AdmissionTech MIST 2019-20

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f Admission Tech


Unit-A [Enginnering & Architecture] : 2019-20
:: \.:.m Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 200
<ft fflrn �OfJl ffl� "l1t'<S � '!i'lll C'!e'lll � R'® � � � � � 'll'S'lll ��'III
£�.� MIST�<il!� �o):H.o���mf�Wl���������.
llra�IIJ 1;0%-� ���MIST �o)IHo � � � � �� <l<!Tlll111

04. � � x sec0 - y cosec0 = k <!lift x cos0 - y sin9 = k cos20

� �� 'll� 2cm ..Q<lt3cm I k l!lilllf.l f.i:<fu<llil I

T, xT., = 16

__________1._·c x ·c, = 16
:. r;ifu �Plt'lll = 68�
06. cosx +cosy= a ..Q<lt sinx + siny = b � cos (x + y) l!lil 'l!1-! <15157

2 2�
� :x + v x v .
�cosx-cosy= a=> 2 co, cos a ......(1)

? ,1 .,1 � C\)S
• n.x + Sl .11"1 = b =>-
'•1' .. � = b .. ... ... 1·u· ,
· 2 2
�x +-·v :

[(i)f + [(ii)j 1 'm 'm, ---- = ..., �a
. "X + V b
sin·- -
. 2
11 = X = ±� :. 11 = :;: (I.,. J .,-k)
,J! Q! � cos�� - sin2� � ') , �
2 2 a- - b· a- - b·
.-. �<fu cm = s� = ± {� + J + kJ =>
, 1� •• ix - y a·+ b-
= ...,--, :. cos (x ·, ·v) = --,---,-,
a· + b·
\/3 cos -,1112
R"i � �
03. l!l<lllu � (-1, -1) l!l<lt (3, 2) <l'tl!<lt ..Qil mi
07. a tan0 + b sec0 = c �'Ill 11."l'f!I a, p �. �Cf TI Cll,
x 1 + y2 - 6x - 4�· - 7 = 0 � (I, - 2) � � lS<A a
�l��'lf.!<rn<llill tan (a+�)= )� ' 1
!Sohe! x' + y'- 2gx + 2fy-c = 0 � (-1.-1)<fq3. 2) R"i I ISoh;e a 1ane - b sccO = c => a 1an0 - c = - bsec0
m�ffl-m. ::::> ·a ian 20"' c 1 - 2ca tane = b:.,. b: 1in= o
2 - 2g - 2f + c = 0 ......... (i) => (a 1 - b 1 ) ian= e - 2ca lane+ c= - b: = 0
13 -6g - 4f.,. c = 0 ...... ... (ii) 2ca
tano. .,. 1anp = · ·; ta1m tanP = · "
c 1 - b'
x ... y -6x-4y- 7 = o� (\, -2)�""f"f<li.
a_ b a _b
x - 2)' -3 (x + I) - 2 (y- 2) - 7 = 0 => x .,. 2y + 3 = 0 .....(iii) 2ca
(iii) l!il! t"lcll �'ffi � � ( -g. -{) � I tana +tanfl �
L· HS=· tan(ct +Pl = =
-g - 2f- 3 = 0 => g + 2f= 3 ... ... ... (iv) I - tana tanP 1 - c· -b"
(i). (ii). (iv)-:;,:rf� g = -4. f= �. c = - 3
- � = R.H.S (P1oved)
·. � �Cf. i + / - 8x + 7y- 3 = 0 (Ans.) a- - b· - c· + b" a· - C"
, Admission Tech
08. f(x) =cos -• (�� ) lft�� � � �• f.t'tir TI' 1 13. z+2i����'1�TI',1N-!��� I
1 z+
I c s
Solve! f(x)= o - 1 ��
i) Solve !ti=
I I x +. ix + i - x+i(y+�)
z + 2 x + 1y+2 (x+2) + 1y
-15./: $I=>/: SI =>2xSx + I =>xS l =x(x+2-iy)+iy(x+2 -iy)+i(x + 2-iy)
1 , (x+2+iy) (x+2-iy)
-J 5. ;+J =>
-x-I 5. 2x => x �-I
3x �-I => x2+2x -ix +ix +2i + + ix+2i+
3 (x+2) +
:. Mlr-!={x:-!5.x5.1}=[- t, 1l x2+2x + + +i 2 + x + 2
(x + 2) +
<f ...�'"'"'�• x + 2x x2 + .2
f_, (;: :). =" l�!'.}J-10, •I =� y +2x+y = O
+ +

