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Yeast cells are capable of anaerobic respiration, which causes the release of
carbon dioxide as a waste product. By monitoring the production of carbon
dioxide, the rate of respiration can be calculated. The rate of respiration of yeast
is affected by pH, temperature and nutrient availability. Low or high pH values are
known to cause chemical stress on yeast cells, which stunt growth and
respiration. This coincides with Mahta Yaghoubi-Hargalan’s experiment in which
she explored the effects of different pH on the respiration rate of yeast and
concluded that a neutral pH creates more gas production than any other non-
neutral pH. Additionally, the higher the temperature, the quicker the rate of
respiration in yeast cells and therefore, more carbon dioxide will be released. By
changing one of the three variables at a time, the change in the rate of respiration
can be observed.

Aim: To determine the relation between different temperatures of yeast and how
this effects the rate of respiration, by measuring the volume of carbon dioxide it

The lower the temperature the slower the rate of respiration. However, the closer
the temperature gets to the yeasts’ optimum - which I expect to be approximately
30 degrees - the quicker the rate of respiration.

1 Set up water baths at temperatures of -10, 20, 40, and 80 degrees Celsius
2 Weigh out 2 grams of yeast and transfer into a conical flask
3 Weigh out 10cm^3 of water in a measuring cylinder and transfer into the
same conical flask
4 Transfer 10cm^3 of glucose into a separate flask
5 Place both this flask and the conical flask into the -10 degree ice bath for 5
minutes to acclimatize to the temperature
6 Pour the glucose solution into the conical flask containing the yeast solution
and quickly seal the contents with a bung attached to a gas syringe
7 While placed inside the -10 degree water bath, record the volume of
carbon dioxide produced every 1 minute for 5 minutes
8 Repeat the steps but using the 20, 40 and 80 degree water baths instead
Results table:

Time -10 20 40 80
1 0.0 0.0 1.0 9.0
2 0.0 0.5 2.0 11.0
3 0.0 1.0 3.0 12.0
4 0.0 1.5 4.0 12.0
5 0.0 2.0 5.0 12.0

To conclude, it is demonstrated through the results that by increasing
temperature, more carbon dioxide is produced which, in turn, exhibits an
increased reaction rate.
This could be shown by comparing the carbon dioxide produced at 40 degrees (5
cm^3 by the end of the 5 minutes), to the carbon dioxide produced at -10 degrees
This is because with an increase in temperature, the particles gain kinetic energy
and move faster, which leads to more enzyme-substrate collisions. However with
lesser temperatures, the kinetic energy decreases and particles do not collide
with a strong enough force to spark a reaction.

Though our experiment was altered and we had to improvise many times due to
timing and equipment issues, our final results were logical and a clear pattern was
shown. However the experiment would have been better if we had enough time
to test a 60 degree solution, which we did not have the time to complete.
Additionally, there were issues with the gas syringes which, at first did not have a
nozzle the right size to fit perfectly into the tube. This cause gas to be lost to the
surroundings instead of into the syringe and so we needed to redo the
experiment. The scale on the syringe was also not precise enough to demonstrate
small changes in temperature so, although at -10 degrees the table shows 0 cm^3
of carbon dioxide produced, there was actually an increase (although very very

Extension questions:
Temperature would affect the rate of respiration as it increases the speed of the
particles and the kinetic energy, and therefore there will be more particles with
enough energy to overcome the activation energy and form enzyme - substrate
Yes, because our method was stated clearly with the necessary measurements
and this practical compared to one’s done before, produced similar results.

The Effect of pH and Time on Aerobic CO2 Production in S. cerevisiae by Mahta


FROM TURKEY - Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (2008)

CCEA GCSE Biology Practical Manual

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