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Quantity Take-Off

Author: Jan Karlshøj

Version 1.0 September 2020

bSI Document Number: BR-2020-1024-CS

Change Log

2018-06-20 Committee draft released Jan Karlshøj

2018-09-02 Executive Summary created Jan Karlshøj

2020-09-02 Updates for bSI review and publication Jan Karlshøj and Jon Proctor

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Table of Contents
Executive summary ........................................................................................................... 3
bSI maturity level ........................................................................................................................ 3
What are the outputs and deliverables of the project? ........................................................... 3
Opportunities addressed and value created ....................................................................3
What has been done? ................................................................................................................ 3
Consensus process ..........................................................................................................4
Software testing .......................................................................................................................... 4
Further recommendations ......................................................................................................... 4
Observations ............................................................................................................................... 4
Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Use Case ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Use Case #1 Predefined Base quantities ................................................................................... 5
Use Case #1.1 Early stage design ...................................................................................5
Use Case #2 Custom quantities .................................................................................................. 7
Use Case #2.1 Quantities Take-Off measured according to Molio ..................................7
Use Case #2.2 Quantities Take-Off measured according to sustainability certification ..8
Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Interaction .................................................................................................................................... 10
Process Map ................................................................................................................................ 11
Name ......................................................................................................................................... 11
pm_QTO .................................................................................................................................... 11
Identifier ..................................................................................................................................... 11
pm_QTO01 ................................................................................................................................ 11
Subprocesses for Prepare QTO ................................................................................................ 13
Subprocesses for Preform QTO ................................................................................................ 13
Exchange requirements ............................................................................................................. 15
Entities ....................................................................................................................................... 15
mvdXML ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Sample: Base and Custom quantities using Molio’s rules of measurement. ..................... 30

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Executive Summary
The Quantity Take-Off (QTO) Model View Definition (MVD) enables storage and
exchange of quantities of IFC building elements. The quantities can be defined either
by buildingSMART or by custom quantities. The custom quantity set is measured
according to customers’ rules of measurement, acknowledging that each country –
and often each discipline – has its own specific rules of measurement. The MVD
allows the user to add custom quantity sets. The MVD is based on existing IFC 4

bSI maturity level

The MVD has been specified and tested manually in a limited number of
applications. Additional tests are necessary before the specification can be released as an
official buildingSMART standard.

What are the outputs and deliverables of the project?

The project deliverables include a use case, process maps and a sample of how
custom quantity sets can be applied. The sample is based on rules of measurement
developed in Denmark by Molio.

Opportunities addressed and value created

Quantities are frequently used in the AEC and FM industries, and, by attaching base
or custom quantities to the building elements in IFC 4 format, it is possible to share
information about the quantities among the appropriate parties; e.g. design and cost
estimating applications. By labelling the quantities, it is possible to specify exactly which
rule of measurement has been used to calculate the quantity. This avoids any
misunderstanding of what has been included in the quantity. The MVD enables better use
of quantities in IFC and gives the industry access to quantities and how they are calculated
per building element.

What has been done?

The project has been developed as an update of the existing MVD for quantity take-
off based on IFC 2x3. The existing quantity MVD defined quantities as base quantities
specified by buildingSMART.
The project has:
• updated the existing MVD from IFC2x to IFC 4
• investigated the current limitations of the base quantities
• suggested how the custom quantity set can be used
• made mandatory the ability to specify the method of measurement as a label
• developed a process map and use case of how the base and custom quantity
sets can be used
• verified the proposed method is in line with the extension of idea behind
quantities in IFC 4. (MVD is coming.)

Jan Karlshøj is both the project leader and the main author of the specification. Tim
Chipman has been consulted regarding the IFC specification. Jan has presented the
concept at one ISG meeting in Norway and presented status reports at several

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buildingSMART standard summits. The expert panel has been invited to give comments
during the process.

Consensus process
An expert panel was established and contacted for feedback during the process.
The feedback was limited. The concept was presented at an ISG meeting in Oslo, Norway.
The concept was presented at several buildingSMART summits including London and
Barcelona. The concept was presented in the International User Group. Finally, a draft of
the specification was reviewed by the expert panel, and that has provided some useful
feedback e.g. how the quantities can be used in the infrastructure.

Software testing
From the beginning of the project, Autodesk, CostX and Anavitor stated that they
intended to implement support for quantities according to the specification. Jon Mirtschin
from Geometry Gym (which is doing consultancy for Autodesk) has shown interest in testing
the specification, but no formal feedback has been given. Anavitor has promised to test the
proposed solution, but no formal feedback has been given. A basic test developed by Tim
Chipman has been made in Constructivity, and the custom quantities have been stored in
IFC format. The IFC file has been successfully imported into several tools.

Further recommendations
• General review of base quantities in IFC
• Pilot Implementations
• Publication as a buildingSMART Candidate Standard
• Software certification
• The MVD should be updated to include infrastructural elements when they have
been developed.

