Basic First Aid

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First aid experts stress that knowing what to do for an injured victim until a doctor or other
trained person gets to the accident scene can save a life, especially in cases of stoppage of
breathing, severe bleeding and shock.

This section is to equip readers to handle emergency situations effectively or rather sensibly.
What to do first?
1 Call out for someone to get help.
2 Check breathing...if stopped, give mouth to mouth resuscitation.
3 Check for a pulse...if the heart is not beating, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
4 Stop bleeding by applying pressure directly over the wound
5 If something has been swallowed, ask the victim what it was
6 Keep the victim warm to avoid shock
7 Perform Heimlich maneuver for choking
8 Try to remain calm and keep the victim calm

The basic contents of your home First Aid Kit:

Dressings: Adhesive bandages, assorted sizes; adhesive tape and thin adhesive stripe,
cotton-tipped swabs; elastic bandages; gauze bandages, assorted rolled sizes; sterile gauze
pads, assorted sizes.
(Diapers, sanitary napkins, towels, scarf, handkerchief - as compress or bandage)

Equipment: Eye Cup; Hot water bottle; Ice pack; Thermometer; safety pins; scissors;
[Magazine, newspaper, cane, umbrella, broomstick, pillow - as splint]

Medications: Antihistamines; Antacid; Antiseptic ointment; ibuprofen; Sterile eye wash;

Toothache gel

Others: Unscented soap; disposable gloves, blankets to keep warm. It is important to get
medical assistance as soon as possible.

First Aid Actions on emergencies (In alphabetic order)

Warning: Before giving pills/tablets like ibuprofen, ask the victim if he/she is allergic to any
drug! Allergy can be deadly at the time of an emergency.

Drowning: Call for emergency medical help; if the victim is near a pool, give rope to pull
safely; Always maintain an open air passage, restore breathing and circulation; if the victim
is breathing, place him on his side with head extended backward so fluids will drain; keep
the victim warm.

Electric Shock: Don't touch the victim until electricity is turned off or remove the victim from
the live wire standing on non-conductive surface like dry cloth, rubber mat, newspaper, etc.
or push the victim away with a dry board, stick from the wire.; Call the electricity department
to cut off the line and also call for medical help; Maintain open air passage; restore breathing
by resuscitation method and circulation.
Animal Bite: Wash wound with soap under running water and apply antibiotic ointment and
dressing. When possible, the animal should be captured alive for rabies testing.

Asphyxiation (choking from smoke etc): Start rescue breathing immediately after getting
patient to fresh air.

Bleeding: Elevate the wound above the heart if possible. Press hard on wound with sterile
compress until bleeding stops. Send for doctor if bleeding is severe.

Burn: If mild, with skin unbroken and no blisters, put into ice-cold water until pain subsides.
Apply a dry dressing if necessary.
If severe, send for a doctor. Apply sterile compress and keep the patient comfortably warm
until the doctor's arrival. Do not try to clean the burn or break blisters.
Chemical in eye: With patient lying down, pour cupful of water immediately into corner of
eye. Letting it run to other side to remove chemicals thoroughly. Cover with sterile compress.
Get medical attention immediately.

Cut (Minor): Apply mild antiseptic and sterile compress after washing with soap under warm
running water. Major
Fainting: If the victim feels faint, lower head to knees. Lay the patient down on back with
head turned to one side if he / she becomes unconscious. Elevate the legs 20 to 25
centimeters. Loosen clothing and open windows. Keep patient lying quietly for at least 15
minutes after he/she regains consciousness. Call doctor if faint lasts for more than a few

Foreign body in eye: If it can be seen touch the object with moistened corner of
handkerchief. If it cannot be seen or does not come out after a few attempts, take patient to
doctor. Do not rub the eye.

Frostbite: Handle frostbitten area gently. Do not rub. Soak the affected area in water no
warmer than 40 C. Do not allow the frostbitten area to touch the container. Soak until the
frostbitten part looks red and feels warm. Loosely bandage. If fingers or toes are frostbitten,
put gauze between them.

Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion: Remove the patient from the heat. Loosen any tight
clothing and apply cool, wet cloths to the skin. Give the victim cool water, to drink slowly. Call
an ambulance if the victim refuses water, vomits, or experiences changes in consciousness.

Loss of Limb (Cut off any part like finger/toe etc): If a limb is severed, it is important to
properly protect the limb so that it can be reattached. After the patient is cared for, the limb
should be wrapped in a sterile gauze or clean material and placed in a clean plastic bag,
garbage can, or other suitable container. Pack ice around the limb on the OUTSIDE of the
bag to keep the limb cold. Call ahead to the hospital to alert staff there of the situation.

Poisoning: Call doctor. Use an antidote listed on the label if the container is found. DO NOT
GIVE the victim any food or drink or induce vomiting, unless specified on the label or by a
medical professional.
Shock (Injury-related): Keep the victim lying down. If uncertain as to his or her injuries, keep
the patient flat on the back. Maintain normal body temperature, if the weather is cold or
damp, place blankets or extra clothing over and under the victim; If weather is hot, provide

Snakebite: Wash off the injury. Keep the area still and at a lower level than the heart. Keep
the victim quiet. Rush to the hospital.

Sprains and fractures: Apply ice to reduce swelling and pain. Do not try to straighten or
move broken limbs. Apply a splint to immobilize the injured area if the victim must be

Sting from insect: If possible, remove stinger. Wash the area with soap and water; cover it to
keep it clean. Apply a cold pack to reduce pain and swelling. Call a physician immediately if
the body swells or the patient collapses.
Unconsciousness: Send for a doctor and place the person on his or her back. Start rescue
breathing if the victim stops breathing. Never give food or liquids.

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