Formula B2 Progress Test 1

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Progress test 1

Name: _________________________________

You will listen to a lecture about the spice routes. Complete the sentences with a word or short phrase
from the recording. You will hear the recording twice.

1 In the past, spices were expensive because they were used to ________________________.

2 The word ‘spice’ originated from the same Latin word as the word ________________________’.

3 Spices from Asia were taken to other parts of the world and used in foods and as ______________________.

4 Originally, the sea routes could only reach ________________________.

5 ________________________ often made long sea voyages difficult for explorers.

6 The ________________________ were discovered accidentally while looking for a trading route across the

7 Some people think ________________________ came about because of the spice trade.

8 Due to the variety of people trading spices, port towns became very ________________________.

9 These days most spice farms are usually owned by ________________________.

10 The main challenges farm owners now face are strong competition and the changing

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Progress test 1
Name: _________________________________

Section 1
Read the article. For questions 11–17, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text.

Tourism and the World’s Natural Wonders

People love to travel, and for many the bright lights of cities such as Tokyo or New York are high on their lists of
places to visit. Other people, however, are drawn to nature for a variety of reasons. It may be a way for them to
escape busy lives, or a specific interest in a particular location. Whatever the reason, the Natural Wonders of
the World have secrets that can only be experienced by being there. Looking at online images or watching
television documentaries is just not the same.

Great Barrier Reef

This is the largest coral reef in the world and the pride of Australia’s collection of natural wonders. People travel
far and wide to experience this underwater paradise. No other place in the world has such a wide diversity of
plant and marine life. Nowadays over 2 million visitors come to see this natural wonder every year.
Unfortunately, this increasing number of tourists and the effects of climate change have badly affected the
wildlife there. Since 2016 more than half the plant and animal life has been destroyed. However, in recent years
the Australian government has been working with tour companies to ensure that tours have less of a negative
effect on the wildlife. There are fewer tour companies and they can apply for a special certificate which shows
high standards. Also, the tours have changed. Rather than just looking and taking pictures, many tours have
wildlife experts to explain how our modern lifestyles affect the reef. Also, they give advice on lifestyle changes
which will be more beneficial for the ecosystem.

Northern Lights
People who have seen the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, say that they are one of the most spectacular
sights in the world. It feels different to the other natural wonders because it is in the sky and therefore somehow
‘out of this world’. This amazing light show is caused by electricity from the sun entering the atmosphere of the
Earth. These lights can be seen both in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. However, they are more
impressive when viewed in winter from countries such as Canada, Sweden and Iceland, which are all situated in
the Northern Hemisphere. In fact, a large part of Iceland’s tourism industry is based on trips to see the Northern
Lights, although the city of Tromsø in Norway is the best place to visit to increase the chances of seeing them
on any night of the year. Yet past visitors advise others to bear in mind that the lights may not always be visible
due to the weather. They highlight the fact that there are plenty of other amazing things to do in the Northern
Lights’ destinations, such as seeing polar bears or hiking on glaciers.

Grand Canyon
The largest canyon in the world is the Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon in Tibet. There are also a few other canyons
which are longer or deeper than the Grand Canyon. The reason why this one, however, is considered a natural
wonder is not about size. It is its beauty which attracts over five million visitors to this magical place in the
middle of the USA in Arizona each year. The canyon’s different shades of pink, red and brown change
depending on the time of day and weather. Sunrise and sunset are favourite visiting times, and anyone who
visits the Grand Canyon is guaranteed to come away with a lasting impression of the landscape that they never
forget. It’s also an important place for scientists. They have studied the different layers of rocks and discovered
a lot of information about the history of the planet. For example, in 2007 archaeologists found a home with pots
and other kitchen objects. This enabled them to learn more about the people who inhabited the canyon
thousands of years ago.