The expectation by clients and other actors in the industry may not match how base
quantities are handled in IFC 4, as the actors may expect that base quantities are
calculated for all physical elements in a building or facilities, but there are numerous
exceptions in IFC 4 where base quantities are omitted. If a room has different heights, the
volume is omitted. Base quantities are calculated only for rectangular doors. The base
quantities are calculated for curtain wall only if the height and thickness are constant. It is
important to align the capabilities of base quantities in IFC 4 with the expectations of the
industry. In a worst-case scenario, the cost of a facility is based on the base quantities that
due to the complexity of the facility provide significantly smaller quantities than the actual

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The aim of this standard is to specify how quantities of individual entities like spaces, walls, coverings and
valves are stored and exchanged between parties in the lifecycle of a facility according to the IFC4

Use Cases
This document considers two use cases that are both related to adding quantity take-off information to
objects stored in the IFC4 structure. Quantities are used in many business cases, e.g. cost estimation, life
cycle costing, life cycle assessment, logistics, purchasing, maintenance, energy analysis and calculation
of sustainable performance. Objects like spaces, walls, coverings and valves are often designed and
modelled in BIM-tools by one type of professionals, while other types of professionals need the quantities
from the objects as input to perform their services. In both situations, the use cases are depending on
access to information about quantities.

The first use case is based on using the exiting IFC4 Based quantities. The second use case is related to
the business case that exceeds the capacity of Base quantities and requires adding additional Custom
quantities to the objects.

Use Case #1 Predefined Base quantities

Use Case #1 is benefitting from existing quantities in IFC4 Quantity sets that have predefined quantities
for building and building services elements and spatial elements like spaces, buildings and sites.
These so-called Base quantities can be used to exchange information on quantities generated from pure
geometric measures that can be used as a common platform for quantities. They can be used for an
initiate, e.g. cost estimates, environmental analysis, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), or Life Cycle Cost.
The predefined base quantities defined by buildingSMART are only appropriate for initial calculations or
estimates as more detailed analysis usual requires that the quantities are measured according to detailed
specifications related to a specific task like a sustainability evaluation system.

Use Case #1.1 Early stage design

Early in the building design process it is important for the client to be informed by the design team about
various matters: the proposed designs and their consequences at the construction, operational and life
cycle costs; sustainable performance; and other aspects such as the visual presence, indoor climate, etc.

The design team, and especially the architect, must develop several different solutions and must
collaborate with other domain expects who can enrich, comment on, and evaluate the proposed solutions.
As there are a high number of uncertainties and frequent design changes, it is essential to have access to
generic, automatically generated base quantities that can be shared among the design team, domain
experts, authorities, and the client as efficiently as possible.

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Figure 1: Use of base quantities in IFC files

One use case for an architect is when the proposed designs are modelled in a BIM application at a
conceptual level, with solid walls, slabs, and columns, but without the internal structures. The architect
then generates IFC files of the proposed designs according to the Quantity Take-Off (QTO) specifications
developed by buildingSMART. The base quantities in IFC files are valuable for several types of early-
stage estimates, as the proposals match the level of detail and the base quantities. The IFC file for each
design contains the geometry of and the relationships between building elements, which storey they
belong to, and thereby also their relationships to the building and the site. Furthermore, the properties
and quantities of the building elements, storeys, the building and the site are included in the IFC file. If the
architect prefers to use other means of digital communication than sending IFC files, tools such as model
servers can also be used.

The base quantities included in the IFC files can be used by the cost estimator to generate an estimate
for each design proposal. It is recognized by the architect, cost estimator and client that the cost estimate
is created using generic base quantities that do not take national or domain-specific rules of
measurement into account; they find such estimates useful anyway, as they can easily be generated and
updated and used to give a fast evaluation of different design proposals. The base quantities for a wall,
for example, include its dimensions, area, volume, and footprint, and can be used to calculate the cost of
the wall itself as well as the cost of painting it. As the quantities are included in the IFC file, the cost
estimating application does not have to calculate the quantities based on the geometric description.
The base quantities can also be used for an initial assessment of the sustainability of the proposed
designs. As with the cost estimation, such sustainability assessments are limited due to being generated
from base quantities and not measured according to specific rules for sustainability assessments such as
BREEAM, DGNB or LEED. However, they can be produced quickly and updated easily. By adding
names, types, properties and classifications to structures, the elements can be sorted and the attached
base quantities can then be used to estimate the sustainability. As with the cost estimation, the
sustainability assessment application does not have to calculate the quantities as they are included in the
IFC file.

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Facility managers can also benefit from the base quantities by generating initial estimates of the cost of
operation and maintenance of the proposed designs. The quality of the estimate depends on additional
information that has been attached to the building elements and that can used to sort them into
categories, according to their cost of operation and maintenance.

In order to generate and use the base quantities in the activities mentioned above, it is a prerequisite that
the parties are using IFC-based, QTO-compatible tools for either export or import, as appropriate.

Use Case #2 Custom quantities

Use Case #2 is based on using Custom quantity sets that can host quantities measured as count, weight,
length, area, volume, and time. The quantities can be used in cost estimates, calculate for sustainability
performance, rental area or areas measured for specific professionals, e.g. measured the specific area
for painting that is excluding windows and openings smaller than a specific size.
One sample of a use case using Custom quantities is in energy analysis that is using national rules for
measurement of the building’s envelope. In some specific cases, it is required to measure the exterior
side of the building envelope. By adding a Custom quantity set with the measured area according to a
national requirement for energy calculations, it is possible to store and secondly transfer the area to an
application for this specific type energy analysis.

