Weathering Chapter

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Chapter 9


An important step in the formation of soil from Geomorphically and pedogenically, several
rock involves weathering of the rock into smaller processes are associated with weathering, such as
and/or chemically altered parts (Yatsu 1988). erosion (the wearing away of rocks or sediments/
Weathering is the physical and chemical alter- soils) and transport (the movement of those
ation of rocks and minerals at or near the Earth’s same materials), which collectively are termed de-
surface, produced by biological, chemical and nudation. Weathering, erosion, mass wasting and
physical agents or their combination, as they ad- transportation are all included within denuda-
just toward an equilibrium state in the surface tional processes. During transport, sediment may
environment (Pope et al. 2002). Few soils form di- also be corraded (eroded by friction) from the un-
rectly from bedrock. Usually there is an interme- derlying rock or sediment.
diate step in which weathering processes form Rocks (Table 9.1) and minerals (Fig. 9.1) vary
residuum from the rock, or geomorphic processes in their resistance to weathering. Minerals that
comminute and erode it, forming various types of weather slowly or difficultly are termed ‘‘resis-
regolith. Both are then acted upon by pedogenic tant” minerals, whereas those that weather more
processes to form soil (see Chapter 12). In the end, quickly are variously referred to as ‘‘weatherable”
rocks become discolored, structurally altered, ac- or ‘‘weak” minerals. The susceptibility of vari-
quire precipitates of weathering by-products and ous minerals to weathering is largely captured
experience surface recession as a result of weath- by Bowen’s series, which illustrates that miner-
ering. In this section we briefly examine the main als that crystallize first from a molten state are
components and processes of weathering; it logi- most susceptible to weathering (White and Brant-
cally follows on our treatise of soil parent mate- ley 1995) (Chapter 4). The structure of minerals
rials in Chapter 8. also dramatically affects not only the susceptbil-
Rocks are variously physically and chemically ity of a mineral to weathering, but the manner
unstable at the Earth’s surface, and hence they in which it weathers (Fig. 9.2).
weather, because this environment is far different Rocks with many weathering-susceptible min-
from the one in which they formed. For most erals are vulnerable to weathering. However,
rocks, the surface (soil) environment is colder, rocks with many individual minerals that are
with less pressure and increased amounts of oxy- only loosely held together will also be highly
gen, water and biota, than their formative envi- weatherable, regardless of their mineralogy.
ronment, be it below the sea floor or deep within Weathering susceptibility of rocks is also a
the crust. As noted in Chapter 4, minerals formed function of the size of the individual minerals as
in such environments are often primary miner- well as the degree to which they are cemented
als. Many of these are unstable within soils and together. In general, coarse-textured rocks, with
weather to secondary minerals, commonly clay larger mineral crystals, such as granite, weather
minerals (see Chapter 4). more rapidly than do finer-textured intrusive

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Table 9.1 A classification of the physical strength of some rock types

Description Examples

Very weak rocks Chalk, rock salt, lignite

Weak rocks Coal, siltstone, schist
Moderately strong rocks Slate, shale, sandstone, ignimbrite
Strong rocks Marble, limestone, dolomite,
andesite, granite, gneiss
Very strong rocks Quartzite, dolerite, gabbro

Source: Selby (1980).

