section opens with an attempt
design/planning methods because critical fac- at a synthesis of the preceding material. Its
tors such as the window design are not goal is to identify the reasons why the means
accounted for. Whilst evidently less than to bridge the gap between planning and
ideal, the present state of affairs is under- performance have, until now, remained elu-
standable, given the developmental history of sive. The main part of that section presents a
daylight prediction techniques and the, often brief overview of a newly formulated
competing, interests of the various stake- approach to daylight/sunlight prediction
holders. For example, those carrying out called Aperture-Based Daylight Modelling
early design evaluations favour simplicity. (ABDM). Radically different in conception
Whereas any consideration of daylighting and application to existing approaches,
potential (either for amenity or health and ABDM was conceived with the express aim
well-being) will require some form of inher- of bridging the aforementioned gap.
ently more complex performance evaluation.
This paper aims to describe how the
present situation came about, and to offer a 1.2 Daylighting design of buildings
practical remedy to the problems identified. The first humans to live in settled commu-
This Introduction concludes with a very brief nities spent the majority of the daylight time
overview of the history of the daylighting outside, and the purpose of the earliest
design of buildings. The section that follows shelters (in cool/temperate climates) was pri-
focuses on quantitative measures of daylight- marily to protect from the cold, wind and
ing performance and how the development of rain. The earliest ‘windows’ were simply holes
prediction/evaluation techniques evolved in the wall or roof of the dwelling which
from the earliest mention of the daylight provided some daylight, but mainly ventila-
factor (possibly in 1895) to climate-based tion. The need for a light transmitting
daylight modelling a century later. The sec- medium that would protect from the elements
tion includes discussion (and opinion) on the was first met by translucent materials such as
practicalities and reliability of the various flattened hides and thinly sliced sheets of
modelling techniques. It uses the project marble. These materials did not allow for
‘Daylighting the New York Times Building’ views and either lacked resilience or were
as an (exceptional) example of what can be difficult to manufacture in pieces larger than
achieved with daylight simulation given suf- a few tens of centimetres across. It was with
ficient resources. Mention is made of the the invention of glass that the story of
inclusion of various measures in guidelines daylighting design for buildings truly begins.
and standards. Section 3 presents a brief The earliest known glass objects were beads
survey of daylight/sunlight planning guide- manufactured about the third millennium BC.
lines and gives the New York 1916 Zoning However, the first recorded use of glass for
Resolution as an extreme example of a windows was not until approximately 100 AD
prescriptive restriction that had a profound by the Romans. The largest panes that could
and lasting effect on the urban density of the be manufactured were still fairly small. The
city. The section concludes with a viewpoint use of vertical and horizontal dividers
making the claim that, notwithstanding the increased the size of areas that could be
development of powerful simulation tools, glazed, since small pieces of glass could be
existing approaches to performance evalu- combined to create large windows.
ation do not meet the practical requirements Substantial dividers could additionally form
necessary for planning purposes. The part of the load bearing structure.
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Glass windows became common in homes The highly glazed office tower became the
in the most developed parts of Europe only in most conspicuous symbol of industrial pro-
the early 17th century. With the advent of gress, and hence an inspiration for architects
improved production techniques in the fol- and designers worldwide – regardless of their
lowing century, the cost of glass became less local climatic conditions. The confluence of a
of a limiting factor in its use, although its number of economic, technological and aes-
relative cost compared to other building thetic factors working together served to
components was still fairly high. establish the highly glazed office tower as
Notwithstanding the high cost of glass, the the preeminent urban building form. Key
real cost of artificial light (i.e. as a proportion amongst these factors were:
of the overall household expenditure) was  The development of curtain wall
several thousand times what it is today on a technology.
per lumen of light basis.20  The invention of the float glass technique
The variation of the window area accord- that allowed the manufacture of large
ing to the size/function of the space and
sections of high-quality glazing at relatively
degree of external obstruction became com-
low prices.
monplace as building densities increased. This  The refinement and wide-spread adoption
often resulted in the ground floor rooms of fluorescent lighting as a replacement for
having the largest windows, with the window incandescent lighting.
area gradually decreasing for the floors higher  The desire to reduce capital and running
up. In the UK, this arrangement is generally costs through higher occupant densities in
referred to as the Georgian window pattern, deeper-plan spaces.
although its use extended well beyond the  The development of high-capacity air hand-
Georgian era (i.e. 1714 to 1830). ling and air conditioning systems that
Prior to the 1900s, buildings generally eliminated the necessity for ventilation or
incorporated features that evolved from the cooling by natural means.
need to temper the internal conditions in  A trend in modernist architecture which
response to the prevailing climate for that became preoccupied with vaguely defined
locale. In hot climates with a high propensity notions of ‘light’ and ‘transparency’ in the
for sunshine, buildings would be designed to built form – the realisation of which was
include elements of solar control either by invariably highly glazed buildings.
passive and/or active means. For example, on
sun-exposed facades, there would be small Designers typically rationalised the use of
windows set in deep reveals to provide self- large glazing areas in terms of their daylight
shading (passive control), or perhaps larger provision, but often it was more likely the pur-
windows with moveable shutters (active con- suit of style. Aside perhaps from the possibility
trol). In less hot/sunny climates, window of a view to the outside, the daylighting benefit
apertures would tend to be larger and solar to the majority of occupants in a deep plan
control less of an issue – although there would space was not great since few would be close
be other concerns such as heat loss. Thus, all enough to the perimeter to gain any direct
buildings contained to varying degrees fea- benefit in terms of daylight provision.
tures in their design that were climate-adapted, Furthermore, the daylighting potential of
and which, over time, became an intrinsic part highly-glazed buildings was often not realised
of that locale’s vernacular architecture. because the manually-operated shades/blinds
The latter half of the 20th century wit- needed to control direct sun were typically left
nessed a globalisation in architectural form. closed long after the external condition had
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(a) Uniform sky

E out

E in

Sky factor

(b) CIE overcast sky

E out

Figure 1 The Saules Akmens building (Riga, Latvia)