Use Case #2.1 Quantities Take-Off measured according to Molio

In Denmark, the non-profit organisation Molio ( has developed rules
for measuring building elements. This is just one of many different rules for measuring, like GAEB
( from Germany. A potential use case for benefiting from customised
quantities in IFC format is that of an engineering consultant who wants to estimate the cost of an office
building that they have designed. The consultant will have to use a BIM application that supports the
generation of quantities according to Molio’s specifications and that can store the quantities as custom
quantity sets in an IFC file.

Figure 2: Using custom quantities in cost estimating

After the structural system has been modelled and the necessary information about in-situ casting or
prefabrication, material characteristics, reinforcement, etc, have been added, the structural building
elements are grouped and measured according to Molio’s rules for quantity take-off. Specific quantities
are attached to each structural building element, and the type of measurement (e.g. length or area) and
the method of measurement are specified. The method of measurement can, for example, specify that
the given length of a prefabricated column excludes the joints, whereas an in-situ column is measured

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according to its physical length. By storing the measurement method together with the quantity, it is
possible to look up the specific details of how the quantity has been measured.

Figure 3: Rules of measurement developed by Molio

The engineering consultant can then send or give access to the information stored in IFC format to the
cost estimator, who performs the cost estimation. As each quantity holds information about how it was
measured and where it is located in the building, a detailed cost estimate can be prepared. A better cost
estimate can be generated than when an estimator has access only to generic base quantities and does
not know the method of measurement.

The calculated cost of the structural building elements can then be sent to the engineering office and
modifications to the structural system can be made if needed. The cost itself can be stored together with
the structural building element in the IFC file, but that is outside the scope of this use case, which focuses
on making base or custom quantities available for several purposes, not limited to cost estimating.

Use Case #2.2 Quantities Take-Off measured according to sustainability certification

As methods for sustainability certification are now commonly used, it becomes relevant to include an
environmental assessment during the design stage. This should be executed as efficiently as possible, so
that it does not become a burden. By attaching environment-specific quantities as custom quantities to
the building elements’ IFC files, they can be transferred to applications that measure the environmental
impact that is used to obtain sustainability certification.

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Figure 4: Custom quantities used for sustainable certification

An example of a use case is an environmental consultant performing an environmental assessment on a

proposed design of a building. One part of the assessment is to calculate the impact of building elements
according to the criteria in the sustainability certification programme. The sustainability consultant
receives the building design in IFC format, as prepared by an architect who designed it in a BIM
application supporting the creation of quantities in accordance with the environmental assessment
method. For each quantity, the environmental consultant has access to the additional information about
the method by which each quantity has been measured. The consultant can use the quantities as input to
the environmental assessment.
A part of the environmental assessment in Denmark is often to include an estimate of the energy
consumption of the building according to the national requirements specified in the building code. The
building code specifies that the surface of the building envelop must be calculated in accordance with the
outer surface. The calculated area of each element of the building envelop that complied with the building
code can be stored in and exchange as custom quantities in IFC files.

The scope is limited to
• Entities included in IFC4 Reference View and IFC4 Design Transfer View.
• Base quantities defined in Quantity sets in IFC4.
• Quantities that can be stored in Custom quantity sets.
• Store the method according to how the quantities are calculated in plain text.
• Adding Custom quantity sets to entities in IFC4 that already can have the Base quantity set.
• Exchanging and sharing quantities stored in Quantity sets, both Base quantity sets and Custom
quantity sets.

Out of scope
• Exchange of quantities disconnected from the associated entities.
• Adding quantities to existing official Quantity sets in IFC4.

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• Algorithms to calculate quantities in Custom quantity sets.

At a general level, the interaction is between parties during a quantity take-off process is as follows, the
specifier, e.g. a client specifies how the quantities are measured and labelled with potential reference to
the name of the method used for measuring. The specifier sends the specification to the executor, e.g. a
designer that first is preparing for the quantity take-off and the secondly perform the actual quantity take-
off itself. The objects including the required quantities are sent to the specifier, e.g. the client.

R1 R2
T1 Executor

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Process Map

Name pm_QTO

Identifier pm_QTO01

Identify required
Verifying quantities

Requirements Delivered
for quantities quantities

Yes No
Base quantities?

Specify Custom QTO

Use Base quantities
Quantity Take-off


QTO specification Objects incl.


Prepare QTO Perform QTO

Specification of Pool
Name Type Description
Quantity take-off Pool The pool contains parties involved
in formulating requirements for
quantities and generating of

Specification of Lanes
Name Type Description
Specifier Lane The specifier specifies the
requirements for the quantity take-
The specifier is a person in a
construction project, from an
official or unofficial organisation
that is providing information about
how quantities shall be calculated
and labelled.

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Executor Lane Executor: The executor performs
the quantity take-off.
The executor is calculating and
labelling the quantities according to
the requirements from the specifier.

