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Management of a wake-up stroke

Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002179 on 14 March 2019. Downloaded from on 14 March 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Xuya Huang,1 Vafa Alakbarzade,‍ ‍ 1,2
Nader Khandanpour,1
Anthony C Pereira1

Department of Neurology, St. Abstract ischaemic stroke with large vessel occlu-
George's University Hospitals
Current national guidelines advocate intravenous sion. The conclusion was that mechan-
NHS Foundation Trust, London,
UK thrombolysis to treat patients with acute ical thrombectomy performed within
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS ischaemic stroke presenting within 4.5 hours 7.3 hours from symptoms onset resulted
Trust, Truro, UK from symptom onset, and thrombectomy for in significant improved independence at
Correspondence to patients with anterior circulation ischaemic 90 days compared with controls, with a
Dr Xuya Huang, Neurology, stroke from large vessel occlusion presenting number needed to treat of about five.1
St George's Hospital, London within 6 hours from onset. However, a While both thrombolysis and throm-
SW17 0QT, UK; ​xuya.​huang@​ substantial group of patients presents with acute bectomy offer significant benefits, only
ischaemic stroke beyond these time windows a small proportion of patients with acute
Accepted 15 January 2019 or has an unknown time of onset. Recent stroke with or without large vessel occlu-
studies are set to revolutionise treatment for sion present within conventional time
these patients. Using MRI diffusion/FLAIR (fluid- windows. Up to 27% of patients with
attenuated inversion recovery) mismatch, it is ischaemic stroke have an unknown time
possible to identify patients within 4.5 hours of onset.6 7 On the other hand, informa-
from onset and safely deliver thrombolysis. Using tion provided by bystanders regarding
CT perfusion imaging, it is possible to identify the time the patient was last seen well is
subjects with a middle cerebral artery syndrome sometimes unreliable. Moreover, not all
who have an extensive area of ischaemic brain patients presenting with ischaemic stroke
but as yet have only a small area of infarction secondary to large vessel occlusion who
who may benefit from urgent thrombectomy in currently reach local hospitals within the
up to 24 hours. Here, we highlight the recent early time window can be transferred to
advances in late window stroke treatment and the thrombectomy hub rapidly.8
their potential contribution to clinical practice. All stroke physicians will recognise the
feeling of disappointment when admitting
a patient who has woken up with a signif-
icant stroke syndrome and has a normal
Introduction looking CT scan, knowing the uncertain
Intravenous thrombolysis with recombi- time of onset means they cannot offer
nant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) treatment. However, this is starting to
has been the standard reperfusion therapy change. Prospective studies suggest that
for acute ischaemic stroke for almost two many wake-up strokes probably occur
decades. It provides modest benefit with a close to waking up.9 Recent late window
‘number needed to treat’ to achieve func- trials have shown that neuroimaging can
tional independence of 9 by 3 hours and successfully estimate the stroke onset
of 14 by 4.5 hours.1 It carries a small but time or identify a favourable perfusion
significant risk of intracerebral haemor- pattern in patients with an unclear onset
rhage and has to be given in a time-crit- time or wake-up stroke, who may still
ical fashion.2 Intravenous thrombolysis benefit from intravenous thrombolysis or
alone was often ineffective in patients thrombectomy.
© Author(s) (or their with a large, proximal vessel occlusion,3 4
employer(s)) 2019. No
commercial re-use. See rights
which led to the hypothesis that mechan- The pathophysiology of acute ischaemic
and permissions. Published ical extraction of the occluding thrombus stroke (figure 1)
by BMJ. may be needed to achieve reperfusion and Occlusion of an intracranial artery results
To cite: Huang X, improve clinical outcome. This approach in ischaemia and reduced cerebral blood
Alakbarzade V, revolutionised stroke care with a series of flow (. As cerebral blood flow falls, normal
Khandanpour N, et al. landmark trials led by MR CLEAN.5 In cellular processes start to switch off.
Pract Neurol Epub ahead of
print: [please include Day 2015, five of these studies were combined These may be recoverable until the blood
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ in the HERMES collaboration, including flow reaches a very low level. However,
practneurol-2018-002179 more than 1000 patients with acute at less than 45% of normal cerebral blood

Huang X, et al. Pract Neurol 2019;0:1–6. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002179 1

How to do it

Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002179 on 14 March 2019. Downloaded from on 14 March 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1  The pathophysiology of acute ischaemic stroke and corresponding imaging examples. DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging;
FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery.

