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World Environment Day Quiz (in teams of 4): True or False?

1. Earth’s name in English comes from German words

for ground and earth.
False: Earth’s name in English comes from a mixture of German words and also Old
English for ground and earth.

2. Earth’s continents are surrounded by four major bodies of water.

True - Earth’s continents are surrounded by four major bodies of water:
the Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans.

3. Earth is the fourth largest planet in the solar system in terms of

size and mass.
False - Earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system in terms of size and mass.

4. Looking at Earth from another planet in the solar system, Earth

would appear to be a bright blue in colour.

True - Viewed from another planet in the solar system, Earth would appear bright and bluish
in colour. Easiest to see through a large telescope would be its atmospheric features like
swirling white cloud patterns and tropical storms.

5. Earth’s surface is traditionally subdivided into seven continental

True - Earth’s surface is traditionally subdivided into seven continental masses. Can you
name them? (Ask from both teacher and student volunteers)

Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.

6. Global warming is the phenomenon of increasing rain near the

surface of Earth over the past one to two centuries
False - Global warming is the phenomenon of increasing average air temperatures near the surface
of Earth over the past one to two centuries

(Turn Over)
7. Planting more trees increases the effects of global warming.
False – Planting more trees is resulting in less carbon dioxide in atmosphere, and thus reduces effects
of global warming.

8. Acid rain is caused by air pollutants

True – These pollutants are mostly nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide, which are produced by power
plants and gasoline-powered vehicles.

9. The Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change binds industrialized

countries and economies to limit and reduce greenhouse gases
(GHG) emissions in accordance with agreed individual targets.

10. Carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas.

False – Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that forms a layer over the Earth and traps heat, causing
global warming

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