E in
changed. This is the case in fairly temperate
climates such as the UK and Northern Europe,
e.g. this photo of the Saules Akmens building Daylight factor
in Riga (Latvia) taken on a not very sunny day,
Figure 2 Sky factor and daylight factor
Figure 1. The sub-optimal use of manually
operated blinds is worse still in sunnier locales.
ratio of the illumination on a horizontal
surface at a point in a space Ein to the
2. Daylighting performance: Measures unobstructed external horizontal illumination
and targets Eout, usually expressed as a percentage
This section surveys the historical develop- SF ¼ � 100% ð1Þ
ment of quantitative measures of daylighting Eout
performance, from the origins of the daylight
factor to the development and application of The sky is taken to have uniform lumi-
climate-based daylight modelling. nance, i.e. the same apparent brightness
everywhere on the sky vault, Figure 2(a).
2.1 Sky factor and daylight factor The assumption of uniform luminance was
What is commonly referred to as the intended to represent a heavily overcast sky.
Waldram method is founded on the notion This quantity is still in use in England where it
of the sky factor. The sky factor (SF) is the serves as the basis of the ‘rights of light’
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procedure, i.e. the Waldram method noted Similar to the sky factor, the daylight
above.21 A ‘right of light’ is an easement factor DF is defined as the ratio of the
acquired by one party and applied to one or internal horizontal illuminance Ein to the
more windows in a building owned by that unobstructed (external) horizontal illumin-
person. If some windows have enjoyed a ance Eout, Figure 2(b). As with the sky
prospect which has provided daylight without factor, the daylight factor is usually expressed
interruption for a period of 20 years, then the as a percentage
window(s) may have acquired a legal right of
light (there may also be other factors Ein
DF ¼ � 100% ð2Þ
involved). Any reduction of that daylight Eout
beyond a certain degree caused by a proposed
building (overshadowing the windows) could
result in an injunction preventing its con- There are, however, key differences as
struction. Most rights of light cases are settled follows:
prior to court hearings, and substantial sums (i) The CIE Standard Overcast sky lumi-
are often involved. Neither reflected light nor nance pattern is used (instead of the
attenuation from any glazing are accounted uniform luminance pattern).
for in ‘rights of light’ evaluations. And the (ii) The internal illuminance now includes
window aperture is usually taken to be fully all reflected light, e.g. from the ceiling,
open, i.e. no window framing of any kind is walls, floor, etc. including externally
present. Note, the sky factor level decided by reflected light.
Waldram in the 1920s which is used to (iii) The reduction in light due to the
delineate the boundary between acceptable window transmission properties is
and unacceptable daylight is 0.2%. This so accounted for, as is the shading effect
called ‘grumble point’ equates, in real spaces, of window framing.
to low levels of absolute daylight illumin-
ation. Waldram’s methodology has under- As with the sky factor, the daylight factor
gone forensic scrutiny in a series of papers has the following properties:
over the last two decades.22–26
� It does not account for the sun, e.g. cannot
Notwithstanding the extensive criticism
be use to assess solar shading.
received in recent years, the Waldram
� It cannot account for the effect of scene
method remains (in England) the basis of
orientation, i.e. the daylight factor is the
the only legally enforceable right to (at least
same whatever direction the window(s) is
some) daylight illumination.22
facing (provided the entire scene is rotated).
Although it is customary to calculate the
� It does not account for climate/location,
sky factor on an internal horizontal surface,
i.e. daylight factor is the same wherever the
there is no reason in principle why the sky
building is intended to be.
factor could not be determined on, say, an
external vertical surface. Note, the com- The daylight factor value can be considered
monly used in planning, vertical sky com- to be a measure of the ‘openness’ of the space
ponent (VSC) is similar to the Waldram sky to daylight illumination under a particular
factor, the key difference being that the overcast sky condition.
VSC is calculated using a non-uniform sky The basis for the formulation of both the
brightness pattern, i.e. the CIE standard sky factor and the daylight factor can be
overcast sky used for the daylight below traced back, in publication, to 1911 and
(see below). Alexander Pelham Trotter’s book:
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Illumination, its Distribution and Whilst the daylight factor is generally taken
Measurement.27 to be an evolution of the sky factor, the
precise reason for the switch from the uniform
The illumination of a room by ordinary
sky to CIE overcast sky pattern does not
daylight depends on three conditions.
appear to have ever been clearly argued, other
First, the external character of the
than the oft quoted statement that the over-
source of illumination, viz.–the time of
cast sky offers a worst case condition.
day, the time of year, the kind of weather
Superficially, this may appear reasonable on
or sky; second, the area and aspect of the
the basis that a minimum standard should
windows; and third, the colour or reflect-
assume a worst-case condition. On closer
ing power of the walls, ceiling, floor, and
inspection, however, this rationale is less
contents of the room. The first of these
sound than it first appears. The original
conditions is so variable that it must be
intent for using the ratio of internal to
eliminated. The second and third being
external illumination was to rate the space
practically constant for any room, may be
independent of the actually occurring daylight
measured together and expressed as a
conditions. Thus, the initial choice of the
uniform sky was not only a good one, but
Whilst Trotter does not mention explicitly arguably the best choice that could be made
the transmission properties of the glazing, since, any other sky type would necessarily
these would be accounted for in any meas- bias the evaluation (and any outcomes from
urements that might be taken to determine using it) to the characteristics of that particu-
the ‘coefficient’ of any particular room. lar sky luminance pattern. The measurements
taken by Moon and Spencer which served as
I have succeeded in eliminating the first of
the basis for the CIE Standard Overcast Sky
these conditions by adopting as a unit, of
were reported in 1942.30 It is now known that
which this coefficient is a fraction, the
only a small proportion of actually occurring
illumination which would be produced at
overcast skies approximate the CIE formula-
the spot in question, if all buildings in the
tion. The CIE Standard Overcast Sky is in
neighbourhood were demolished, and the
fact – to quote Enarun and Littlefair – an
illumination were produced by light from a
‘extreme’ case of overcast sky.31,32
uniformly grey sky.
For the purpose of daylight planning,
Trotter notes in the book that he ‘first guideline document BR 209 (see Section 3.1
devised this system of measurement of day- below) recommends the use of the vertical
light illumination in 1895’, but that ‘but no sky factor on a facade. This is the direct
practical work was done until P. J. Waldram light received on the vertical, relative to the
took it up twelve years later’.27 Trotter goes horizontal, under CIE Standard Overcast
on to give a list of ‘coefficients’ for notable Sky conditions. Where there are no other
buildings measured by Waldram. In the 1951 obstructions, the maximum possible vertical
Trotter-Paterson Memorial Lecture, J.W.T. sky factor is approximately 40%, even
Walsh refers to the ‘coefficients’ as ‘daylight though, of course, exactly half of the sky
factors’.28 It seems likely that what became dome is visible from any surface on that
the commonplace usage of the daylight facade – a consequence of the CIE
factor approach was largely established by Standard Overcast Sky formulation. Had
the methods described in HMSO and BRS the original uniform sky been used, then the
(now BRE) publications in the 1940s and maximum possible vertical sky factor would
1950s.29 be 50%.
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Given that we now know the CIE formu- degree of precision needs to be judged along-
lation describes what is in fact a rarely side the high level of inaccuracies (often in
occurring sky luminance pattern, a uniform excess of 100%) that were determined to be
sky is arguably a more rational basis – fairly typical for physical modelling.35 The
certainly for planning. Put rather more pro- BRE-IDMP dataset was used to validate the
vocatively, the adoption of the CIE Standard daylight coefficient approach in Radiance
Overcast Sky as the basis for guidelines and which is the basis of many CBDM formula-
standards was, in this author’s opinion, tions. The author’s own daylight coefficient
something of a blunder. It would have been implementation (known as the ‘Four
better to keep the uniform sky, until at least Component Method’) was shown to have
the advent of climate-based daylight model- comparable high accuracy to the standard
ling. And, even after climate-based daylight Radiance calculation.36
modelling became established, there may be In the last 20 years, CBDM (invariably
good reason to continue using the uniform using some form of Radiance) has been
sky for certain purposes. employed on numerous projects/studies to
evaluate long-standing and novel daylighting
2.2 Climate-based daylight modelling problems. Use of CBDM is now common-
Climate-based daylight modelling (CBDM) place amongst daylight designers and con-
is the prediction of any luminous quantity sulting engineers, whilst academics continue
(illuminance and/or luminance) using realistic to extend the range of applicability and,
sun and sky conditions derived from standar- importantly, test the reliability of the predic-
dised climate data.17,18 CBDM evaluations tions from the various CBDM formulations,
are usually carried out for a full year at a e.g. the two-phase, three-phase and five-phase
time-step of an hour or less in order to Radiance methods, etc.37 Easy-to-use CBDM
capture the daily and seasonal dynamics of tools have ‘visual’ interfaces that no longer
natural daylight. Developed in the late 1990s, require the user to learn scripting/coding or
CBDM steadily gained traction – first in the indeed to have an understanding of how
research community, closely followed by Radiance works. These tools have made
some of the more forward-thinking practi- complex, multi-factorial/parametric daylight-
tioners. The widespread adoption of the ing evaluations relatively easy to achieve. An
Radiance lighting simulation system and, unfortunate downside of the low ‘cost of
ultimately, CBDM was due in part to the entry’ (with regard to required expertise) is
outcomes from validation studies. the risk that the simulation engine is treated
What is probably still considered the as a supplier of unimpeachably accurate
definitive validation study for any daylight results.
prediction method (physical model, analytical
or simulation) was carried out in the mid- 2.3 Landmark CBDM: Daylighting the NYT
1990s using data collected by the BRE as part building
of the International Daylight Measurement Carried out largely during 2004–2005,
Programme – the data are sometimes referred ‘Daylighting the New York Times Building’
to as the BRE-IDMP validation dataset.33,34 was a measurement and simulation project of
That study showed that illuminances pre- both unprecedented scale and detail. It
dicted using the Radiance system could be expanded the limits of what was considered
within 10% of measured values, i.e. within possible with simulation, and perhaps even
the accuracy limits of the measuring instru- today (a decade and a half later), it has not
ments themselves. This, quite remarkable, been surpassed for the scale and intensity of
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effort involved.38 The exquisitely detailed 3D

