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changes and
affect nursing care Institute of Health and
Nursing Australia

Legal entity: Health Careers

International Pty Ltd
ABN: 59 106 800 944
ACN: 106 800 944
CRICOS Code: 03386G
RTO ID: 21985
Physiological changes and affect nursing care

Functions or Provide two to three (2-3) examples of Provide two (2) examples of how
physiological state changes to these functions or they affect the nursing care
of human body physiological state of the human body
when we age

Sensory function, Decreased visual acuity, difficulty Nurses should use large, clear
e.g., vision and focusing, and presbycusis (age-related fonts for written materials,
hearing hearing loss). provide adequate lighting, speak
clearly and at an appropriate
volume, and utilize assistive
devices for hearing and vision
when necessary.

Cardiac function Decreased maximal heart rate, Nurses should closely monitor
reduced cardiac output, and increased vital signs, encourage regular
arterial stiffness. physical activity as tolerated, and
provide education on maintaining
a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Respiratory Reduced lung capacity, decreased Nurses should encourage regular

function elasticity of lung tissues, and increased deep breathing exercises, monitor
susceptibility to respiratory infections. for signs of respiratory distress or
infection, and provide education
on avoiding respiratory irritants
and maintaining lung health.

Neurological -Slowed cognitive processing, reduced - Nursing care implications:

function memory capacity, and increased risk Nurses should provide a
of neurodegenerative disorders (e.g., structured environment, offer
Alzheimer's disease). memory aids, and promote
mental stimulation to maintain
cognitive function.

Musculoskeletal - Decreased bone density, reduced -Nurses should implement fall

function, e.g., muscle mass and strength, and prevention strategies, encourage
bones, muscles, increased joint stiffness. regular physical activity to maintain
strength and flexibility, and provide
and joints
pain management for joint

Genitourinary -Reduced kidney function, increased - Nurses should monitor renal

Version 1.0 June 2022 Page Page 2 of Numpages 2

Enhancing Lives through Training

Legal entity: Health Careers International Pty Ltd | ABN: 59 106 800 944 | ACN: 106 800 944 | RTO ID: 21985 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03386G
Physiological changes and affect nursing care

Functions or Provide two to three (2-3) examples of Provide two (2) examples of how
physiological state changes to these functions or they affect the nursing care
of human body physiological state of the human body
when we age

function, including risk of urinary incontinence, and function, provide assistance with
changes to kidney decreased bladder capacity. toileting schedules, and educate
structure and patients on maintaining proper
hydration and bladder health.

Endocrine function -Reduced hormone production (e.g., - Nurses should monitor patients for
insulin, thyroid hormones) and signs of endocrine dysfunction (e.g.,
decreased responsiveness to hormonal diabetes, hypothyroidism) and
collaborate with healthcare
providers to manage hormone
replacement therapy when

Skin integrity -Thinner skin, reduced elasticity, and -Nurses should practice diligent
slower wound healing. skincare, including regular skin
assessments, gentle cleansing, and
moisturizing, and provide
appropriate wound care as needed.

Version 1.0 June 2022 Page Page 2 of Numpages 2

Enhancing Lives through Training

Legal entity: Health Careers International Pty Ltd | ABN: 59 106 800 944 | ACN: 106 800 944 | RTO ID: 21985 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03386G

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