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Dignity with Equity



Amendment of Constitution of Indian Oil Officers Association
Sr Existing
Existing Provision Proposed Changes
No Clause No
(d) The term “Local Executive Committee” means
all committees under Marketing, Refineries,
Pipelines and R&D Divisions
(e) The term “AICEC” means All India Central
Executive Committee
(f) The term “ULR” means Unit Level
Representative for Marketing and Pipelines
(g) Primary Constituency : Constituents for Primary
Election (Election for ULR/Executive Member)
Secondary Constituency: Constituents for Next Level
after Primary Election i.e. Elections of Secretary or
CEC Members (not applicable for Mumbai Based
CECs). Constituents may be either Executive
Members (for Refineries Units / Refinery Head
Quarter / Marketing Head Office / Pipelines Head
Office) or ULSs (For Marketing and Pipelines Regions.
(i) All Officers of the Corporation in India shall (i) All Officers with a valid employee code /
be eligible to become members of the number of the Corporation posted in India
Association. or outside India shall be eligible to become
(iii) The subscription for each member will be members of the Association.
Rs.15/- per month and the same shall (iii) The subscription for each member will be
become due on the first day of each month. Rs.50/- per month. Out of this Rs. 50/-, Rs.
Out of this Rs. 15/-, Rs. 10/- will be retained 30/- shall be retained by the Local Unit and
by the Unit concerned and Rs. 5/- to be sent Rs. 20/- shall be deposited into Central
to AICEC. Account.
(v) Membership will be automatically (v) Membership will be automatically
terminated terminated
(a) Upon resignation or death of the (a) Upon resignation or death of the member
member or when the member ceases or when the member ceases to be an
to be an officer of the Corporation. officer of the Corporation.
(c) Notwithstanding what is stated in (c) Notwithstanding what is stated in
clause 4 (v) (a) above in the event of clause 4 (v) (a) above in the event of
arbitrary separation of a member from arbitrary separation of a member from
the services of the Corporation, the the services of the Corporation, the
Local Executive Committee may on a Local Executive Committee/AICEC may
written request from such a member, continue the membership, upon
continue his membership until such receipt of written request from the
time it is decided that the separation member, until such time it is decided
was just and fair. that the separation was just and fair.
(d) Members whose membership is (d) Members whose membership is
terminated in lieu of clause 4 (v) (b) discontinued in lieu of clause 4 (v) (b)
may apply in writing after clearing off may apply in writing after clearing off
all the arrears for restitution of all the arrears for restoration of
membership for the consideration of membership for the consideration of
the Local Executive Committee and the Local Executive Committee/AICEC
membership may be restored by the and membership may be restored by
majority of the members present at a the majority of the members present at
meeting at which the application is a meeting at which the application is
considered. considered.
(vi) On the recommendation of the Local (vi) On the recommendation of the Local
Executive Committee or the Central Executive Committee by two third Majority
Executive Committee on its own shall expel and ratification of AICEC by Simple Majority
a member temporarily or permanently from a Member shall be expelled temporarily or
the Association, and have his name permanently from the Association, and
removed from the list of members, if in the have his name removed from the list of
members, if such member has:
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Amendment of Constitution of Indian Oil Officers Association
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opinion of the Central Executive Committee
such a member has:
(a) conducted himself in a manner which is (a) conducted himself in a manner
unbecoming to a member of the which is unbecoming to a member
Association, or of the Association, or
(b) intentionally done any act of omission (b) intentionally done any act of
liable to injure the credit and good omission liable to injure the credit
name of the Association, or and good name of the Association,
(c) Acted against the interest of the (c) Acted against the interest of the
Association. Association which includes
The said member shall be given 15 day’s financial irregularities, sabotaging
notice by the Central Executive Committee the common interest of general
of the proposal to expel him and thereby members etc.
enable him to offer his explanation in The said member shall be given 15
writing, which shall be placed before the day’s notice by the General Secretary
Central Executive Committee of the of the proposal to expel him after
Association for consideration. receiving the request of Local
Committee and thereby enable him to
offer his explanation in writing, which
shall be placed before the AICEC in the
next Meeting for consideration.


(i) The Association shall keep a register of (i) The Association shall keep a register a
all its members containing their names Unit level of all its members containing
and designation. This register shall be their names and designation in hard
up dated from time to time. copy or in Digital Form. This register
(ii) The register shall be open to inspection shall be up dated from time to time and
by any member at the office of the same shall be made available for
Association during which the office is inspection on any weekdays excluding
open on any weekdays excluding holiday.


The Central Office of the Association shall be located The Central Office of the Association shall be located
in Mumbai and that of the (i) Regional Offices, (ii) in Mumbai and that of the (i) Regional Offices, (ii)
State Offices, (iii) Refinery Offices, (iv) Pipeline Refinery Offices, (iv) Pipeline Offices, (vi) R&D
Offices, (v) AOD Office, (vi) R&D Centre Office and Centre Office and other Unit Offices at their
other Unit Offices at their respective headquarters. respective headquarters. Any change in address of
Any change in address of any office shall be any office shall be communicated to all members
communicated to all members concerned within 15 concerned within 15 days.
5 8 (a) The management of the Association shall be vested The Management of the Association shall be vested
in Central Executive Committee on all-India level at in Central Executive Committee on all-India level at
the registered/head office of the Corporation and for the registered/head office of the Corporation and in
the respective Regional Committee, State the respective Regional Committee, Refinery
Committee, Refinery Committee, Pipelines Committee, Pipelines Committee, R&D Committee
Committee, R&D Committee, AOD Committee and and other Unit Committee at their respective
other Unit Committee at their respective headquarters.
(a) The Central Executive Committee shall consist (A) The Central Executive Committee shall consist of
of the following office-bearers: the following ten office-bearers called Core Group
(i) A President responsible to carry out day today activities of
(ii) A Vice-President Association:
(iii) A General Secretary (i) A President
(iv) A General Treasurer (ii) A Vice-President

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(v) A Secretary (iii) A General Secretary
(vi) A Joint Secretary (Marketing) (iv) An Assistant General Secretary
(vii) A Joint Secretary (Refineries & (v) A General Treasurer
Pipelines) and (vi) A Joint Secretary (Marketing)
(viii) A Refinery Co-ordinator (vii) A Joint Secretary (Refineries)
(viii) A Joint Secretary (Pipelines)
(ix) A Marketing Co-ordinator
(x) A Refinery Co-ordinator
(b) The following members:
(B) The following (62) be the members of AICEC:
i) One Regional Secretary and one CEC
(i) One Regional Secretary and one Regional
Member from each of the four Regional
CEC Member from each of the four
HQ/State office located in Metro/Metro
Region of Marketing Division (8 Nos of
ii) One Secretary and one CEC Member from AICEC Representation).
Marketing Head Office. (ii) One Secretary and one CEC Member
iii) One CEC member (State) from each 11 from Marketing Head Office. (2 Nos of
State Offices of Marketing Division, which AICEC Representation).
are located outside Delhi, Mumbai, (iii) One CEC member (State) from each OF
Chennai & Kolkatta. 16 State Offices of Marketing Division, .
iv) One Secretary and one CEC Member from (16 Nos of AICEC Representation)
each of 6 Refineries & Refinery (iv) One Secretary and one CEC Member
Headquarter. from each of 9 Refineries including AOD &
v) One Secretary and one CEC Member from BGR (18 Nos of AICEC Representation)
R & D Centre. (v) One Secretary and Two CEC Member from
vi) One Secretary and one CEC Member from Refinery Headquarter Committee including
A.O.D. BD (3 Nos of AICEC Representation).
vii) One Regional Secretary and one CEC (vi) One Secretary and one CEC Member from
Member from Western Region, Eastern R&D Centre (2 Nos of AICEC
Region, Northern Region and Pipeline Representation).
Headquarter and (vii)One Secretary & one CEC Member each
viii) Four Mumbai based CEC Members. from Western Region, Eastern Region, Northern
Region & Head Office and One Secretary from
Southern Region of Pipelines Division (9 Nos of
AICEC Representation)
(viii)Three Mumbai based CEC Members and
One Accompanying CEC Member of Northern
Region of Marketing Division (4 Nos of AICEC
(c) If any new units like refinery or pipeline comes (C) If any new Units/ Location like refinery comes
into existence and decentralisation in marketing into existence and decentralisation in Marketing
division takes place like creation of complete Division / Pipelines division takes place like
and independent state offices in future, then creation of complete and independent state
the AICEC shall constitute a committee for offices or Creation of new Regions, in future,
considering to give due representation to them then the representation for the new unit has to
in AICEC. be given / adjusted from the existing AICEC
numbers of respective divisions only from
subsequent election. For example if a new state
office is created in Marketing Division then the
one CEC member from Mumbai based CEC will
be deleted and given to new State Office from
subsequent election. In case of commissioning
of new Refinery or merger/ acquisition of
Refinery, the accompanying CEC member
position from the Refinery Unit with the lowest
number of members of IOOA, at that point of
time, be detached and given to the new unit
from subsequent election. In case of creation of
new Region in Pipelines, the accompanying CEC

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member position from the Pipelines Region with
the lowest number of members of IOOA at that
point of time be detached and given to the new
Region from subsequent election. For avoidance
of doubt no Secretary Position would be deleted
to ensure the representation of all Refineries
Unit and all region of Pipelines. Once BD group
start function as separate Division in future with
dedicated HR & Finance function, Separate
Secretary-BD will come in existence and RHQ
Committee will be restricted to One Secretary
and One Accompanying CEC from subsequent
The following is the structure of the Association in The following is the structure of the Association in
Marketing Division Marketing Division
1. HO committee. 1. HO committee.
2. Expanded Regional Committee. 2. Regional Committee from Each of four Regions.
8 10.1.1 HO Committee consists of 5 elected members from The Electorate of Marketing HO Committee consists
Head Office. These 5 elected members will elect HO of Members posted in Marketing Head Office and
secretary, CEC member and Treasurer among the Officers of Marketing Division Posted abroad,
themselves. HO secretary and CEC member will shall elect 11 elected members among themselves.
represent the HO Committee in AICEC These 11 elected members will elect HO secretary,
CEC member and Treasurer among themselves. HO
secretary and CEC member will represent the HO
Committee in AICEC
Comprising of A. Unit Level Representatives (ULR)
 5 elected members from Regional Office, (a) Five elected members (ULRs) from Regional
 1 elected member from each State Office, Office,
 1 elected member from each location in (b) Two elected member (ULRs) from each State
Metropolitan cities having more than 5 members Office Headquarter,
 1 elected member from every Expanded (c) One elected member (ULRs) from each location
Divisional Committee (EDC), Expanded having 7 or more members,
Terminal Committee (ETC), Expanded Plant (d) Places where there is only one Location (Unit)
Committee (EPC), Expanded Depot Committee available :
& Expanded AFS Committee. (i) Such Units having 7 (seven) members
or more shall elect one ULR from such
The number of members in the ERC will vary from Unit.
Region to Region depending upon the number of (ii) Places where there is only one Unit
units. (Location) but the Unit's member
strength is less than Seven Members :
There shall be 4 Expanded Regional Committees at Such Units shall form part of Electorate
Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai. of the State Office in which the unit is
(a) The Expanded Regional Committee shall consist located (Including AFSs)
of the following office bearers :- (e) Locations/ Places where there are more than one
(i) Regional Secretary Unit available :
(ii) CEC Member (i) Such Units having 7 (Seven) members or
more shall elect one ULR from each
(iii) A Treasurer (ii) such unit, Such Units having less than
(iv) CEC member(States) Seven Members : All Such locations
(b) The Expanded Regional Committee will function (having less than 7 Members) and located
under the overall control of the Central within same Municipal Limit shall
Executive Committee. Regional Secretary, CEC combine and from amongst this combined
Member and CEC member (States) shall be the strength, a ULR shall be elected.
members of the Central Executive Committee. However, combined strength of members
(c) The Expanded Regional Committee shall be in all such locations/ Units should not be
less than 7. If their combined strength is
responsible for day-to-day management of the
less than 7, then all such Units,
work of respective committee of the Association individually, shall form part of Electorate
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and will take appropriate steps for carrying out, of the State Office Headquarter under
executing and implementing the resolutions and which these Units are located (Including
directions passed and conveyed from time to AFSs)
time by the Central Executive Committee. (f) Field Officers/ Other Officers Posted Away from
Head Quarter of Divisional Office/ State Office/
(d) The Expanded Regional Committee will have
Area Office : Such officers shall be part of
the authority to deal with appropriate
Electorate of their Reporting/ Controlling Office,
authorities, in consultation and with approval of
(g) For the purpose of determining the member’s
the Central Executive Committee at its level (i.e. strength in an unit, the strength of that unit as on
restricted to the jurisdiction of the committee) the date of notification of the election process
on the matters distinctly concerned, and related shall be taken in reckoning.
to the members of that particular committee’s (h) The illustrative list of ULR representatives of the
jurisdiction and not of common cause and different regions of Marketing Division to be
interest to all the members of the Association. prepared on the basis of the above mentioned
The expanded Regional Committee member formula by the respective Regional Committees for
belonging to whole region shall elect Regional updation before conducting the elections depending
Secretary, CEC Member and Regional Treasurer and on the number of locations and the officer’s
strength/geographical spread.
CEC Member (States).
(i) The Officers of Marketing Division posted in
JVs, MCO etc will be electorate of respective
Regional Offices of the Marketing Division
B. Office Bearers
(e) The Regional Committee shall consist of the
following office bearers :-
(i) A Regional Secretary
(ii) A Regional CEC Member
(iii) An Accompanying CEC Member
(Applicable for Northern Region Only)
(iv) A Treasurer
(v) CEC member(States)
(f) The Regional Committee will function under the
overall control of the Central Executive
Committee. Regional Secretary, Regional CEC
Member, Accompanying CEC Member of
Northern Region and CEC member (States) shall
be the members of the AICEC.
(g) The Regional Committee Office Bearers shall be
responsible for day-to-day management of the
work of respective committee of the Association
and will take appropriate steps for carrying out,
executing and implementing the resolutions and
directions passed and conveyed from time to
time by the Central Executive Committee.
(h) The Regional Committee will have the authority
to deal with appropriate authorities, in
consultation and with approval of the Central
Executive Committee at its level (i.e. restricted
to the jurisdiction of the committee) on the
matters distinctly concerned, and related to the
members of that particular committee’s
jurisdiction and not of common cause and
interest to all the members of the Association.
(i) The ULRs belonging to whole region shall elect
the Office Bearers of Regional Committee.
However, the ULRs of Regional offices, State
office located at Regional HQ and locations
located at Regional HQ can only offer their
candidature for the post of Regional Secretary,
Accompanying CEC (applicable for Northern
Region only) and Regional Treasurer. Any of the
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ULRs of the entire region can offer their
candidature for the position of Regional CEC.
The ULRs of State HQ and locations located at
State HQ only can offer their candidature for
State CEC. The proposer and seconders for the
candidature of State CEC necessarily has to be
from among the ULRs of that particular State.
The Officers of Marketing Division posted in
MCO etc will be electorate of respective
Regional Offices of the Marketing Division.
State committees shall be formed in the following Following State Offices of Marketing shall be
states. represented by CEC Members.
Regions States Regions States Offices
Northern Punjab and Himachal Pradesh Northern Delhi
Region Region
Rajasthan Punjab
Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan
Eastern Orissa Uttar Pradesh-I
Region Uttar Pradesh-II
Bihar Eastern West Bengal
Assam and North East Region
Western Gujrat Orissa
Region Bihar
Madhya Pradesh North East Integrated
Southern Karnataka Western Maharashtra
Region Region
Kerala Gujarat
Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh
The State Unit Committee shall consist of the Southern Tamilnadu
following office-bearers and member: Region
(i) A CEC Member State Karnataka
(ii) A Treasurer Kerala
(iii) Members of EDC,ETC and EPC of the Andhra Pradesh


