2 Baqara

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Surat Al-
By Dhulqarnain


English Translation Tafseer As-Sa’di Juz1 3


NOTE: The sequence of number is the point wise important

information from the Surah and not the number of Surah in
sequence in Quran

1. Quran is a Book which creates no

doubt in the hearts of those who
are prudent.
2. It is a guidance, for those who fear
3. Believe in the unseen conveyed to
you in this book.
4. Establish Prayer/salaat.
5. Pay Poor due from what Allah
gave you.
6. Quran is sent as a revelation on
Prophet Muhammad by Allah.
7. There were many Prophets like
him before.
8. Do believe in the Hereafter.
9. Whoever follows these guidelines
shall definitely Prosper after day
of Judgement.

10. Convey the message to the

disbelievers even if they are not
interested in it.
11. One who disbelieves in these
things, Allah shall seal their hearts,
and they shall not be able to further
understand Islam and shall finally be
12. O people! Worship your Lord, Who
created you, and those who came
before you, so that you may become
13. It is Allah who created Earth for us
to rest and Heavens as Edifice.
14. He sends rain, which help in
growing fruits that serve as Provision
for you.
14. Never ever set Rivals to Allah, don’t
you have common sense?

15. If you doubt about the Origin of

Quran, thinking that it was fabricated,
then you too fabricate any chapter
like this, by taking help from anyone.
16. If you can’t do that fabrication,
then beware of the Hell that is
prepared for the disbelievers.
17. The fuel for Hell is stones along
with people who are disbelievers.
18. Allah gives glad tiding to those who
believe in Him and do good deeds.
They shall be given Paradise to live in
after day of Judgement, and fed with
fruits identical to what they use to eat
in this world.
19. They shall have pure Spouses and
shall live there for ever.

20. Do not break any covenants made

to Allah.

21. Do not break relationship with your

blood relations.

22. Do not spread mischief in the land.

23. How can you disbelieve in Allah,

when you know that, He Created you
when you were lifeless. He shall then
cause you die. He shall then resurrect

24. He created all that is on Earth.

25. He Created 7 Heavens above you.

26. Allah has knowledge of each and


27. Allah Created the irst Human,

named Adam and He taught Adam
names of all things. He then tested
Angels to declare those names, but
they couldn’t, but Adam was able to.

28. Allah commanded all those present

in heaven than to prostrate before
Adam. All the Angels prostrated but
Iblees did not and became the irst

29. Allah then allowed Adam and his

wife to dwell in paradise, and also
warned not to eat a particular fruit,
that was on a tree, else he would be a

30. Iblees who was a Shaitan, tempted

them to eat and thus they lost the
residency of Paradise at that time.

31. Allah commanded Adam, and his

wife to descend to Earth. Similarly
Shaitan was also kicked off to Earth.

32. Allah declared Shaitan to be the

enemy of human.

33. Allah announced to Adam, to

follow the guidance that would be sent
to him and declared that whoever
would follow would have no fear nor
would grieve.

34. Allah warned whoever would

disbelieve in Him, and reject His sins,
they shall be in Hell to live there
forever after the day of judgement.

35. Bani Israel, were the descendants

of Prophet Yacob.

36. Allah blessed them with many


37. Whoever would ful il the covenant

made to Allah, He would also ful il

38. Quran con irms the revelations

sent in Torah and Gospel.

39. Never ever make any changes in the
commands that Allah has given you.

40. Never conceal the Truth that Allah

conveyed you.

41. Do enjoin righteousness as well

practice it.

42. Seek help with patience and Prayer

to Allah.

43. Be Humble.

44. Be aware of day of judgement,

when no intercession can help you,
neither can you ransom.

45. Firawn was a disbeliever King who

ruled E ypt and committed atrocities
upon Bani Israel. He slaughtered their
sons and use to take their daughters as

46. Allah inally punished Firawn and

his people by drowning them in sea,
and saved Bani Israel.