@• (x+2) + �
:. � Rt<fu �'!M �'1, llf l!JqSju � � � I
09. 1lflt tan (In y) = x �. 'ffl' Y2 (0) �il 'l!A f.t'tir TI' I 14. y = 3x + 6x2 + 10x3 + • ex, �. Cl!,
lSolve tan (ln y) = x => In y= tan-• x => y = e""- x
can- Ix
_e . _ I . "·- c""-1 x (-2x)
Yi -'i+7 =>Y2 - l + x2)2 e • x +
( (i'+?y
at x = 0, y2 (0) = T x e°+ c0 x � = l :. yi(O) = I (Ans.)
lim e'+e-·-2�'1!Af.t'ti!TI" 1
IO. x�O
{ �!

�"'.\-tx t ,) (- tx-1·-,x-t-2)
�"" 1-3 y+ , y2 +
2 3! I+ ...

= y- .2!Y l. 4.7 ..3 - .. . (showed)
I 4_.l+3'f!Y
3 Y

<!Iii� t� � (2y + 1) 1 0 l!lil � yr-1 l!lil �'1

C, l!l<l� C,+ 2=4C, �. r <!Iii 'l!A f.t'tir TI' I
Solve (2y +1) 10 =(I + 2y) 10 ; T,.1 = IOC,. 2'. 'I
:. .,,-I <!Iii �'1 = 104-1 · 2·-·
4 = 10c,_. 2'-1 l!l<lt C, + 2 = 104 +2-I. 2''2-• = I04+ I. 2r+ 1
We know, if °C, ="C r
=>x + y=n
Then 4 + 2 = 4C,
=> 104 +1 2'+ I=4 . 104 2•-l
=> 104 +1 = 1oc,-1
=>r + I + r-1= 10 :. r=5
16. <Jl� t� � f.t'tir "fl 'll1ll t'ltffllil � (0, 2 ),
t<eq11lfq,1bl ! �� f.l'llm � �'1 y + 4 = 0 I <Jlil
t� l'fm� f.t'tir TI' I
lSolveh/(x-0)2+ (y-2)2 =
� l�I
!Solve!�3x-5 0�.x

13x -51 < ! · x ;,, � =>

= = �Wt��� I
=>x +y2 +4-4 y=
i <I +16 + sy)
-! < 3x-5 < ! · x ;,, �
2' =>4x +4y2-16y+16=y2+8y+ 16
2' 3 2 3
=>29 < 3x < 2
II x ., 5 =>3 < x < II x 5
; 3 2 6 ; ., 3 =>4x + 3y -24y =0

=>4x2 + 3(y2- 8y + 42 )=48

... �� = (!.�)uG, )
2 (v
=>x +� -4)2 =I 1!1"1fto!, 42 > 12
¥ 12
:. 'l'll!IIA ����: --41 _____+
3 II :. t�-im�= 2 x 12=61!1�
2 3 6
, Admission Tech
Physics 06. cm• <!I� c-rrffl �11 � � '(j �11�
IL�� 1!11� � � 8 cm I� "lffi �11 330 ms-1 WI 18 ll!qt 6 k m/hour 1 � � �11 cm � � "flt'!
,;'lft'l!�efl!t�'(j�t����? C'!1'1!1'!1��,�?
���. !Solve!�.Qllm��u<!lq����v
3v 3x330 =30 3 �.v u=18;v -u = 6
= = 9 .75 HzAns. +
V: 4L 4x0.08
:. v = 12 km/h Ans.