New Clause Three (3) members shall be elected from amongst
the electorate comprising Head Office, Western
Regional Office, Mumbai State Office and all other
field locations in metropolitan Mumbai. Members in
the Regional Office of Western Region may contest
either for the Five elective posts (ULRs) in Regional
Office or for the three elective posts in the MBCEC.
Members in the Head Office may contest to the 11
elective posts (ULRs) in the Head Office or to the 3
elective posts in the Mumbai Based CEC. Similarly
Members in the Maharashtra State office may
contest to the two elective posts (Executive
Members) in State Office or to the three elective
posts in the Mumbai based CEC. Similarly, the
members who are situated in the field locations
within the metropolitan Mumbai may contest either
for the Single Member Unit Level Representation
(ULR) in their own Unit or to the MBCEC which has 3
Elective Posts.
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No Clause No
(a) There will be a Refinery Committee of the (a) There will be a Refinery Committee of the
Association at each Refinery of the Corporation. Association at each Refinery of the Corporation.
The members of the Refinery Committee The members of the Refinery Committee
concerned will be drawn from each of the concerned will be drawn from each of the
Refineries establishments of the Corporation. Refineries establishments of the Corporation
including AOD & BGR.
(b) The Refinery Committee shall be elected by the (b) The Refinery Committee shall be elected by the
members of the respective Refinery by a secret members of the respective Refinery by a secret
ballot and will function under the overall control ballot and will function under the overall control
of the Central Executive Committee. Two of the Central Executive Committee. Two
members of the Refinery Committee shall be members of the Refinery Committee shall be
members of the Central Executive Committee members of the AICEC
(c) The Refinery Committee shall be responsible for (c) The Refinery Committee shall be responsible for
the day-to-day management of the work of the the day-to-day management of the work of the
respective Refinery Committee of the respective Refinery Committee of the
Association and will take proper and adequate Association and will take proper and adequate
steps for carrying out, executing and steps for carrying out, executing and
implementing the resolutions and directions implementing the resolutions and directions
passed and conveyed from time to time by the passed and conveyed from time to time by the
Central Executive Committee. Central Executive Committee.
(d) The Refinery Committee will have the authority (d) The Refinery Committee will have the authority
to deal with the appropriate authorities, in to deal with the appropriate authorities, in
consultation and with prior approval of the consultation and of the Central Executive
Central Executive Committee and its respective Committee and its respective Refinery level (i.e.
Refinery level (i.e.restricted to the jurisdiction of restricted to the jurisdiction of the Refinery of
the Refinery of the Corporation concerned), on the Corporation concerned), on the matters
the matters distinctly concerned and related to distinctly concerned and related to the
the members of the particular Refinery only and members of the particular Refinery only and not
not of common cause and interest to all the of common cause and interest to all the
members of the Association. members of the Association.
(e) The Refinery Committee shall consist of the (e) The Refinery Committee shall consist of the
following office-bearers and members: following office-bearers and members:
(i) A Secretary (i) A Secretary
(ii) A C.E.C.Member (ii) A C.E.C. Member
(iii) A Treasurer (iii) A Treasurer
(f) The Secretary and C.E.C.Member will represent (f) The Secretary and C.E.C. Member of each
each committee in AICEC committee will represent in AICEC. Each
Each ‘Refinery Committee’ concerned shall be ‘Refinery Committee’ concerned shall be known
known for the sake of convenience, by the place it is for the sake of convenience, by the place it is
situated to distinguish it from the remaining situated to distinguish it from the remaining
‘Refinery Committees’. REFINERY COMMITTEES ‘Refinery Committees’. Existing REFINERY
(Gujarat / Barauni / Guwahati / Haldia / Mathura / COMMITTEES are (Gujarat / Barauni / Guwahati
Panipat) / Haldia / Mathura / Panipat / AOD /
Bongaigaon / Paradip)
All the members constituted within the perimeter (g) All the members constituted within the perimeter
walls of a refinery shall elect 11 members and the walls of a refinery shall elect 11 members and the
said team members shall elect from amongst said team members shall elect from amongst
themselves the Refinery Secretary, the Treasurer themselves the Refinery Secretary, the Treasurer
and the accompanying CEC member respectively. and the accompanying CEC member respectively.
(Secretary and CEC member accredited to AICEC). (Secretary and CEC member accredited to AICEC).
(h) The AOD officers posted at any Location (other
than Digboi Refinery) shall participate in the election
of that unit irrespective of the division, where they
are posted. Locations operating within the
geographic boundary of North-Eastern states shall
elect their own respective ULRs with the
participation of all officers posted there (irrespective

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of their origin like MD or AOD cadre) in line with
item No. 10.1.2 above.
14 10.3 Refineries HQ COMMITTEE Refineries HQ (RHQ) COMMITTEE
The electorate comprising the Refineries HQ office The electorate comprising the Refineries HQ,
and the Corporate office in the Scope Complex, Corporate office, Business Development (BD),
OISD, PCRA, CHT, IIPM & OCC shall elect 11 members Upcoming new Refinery projects, in future, till its
and the said team members shall elect from commissioning and Officers of Refineries Division
amongst themselves the Refinery HQ Secretary, the posted in OISD, PCRA, CHT, PPAC, JVs, PNGRB,
Treasurer and the accompanying CEC member MoP&NG, Liasion office etc. shall elect 15 members
respectively. (Secretary and CEC member accredited and the said team members shall elect from
to AICEC). amongst themselves the RHQ Secretary, the
Treasurer and two accompanying CEC member.
(Secretary and CEC members accredited to AICEC).
Out of 15 Executive Members, 4 would be elected
from Candidates among BD functions and 11 from
Candidates among non-BD functions, However all
electorate of RHQ Committee will vote for a
Maximum of 15 Executive Members. 15 Executive
Members shall elect amongst themselves the RHQ
Secretary, the Treasurer and two accompanying CEC
members. (Out of three AICEC position of RHQ
Committee, only one be from the Executive
Members of BD Function and. All 15 Executive
Members would cast there vote for all office Bearers
of RHQ Committee.
Once BD group start function as separate Division in
future with dedicated HR & Finance function,
Separate BD Committee will come in existence, with
11 Executive Members, who would elect One
Secretary and One Treasure among themselves. RHQ
Committee be restricted to 11 Executive Members
with One Secretary, One CEC and a Treasurer,
15 10.5 AOD Committee Deleted


a) There will be four Pipeline Committee of the
Association at Eastern Region, Western Region, a) There will be Five Pipeline Committees of the
Northern Region and Pipeline Head Office of the Association at Eastern Region, Western Region,
Pipelines Division of the Corporation. The Northern Region, Southern Region and Pipeline
members of these Committee will be drawn Head Office of the Pipelines Division of the
from the offices falling under the geographical Corporation. The members of these Committee
area of the concerned regional office and head will be drawn from the offices falling under the
office. Administrative Region of the concerned regional
office and head office.
b) The Pipeline Committee shall be elected by the b) The Pipeline Committee shall be elected by the
members of the respective Pipeline Committee members of the respective Pipeline Committee
by a secret ballot and will function under the by a secret ballot and will function under the
overall control of the Central Executive overall control of the Central Executive
Committee. Two members of the each Pipeline Committee. Two members of the each from
Committee shall be members of the Central Eastern Region, Western Region, Northern
Executive Committee Region and Pipeline Head Office and One
Member from Southern Region of Pipeline
Committee shall be members of the AICEC
c) The Pipeline Committee shall be responsible for c) The Pipeline Committee shall be responsible for
the day-to-day management of the work of the the day-to-day management of the work of the
Pipeline Committee of the Association and will Pipeline Committee of the Association and will
take proper and adequate steps for carrying out, take proper and adequate steps for carrying out,

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executing and implementing the resolutions and executing and implementing the resolutions and
directions passed and conveyed from time to directions passed and conveyed from time to
time by the Central Executive Committee. time by the Central Executive Committee.
d) The Pipeline Committee will have the authority d) The Pipeline Committee will have the authority
to deal with the appropriate authorities, in to deal with the appropriate authorities, in
consultation and with prior approval of the consultation with the Central Executive
Central Executive Committee at its respective Committee at its respective Pipeline Committee
Pipeline Committee level(i.e., restricted to the level(i.e., restricted to the jurisdiction of the
jurisdiction of the respective region/head office respective region/head office of the pipeline of
of the pipeline of the corporation concerned), the corporation concerned), on the matters
on the matters distinctly concerned and related distinctly concerned and related to the
to the members of that particular Committee members of that particular Committee only and
only and not of common cause and interest to not of common cause and interest to all the
all the members of the Association. members of the Association.
e) If any new Pump Station comes up in any Region e) The Pipeline Committee shall consist of the
of Pipelines, either because of following office-bearers and members:
expansion/augmentation of pipelines, the (iv) A Regional Secretary
members of the concerened station will be (v) A C.E.C.Member (Not applicable in case
attached to the nearby existing station. of Southern Region Pipelines)
However, in case the number of such members (vi) A Treasurer
are more than 10, one representative will be
elected out of them and accredited to the
respective ERPC.
f) The Pipeline Committee shall consist of the
following office-bearers and members:
(i) A Regional Secretary
(ii) A C.E.C.Member
(iii) A Treasurer
The Regional Secretary and C.E.C.Member shall
represent committee in AICEC
The details of various Pipeline Committee are as
17 10.6.1 Western Region Committee Deleted

18 10.6.2 Eastern Region Committee Deleted

19 10.6.4 Northern Region Committee Deleted


(a) The member(s) of the Regional Pipeline
Committee be represented by ULRs from each
stations (Operating / under Construction/
Project Office) having at least 4 (Four) members.
Location having less than 4 Members shall be
grouped with the nearest geographical location.
Representation in the Regional committee shall
be as under,
04 to 25 Members : One ULR
26 to 50 Members : Two ULRs
51 to 75 Members : Three ULRs
76 Members onwards : Four ULRs
For avoidance of doubt, Numbers of ULRs from
any locations will not exceed four in any
circumstances i.e. even if number of Members
at any location will be more than 100.
(b) The illustrative list of ULR representatives of the
different regions of Pipelines Division to be
prepared on the basis of the above mentioned
formula by the respective Regional Committees

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for updation before conducting the elections
depending on the number of locations and the
officer’s strength/geographical spread
Specific ULRs of Pipeline having separate HR,
functions may elect unit coordinator among
themselves, who will coordinate with Management
of that Specific Pipeline under Direction of Regional
Pipeline HO will elect 11 members directly on the HO
PLHO Committee Comprises of Officers Posted in
Committee. They among themselves will elect the
Pipeline Head Office and Officers of Pipeline Division
Secretary, Treasurer and Accompanying CEC
posted in OISD, PCRA, CHT, PPAC, JVs, PNGRB,
Member. The Secretary and CEC Member will
MoP&NG, etc will elect 11 members directly on the
represent Pipeline Head Office Committee in AICEC.
HO Committee. They among themselves will elect
the Secretary, Accompanying CEC Member and
Treasurer. The Secretary and CEC Member will
represent Pipeline Head Office Committee in AICEC.
a) Mumbai Based CEC .. 4 a) Mumbai Based CEC 03
b) Marketing Regional Committees b) Marketing Regional Committees 25
(Northern/Eastern/Western/Southern... 8 c) Marketing HO Committee 02
Marketing State Committees ... 11 Refinery Committees (Gujarat, Barauni, Halida,
Marketing HO Committee .. 2 Gauhati, Mathura, Panipat, AOD, Bongaigaon
c) Refinery Committees (Gujarat, Barauni, Halida, &Paradip) 18
Gauhati, Mathura and Panipat) 12 d) Refinery HO 03
d) Refinery HO .. 2 e) R&D Centre Faridabad 02
e) R&D Centre Faridabad 2 f) Pipelines(WR,ER,NR,SR and HO) 09
f) AOD 2 Total : 62
g) Pipelines (WR,ER,NR and HO) . . Under Article 9 of the Constitution, 62 members
Total : 51 comprising the new AICEC shall elect from among
Under Article 9 of the Constitution, 51 members themselves the President, Vice President, General
comprising the new AICEC shall elect from among Secretary, Additional General Secretary, General
themselves the President, Vice President, General Treasurer, Three Joint Secretaries (Each one from
Secretary, General Treasurer, Secretary, Joint Marketing, Refineries & Pipelines Divisions) Two
Secretaries (One for the Marketing & one for R&P) Coordinators (Each one from Marketing & Refineries
and RC. Divisions)

(vii) to do all acts and take such actions as may (vii) to render Legal assistance in official Matters
be necessary in furtherance of the aims and to all members in case of need
objects of the Association and for the
regulation of its activities
(viii) to submit an Annual Report on the working (viii) to do all acts and take such actions as may
of the Association at the Annual General be necessary in furtherance of the aims and
Meeting objects of the Association and for the
regulation of its activities
(ix) to organise social and cultural activities (ix) to submit an Annual Report on the working
under the auspices of the Association of the Association at the Annual General
whenever any such activity may be decided Meeting
(x) to co-ordinate and liaise with (x) to organise social and cultural activities
Regional/State/Refineries/Pipelines/AOD/R under the auspices of the Association
&D Committee and other Unit Committee whenever any such activity may be decided
(xi) to publish a house bulletin/magazine (xi) to co-ordinate and liaise with
Regional/State/Refineries/Pipelines/ R&D
Committee and other Unit Committee

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(xii) to receive the annual report/annual (xii) to publish in house
financial report from the respective bulletin/magazine/maintain Internet Portal
Regional/State/Refineries/Pipelines/AOD of IOOA
and R&D Committee for the purpose of
consolidating the Accounts and Report of
the Association
(xiii) to submit the Annual Accounts, duly (xiii) to receive the annual report/annual
audited, of the Association. financial report from the respective
Regional/Refineries/Pipelines and R&D
Committee for the purpose of consolidating
the Accounts and Report of the Association
(xiv) to submit the Annual Accounts, duly
audited, of the Association
(xv) To finalize the draft amendment of rules or
Bye-Lawss forv Association or Constitution
of Association for proposing in the General
(xvi) To appoint Chief Returning Officer

22 12(i) The President- The President will preside over all the The President-
meetings of the Association and the Central The President, as head of association, in consultation
Executive Committee and will guide and supervise with Central Executive Committee, shall present the
the working of the Association. The President will “Yearly Road Map” of the activities and
have the right of a casting vote and will exercise the programmers to be planned and pursued by the
same whenever the Central Executive Committee is Association, during the AGM The President will
equally divided. preside over all the meetings of the Association &
the Central Executive Committee and will guide &
supervise the working of the Association. The
President will have the right of a casting vote and
will exercise the same whenever the Central
Executive Committee is equally divided.
23 12(iii) The General Secretary – The General Secretary will The General Secretary
be responsible for day to day functions of the The General Secretary will be responsible for day to
Central Executive Committee and shall co-ordinate day functions of the Central Executive Committee
and liaise between the Central Executive Committee and shall co-ordinate and liaise between the Central
and different elected Committees of the Association. Executive Committee and different elected
The General Secretary shall work only under the Committees of the Association. The General
collective direction and responsibility of the Central Secretary shall work only under the collective
Executive Committee .The General Secretary shall direction and responsibility of the Central Executive
convene and co-ordinate all meetings. The General Committee .The General Secretary shall convene and
Secretary will record, review and report the activities co-ordinate all meetings. The General Secretary will
and achievements of the Association covering all the record, review and report the activities and
committee and will submit the report before the achievements of the Association covering all the
Annual General Meeting of the Association. The committee and will submit the report before the
General Secretary or his nominee shall maintain an Annual General Meeting of the Association. The
up-to-date register showing names and numbers of General Secretary or his nominee shall maintain an
members enrolled, on an all-India basis. The General up-to-date register showing names and numbers of
Secretary shall have the power to pass for payment members enrolled, on an all-India basis. The General
of all bills for contingent expenses and will ordinarily Secretary shall have the power to pass for payment
have the authority to spend upto a maximum of of all bills for contingent expenses and will ordinarily
Rs.5000/- at a time without prior sanction of the have the authority to spend upto a maximum of
Central Executive Committee but shall get post facto Rs.1,00,000/- at a time without prior sanction of the
approval of the Central Executive Committee for Central Executive Committee. The Core Group is
such or similar expenditure. The General Secretary empowered for approval of expanses of more than
shall be responsible for submitting to the Registrar one Lakh upto Twenty Lakh.. The General Secretary
of Trade Unions all returns and notices that should shall be responsible for submitting to the Registrar
be sent to that office under the Trade Unions Act, of Trade Unions all returns and notices that should
1926. The General Secretary shall nominate the be sent to that office under the Trade Unions Act,