rocks. It is easier for physical weathering pro- Water and oxygen are important to many
cesses to separate the mineral particles in the chemical weathering reactions. Highly fractured
intrusive igneous and acidic metamorphic rocks rock tends to have increased amounts of poros-
(e.g., gneiss) than in a finer-textured rock like ity and permeability, which when combined with
basalt. For many clastic sedimentary rocks, e.g., abundant water facilitate the transport of byprod-
sandstone, the degree of cementation of the ucts of chemical weathering reactions. If those
grains is a primary factor determining their by-products are not flushed from the system, the
resistance to weathering. weathering reactions slow and eventually stop.
Pore spaces also facilitate the growth of roots,
which in turn can cause further physical break-
Physical weathering up. Roots also facilitate chemical break-up by
their exudates and various fungal hyphae asso-
In physical weathering, also known as mechan- ciated with them. They also release CO2 , which
ical weathering or disintegration, physical stresses combines with water to form carbonic acid, fur-
combine to break rock into smaller pieces. Com- ther enhancing weathering.
monly, these breaks or fractures occur along
joints or bedding planes, or between mineral Forms of physical weathering
grains as in a sandstone or granite. Little or no Physical weathering occurs as stress is added to a
chemical alteration is implied. The sizes of frag- rock (usually from within an existing plane or
ments created by physical weathering depends point of weakness) or as pressure is released from
on the degree of fracturing and the spacing of the rock, allowing it to expand and crack. The
fractures and grain-to-grain contacts within the latter process is called unloading or dilatation. Un-
rock. A granite with large phenocrysts will nec- loading occurs when weight is gradually or sud-
essarily weather into larger mineral fragments denly removed from dense rock masses, causing
than will a schist composed of small mineral the rock to expand and sometimes resulting in
grains. sheets (sheeting) or flakes (flaking) that appear to
The primary importance of physical weather- peel from the rock. Dilatation can be up to 1%
ing centers on the formation of additional sur- in some granites. Rock corners and edges are the
face area and pore space. As rocks get fractured, most susceptible to sheeting and flaking, since
their surface area increases geometrically a three-face corner has even more surface area
(Fig. 9.3). Chemical weathering (see below) reac- to attack, and therefore potential for rounding.
tions operate on surfaces, and thus as a rock gets Thus, one major impact of these processes is to
increasingly fractured, the surface area upon round the edges of rocks.
which chemical reactions can occur increases. Rocks undergoing unloading typically expand
Likewise, fractured rocks with more pores allow along planes that are at right angles to the di-
more oxygen and water to come into direct rection of pressure release. When this occurs on
contact, again facilitating chemical weathering. a large scale and the sheets are thick and/or

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Fig. 9.1 Various rankings of common rock-forming minerals (b) After Goldich (1938), which is roughly the inverse
with respect to their resistance to weathering in general. sequence described for minerals as they crystallize from a
Exact correspondence among the sequences is not implied. melt. This sequence is often referred to as Bowen’s series.
(a) After Pettijohn (1941), based on their frequency in (c) After Jackson et al. (1948). (d) Resistance and
sedimentary rocks of increasing age, which is interpreted weatherability at various pH levels. After Weyl (1950) and
as degree of stability or resistance to weathering. Nickel (1973).

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Fig. 9.2 Examples of how mineral structure and cleavage or heated. All of these stresses are more effective
affect the way minerals weather. After Hunt (1972). if they occur in numerous cycles. Salt crystals, ice
and roots are all agents that are added from out-
side the weathering ‘‘boundary layer,” expanding
curved, the term exfoliation is used (Bradley 1963). into the volume.
Exfoliation is often restricted to massive, oth- Salt and gypsum weathering is a common
erwise unjointed rocks; slaking or sheeting is form of rock disintegration in arid regions and
used for smaller scale versions of the same. Con- near sea coasts where salty water is abundant
tinued sheeting and exfoliation wear away the (Reheis 1987b, Doornkamp and Ibrahim 1990). In
sharp edges of the rock, rendering it round or urban areas there is also sometimes an overabun-
spheroidal in shape, hence the name spheroidal dance of salts due to ice removal, fly ash dust,
weathering (Fig. 9.4). general traffic dust, etc. Water with dissolved sub-
Most forms of physical weathering occur stances penetrates crevices in rocks and upon
when internal stresses overcome the strength of drying, salt crystals grow and force apart the
the rock, causing it to disintegrate. These stresses rock (Holmer 1998). Water is later drawn to the
can be caused by a number of processes: (1) salt dry salt, continuing to enhance salt weathering
crystal growth as salty water within cracks in (Amit et al. 1993). In some salty soils, the lack
the rock evaporates, (2) ice crystal growth as wa- of rocks in the upper solum has been attributed
ter within cracks freezes, (3) root growth within in part to physical shattering of clasts by salts
cracks and (4) expansion of the rock as it is wetted and other forms of mechanical weathering (Dan
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salts and rocks with microcrystalline fractures,

