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Final Version

Write a proposal to present to Mr Gisby about solutions that SGC can implement to become eco-friendly
or be even eco-friendlier

Write your proposal and include 2 solutions OR improvements. Use 300-350 words.
Check the feedback given to your draft, improve it and write the final version.
● Go over the self-evaluation checklist before turning in the final version. (next

Mr. Gisby
St. George's School

Dear Mr. Gisby,

Subject: Proposal for Implementing Eco-Friendly Solutions at St. George's School

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. As a senior student at St. George's School, I am
writing to present a proposal on behalf of the student body regarding the implementation of eco-friendly
measures within our esteemed institution. With growing concerns about environmental sustainability, it is
crucial for educational institutions to take an active role in fostering a greener future. By adopting
eco-friendly solutions, St. George's School can serve as a shining example and inspire both students and
the wider community. In this proposal, I would like to highlight two practical solutions that can contribute
significantly to our school's environmental impact.

Firstly, I propose the installation of solar panels on the school premises. Solar energy is a clean and
renewable resource that can greatly reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy sources. By harnessing
the power of the sun, St. George's School can significantly lower its carbon footprint and demonstrate its
commitment to sustainable practices. According to a study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
the use of solar panels can save approximately 1.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.
Additionally, solar panels provide a long-term cost-saving opportunity, as they can generate electricity
independently, reducing our dependence on conventional power sources.

Secondly, I suggest the introduction of a comprehensive recycling program throughout the school. By
encouraging students and staff to recycle paper, plastic, glass, and other recyclable materials, we can
significantly reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Recycling has a positive impact on the
environment by conserving natural resources, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing greenhouse
gas emissions. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, recycling one ton of paper can save 17
trees, 7,000 gallons of water, and 463 gallons of oil. Moreover, incorporating recycling into our curriculum
can educate students about the importance of responsible waste management and instill environmentally
conscious habits from an early age.

In conclusion, by implementing solar panels and establishing a comprehensive recycling program, St.
George's School can lead by example and contribute significantly to a sustainable future. These eco-friendly
solutions will not only reduce our environmental impact but also serve as valuable learning opportunities for
students, empowering them to become environmentally conscious citizens. I kindly request your support
and consideration in implementing these measures for the betterment of our school and the wider

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to discussing this proposal further and working
together towards a greener future for St. George's School.

Yours sincerely,

Dante Vasquez
Senior Student, St. George's School
Self-evaluation Checklist
Read your proposal and complete the checklist.
● If there is “No”, improve your text and make it a “Yes”

1. Have you got rid of all the contractions?

2. Are the ideas divided in paragraphs per each part?

3. Is the personal pronoun I always capitalized?

4. Do all the sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period?

5. Are the sentences short enough?

6. Have you used connectors properly?

7. Have you used Mixed Conditionals?

8. Have you used the expressions /Useful Phrases for the Intro?

9. Have you used the expressions /Useful Phrases for the Main paragraphs?

10. Have you used the expressions /Useful Phrases for the conclusion?

11. Is each paragraph indented - justified?

12. Have you used Times New Roman 12?

13. Does the proposal clearly show the structure: Introduction / Two Main
Paragraphs / Conclusion?

14. Does the introduction clearly state what the proposal will be about?

15. Are there two solutions / improvements clearly proposed?

16. Does the text mention how the solutions will work?

17. Does the proposal have subheadings?

18. Have you proofread it and fixed any spelling mistakes?

19. Have you proofread it and fixed any grammar mistakes?

Reflect on your writing process. What things should you improve? Any suggestions for our next
writing sessions?




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