flow, cells may be irreversibly damaged and inevitably The next stage is ionic oedema. Here, sodium and
progress to infarction. Simplified, very low cerebral water influx depletes them from the extracellular space,
blood flow at the cellular level results in deprivation creating a sodium gradient that pulls fluid from capil-
of energy causing membrane pump failure, influx of laries into the extracellular space.13 At this stage, there
sodium, water and cell depolarisation. Cells swell should be some swelling of the infarcted tissue but it
due to the redistribution of water. This is cytotoxic may not be very obvious on CT scanning. This marks
oedema. Cells seldom, if ever, recover from this. Plain a transition between cytotoxic oedema and vasogenic
CT scan of head is not reliable at this stage, identi- oedema. As ionic and early vasogenic oedema develop,
fying only 50%–70% cases10 during the first 3 hours, ischaemic changes—such as loss of grey and white
whereas MR diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is very matter differentiation and hypo-attenuation may
sensitive at detecting cytotoxic oedema11 showing a become visible on CT. On MRI, the T2 or fluid-at-
hyperintense area (with corresponding apparent diffu- tenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence may
sion coefficient hypointensity (restricted diffusion)) start to show hyperintensity, while DWI is clearly posi-
within minutes of onset. This improves hyperacute tive. The hyperintense DWI signal change correlates
stroke detection to 95%.12 to ‘core infarction’. However some conditions causing

Figure 2  Example of perfusion imaging showing a disproportionately large region of hypoperfusion as compared with the size of
early infarction.

2 Huang X, et al. Pract Neurol 2019;0:1–6. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002179

How to do it

Table 1  The summary of three reperfusion studies for late presentation of ischaemic stroke up to 24 hours

Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002179 on 14 March 2019. Downloaded from on 14 March 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
mRS 0–2 at
Inclusion criteria Imaging criteria Treatment Number day 90
WAKE-UP25 Wake-up stroke Positive DWI Alteplase vs 254 vs 249 74% vs 65%
Stroke with unknown time of Negative FLAIR placebo
DEFUSE-327 6–16 hours from symptoms onset Large vessel occlusion on CT Thrombectomy 92 vs 90 44% vs 16%
angiogram or MR angiogram vs standard care
CT perfusion or MR perfusion:
Core<70 mL
Mismatch ratio≥1.8
Penumbra≥15 mL
DAWN28 6–24 hours from symptoms onset Large vessel occlusion on CT Thrombectomy 107 vs 99 49% vs 13%
a. Age≥80 years, NIHSS≥10 angiogram or MR angiogram vs standard care
b. Age<80 years, NIHSS≥10 CT perfusion or DWI
c. Age<80 years, NIHSS≥20 a. Infarct volume <21 mL
b. Infarct volume< 31 mL
c. 31mL<Infarct volume<51 mL
DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery;mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NIHSS, National Institute Health Stroke Scale.

diffusion abnormalities, such as transient ischaemic could be used as a tissue clock to identify infarcts less
attack or migraine, might be reversible. than 4.5 hours old.
As the ischaemic cascade continues, the brain–
blood barrier breaks down, and macromolecules such Core, perfusion lesion and penumbra
as albumin and plasma proteins leak into the extra- Consider the acute occlusion of a middle cerebral
cellular space along with water. This stage is called artery. The cerebral blood flow will drop in the affected
‘vasogenic oedema’ and is normally visible on imaging part of brain, usually with appropriate symptoms in
(hypointense on CT or hyperintense on T2 and the patient. The volume of brain affected by hypoper-
FLAIR), often with obvious swelling and sometimes fusion is known as the perfusion lesion. The cerebral
with additional evidence of haemorrhage. blood flow will not be uniformly low throughout the
It is important to note that while DWI becomes posi- whole perfusion lesion. There is likely to be a deeply
tive almost immediately after stroke onset, the FLAIR ischaemic region that has been irreversibly damaged.
does not become positive until oedema has devel- That volume is known as the core. The rest of the
oped. The T2 signal value correlates closely with time perfusion lesion will contain areas that may or may
from stroke symptom onset.14 Imaging studies12 15–17 not go on to infarct, depending on the length of time
tested the utility of DWI/FLAIR mismatch as a ‘tissue they are ischaemic or the severity of the ischaemia.
clock’ to identify those whose stroke likely occurred These areas may be recoverable if adequate perfusion
within 3–4.5 hours from symptoms onset. A positive is re-established rapidly and constitute the penumbra.
DWI lesion and a negative FLAIR sequence showed a The question is, why does part of the perfusion
78%–93% specificity and 65% sensitivity to predict lesion survive longer than the core? The answer is the
that stroke onset was less than 4.5 hours previously.17 collateral circulation. Blood may be able to access the
This therefore supported the hypothesis that MRI ischaemic area through other arterial channels (such as

Figure 3  An example of wake-up stroke MRI :A. DWI showed an area of hyperintensity in the right MCA territory; B. Correspoding
restricted diffusion on ADC map; C. FLAIR is still negative.