lead to the rapid and complete rock shattering.
The process is as follows: salt crystal shatter-
ing relies upon the formation of a salt crust on
the rocks. These crusts plug the openings of the
cracks, confining saline solutions to the interi-
ors. Upon further drying and/or heating, the pres-
sures inside the rocks can result in shattering.
Salt weathering is not restricted to deserts
(Goudie and Viles 1997). Physical weathering,
initiated by additions of rain rich in sulfuric
acid (H2 SO4 ) attributed to the burning of sulfur-
rich coal, can weather rocks, especially carbonate
rocks, as follows:

H2 SO4 + CaCO3 + H2 O −→ CaSO4 · 2H2 O + CO2

Gypsum (CaSO4 · 2H2 O) crystals form just be-

Fig. 9.3 Change in surface area as a cube-shaped rock is low the rock surface, occupying 38% more vol-
repeatedly fractured. ume than the original calcite crystals (Feddema
and Meierding 1987). The newly formed gypsum
et al. 1982, Gerson and Amit 1987) (Fig. 12.62). crystals can flake the limestone away at rates as
Amit et al. (1993) stressed, however, that salt con- high as 0.08 mm yr−1 .
centration alone does not cause shattering of The role of freeze–thaw activity and ice crys-
clasts, for within petrosalic (Bzm) horizons in the tals in weathering is undeniable and yet, ex-
lower solum, shattering does not occur. Rather, actly how it functions is debatable. In theory,
changes in moisture content and temperature in as water in cracks in rocks freezes, it expands
the upper solum, coupled with the presence of by 9%, potentially forcing the rock apart and

Fig. 9.4 Spheroidal weathering of

granite caused by sheeting and
flaking, Joshua Tree National
Monument, California. Photo by RJS.