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Chief Returning Officer for conducting the election of 1926. The General Secretary shall announce the
A.I.C.E.C. General Election of Association and nominate the
Chief Returning Officer for conducting the election of
24 12(v) The Secretary – The Secretary shall resume the The Additional General Secretary
responsibility of General Secretary in his/her The Additional General Secretary shall resume the
absence and will assist General Secretary in his/her responsibility of General Secretary in his/her
day to day functioning. absence and will assist General Secretary in his/her
day to day functioning.
25 12(vi) The Joint Secretary (Marketing)- The Joint Secretary The Joint Secretary (Marketing)
(Marketing) shall convene and co-ordinate the The Joint Secretary (Marketing) shall convene and
Divisional Committee Meetings and shall keep a co-ordinate the Divisional Committee Meetings and
record of all the proceedings. He/She will liase shall keep a record of all the proceedings. He/She
between different C.E.C. Members of the division. will liaison between different C.E.C. Members of
Marketing division for listing the Divisional specific
Issues and will be taking it up with Divisional
Management of Corporation under the guidance of
26 12(vii) The Joint Secretary (Refinery & Pipelines)- The Joint The Joint Secretary (Refineries)
Secretary (Refinery & Pipelines) shall convene and The Joint Secretary (Refineries) shall convene and
co-ordinate the Divisional Committee Meetings and co-ordinate the Divisional Committee Meetings and
shall keep a record of all the proceedings. He/She shall keep a record of all the proceedings. He/She
will liase between different C.E.C. Members of the will liaison between different C.E.C. Members of the
division. Refineries division for listing the Divisional specific
Issues and will be taking it up with Divisional
Management of Corporation under the guidance of
27 New Clause The Joint Secretary (Pipelines) The Joint Secretary
(Pipelines) shall convene and co-ordinate the
Divisional Committee Meetings and shall keep a
record of all the proceedings. He/She will liaison
between different C.E.C. Members of the Pipelines
division for listing the Divisional specific Issues and
will be taking it up with Divisional Management of
Corporation under the guidance of AICEC
28 New Clause The Marketing Coordinator
The Marketing Coordinator shall resume the
responsibility of Jt Secretary (Marketing) in his/her
absence and will assist Jt Secretary (Marketing) in
his/her day to day functioning.
29 12(viii) The Refinery Coordinator- The Refinery Coordinator The Refinery Coordinator
shall convene and co-ordinate the Divisional The Refinery Coordinator shall resume the
Committee Meetings and shall keep a record of all responsibility of Jt Secretary (Refineries) in his/her
the proceedings. He/She will liase between different absence and will assist Jt Secretary (Refineries) in
C.E.C. Members of the Division. his/her day to day functioning.
30 14(i) The Secretary – The Secretary shall be responsible The Secretary
for day-to-day functioning of the Committee and a) The Regional Secretary/Unit Secretary shall be
shall be empowered for passing and incurring the responsible for day-to-day functioning of the
expenditure deemed necessary for carrying out the Committee and shall be empowered for passing and
activities of the Unit within the agreed and specified incurring the expenditure deemed necessary for
limits by the Committee from time to time. carrying out the activities of the Unit within the
The Secretary shall preside over all the Committee agreed and specified limits by the Committee from
meetings, while at the general meeting of the Unit, time to time.
the Chairman shall be elected by the members then b) The Secretary shall preside over all the
present. Committee meetings, while at the general meeting
The Secretary of Committee shall co-ordinate/liase of the Unit, the Chairman shall be elected by the
between the Central Executive Committee/Unit members then present.
Committee. c) The Secretary of Committee shall co-

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The Secretary of Committee shall act in close co- ordinate/liase between the Central Executive
ordination and liaison with the General Secretary of Committee/Unit Committee.
the Central Executive Committee and shall work d) The Secretary of Committee shall act in close co-
under the direction of Central Executive Committee ordination and liaison with the General Secretary of
and Committee. the Central Executive Committee and shall work
The Secretary shall organise and convene all under the direction of Central Executive Committee
meetings of the Unit Committee and other meetings and Committee.
deemed necessary from time to time and shall keep e) The Secretary shall organise and convene all
record of all the proceedings and perform all other meetings of the Unit Committee and other meetings
functions in conformity with the resolutions and deemed necessary from time to time and shall keep
directions of the General Body, the Central Executive record of all the proceedings and perform all other
Committee, Unit Committee. functions in conformity with the resolutions and
The Secretary shall prepare an annual report high directions of the General Body, the Central Executive
lighting the activities and achievements of the Unit Committee, Unit Committee.
and shall furnish it during the month of November to f) The Secretary shall prepare an annual report high
the General Secretary of the Association. lighting the activities and achievements of the Unit
The Secretary shall be empowered to pass for and shall furnish it to the General Secretary of the
payment of all bills for contingent expenses not Association, time to time.
exceeding Rs.1000/- at a time, provided prior
sanction for such expenditure has been obtained g) The Secretary shall be empowered to pass for
from the Unit Committee; for expenditures payment of all bills for contingent expenses not
exceeding Rs.1000/- at a time prior approval of exceeding Rs.25000/- at a time, without prior
Central Executive Committee will be necessary as far sanction for such expenditure from the Unit
as possible. However, the Secretary will ordinarily Committee; for expenditures exceeding Rs.25,000/-
have the authority to spend a maximum of Rs.500/- at a time prior approval of Unit Committee will be
without prior sanction of the Unit Committee but necessary.
shall get post facto approval of the Unit Committee. h) The Secretary will operate the Bank account
The Secretary will operate the Bank account jointly jointly with the Treasurer.
with the Treasurer.
31 New Provision The C.E.C (State)
The State C.E.C. Member of Marketing Division shall
convene and co-ordinate the State Committee
Meetings and shall keep a record of all the
proceedings. He/She will liaison between different
ULRs of that state, for listing the State specific Issues
and will be taking it up with State Level Management
of Corporation under the guidance of his Regional
32 New Provision The Accompanying C.E.C. Member
The Accompanying C.E.C. Member shall assist the
Core Group in day to day Coordination/Liaison with
MoP&NG, DPE, and Corporate Office etc.
AOD/R&D COMMITTEE (a) All decisions in any committee shall be taken
All decisions in any committee shall be taken either either by unanimous or majority vote except
by unanimous or majority vote. recalling the Office Bearers.
Any decision taken by a committee shall be binding (b) An Office Bearer can be recalled from his
effect on all the office bearers / executive members position by the same committee, who have
of the committee. elected him by two third majority of the
Any disagreement / grievances shall not be aired in strength of the Committee. For avoidance of
public till he/she holds the position in the doubt, the two third majority of the Members
Committee. Present may not be empowered for recalling the
Any decision taken by AICEC/ Office Bearers of AICEC office Bearer.
has to be necessarily implemented by all concerned. (c) Any decision taken by a committee shall be
Doing against contrary to above-mentioned acts binding effect on all the office bearers /
shall be considered as an act of indiscipline and executive members of the committee.
(d) Any disagreement / grievances shall not be aired
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suitable action for that act shall be taken as decided in public till he/she holds the position in the
by disciplinary committee of AICEC. Committee.
The disciplinary committee shall comprise President, (e) Any decision taken by AICEC/ Office Bearers of
G.S. and 3 Executive Members of AICEC as decided AICEC has to be necessarily implemented by all
by AICEC. concerned.
(f) Doing against contrary to above-mentioned acts
shall be considered as an act of indiscipline and
suitable action for that act shall be taken as
decided by disciplinary committee of AICEC.
(g) The disciplinary committee shall comprise of
three Members headed by Vice- President, with
another Two another Members of AICEC as
decided by Core Group. In case of disciplinary
cases involving Vice-President, the disciplinary
committee shall be headed by the President.
(a) All office-bearers of the Central (a) All office-bearers of the Central
Executive/Marketing Regional and Executive/Marketing/Refinery/Pipelines/R&D
State/Refinery/ Pipelines/R&D/AOD Committee shall be elected before the Annual
Committee shall be elected before the General Meeting of the Association, and shall
Annual General Meeting of the Association, hold office for a period of three years or till a
and shall hold office for a period of two new Committee is elected. All committee
year or till a new Committee is elected. All Members shall retire at the end of the three
committee Members shall retire at the end years but shall be eligible for re-election. The
of the two year but shall be eligible for re- tenure can’t be extended in any Circumstances
election. and the General Secretary must ensure that the
election process be initiated accordingly.
(b) Any member of the Central Executive/ (b) Any member of the Central Executive
Marketing Regional and State/Refinery/ committee can be removed or suspended by the
Pipelines/R&D/AOD Committee can be Body, which has elected them, in meeting of the
removed or suspended by a General Body members convened for the purpose, by a two
meeting of the members of the Association thirds majority of the strength of the members.
on the recommendations of the Central Such a member shall be given 15 days written
Executive Committee convened for the notice For avoidance of doubt,, any Core Group
purpose, by a two thirds majority vote of Member may be recalled/suspended by the two
members present and voting, for third majority of total prevailing strength of
committing any fraud, theft, AICEC in a Meeting specifically called for this
misappropriation or for acting against the Purpose. Similarly the Secretary/CEC
interests of the Association. Such a Member/Treasurer may be recalled / suspended
member shall be given 15 days written by the two third majority of total prevailing
notice to explain his alleged misconduct and strength of ULRs/Executive Members of
the Central Executive Committee after due respective Region/Unit in a Meeting specifically
examination of the member’s written called for this Purpose.
explanation and inquiry into the matter
shall decide the issue.
(c) All office bearers of any committee can be (c) Any ULR/Executive Member can be recalled by
recalled by General Body meeting of that General Body meeting of that committee,
committee, convened for that purpose, by a convened for that purpose, by a two third
two third majority vote of members present majority vote of members present and voting.
and voting.
(a) Marketing Regional Committee – The Officers (a) Marketing Regional Committee – The Officers
based at each Regional Office, Installation, based at each Regional Office, Installation,
Depot, Terminals, AFS and State Office Depot, Terminals, AFS and State Office
(including Field Officers) falling under the region (including Field Officers) falling under the region
will form the electorate for the members to be will form the electorate for the members to be
elected to the Regional Committee as per Rule elected to the Regional Committee as per Rule.
However, officers of Marketing Division posted

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JVs,, MCO etc. shall form part of electorate of
respective Regional Offices of Marketing
(b) Marketing Head Office Committee – The (b) Marketing Head Office Committee – The
Officers based at Head Office, will form the Officers based at Head Office, will form the
electorate for the members to be elected to the electorate for the members to be elected to the
H.O. Committee as per Rule H.O. Committee as per Rule. . However, officers
of Marketing Division posted abroad shall also
form the part of electorate of Marketing Head
Office Committee..
(c) State Committee – The Officers based at each (c) Mumbai based CEC – The Officers posted at
State Office which includes all installations, different offices located in Metropolitan City of
depots, AFSs, Terminals and State Office Mumbai will form the electorate for the
(including Field Officers) falling under the members to be elected to the MBCEC.
geographical area of the State Office concerned,
will form the electorate for the members to be
elected to the State Committee.
(d) Mumbai based CEC – The Officers posted at (d) Refinery Unit Committee – The officers based at
different offices located in Metropolitan City of each Refinery concerned of the Corporation will
Mumbai will form the electorate for the form the electorate for the members to be
members to be elected to the MBCEC. elected to the Refinery Committee concerned.
(e) Refinery Committee – The officers based at (e) Refinery Head Office Committee – The officers
each Refinery concerned of the Corporation will based at Refinery Head Office, Corporate Office
form the electorate for the members to be of the Corporation, IIPM, Business
elected to the Refinery Committee concerned. Development, Upcoming New Refinery Projects
till it commissioning, officers of Refineries
Division posted in OISD, PCRA, CHT, PPAC,JVs,
PNGRB,JVs etc will form the electorate for the
members to be elected to the Refinery Head
Office Committee concerned as per the Rule.
Once BD group start function as separate
Division in future with dedicated HR & Finance
function, Separate BD Committee will come in
existence from subsequent election.
(f) Refinery Head Office Committee – The officers (f) R&D Committee – The officers based at R&D
based at Refinery Head Office and Corporate Centre of the Corporation will form the
Office of the Corporation including officers electorate for the members to be elected to the
posted in OISD, PCRA, CHT, OCC on deputation R&D Committee concerned as per the Rule.
will form the electorate for the members to be However, officers of R&D Division posted OISD,
elected to the Refinery Head Office Committee PCRA, CHT, PPAC, PNGRB, MOP&NG, JVs,, MCO
concerned as per the Rule. etc. shall form part of electorate R&D
(g) R&D Committee – The officers based at R&D (g) .Pipeline Regional Committee – The Officers
Centre of the Corporation will form the posted in the respective Region of Pipelines
electorate for the members to be elected to the Division will form the electorate for the
R&D Committee concerned as per the Rule. members to be elected to the respective
Regional Committee as per Rule.
(h) AOD Committee – The officers based at Assam (h) Pipeline Head Office Committee – The Officers
Oil Division of the Corporation will form the based at Head Office will form the electorate for
electorate for the members to be elected to the the members to be elected to the H.O.
AOD Committee concerned as per the Rule. Committee as per Rule. However, officers of
Pipelines Division posted OISD, PCRA, CHT,
PPAC, PNGRB, MOP&NG, JVs, ,etc. shall form
part of electorate Pipeline Head Office
(i) Pipeline Regional Committee – The Officers (i) Cryogenics and Explosives Division of erstwhile
based at each Regional Office, Station, IBP shall be treated as any other location of

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Terminals, Construction Office (including Field Marketing Division and will form part of the
Officers) falling under the region will form the respective Regional Committee, in the same
electorate for the members to be elected to the principle as defined for other Marketing
Regional Committee as per Rule. Location(s).
Pipeline Head Office Committee – The Officers based (j) Since the Marketing arm of AOD has been
at Head Office will form the electorate for the merged with Marketing Division, erstwhile
members to be elected to the H.O. Committee as per officers of AOD (Marketing) will be treated as
Rule. the members of existing Marketing Locations,
depending upon their present place of Posting.
For avoidance of doubt, the AOD officers posted
at any Location ( other than Digboi) shall
participate in the election of that unit
irrespective of the division, where they are
posted. Locations operating within the
geographic boundary of North-Eastern states
shall elect their own respective ULRs with the
participation of all officers posted there
(irrespective of their origin like MD or AOD
36 18 a) The elections to all the committees of the (a) The elections to all the committees of the
Association shall be held in accordance with the Association shall be held in accordance with the
provisions contained in the first schedule to this provisions contained in the first schedule to this
constitution. (for schedule please see constitution. (for schedule please see
Annexture). Annexure).

b) Election to the Central Executive Committee (b) Election to the Central Executive Committee
shall be held as planned by CRO, while that of shall be held as announced by CRO, while that of
Regional/State/Refinery / Pipelines/R&P Head Regional/Refinery / Pipelines/ & R&D Centre
Quarters/R&D Centre & A.O.D. Committee shall Committee shall be held as planned by the
be held as planned by the respective Returning respective Returning Officers but on the same
Officers but on the same dates announced by dates announced by CRO.
c) Ballot papers bearing the names, designations (c) Ballot papers bearing the names, designations
and places of contestants shall be handed over and places of contestants shall be handed over
to the members at the time of election and shall to the members at the time of election and shall
be put in a sealed box, after exercising the votes be put in a sealed box, after exercising the votes
by members. by members.
d) After the constitution of the Central Executive (d) Members can cast their vote for a Maximum of
Committee the Office bearers (President, Vice- the number of positions for which election is
president, General Secretary, General Treasurer, conducted i,e if eleven executive committee
Secretary, Joint Secretary (Refinery and members to be elected then the member can
Pipelines), Joint Secretary (Marketing) and vote for a Maximum of eleven candidates.
Refinery Coordinator will be elected from Voting for more positions leads Refineries)to
among the elected committee members. rejection of ballot paper
e) In the case of Regional/State/Refinery / (e) After the constitution of the AICEC, Central
Pipelines/R&D Centre & A.O.D. Committee, the Executive Committee Office bearers i.e.
Office Bearers (Secretary, C.E.C. Member & President, Vice-president, General Secretary,
Treasurer) will be elected from among the General Treasurer, Additional General Secretary,
elected committee members. Joint Secretary (Marketing), Joint Secretary
(Refineries), Joint Secretary (Pipelines),
Marketing Coordinators and Refinery
Coordinator will be elected in sequence from
among the elected AICEC members by CRO
through Secret Ballot.
f) Election for Office bearers of Refinery/ (f) The nominations and voting for President, Vice-
R&D/AOD Committee shall be completed within president, General Secretary, General Treasurer,
5 days of date of election of executive members Additional General Secretary, Joint Secretary
of Committee. Election for Office bearers of (Marketing), Joint Secretary (Refineries), Joint