47. Do not worship anyone other than

Allah, none are capable to be a god,
except Him.

48. Allah gave Torah to Bani Israel, to

guide them in their lives.

48. Whoever believes in Allah, and the

day of Judgement, and does good
deeds, shall be inally rewarded by

49. Allah had commanded the Bani

Israel to observe Saturday as the day
for exclusive worship, but those who
disobeyed among them were punished
by making them Apes, as an example e
who succeeded them.

50. Musa was made the Prophet of

Bani Israel. When some one killed a
person among them and they
approached him, to ind the guilty, he
asked them to sacri ice a cow, and they
made fun of him, by asking questions
about the cow.

51. Allah commanded them to strike

the dead with a piece of its meat. Then
they could see the dead revealing the
identity of his murderer. Allah also
reveals that this is how Allah would
resurrect the dead inally.

52. Allah de ines Hypocrites as those

who act as Muslims, when they are
with Muslims, and they practice
otherwise when not with them.

53. Remember Allah knows each and

everything even that which people
conceal in their hearts.


54. Never ever speak false about Allah,

particularly to bene it in this world.

55. Whoever shall do an evil and

doesn’t seek forgiveness from Allah,
shall abide in Hell forever.

56. Allah commands you to be kind to

your parents, orphans and your

57. Help those who are in need,

establish prayer and pay the poor due.

58. Do not commit murder.

59. Do not drive away people from

their homes.

60. Follow all the commands given to


61. Do not give priority to this world

compared to the hereafter.

62. Isa was also a Prophet. He was

born as a Miracle as son of Maryam, by
blowing spirit into her body by
Gabriel, the Angel

63. Whoever worships Cow, is a


64. Long life will not protect the

disbeliever from Allah’s punishment.

65. Allah constantly watches each and


66. Whoever feels the Angels are his

enemy, then Allah declares him as

67. Only evil doers reject the message

of Quran.

68. Disbelievers do break the


69. Whoever believes in Magic is a


70. Whoever insults the Prophet, shall

be punished soon.

71. Each and everything that is in

Heavens and Earth belongs to Allah.

72. Only Allah can Protect and Help


7 3. Fo r g ive a n d ove rl o o k t h e

74. What ever good deed you do shall

be rewarded in the hereafter.

75. You can’t be rewarded paradise by

just wishful thinking. For that you
need to accept Islam and do good

76. Whoever prevent a Muslim in

worshipping Allah, shall be soon
disgraced in this world and also suffer
punishment in the hereafter.

77. Wherever you pray, Allah observes


78. Allah has no begotten son. Glory to

Allah. Each and everything is
Subservient to Him. Whenever he
Decrees a matter He merely says “Be”
and it is.

79. Do not expect Allah to talk you

directly. He had appointed Prophets,
who spoke to people on behalf of Him.

80. Each person shall be responsible

for his own deeds.

81. What Allah has guided that only is

the Truth. Never follow your desires,
else you shall ind no protector nor
any helper.

82. Whoever disbelieves in the Quran,

are indeed the Losers, in the hereafter.

83. Allah had made Ibrahim as a

Prophet, after testing him successfully.

84. Kaaba is the focal point for all

Muslims around the world. It is a
Sanctuary. Do pray near the station of
Ibrahim located near Kaaba.

85. Ibrahim had prayed Allah to make

Mecca a city of Peace and provide the
inhabitants with fruits, and his prayer
was accepted.

86. Allah gave the work of rebuilding

Kaaba to Ibrahim, who was also helped
by his son Ismaeel. They kept praying
Allah to accept their service they did.
They also prayed for making them
True Muslims, and help them teaching
them rituals of Hajj.

87. Allah thus de ines our religion, as

that of Ibrahim, as he was chosen as
the most righteous muslim. He was
also most obedient to Allah.