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shattering it. This process, also called frost shatter- Biotic forms of physical weathering have long
ing or gelifraction, works best in rocks with deep, centered on the role of plants. Roots penetrate
narrow cracks where the pressure is contained fissures in rock and can exert enough pressure
wholly within the rock and not released as the to break them apart; many of us have observed
developing ice mass pushes outside it. Obviously, boulders that have been moved or split by tree
this process can only operate in climates that roots. However, fauna also play a large role in dis-
at least occasionally have freezing temperatures, integration processes, but usually function at the
and the more cyclicity there is, e.g., in the high smaller end of the scale where their impacts are
alpine or high midlatitudes, the better (Thorn less noticed (Avakyan et al. 1981). Many burrowing
1979, Dredge 1992). Optimal conditions for frost animals ingest sand and gravel and as this mate-
shattering involve rapid freezing of water-filled rial passes through their gut it gets physically
cracks from the top downward, allowing the ice comminuted (Suzuki et al. 2003). Large mammals
to act as a seal. Recent work on this process has, like badgers and wombats are more than able to
however, suggested that the main agent of disin- break apart rock or cemented soil horizons as
tegration may not be expansion by ice but the they tunnel.
migration of thin films of water along microfrac- Lastly, wetting and drying cycles are also an
tures. These films may be adsorbed so tightly that effective agent of physical weathering, especially
they cannot freeze, but they can exert pressure in rocks that are weak initially or are able to ab-
on the rock and cause it to fracture (White 1976, sorb large amounts of water (Hall and Hall 1996,
Walder and Hallet 1985, Bland and Rolls 1998). Gokceoglu et al. 2000, Paradise 2002).
Thermal expansion of rocks is driven by in-
solation (solar heating) and by fire. In theory,
expansion occurs as the outer layers of a rock are Chemical and biotic weathering
heated by the sun or a fire, only to contract as
they cool (Peel 1974). The expansion and contrac- Chemical weathering, also known as decompo-
tion lead to compressive and tensile stresses, i.e., sition, involves the biochemical breakdown of
thermal fatigue (Halsey et al. 1998). Fatigue effects rocks and minerals into different products and
reduce the cohesive strength of intergranular compounds. Common end products of chemical
bonds in the rock and initiate microfracture weathering are clay minerals, soluble acidic com-
development (Warke et al. 1996, Hall and Andre pounds and various ionic species. The intensity
2001). The degree to which minerals in the rock of chemical weathering is largely governed by cli-
expand with temperature is a function of their matic conditions which govern temperature and
coefficient of thermal expansion, and in sunlight, the movement (or lack thereof ) of water in the
their albedo. Minerals vary in these properties, soil and rock, water quality and the mineral and
setting up a condition in which the parts of chemical composition of the rocks themselves.
the rock expand and contract at different rates, As noted above, rock permeability and porosity,
contributing to stresses and breakdown. For and surface area are also important, as they fa-
breakage to finally happen, however, the elastic cilitate or retard flushing of reaction by-products.
limit of the rock must be exceeded, and this also Indeed, in areas where chemical weathering is ab-
varies among rock types (Bland and Rolls 1998). normally active or inactive, based on what would
Fire has long been known to be an agent of be climatically ‘‘expected,” one can usually look
rock weathering (Blackwelder 1926, Ollier and to parts of the chemical weathering environment
Ash 1983, Allison and Bristow 1999). During fire, not governed by climate, e.g., permeability, rock
rock temperatures can approach 500 ◦ C. ‘‘Fire chemistry, strength of weathering agents, etc. for
weathering” is particularly effective if the fire an explanation (Pope et al. 1995).
is immediately followed by a cooling rain. Shat- Chemical weathering can be subdivided into
tered rocks on the surface of hot deserts and in congruent and incongruent dissolution. Congru-
recently burned areas attest to the efficacy of ent dissolution occurs when a mineral goes com-
thermal expansion as a weathering process, in pletely into solution and nothing is immedi-
addition to shattering by salt crystals. ately precipitated from it. Many highly soluble
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Fig. 9.5 Diagrammatic representation of the three main The hydration of annhydrite to gypsum results
categories of chemical weathering, using a silicate mineral as in expansion and mechanical deformation. Like-
an example. After Bland and Rolls (1998). wise, hematite can be hydrated to goethite:

Fe2 O3 + H2 O −→ Fe2 O3 · H2 O
minerals, e.g., halite or marble, weather congru- Secondary clay minerals, e.g., smectites, also hy-
ently, i.e., dissolve, leaving virtually nothing be- drate readily (see Chapter 4).
hind and forming a type of ‘‘collapsed” landscape Related to hydration are the processes of
(karst is the name given to this landscape type oxidation--reduction. These processes primarily af-
when the rock is limestone). In incongruent disso- fect minerals rich in Fe, Mn or S (see Chapters 13
lution, all or some of the ions released by weath- and 14).
ering precipitate at or near the site of weathering,
to form new minerals such as phyllosilicates or Solution
oxyhydroxides. All minerals are soluble; some are much more
Following on this two-fold generalization, soluble than others. Some of the more soluble
Bland and Rolls (1998) divided chemical weath- of the common minerals are halite, potash (KCl),
ering into three categories (Fig. 9.5): gypsum and, to a lesser extent, CaCO3 . The fac-
(1) Solution of ions and molecules. tors which affect solubility are myriad and be-
(2) Production of new minerals, e.g., clay miner- yond the scope of this discussion. However, the
als, oxides and hydroxides. concept of ionic potential is central. Defined as
(3) Residual accumulation of insoluble or other- ionic charge divided by ionic radius, ionic poten-
wise unweatherable materials. tial refers to the ease with which an ion can be
removed, in solution, from a compound such as
Any or all of these categories results in a
a mineral. Ions with low ionic potential typically
chemical change in a preexisting mineral and
are the main components of weathering solu-
the formation of new minerals or parts (ions)
tions, implying that they are more easily leached,
that could be used to ‘‘construct” them. Hence,
and hence, more soluble (Bland and Rolls 1998)
chemical weathering involves decomposition, but
(Fig. 9.6). Temperature affects solubility; most
an equally important part of the process is the
minerals are more soluble at higher tempera-
synthesis of new compounds that occurs after the
tures. Most solubility reactions are also highly
main reaction is done.
pH dependent. Many minerals, such as silica and
Some of the more important and commonly
aluminum oxides, are most soluble at high and
mentioned subsets of chemical weathering are
low pH values (Fig. 9.7).
discussed below.
Unlike many other chemical weathering re-
actions, solution processes are usually reversible.
Hydration When the saturation point of a solution is ex-
Many minerals hydrate, or take water into their ceeded, it becomes supersaturated and some of
chemical structure, readily. In hydration, water the dissolved ions precipitate. These precipitates
is added to the crystal lattice of a mineral but may, however, be different from those that were
the original material does not change chemical involved in the initial dissolution reaction.
composition. One example is:
CaSO4 + 2H2 O −→ CaSO4 · 2H2 O Hydrolysis, (Greek, hydro, water, lysis, split) is the
annhydrite gypsum most important chemical weathering process
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S +
I 2+