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Marketing and Pipeline Committee shall be Secretary (Pipelines), Marketing Coordinators
completed within 15 days of date of election of and Refinery Coordinator shall be called by the
executive members of that committee. Election CRO one by one. Counting and declaration of
for Executives of AICEC shall be completed results be carried out together by CRO after
within 45 days from the date of the election of completion of voting for all positions. Any AICEC
executive committee. It is the responsibility of Member may put his candidature for one post
outgoing body to arrange the election of their only. The candidature for the position of
successor committee. Fixing the dates for the Divisional Jt Secretary & Coordinators shall be
election to all the committees will be decided by accepted for respective divisions only. AICEC
CRO keeping in view the above mentioned Members of that respective division can only
guidelines. propose for the names of Divisional Jt
Secretaries & Coordinators; however any AICEC
Member may second it. All AICEC Members
participate in elections for all Core Group
g) In case of equal votes secured by more than one (g) In the case of Regional/Refinery / Pipelines/R&D
candidate, selection shall be determined either Centre, the Office Bearers (Secretary, C.E.C.
by toss or any other method agreeable to such Members & Treasurer) will be elected from
candidates except for re-voting. among the elected committee members.
h) Elected Central Executive (h) The nominations and Voting for Regional / Unit
/Regional/State/Refinery / Pipelines/R&D Secretary, CEC Member and Treasurer (except
Centre & A.O.D. Committee shall commence for RHQ Committee) shall be called one by one
functioning only after the annual general in sequence by the respective Returning Officer.
meeting, of the Association is over in However counting and declaration of results be
accordance with the provisions of their carried out together by RO after completion of
constitution. voting for all positions. Any Executive
Member/ULR may contest for one position only.
i) In case the number of contestants are equal to (i) The nominations and Voting for Secretary, One
the number of vacancies in the committee CEC Member and Treasurer for RHQ Committee
concerned, there shall not be any election and shall be called one by one in sequence by the
these contestants shall be declared as elected respective Returning Officer. However counting
for the committee concerned. and declaration of results be carried out
together by RO after completion of voting for
these positions. The nominations and Voting of
second CEC Member be carried out afterwards
to ensure one AICEC Position from BD function.
Any Executive Member/ULR may contest for
one position only.
j) All the committee members including the office (j) Election for Office bearers of Refinery/
bearers shall contest for the post of committee R&D/Marketing HO / Pipelines HO Committee
members only. After the election the office shall be completed within 5 days of date of
bearers will be elected from among the elected election of executive members of Committee.
committee members by all the committee Election for Office bearers of Regional
members. Marketing and Pipeline Committees shall be
completed within 7 days of date of election of
ULRs of that committee. Election for Office
Bearers of AICEC i.e Core Group shall be
completed within 28 days from the date of the
Primary Election (Election of executive
committee./ULRs) It is the responsibility of
respective Returning Officers (to be appointed
outgoing Regional Secretary / Unit Secretary) to
arrange the election of their successor
committee. Fixing the dates for the election to
all the committees will be decided by CRO
keeping in view the above mentioned
guidelines. In case of failure of Returning Officer
or Outgoing Regional Secretary / Unit Secretary,

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in performing their responsibility, CRO shall take
over such responsibility.
k) The Returning Officer for any Committee shall (k) In case of equal votes secured by more than one
ensure that the postal ballots with the final list candidate, selection shall be determined either
of contestants are mailed under Certificate of by toss or any other method agreeable to such
Posting to those members either who are on candidates except for re-voting.
leave or stationed in the
Installations/Depots/AFS /Stations/Construction
Office including the Field Officers on the tenth
day from the date of issuance of notice for the
election to enable the members to cast their
vote by post. However the postal ballots shall be
mailed to the members who are on leave, after
getting their written request. Postal ballots
received on or before 4.30 P.M. on the date of
election, i.e. the seventeenth day shall be taken
into consideration.
l) Any Member of any Committee desirous of (l) Elected Central Executive /Regional/Refinery /
exercising their franchise by postal ballots due Pipelines/R&D Centre Committee shall
to their absence on duty or leave on the day of commence functioning only after the annual
election shall indicate their preference to the general meeting, of the Association is over in
respective Returning Officer in writing and can accordance with the provisions of their
collect their postal ballot. They can cast their constitution.
vote and hand it over to the Returning Officer in
sealed envelope.
m) A member under no circumstances whatsoever (m) In case the number of contestants is equal to
can hold two elective posts in different the number of vacancies in the committee
committees in which case the said member will concerned, there shall not be any election and
have to give up his membership in one of the these contestants shall be declared as elected
committees. for the committee concerned.
(n) All the committee members including the office
bearers shall contest for the post of committee
members only. After the election the office
bearers will be elected from among the elected
committee members by all the committee
(o) The Returning Officer for any Committee shall
ensure that the postal ballots with the final list
of contestants are mailed through Speed Post,
Registered Post, E-mail or under Certificate of
Posting to those members either who are on
leave or on tour outside station on date of
such election, to enable the members to cast
their vote by post. However the postal ballots
shall be mailed to the members who are on
leave, after getting their written request.
Postal ballots received on or before 4.30 P.M.
on the date of election, y shall be taken into
consideration. Such Ballot may also be made
available to Members personally on their
written request, if such Members will be out of
Station on the date of Such election. In case of
geographical problem of distribution of
Members at remote locations, five or less
members at such single locations, Returning
Officer may allow members to cast their vote
through Post or E-mail
(p) Any Member of any Committee desirous of

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exercising their franchise by postal ballots due
to their absence on duty or leave on the day of
election shall indicate their preference to the
respective Returning Officer in writing and can
collect their postal ballot. They can cast their
vote and hand it over to the Returning Officer in
sealed envelope.
(q) A member under no circumstances whatsoever
can hold two elective posts in different
committees in which case the said member will
have to give up his membership in one of the
Any member desirous for contesting for any position
including the post of Executive Member/ULR must
have at least three years of service left in the
Corporation as on the date of announcement of such
Primary Elections
37 19 a) The authority for conducting and supervising the (a) The authority for conducting and supervising the
elections on All India basis shall be vested in a Chief elections on All India basis shall be vested in a
Returning Officer. Chief Returning Officer (CRO).
b) The said CRO shall be appointed by the outgoing (b) The said CRO shall be appointed by the outgoing
Central Executive Committee. Central Executive Committee.
c) On all matters concerning election to CEC and the (c) On all matters concerning election to CEC and
various committees, the view of the CRO shall be the various committees, the view of the CRO
final and binding on all the Committees primary shall be final and binding on all the Committees
members and contestants all over the country. primary members and contestants all over the
d) In the discharge of his duties the CRO shall be (d) In the discharge of his duties the CRO shall be
assisted by the RRO/SRO/R RO / PRO/R&D RO assisted by the RRO/ RO / PRO/R&D RO , and
,AODRO and other Returning Officer appointed by other Returning Officer appointed by the
the respective outgoing committees shall conduct respective outgoing Secretary shall conduct the
the elections under the overall supervision of the elections under the overall supervision of the
CRO and shall report to him in his own hand. All the CRO and shall report to him in his own hand. All
said Returning Officers are bound by the schedule the said Returning Officers are bound by the
prescribed by CRO for conducting the elections. schedule prescribed by CRO for conducting the
elections. . In case of failure of outgoing
Secretary to appoint the RO by the date notified
by CRO, then CRO can directly appoint RO for
that committee.
e) Only a member of the Association in whom the (e) Only a member of the Association is eligible for
respective committees have the full confidence is being appointed the respective Returning
eligible for being appointed the respective Returning Officer.
f) Once a person is appointed as a Returning (f) Once a person is appointed as a Returning
Officer by the respective committees, the said Officer by the respective committees, the said
committees shall not interfere in any manner committees shall not interfere in any manner
whatsoever in the working of the election whatsoever in the working of the election
machinery except to render any assistance machinery except to render any assistance
required by the respective Returning Officers in required by the respective Returning Officers in
the manner in which it is desired by them. the manner in which it is desired by them.
g) All the returning officers shall take the (g) All the returning officers shall take the
assistance only of those who do not form part of assistance only of those who are not contesting
the respective committees in conducting the the election, in conducting the elections.
h) The returning Officers shall make a copy of the (h) The returning Officers shall make a copy of the
results available to the respective committees results available to the respective committees
by informing the respective Secretary in writing by informing the respective Secretary in writing
on the date of the election itself by signing in his on the date of the election itself by signing in his

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own hand. Within 4 days after the elections are own hand. Within 4 days after the elections are
over on all India basis, all returning officers shall over on all India basis, all returning officers shall
report to CRO regarding the election with a copy report to CRO regarding the election results
of new members elected, duly signed by the with a copy of new members elected, duly
Returning Officers and CRO shall submit a report signed by the Returning Officers and CRO shall
duly signed in his own hand, to the outgoing submit a report duly signed in his own hand, to
General Secretary to be informed to the the Director(HR), Executive Director(HR)
outgoing all India CEC, incoming all India CEC Corporate Office and outgoing General
and also to the members present during the Secretary.
Annual General Meeting.
i) The CRO is not deemed to have completed his (i) The CRO is not deemed to have completed his
job unless and until he furnishes a report in job unless and until he furnishes the final results
writing to the General Secretary of the outgoing of new office Bearers of AICEC i.e. Core Group in
committee. writing to the Director(HR), Executive
Director(HR) Corporate Office and the General
Secretary of the outgoing committee.
j) In addition to his own duties as CRO, it shall be (j) In addition to his own duties as CRO, it shall be
incumbent on the part of CRO in ensuring fair incumbent on the part of CRO in ensuring fair
and free elections for the other committees as and free elections for the other committees as
well. well.
In accordance with the provision contained in the (k) In accordance with the provision contained in
second schedule to this constitution, the Chief the second schedule to this constitution, the
Returning Officer is authorised to deal with any Chief Returning Officer is authorised to deal
grievance arising out of the elections conducted to with any grievance arising out of the elections
various committees in the manner in which it has to conducted to various committees in the manner
be dealt with. in which it has to be dealt with CRO reserves the
right to take suo moto cognizance of any
grievance/complaint in any unit across India and
resolve the same..

38 20 (a) The Annual General Meeting of the Association (a) The Annual General Meeting of the Association
shall be held once in two years, within five shall be held once in years, either in Mumbai or
months of the Association’s accounting year, Delhi within two months of the
st st
which shall be from 1 January to 31 December Association’s accounting year, which shall be
st st
to transact the following business: from 1 January to 31 December to transact
(i) To receive and consider the report of the the following business:
Central Executive Committee on the affairs of (i) To receive and consider the report of the
the Association during the preceding year. Central Executive Committee on the affairs of
(ii) To receive, consider and pass the the Association during the preceding year.
accounts of the Association for the (ii) To receive, consider and pass the
previous accounting year. accounts of the Association for the
(iii) To appoint Auditor for the current previous accounting year.
Accounting year. (iii) To appoint Auditor for the current
(iv) To transact any other business duly Accounting year.
brought forward with the permission of (iv) To transact any other business duly
the Chair. brought forward with the permission of
the Chair.
(b) Special General Meeting shall be convened by (b) Special AICEC Meeting shall be convened by the
the President of the Central Executive President to consider policy matters of vital
Committee to consider policy matters of vital importance affecting the interest of the
importance affecting the interest of the members in general. The General Secretary can
members in general. The General Secretary can also convene a special AICEC Meeting upon
also convene a special General Meeting upon receipt of a requisition signed by at least 15 nos.
receipt of a requisition signed by at least 15 nos. AICEC members of the Association within 30
CEC members of the Association within 30 days days of receipt of that requisition.
of receipt of that requisition.
(c) An Extraordinary (Emergency) General Meeting (c) An Extraordinary (Emergency) General Meeting
may be convened by the President, the Central may be convened by the President, the Central

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Executive Committee or the General Secretary Executive Committee or the General Secretary
or unit secretaries at unit level in emergency or unit secretaries at unit level in emergency
situations requiring General Body guidance or situations requiring General Body guidance or
approval. approval.
(d) General meeting shall be convened by the (d) General meeting shall be convened by the
secretary at unit level to share the information secretary at unit level to share the information
on important issues or obtain guidance or on important issues or obtain guidance or
approval of the general members, if required. approval of the general members, if required.
However this meeting can also be requisitioned However this meeting can also be requisitioned
to the respective secretary in writing by 50 nos. to the respective secretary in writing by 50 nos.
th th
or 1/5 of the total members which ever is less, or 1/5 of the total members which ever is less,
to convene the General Meeting and the to convene the General Meeting and the
concerned Secretary has to conduct the meeting concerned Secretary has to conduct the meeting
within 3 days. within 3 days.
(e) The Marketing Regional and State/Refinery/ (e) The Marketing Regional Refinery/ Pipelines/R&D
Pipelines/R&D/AOD Committee shall meet at Committee shall meet at least once in a quarter
least once in a quarter to review the work done. to review the work done. In addition the
In addition the Committee may meet as and Committee may meet as and when necessary.
when necessary.
(f) A special meeting of the Central Executive (f) A special meeting of the AICEC shall be
Committee shall be convened on requisition by convened on requisition by at least 15 members
at least 15 members of the Committee while of the Committee while that of Marketing
that of Marketing Regional and State/Refinery/ Regional /Refinery/ Pipelines/R&D Committee
Pipelines/R&D/AOD Committee on requisition on requisition by at least four members. These
by at least four members. These meeting shall meeting shall be convened by General
be convened by General Secretary/Secretary, Secretary/Secretary, within 30 days of receipt of
within 30 days of receipt of that requisition. that requisition.
(g) The Executive or any Committee may adjourn (g) The Executive or any Committee may adjourn
and otherwise regulate their meetings, as they and otherwise regulate their meetings, as they
think fit. think fit.
(h) The President or in his absence Vice-President (h) The President or in his absence Vice-President
shall preside at all General Body Meetings of the shall preside at all General Body Meetings of the
Association, and of the Central Executive Association, and of the Central Executive
Committee. In the event of both the President Committee. In the event of both the President
and the Vice-President being absent, the and the Vice-President being absent, the
Chairman shall be elected by a vote of the Chairman shall be elected by a vote of the
members present. members present.
(i) The Secretary of Marketing Regional and (i) The Secretary of Marketing Regional /Refinery/
State/Refinery/ Pipelines/R&D/AOD Committee Pipelines/R&D Committee shall preside at all
shall preside at all Committee meetings and Committee meetings and General meeting at
General meeting at unit level, in his absence the unit level, in his absence the Chairman shall be
Chairman shall be elected by executive elected by executive members present.
members present.
39 22 Quorum Quorum
Central Executive Committee 15 AICEC 21
40 24 Minutes of the proceedings of all meetings shall be Minutes of the proceedings of all meetings shall be
recorded in a Minute Book and confirmed and recorded.
signed by the Chairman of the Meeting to which the
minutes relate or by the Chairman.


That no unit in any part of the country comprising the
IOOA shall contemplate on any agitational methods in a
concerned move, causing disruption in work schedule
That no unit in any part of the country comprising
unless the AICEC is able to apply its mind and clear a the IOOA shall contemplate on any agitational
particular unit/s to go in for any form of action and this methods except wearing Black Badge, Dharna,
shall be a perpetual injunction on every unit which may Hunger Strike, Work to rule etc in a concerned
enlist the support of the primary members for a given move, leading to cessation of work unless Core
cause and the said injunction is to protect the innocent Group or the AICEC issue such directive.