model that was created for the daylight
simulations is shown in Figure 3 (upper
three renderings differing by factor 10
zoom each time) – the fourth image is a
photograph taken in 2018.
Simulations were used for a variety of
purposes, from understanding the effects of
urban shadow on shade usage to assisting
with pre-calibration of photosensor sensitivity
in a complex daylit interior environment.
Notwithstanding the dramatic effect of the
ceramic bars on the appearance of the build-
ing, their purpose was not to temper the
internal luminous environment – that would
be provided by a motorised/automated top-
down roller shading control system.
Automation of blinds was essential to avoid
the ‘blinds down / lights on’ behaviour that
was commonplace in highly glazed buildings
with manual blinds operation (Section 1.2).
Annualised (later called CBDM) simulations
were conducted to assess visual comfort
conditions, daylight provision and availability
of view. The intention was to design a control
system for the automated roller shades that
would achieve a highly favourable balance
between offering protection against glare and
the provision of daylight/views. Simulations
were made with the occupants’ seated field of
view located in a worst-case position close to
the window in a direction normal to the
window, Figure 4(a). Evaluations were car-
ried out on multiple floors to cover those
largely shaded by neighbouring buildings
(e.g. floor 6) and those with a largely unob-
structed aspect (e.g. floor 26). Simulated field
of view images were generated from every
viewpoint (on multiple floors) at a time-step
of 15 minutes using sun and sky conditions Figure 3 New York Times Building simulation (2005) and
actuality (2018)
derived from weather files for the locale – a
single point-in-time image from one view-
point is shown in Figure 4(b). The CBDM Did it work? In a post-occupancy evalu-
simulations produced 140 Gb of output which ation (POE) reported in 2013, it seems that
needed to be post-processed, analysed and the occupants were largely pleased with both
reduced into meaningful metrics.38 the levels of daylight provision and the glare
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(a) 2.4. CBDM and the Education Funding