Specification of Processes
Name Type Description
Identify required quantities Process Identify which quantities there are
within or outside the scope of the
Base quantities.
Use Base quantities Process Identify which Base quantities that
shall be delivered
Specify QTO sets Process Specify quantities that shall be
delivered and how they are
Prepare QTO Process Prepare quantity take-off by
identifying how the quantities are
Perform QTO Process Generate quantities according to the
required specification for quantities.
Validate quantities Process Verification that the calculated
quantities match the required

Specification of Data Objects

Name Type Description
QTO specification Data object A specification of the required
Quantities Data object Quantities stored in quantity sets
attached to entities according the
IFC 4 specifications.

Specification of Gateways
Name Type Description
Base quantities? Gateway Are the specific quantity included
in the Base quantities or not?

Specification of Events
Name Type Description
Requirement for quantities Start event Start of the process for requiring
quantities for a specific purpose.
Delivered quantities End event End of process regarding delivery
of quantities.

Specification of Exchange Requirements

Name Type Description
ER1: QTO Specification Data object Specification from the specifier or
requesting party to the executing
party that will generate the
ER2: Objects incl. quantities Data object Delivering the quantities attached to
the objects according to the

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Subprocesses for Prepare QTO

Prepare QTO

Evaluate QTO Base

specifications quantities?

Configurate QTO
No Yes

Prepare quantity
set for manual

Specification of Processes
Name Type Description
Evaluate QTO specifications Process Evaluate QTO specifications and
identify Base specifications, and if
the required quantities are
supported by the application used
for QTO.
Configure QTO Process Make a configuration of the QTO in
the application generating the QTO.
Prepare quantity set for manual Process Create a setup for generating.

Specification of Gateways
Name Type Description
Base quantities? Gateway Are the specific quantity included
in the Base quantities or not?
Application support? Gateway Can the application support
generation of the quantity as
Custom quantity set?

Specification of Events
Name Type Description
Start Start event Start of the subprocess
End End event End of the subprocess

Subprocesses for Preform QTO

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Perform QTO
Generate Base
Yes quantities

support for QTO
No Generate Custom Quantities
Yes quantities

Application End

Calculate Custom
Add quantities

Specification of Processes
Name Type Description
Evaluate application support for Process Evaluate if the application can
QTO generate Base quantities and or
Custom Quantities.
Generate Base quantities Process Generate Base quantities by
Generate Custom Quantities Process Generate Custom Quantities by
Calculate Custom Quantities Process Generate Custom Quantities
Add quantities Process Add calculated Quantities to Ifc
entities as Quantities in Custom
Quantity sets.

Specification of Data Objects

Name Type Description
Quantities Data object Quantities stored in quantity sets
attached to entities according to the
IFC 4 specifications.

Specification of Gateways
Name Type Description
Base quantities? Gateway Are the specific quantity included
in the Base quantities or not?
Application support? Gateway Can the application support
generation of the quantity as
Custom quantity set?

Specification of Events
Name Type Description
Start Start event Start of the subprocess
End End event End of the subprocess

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Exchange requirements
Base quantities
Base quantities can be attached for subtypes of IFC element (IfcElement) and IFC Spatial elements
(IfcSpatialStructureElement). The Base quantities are derived from the geometry of the objects.

The Base quantities for e.g. a space is height, Finish Ceiling Height, Finish Floor Height, Gross
Perimeter, Net Perimeter, Gross Floor Area, Net Floor Area, Gross Wall Area, Net Wall Area, Gross
Ceiling Area, Net Ceiling Area, Gross Volume, and Net Volume while for other objects like many building
services elements the only Base quantity is Gross Weight.


Air Terminal

Air Terminal Box Type


Air To Air Heat Recovery


Audio Visual Appliance



Field Mapping Definition

Length \IfcBeam.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BeamBaseQuantities'] Total length of the beam, not taking

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition into account any cut-out's or other
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Length'] processing features.

Net \IfcBeam.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BeamBaseQuantities'] Net surface area of the beam,

Surface \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition normally generated as perimeter *
Area \IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetSurfaceArea'] length + 2 * cross section area taking
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue into account possible processing
\IfcAreaMeasure features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings
and recesses.

Net \IfcBeam.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BeamBaseQuantities'] Total net weight of the beam without

Weight \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition add-on parts, taking into account
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetWeight'] possible processing features (cut-
out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.

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Field Mapping Definition

Height \IfcBuilding.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingBaseQuantities'] Standard gross height of this building,

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition from the top surface of the
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Height'] construction floor, to the top surface of
\IfcQuantityLength.LengthValue the construction floor or roof above.
\IfcLengthMeasure Only provided is there is a constant

Gross \IfcBuilding.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingBaseQuantities'] Sum of all gross areas of spaces

Floor \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition within the building. It includes the area
Area \IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossFloorArea'] of construction elements within the
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue building. May be provided in addition
\IfcAreaMeasure to the quantities of the spaces and the
construction elements assigend to the
building. In case of inconsistencies,
the individual quantities of spaces and
construction elements take

Net \IfcBuilding.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingBaseQuantities'] Sum of all net areas of spaces within

Floor \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition the building. It excludes the area of
Area \IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetFloorArea'] construction elements within the
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue building. May be provided in addition
\IfcAreaMeasure to the quantities of the spaces
assigend to the building. In case of
inconsistencies, the individual
quantities of spaces take precedence.