Fig. 9.6 The ionic potentials of various elements common pHs. Examples of this process abound, such as the
to soils and regolith. The ion of each element can be placed one reported by Ahnert (1996):
into one of three categories that roughly coincide with their
2KAlSi3 O8 + 2(H + OH) ←→ 2HAlSi3 O8
relative potential to be leached from soils. After Paton (1978).
potassium water aluminosilicic
feldspar acid
+ 2KOH
and then a series of reactions ensue, involving
the byproducts of the hydrolysis, both of which
are unstable:
2KOH + H2 CO3 −→ K2 CO3 + 2H2 O
potassium carbonic potassium
hydroxide acid carbonate
The KOH is soluble and is carried away in so-
lution, whereas the aluminosilicic acid reacts
2HAlSi3 O8 + 9H2 O −→ Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 + 4H4 SiO4
aluminosilicic kaolinite silicic
acid acid
Because of the importance of hydrolysis in sil-
icate weathering, we provide another example
Fig. 9.7 The solubility of silica as a function of pH. reaction:
8NaAlSi3 O8 + 6H+ + 28H2 O
for silicate minerals. In hydrolysis, the water
−→ 3Na0.66 Al2.66 Si3.33 O10(OH)2
molecule is split into H+ (a proton) and OH− (a
hydroxyl) ions, and is the main agent that drives
+ 14H4 SiO4 + 6Na+
mineral dissolution. The H+ proton reacts with
silicic acid
silicate minerals in a form of cation exchange.
The cation that is released from the mineral then Both these reactions are typical of hydrolysis in
reacts with the OH− anion to form a new sub- that: (1) a primary silicate mineral is weathered
stance. The H+ ions also derive from acid disso- using only water and commonly occurring acids,
ciation, which is why hydrolysis increases at low (2) a clay mineral forms as a result, (3) most of
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the reaction by-products are soluble and (4) in 2KAlSi3 O8 + 2H2 CO3 + 9H2 O
the end, the pH of the soil solution is lowered K-feldspar carbonic
(an acid is produced). Because many of the by-  acid