In 2013, the UK Education Funding
Agency (EFA) made climate-based daylight
modelling (CBDM) – a mandatory require-
ment for the evaluation of designs submitted
for the Priority Schools Building Programme
(PSBP). School designs submitted to the
PSBP must achieve certain ‘target’ criteria
for the useful daylight illuminance (UDI)
metric.40 The UDI metrics are measures of
the annual occurrence of daylight illumin-
ation within certain ranges, e.g. between 100
and 3000 lux. The presence of an upper limit
penalises the occurrence of excessively high
daylight levels in the space, e.g. those asso-
ciated with direct sunlight. This is believed to
be the first major upgrade to mandatory
daylight requirements since the introduction
of the daylight factor more than half a
century ago. In the US, a climate-based
daylight metric approved by the IESNA has
appeared in the latest version of LEED.
1500 This was a bold step, but why was it taken?
The Building Schools for the Future (BSF)
scheme in the 2000s was an ambitious and
500 costly investment programme to build much
needed new (mainly secondary) schools.
0 However, the quality and design of the first
wave of BSF schools were heavily criticised in
Figure 4 New York Times floor plan showing view points the press: ‘£35bn revamp will produce gener-
and view directions (a) and image showing the simulated
field of view luminance (at one instant under clear sky
ation of mediocre schools’.41 There were many
conditions) from one of those points (b) examples of poor design and commissioning
resulting in overheating, with even cases of
control operation of the automated blinds.39 children fainting in new, overheating schools:
This gives confidence that simulation can ‘The large amount of glass used is contributing
have a positive impact on building perform- to the problem of many classrooms becoming
ance and occupant comfort. However, the ‘‘unbearably hot’’, officials said’.42 In particu-
POE cannot be taken as proof that the real lar, these BBC News reports note further
building occupants (over 12 months) actually concerns regarding glazing: ‘. . .some new
experienced something approximating the school designs which use a great deal of glass
annual profiles of illuminance (on their in their construction – with worries they can
desks) and luminance (field-of-view) gener- become overheated in summer’43; ‘. . .new build-
ated by the simulation. That would require a ings where much glass was used in the design’.44
long-term, enormously expensive monitoring Around the millennium, a number of
and validation study. reports regarding daylight and performance
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were published that became highly influential. British Standard 8206-2 ‘Daylight in
Notable amongst these was ‘Daylighting in Buildings’:
schools: An investigation into the relationship
The average daylight factor is used as the
between daylight and human performance’ by
measure of general illumination from
the Heschong Mahone Group in 1999.7 Part
skylight. It is considered good practice
of the problem with the BSF designs appeared
to ensure that rooms in dwellings and in
to be that the message regarding the import-
most other buildings have a predomin-
ance of ‘good daylighting’ in classrooms
antly daylit appearance. In order to
appeared to be getting across – but that it
achieve this the average daylight factor
was being implemented crudely. For example,
should be at least 2%. If the average
statements such as this in design guidelines at
daylight factor in a space is at least 5%
the time were fairly typical: ‘maximising the
then electric lighting is not normally
use of daylight in order to improve student
needed during the daytime, provided the
performance. . .is an absolute imperative’.45 A
uniformity is satisfactory.47
half-century or more of (often routine) appli-
cation of the daylight factor method had led The ADF found favour in part because it
to a more is better mindset: ‘good daylighting’ could be calculated using a simple equation,
was taken to mean ‘higher daylight factors’. thus avoiding any requirement for a 3D
Perhaps this was inevitable given that the model and a daylight simulation program. It
daylight factor was the only quantitative was also claimed and generally assumed that
daylighting measure in common usage. a metric founded on the daylight factor
Attempts to incrementally advance the DF would, in principle, be relatively straightfor-
method using so-called ‘clear sky options’ ward to verify by direct measurement.
(e.g. LEED, ASHRAE 189.1) were less than However, it turns out that verification of the
convincing.46 ADF by direct measurement is both difficult
The use of CBDM necessarily includes and unreliable, for a number of reasons
sunlight in the assessment of daylight, and the including the fact that the CIE Overcast Sky
UDI metric penalises excessive levels of illu- pattern is a rarely occurring condition.32 As
mination (often caused by sunlight). Whilst noted in Section 2.4, the unfortunate appli-
this author was not a party to the EFA cation of a ‘more is better’ mindset with
deliberations regarding the requirement for regard to the daylight factor approach was
CBDM (which, unfortunately, were never one of the contributing factors to some of the
made open for peer review), it does seem poor design outcomes of the BSF
likely that some or all of the above – not least, programme.
over-glazing in BSF schools – would have The new European standard for daylight in
figured in that decision to a greater or lesser buildings EN 17037 is the first major standard
degree. founded on the provision of absolute levels of
illumination (e.g. 300 lx) rather than relative
values such as the daylight factor.19 The
2.5 Performance guidelines and targets Standard has been adopted by the UK
From the 1950s, and for the next half (where it superseded BS 8206-2) and all 27
century, daylighting performance guidelines EU nations, although its adoption in the UK
and recommendations were invariably has not been without its critics (and defen-
described in terms of the daylight factor, ders).48,49 Nevertheless, the standard has been
and often just the average daylight factor well received in many quarters. In large part,
(ADF) value for the space. For example, this is because the use of absolute units of
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illumination provides a foundation for the characterising these relationships and an