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officer from being harassed and to protect the interests
of all concerned and an AICEC shall positively precede
authorisation of any direct action interalia the MBCEC
which is the AICEC nucleus or by the Apex Office
Bearers of the Association.


That if an elective post falls vacant in any unit, That if an elective post falls vacant in any unit,
including the AICEC, the co-option shall be done in induction of the new ULR/EC Member, shall be done by
such a manner that those who were not successful in Co - Option. Co-option at units having more than 2
the direct elections are not enlisted or empanelled ULRs shall be done by the remaining ULRs/EC members
for picking up the candidates for co-option with a of that unit in such a manner that those who were not
view to respect the verdict by the electorate and the successful in the direct elections shall not be eligible for
co-option is done by including any other member co-option with a view to respect the verdict by the
electorate. Co-option at units having less than 2 ULRs
who in the opinion of the particular unit may fulfil
shall be done by General Body. The President, Vice
the requirements may be co-opted, by the said unit.
President, General Secretary, General Treasurer &
However, Co-opted members at any level of
Additional General Secretary shall continue to hold
reckoning in the Association shall not hold elective
their positions even if transferred anywhere in India
offices in any manner. and shall be considered as co-opted Members of AICEC
and Co-opted ULR/Executive Members of new place of
posting by Default. Divisional Jt. Secretaries &
Coordinators shall continue to hold their positions even
if transferred within the respective Division anywhere
in India and shall be considered as co-opted Members
of AICEC and Executive Members/ULR of new location
by Default, on transfer. Regional Secretary/
Accompanying CEC shall continue to hold their
positions as Regional Secretary/Accompanying CEC
Member even if they are transferred to any locations
within the Regional HQ City and shall be considered as
co-opted ULR of the place of posting by Default.
Regional CEC shall continue to hold his positions as
Regional CEC Member even if, transferred to any
locations within the Region and shall be considered as
co-opted ULR of the place of posting by Default. State
CEC shall continue hold the position if transferred to
any locations within State HQ of, and shall be
considered as co-opted ULR at new posting by Default.
For avoidance of doubt, Regional Secretary or
Accompanying CEC Members/ Regional CEC Members /
State CEC Members of Marketing Divisions or Pipeline
Divisions, even if transferred out from the primary
constituency, but within the Secondary constituency,
without violating the basic eligibility criteria of his/her
Secondary Election, shall continue to hold his position.
To carry out the responsibilities of ULR that would fall
vacant by such transfers, a new ULR shall be
elected/Co-Opted by the affected unit. In case of
transfer of an AICEC member to a post outside his
elected constituency as narrated above, a new AICEC
member shall be elected by the ULRs/Executive
Members of their respective units. All Co-opted
members entitled with voting right.

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No Clause No
43 30(iii) The Accounting year for the Association will be form
st st
The Accounting year for the Association will be form
st st
1 January to 31 December. The Annual Income 1 January to 31 December. The Annual Income
and Expenditure account and the Balance Sheet of and Expenditure account and the Balance Sheet of
the Association shall be presented at the annual the Regional or Unit Accounts of Association shall be
General Meeting within five months of the close of furnished by respective Secretary to General
the accounting year, duly audited by the competent Treasurer. Within three months of close of the
auditor nominated by the General Body in accounting year i.e. 31 March of the succeeding
accordance with regulation 18 of the Bombay Trade year,, duly audited by the competent auditor The
Unions Regulations 1927. Annual Income and Expenditure account and the
Balance Sheet of Association shall be presented at
the annual General Meeting within Six months of the
close of the accounting year 30 June of the
succeeding year, by the General Treasurer, duly
audited by the competent auditor nominated by the
General Body in accordance with regulation 18 of
the Bombay Trade Unions Regulations 1927.Failure
of Deposition/Presentation of accounts in stipulated
time to attract disciplinary action.
The rules may be amended, altered, replaced, The rules may be amended, altered, replaced,
rescinded or added to at any time by majority of the rescinded or added to at any time by majority of the
members present at a general body meeting, members present at a general body meeting,
provided previous notice of at least 30 days is given provided previous notice of at least 30 days is given
to the members of the proposed alternations. to the members of the proposed alternations.
However such provisions be cleared in principle by
AICEC first by two third majority, before placing in
the General Body. General Body for this purpose can
be conducted in Mumbai or Delhi only.
45 32(i) the quorum for this meeting will be two-thirds of the the quorum for this meeting will be two-thirds of the
membership and three-fourth of the members membership and three-fourth of the members
present vote for such dissolution present vote for such dissolution. However such
proposal be cleared in principle by AICEC first by
three forth majority, before placing in the General
Body. General Body for this purpose can be
conducted in Mumbai or Delhi only

Apart from the above amendments proposed, the different clauses of the constitution have also been placed
in sequential manners covering all the amendments made from time to simplify the same. Various old
nomenclatures of units / committees have been replaced by the new nomenclature and old clauses have
updated, keeping in view of the proposed amendments.

(Mukul Kumar) (Alok K Roy)

President General Secretary

Page No (xxiv)
(Registered under the Trade Unions Act, 1926)
G-9 Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) , Mumbai – 400 051.



The name of the Association shall be the “Indian Oil Officers’ Association”.


(a) The word “Association” means the “Indianoil Officers’ Association.”

(b) “The Corporation” means the “Indian Oil Corporation Limited’ including all its
Divisions and all its Offices/ Subsidieries located inside or outside India.
(c) The term “Officers” means all employees classified as Officers by the Corporation
starting from Officers under probation/Training to Executive Director.
(d) The term “Local Executive Committee” means all committees under Marketing,
Refineries, Pipelines and R&D Divisions
(e) The term “AICEC” means All India Central Executive Committee
(f) The term “ULR” means Unit Level Representative for Marketing and Pipelines
(g) Primary Constituency : Constituents for Primary Election (Election for
ULR/Executive Member)
(h) Secondary Constituency: Constituents for Next Level after Primary Election i.e.
Elections of Secretary or CEC Members (not applicable for Mumbai Based CECs).
Constituents may be either Executive Members (for Refineries Units / Refinery
Head Quarter / Marketing Head Office / Pipelines Head Office) or ULSs (For
Marketing and Pipelines Regions.


The aims and objects for which the Association is established are:
(a) to continue to render loyal and efficient service to the Corporation and the Country;
(b) to organise and unite, through duly constituted representative body, the Officers of
the Corporation;
(c) to promote fellowship and to foster spirit of co-operation, unity and fraternity
among members through social, cultural and other activities;
(d) to foster the ideal of loyal and efficient service among the members and to
encourage their all-round advancement;
(e) to promote, safeguard and advance the common interests of the members, including
their rights, privileges and the terms and conditions of service;
(f) to act as liaison between officers and the Administration of the Corporation;
(g) to act for safeguarding the interest of the Corporation;
(h) to seek redressal of grievances of the members through representation before
appropriate authorities;
(i) to be in communication with and if necessary, to seek co-operation from and to give
the same to other Associations having similar objects in India and abroad;
(j) to promote, collect and donate funds to charities, relief funds, public, civil and
utility services and other deserving causes;
(k) to do all things necessary or expedient and to take any action which is incidental or
conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objects or any one of them;
(l) To make legal help available to all members in case of need.

Page (1)

(i) All Officers with a valid employee code / number of the Corporation posted in
India or outside India shall be eligible to become members of the Association.
(ii) Each member of the Association shall be deemed to have read and accepted the
constitution, rules and byelaws of the Association as may be in force from time
to time.
(iii) The subscription for each member will be Rs.50/- per month. Out of this Rs.
50/-, Rs. 30/- shall be retained by the Local Unit and Rs. 20/- shall be deposited
into Central Account.
(iv) In case of transfer of a member from one location to another location, his
membership shall also be transferred to the new location automatically.
(v) Membership will be automatically terminated

(a) Upon resignation or death of the member or when the member ceases to be
an officer of the Corporation.
(b) If the subscription of a member ordinarily remains in arrears for a period
exceeding six months and not regularised even after a written notice;
however, if the subscription goes into arrears for over six months owing to a
member’s long illness, or his being away from the country or by ignorance,
the Local Executive Committee may consider the continuance of the
member provided the subscription in arrears is paid immediately.
(c) Notwithstanding what is stated in clause 4 (v) (a) above in the event of
arbitrary separation of a member from the services of the Corporation, the
Local Executive Committee/AICEC may continue the membership, upon
receipt of written request from the member, until such time it is decided
that the separation was just and fair.
(d) Members whose membership is discontinued in lieu of clause 4 (v) (b) may
apply in writing after clearing off all the arrears for restoration of
membership for the consideration of the Local Executive Committee/AICEC
and membership may be restored by the majority of the members present at
a meeting at which the application is considered.

(vi) On the recommendation of the Local Executive Committee by two third

Majority and ratification of AICEC by Simple Majority a Member shall be
expelled temporarily or permanently from the Association, and have his name
removed from the list of members, if such member has:

(a) conducted himself in a manner which is unbecoming to a member of the

Association, or
(b) intentionally done any act of omission liable to injure the credit and good
name of the Association, or
(c) Acted against the interest of the Association which includes financial
irregularities, sabotaging the common interest of general members etc.

The said member shall be given 15 day’s notice by the General Secretary of the
proposal to expel him after receiving the request of Local Committee and
thereby enable him to offer his explanation in writing, which shall be placed
before the AICEC in the next Meeting for consideration.

(vii) A member, who has been expelled, shall be eligible for re-admission to
membership on a fresh application and payment of fees subject to the approval
AICEC with the simple majority.

Page (2)

(i) The Association shall keep a register a Unit level of all its members containing
their names and designation in hard copy or in Digital Form. This register shall
be up dated from time to time and same shall be made available for inspection
on any weekdays excluding holiday.


The Central Office of the Association shall be located in Mumbai and that of the (i)
Regional Offices, (ii) Refinery Offices, (iv) Pipeline Offices, (vi) R&D Centre Office and
other Unit Offices at their respective headquarters. Any change in address of any office
shall be communicated to all members concerned within 15 days.


The General Body shall be the supreme body of the Association and shall consist of all
members of the Association. It shall conduct business through Annual (Ordinary), Special
and Extraordinary (Emergency) General Meetings convened from time to time and at such
places and at such times as the Central Executive Committee may decide as and when

The General Body shall be competent to transact the following business at a General

(i) To receive and consider the report of the Central Executive Committee on the
affairs of the Association
(ii) To consider and approve the accounts
(iii) To appoint auditors
(iv) To chalk out the policy and programme of activities
(v) To consider and approve, amend, ratify or reject draft memoranda and or
proposals regarding any talks, negotiations or settlements as may be presented
to it by the Central Executive or other Committee appointed by it.
(vi) To frame rules or bye-laws for the Association or to add to them or to alter or
rescind them
(vii) To consider any resolution or motion due notice of which has been received by
the Central Executive Committee.
(viii) To define delegation of powers for Committee
(ix) To consider any other business as may be raised with the permission of the

Page (3)

(a) The Management of the Association shall be vested in Central Executive Committee on
all-India level at the registered/head office of the Corporation and in the respective
Regional Committee, Refinery Committee, Pipelines Committee, R&D Committee and
other Unit Committee at their respective headquarters.

(b) The Central Executive Committee shall be responsible for day to day management,
execution and working of the Association and will have necessary authority for taking
all appropriate actions for carrying out, executing and implementing the resolutions and
directives passed and conveyed by General Body, inter-alia authority to deal with any
emergencies affecting the interests of the Association.


(A) The Central Executive Committee shall consist of the following ten office-bearers
called Core Group responsible to carry out day today activities of Association:

(i) A President
(ii) A Vice-President
(iii) A General Secretary
(iv) An Assistant General Secretary
(v) A General Treasurer
(vi) A Joint Secretary (Marketing)
(vii) A Joint Secretary (Refineries)
(viii) A Joint Secretary (Pipelines)
(ix) A Marketing Co-ordinator
(x) A Refinery Co-ordinator

(B) The following (62) be the members of AICEC:

(i) One Regional Secretary and one Regional CEC Member from each of the four
Region of Marketing Division (8 Nos of AICEC Representation).
(ii) One Secretary and one CEC Member from Marketing Head Office. (2 Nos of
AICEC Representation).
(iii) One CEC member (State) from each OF 16 State Offices of Marketing Division, .
(16 Nos of AICEC Representation)
(iv) One Secretary and one CEC Member from each of 9 Refineries including AOD &
BGR (18 Nos of AICEC Representation)
(v) One Secretary and Two CEC Member from Refinery Headquarter Committee
including BD (3 Nos of AICEC Representation).
(vi) One Secretary and one CEC Member from R & D Centre (2 Nos of AICEC
(vii)One Secretary & one CEC Member each from Western Region, Eastern Region,
Northern Region & Head Office and One Secretary from Southern Region of Pipelines
Division (9 Nos of AICEC Representation)
(viii)Three Mumbai based CEC Members and One Accompanying CEC Member of
Northern Region of Marketing Division (4 Nos of AICEC Representation)

(C) If any new Units/ Location like refinery comes into existence and decentralisation in
Marketing Division / Pipelines division takes place like creation of complete and
independent state offices or Creation of new Regions, in future, then the representation
for the new unit has to be given / adjusted from the existing AICEC numbers of
respective divisions only from subsequent election. For example if a new state office is
Page (4)
created in Marketing Division then the one CEC member from Mumbai based CEC will
be deleted and given to new State Office from subsequent election. In case of
commissioning of new Refinery or merger/ acquisition of Refinery, the accompanying
CEC member position from the Refinery Unit with the lowest number of members of
IOOA, at that point of time, be detached and given to the new unit from subsequent
election. In case of creation of new Region in Pipelines, the accompanying CEC
member position from the Pipelines Region with the lowest number of members of
IOOA at that point of time be detached and given to the new Region from subsequent
election. For avoidance of doubt no Secretary Position would be deleted to ensure the
representation of all Refineries Unit and all region of Pipelines. Once BD group start
function as separate Division in future with dedicated HR & Finance function, Separate
Secretary-BD will come in existence and RHQ Committee will be restricted to One
Secretary and One Accompanying CEC from subsequent election



The following is the structure of the Association in Marketing Division

1. HO committee.
2. Regional Committee from Each of four Regions.


The Electorate of Marketing HO Committee consists of Members posted in Marketing

Head Office and the Officers of Marketing Division Posted abroad, shall elect 11 elected
members among themselves. These 11 elected members will elect HO secretary, CEC
member and Treasurer among themselves. HO secretary and CEC member will represent
the HO Committee in AICEC.

10.1.2 REGIONAL COMMITTEE: Comprising of

A. Unit Level Representatives (ULR)

(a) Five elected members (ULRs) from Regional Office,

(b) Two elected member (ULRs) from each State Office Headquarter,
(c) One elected member (ULRs) from each location having 7 or more members,
(d) Places where there is only one Location (Unit) available :
(i) Such Units having 7 (seven) members or more shall elect one ULR from such
(ii) Places where there is only one Unit (Location) but the Unit's member strength is
less than Seven Members : Such Units shall form part of Electorate of the State
Office in which the unit is located (Including AFSs)

Page (5)
(e) Locations/ Places where there are more than one Unit available :
(i) Such Units having 7 (Seven) members or more shall elect one ULR from each
(ii) such unit, Such Units having less than Seven Members : All Such locations
(having less than 7 Members) and located within same Municipal Limit shall
combine and from amongst this combined strength, a ULR shall be elected.
However, combined strength of members in all such locations/ Units should not
be less than 7. If their combined strength is less than 7, then all such Units,
individually, shall form part of Electorate of the State Office Headquarter under
which these Units are located (Including AFSs)
(f) Field Officers/ Other Officers Posted Away from Head Quarter of Divisional Office/
State Office/ Area Office : Such officers shall be part of Electorate of their Reporting/
Controlling Office,
(g) For the purpose of determining the member’s strength in an unit, the strength of that
unit as on the date of notification of the election process shall be taken in reckoning.
(h) The illustrative list of ULR representatives of the different regions of Marketing
Division to be prepared on the basis of the above mentioned formula by the respective
Regional Committees for updation before conducting the elections depending on the
number of locations and the officer’s strength/geographical spread.
(i) The Officers of Marketing Division posted in OISD, PCRA, CHT, PPAC, PNGRB,
MoP&NG, JVs, MCO etc will be electorate of respective Regional Offices of the
Marketing Division

B. Office Bearers

(a) The Regional Committee shall consist of the following office bearers :-

(i) A Regional Secretary

(ii) A Regional CEC Member
(iii) An Accompanying CEC Member (Applicable for Northern Region Only)
(iv) A Treasurer
(v) CEC member(States)

(b) The Regional Committee will function under the overall control of the Central
Executive Committee. Regional Secretary, Regional CEC Member, Accompanying
CEC Member of Northern Region and CEC member (States) shall be the members of
the AICEC.