products are soluble, much of the original mass
Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 + 2K+
is lost. In some environments, e.g., the humid
tropics, the silica remains soluble and leaves the
+ 2HCO− 3 + 4H4 SiO4
system via desilication (see Chapter 12), while in
bicarbonate silicic acid.
others it may precipitate as quartz or some other
microcrystalline silicate mineral.
Weathering by carbonation creates a plethora
of weathered forms (Fig. 9.8). Landscapes dom-
Carbonation inated by dissolution of carbonate rocks are
Carbonation is a general term for weathering pro- termed karst. In such landscapes, carbonation
cesses associated with CO2 in aqueous solution. has enlarged the natural fracture patterns in
In soils and regolith, CO2 quickly combines with the rocks, leading to high levels of porosity
water to form a weak acid – carbonic acid: and permeability. Thus, surface waters infiltrate
rapidly, and there exists few surface streams. Un-
CO2 + H2 O ←→ H2 CO3 . derground rivers, collapsed caves, swallowholes
and sinkholes are common features of karst
landscapes (Fig. 9.8b).
Water that is in equilibrium with the atmosphere
contains about 0.03% CO2 and has a pH of 5.6 be-
cause of dissolved carbonic acid. However, soil air Biological agents
has much higher concentrations of CO2 due to Plants and their associated microbiota directly
respiration by soil fauna and plant roots. Thus, impact weathering by generating chelating com-
carbonic acid concentrations in soil water can, pounds (see Chapter 12), by modifying pH
naturally, be quite high. Carbonation impacts through production of CO2 and organic acids, by
rocks at the surface, but because soil water is altering the exposed surface areas of minerals,
more aggressive than rainwater, it is particularly via nitrification and by affecting the residence
effective within the profile. time of water (Drever 1994). Of these, the produc-
Carbonic acid, through its bicarbonate anion, tion of organic acids may be the most important
is particularly effective at weathering calcareous contribution to biochemical weathering in soils.
rocks like limestone and marble: These acids can either be released directly from
the organism or derive as by-products of organic
H2 CO3 −→ H+ + HCO− 3 decomposition. Bland and Rolls (1998) described
bicarbonate two ways in which organic acids contribute to
chemical weathering:
H+ + HCO−
3 + CaCO3 −→ Ca
+ 2HCO−
3 (1) Monovalent cations in the mineral are replac-
ed by protons (H+ cations) and then removed
in solution.
Both the Ca2+ and the bicarbonate are soluble
(2) Di- and trivalent cations are made soluble ei-
and able to be leached, which means that, in the-
ther after redox reactions have occurred or by
ory, carbonation of calcareous rock is congruent.
chelation by organic acids (Schatz 1963).
Generally, when limestone or marble weather via
carbonation, all that remains are the insoluble In either event, they are made readily soluble
components of the rock that were trapped in it (Fig. 9.9).
as clastic impurities. Obviously, plants also play a critical role in
It should also be noted that carbonation is the fate of weathering by-products, for if they are
also effective on other types of minerals, as illus- not biocycled, leaching or loss from the system in
trated below: other ways becomes more likely.

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Fig. 9.8 Some features associated

with dissolution of limestone rocks
and karst. Photos by RJS. (a) Small-
scale dissolution features,
sometimes called karren, on a
surface limestone boulder, Indiana.
(b) A swallowhole in a karst
landscape – a location where surface
water enters the subsurface
hydrologic system.



Fig. 9.9 Examples of chelation of metal cations by organic

acids. (a) Chemical structure of a typical phenolic compound
(in this case, protocatechuic acid) before and after it has
formed a chelate complex with a metal cation. After Vance
et al. (1986). (b) A generic example of chelation. After Bland
and Rolls (1998).