means of, eventually, connecting the recom- appropriate spectral diet.57
mendations in a daylight standard to the
Accordingly, whilst notions such as the
emerging science of light and well-being. The
‘spectral diet’ of humans are interesting areas
internationally used WELL Building
of study in their own right, it seems a remote
Standard claims that it is the first to focus
prospect that these considerations will have
‘solely on the health and wellness of building
an impact on the daylighting design of build-
occupants’. Based in the US, the WELL
ings. In contrast, electric lighting offers the
Standard is applied worldwide. Version 2 of
potential for the localised supply and control
the standard released in 2020 adopted the
of illumination (including spectral fine-
performance evaluation methodology and
tuning) and would therefore appear to be a
recommended daylight levels of EN 17037 as
much more likely application area for the
an option to demonstrate compliance.50
findings from photo-biology research.
However, as indicated by the quotation
2.6 Daylight spectra above, it may be some time before any
The colours, or more specifically, the consensus is reached in this area regarding
spectra of the various phases of daylight are how the quantity and quality (i.e. spectrum)
closely related to the commonplace experience of artificial lighting should be controlled.
of naturally occurring sun and sky conditions,
e.g. clear blue skies, white clouds, red sunsets,
2.7 Daylighting and the performance gap
etc. Prevailing conditions can be characterised
All building performance simulation (BPS)
in terms of a correlated colour temperature.51
is subject to the performance gap (PG) where
For certain typical sun and sky conditions,
the disparity between, say, predicted and
there are standardised spectral power distri-
actual energy use could be large, e.g. a
butions.52,53 From these, it is possible to
factor of two or more. The reasons for the
estimate the time-varying spectra of daylight
PG are manifold – there are numerous ways
from illuminance values in standardised cli-
in which a simulation model may deviate
mate data files. Thus, it becomes possible, in
from reality. The performance gap with
principle, to predict the daylight spectra
regard to energy use is well documented
experienced by idealised (i.e. fixed in position)
because, after the building has been occupied
building occupants. This has found applica-
for some time, the meters are read and it is
tion in studies on the non-visual effects of
possible to compare prediction with reality.
daylight and the performance of dynamic
Similarly with regard to temperature and
glazing systems.54–56
(usually) CO2 levels because these are rou-
However, the enormous diversity in day-
tinely measured in most modern office/school
light exposure experienced indoors by real
buildings. Illumination quantities however
occupants is such that it confounds attempts
are, at present, never routinely measured in
to determine characteristic profiles of actual
office/school buildings – only in heritage
(photopic) daylight doses, let alone their
spaces, art galleries and similar settings for
spectral nature:
conservation purposes.
The relationship between light and human To validate CBDM, it would require at
biology is complex. Light intensity, dur- least a year’s measured data in a normally
ation, wavelength and timing, along with occupied classroom or office. Even then, it
the individual history of light exposure would be difficult to claim that the simulated
and the age of the individual all need to be operation of the building was identical to that
taken into consideration when actually occurring, e.g. use of blinds, lights,
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etc. In short, how to reliably validate CBDM straightforward, although which may need a
predictions against measurements in real, reasonably accurate 3D model to be applied
occupied spaces is still an unsolved research reliably. In fact, it is arguably the case that
question – although efforts are underway. application of BR 209 using paper-based
This realisation has been used as a reason for plans for even simple scenarios is far more
recommending against (ever?) using CBDM, difficult, time-consuming and unreliable than
and instead relying exclusively on the daylight it would be using a 3D model. The same is
factor.58 However, as noted above, the per- true for reliable determination of the average
formance gap applies also to any daylight daylight factor for all but the very simplest of
factor-based approach. scenarios. This is counter to claims that have
Building performance simulation is still been made by some practitioners that verifi-
carried out on a routine basis to evaluate cation of daylight guidelines must necessarily
building design options because, notwith- be a ‘paper-based’ procedure.48
standing the ultimate disparity with absolute Sunlight in BR029 is assessed in terms of
values (which could be large), it is generally annual probable sunlight hours (APSH),
believed that BPS will help ‘drive’ the design which is ‘the total number of hours in the
in the right direction. In other words, whilst year that the sun is expected to shine on
the (possibly illusory) absolute target might unobstructed ground, allowing for average
be the end goal, it is largely the relative levels of cloudiness for the location in ques-
outcomes between design options that drive tion’.59 As with other measures in BR 209,
building design. Thus, it makes good sense to APSH was originally conceived as a paper-
use BPS (including CBDM) for design devel- based method. However, nowadays, this and
opment and refinement. other measures in BR 209 are determined
with much greater ease and reliability using
3D models and computer-based methods.
3. Daylight/sunlight planning It is perhaps inevitably the case when
guidelines do not contain minimum prescrip-
3.1 Guidelines used in the UK
tive values, that development in urban areas
Perhaps the most commonly used guidance
results in an inexorable reduction in available
document for daylight/sunlight planning in
daylight and sunlight for existing properties,
the UK is BR 209 – Site Layout Planning For
and lower expectations for many newer ones.
Daylight And Sunlight: A Guide To Good
In cities such as New York, the last two
Practice.59 From the Introduction to BR 209:
decades have seen the construction of super-
The guide is intended for building tall residential towers where much of the
designers and their clients, consultants premium on these extremely expensive apart-
and planning officials. The advice given ments is due to the unobstructed views and
here is not mandatory and the guide plentiful daylight/sunlight – for those few
should not be seen as an instrument of who are literally and financially ‘at the top’.
planning policy; its aim is to help rather The following section describes the profound
than constrain the designer. Although it effect that the 1916 Zoning Resolution had on
gives numerical guidelines, these should be the development of New York City, until it
interpreted flexibly since natural lighting was abandoned in 1961.
is only one of many factors in site layout
3.2 The NYC 1916 zoning resolution
BR 209 contains a number of rule-of- Prior to being dominated by the post-1960s
thumb measures which are conceptually super-tall buildings ‘puncturing’ the sky
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above the city, the skyline of New York had a of the sky from the ground. Some of the
more undulating appearance typified by the impetus for this legislation is attributed to the
terraced setback of the tall buildings from the Equitable Building (Figure 5), completed in
first half of the 20th century. The building 1915, it is a ‘40-story extrusion of a whole city
floor area was progressively reduced with block, unrelieved by setbacks and capable of
increasing height, and so ‘setback’ from the housing 16,000 workers at once’.60 From 1916
road whilst also providing opportunity for until 1961 (when new zoning rules no longer
many (elevated) terraces. The setback was required any setback), New York acquired its
introduced by the 1916 Zoning Resolution distinctive stepped appearance, evident in this
with the intention of limiting the loss of view photograph of the Chrysler Building taken in

Figure 5 Equitable Building (photo c. 1915)