�. �t'f'lm�.
<!l'q� u = 6 km/h
=5v = 5x330 = 5156. 25 HzAns. �.a C<lilt'I ��� 'II� 'flti? C� I
u3 4L 4xO.OS
ll � � � � 46000 tons ($!) I � $1t'I ��.a =cos-1(-�) cos-1(-= %'2 ) 120°Ans.
. ' (in mf ) � 't' (in s)
�l.02Sgm/ccWJ�1!1!1l!Wo'!�?�llm�� 07 ���<t a'

�� �3 m li lion cc������ ���'1 lt = 2s'Jfl!m


:. v = 1.368 x1011 cc
• ,_ I.08xl0 _l._
10 :.v(2 8 = 14m;-1 Ans.
-1.08x1010cc ..v 13_68xlO'o- 38thrAns.

��Ciffil9V��lOmW<!IW!l� W 08. 'R!(:
���·�'1?��Cl1!11�? �
Solve <!1<11���.
�I = ! = � = l .llxl0-3A Ans.
V 9 dN =
dt I�=3.7x10 decay/sec
V 9
�.R= -= ---=8IOOn Ans.
I I.I Ix10-3 �. m.$1 Pb,� <!1<11� � 'IT'e'!ll 'li'P.11
�1!1!'{il�11'l!�S ms-',8 _, 6.023x1023
m$! 224Pb l':i "11fill'l"lt"ffl,N- 224 xm
� � q;ftq11 <1115� I
C = C c T,12 = 26.8m in = 26.8x60sec
� \'e , rms
_ 0.693 _
.. - S 4.31 x10 sec 1
. A 26. x60sec -
-4 _

� 5�
3\j dN
<!i'A, dt=)..N => 3.7x 1010
� __: 2,5+64+225 __ fill
- - 6.023x1023 xm x4.31x10-4
� 3 \j'T
:. Cnns= I 3 ms- Ans.
� <fWII� roin immt<f1l lft'I C1I � c� � � � => m = 3.19 x 10� gm Ans.
�200111. <!lqti5T� lOSK l�C�fli5T'I� 09. �� ��� 10 kg, llfit � �� �11f.ltll'

g• g
� � � 2000 fil. � 1'11'5 'fl'!�� 1!1� �'1.���'1 l.2Sxl0.JO k g .�W!�?
';,g fl I (y = 1.66) m IO-JO
!Solve!m = => 1.25x10-Jo =
4 v2
� V, = 3 rrr13 ·········· · ·(i) l-v-
1- - 2
c2 c
4 .
V2= rr r2 ·-·········--(ii )
3 y2
=> I- 2=0.64
+ (ii) 'Viv. = (�r1VJ c
-I \·T-1 -
-r2 yr-I !i_�'w-1 _�'\3(y-1) => 2 =0.36
l c
=>r 1 -,.vJ -J1yJ
200'\3(1.66-1) =>v=3x108x ..JOJ6
• T:=105x( =1047.13 KAns.
2000) :.v=1.8 x103ms _, Ans.
, Admission Tech
lO.�ft-1%1 pftl'lf11!1R�'lfCIIJ�0.8mm<IRtfmit'!t� 03. '31t�� � �t �� �·�·-
�� lm 1� 5890A��llli!iltill� �I
AD <!lffi,a =0.8mm
2a =0 .8x1o·J m
D= Im i E,
= 5890 x10" xI
x 2 x0.8 x 10-l �
• E,
f �.;::�-- Es


T =21t- �
g .\Jg '-�",
1,-.,, e = 20 cm
0.20m =0.20m
=2x3.14 x
9.8 m .s-2 � �'!, g =9.8 111.S-l
=6.28 x0.143 s = 0.898 s �,/=?

1 =0.991 x 760 = 753.16 torr

T 1 =296K
T2 =373 K

�. P =Es xls = 200 x2=400W Ans.

01. 25C'5l'f'll'li4!l!
AgCI <!ll� �4xl �\ �0.1
i.� � -C-0-H <.!lil 0-H il'<R �C-<!lil m
M NaCl�<I AgCI<!lil�f.\q '$ltil � 0 -H � C<fiilffl W-1 'llf!I 1'lfti'I H "11'1 <ffil I
�I (1 �
!Solve! '!fC-1 'ffl, 0.1 M aCI � <.!l\t.� 1 mol L" 1 �o
&- ·q.
R-C ot +H,. O=" R-C� +H'.H 2 0
�<!Ag·� 1mo L" t -Cr'�� \
(S1 + 0.1)mol !:'
AgCI =Ag•+� � ii.�o.!l���-1<.!l��'I�
:. Ksp;.�d{, (q
= 4x Tir � 1 Sf+b:.L)
· 10 ("JO:· ;0: ,,_o}
= S/ + 0.1 S 1 - xi R-C -R-C � R-C( -
= S 1-
_ -0.J ± 0.1 2

