Appendix A

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Primary School  
Proposed 3 Form Entry            
Juniors and Infants School 
Building Design Group 

RIBA Stage 3 Report: Developed Design 

Prin ng notes 
This document is design to be printed at A3 size, Landscape format, with ‘short edge’ binding. 

Date  Project Ref  Revision  Notes  Author  Checker 




RIBA Stage 3 Developed Design ‐ Sign Off 
The contents and recommenda ons of this report have been approved by School Asset Support Team 

Anthony Watson 
SMBC Capital Development Manager (Facili es Management) 

2    18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
1.0  Introduc on 

2.0  Layout & Access 
3.0  Use 

4.0  Scale and Massing 

5.0  Amount 
6.0  Landscape 

7.0  Design and Appearance 

8.0  Developed Design  

9.0  Appendices 

18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
1.0 Introduc on

1.1 What is Stage 3 Developed Design ?

The RIBA Plan of Work Stage 3 report represents the evolu on of the concept designs as outlined within the
Stage 2 reports as a coordinated , costed and refined approved proposal ready to be submi ed for planning with
the view to deliver the project by 2021. At this stage the expecta on is that the design proposal is frozen and
finalised by the client and Stakeholders.

1.2 Execu ve summary

SMBC Building Design Group, have refined the ini al concept designs into a tangible proposal which aims to
address and fulfill the end‐users spa al educa onal requirements for the future intake of pupils from within the
local and wider community.

Working closely with the SAST (School Asset Support Team), the School and other Stakeholders, BDG have
developed the design proposal by ensuring the final school vision and projects outcomes are jus fied and
validated as part of the of the decision process to demonstrate that the scheme is both financially and prac cally

The aim of this report is to support the planning applica on it will also include coordinated informa on from
other disciplines who will have an input into the design both now and moving forward into Stage 4‐6. This report
will also serve as the Design Access Statement .

1.2.1 Proposal

The final layout is in compliance with the project objec ves as determined by the Client and the School as stated N O R T H 
in the Stage 2 Report. The class rooms are currently arranged to follow a child's natural progression and
development through from Recep on KS1, and KS2 whilst offering flexibility and opportunity for the wider Figure 01. Exis ng Aerial site plan
community to use some of the spaces out of school hours.

The physical spaces are arranged to naturally compliment the exis ng school layout . The classrooms follow the 1.2.2 School Site Address:
linear plan form of the exis ng and afford views out onto the play areas. Both the external so and hard play
areas where possible, have been le as exis ng, however there is a requirement for an external MUGA facility Valley Primary School
which will be located on the exis ng sports field and will be subject to consulta on with the Local Planning Old Lode Lane , Solihull, B92 8LW
Authority and Sports England.

Figure 02, highlights the key aspects of the exis ng school site impacted by the proposed changes.

4    18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 

The proposal will be developed with specialist input from the following consultants in order to deliver a
coordinated and robust design solu on:
 Structural / Civils
 Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
 Ecology
 Traffic Assessment
 CDM
 Quan ty Surveyor Cost
 Acous cs

Each discipline will provide their design philosophy and ini al designs to be integrated within the building

1.4 Building Informa on Model (BIM Level 2)

BDG will ins gate the use of BIM (Building Informa on Model) Level 2 to BS 1192 PART 2 as a key benchmark to
coordinate the informa on from the core design team members into a shared virtual model of the building .
This will be extensively used throughout the dura on of the project from now to comple on.
It will enable issues to be iden fied early in order to avoid costly mistakes as the project progresses and as and
when the contractor is appointed.
A Design Responsibility Matrix incorpora ng the outline exchange of Informa on is included within appendix B.
This will indicate the Design Responsibility, level of Detail and Level of Informa on expected from each consultant.
Each consultant will provide a BIM Execu on Plan (BEP) or how they propose to deliver the design informa on .
This will align to the Employer Informa on Requirements (EIR) document , which will set out the nature of the
deliverables in detail.
The purpose of developing the proposal using BIM , enables the building to be developed in sufficient detail to be
tested against the end users requirements. Issues can be iden fied and resolved early on without incurring costs
later on during the project. Finally it will also serve as a depository of how the building as an asset can be managed
over me par cularly when future maintenance regimes are implemented, or if FF&E requires replacing etc.