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1932, Figure 6. Many of those buildings 3.3 Planning and performance: Different
remain, especially in Midtown Manhattan, concerns?
and are present in the 3D model of the area The examples from New York City
surrounding the New York Times Building described above illustrate the two extremes
(Figure 3). which can be thought of as opposite ends of a
The 1916 Zoning Resolution was defined continuum. For buildings such as the New
with respect to view from the ground. York Times, the majority of the perimeter
However, the perimeter spaces of the build- glazing has largely unencumbered access to
ings themselves also benefited from a larger diffuse daylight (i.e. view of the sky) and
view of the sky than would have been the case sunlight (depending on the aspect).
if the ground floor plan area had been simply Consequently, the potential to make effective
extruded vertically. It is claimed that, not- use of daylight depends very much on the
withstanding the jettisoning of the require- successful operation of the automated roll-
ment in 1961, the 1916 Zoning Resolution er-blind shading system. At the other extreme,
has had a lasting effect on population for those buildings lower down where much
density: ‘The 1910 population of Manhattan of the glazing experiences considerable
was 2,331,542, or 164 people per acre. In 2010, obstruction, the performance potential for
the population was 1,585,873, or 109 people per the daylighting of perimeter spaces will be
acre.’60 largely predetermined by the built form,

Figure 6 Chrysler Building Midtown Manhattan (photo c. 1932)

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cumulative uncertainty resulting from the

Daylight/sunlight access high: conflation of multiple modelling approaches
Performance governed largely
by operation of shading systems
will, of course, be some, much larger aggre-
gate. The cost of building in urban areas is
such that design decisions need to be based on
Daylight/sunlight access low: certainty, and all risks minimised to the
Performance potential largely greatest possible extent. These real-world
determined by design/planning
considerations cannot be subordinate to
uncertainties resulting from the invariably
unknown and often cumulative effects of
multiple building modelling performance gaps.

4. Discussion: Squaring the planning–

Figure 7 Daylight/sunlight access and performance performance circle
A reversion to the 1916 Zoning Resolution
for New York now seems unthinkable –
Figure 7. And of course, many urban spaces enormous constraints would be placed on
will fall somewhere between these two the volume of buildings permissible on the
extremes. plots where development opportunities
The research activity in the areas of building remain. Nevertheless, without some means
performance and urban planning often appear of applying restraint it seems likely that urban
to act independently of each other. Building densification will result in buildings with
scientists do carry out (often impressive) many windows that have little potential to
multi-factorial studies where, it is claimed, provide useful levels of daylight for the
the resultant form is ‘optimised’ to have the occupants. Key to providing any means of
lowest possible X, Y and Z (of negative factors restraint is first having a methodology which
such as per capita energy consumption) and can be accepted by all the relevant
the best possible P, Q and R (for desirable stakeholders.
factors such as daylighting potential). For planning purposes, the validity and
However, there is usually little discussion repeatability of the methodological basis for
how these optimisations might actually be any daylight/sunlight evaluation are para-
achieved in the real world. This is perhaps mount. To have validity, the outcomes should
understandable since one of the key drivers in relate meaningfully to the potential perform-
academic publishing is novelty, and one of the ance of actual spaces, e.g. both for the spaces in
most straightforward ways of achieving that is a proposed development and the determination
by conflation of multiple modelling tech- of the development’s impact on the perform-
niques. The outputs from these are then ance of existing spaces. Additionally, the
marshalled by optimisation algorithms and method must not be subject to the uncertainties
distilled into headline outcomes. Such investi- of the performance gap – otherwise, it fails the
gations are now all the more commonplace repeatability maxim. If that were to occur,
thanks to the ease afforded by visual scripting findings would be contested, and decisions
interfaces and powerful plugins, based on those results would be challenged in
e.g. Grasshopper, Ladybug, Honeybee, etc. the courts with the various parties employing
Whatever the performance gap associated with whichever of the available tools that supports
any individual modelling procedure, the their position. Also, the method should be
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almost impossible to gameplay – accidentally Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). As far

or deliberately. as this author is aware, there is little inter-
Another key property for any candidate action between CIBSE and either RTPI or
daylight/sunlight planning methodology is RICS for the simple reason that, at present,
that it should not conflict with planning there is very little overlap between the
considerations related to other aspects of respective domains of planning/surveying
building performance. Key amongst these and performance. This is illustrated in
are the sunlight-related performance factors Figure 8 – the ‘concept diagram’ for this
of overheating risk and energy generation section. The comfort of occupants has long
potential from, say, PV panels. The overheat- been a key concern of bodies such as CIBSE,
ing risk from solar ingress will depend on that has extended considerably in the last
factors such as window size, aspect, shading decade to include health, well-being and
and obstruction from surrounding buildings. productivity.61 Accordingly, the (circular)
Similarly, the potential to generate electricity icon for performance in the concept diagram
will depend on PV panel size, aspect and (Figure 8) is a composite of the human eye
neighbouring obstructions. Ideally, even and a building system (a PV panel).
better than avoiding conflict is having a Planning and performance bodies, how-
single methodology which is equally applic- ever, must create some common ground if
able to evaluating sunlight potential for building energy performance directives are to
amenity, and also for overheating risk and/ have any hope of being achieved. The goal of
or PV generation. net-zero energy places significant demands on
To recap, a candidate methodology must the design of buildings. Windows are always
be able to gain acceptance from all relevant the ‘weak links’ in any facade – both in terms
parties: planning stakeholders and building heat loss and solar heat gain. Either of these
performance stakeholders alike. Consider the can significantly increase operational energy
key professional bodies in the UK for build- consumption. Excessive solar gain is also a
ing planning/surveying and building perform- major factor in building overheating, and so
ance: The Royal Town Planning Institute can exacerbate the risk of fatalities during
(RPTI) and The Royal Institute of Chartered periods of extreme heatwave. In addition to
Surveyors (RICS) jointly for planning/sur- reducing operational energy use, the drive
veying, and the Chartered Institution of towards net-zero buildings prioritises on-site