(c) The Regional Committee Office Bearers shall be responsible for day-to-day
management of the work of respective committee of the Association and will take
appropriate steps for carrying out, executing and implementing the resolutions and
directions passed and conveyed from time to time by the Central Executive Committee.

(d) The Regional Committee will have the authority to deal with appropriate authorities, in
consultation and with approval of the Central Executive Committee at its level (i.e.
restricted to the jurisdiction of the committee) on the matters distinctly concerned, and
related to the members of that particular committee’s jurisdiction and not of common
cause and interest to all the members of the Association.

Page (6)
(e) The ULRs belonging to whole region shall elect the Office Bearers of Regional
Committee. However, the ULRs of Regional offices, State office located at Regional
HQ and locations located at Regional HQ can only offer their candidature for the post
of Regional Secretary, Accompanying CEC (applicable for Northern Region only) and
Regional Treasurer. Any of the ULRs of the entire region can offer their candidature for
the position of Regional CEC. The ULRs of State HQ and locations located at State HQ
only can offer their candidature for State CEC. The proposer and seconders for the
candidature of State CEC necessarily has to be from among the ULRs of that particular
State. The Officers of Marketing Division posted in OISD, PCRA, CHT, PPAC,
PNGRB, MoP&NG, JVs, MCO etc will be electorate of respective Regional Offices of
the Marketing Division.

10.1.3 CEC (STATE) :

Following State Offices of Marketing shall be represented by CEC Members.

Regions States Offices

Northern Region Delhi
Uttar Pradesh-I
Uttar Pradesh-II

Eastern Region West Bengal

North East Integrated

Western Region Maharashtra

Madhya Pradesh

Southern Region Tamilnadu

Andhra Pradesh


Three (3) members shall be elected from amongst the electorate comprising Head Office,
Western Regional Office, Mumbai State Office and all other field locations in metropolitan
Mumbai. Members in the Regional Office of Western Region may contest either for the
Five elective posts (ULRs) in Regional Office or for the three elective posts in the
MBCEC. Members in the Head Office may contest to the 11 elective posts (ULRs) in the
Head Office or to the 3 elective posts in the Mumbai Based CEC. Similarly Members in the
Maharashtra State office may contest to the two elective posts (Executive Members) in
State Office or to the three elective posts in the Mumbai based CEC. Similarly, the
members who are situated in the field locations within the metropolitan Mumbai may
contest either for the Single Member Unit Level Representation (ULR) in their own Unit or
to the MBCEC which has 3 Elective Posts.

Page (7)

(a) There will be a Refinery Committee of the Association at each Refinery of the
Corporation. The members of the Refinery Committee concerned will be drawn from
each of the Refineries establishments of the Corporation including AOD & BGR.
(b) The Refinery Committee shall be elected by the members of the respective Refinery by
a secret ballot and will function under the overall control of the Central Executive
Committee. Two members of the Refinery Committee shall be members of the AICEC
(c) The Refinery Committee shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the
work of the respective Refinery Committee of the Association and will take proper and
adequate steps for carrying out, executing and implementing the resolutions and
directions passed and conveyed from time to time by the Central Executive Committee.
(d) The Refinery Committee will have the authority to deal with the appropriate
authorities, in consultation and of the Central Executive Committee and its respective
Refinery level (i.e. restricted to the jurisdiction of the Refinery of the Corporation
concerned), on the matters distinctly concerned and related to the members of the
particular Refinery only and not of common cause and interest to all the members of the
(e) The Refinery Committee shall consist of the following office-bearers and members:
(i) A Secretary
(ii) A C.E.C.Member
(iii) A Treasurer
(f) The Secretary and C.E.C. Member of each committee will represent in AICEC. Each
‘Refinery Committee’ concerned shall be known for the sake of convenience, by the
place it is situated to distinguish it from the remaining ‘Refinery Committees’. Existing
REFINERY COMMITTEES are (Gujarat / Barauni / Guwahati / Haldia / Mathura /
Panipat / AOD / Bongaigaon / Paradip)
(g) All the members constituted within the perimeter walls of a refinery shall elect 11
members and the said team members shall elect from amongst themselves the Refinery
Secretary, the Treasurer and the accompanying CEC member respectively. (Secretary and
CEC member accredited to AICEC).
(h) The AOD officers posted at any Location (other than Digboi Refinery) shall participate
in the election of that unit irrespective of the division, where they are posted. Locations
operating within the geographic boundary of North-Eastern states shall elect their own
respective ULRs with the participation of all officers posted there (irrespective of their
origin like MD or AOD cadre) in line with item No. 10.1.2 above.

10.3 Refineries HQ (RHQ) COMMITTEE

The electorate comprising the Refineries HQ, Corporate office, Business Development
(BD), Upcoming new Refinery projects, in future, till its commissioning and Officers of
Refineries Division posted in OISD, PCRA, CHT, PPAC, JVs, PNGRB, MoP&NG,
Liasion office etc. shall elect 15 members and the said team members shall elect from
amongst themselves the RHQ Secretary, the Treasurer and two accompanying CEC
member. (Secretary and CEC members accredited to AICEC). Out of 15 Executive
Members, 4 would be elected from Candidates among BD functions and 11 from
Candidates among non-BD functions, However all electorate of RHQ Committee will vote
for a Maximum of 15 Executive Members. 15 Executive Members shall elect amongst
themselves the RHQ Secretary, the Treasurer and two accompanying CEC members. (Out
of three AICEC position of RHQ Committee, one be from the Executive Members of BD
Function. All 15 Executive Members would cast there vote for all office Bearers of RHQ

Once BD group start function as separate Division in future with dedicated HR & Finance
function, Separate BD Committee will come in existence, with 11 Executive Members,
Page (8)
who would elect One Secretary and One Treasure among themselves. RHQ Committee be
restricted to 11 Executive Members with One Secretary, One CEC and a Treasurer,


(a) There will be an R&D Committee of the Association at R&D Centre of the
Corporation. The members of the R&D Committee will be drawn from R&D Centre
establishments of the Corporation.
(b) The R&D Committee shall be elected by the members of the R&D Centre by a secret
ballot and will function under the overall control of the Central Executive Committee.
Two members of the R&D Committee shall be members of the Central Executive
(c) The R&D Committee shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the work
of the R&D Committee of the Association and will take proper and adequate steps for
carrying out, executing and implementing the resolutions and directions passed and
conveyed from time to time by the Central Executive Committee.
(d) The R&D Committee will have the authority to deal with the appropriate authorities, in
consultation and with prior approval of the Central Executive Committee at R&D
Centre level, on the matters distinctly concerned and related to the members of that
particular Committee only and not of common cause and interest to all the members of
the Association.
(e) The R&D Committee shall consist of the following office-bearers and members:
(i) A Secretary
(ii) A C.E.C.Member
(iii) A Treasurer
The Secretary and C.E.C.Member will represent committee in AICEC

(f) All members located within the perimeter walls of R&D centre shall elect 11 members
and the said team members shall elect from amongst themselves the R&D Secretary, the
Treasurer and the accompanying CEC member respectively. (Secretary and CEC member
accredited to AICEC).


a) There will be Five Pipeline Committees of the Association at Eastern Region, Western
Region, Northern Region, Southern Region and Pipeline Head Office of the Pipelines
Division of the Corporation. The members of these Committee will be drawn from the
offices falling under the Administrative Region of the concerned regional office and
head office.
b) The Pipeline Committee shall be elected by the members of the respective Pipeline
Committee by a secret ballot and will function under the overall control of the Central
Executive Committee. Two members of the each from Eastern Region, Western
Region, Northern Region and Pipeline Head Office and One Member from Southern
Region of Pipeline Committee shall be members of the AICEC
c) The Pipeline Committee shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the
work of the Pipeline Committee of the Association and will take proper and adequate
steps for carrying out, executing and implementing the resolutions and directions
passed and conveyed from time to time by the Central Executive Committee.

Page (9)
d) The Pipeline Committee will have the authority to deal with the appropriate authorities,
in consultation with the Central Executive Committee at its respective Pipeline
Committee level(i.e., restricted to the jurisdiction of the respective region/head office of
the pipeline of the corporation concerned), on the matters distinctly concerned and
related to the members of that particular Committee only and not of common cause and
interest to all the members of the Association.
e) The Pipeline Committee shall consist of the following office-bearers and members:
(i) A Regional Secretary
(ii) A C.E.C.Member (Not applicable in case of Southern Region Pipelines)
(iii) A Treasurer


(a) The member(s) of the Regional Pipeline Committee be represented by ULRs from each
stations (Operating / under Construction/ Project Office) having at least 4 (Four)
members. Location having less than 4 Members shall be grouped with the nearest
geographical location. Representation in the Regional committee shall be as under,
04 to 25 Members : One ULR
26 to 50 Members : Two ULRs
51 to 75 Members : Three ULRs
76 Members onwards : Four ULRs
For avoidance of doubt, Numbers of ULRs from any locations will not exceed four in
any circumstances i.e. even if number of Members at any location will be more than
(b) The illustrative list of ULR representatives of the different regions of Pipelines Division
to be prepared on the basis of the above mentioned formula by the respective Regional
Committees for updation before conducting the elections depending on the number of
locations and the officer’s strength/geographical spread
(c) Specific ULRs of Pipeline having separate HR, functions may elect unit coordinator
among themselves, who will coordinate with Management of that Specific Pipeline
under Direction of Regional Secretary.


PLHO Committee Comprises of Officers Posted in Pipeline Head Office and Officers of
Pipeline Division posted in OISD, PCRA, CHT, PPAC, JVs, PNGRB, MoP&NG, etc will
elect 11 members directly on the HO Committee. They among themselves will elect the
Secretary, Accompanying CEC Member and Treasurer. The Secretary and CEC Member
will represent Pipeline Head Office Committee in AICEC.


a) Mumbai Based CEC 03
b) Marketing Regional Committees 25
c) Marketing HO Committee 02
d) Refinery Committees (Gujarat, Barauni, Halida, Gauhati,
Mathura, Panipat, AOD, Bongaigaon and Paradip) 18
e) Refinery HO 03
f) R&D Centre Faridabad 02
g) Pipelines (WR, ER, NR, SR and HO) 09
Total : 62

Page (10)
Under Article 9 of the Constitution, 62 members comprising the new AICEC shall elect
from among themselves the President, Vice President, General Secretary, Additional
General Secretary, General Treasurer, Three Joint Secretaries (Each one from Marketing,
Refineries & Pipelines Divisions) Two Coordinators (Each one from Marketing &
Refineries Divisions)



Subject to the general control of the General Body of the Association the Central Executive
Committee will have the following functions and authority besides those that may
incidentally be vested in it:
(i) to admit members
(ii) to frame rules and regulations subject to this constitution for the proper functioning
of the Association
(iii) to appoint sub-Committee for various functions as it deems necessary for the
working of the Association
(iv) to prepare memoranda, to negotiate and to settle, subject to final sanction of the
General Body, all issues affecting the interests of the members
(v) to expend the funds of the Association and to arrange for their proper accounting
and auditing
(vi) to call meetings of the General Body as and when it deems fit or it is necessary by
virtue of the provisions of this Constitution
(vii) to render Legal assistance in official Matters to all members in case of need
(viii) to do all acts and take such actions as may be necessary in furtherance of the aims
and objects of the Association and for the regulation of its activities
(ix) to submit an Annual Report on the working of the Association at the Annual
General Meeting
(x) to organise social and cultural activities under the auspices of the Association
whenever any such activity may be decided upon
(xi) to co-ordinate and liaise with Regional/State/Refineries/Pipelines/ R&D Committee
and other Unit Committee
(xii) to publish in house bulletin/magazine/maintain Internet Portal of IOOA
(xiii) to receive the annual report/annual financial report from the respective
Regional/Refineries/Pipelines and R&D Committee for the purpose of consolidating
the Accounts and Report of the Association
(xiv) to submit the Annual Accounts, duly audited, of the Association
(xv) To finalize the draft amendment of rules or Bye-Lawss forv Association or
Constitution of Association for proposing in the General Body .
(xvi) To appoint Chief Returning Officer



(i) The President-

The President, as head of association, in consultation with Central Executive Committee,
shall present the “Yearly Road Map” of the activities and programmers to be planned and
pursued by the Association, during the AGM The President will preside over all the
meetings of the Association & the Central Executive Committee and will guide &
supervise the working of the Association. The President will have the right of a casting
vote and will exercise the same whenever the Central Executive Committee is equally
(ii) The Vice-President
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will preside over all the meetings of the
Association and the Central Executive Committee, and will have all the powers and
Page (11)
responsibilities of the President. In the absence of both the President and Vice-President,
the members present at the General Body Meeting/Central Executive Committee Meetings
shall elect their Chairman of that particular meeting and the Chairman will preside over
such a meeting.

(iii) The General Secretary

The General Secretary will be responsible for day to day functions of the Central Executive
Committee and shall co-ordinate and liaise between the Central Executive Committee and
different elected Committees of the Association. The General Secretary shall work only
under the collective direction and responsibility of the Central Executive Committee .The
General Secretary shall convene and co-ordinate all meetings. The General Secretary will
record, review and report the activities and achievements of the Association covering all
the committee and will submit the report before the Annual General Meeting of the
Association. The General Secretary or his nominee shall maintain an up-to-date register
showing names and numbers of members enrolled, on an all-India basis. The General
Secretary shall have the power to pass for payment of all bills for contingent expenses and
will ordinarily have the authority to spend upto a maximum of Rs.1,00,000/- at a time
without prior sanction of the Central Executive Committee. The Core Group is empowered
for approval of expanses of more than one Lakh upto Twenty Lakh.. The General
Secretary shall be responsible for submitting to the Registrar of Trade Unions all returns
and notices that should be sent to that office under the Trade Unions Act, 1926. The
General Secretary shall announce the General Election of Association and nominate the
Chief Returning Officer for conducting the election of AICEC.

(iv) The General Treasurer

The General Treasurer shall be responsible for all receipts and disbursements, proper
accounting of funds of the Association, and shall submit annual financial report in the
prescribed manner. The Bank account shall be operated by the General Treasurer jointly
either with the General Secretary or with any office bearer as decided by the Central
Executive Committee from time to time. The General Treasurer shall co-ordinate and liase
with the Treasurer of Marketing/Refineries/Pipelines/R&D Units concerned and will obtain
a statement every year showing financial position of each and every Committee.

(v) The Additional General Secretary

The Additional General Secretary shall resume the responsibility of General Secretary in
his/her absence and will assist General Secretary in his/her day to day functioning.

(vi) The Joint Secretary (Marketing)

The Joint Secretary (Marketing) shall convene and co-ordinate the Divisional Committee
Meetings and shall keep a record of all the proceedings. He/She will liaison between
different C.E.C. Members of Marketing division for listing the Divisional specific Issues
and will be taking it up with Divisional Management of Corporation under the guidance of

(vii) The Joint Secretary (Refineries)

The Joint Secretary (Refineries) shall convene and co-ordinate the Divisional Committee
Meetings and shall keep a record of all the proceedings. He/She will liaison between
different C.E.C. Members of the Refineries division for listing the Divisional specific
Issues and will be taking it up with Divisional Management of Corporation under the
guidance of AICEC.