Gross \IfcBuilding.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingBaseQuantities'] Sum of all gross volumes of spaces

Volume \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition enclosed by the building. It includes
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossVolume'] the volumes of construction elements
\IfcQuantityVolume.VolumeValue within the building. May be provided in
\IfcVolumeMeasure addition to the quantities of the spaces
and the construction elements
assigend to the building. In case of
inconsistencies, the individual
quantities of spaces and construction
elements take precedence.

Net \IfcBuilding.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingBaseQuantities'] Sum of all net volumes of spaces

Volume \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition enclosed by the building. It iexcludes
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetVolume'] the volumes of construction elements
\IfcQuantityVolume.VolumeValue within the building. May be provided in
\IfcVolumeMeasure addition to the quantities of the spaces
assigend to the building. In case of
inconsistencies, the individual
quantities of spaces take precedence.

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Building Element Proxy

Building Level

Field Mapping Definition

Gross \IfcBuildingStorey.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities'] Standard gross height

Height \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition of this storey, from the
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossHeight'] top surface of the
\IfcQuantityLength.LengthValue construction floor, to the
\IfcLengthMeasure top surface of the
construction floor or
roof above. Only
provided is there is a
constant height.

Net \IfcBuildingStorey.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities'] Standard net height of

Height \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition this storey, from the top
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetHeigtht'] surface of the
\IfcQuantityLength.LengthValue construction floor, to the
\IfcLengthMeasure bottom surface of the
construction floor or
roof above. Only
provided is there is a
constant height.

Gross \IfcBuildingStorey.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities'] Perimeter of the outer

Perimeter \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition contour of the building
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossPerimeter'] story without taking
\IfcQuantityLength.LengthValue interior slab openings
\IfcLengthMeasure into account.

Gross \IfcBuildingStorey.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities'] Sum of all gross areas

Area \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition of spaces within the
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossFloorArea'] building storey. It
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue includes the area of
\IfcAreaMeasure construction elements
within the building
storey. May be provided
in addition to the
quantities of the spaces
and the construction
elements assigend to
the storey. In case of
inconsistencies, the
individual quantities of
spaces and
construction elements
take precedence.

Net Area \IfcBuildingStorey.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities'] Sum of all net areas of

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition spaces within the
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetFloorArea'] building storey. It
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue excludes the area of
\IfcAreaMeasure construction elements
within the building

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storey. May be provided
in addition to the
quantities of the spaces
assigend to the storey.
In case of
inconsistencies, the
individual quantities of
spaces take

Gross \IfcBuildingStorey.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities'] Sum of all gross

Volume \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition volumes of spaces
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossVolume'] enclosed by the
\IfcQuantityVolume.VolumeValue building storey. It
\IfcVolumeMeasure includes the volumes of
construction elements
within the building
storey. May be provided
in addition to the
quantities of the spaces
and the construction
elements assigend to
the storey. In case of
inconsistencies, the
individual quantities of
spaces and
construction elements
take precedence.

Net \IfcBuildingStorey.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities'] Sum of all net volumes

Volume \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition of spaces enclosed by
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetVolume'] the building storey. It
\IfcQuantityVolume.VolumeValue iexcludes the volumes
\IfcVolumeMeasure of construction
elements within the
building storey. May be
provided in addition to
the quantities of the
spaces assigend to the
storey. In case of
inconsistencies, the
individual quantities of
spaces take


Cable Carrier Fitting


Cable Carrier Segment


Cable Fitting

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September 2020 18
Cable Segment




Field Mapping Definition

Length \IfcColumn.IsDefinedBy['Qto_ColumnBaseQuantities'] Total length of the column not taking

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition into account any cut-out's or other
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Length'] processing features.

Net \IfcColumn.IsDefinedBy['Qto_ColumnBaseQuantities'] Net surface area of the column,

Surface \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition normally generated as perimeter *
Area \IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetSurfaceArea'] length + 2 * cross section area taking
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue into account possible processing
\IfcAreaMeasure features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings
and recesses.

Net \IfcColumn.IsDefinedBy['Qto_ColumnBaseQuantities'] Total net weight of the column without

Weight \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition add-on parts, taking into account
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetWeight'] possible processing features (cut-
\IfcQuantityWeight.WeightValue out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.

Communications Appliance



Construction Equipment Resource


Construction Material Resource


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September 2020 19

Cooled Beam

Cooling Tower

Field Mapping Definition

Width \IfcCovering.IsDefinedBy['Qto_CoveringBaseQuantities'] Nominal width (or thickness) of the

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition plate. Only given, if the covering is
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Width'] prismatic (constant thickess).

