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Memoir Assignment: .. ,-Yi-*-"" .

''Memoi.: genre personal life. withinan individual's Memoirs or writingthatfocuses an episode a timeframe on of A (Anderson with largerlessons" readers and entertaining instructing or events documenting between strikea balance you will be tellingus, to important us.In yourmemoir that's on explore pastandfocus something our 123).Memoirs (or in of and of an audience your classmates me, a storyaboutan episode linkedseries episodes) your life that has into Be to and of fbr somemeaning you.Youwill useyourskills description narration pull yourreaders yourstory. careaboutwhat you thiswill makeyour readers of or you conveythe significance the largerlesson your story; sure lf don'tcare, theydon'tread. aresaying. people with a good story, but youraudience you want to entertain Of reasons. course for Youare writingthisessay several as and aboutyourself well.We learnunexpected wonderful something and investigating learning you alsowill be those we we whenwe write,and sometimes writethings don'tknowthatwe know!Youwill alsobe exercising things focus, and organization, development. narration, description, called have: muscles the you writingmuscles already you will be doingall semester. in these muscles/skillsthewriting Youwill be using long. 3 it Whatever takes-but it shouldbe at least full pages Length: into the text. interesting that pullsthe reader title musthavean Title:Every articleor essay Meaningful 'l-inch (double-spaced, font,11- or l2-point)withthe proper margins, standard for MLA style the essay Format: (yourname, nameand draft#, andthe dateof the draftasyou arerevising 10600-412, assignment English heading Your it) in the upperleft cornerof the firstpage,single-spaced. lastnameand the pagenumbershouldappearin the 3. Example: Karabinus upperrightof eachpagewithyourlastname(in the header). (bringthe eventot vivid details to conflict,questions be resolved), of lngredients a memoir:a goodstory(interesting, (theevent,person, place or significance don'tjust show-tell, usedialogue), to life,useyour senses painta picture, as you don'twantto announce significance if it'sthe moralof the meaning you).However, to hassomeimportant that'shappened. to of your story. Yourmemoirmightbe an attempt makesense something and pieceis to be stapled, thewholeprojectis clip;eachindividual in Handin yourproject thisorder(witha binder in together this order): binder-clipped . Finaldraft . with PeerReview Sheets All drafts . paper on else's Thepeerreviewyou did electronically someone . (including writing toward project) the we and planning do in class any and YourPre-Writing Planning aboutyour memoirwriting Afteryou havehandedin your memoirfinal draft,you will write a reflection Reflection: a I of will your2-3 pagereflection be thereaders yourmemoir. will provide listof things for process.The audience lesson your of or you'll getto explainthesignificance the larger ln in your reflection. your reflection you shouldcover (Wewill discuss further.) this wantto in yourmemoir. in narrative a way thatyou don't The parts of this project are due: (Guess what? We'realready donel) planning. the Reading, understanding assignment, First Week'. SecondWeek:Drafting,PeerReview your revised memoirfrom the Makesureyou can access Day,September B-Electronicpeerreviewin-class. Class lab. comouter ing, i k: isi ThrctWee Rev on, proofread reflection. questions smallgroups. in Be bringa draftto conference. readyto address Thirdweekconferences: 'l We with you to class. will complete second a draft of 3: Class day,September Bringtwo hardcopies yourrevised roundof peerreview. (as class, ready handin above)to to project. Bringproject listed 16-Hand in FinalMemoir** Class day,September of at the beginning the hour. to in of of due:Bringhardcopyto class harrd at thebeginning the 20-Reflection Memoir** day,September Class nour.
**As soon as you complete your Reflection,email me the final draftsof both your Memoir and your Reflection.

points. Theentire Memoir Projectis worth 1OO/1000

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