1.5  Procurement 
1.5.1 The method of procurement with be a tradi onal form of contract from the JCT Suite of contracts. The final The main goal of this EIR is to define the rules and responsibilities of the project team members for
form to be decided. creating coordinated design intent models that will reduce construction related risks. The design
intent models should be developed enough to enable contractors to query project information
Op on 3 has been developed with input from the School, Stakeholders and the client. A scheme has been and achieve competitive bid returns.
developed with sufficient detail and ini al cos ngs to enable external consultants to provide their input. This level
These models must also be appropriate for incorporation and further development by the selected
of detail ensures a robust proposal which can be tendered with a degree of cost certainty to back the proposal.
contractor, ensuring continuity of information and improved efficiency in project delivery for
1.6  Programme 
1.6.1  Subject to approval 
1.7  Planning (town) 
  Governors  Valley Primary  Design team 
1.7.1 From ini al discussions with the Local Planning Officer, as noted within the Stage 1 report, the Planning Building Design 
officer did not raise any levels of concern with the proposal. There was some generic advice offered which referred Group—
to a Traffic Assessment and an Ecology survey to be considered. Structural 
1.7.2 The comple on of this Stage 2 report can enable the proposal to be submi ed for a formal planning Consultant 
applica on. This will require final confirma on from the client and will need to take into considera on the key
milestones as iden fied within the programme above. Building Design  Building 
Group ‐ Services 
Client S  AST  Architect (Lead  Engineer 
1.7.3 A Public Consulta on event was held on the 17th October 2018. The event was split over a morning and designer) 
Building Design 
evening session to ensure every opportunity was given to the parents, Local Ward Members, teachers and the Group—
wider community an opportunity to discuss the proposals and raise any concerns which could be captured and Quan ty 
addressed prior to a formal submission. Design Team and Leadership Surveyor 
Flow Diagram to establish lines of Architect 

1.8  Key Support Tasks  communication protocols

CDM (Health & 
1.8.1 Sustainability Aspira ons ‐ Not engaged to carry out this task . Specialist input would be sought. The Consultant) 
proposal would endeavour to embody renewable tested technologies where possible and look at the life cycle 1.8.7 Health & Safety Strategy ‐ Not engaged to carry out this task . Specialist input
costs of the proposal and e into Stage 6. The proposal would be designed to comply with minimum requirements would be sought ini ally by the client to iden fy risks and opera onal hazards.
o f Part L of the current Building Regula ons. Specialist input would be sought. CDM to be completed by the contractor and handed
over to the school.
1.8.2 Maintenance ‐ PST to take over maintenance of the school once the contractors rec fica on has
expired. 1.8.8 Structural Concept Statement ‐ The structural concept for the proposed extensions will be load bearing
masonry with a combination of timber / steelwork roof structure supporting a timber plywood deck. Lateral stability will
1.8.3 Ecology Strategy ‐ To be engaged to carry out works related to the impact of the loss of the Habitat be achieved by a combination of the diaphragm action of the roof in combination with masonry shear walls. The sub
space , in order to site the MUGGA facility. structure will comprise traditional strip footing with a ground supported floor slab.

1.8.4 Transport Assessment ‐ Appointed to assess the impact of addi onal drop off and pick up’s as a result
of the schools being amalgamated. 1.8.9 Statutory Consultees ‐ BDG will ac vely engage the necessary Statutory consultees in order to address
issues which may have a bearing on the planning applica on , ie Sport England etc.
1.8.5 Underground Services ‐ Appointed. Currently in the process of inves ga ng and providing informa on
on the current underground services impacted by the school extension.