Gross \IfcCovering.IsDefinedBy['Qto_CoveringBaseQuantities'] Sum of all gross areas of the

Area \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition covering facing the space. No
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossArea'] opening that is included in the
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue covering is subtracted.

Net \IfcCovering.IsDefinedBy['Qto_CoveringBaseQuantities'] Sum of all net areas of the covering

Area \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition facing the space. All openings that is
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetArea'] included in the covering are
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue subtracted.

Curtain Wall


Distribution Chamber Element


Field Mapping Definition

Width \IfcDoor.IsDefinedBy['Qto_DoorBaseQuantities'] Total outer width of the door lining. It

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition should only be provided, if it is a
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Width'] rectangular door.

Height \IfcDoor.IsDefinedBy['Qto_DoorBaseQuantities'] Total outer heigth of the door lining. It

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition should only be provided, if it is a
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Height'] rectangular door.

Quantity Take Off IDM

September 2020 20

Perimeter \IfcDoor.IsDefinedBy['Qto_DoorBaseQuantities'] Total perimeter of the outer lining of

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition the door.

Area \IfcDoor.IsDefinedBy['Qto_DoorBaseQuantities'] Total area of the outer lining of the

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition door.

Duct Fitting

Duct Segment

Duct Silencer

Electric Appliance

Electric Distribution Board


Electric Flow Storage Device


Electric Generator

Electric Motor

Electric Time Control


Evaporative Cooler


Quantity Take Off IDM

September 2020 21


Fire Suppression Terminal


Flow Instrument

Flow Meter

Field Mapping Definition

Net \IfcFooting.IsDefinedBy['Qto_FootingBaseQuantities'] Total net volume of the footing, taking

Volume \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition into account possible processing
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetVolume'] features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings
\IfcQuantityVolume.VolumeValue and recesses.

Heat Exchanger



Labor Resource


Light Fixture

Field Mapping Definition

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September 2020 22
Length \IfcMember.IsDefinedBy['Qto_MemberBaseQuantities'] Total nominal length of the member,
\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition not taking into account any cut-out's
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Length'] or other processing features.

Net \IfcMember.IsDefinedBy['Qto_MemberBaseQuantities'] Net surface area of the member,

Surface \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition normally generated as perimeter *
Area \IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetSurfaceArea'] length + 2 * cross section area taking
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue into account possible processing
\IfcAreaMeasure features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings
and recesses.

Net \IfcMember.IsDefinedBy['Qto_MemberBaseQuantities'] Total net weight of the member

Weight \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition without add-on parts, taking into
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetWeight'] account possible processing features
\IfcQuantityWeight.WeightValue (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and
\ recesses.

Motor Connection

Opening Element


Field Mapping Definition

Length \IfcPile.IsDefinedBy['Qto_PileBaseQuantities'] Total length of the pile not taking into

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition account any cut-out's or other
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Length'] processing features.

Net \IfcPile.IsDefinedBy['Qto_PileBaseQuantities'] Total net volume of the pile, taking into

Volume \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition account possible processing features
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetVolume'] (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and
\IfcQuantityVolume.VolumeValue recesses.

Net \IfcPile.IsDefinedBy['Qto_PileBaseQuantities'] Total net weight of the pile without

Weight \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition add-on parts, taking into account
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetWeight'] possible processing features (cut-
\IfcQuantityWeight.WeightValue out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.

Pipe Fitting

Pipe Segment

Quantity Take Off IDM

September 2020 23

Field Mapping Definition

Net \IfcPlate.IsDefinedBy['Qto_PlateBaseQuantities'] Total area of the extruded area of the

Area \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition plate. Openings and recesses are
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetArea'] taken into account by subtraction,
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue projections by addition. Only given, if
\IfcAreaMeasure the plate is prismatic.

Net \IfcPlate.IsDefinedBy['Qto_PlateBaseQuantities'] Total net volume of the plate.

Volume \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition Openings and recesses are taken into
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetVolume'] account by subtraction, projections by
\IfcQuantityVolume.VolumeValue addition.

Net \IfcPlate.IsDefinedBy['Qto_PlateBaseQuantities'] Total net weight of the plate without

Weight \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition add-on parts, taking into account
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetWeight'] possible processing features (cut-
\IfcQuantityWeight.WeightValue out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.


Projection Element

Protective Device

Protective Device Tripping Unit



Field Mapping Definition

Net Surface \IfcRailing.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingElementProxyQuantities'] Count measure value of

Area \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition this quantity.

Net Volume \IfcRailing.IsDefinedBy['Qto_BuildingElementProxyQuantities'] Count measure value of

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition this quantity.

Quantity Take Off IDM

September 2020 24

Ramp Flight

Reinforcing Element


Sanitary Terminal


Field Mapping Definition

Gross \IfcSite.IsDefinedBy['Qto_SiteBaseQuantities'] Perimeter of the site boundary,

Perimeter \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition measured in horizontal projection.

Gross Area \IfcSite.IsDefinedBy['Qto_SiteBaseQuantities'] Gross area for this site, measured

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition in horizontal projections.

Cut Volume of soil removed.

