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República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria.

Instituto Universitario de Tecnología “Antonio José de Sucre”.

Diseño Gráfico – Escuela 85.

Luysana Moran - C.I: 30.884.993.

Good morning, let me introduce myself. My name is Luysana Neily Moran Cohen. I
was born on February 27, 2005. I am 17 years old, I am approximately 1.75m tall, I
come from Mexico City where customs are somewhat different, for example, one of
them is to celebrate the day of the dead, but I am not in favor of this since I believe in
God, I used to study at La Salle University, which is very good and I love its open
spaces, they are very pretty and they have a lot of trees that are well cared for, and
one of the spaces What I really like is the swimming pool.

On the other hand, I live with my family that is made up of my parents Luis Morán,
Yasmina Cohen, my younger brother Luis Davian and my older sister Andreina, my
parents are merchants, we also have a butcher and her name is Kairos, In addition, we
all trust and we believe in a living God as I had said before, I have even danced since
I was a child in church.

Some of my hobbies are dancing, painting, doing crafts and now I am learning to
knit, in addition to this I like to go out to share with my family, friends and my

One of my expectations at this Antonio José de Sucre University is to meet new

people, learn about their customs and of course acquire new knowledge with which I
aspire to become an excellent professional in the area of art and design.

This was all about me, thanks for watching!

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