Figure 8 Squaring the planning–performance circle

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renewable energy over off-site (renewable sunlight potential that informs on the amenity
energy). For the majority of buildings, on- value and building performance dimensions
site renewable energy is likely to require some of each. The method, of course, has to be
component of electricity generation by PV acceptable to planning bodies, institutions
panels. A recent High Court ruling regarding and those who enforce planning law – in other
shading of an existing residential PV installa- words, it also needs to be readily understood
tion caused by an extension to a neighbour’s by the legal profession.
property made headlines in the UK: ‘Judge
halts house extension after engineer neighbour 4.1 What can be learnt from Rights of Light?
claimed it would block light to his solar panels Notwithstanding the significant critique in
in landmark High Court case that rules climate the last two decades regarding how Waldram
change is a legitimate planning issue’.62 determined the ‘grumble point’,22–26 the sky
In the ruling given by Justice Lane: factor method has persisted as the legal basis
They [the PV panels] make a contribu- for Rights of Light for nearly a century. In
tion to the reduction in reliance on non- large part, this is because the precision of the
renewable energy. The fact that, viewed method depends only on the accuracy of the
on their own, they do so in a very modest geometrical representation used – Rights of
Light practitioners invariably have a back-
way does not entitle the first defendant to
ground in surveying rather than engineering.
treat the matter as immaterial . . .63
The sky factor method is essentially purely
This ruling has been reported and com- geometrical and therefore not subject to any
mented on extensively by Rights of Light performance gap. For the first half century or
practitioners (i.e. the surveyors who will be so, the sky factor for the Waldram method
affiliated to RICS), even though the issue was was calculated using tables and/or drawings
one of degraded performance of a building which contained 2D projections of necessarily
component (i.e. typically the domain of idealised 3D geometry. The first significant
CIBSE practitioners) and not a Rights of change to practice was with the uptake of 3D
Light case. As noted in the newspaper head- computer-based modelling tools, beginning in
line, this may well prove to be a landmark the late 1970s and becoming commonplace in
decision in part because a legal apparatus the 1990s. The next was the use of laser range-
essentially concerned with building planning finder survey techniques to rapidly acquire
was used to make a decision on the basis of 3D models of buildings to an unprecedented
degraded building performance. Note, as far degree of scale, detail and accuracy.
as the author is aware, no modelling was Compared to the original paper-based meth-
carried out to determine the degree of ods, the geometrical modelling of buildings
degraded performance. was now immensely more refined and precise
The necessary bringing together of plan- – but the sky factor basis of the assessment
ning and performance under a common remained unchanged. The integrity of 3D
framework (in some manner yet to be deter- representations of buildings is such that there
mined) creates an opportunity for daylight is rarely any dispute over the geometry, and
and sunlight to be an intrinsic part of the should any arise, it can easily be verified.
initial evaluation, rather than an afterthought
once the energy considerations have been 4.2 Aperture-based daylight modelling:
addressed. One way to achieve this is, at the Linking planning to performance
planning stage, to employ a method for the The following briefly describes a new
quantitative evaluation of daylight and daylight/sunlight modelling approach which,
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this author argues, bridges the gap between aperture including all possible obstructing
planning and performance. And so provides a surfaces – averaged across the aperture.
remedy for many of the problems/issues noted With the area given in square metres and
above. the time period given in hours, the sunlight
Aperture-based daylight modelling beam index (SBI) has units of m2 hrs. The
(ABDM) is a new modelling schema to annual total SBI can be thought of as the time
evaluate building apertures (or any planar integrated cross-sectional area of sunlight
surfaces on the building envelope) based on beam that could pass through the aperture
numerical measures of their ‘connectedness’ in a full year. To correctly account for the
to the sun, the sky and the view of the shading effect of obstructions – particularly
external environment. ABDM is founded on those close to the aperture such as external
essentially geometrical principles, but never- window reveals, overhangs, balconies, etc. –
theless it can provide meaningful indicators of the SBI is computed at a grid of calculation
the daylight/sunlight potential of building points across the aperture, typically several
apertures (or surfaces, e.g. PV panels). One hundred to a few thousand.
of the basic principles that distinguishes Similar to the SBI, the aperture skylight
ABDM from traditional methods used in index (ASI) is an area measure of the ‘con-
planning is that it is an area-based approach, nectedness’ of an aperture to the sky vault in
i.e. the entire glazed opening (or surface) is terms of the illumination received from a
considered. Many if not all traditional meth- uniform luminance sky dome calculated
ods used in planning for, say, sunlight evalu- across the aperture.65 To account for the
ate at a point, e.g. BR 209. A second size of the aperture, its ‘connectedness’ with
distinguishing feature (in fact, a consequence the sky vault is calculated in terms of lumens
of the first) is that all the ABDM evaluations received at the aperture. Note, in the ABDM
take account of the size of the opening. This schema, the lumen is used in this way as a
point is worth emphasising because, whilst means of determining ‘connectedness’
self-evidently a desirable component for the between the source (i.e. sky) and receiver
evaluation of sunlight and skylight, opening (i.e. the aperture) in terms of the illuminance
size is not a factor in the method used in BR effect of the source on the receiver. In 2019,
209. A third distinguishing feature (again, a the concept of the ‘view lumen’ was intro-
consequence of the first two) is that the results duced.66 This proposed that the measure of an
for multiple openings – whatever their size, aperture’s ‘connectedness’ to the sky (i.e. the
aspect or orientation – can be combined to ASI value) is in fact a proxy measure of the
give meaningful totals for, say, a particular potential view (to the sky) from that aperture.
dwelling. Thus, it is a straightforward matter to extend
The evaluation of sunlight, skylight and the ASI approach to determine an aperture’s
view at the building aperture presents some- ‘connectedness’ to all three key layers that
thing of a paradigm shift compared to provide the components of view: ground,
existing approaches. The sunlight beam foreground (e.g. buildings) and sky.
index (SBI) was originally conceived as a To achieve this, the geometry that comprises
means to rate a window aperture’s potential each of the view layers is made luminous, and
to receive sunlight for solar access purposes.64 the flux of illumination from each layer
SBI is an area measure of the ‘connectedness’ (received at the aperture and averaged
of a building aperture to all of the possible across it) serves as proxy measures of view
(annually) occurring sun positions for that (from the aperture) for each of the view
locale, and for that particular aspect of the layers, Figure 9(a). The figure also includes a
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hemispherical fish-eye view out from the hemispherical fish-eye views out from the
centre of the aperture plane – notice the plane of the aperture for a (coarse) grid of
small degree of shading around the periphery calculation (i.e. view) points. Surrounding the
due to the external window reveal. grid of images is superposed an illustration
The importance of determining the ABDM showing the external window reveal. The
metrics across the entire aperture is illustrated shading effect of the window reveal varies in
in Figure 9(b). The circular images now show degree and character depending on proximity
of the image viewpoint to the four sides of the
(a) reveal. Whilst this example showed the shad-
ing effect of an external window reveal, the
ABDM method accounts for almost any
degree of external obstructing geometry irre-
Window spective of size or complexity providing it can
area A be described in the 3D model.67
Sky and The latest refinement of ABDM was to
ground apply an airmass factor to the sunlight beam
source index. In the original SBI formulation, the
angles R Upper layer: Sky (normalised) sunlight beam intensity
G Middle layer: Buildings/nature remained constant irrespective of the altitude
B Lower layer: Ground
of the sun. The original SBI therefore pos-
View from the centre
sessed an intrinsic drawback: for vertical
of the window apertures, low angle sun contributes most
strongly to the cross-sectional area of sunlight
beam and therefore also the summation of
annual total SBI. The solution most in
(b) keeping with the ABDM ethos was to include
an attenuation factor for SBI based on the
airmass. The airmass (strictly, the airmass
coefficient) describes the optical thickness of
the atmosphere relative to that for the short-
est path length (from sea level) directly
upwards towards the zenith. For a horizontal
view direction (e.g. to the sun at the horizon),
the airmass is approximately 40 that toward
the zenith. Factoring in the airmass gives a
new measure of sunlight beam index referred
to as SBI-Airmass. This enhancement retains
the ‘geometrical purity’ of the ABDM
schema. However, SBI-Airmass can now be
related directly to irradiation values that
View from across the plane of the aperture showing the
shading e ect of the external window reveal would be determined using BPS with a
weather file suitable for that particular
Figure 9 Aperture connectivity to the view layers (a) and locale. Thus, SBI-Airmass can serve as a
illustration showing how the view of the layers varies reliable proxy for direct sun irradiation.68
across the aperture in the presence of nearby obstruc-
tions, i.e. an external window reveal (b) (available in SBI-Airmass values are converted to direct
colour in online version) sun irradiation using a single factor derived
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SKY layer Similarly, it should be possible to extrapolate