Field Mapping Definition

Perimeter \IfcSlab.IsDefinedBy['Qto_SlabBaseQuantities'] Perimeter measured along the outer

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition boundaries of the slab. Only given, if
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Perimeter'] the slab is prismatic (constant
\IfcQuantityLength.LengthValue thickness).

Gross \IfcSlab.IsDefinedBy['Qto_SlabBaseQuantities'] Total area of the extruded area of

Area \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition the slab. Openings, recesses and
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossArea'] projections are not taken into
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue account. Only given, if the slab is
\IfcAreaMeasure prismatic.

Quantity Take Off IDM

September 2020 25
Net Area \IfcSlab.IsDefinedBy['Qto_SlabBaseQuantities'] Total area of the extruded area of
\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition the slab. Openings and recesses are
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetArea'] taken into account by subtraction,
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue projections by addition. Only given, if
\IfcAreaMeasure the slab is prismatic.

Gross \IfcSlab.IsDefinedBy['Qto_SlabBaseQuantities'] Total gross volume of the slab.

Volume \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition Openings, recesses, and projections
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossVolume'] are not taken into account.

Net \IfcSlab.IsDefinedBy['Qto_SlabBaseQuantities'] Total net volume of the slab.

Volume \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition Openings and recesses are taken
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetVolume'] into account by subtraction,
\IfcQuantityVolume.VolumeValue projections by addition.

Gross \IfcSlab.IsDefinedBy['Qto_SlabBaseQuantities'] Total gross weight of the slab

Weight \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition without add-on parts, not taking into
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossWeight'] account possible processing
\IfcQuantityWeight.WeightValue features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings
\ and recesses.

Net \IfcSlab.IsDefinedBy['Qto_SlabBaseQuantities'] Total net weight of the slab without

Weight \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition add-on parts, taking into account
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetWeight'] possible processing features (cut-
\IfcQuantityWeight.WeightValue out's, etc.) or openings and
\ recesses.

Solar Device


Space Heater

Stack Terminal

Stair Flight

Switching Device



Quantity Take Off IDM

September 2020 26

Tube Bundle

Unitary Control Element


Unitary Equipment


Vibration Isolator

Field Mapping Definition

Length \IfcWall.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WallBaseQuantities']

Width \IfcWall.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WallBaseQuantities'] Total nominal width (or thickness) of

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition the wall measured perpendicular to
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Width'] the wall path. It should only be
\IfcQuantityLength.LengthValue provided, if it is constant along the
\IfcLengthMeasure wall path.

Height \IfcWall.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WallBaseQuantities'] Total nominal height of the wall. It

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition should only be provided, if it is
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Height'] constant along the wall path.

Gross \IfcWall.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WallBaseQuantities'] Area of the wall as viewed by a

Footprint \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition ground floor view, not taking any
Area \IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossFootprintArea'] wall modifications (like recesses)
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue into account. It is also referred to as
\IfcAreaMeasure the foot print of the wall.

Net \IfcWall.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WallBaseQuantities'] Area of the wall as viewed by a

Footprint \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition ground floor view, taking all wall
Area \IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetFootprintArea'] modifications (like recesses) into
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue account. It is also referred to as the
\IfcAreaMeasure foot print of the wall.

Gross \IfcWall.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WallBaseQuantities'] Area of the wall as viewed by an

Side Area \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition elevation view of the middle plane of
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossSideArea'] the wall. It does not take into

Quantity Take Off IDM

September 2020 27
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue account any wall modifications (such
\IfcAreaMeasure as openings).

Net Side \IfcWall.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WallBaseQuantities'] Area of the wall as viewed by an

Area \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition elevation view of the middle plane. It
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetSideArea'] does take into account all wall
\IfcQuantityArea.AreaValue modifications (such as openings).

Gross \IfcWall.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WallBaseQuantities'] Volume of the wall, without taking

Volume \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition into account the openings and the
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossVolume'] connection geometry.

Net \IfcWall.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WallBaseQuantities'] Volume of the wall, after subtracting

Volume \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition the openings and after considering
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetVolume'] the connection geometry.

Gross \IfcWall.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WallBaseQuantities'] Total gross weight of the wall,

Weight \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition without add-on parts, not taking into
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['GrossWeight'] account possible processing
\IfcQuantityWeight.WeightValue features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings
\ and recesses.

Net \IfcWall.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WallBaseQuantities'] Total net weight of the wall, without

Weight \IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition add-on parts, taking into account
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['NetWeight'] possible processing features (cut-
\IfcQuantityWeight.WeightValue out's, etc.) or openings and
\ recesses.

Waste Terminal

Field Mapping Definition

Width \IfcWindow.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WindowBaseQuantities'] Total outer width of the window

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition lining. It should only be provided, if it
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Width'] is a rectangular window.

Height \IfcWindow.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WindowBaseQuantities'] Total outer heigth of the window

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition lining. It should only be provided, if it
\IfcElementQuantity.Quantities['Height'] is a rectangular window.

Perimeter \IfcWindow.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WindowBaseQuantities'] Total perimeter of the outer lining of

\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition the window.