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Recently, research on rock weathering has in- are highly soluble, are leached and may end up in
creasingly focussed on the role of fungi, which the groundwater. Some cations may be temporar-
often form symbiotic relationships with plant ily trapped within mineral and grain voids as sec-
roots. These ectomycorrhizal fungi mobilize es- ondary crystalline or amorphous deposits. In this
sential plant nutrients directly from minerals state, they are at least temporarily unavailable to
through excretion of organic acids (Landeweert plants and not flushed into the groundwater.
et al. 2001). Direct weathering by fungi can, how- Using this knowledge, a large literature has
ever, occur (Etienne and DuPont 2002, Hoffland emerged that is concerned with measuring the
et al. 2002). Through their use of fungi in their rate and type of weathering, usually on a water-
mounds, termites have even been shown to chem- shed scale. The technique applies data on the con-
ically weather clay minerals ( Jouquet et al. 2002). centrations and types of cations in ground and
Lichens, which are composite organisms surface waters exiting the basin to determine the
whose body (thallus) consists of a fungus and types and rates of weathering occurring within
an alga growing symbiotically, are early coloniz- (Velbel 1985, Pecher 1994, Richards and Kump
ers on bare rock surfaces and are therefore in- 1997, Furman et al. 1998). The assumption in these
strumental in weathering. They weather the rock studies is that the soluble cations released by
both physically and chemically (Williams and weathering reactions eventually leave the system
Rudolph 1974, Chen et al. 2000, Aghamiri and via flux from springs, streams and groundwater,
Schwartzman 2002). Their nutrient-absorbing and if the geology is known, a mass balance ap-
and transmitting bodies, mycelia, are composed of proach can provide information of which min-
a complex web of fine thread-like hyphae. The hy- erals are weathering and at what rates (Duan
phae can penetrate the rock surface along microc- et al. 2002, West et al. 2002). Rates of landscape
racks and generate enough stress to fracture parts denudation due to chemical weathering can even
of it. Likewise, as water is absorbed into the hy- be calculated using such data (Pope et al. 1995,
phae they expand and create additional pressure. Yuretich et al. 1996).
The swelling action of the organic and inor-
ganic salts originating from lichens also adds
to physical break-up of rocks. On bare rock
Controls on physical and chemical
surfaces, lichens enhance the water-holding ca- weathering
pacity locally, which may increase chemical dis-
solution and, climate permitting, frost wedg- Many factors control and impact weathering rates
ing (Bjelland and Thorseth 2002). Lichens also and govern the reactions, not the least of which
emit organic acids, especially oxalic acid, which is macroclimate, because of its impact on mois-
are very effective chemical weathering agents ture availability and temperature (Büdel 1982).
(Ascaso and Galvan 1976). The exact nature of Temperature impacts physical weathering in that
the chemical weathering process associated with it can affect freeze–thaw processes and, in hot
lichens remains unclear, but it is suspected deserts, salt weathering. It may be equally or
that the acids from lichens (1) donate pro- more important for chemical weathering because
tons (H+ ) that cause hydrolysis of the minerals temperature controls the rate of the reaction(s);
and (2) act as agents of chelation. Lastly, the CO2 reaction rates increase at higher temperatures
emitted by the lichen plays a role in weathering (White et al. 1999). This concept is captured in
via its generation of carbonic acid. the general rule of thumb that, for every 10 ◦ C
increase in temperature, the reaction rate is dou-
bled. Obviously, this ‘‘rule” only holds within
Products of weathering certain temperature limits, usually taken to be
5–35 ◦ C. Nonetheless, the implications of this rule
The fate of the ions released by chemical weath- are huge; in the tropics many chemical reactions
ering is highly variable. Some of these cations operate more rapidly than in midlatitudes, and
and anions are biocycled, while others, especially if water is adequate, deep weathering profiles of
those that are not plant nutrients and those that highly weathered regolith can result (Fig. 9.10).
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Fig. 9.10 Depth of weathering (= regolith thickness) and grinds to a halt, as by-products accumulate. Since
soils along a latitudinal transect from the equator to the pole, water availability is a function of not only local
showing the major climatic belts. Although generally correct, factors but also macroclimate, it has long been
this simplistic view of weathering across the globe creates
assumed that chemical weathering is dominant
misconceptions that ignore denudation rate adjustment and
in hot, wet (humid) climates where the reactions
climate change. After Strakhov (1967).
involved are assisted by warm temperatures.
Conversely, physical weathering is assumed to be
We stress that temperature affects rates, not the dominant over chemical weathering in cold, dry
type of reactions or processes; there is no reason environments, where freeze–thaw processes are
to postulate a special type of ‘‘tropical weather- active and where cold temperatures inhibit chem-
ing” as has been done in the past. ical reactions (Fig. 9.11). Several versions of the
Physical weathering and its products have tra- diagram shown in Fig. 9.10 have been published
ditionally been viewed as being dominant in cold for decades, illustrating and (to some) confirming
and/or dry climates. Peltier’s (1950) classic work, this point. This notion, although largely correct,
though now dated, retains its value in pointing has recently been challenged (Pope et al. 1995).
out that physical weathering is best expressed in Hall et al. (2002) pointed out that, contrary
cold, dry climates, especially those like alpine ar- to long-standing belief, weathering, including
eas with their frequent freeze–thaw cycles (Fig. chemical weathering, is not strictly temperature-
9.11). Although not shown in Fig. 9.11, physical limited but is, instead, limited more by moisture
weathering is also common in deserts and along availability. Even in polar regions, rock tempera-
sea coasts, where salts and water commingle. tures are more than adequate to support physical
A major control on chemical weathering in- and chemical weathering, providing that water
volves the degree to which water can participate is present. Wherever water is available, chemical
in the reaction, including the ability to flush the weathering can be a major component of the
system of weathering by-products. In stagnant weathering regime (Thorn et al. 2001). Pope
but wet settings, chemical weathering quickly et al. (1995) argued that the macroclimatically
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Fig. 9.12 Rates of physical and chemical weathering, and