(viii) The Joint Secretary (Pipelines)

The Joint Secretary (Pipelines) shall convene and co-ordinate the Divisional Committee
Meetings and shall keep a record of all the proceedings. He/She will liaison between
different C.E.C. Members of the Pipelines division for listing the Divisional specific Issues
Page (12)
and will be taking it up with Divisional Management of Corporation under the guidance of

(ix) The Marketing Coordinator

The Marketing Coordinator shall resume the responsibility of Jt Secretary (Marketing) in
his/her absence and will assist Jt Secretary (Marketing) in his/her day to day functioning.

(x) The Refinery Coordinator

The Refinery Coordinator shall resume the responsibility of Jt Secretary (Refineries) in
his/her absence and will assist Jt Secretary (Refineries) in his/her day to day functioning.


COMMITTEE. - Subject to the overall control of the Central Executive
Committee, the Marketing Regional Committee/Refinery Committee/ R&D
Committee/ Pipelines Committee will have the following authority and functions:

(i) to admit members

(ii) to frame rules and regulations for proper functioning of the Marketing Regional /
Refinery/R&D/ Pipelines Units
(iii) to appoint sub-Committee for various functions as it deems necessary for the
working of the Marketing Regional / Refinery/R&D/ Pipelines Units
(iv) to expend the funds of the Marketing Regional / Refinery/R&D/ Pipelines Units and
to arrange for their proper accounting and auditing
(v) to submit an annual report on the working of the Marketing Regional
Refinery/R&D/ Pipelines Units to the Central Executive Committee at the Regd.
(vi) to carry out, execute and implement the resolutions and directions passed and
conveyed from time to time by the General Body and Central Executive Committee
(vii) to organise social and cultural activities under the auspices of the Marketing
Regional Refinery/R&D/ Pipelines Unit
(viii) to act in accordance with the delegation of authority defined from time to time by
the Central Executive Committee.



(i) The Secretary

a) The Regional Secretary/Unit Secretary shall be responsible for day-to-day functioning of
the Committee and shall be empowered for passing and incurring the expenditure deemed
necessary for carrying out the activities of the Unit within the agreed and specified limits
by the Committee from time to time.
b) The Secretary shall preside over all the Committee meetings, while at the general
meeting of the Unit, the Chairman shall be elected by the members then present.
c) The Secretary of Committee shall co-ordinate/liase between the Central Executive
Committee/Unit Committee.
d) The Secretary of Committee shall act in close co-ordination and liaison with the General
Secretary of the Central Executive Committee and shall work under the direction of Central
Executive Committee and Committee.
e) The Secretary shall organise and convene all meetings of the Unit Committee and other
meetings deemed necessary from time to time and shall keep record of all the proceedings
and perform all other functions in conformity with the resolutions and directions of the
General Body, the Central Executive Committee, Unit Committee.

Page (13)
f) The Secretary shall prepare an annual report high lighting the activities and achievements
of the Unit and shall furnish it to the General Secretary of the Association, time to time..
g) The Secretary shall be empowered to pass for payment of all bills for contingent
expenses not exceeding Rs.25000/- at a time, without prior sanction for such expenditure
from the Unit Committee; for expenditures exceeding Rs.25,000/- at a time prior approval
of Unit Committee will be necessary.
h) The Secretary will operate the Bank account jointly with the Treasurer.

(ii) The Regional/Unit C.E.C. Member

The Regional or Unit C.E.C. Member shall assist the Unit or Regional Secretary in day to
day working of the Unit Committee and in his absence shall act as Secretary. He shall
maintain close liaison with the members of the committee and regularly appraise them with
developments of the various activities.

(iii) The C.E.C (State)

The State C.E.C. Member of Marketing Division shall convene and co-ordinate the State
Committee Meetings and shall keep a record of all the proceedings. He/She will liaison
between different ULRs of that state, for listing the State specific Issues and will be taking
it up with State Level Management of Corporation under the guidance of his Regional

(iv) The Accompanying C.E.C. Member

The Accompanying C.E.C. Member shall assist the Core Group in day to day
Coordination/Liaison with MoP&NG, DPE, and Corporate Office etc.

(v) The Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the Unit. The Treasurer shall furnish
yearly statement indicating financial position of the Unit to the General Treasurer, who
shall be overall responsible for the finance of the Unit. The Treasurer shall prepare an
annual financial report of the Unit and submit to the Central Executive Committee by the
month of March through the General Treasurer. The Treasurer shall operate the Bank
account jointly with the Secretary of the Unit Committee Concerned.

(vi) The Mumbai Based CEC Member

These members are directly elected for AICEC, hence they will work for attainments of
aims and objectives of the Association as per guidelines of AICEC. These members will
render their valuable services to AICEC through thought provoking views and ideas.

Page (14)

(a) All decisions in any committee shall be taken either by unanimous or majority vote
except recalling the Office Bearers.
(b) An Office Bearer can be recalled from his position by the same committee, who have
elected him by two third majority of the strength of the Committee. For avoidance of
doubt, the two third majority of the Members Present may not be empowered for
recalling the office Bearer.
(c) Any decision taken by a committee shall be binding effect on all the office bearers /
executive members of the committee.
(d) Any disagreement / grievances shall not be aired in public till he/she holds the position
in the Committee.
(e) Any decision taken by AICEC/ Office Bearers of AICEC has to be necessarily
implemented by all concerned.
(f) Doing against contrary to above-mentioned acts shall be considered as an act of
indiscipline and suitable action for that act shall be taken as decided by disciplinary
committee of AICEC.
(g) The disciplinary committee shall comprise of three Members headed by Vice-
President, with another Two another Members of AICEC as decided by Core Group. In
case of disciplinary cases involving Vice-President, the disciplinary committee shall be
headed by the President.


(a) All office-bearers of the Central Executive/Marketing/Refinery/Pipelines/R&D

Committee shall be elected before the Annual General Meeting of the Association, and
shall hold office for a period of three years or till a new Committee is elected. All
committee Members shall retire at the end of the three years but shall be eligible for re-
election. The tenure can’t be extended in any Circumstances and the General Secretary
must ensure that the election process be initiated accordingly.
(b) Any member of the Central Executive committee can be removed or suspended by the
Body, which has elected them, in meeting of the members convened for the purpose, by
a two thirds majority of the strength of the members . Such a member shall be given
15 days written notice For avoidance of doubt,, any Core Group Member may be
recalled/suspended by the two third majority of total prevailing strength of AICEC in a
Meeting specifically called for this Purpose. Similarly the Secreatary/CEC
Member/Treasurer may be recalled / suspended by the two third majority of total
prevailing strength of ULRs/Executive Members of respective Region/Unit in a
Meeting specifically called for this Purpose.
(c) Any ULR/Executive Member can be recalled by General Body meeting of that
committee, convened for that purpose, by a two third majority vote of members present
and voting.


(a) Marketing Regional Committee – The Officers based at each Regional Office,
Installation, Depot, Terminals, AFS and State Office (including Field Officers) falling
under the region will form the electorate for the members to be elected to the Regional
Committee as per Rule. However, officers of Marketing Division posted i.e. OISD,
PCRA, CHT, PPAC, PNGRB, MOP&NG, JVs,, MCO etc. shall form part of electorate
of respective Regional Offices of Marketing Division.
(b) Marketing Head Office Committee – The Officers based at Head Office, will form the
electorate for the members to be elected to the H.O. Committee as per Rule. . However,

Page (15)
officers of Marketing Division posted abroad shall also form the part of electorate of
Marketing Head Office Committee..
(c) Mumbai based CEC – The Officers posted at different offices located in Metropolitan
City of Mumbai will form the electorate for the members to be elected to the MBCEC.
(d) Refinery Unit Committee – The officers based at each Refinery concerned of the
Corporation will form the electorate for the members to be elected to the Refinery
Committee concerned.
(e) Refinery Head Office Committee – The officers based at Refinery Head Office,
Corporate Office of the Corporation, IIPM, Business Development, Upcoming New
Refinery Projects till it commissioning, officers of Refineries Division posted in OISD,
PCRA, CHT, PPAC,JVs, PNGRB,JVs etc will form the electorate for the members to
be elected to the Refinery Head Office Committee concerned as per the Rule. Once BD
group start function as separate Division in future with dedicated HR & Finance
function, Separate BD Committee will come in existence from subsequent election.
(f) R&D Committee – The officers based at R&D Centre of the Corporation will form the
electorate for the members to be elected to the R&D Committee concerned as per the
Rule. However, officers of R&D Division posted OISD, PCRA, CHT, PPAC, PNGRB,
MOP&NG, JVs,, MCO etc. shall form part of electorate R&D Committee...
(g) .Pipeline Regional Committee – The Officers posted in the respective Region of
Pipelines Division will form the electorate for the members to be elected to the
respective Regional Committee as per Rule.
(h) Pipeline Head Office Committee – The Officers based at Head Office will form the
electorate for the members to be elected to the H.O. Committee as per Rule. However,
officers of Pipelines Division posted OISD, PCRA, CHT, PPAC, PNGRB, MOP&NG,
JVs,,etc. shall form part of electorate Pipeline Head Office Committee..
(i) Cryogenics and Explosives Division of erstwhile IBP shall be treated as any other
location of Marketing Division and will form part of the respective Regional
Committee, in the same principle as defined for other Marketing Location(s).
(j) Since the Marketing arm of AOD has been merged with Marketing Division, erstwhile
officers of AOD (Marketing) will be treated as the members of existing Marketing
Locations, depending upon their present place of Posting. For avoidance of doubt, the
AOD officers posted at any Location ( other than Digboi) shall participate in the
election of that unit irrespective of the division, where they are posted. Locations
operating within the geographic boundary of North-Eastern states shall elect their own
respective ULRs with the participation of all officers posted there (irrespective of their
origin like MD or AOD cadre)


(a) The elections to all the committees of the Association shall be held in accordance with
the provisions contained in the first schedule to this constitution. (for schedule please
see Annexure).
(b) Election to the Central Executive Committee shall be held as announced by CRO, while
that of Regional/Refinery / Pipelines/ & R&D Centre Committee shall be held as
planned by the respective Returning Officers but on the same dates announced by CRO.
(c) Ballot papers bearing the names, designations and places of contestants shall be handed
over to the members at the time of election and shall be put in a sealed box, after
exercising the votes by members.
(d) Members can cast their vote for a Maximum of the number of positions for which
election is conducted i,e if eleven executive committee members to be elected then the
member can vote for a Maximum of eleven candidates. Voting for more positions
leads Refineries)to rejection of ballot paper
(e) After the constitution of the AICEC, Central Executive Committee Office bearers i.e.
President, Vice-president, General Secretary, General Treasurer, Additional General
Secretary, Joint Secretary (Marketing), Joint Secretary (Refineries), Joint Secretary
Page (16)
(Pipelines), Marketing Coordinators and Refinery Coordinator will be elected in
sequence from among the elected AICEC members by CRO through Secret Ballot.
(f) The nominations and voting for President, Vice-president, General Secretary, General
Treasurer, Additional General Secretary, Joint Secretary (Marketing), Joint Secretary
(Refineries), Joint Secretary (Pipelines), Marketing Coordinators and Refinery
Coordinator shall be called by the CRO one by one. Counting and declaration of results
be carried out together by CRO after completion of voting for all positions. Any
AICEC Member may put his candidature for one post only. The candidature for the
position of Divisional Jt Secretary & Coordinators shall be accepted for respective
divisions only. AICEC Members of that respective division can only propose for the
names of Divisional Jt Secretaries & Coordinators; however any AICEC Member may
second it. All AICEC Members participate in elections for all Core Group Positions.
(g) In the case of Regional/Refinery / Pipelines/R&D Centre, the Office Bearers (Secretary,
C.E.C.Members & Treasurer) will be elected from among the elected committee
(h) The nominations and Voting for Regional / Unit Secretary, CEC Member and Treasurer
(except for RHQ Committee) shall be called one by one in sequence by the respective
Returning Officer. However counting and declaration of results be carried out together
by RO after completion of voting for all positions. Any Executive Member/ULR may
contest for one position only.
(i) The nominations and Voting for Secretary, One CEC Member and Treasurer for RHQ
Committee shall be called one by one in sequence by the respective Returning Officer.
However counting and declaration of results be carried out together by RO after
completion of voting for these positions. The nominations and Voting of second CEC
Member be carried out afterwards to ensure one AICEC Position from BD function.
Any Executive Member/ULR may contest for one position only.
(j) Election for Office bearers of Refinery/ R&D/Marketing HO / Pipelines HO Committee
shall be completed within 5 days of date of election of executive members of
Committee. Election for Office bearers of Regional Marketing and Pipeline
Committees shall be completed within 7 days of date of election of ULRs of that
committee. Election for Office Bearers of AICEC i.e Core Group shall be completed
within 28 days from the date of the Primary Election (Election of executive
committee./ULRs) It is the responsibility of respective Returning Officers (tobe
appointed outgoing Regional Secretary / Unit Secretary) to arrange the election of their
successor committee. Fixing the dates for the election to all the committees will be
decided by CRO keeping in view the above mentioned guidelines. In case of failure of
Returning Officer or Outgoing Regional Secretary / Unit Secretary, in performing their
responsibility, CRO shall take over such responsibility.
(k) In case of equal votes secured by more than one candidate, selection shall be
determined either by toss or any other method agreeable to such candidates except for
(l) Elected Central Executive /Regional/Refinery / Pipelines/R&D Centre Committee shall
commence functioning only after the annual general meeting, of the Association is over
in accordance with the provisions of their constitution.
(m) In case the number of contestants is equal to the number of vacancies in the committee
concerned, there shall not be any election and these contestants shall be declared as
elected for the committee concerned.
(n) All the committee members including the office bearers shall contest for the post of
committee members only. After the election the office bearers will be elected from
among the elected committee members by all the committee members.
(o) The Returning Officer for any Committee shall ensure that the postal ballots with the
final list of contestants are mailed through Speed Post, Registered Post, E-mail or
under Certificate of Posting to those members either who are on leave or on tour
outside station on date of such election, to enable the members to cast their vote by
post. However the postal ballots shall be mailed to the members who are on leave, after
Page (17)
getting their written request. Postal ballots received on or before 4.30 P.M. on the date
of election, shall be taken into consideration. Such Ballot may also be made available to
Members personally on their written request, if such Members will be out of Station on
the date of Such election. In case of geographical problem of distribution of Members
at remote locations, five or less members at such single locations, Returning Officer
may allow members to cast their vote through Post or E-mail
(p) Any Member of any Committee desirous of exercising their franchise by postal ballots
due to their absence on duty or leave on the day of election shall indicate their
preference to the respective Returning Officer in writing and can collect their postal
ballot. They can cast their vote and hand it over to the Returning Officer in sealed
(q) A member under no circumstances whatsoever can hold two elective posts in different
committees in which case the said member will have to give up his membership in one
of the committees.
(r) Any member desirous for contesting for any position including the post of Executive
Member/ULR must have at least three years of service left in the Corporation as on the
date of announcement of such Primary Elections


(a) The authority for conducting and supervising the elections on All India basis shall be
vested in a Chief Returning Officer (CRO).
(b) The said CRO shall be appointed by the outgoing Central Executive Committee.
(c) On all matters concerning election to CEC and the various committees, the view of the
CRO shall be final and binding on all the Committees primary members and contestants
all over the country.
(d) In the discharge of his duties the CRO shall be assisted by the RRO/ RO / PRO/R&D
RO , and other Returning Officer appointed by the respective outgoing Secretary shall
conduct the elections under the overall supervision of the CRO and shall report to him
in his own hand. All the said Returning Officers are bound by the schedule prescribed
by CRO for conducting the elections. . In case of failure of outgoing Secretary to
appoint the RO by the date notified by CRO, then CRO can directly appoint RO for that
(e) Only a member of the Association is eligible for being appointed the respective
Returning Officer.
(f) Once a person is appointed as a Returning Officer by the respective committees, the
said committees shall not interfere in any manner whatsoever in the working of the
election machinery except to render any assistance required by the respective Returning
Officers in the manner in which it is desired by them.
(g) All the returning officers shall take the assistance only of those who are not contesting
the election, in conducting the elections.
(h) The returning Officers shall make a copy of the results available to the respective
committees by informing the respective Secretary in writing on the date of the election
itself by signing in his own hand. Withthin 4 days after the elections are over on all
India basis, all returning officers shall report to CRO regarding the election results with
a copy of new members elected, duly signed by the Returning Officers and CRO shall
submit a report duly signed in his own hand, to the Director(HR), Executive
Director(HR) Corporate Office and outgoing General Secretary.
(i) The CRO is not deemed to have completed his job unless and until he furnishes the
final results of new office Bearers of AICEC i.e. Core Group in writing to the
Director(HR), Executive Director(HR) Corporate Office and the General Secretary of
the outgoing committee.
(j) In addition to his own duties as CRO, it shall be incumbent on the part of CRO in
ensuring fair and free elections for the other committees as well.