88. Yacob was also a Prophet of Allah.

He too propagated the religion of
Ibrahim to all and emphasised his sons
to adopt it, and die as Muslims

89. Allah commands us to believe in

Him and follow His instruction, as did
the Prophets Ibrahim, Ismaeel, Ishaq,
Yacob, Musa, and Isa. He recommends
us not to make any distinction among
them. This is Islam.

90. Remember Allah is constantly

h e a r i n g yo u a n d h a s c o m p l e te
knowledge of what all you do.

91. Each Nation earned their own

deeds, and you shall not be asked
about what they use to do.

92. Face the Kaaba while you pray your

Salaat. This is your Qibla. Follow your

93. Remember Allah is Most

Compassionate and Most Merciful.

94. Do not follow your desires, else

you shall be on wrong path.

95. Never ever have any doubt about

the fact Allah revealed upon you.

96. Allah shall de initely resurrect all

on the day of Judgement. Remember
Allah has Power to each and every

97. Do not fear the people, fear Allah

alone, so that Allah may Bless you and
Guide you towards the path of

98. The duty of every Messenger of

Allah, was to recite the revelation of
Allah, purify the people and teach the
instructions of Allah and give the
words of Wisdom to all.

99. Always give thanks to Allah and

never be ungrateful to Him.

100. Allah Instructs us to seek His Help

through Patience and Prayer. He Helps
those who are Patient.

101. Those who die in the path of Allah,

are not like ordinary dead, they are
treated specially, whose details you
can not perceive now.

102. Allah emphasises that, He shall

de initely Test each and everyone with
something of Fear, Hunger, Loss of
Property, lives and Crops. Allah gives
glad tidings to all of those who
patiently persevere inspite of that.

103. Whenever you face a Calamity, say

that you belong to Allah, and shall
ultimately return back to Him. Allah
shall Bless you.

104. Near Kaaba are Mountains called

Safa, and Marwa. Do circumbulation,
of them while doing Hajj and Umra.
Allah appreciates that.

105. Whoever shall die as a Disbeliever

of Allah and Quran, upon him is the
curse of Allah, Angels and whole
Humankind. They shall be punished in
Hell forever without any interval.

106. Remember there is no god except

Allah. He is Most Gracious and Most

107. Love for Allah, should be much

more than anything in your life.

108. Do not make any partners with


109. Remember Allah has all Powers of

the Universe and He is Severe in

110. Quran is the last call for people

towards Allah, in this life. After that
there shall be no option again to follow

111. Allah Commands us to eat Healthy

food that is Halal and not to follow the
footsteps of Shaitan by being
neglectful. Remember Shaitan is your
avowed enemy.

112. Shaitan instigates in your heart, to

do evil and shameful deeds, and say
against Allah, without any knowledge.

113. Never ever follow your forefathers

b l i n d l y, t h e y m a y h a v e b e e n

114. Allah has forbidden you

particularly :

i) The Meat of dead animal

ii) Meat of Swine/Pork

iii) Any animal sacri iced to other than


If any Muslim is forced by necessity,

without wilful disobedience, can eat
them to the extent to save his life.

115. Never ever conceal what Allah has

revealed in Quran, just to please
people, else you shall be punished in
Hell with painful punishment, and
shall not be excused.

116. Allah instructs you to believe in

Him, the day of Judgement, the holy
books He revealed, and the Prophets
He sent.

117. Allah instructs you to spend from

your wealth on kinsfolk, orphans, the
needy, wayfarer and those who ask. He
instructs you to establish Salath, pay
Zakath and ful il the covenants that
you make. Be patient during
hardships, adversity and in times of

118. Saum/ Ramdan Fasting is
obligatory on every Muslim to make
you Pious. The period of Fasting is
maximum 30 days in sequence. The
fasting can be postponed for same
number of days if ill or on journey. For
those who are very old, they can
compensate by feeding a needy person
for each day. The importance of
Ramdan is that Quran was revealed in
this month. Quran is guidance for
whole mankind. It has information of
dos and don'ts in this life. Do complete
30 or 29 days of fasting based on
moon, this is better for you. Do glorify
Allah and be Grateful to Him.