1.8.6 Project Execu on plan ‐ Not engaged to carry out this task . BDG can assist with formula ng a strategy to
manage the project and protocols of communica on. An EIR (Employer Informa on Requirements) is used to
establish the framework for the creation of intelligent Building Information Models .


Ini al Concepts

The proposal has been developed following close consulta on with the client , School and other stakeholders to
understand the schools needs and how the proposal can address these, whilst addressing the issues raised by
teachers and parents alike.

The following sketch layouts highlight the evolu on of the proposal to its final itera on, which is in line with the
school’s aspira ons, ini al project development and outcomes to deliver high quality educa on in a bespoke
building extension.

This Final Project Brief defines the Client requirements and aims to comply with the end users goals to provide a
new inclusive 3FE school. This is as a result of the growing number of pupils a ending the school and its
reputa on within the wider community. The proposal has been through various sketch design permuta ons to
test and demonstrate how the school can achieve its projected outcomes in line with the School vision as stated
in the Stage 1 report.

The sketch op ons where developed further into detailed plans, to accurately assess the required floor areas and
inform the cost analysis. This enabled the op ons to be costed with a degree of certainty whilst also showing what
has been allowed for and what has been excluded.

1.9.5  Preferred Design Op on : Design and Access Statement 
The following sec ons will provide the basis for the Design and Access Statement. It will be used as 
supplementary informa on to support the drawing informa on to be submi ed for planning.  
The following describes the design philosophy and the reasoning  to change the exis ng Junior School site into a 
fully 3FE primary school.  
Pre‐planning advice was undertaken on the 18th September 2018 with the local planning officer. Advice given at 
the  me was for further inves ga on to be carried out as part of a Traffic Assessment. The results of which will 
also be submi ed as part of the planning submission. In general terms the sketch proposals presented to the 
planning officer was acceptable in principle . The scale , mass and volume of the proposal where sympathe c to 
the exis ng school. 
A public consulta on event was also undertaken on the 17th October 2018, where the proposals where shown 
to parents and the wider community.  The event was well a ended with ques onnaires provided for feedback 
on the proposals. 
BDG have also consulted Sports England for their feedback on the proposal and its impact on the external play 
areas. Their feedback has been included with proposals for the external so  play  area t o address their 

classrooms Figure 02. Sketch Site Plan

Potential MUGGA Located

1.9.6 Preferred Sketch Op on
away from  This op on incorporates the required number of classrooms within the site
 Recep on classrooms located to the front of the school
Proposed 3
 Extended front car parking provision

Temporary Proposed  Extended dining and associated storage provision

classroom  External Link provided to improve circula on around school.
Proposed 7  Mobile Art and Library classroom units to remain
Proposed 3
 Flexible provision of internal spaces for ‘Before and a er’ school club
 MUGGA Facility included
 External spaces iden fied for poten al infill opportuni es, addi onal floor area

N O R T H 

2.0   Layout & Access 

2.1 Exis ng School Site Plan

Denotes main Vehicular access

Denotes main pedestrian access points

18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
2.2 Proposed Site Plan and Layout
Coloured site plan showing indica ve proposed so
and hard play areas associated with the proposal.

All access points will be level access where possible to

ensure full compliance with Building regula ons
part M.

Denotes main Vehicular access

Play Ground 

Denotes main pedestrian access points So  Play  


Sports Field 

So Play areas / grassed areas


Hardscaped areas

So  Play  
MUGA (Mul Use Games Area) Area 
So  Play  
Area  Play Ground 

Play Ground 

10    18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
2.3 Exis ng school ground floor plan.

Denotes main access point into the School off Old Load Lane

18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
2.4  Concept Development 

Infill strategy adopted for new classroom bases and dining extension Infill massing

Defini on and connec vity

Division of proposed spaces to suit func on

12    18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
2.5 Proposed Ground Floor Plan
Denotes main access points into the School 2.5 The coloured elements of the plan below shows the proposed
addi ons and internal altera ons to the school in line with the School’s
func onal requirements.
Denotes access and views from proposed class
rooms and dining hall and circula on spaces The arrangement of the classrooms follow the linear typology of the
exi ng school form and ensure children have access to quality external
play spaces from their classrooms in keeping with the exis ng classroom

The proposal will also include addi onal dining , WC and suppor ng
ancillary spaces to accommodate the number of children expected to
use the dining hall over their lunch period.

