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Tuesday, Ibay,Christi
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Thermal Pollution,sometimes is
called “Thermal Enrichment”,is
the degredation of water quality by
any process that changes water
Thermal pollution is the rise or fall
in the natura body of water caused
by human influence.
Thermal pollution is any devation
from the natural temperature.
Thermal Pollution is any deviation
from the natural temperature in a
habitat and can range from
elevated temperatures associated Picture Caption: To make your document look professionally produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page,
with industrial cooling activities to and text box designs that complement each other.

discharges of cold water into

streams below large
impoundments. How can the The Thermal Pollution
Industrial sites and Thermal pollution could
plants should treat be controlled by
water before employing of few
regurgitating it back efficient scientific
into natural water techniques such
bodies. This could as construction of
When does thermal pollution take significantly reduce artificial lakes, cooling
place? thermal pollution . ponds, and cooling
When the temperature of a
natural body of water suddenly Another idea is to install towers. Artificial lake:
increases or decreases, thermal cooling ponds and or These are human-made
pollution occurs. Industrial
machinery and power plants are cooling towers to treat water bodies, which
big contributors to thermal water. Artificial lakes gives a potential
pollution. An example of thermal
pollution is when industrial sites
can also help control alternative for cooling of
and power plants often take water thermal pollution. power plants.
from a natural source.

Thermal Pollution: Effects, Causes and Control!

This hot water is released into the system from where it was drawn, causing a
warming trend of surface water. If the system is poorly flushed, a permanent increase
in the temperature may result.
Here are the Sources of Thermal Pollution:
:Nuclear Reactors
:Industrial Wastes
:Hydro Electric Power-Plant 😊
:Domestic Sewage

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