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September 2020 28
Area \IfcWindow.IsDefinedBy['Qto_WindowBaseQuantities'] Total area of the outer lining of the
\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition window.

The following entities are included in the exchange requirement as they are needed in order to support
the exchange of Base and Custom Quantities. Referenced resources from these entities e.g., IfcLabel,
and IfcAreaMeasure are also included in the Model View Definition.


An mvdXML file will be generated but hasn’t been included in this version of the document.

Quantity Take Off IDM

September 2020 29

Base and Custom quantities using Molio’s rules of measurement.

The following sample is based on Molio’s rule for measuring quantities, see Use case #2.1. Molio has
made rules for measuring for number of building and building service elements e.g. prefabricated
concrete walls.

Figure 5: Molio's rules for measuring prefabricated concrete walls and definitions of properties.

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September 2020 30
Figure 6: Molio's rules for measuring lengths of prefabricated concrete walls, part 1.

Figure 7: Molio's rules for measuring lengths of prefabricated concrete walls part 2.

Sample of Base and Custom quantities for at standard wall modelled in a BIM tool and export in IFC
format. The Custom quantities has been connected to the wall by IFCRELDEFINESBYPROPERTIES and
defined in IFCELEMENTQUANTITY. ‘Molio’ is defined as its name and with a link to a web site as the
description, and the method of measurement is set to 'M_ULM_11'. For each quantity the name of the
quantity is given, a description is given, and the formula is set to the specific rule for the quantity e.g.

Express: Base Quantities for a standard wall.

#172= IFCWALLSTANDARDCASE('2Ccly63ozDUflyFzjjB7rq',#41,'Basic Wall:Fundament
200mm:341101',$,'Basic Wall:Fundament 200mm:341088',#141,#168,'341101');
#181= IFCQUANTITYLENGTH('Height',$,$,800.);

Quantity Take Off IDM

September 2020 31
#182= IFCQUANTITYLENGTH('Length',$,$,25200.);
#183= IFCQUANTITYLENGTH('Width',$,$,200.);
#184= IFCQUANTITYAREA('GrossFootprintArea',$,$,5.04);
#185= IFCQUANTITYVOLUME('GrossVolume',$,$,4032000000.);
#186= IFCQUANTITYAREA('GrossSideArea',$,$,20160000.);
#187= IFCQUANTITYAREA('NetSideArea',$,$,20.16);
#188= IFCQUANTITYVOLUME('NetVolume',$,$,4.032);
#189= IFCELEMENTQUANTITY('2Oo3sybgv5Pemj3bY8$szd',#41,'BaseQuantities',$,$,
#194= IFCRELDEFINESBYPROPERTIES('0e8uQENi9AqBLG373UBrVt',#41,$,$,(#172),#189);

Express: Custom Quantities add to a standard wall capturing quantities according to Molio’s rules for
#172= IFCWALLSTANDARDCASE('2Ccly63ozDUflyFzjjB7rq',#41,'Basic Wall:Fundament
200mm:341101',$,'Basic Wall:Fundament 200mm:341088',#141,#168,'341101');
#261= IFCQUANTITYLENGTH('Elementhoejde','Elementhoejde maalt i center af bygningsdelen
i XZ-plan.',$,790.,'M_ULM_11_L1');
#262= IFCQUANTITYLENGTH('Elementbredde','Elementbredde maalt i center af bygningsdelen
i XZ-plan.',$,25150.,'M_ULM_11_L2');
#263= IFCQUANTITYLENGTH('Tykkelse','Tykkelse maalt i bygningsdelens Y-
#264= IFCQUANTITYLENGTH('Indbygningshoejde','Indbygningshoejde maalt i center af
bygningsdelen i XZ-plan. Laengde er inkl. konstruktionsfuge.',$,800.0,'M_ULM_11_L4');
#265= IFCQUANTITYLENGTH('Indbygningsbredde','Indbygningsbredde maalt i center af
bygningsdelen i XZ-plan. Laengde er inkl. konstruktionsfuge',$,25200.,'M_ULM_11_L5');
#266= IFCQUANTITYAREA('Elementareal','Areal maalt i center af bygningsdelen i XZ-plan.
Areal maalt med fradrag af huller stoerre end x, hvor x svarer til tvaersnitarealet af
huller. x er 0,05
#267= IFCQUANTITYAREA('Omskrevet areal','Areal maalt i center af bygningsdelen i XZ-
#269= IFCELEMENTQUANTITY('3gf$Hp9Nv0kBWGcg8pcRth',#41,'Molio',
#271= IFCRELDEFINESBYPROPERTIES('3a8zZrl$z6FOHc9M8m5yvO',#41,$,$,(#172),#269);

The following images are showing the Base and Custom quantities imported into Constructivity. Each
image is showing either the quantity set or the individual quantities.

Figure 8: Base and Custom quantities and properties attached to standard wall.

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September 2020 32
Figure 9: Base Quantities attached to a standard wall.

Figure 10: Custom quantities, naming, definition and code

according to Molio's rules for measuring quantities attached to a
standard wall.
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September 2020 33

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