18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
3.0   Use  

3.1 Spa al Rela onships and Adjacencies.

The following diagrams illustrate the ideal pupil progressive transi on through the
school, general shared facili es and administra on adjacencies. Where possible these
principles will be adopted and reflected as part of the sketch proposals and design
development moving forward.


Nursery/ Y1 Y3,Y4
Y2 Y5,Y6

Hall Dining /
Associated Community Arts /
Stores Provision Library ICT,
Science Stores
Group SEN

Staff Head Admin Medical Repro

14    18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
3.0   Use  
Denotes the addi onal teaching classrooms and
associated ancillary spaces

Denotes extension to exis ng dining hall and

alterna ons to communal facili es with associated
ancillary spaces.

3.2 The proposed Primary School will provide 3 no.

Recep on classrooms , 10 No. new classrooms,
extended dining provision, larger staff space and
associated WC and ancillary spaces.

The exis ng mix of hard and so landscaping will also

be enhanced for external play, including the so pitch
for various spor ng ac vi es throughout an academic
year . The proposal for a new MUGA facility (Mul Use
Games Area), located near the main car park on the
main playing field is also included.

The principal vehicular and pedestrian route into the

school will be from Old Lode Lane. This is in keeping
with the current arrangement. Addi onal parking
within the school has also been included, it has been
noted that this will impede upon the current wai ng
area used by parents when collec ng or dropping off
children. Safety for both parent and their children is
paramount and in response the proposal will iden fy
key drop off and wai ng designa on points within the
school cur lage as part of the school’s management of
the wai ng arrangements.

The public frontage of the proposal along the Western

Eleva on will con nue as the main approach into the

The classrooms will be secure with access to external

play areas. The eleva ons will reflect the func on of
the rooms incorpora ng large aspects of glazing and
roof lights to provide natural daylight into the back of
classrooms and views out respec vely whilst
promo ng a natural cross ven la on strategy to ensure
a comfortable working environment.

18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
4.0   Scale & Massing  

4.1 The school site is located within the predominantly residen al ward of Elmdon. The proper es surrounding the school are mostly 2 storeys in height, the majority of the school massing itself is single storey with some elements such as
the; plant tower , the main hall and dining hall and the newer school addi ons to the east side of the school elevated higher to signify their func on.

The proposal aims to maintain a single storey low profile aspect in keeping with the exis ng scale of the school. The proposed addi ons to school will consist of both flat and mono‐pitched roof profiles at the connec ons between the exis ng
and the proposed. The proposed massing takes advantage of the exis ng layout of the school, for example incorpora ng new classrooms within the exis ng recesses of the building layout. An outdoor covered linked walkway also provides a
level of permeability for both pupil and staff movement around the school and views across external spaces.

In terms of the physical scale, the proposal integrates well within its urban se ng and maintains a scale which will not be too over bearing for the children a ending the school.

16    18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
4.0   Scale & Massing  

4.2 Exploded View of the proposed addi ons to

the exis ng school.
7 no. new classrooms with
storage and addi onal WC’s 3 no. new classrooms with
with mono pitched roof and flat roof and north roof
north roof lights lights

Dining area and addi onal

storage and WC provision 3 no. new classrooms with
flat roof and north roof

Communal / Wrap around


18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
Table 1—BB103 Calculation Which Includes The New Proposal 3 FE
5.0   Amount  Valley Primary School 630 Pupil Place Model **
Category DfE Formula (m2)
Min Area Req. Area Difference
5.1 The total school site area as calculated is 22,087 sqm (5.5 Acres) m2 (m2) (m2)

Soft Outdoor PE (Playing Field)

