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Names: Johanna Duchi, Belen Tenesaca, Gabriela Lema.



Future continuous, Future continuous Future continuous can be

Will + be + verb -ing indicates prior planning. emphasizes the action in ● At 10 pm, Sherlyn will be used as an alternative to
progress. studying for a French present continuous future
It is used to: quiz. to refer to events that have
Affirmative Sentences already been planned or
● Describe an action
that will occur at a It is possible to contract
Subject + will + be + specific point in the subject pronouns with the
- On Christmas, my
verb -ing future. auxiliary verb -will.
family and I will be
● He'll be ● In 2 weeks, Josh and Luis staying in the Rose
playing will be attending a Hotel in Manabí.
● Indicate ● He'll not be project on bullying. —----------------------------
predictions or going Stative verbs
Negative Sentences
expected trends When we use stative verbs
Stative verbs refer to
Subject + will not with continuous tenses, the
states, so they are not meaning changes. For
(won’t) + be + verb ● Ask about used in continuous tense. example, with perception
-ing someone's plans ● Carla usually takes long verbs:
in a polite way. naps. She will be
sleeping when her mom - Zoey will be seeing
arrives. her best friend
Names: Johanna Duchi, Belen Tenesaca, Gabriela Lema.

(We want to know if - In that case we

our wishes fit in with could use future
Questions their plans) perfect tense.

● Refer action that ● Sue Sue will be buying

Will + subject + be + Time expressions
will definitely tickets for the concert later (It refers Zoey’s plan: to
verb -ing + ? These expressions because she is working meet his friend )
happen as a result
indicate that the action will now.
of a routine or an
- Yes, I will. / No, I be in progress at a
arrangement certain time. Time expression
On the other hand, we can - Next …. (week) Note: If the time
Information Questions use future continuous to - In … (1 hour; 2 expression goes at the
make predictions about days) ● What will you be doing beginning of the sentence
Wh- word + will + the present: - At…. this time tomorrow? it’s necessary a comma to
subject + be + verb - This time … ( separate the next action:
-ing + ? ● Annie has a meeting tomorrow; next…)
in Quito this - Later / tonight / - When Alice's mom
afternoon. She will this… (afternoon…) wakes up at 8 am,
be driving now. - When… (use simple Alice will be
● Tom won’t be watching
present tense*) preparing a
the movie with her mom at
night because he is tired. delicious breakfast.
Verb -ing:
Verbs ending in “e” STILL

Delete the e and add -ing. With the term "still", the
"future continuous" refers to
love - loving events that are already
● When it stops raining, will
happening now and that
you be going to the
Except: see -seeing we assume will continue
into the future:
Names: Johanna Duchi, Belen Tenesaca, Gabriela Lema.

Monosyllabic verbs
- The essay is
If the verb ends in C + V + complex, so I believe
C, double the last in 2 hours, Jules will
consonant and add ing. still be writting it.
● Will you be free at 8 pm?
win - winning -No, I will be eating by
Verb ending in “y”

Add “ing” after “y”.

study - studying
● This time next Monday, the
Verbs ending in “ie”: CEO will be giving a talk
on business management.
Change -ie to -y. And add

Lie - Lying

● In June, Julio and Alice

will be skiing in Alaska.
Names: Johanna Duchi, Belen Tenesaca, Gabriela Lema.



Will + have + main FUTURE PERFECT Focused more on the ● When Patricia gets home
verb(past participle) Action that will be result of the action. tonight, I will have had ● Sometimes, you can
completed in the future, dinner already. use the future perfect
either: tense and the simple
Contractions future tense
Affirmative Sentences
A. Before a specific interchangeably.
It is also possible to
moment. But without
Subject + will + have contract subject pronouns ● What time will Alex have
prepositions such as
have + main verb(past with auxiliary verb + 'not' finished work?
B. Before another before or by the time
participle) action takes place. that make the
● I'll not have +
verb PP. sequence of events
Negative Sentences The future perfect is used clear, you need to use
to describe an event that the future perfect to
Subject + will not will be finished by a ● He'll/She'll/It'll show what happened
particular time in the future. not have + first.
(won’t) + have + ● By next Saturday Juan
verb PP.
main verb(past and Maria will have
returned from Mexico. Note
TIME EXPRESSIONS The second action is
● FOR always in the Present
Simple tense.
This connects a
period of time in ● The past participle
Questions the future to a later of “to get” is gotten
● Duration before
time in the future. in American English.
something in the
Names: Johanna Duchi, Belen Tenesaca, Gabriela Lema.