Huang X, et al. Pract Neurol 2019;0:1–6. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002179 3

How to do it

Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002179 on 14 March 2019. Downloaded from on 14 March 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 4  The comparison of NNT in thrombolysis and thrombectomy studies with or without imaging selection. Note that studies
that recruited using more detailed neuroimaging yielded better results. NNT, number needed to treat; MT, mechanic thrombectomy;
rtPA, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator.

the pial collaterals). If the collateral circulation is very identify core and penumbra in DEFUSE-3 and the core
good, blood may even be able to reach the distal end in DAWN. The core was defined as having a relative
of the occluding thrombus with only a few seconds cerebral blood flow of <30% of contralesional blood
delay from normal perfusion. Collaterals are critically flow and the penumbra as having a Tmax>6 s with a
important for the survival of brain tissue. Better collat- relative cerebral blood flow of >30% of the contrale-
erals are associated with better clinical outcome18 and sional side.
smaller infarcts.19 Common measurements used in perfusion imaging
CT or MR angiography are very sensitive and to define core and penumbra
specific in identifying a large proximal vessel occlu- ►► Cerebral blood flow is a measure of blood flow and is
sion.20 21 CT angiography can also be used to assess defined as the volume of blood flowing through a given
the collateral circulation. However, modern CT angi- volume of brain per unit time.
ography is so fast that while it may show the occlusion, ►► Tmax represents the time from the start of the scan until
insufficient time may have elapsed to demonstrate the the maximum intensity of contrast material arrives at
collaterals. Therefore, multiphase CT angiography, each voxel. The longer the Tmax, the more hypoperfused
where the subject moves back and forth a couple of
times through the scanner, is a more sensitive and
specific method for identifying collaterals.22 23
Identifying the core and perfusion lesion is more Box 1  Treatment paradigm: rtPA, recombinant
difficult. Consider the core first. Most authorities tissue plasminogen activator.
agree that the DWI lesion represents the core and is
Acute stroke with known time of onset 0–4.5 hours
probably the best method to use. However, CT or MR
►► Ifno thrombectomy target, intravenous rtPA (NINDS
perfusion scans can also identify the core by setting
Trial, ECASS III Trial).
parameters to identify tissue that has been very isch-
►► Thrombectomy target, intravenous rtPA and then
aemic and therefore, has little probability of recovery.
thrombectomy (MR CLEAN et al).
The ischaemic core or DWI lesion may evolve
quickly—within minutes in some patients—whereas in Acute stroke with known time of onset 4.5–6 hours
those patients with a good collateral supply or tissue ►► Thrombectomy target, proceed to thrombectomy (MR
that is inherently more tolerant of ischaemia, evolution CLEAN et al.).
may be slower. Therefore, some patients with a clini-
Presents with no known time of onset (but <24
cally significant stroke have a big perfusion lesion but
still only a small ischaemic core. There may be quite
►► If there is no thrombectomy target, MRI DWI/FLAIR
a large mismatch between the core and the perfusion
mismatch, intravenous rtPA (WAKE-UP).
lesion. National Institute Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS)
►► Thrombectomy target determine the core and
is a good surrogate for tissue at risk, as is CT perfusion
or MR perfusion. The higher the NIHSS, the larger
►► CT (or MR) perfusion and treat up to 16 hours
the perfusion lesion. Figure 2 shows an example that
(DEFUSE-3 Trial).
illustrated this well. The RAPID software was created
►► MRI DWI with NIHSS and treat up to 24 hours (DAWN
as an application to quantify tissue that comprised
the ischaemic core and tissue at risk. It was used to

4 Huang X, et al. Pract Neurol 2019;0:1–6. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002179

How to do it
of the tissue.24 Other similar parameters used are time to ECASS 4, EXTEND and TWIST. It is worth noting

Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002179 on 14 March 2019. Downloaded from on 14 March 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
peak and mean transient time. that TWIST uses CT scanning only to screen wake-up
►► Cerebral blood volume is the total volume of flowing stroke.
blood in a given volume in the brain; low flow is consid- The evidence suggests that modern imaging tech-
ered a marker of already infarcted tissue. niques that increase the precision of patient selection
Putting theory into practice could allow clinicians better to identify subjects who
The question is, can we use our understanding of are likely to respond to treatment (figure 4).
pathophysiology of stroke with modern imaging to
identify candidates for thrombolysis or thrombec- Treatment paradigm
tomy? Can we make decisions based on pathophysi- Below we suggest a paradigm treating patients with
ology rather than simple strict time criteria? Over the acute stroke with or without large vessel occlusion
last year, three landmark studies have answered that presenting within 24 hours of symptoms onset. Box 1
question with a resounding, ‘Yes’. They are WAKE-UP, summarises the evidence.
DEFUSE-3 and DAWN, summarised in table 1.
The WAKE-UP study25 used MRI DWI/FLAIR Conclusion
mismatch to identify those who were likely to be within A very exciting new era in stroke management has
4.5 hours of stroke onset, among patients with strokes dawned. In patients with no clear time of onset of
on waking or with unknown time of onset (figure 3). stroke, many of whom suffered a stroke while asleep,
It successfully showed that it is feasible in practice to it is possible to use CT scanning and CT angiography
use DWI/FLAIR mismatch as a ‘tissue clock’ to identify first to confirm that there is no established infarct
those whose stroke occurred less than 4.5 hours before and then to decide whether or not there is a poten-
the examination and that intravenous thrombolysis is tial target for thrombectomy. If the CT scan looks
safe and effective in these selected patients (number normal and there is no thrombectomy target, DWI/
needed to treat was nine). FLAIR mismatch can serve as a tissue clock to allow
DEFUSE-3 and DAWN were similar studies in that thrombolysis administered if there is no contraindica-
they each hypothesised that if one could identify tion. Where there is a thrombectomy target, perfusion
patients with large vessel occlusion who had large imaging either alone or combined with clinical assess-
perfusion lesions but still only a small core volume, ment can identify brain at risk of infarction; provided
they may benefit from thrombectomy performed at up the core remains small, thrombectomy will have a high
chance of success. In the future, these techniques may
to 16 hours (DEFUSE-3) or 24 hours (DAWN). Both
studies were stopped early because of efficacy. There
was no significant difference in adverse events between
the thrombectomy group and the best medical group. Key Points
The number needed to treat to yield one extra person
independent (modified Rankin Scale 0–2) at 90 days ►► Consider using CT and CT angiography in all patients
after stroke was 3.6 in DEFUSE-3 and 2.8 in DAWN. with suspected stroke who present with unclear
Intriguingly, DEFUSE-3 and DAWN had better effi- onset time up to 24 hours, to exclude haemorrhage
cacy up to 24 hours than studies recruiting patients up and to identify a proximal occlusion and potential
to 6 hours. The population in each of the two studies thrombectomy target.
was highly selected. The median volume of ischaemic ►► Consider using DWI (diffusion-weighted imaging)/
core was around 10 mL for DEFUSE-3 and<10 mL FLAIR (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery) mismatch
in DAWN. Their strict selection criteria yielded a as a ‘tissue clock’ to identify those whose stroke
small core volume with a large penumbra: a group of occurred within 4.5 hours when there is no clear time
patients with an excellent imaging profile. This may of onset, such as on waking.
explain why patients presenting between 12 and 16 ►► Consider using perfusion imaging to complement CT
hours had similar or even better outcome than those scanning and CT angiography and select patients with
presenting between 6 and 12 hours from symptom a favourable ischaemic core and penumbra pattern for
onset. However, both studies confirmed benefit of potential thrombectomy up to 24 hours.
treating patients who presented between 6 and 24 ►► Intravenous thrombolysis or thrombectomy can have

hours, and the American Heart and Stroke Association a high success rate in patients selected by the above
guidelines both have already endorsed them.26 The means and WAKE-UP or DEFUSE-3 or DAWN inclusion
studies also emphasised the role of advanced stroke and exclusion criteria.
►► Time is brain: patients with suspected stroke who
imaging in future clinical practice. MRI and perfusion
imaging should be readily available to all patients with present with an unclear onset time up to 24 hours
may be potential candidates for thrombolysis and/or
late presentation in order to select potential candi-
thrombectomy and should be investigated and treated
dates for reperfusion therapy. Other studies that are
as quickly as possible.
currently recruiting a similar patient group include

Huang X, et al. Pract Neurol 2019;0:1–6. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002179 5

How to do it

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