5.2 Table 1 illustrates the current sqm allocated for each category of 1 5,509 20(N) 12,600 -7,091
external space and the total footprint of the exi ng and proposed addi onal 2 Hard Outdoor PE 4,023 400+(1.5N) 1,345 2,678
area requirements to change the school to a 3FE School. Soft Informal and Social
3 3,009 600+(2N) 1,860 1,149
5.3 The amount of addi onal building footprint is contained around the Hard Informal and Social
4 1,614 200+(1N) 830 784
exis ng school to limit the impact on any external formal and non‐formal
Habitat Areas
play and social areas. 5 437 0.5(N) 315 122
6 189 550+(5N) 3,700 -3,511
5.4 In order to provide further external play flexibility , a MUGA facility is
proposed. This will be located on the exis ng playing field. Total Net Site Area (min. from guidelines)
14,781 1750+(30N) 20,650 -5,869

Non-net Area
5.5 The school parking provision has also increased to address the
addi onal staff in take. 7 Existing footprint of School /Nursery + Access 7,306 350+(4.6N) 3,248 4,058
for people & deliveries etc.

Total Site Area (m2) 22,087 2100+(34.6N) 23,898 -1,811

Existing car parking re-lined for Proposed additional parking

better parking arrangement provision

18    18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
6.0   Landscape 
6.1 The Landscape strategy is based more on the func onal use of
the external spaces around the new extended proposals. External
surfaces will where possible are to be permeable as part of an overall Exis ng Playground: Tarmac
sustainable drainage strategy.

6.2 Security and Privacy Condi ons.

Proposed External hardscape
Exis ng habitat area to
The use of bow top fencing around key play areas ensures security from classrooms: Permeable
be turfed in order to
and views into and out of the external spaces. Openings and gates Exis ng Playing field: Tarmac/concrete flagstone
re‐use play equipment
would be accessed and managed by the staff . Turf pathways
from the exis ng
Infant School


Exis ng Turf
Exis ng Turf

Exis ng carpark
tarmac white lined

6.3 Exis ng Boundary condi ons

The site is well screened by exis ng trees and mature hedges,
par cularly the west front entrance boundary. Currently this side of
the site has a high mature hedges offering a good degree of privacy
from the houses opposite and to some degree sound insula on
from Old Lode Lane. Proposed Carpark:
Permeable Tarmac

N O R T H 
Proposed External hardscape from
classrooms: Permeable Tarmac/
concrete flagstone pathways

Bow top fencing

Exis ng Fence line to sports field

18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 

7.0   Design & Appearance 


7.1 Proposed Eleva ons


20    18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
7.0   Design & Appearance 
7.4 Walls 7.5 Glazing
7.2 Proposed Eleva on Materials The exis ng school envelope is a mixture of various facing material
consis ng of; brickwork , mber cladding and render. The proposal will The exis ng windows to the school consist of steel single glazed windows and
be predominately external through coloured render and brickwork. more recently added aluminium and mber composite double glazed units.
The inten on is to maintain con nuity and use the aluminium and mber
7.3 Roof
The use of colour can offer the school some level of flexibility should it composite window system to match the exis ng.
The exis ng school roof consists of mul ple roof finishes from
wish to introduce an colour in the external appearance. RAL colour to be confirmed
built up asphalt flat roofs to a green curved roof and a small
sec on of a pitched roof.
The glazing and window configura on will be as indicated below.
The proposal will consist of a single ply membrane roof finish
to suit a mono‐pitch roof and further flat roofs all interfaced
with the exis ng building where applicable.

The orienta on of the proposed classrooms can also take

advantage of the natural north light . Roof lights to the
classrooms and some of the circula on spaces are also
included to ensure good natural daylight distribu on and
where possible assist with a natural ven la on strategy.

The main mono‐pitched roof to the proposed classrooms

overlooking the main playground will be a single ply with a
profile to replicate a standing seam roof. Please see below.