combinations thereof, as a function of regolith thickness.
After Ahnert (1987).

Fig. 9.11 Diagram suggesting the relative importance of as in Australia, the Rocky Mountains, Spain, or
the various types of physical and chemical weathering in the Appalachian Mountains.
different environments on Earth. After Peltier (1950).
Assessing weathering intensity
driven approach to weathering is flawed because For a number of reasons – applicable in soil geo-
it is based on visual observations, and that morphology and genesis – it is often useful to
the real mechanisms of weathering, observable know the degree to which a soil or regolith is
only under a microscope, do not support the weathered. Often, degree of weathering parallels
broad-brush, macroclimate–zonal categoriza- degree of soil development. In theory, the older
tion of Peltier (1950). The climatic models of the sediment or landform (surface) is, the more
weathering fall apart because the process link weathered it should be. Climate, however, has a
between tropospheric climate and boundary strong impact as well. Thus, weathering data tend
layer weathering processes is often disjunct. to focus (minimally) on relative degrees of weath-
As regolith thickness increases, the rocks be- ering at different sites, but if possible, more rig-
low get exposed to fewer and fewer wet–dry orous numerical treatments of weathering inten-
and freeze–thaw cycles, and the influence of sity can be achieved. Actual rates of weathering
biota and macroclimate gets diminished. Thus, are normally left to geochemists, who commonly
regolith thickness tends to be inversely propor- derive such data based on mass balance equations
tional to the intensity of physical weathering of fluxes of weathering by-products exiting a sec-
(at the top of the bedrock) (Fig. 9.12). This is an tion of landscape in surface or groundwater (see
example of a negative feedback mechanism that above).
operates between weathering and denudation The methods used to determine degree of
(Ahnert 1987). When regolith is thin enough, weathering of rocks range from qualitative ones
weathering can operate, but as it thickens, the involving color or hardness, to highly quantita-
impact of regolith is to force weathering reac- tive measures involving mineralogy or chemistry.
tions to slow and possibly cease. Because of this Many of these rock weathering methods are dis-
interaction, weathering and denudation rates cussed in Chapter 14, where their application is
tend to adjust mutually in a type of dynamic equi- fit into the context of using weathering to assess
librium, resulting in a more constant thickness the age of the sediment or a landform they re-
of regolith than would otherwise occur. This line side within. Examples, particularly those associ-
of reasoning can help explain the deep regoliths ated with Robert Ruhe’s work in Iowa, are pro-
that lie outside of climatic ‘‘expectations,” such vided in Chapter 13.
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