Genuine Temporary Entrant Requirement

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The Genuine Temporary Requirement

The Genuine is a requirement for all student visas. The Australian Government wants to
know that after you study your course, you will return to your home country. Because of
this, we will include a Genuine Temporary Statement with your visa application. To assist
me in helping you write this, please complete the below questionnaire and email it back
to me.

Please answer the below questions:

What are your current circumstances in your home country?

• Does your family live in your home country?

• How much money do you have to support yourself in Australia?

• Who is funding you to study in Australia?

2/ Your circumstances in Australia:

• Where will you live in Australia?

• Who will you live with?

• Do you have any friends or family who live in Australia?

• Where will you study?

• What course will you study?

• Why did you choose this course?

• Have you ever been to the education provider before?

What is the value of the course to your future:

• Why did you choose to study this course?

• How will it help you find employment in your home country?

• Do you have a job organized in your home country when you complete the
course? If so, can you provide a job offer from the employer?

Your immigration history

• Have you ever been to Australia before?

• If yes, what visa were you on?

• When did you arrive in Australia

• Please list any other visas (besides your current visa that you received for

• Have you ever overstayed a visa to Australia?

• Have you ever had a visa refused to Australia?

• If so, why was your visa refused?

Additional Questions
• Tell us about you academic history and professional background ?

• Do you have any specific career or academic goals ?

Why did you choose Australia as you most preferred study location ? Was
there any other reasons you wanted to undertake study in Australia?

• why did you choose this type of course to study in Australia, & what do you
believe the benefit of undertaking this course in Australia is?

• what other countries and educational facilities did you research when
making this decision?

• What were the main deciding factors on selecting Australia as the location of
you undertaking study?

• Are you aware of the expected costs of living and studying in Australia? &
how do you plan to finance this?

• How did you hear about the institution that you would like to undertake

• Is there courses in your home country that are the same as in Australia? If
yes, why do you want to undertake them in Australia and not your home

• Explaining how the courses they are going to study is going to help you in
your current job or desired job?

• Can you list some employers in your home country who are looking for
employees with these type of qualifications?

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