Page (18)
(k) In accordance with the provision contained in the second schedule to this constitution,
the Chief Returning Officer is authorised to deal with any grievance arising out of the
elections conducted to various committees in the manner in which it has to be dealt
with CRO reserves the right to take suo moto cognizance of any grievance/complaint in
any unit across India and resolve the same..


(a) The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held once in years, either in
Mumbai or Delhi within two months of the Association’s accounting year, which shall
be from 1st January to 31st December to transact the following business:
(i) To receive and consider the report of the Central Executive Committee on the
affairs of the Association during the preceding year.
(ii) To receive, consider and pass the accounts of the Association for the previous
accounting year.
(iii) To appoint Auditor for the current Accounting year.
(iv) To transact any other business duly brought forward with the permission of the
(b) Special AICEC Meeting shall be convened by the President to consider policy matters
of vital importance affecting the interest of the members in general. The General
Secretary can also convene a special AICEC Meeting upon receipt of a requisition
signed by at least 15 nos. AICEC members of the Association within 30 days of receipt
of that requisition.
(c) An Extraordinary (Emergency) General Meeting may be convened by the President, the
Central Executive Committee or the General Secretary or unit secretaries at unit level in
emergency situations requiring General Body guidance or approval.
(d) General meeting shall be convened by the secretary at unit level to share the
information on important issues or obtain guidance or approval of the general members,
if required. However this meeting can also be requisitioned to the respective secretary
in writing by 50 nos. or 1/5th of the total members which ever is less, to convene the
General Meeting and the concerned Secretary has to conduct the meeting within 3 days.
(e) The Marketing Regional Refinery/ Pipelines/R&D Committee shall meet at least once
in a quarter to review the work done. In addition the Committee may meet as and when
(f) A special meeting of the AICECshall be convened on requisition by at least 15
members of the Committee while that of Marketing Regional /Refinery/
Pipelines/R&DCommittee on requisition by at least four members. These meeting shall
be convened by General Secretary/Secretary, within 30 days of receipt of that
(g) The Executive or any Committee may adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings, as
they think fit.
(h) The President or in his absence Vice-President shall preside at all General Body
Meetings of the Association, and of the Central Executive Committee. In the event of
both the President and the Vice-President being absent, the Chairman shall be elected
by a vote of the members present.
(i) The Secretary of Marketing Regional /Refinery/ Pipelines/R&D Committee shall
preside at all Committee meetings and General meeting at unit level, in his absence the
Chairman shall be elected by executive members present.

Page (19)
(a) The notice for necessary meetings shall be as under:
Annual General Meeting - 20 days
Special General Meeting - 5 days
Extraordinary (Emergency) General Meeting - 24 hours
Central Executive Committee - 3 days
General meeting at Marketing/Refinery/PL/R&D - 3 Days
(b) The notice necessary for moving a resolution or motion at the General Body shall be
before 10 days.
(c) The Central Executive/ Marketing Regional /Refinery/ Pipelines/R&D/ Committee will
be competent owing to exigencies to waive the above time limit under 21 (a) & (b) to
the necessary extent as and when necessary.


Quorum for the meetings will be as under:

General Meetings 50 or 1/5th of the number of members whichever is less
All other Committee 4
If within half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting there is no quorum, the
meeting, if convened upon the requisition of members, shall be dissolved. In any other
case it shall stand adjourned and shall be held after half an hour at the same place to
consider the agenda of the adjourned meeting.

At all meetings, matters submitted in the meeting shall be decided by a majority vote of
members present. Where the votes for and against any question are equal, the Chairman of
the meeting shall have a casting vote, and the question shall thus be decided.

Minutes of the proceedings of all meetings shall be recorded .


The Communication issued by the President and/or Gen. Secretary on behalf of AICEC
shall have unrestricted and undiluted publication all over India to enable a primary member
to remain a vital link in Association matters and the Secretaries at all levels of reckoning
shall ensure their smooth passage and the said Communication is not to be mixed up with
any local communication which Secretaries other than the President and/or Gen. Secretary
at AICEC level may issue.


That no unit in any part of the country comprising the IOOA shall contemplate on any
agitational methods except wearing Black Badge, Dharna, Hunger Strike, Work to rule
etc in a concerned move, leading to cessation of work unless Core Group or the AICEC
issue such directive.

Page (20)

That if an elective post falls vacant in any unit, induction of the new ULR/EC Member,
shall be done by Co - Option. Co-option at units having more than 2 ULRs shall be done by
the remaining ULRs/EC members of that unit in such a manner that those who were not
successful in the direct elections shall not be eligible for co-option with a view to respect
the verdict by the electorate. Co-option at units having less than 2 ULRs shall be done by
General Body. The President, Vice President, General Secretary, General Treasurer &
Additional General Secretary shall continue to hold their positions even if transferred
anywhere in India and shall be considered as co-opted Members of AICEC and Co-opted
ULR/Executive Members of new place of posting by Default. Divisional Jt. Secretaries &
Coordinators shall continue to hold their positions even if transferred within the respective
Division anywhere in India and shall be considered as co-opted Members of AICEC and
Executive Members/ULR of new location by Default, on transfer. Regional Secretary/
Accompanying CEC shall continue to hold their positions as Regional
Secretary/Accompanying CEC Member even if they are transferred to any locations within
the Regional HQ City and shall be considered as co-opted ULR of the place of posting by
Default. Regional CEC shall continue to hold his positions as Regional CEC Member even
if, transferred to any locations within the Region and shall be considered as co-opted ULR
of the place of posting by Default. State CEC shall continue hold the position if transferred
to any locations within State HQ of, and shall be considered as co-opted ULR at new
posting by Default. For avoidance of doubt, Regional Secretary or Accompanying CEC
Members/ Regional CEC Members / State CEC Members of Marketing Divisions or
Pipeline Divisions, even if transferred out from the primary constituency, but within the
Secondary constituency, without violating the basic eligibility criteria of his/her Secondary
Election, shall continue to hold his position. To carry out the responsibilities of ULR that
would fall vacant by such transfers, a new ULR shall be elected/Co-Opted by the affected
unit. In case of transfer of an AICEC member to a post outside his elected constituency as
narrated above, a new AICEC member shall be elected by the ULRs/Executive Members of
their respective units. All Co-opted members entitled with voting right.

28. FUNDS:

(i) Funds of the Association shall be raised by

(a) Monthly subscriptions
(b) Special contributions or levies from members as may be fixed by the General
Body or by the Central Executive/ Marketing Regional /Refinery/
Pipelines/R&D Committee from time to time
(c) Donations and/or subsidies

Page (21)
(ii) The funds of the Association shall be deposited in an account opened with a Bank
approved by the Central Executive Committee and operated in the manner

(iii) Subject to Section 15 of the Trade Unions Act, 1926, the funds of the Association
shall not be spent on any object other than the following:
(a) The Payment of Salaries, allowances and expenses to staff of the Association.
(b) The payment of expenses for the administration of the Association including
travelling expenses, audit of the accounts of the general funds of the
(c) The payment for any legal proceedings to which the Association or any member
if authorised by the Association thereof is a party when such proceedings are
undertaken for the purpose of securing or protecting the rights and interests of
the Association and its members.
(d) Allowances to members or their wives and/or children on account of death, old
age, sickness, accidents or unemployment of such members.
(e) The issue of or the undertaking of liability, under policies of assurance on the
lives of members, or under polices insuring members against sickness, accident
or unemployment.
(f) The provision of education on social benefits for members of the wives and/or
children of members.
(g) Publication of periodicals or magazines/furthering particularly the interests of
the Association and its members.

(iv) Every Committee other than the AICEC shall be obliged in accordance with the
provision of this part of the constitution to ensure the transfer of Rs 20/- per
Members for respective Unit to the Central account. General Treasurer has to
ensure that such contribution is reaching in the Central Account.

(a) The said contribution shall be ensured by the respective Secretary/Treasurer to

CEC either annually or half yearly or quarterly or monthly as the case may be
to which effect the General Treasurer will take necessary steps to be in touch
with the respective Regional / refinery/ Pipeline/ R&D Treasurers in order that
the Central Executive Committee is not starved for want of funds.
(b) In addition to the contribution by the units mentioned vide section (a) above
the Central Executive Committee may request the units to contribute whenever
the need arises and sufficient justification is there to draw the money and to
which effect the General Secretary will write to the Regional/ Refinery/ PL /
R&D Centre Secretaries as the case may be.


(i) No Member of the Association shall be entitled to any benefits that the Association may
decide to give its members unless he has been a member for at least three months and has
paid all subscriptions/contributions.

(ii) A member of the Association who is in arrears of his subscription or dues shall not be
entitled to any benefits until all such arrears have been paid and membership is restored as
per the Clause 4 (v) (d).

Page (22)

(i) The Central Executive/ Marketing Regional /Refinery/ Pipelines/R&D Committee shall
cause accounts to be kept of all sums of money received and expended by the Association
and all matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures take place and of the
assets and liabilities of the Association.
(ii) The books of accounts shall be kept by the General Treasurer and Unit Treasurers and
shall be kept open to inspection by any member at the office of the Association during
which the office is open on any week day excluding holidays.
(iii) The Accounting year for the Association will be form 1st January to 31st December.
The Annual Income and Expenditure account and the Balance Sheet of the Regional or
Unit Accounts of Association shall be furnished by respective Secretary to General
Treasurer. Within three months of close of the accounting year i.e. 31st March of the
succeeding year,, duly audited by the competent auditor The Annual Income and
Expenditure account and the Balance Sheet of Association shall be presented at the annual
General Meeting within Six months of the close of the accounting year 30th June of the
succeeding year, by the General Treasurer, duly audited by the competent auditor
nominated by the General Body in accordance with regulation 18 of the Bombay Trade
Unions Regulations 1927.Failure of Deposition/Presentation of accounts in stipulated time
to attract disciplinary action.


The rules may be amended, altered, replaced, rescinded or added to at any time by majority
of the members present at a general body meeting, provided previous notice of at least 30
days is given to the members of the proposed alternations. However such provisions be
cleared in principle by AICEC first by two third majority, before placing in the General
Body. General Body for this purpose can be conducted in Mumbai or Delhi only.


The Association can be dissolved by a General Body Meeting called specially for the
purpose, provided that:
(i) the quorum for this meeting will be two-thirds of the membership and three-fourth of the
members present vote for such dissolution. However such proposal be cleared in principle
by AICEC first by three forth majority, before placing in the General Body. General Body
for this purpose can be conducted in Mumbai or Delhi only
(ii) after dissolution the assets and liabilities of the Association will be disposed of in the
manner decided by the General body.

Page (23)

a) There shall be a Circular by the CRO calling for nominations to the various committees
on All India basis.
b) The Circular shall clearly bring out the procedures and formalities to be followed by the
candidate(s) and the member(s) exercising their votes.7th day (Seventh day) shall be the
closing date for receiving nominations from the date of issuance of the Circular calling
for nomination as per provisions mentioned in (a) above.
c) Scrutiny of nomination papers to establish eligibility for contesting the elections shall
be completed on the 8th day (eighth day) from the date of issuance of the Circular.
d) The list of candidates contesting for the elections shall be circulated to the members
comprising the jurisdiction of the respective committees on the 9th day (Ninth day)
from the date of issuance of Circular for elections.
e) Nomination can be withdrawn on or before the 12th day (Twelfth day) from the date of
issuance of Circular for holding the elections.
f) The final list of contestants shall be prepared on the 13th (Thirteenth day) from the date
of issuance of Circular calling for nominations.
g) Postal ballots shall be issued on the 15th day (Fifteenth day) of issuance of the notice
calling for nominations, to those who desire to exercise their franchise by postal ballots,
to which effect a member will have to give an application to the respective Returning
h) Election shall be conducted to all the committees on the 19th day (Nineteenth day) from
the date of issuance of notice calling for nominations as per item (a) above.
i) To determine as to who is a member of the Association, the records maintained at the
various units of the Association shall be conclusive proof to which effect the respective
Secretary/Treasurer shall testify if necessary before the Returning Officers as the case
may be and the view of the Office bearers shall be final in the matter.
j) The cut-off date for determining the membership of a person shall be the date on which
the CRO calls for nominations to the various committees. In other words, any person
desirous of contesting or voting as the case may be should find a place on the rolls of
the Association at the said cut-off date.
k) The outgoing General Secretary/General Treasurer and the respective Secretaries and
Treasurers shall make a copy of the list of members available in the respective
committees to the CRO and other Returning Officers as the case may be on the second
day from the date of issuance of Circular calling nominations for the election.
l) Appointment of polling officers, floor-wise representatives, the timing of the elections
on the 19th day as per provisions (i) above and all arrangements that are necessary,
incidental, essential and consistent with the need is left to the sole discretion of the
CRO/other Returning Officers.

Page (24)

a) Any member having any grievance arising out of the elections conducted to any of the
committees are entitled to initiate an election petition in accordance with the provisions
of this part of the constitution.
b) The final authority to decide on all election disputes shall be vested in the Chief
Returning Officer whose verdict shall be binding on the contestants, the petitioner and
the Association.
c) Election petition shall be on plain paper neatly typed and addressed to the respective
Returning Officers.
d) All petitions shall be initiated within 3 days from the date on which the results were
declared and the respective Returning officers shall dispose off the said petitions on or
before the 7th day from the date on which the results were declared duly communicating
his decision to the petitioner.
e) An appeal shall ordinarily lie to the CRO if in the opinion of Returning Officers the
matter deserves the scrutiny and considerations of the Chief Returning Officer.
f) Any petition, which is received in appeal by the CRO, shall be routed through the
respective Returning Officer duly signed and sent by Registered Post Only.
g) CRO shall dispose off all appeal petitions on or before the 15th day from the date
on which the results were declared.

Page (25)

(Suitable changes should be made regarding the elective posts for all Unit Committees and
the Name of the Regional Returning Officer, Refinery returning Officer, Pipeline Returning
Officer, Divisional Returning Officer and Polling Officers as the case may be)


(Regd. Under the Trade Unions Act, 1926)
Indian Oil Bhavan, G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg,
Bandra (East), Bombay - 400 051.

(For ….. elective posts in ……………… Committee)

Last Date for receiving nominations by CRO: mm /dd /yy (5.15pm)

I propose Shri / Smt. / Kum/ ___________________________________ for the post of the ……………………. Committee for the year....................

Name of the Proposer :

Employee No :
Signature & Date :

We second the above nomination:

1. Name of the Seconder : 2. Name of the Seconder :

Designation : Designation :

Employee No. : Employee No :

Signature & Date : Signature & Date :

I consent to the above nomination to be one of the contestants for the elections to be
conducted on dd/mm/yy.

Name of Contestant :

Designation :

Employee No. :

Signature & Date :

I declare the nomination as valid / invalid.

Place :
Date : Returning Officer

Page (26)
The Secretary,
Indianoil Officers’ Association,


I, the undersigned Shri/Smt/Kum. ____ _____ _____ ______ ____ _____ _____
wish to be a member of the Indianoil Officers’ Association and hereby convey my consent
to recover my subscription for the Indianoil Officers’ Association @ Rs.50/- per month
from my salary / herewith submitting the subscription amount of Rs ...... for .... months
during .. .. .. .. .. I give below the particulars required by Association
1. Full Name in Block Letters:
(Beginning with Surname)
2. (a) Employee Number:

(b) Designation:
3. Department/Division/Location:
4. Date of joining in IOCL:
5. Permanent residential address:


6. Name of the legal Beneficiary
& relationship:
The necessary authority duly completed is appended below:

Yours faithfully,

Name in Full:__________________________

Page (27)

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