Will + subject + have + Future ● How much money will In British English,
main verb(past (Non-Continuous ● BY / BY THE Belen and Karla have the past participle is
participle) + ? Verbs) TIME / BY THEN / spent by the end of their got.
WHEN English course?
Time expressions
This is used when ● We can use phrases
Information Questions
something like by… or by the
happened before time (meaning 'at
Wh- word + will + (not later than) a
With non-continuous verbs some point before')
subject + have + main and some non-continuous specific time in the and in or in a day's
● On Sunday, Ana will have
verb(past participle) + uses of mixed verbs, we future. waited for 2 months for time / in two
? use the future perfect to the concert. months' time / in
show that something will ● ALREADY five years' time etc.
continue up until another (meaning 'at the end
action in the future. This shows that of this period') to give
something will the time period in
finish earlier than which the action will
another event in be completed.
the future.
● By 2026, I will have lived
● I will have been in in Cuenca for 10 years.
Paris for three
months by the time I ● BEFORE
This can be used
to emphasize the
sequence of
● Leonardo will have
events in the
talked with his friends
about planning his sister's
Names: Johanna Duchi, Belen Tenesaca, Gabriela Lema.

birthday before his sister


● When she wakes up,

Marina will have gone to

● We will have studied in

the University for 4 years
by the time we get a
Names: Johanna Duchi, Belen Tenesaca, Gabriela Lema.



Will + have + been + ● It is used to say Use the time duration: ● I know that tomorrow's trip Highlight the duration of the
verb -ing what will happen at next will go well because I will action.
a SPECIFIC time in month have been preparing for ● She will have been
the future. week this for a long time. playing tennis for
● It is used to indicate several hours by the
Affirmative Sentences weekend
that something you end of the day.
started in the past
Subject + will + have + or what you have day
been + verb -ing been doing in the
present will Also use the time
continue until expressions: ● I don't know what's going
another action or to happen to my
Negative Sentences moment in the relationship next year
future. because I will have been We can replace WILL with
Subject + will not ● Describes ongoing traveling for several GOING TO.
Future action or months. Gerardo is going to have
(won’t) + have + been
activities completed been building his house for
+ verb -ing
after a certain 2 years when he has all the
instant of time All of these expressions money.
mean at the end of a
● The action that will period of time.
have started, will ● We will have been
continue for some meeting to discuss sales
Questions time and will
Names: Johanna Duchi, Belen Tenesaca, Gabriela Lema.

continue in the plans at the end of the

Will + subject + have + future either: day.
been + verb -ing + ?
❖ Before a specific
time or
❖ Before another
Information Questions
action takes
place ● She will have been What is the difference
Wh- word + will + These expressions refer eating healthy for 2 weeks between future perfect
subject + have + been to a specific point in time by the end of the month. simple and future perfect
+ verb -ing + ? or a period of time.


This connects a period

Also: of time in the future to a ● We will have been
later time in the future. training in this gym for two
● To show cause and - Duration years by 2024.

Indicate Stative verbs refer to

consequences of states, so they are not
an action in the used in continuous tense.
● I will have been studying
at this university for 4
years by the year 2024.
Names: Johanna Duchi, Belen Tenesaca, Gabriela Lema.

● The thesis is almost done,

so Efrain will not have
been doing it for a long
time tomorrow.

● Will Carlos have been

buying shoes for 3 hours
by midday?

● On the weekend, at 5
o'clock, they will have
been playing in the yard
for several hours.
Names: Johanna Duchi, Belen Tenesaca, Gabriela Lema.

● The machine will have

been working for 5 hours
by noon.

● My mom will have been

cooking for several hours
by the time we get back
from the trip.

● Pam will need to rest a lot

tomorrow because she
will have been doing
homework all night, and
she will be exhausted.
Names: Johanna Duchi, Belen Tenesaca, Gabriela Lema.

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