the SBI-airmass values at the window aper-
tures to reasonable estimates of solar gain to
the connected space, thereby giving an indi-
cation of the potential overheating risk from
PV panel
sunlight. Or, equally, the direct solar irradi-
ABDM certainty
outside ation on a surface where a PV panel is to be

BPS uncertainty
5. Summary
The impetus for what eventually became (in
GROUND layer
2019) ABDM was the experience of eight
years on EU/CEN panel that delivered EN
Figure 10 ABDM schema: certainty outside, uncertainty 17037. This author was primarily occupied
with the changes to the performance basis of
from weather files which is a measure of the the standard. However, it was observing the
prevailing sunlight conditions for that locale. formulation of the planning guidelines part of
Multiple dimensions of solar resource can EN 17037 (largely re-workings of long-estab-
therefore be evaluated at the design stage lished approaches) that led to the conviction
using the same approach: potential of sun- that a fundamental rethink was needed. The
light for amenity, irradiation potential at the starting point for ABDM was to put the focus
window as an overheating risk, irradiation entirely on the building apertures, but at the
potential on surfaces for PV generation, etc. outside surface of the window. A key part of
The ABDM schema is outlined in Figure 10. the rationale was to develop a method which
was conceptually very straightforward, but
4.3 ABDM and CBDM nevertheless capable of delivering worthwhile
performance indicators for sunlight, skylight
ABDM determines measures of the sun-
and also view. Another important require-
light, skylight and view potential at the
ment was the ability to accommodate any
window aperture (or surface for PV gener-
degree of real-world geometrical complexity
ation). Whilst it remains yet to be demon-
strated, this author is confident that it should which might be present in a 3D building
be possible to make reasonable extrapolations model – from fine detailing around a window
of, say, daylighting performance inside a to balconies, overhangs and surrounding
space starting from the ABDM measures, in buildings. The 3D model for the New York
particular SBI-Airmass and the connectivity Times project shown in Figure 3 was created
to the sky. A series of combined CBDM and in 2004 – any new method had to be able to
ABDM evaluations for a range of space work with such complexity from the very
types, prevailing climate conditions and vary- beginning. The key features of ABDM
ing obstruction scenarios should provide the which make it particularly suited for early
necessary calibration data. The intention is design stage evaluation and planning pur-
not to eliminate the need for CBDM, rather it poses are:
is to provide a reasonable expectation for 1) A geometrical basis which largely elimin-
daylighting potential at the planning stage ates the potential for error and/or discrep-
based only on the ABDM measures. ancy in outcomes, i.e. no performance gap.
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22 Mardaljevic

2) ‘Seamless scalability’ – from the crudest to Declaration of conflicting interest

the most detailed 3D buildings models, the
methodological basis of ABDM does not The author declared no potential conflicts of
change. interest with respect to the research, author-
3) ‘Seamless refinement’ – the ABDM met- ship, and/or publication of this article.
rics can be gradually ‘climatised’ to more
realistically represent the prevailing sun-
light and skylight conditions derived from Funding
localised weather files. This has been
The author received no financial support for
described for sunlight.68 In fact, ABDM
the research, authorship, and/or publication
can be thought of as a simplified modality
of this article.
of CBDM.
The various components of ABDM are
described in a series of papers from 2015 to ORCID iD
2020.64–67 A paper giving the latest, complete
formulation of ABDM is in preparation. J Mardaljevic https://orcid.org/0000-0002-
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