119. Allah is very close to us. He

responds when we call Him. We need
to follow His instructions as well. Allah
wants us to believe in Him, so that we
are rightly guided.

120. Allah has permitted to have

relationship with spouse in the nights
of Ramdan, except while Itekaf in
Masjid. Fasting starts from time of Fair
and ends at start of Magreeb salat.
These are limits set by Allah, never
cross them.

121. Do not devour others’ property by

unjust means, nor bribe judges to
favour a Judgement.

122. Allah loves those who do good


123. Do Umrah and Hajj if you are

capable. Do shave your heads to end
the task, if you can’t then compensate
by fasting, charity or a sacri ice of an

124. Hajj need to be done in lunar
month Zul-Hijjah only. There should be
no lwedness, wrongdoing or
quarrelling during Hajj. Be pious and
spend your own money in the process.
You can engage in any business during
Hajj. It is obligatory to go place called
Arafath, after visiting Muzdalifah.
Keep seeking forgiveness as Allah is
oft-forgiving and Most Merciful.

125. Fear Allah alone.

126. Pray Allah to give good in this

world as well in the Hereafter.

126. Remember Allah is swift in


127. Do not spread mischief in the Land

particularly by destroying the crop and
livestock. Allah hates such people.

1 2 8. Fo l l ow t h e r u l e s o f I s l a m
wholeheartedly and do not follow the
footsteps of Shaitan, as he is your open

128. Remember Allah is Almighty and

Most Wise.

129. Follow Islam before Allah shall call

for day of Judgement, and there shall
be no more chance to do so.

130. Remember Allah is severe in


131. The life of this world is made

attractive to those who disbelieve.

132. Allah Bestows His Abundance

without measure on whom He wills.

133. All Humans were irst a single

Nation, and when they disputed in the
way of life, Allah sent His Messengers
with glad tiding and warnings to guide
people. Most of them rejected it just
due to mutual envy. Allah Guides only
those who believe in Him.

134. No one can enter Paradise unless

he successfully faces the Trials set up
by Allah. Each one shall face sufferings
and adversity till each shall call Allah
for help. Remember Allah is very near
to you to Help you.

135. Spend your money in charity and

particularly spend upon your parents,
kindred, orphans, those in need, and

136. Migrate to a safe place if it is

dif icult to practice Islam. Have hope
on Allah’s Mercy.

137. Allah prohibits you from gambling

and intoxicants.

138. What ever is surplus with you

spend in the path of Allah.

138. Never ever marry a Polytheist, till

that person accepts Islam. They invite
you to Hell and Allah invites you to
Paradise. He Promises forgiveness by
His Grace.

139. Muslim couples shouldn't have

relation while menstruating. Allah
loves those who purify themselves.
Marry with intention to have offspring.

140. Always fear Allah, and do

remember you shall face Him one day.

141. Make peace between people.

142, Allah shall account you for all

those deeds done by taking His Oath.

143. Divorced women should wait for 3

menstrual cycles to get remarried
again. Do not hide information of
pregnancy during that period. Their
Husband have greater right to take
back the during this period.

144. Remember Allah is Almighty.

145. Talaq is divorce that can be

pronounced twice maximum. Do not
take back the Meher given already.
After the third divorce he can’t retain
the woman, unless she marries
another and gets divorced due to
unavoidable situation.

146. Do not do mockery of Allah’s

commands. Remember His favours and
fear Him.

147. Do not prevent the divorced

women to marry their former

148. Maximum duration for breast

feeding is 2 years. The father of child
should take care of the expenses
incurred during this. No one should be
burdened more than what he or she
can withstand. A wet nurse can also be
appointed for breast feeding.

149. If a man dies, his widow should

wait for at least 4 months 10 days to
remarry. Do not make secret marriage
contracts during this period except
few hints.