18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
7.0   Design & Appearance 
Timber feature posts to support Single ply membrane roof finish
7.6 Proposed External Materials roof canopy to external link with PPC fascia and gu ers

Through Coloured Render

Aluminium / mber
composite glazing system
RAL colour TBC

North Roof light

Single ply membrane roof finish

with PPC fascia and gu ers

Aluminium / mber composite glazing system RAL colour TBC

Through coloured render colour TBC

22    18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
7.0   Design & Appearance 
7.7 Proposed South View from car Park

7.8 Proposed North Front View

18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
8.2 Vision Summary
8.0  Developed Design   
8.1 This Developed Brief defines the given parameters to enable the design to be fixed in compliance with  
the end users goals to provide an inclusive 3FE school. This document will support the proposal in line with the   School vision/ Development aim Asset implications / preferences
School’s vision.  
The proposal is sufficiently designed to be submi ed for a formal planning applica on. The proposed layout aims to  
deliver high quality teaching space s with good daylight factors and natural ven la on. Input from MEP and Structural  
services have been integrated within the design to deliver a sustainable solu on for the school. Please refer to   Delivering an exciting and Access to a range of spaces to
appendices.   engaging curriculum shape the learning environment to
  meet curriculum demands
It will consider the implementa on of proven technology to ensure the proposal has a low carbon impact on the   Allowing the use of specialist
environment, throughout the lifecycle of the building. Specific sustainability targets could include be erment on   spaces for intended purposes, and
current Building Regula ons Part L, Green technology etc. these will need to be iden fied early within the project   in particular to motivate and
programme.   engage children
The layout takes into account the loca on of the EYFS Groups, Recep on, Infants and the Juniors . They are
currently arranged to follow a child's natural progressions and transi on through the school whilst s ll ensuring some
  Valuing and developing the A high quality working environment
levels of segrega on between the older and younger children. The school will also benefit from the external link ,
  workforce that gives opportunity for formal
which will provide be er connec vity between the different areas of the school.
  and informal collaboration of staff.
Where possible it was important to consider the dual use of spaces throughout the day, for example the extended
dining facili es takes into account adjacent community spaces which can also be u lised during the lunch period.
Circula on spaces can also double as shared informal teaching areas. Internal walls will incorporate folding
par ons to enable greater flexibility in the use of a space.   Supporting progression and A single school building allowing
transition children to easily and
Reference to best prac ce of school design has been considered throughout the design process .
Working closely with the School and the Governors, BDG will manage and provide a design led team to deliver a high
  independently move between all
teaching spaces and sites.
quality building to enrich the teaching and learning experiences of both the staff and the children a ending the
  Reinforcement of whole school
ethos and promotion of cohesion
  through effective use of the
physical buildings, on both sites.
  Inclusivity and supporting every Provision of high quality learning
child to excel spaces on the infant site that
demonstrates every child is valued,
including areas that are
appropriate for intervention and
group work.
Provision of a space to meet with
parents and other agencies, in

Source: Valley Primary School , School Vision: Amended Valley AMP 06/2016

9.0   Appendices 

18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
9.1 : Appendix A ‐ RIBA Stage 3 Developed Design  Plan of Work Criteria 

26    18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design 
9.1.1   Stage 3 Informa on  
The  Design Responsibility Matrix below, is  prepared for the 
project based on the likely specialist input required at this 
stage and moving forward onto the Stage 3 Developed 
Design . The  table below illustrates which member of the 
project team is responsible for each aspect of the design. The 
matrix provides early clarity regarding design responsibili es, 
which achieves a number of goals: 
 It ensures that each designer is clear about their design 
responsibili es and the level of detail to be achieved 
for each aspect they are designing, enabling their 
drawings and specifica ons to be prepared 
 It allows fees to be properly appor oned and 
considered by each party. 
 It reduces any ambigui es about responsibili es, 
minimising the possibility of disputes 

18017‐BDG‐XX‐XX‐RP‐A‐0015‐S1‐P01 ‐ Stage 3 Developed Design    28 

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