Victoria Falls
This waterfall is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. At this point, the Zambezi River is nearly
two kilometres wide and the water falls for one hundred metres into the valley below. People can visit the falls at
different times of the year as the experience is always amazing. In April and May during the flood season, the
water sprays far into the sky and shows the power of the river. When the river is low, tourists come to see the
cliffs underneath the water. This is usually during November and December. At this time, it is also possible to
take a trip on the river to see the cliffs from below.

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Progress test 1
Name: _________________________________

11 What is the writer’s view of the natural wonders of the world?

A People need to experience them in person.
B They are more interesting than famous cities.
C People can learn a lot about it in the media.
D They help people relax from their stressful lives.

12 Why is the Great Barrier Reef so important?

A Over half the oceans’ wildlife are said to live there.
B It contains more species than anywhere else.
C More species are dying here than in other places.
D It attracts more tourists than other natural wonders.

13 The Australian government has changed the Great Barrier Reef tours by …
A ensuring all tour guides are wildlife experts.
B reducing the number of visitors to the area.
C improving understanding of the impact of tourists.
D forcing all companies to have a special license.

14 What is unique about the Northern Lights?

A They can only be seen at certain times of the year.
B Residents of Tromsø can see them every night of the year.
C People can see them from both sides of the planet.
D They are the most impressive of all the natural wonders.

15 What do people say about going to see the Northern Lights?

A The only time to see them is during the winter months.
B The most enjoyable trips take place in Iceland.
C The experience was much better than they expected.
D The Northern Lights’ countries offer other fun activities.

16 Why is the Grand Canyon considered a natural wonder?

A The colours of the rocks are amazing.
B Scientists say it is highly unusual.
C It is the USA’s most important attraction.
D It has more rock types than other canyons.

17 What have scientists found out from studying the Grand Canyon?
A The types of rocks which are on the planet.
B Lifestyles of ancient people who lived there.
C What ancient people’s homes looked like.
D How the Grand Canyon was formed.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2021

Progress test 1
Name: _________________________________

18 When does the writer advise people to visit Victoria Falls?

A During the rainy season.
B In the winter months.
C When the river level drops.
D At any time of the year.


Section 2
For questions 19–25, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).

The (0) _B_ ‘Seven Wonders of the World’ were chosen by a Greek mathematician over 2000 years ago. The
number seven was important in Greek culture (19) ___ that time. The structures were all examples of
engineering or gardens. Today only one of them (20) ___ and this is The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Since then
there have been many lists of other wonders. In 1997, an American television company produced ‘The Seven
Natural Wonders of the World’, (21) ___ included Mount Everest and a volcano in Mexico.
Between 2007 and 2011, a Swiss company developed a list called ‘The New7Wonders of Nature’. The company
asked 100 million people (22) ___ for their favourite natural wonders by Internet, text message or phone.
(23) ___, there was criticism from some countries that the selection process was rather unfair because many
people voted several times. This demonstrates that these kinds of competitions do not really have much
(24) ___ as it is difficult to explain what a ‘wonder’ should be. (25) ___, a wonder should be inspiring and a
symbol of human history. What this means, however, is different for everyone.

0 A beginning B original C primary D current

19 A at B to C on D by
20 A remains B continues C progresses D extends
21 A that B where C which D what
22 A select B to select C vote D to vote
23 A In addition B Therefore C Although D However
24 A function B value C understanding D influence
25 A In general B Besides C Therefore D As a result


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2021

Progress test 1
Name: _________________________________

Write an essay and answer the following question:

Is it better to live in a hot country or a cold country?

Write about:
1 The seasons
2 Work
3 __________ (your own idea)

Write between 140–190 words.



PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2021

Progress test 1
Name: _________________________________

Choose ONE set of three questions per student. Give each student 2-3 minutes.


1 What kinds of holidays do you like to take? Why?

2 Tell me about an exciting holiday you went on.

3 Do you think it is better to go on holiday in your own country or go abroad? Why / Why not?


1 What is the most unusual food you have tried? Where were you?

2 Tell me about a traditional dish from your country.

3 Should people eat healthily every day? Why / Why not?

Total ___/100

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