150. If you divorce before marriage is

actually consummated, no need to give
more than half of Meher along with
some compensation according to your
means. Show graciousness to one

151. Be not neglectful of any Salaat.

Take care of Asr particularly. You can
pray on foot or while riding if you are
afraid of the enemy.

152. Spend in the path of Allah. Allah

Promises to multiply whatever you
spend in His cause manifold.
Remember Allah is Gracious to
mankind. Be sure to thank Him always.

153. Allah favoured some Messengers

over the other. Allah spoke directly to
Musa.For others He raised their Rank.
Esa was supported by Angel Jibrael,
who stayed with him constantly.

154. Spend in the path of Allah, before

the day comes where there shall be no
chance of bargaining, friendship or
intercession. Rememb er only
Disbelievers are wrongdoers.

155. Allah is everliving, self sustained.

He gets no slumber or sleep. Whatever
is in the Heavens and Earth belong to
Him. He gives the chance of
Intercession on day of Judgement for
only those whom, He feels needed. He
has Knowledge of each and everything
irrespective of time factor. He doesn’t
disclose any of His Knowledge except
what something He wants to. His
Empire extends over the Heavens and
Earth and He is not weary about it. He
is most High and Most Great.

156. There is no compulsion on anyone

to accept Islam. Everyone has right to
choose Paradise or Hell. Whoever
chooses Islam has grasped the most
trustworthy hand-hold that never

157. Allah Protects His believers. He

Guides them to Paradise. Those who
disbelieve Him shall soon be in Fire for
in inity years.

158. Allah gives life and death. He

causes the sunrise from East. He
doesn’t guide the wrong doing people.

159. Do not advertise your generosity,

nor hurt those, whom you helped, by
reminders. If you do so Allah shall
nullify your good deeds. Expect the
reward only from Allah. Speak kindly
and forgive others.

160. Remember Allah is Self-suf icient

and Most Forbearing.

161. What all good deeds a disbeliever

shall do, shall all go waste.

162. Give good things in charity, but

not inferior ones, that you yourself

163. Only Allah is worth of all Praises.

164. Shaitan threatens you with

poverty and instructs you to be Miser.
Allah Promises you with forgiveness
and Grace. Remember Allah is All-

165. Allah grants Wisdom to whom He

wants. Whoever are those fortunate,
have got a good thing.

166. If you openly do charity, that is

Okay. It is better that you conceal, so
that Allah may expiate some of your

167. None can make anyone True

Muslim, except Allah.

168. Whatever wealth you spend in the

path of Allah, He shall repay you back,
and you shall loose nothing. Spend it,
seeing pleasure of Allah alone.

169. Do not consume Usury ( Example

B a n k i n t e r e s t ) . O n t h e d ay o f
Judgement such person shall be like a
m a d m a n . Re m e m b e r A l l a h h a s
permitted Trade and forbidden Usury.
Who consume Usury shall be in Hell
forever. Allah declares war with those
who do not give up consuming Usury.

170. Allah has promised to destroy

Usury, but will increase the money
from which charity is given.

171. Whoever accept Islam, does

righteous deeds, establishes Salath,
gives Zakath will have good reward
with their Lord. They shall have no
fear nor will they grieve.

172. If your debtor is in dif iculty in

paying you back, give him time to
repay. It is better you forgive him as a
charity. This is best for you.

173. Each and everyone will be

rewarded on day of judgement based
on what he earned here. None will be

174. When you contract for loan, let the
Debtor or his guardian write the
contract with all detail, along with 2

175. Do not conceal testimony, else you

shall be sinful.

176. Remember Allah can forgive

whom He wills and Punish whom He
wills. He has Power over all .

176. Say ‘we understand what Allah

commanded and we obey’. Seek
Forgiveness from Allah, your Lord, to
whom you shall all return.

176. Pray Allah not to place any burden

that we can’t bear, like that of our
ancestors, and not to hold to account
what we forget or err. Pray that Allah
forgives us and has Mercy on us as He
is the Protector against the

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