2 xl
=4 xl� 9 \w \o
06. 2Sg-ffll��� HCI o.!l�'fllll 37C'5l"l1llil!l-e
:. 0.1 M NaCl �<I AgCl<.!lil � 4x10-9 mol L"1 (Ans)

99.99 kPa -moi 5.05 dm 3

C0 "lt'ell'1 'lflll I tf'llt-!'5l"l1llil!I '<l -m'I
02. Na••wre Na + •�-rt'!I� Mg •� C<R?
z z+ 1

ffl: Na (I I)-> ls2 2s2 2p6 3s 1 ��Ca C 0 3 <lll��f.1<fll�1

Na, 3s �� liA <ffil Na• <w-! m <!lilt m
Clll<, �PV =�
�T T 1
_ 99.99 x5.05 x273 _
Na•-> ls 2s 2p ill [Ne) 4.38866dm ,
2 2 6

Na• 'W5 �'<l <!l���9Pilil'l�� �'! mm =V- IOl.325 x310

I CaCO, + 2HCI �CaCl2 + H 20 +C0 2
�� 1<.!l,��'lmmil>!llt<INa 2
STP l 00 22.4dm J
Mg(12)--> Is 2s 2p 3s
2 2 6 2

m Clll<I Ne <.!lil � � 9!1'6'!ITTI � Mg,·3s , ""-

4.38866 dm C0 2 c� 1q<i�CaCOi "IR'I =
4.38866 x100
Mg2•--> ls 2s 2p ill [Ne]
2 1 6 = 19.59g
�Mg 2'�m�1 �mi�= xl 00% = 78.369% Ans.
, Admission Tech
r. �'JPl!it�'<l�� the highest in South Asia. Women's participation in the
�:�:i.VJ1llm'$),il!���'1-e<tf.li5��­ workforce remains constrained (e) - limited, low-paying
sectors. Three million Bangladeshi women are employed (f) -
� � ��I ii. VJ1llm � 'S9rn �91 '<l
- the lucrative ready-made garment sector, which is
� � ffi"fll ffio'! �� Im' ,;morn��. ffl
Bangladesh's largest export industry. Increasing numbers of
��t.����I women are involved (g) - small and medium enterprises, but
� : i.VJ1llm 'Ell ffi?'I �� � � there remain large finance gaps that women face despite
� 1��cm�-rn; �"l<ll� several government initiatives. Across its programs, USAID is

*� �.
�'1-mi!il'I 'lU, "11 ii.� C'm! �'1 �� � commiued to addressing many (h) -the challenges facing
tllj_ C}l � C'ffl � 'Ell �'1 women in Bangladesh. USAID efforts helped women secure
� I iii. � �-� <!Fil 'l'R:QI <!J�ljqS Wil'l-mffil'I
(i) � • ,f'l!ffi � NaOH/KOH � ffi '11
�?(ii)ffl HF�ffi-ll �7
ffl : � ':m (NaOH), � <!lffi (HF) � 9fTvl! 'ilN1 llrn "1 1
ffl'I � � NaOH/KOH � ffl Na2SiOi q'f K2SiOi
�<filffl I
2 NaOH ('11¥) + Si02 � Na2SiOi + H20
2 KOH ('11¥) + Si02 � K2SiOi + H20
� !S9fll'iR � � 'l'R:QI � ffl 8'ffl
��'i<.ill � Ill� (H 2SiF6) � ffl I o r Nutrition activities (d)-improve women's
r i e around nutrition. Focusing on women (e) - 10 a
�a2Si03 + 6HF � 2NaF + SiF• + 3H20
i ificant impact on malnutrition in Bangladesh, reducing
SiF4 + 2HF � H2SiF6
s nting by over 20 percent in project areas. USAJD bas also
developed a mobile application that (f) - social behavior
hange for nutritional messaging and zinc-fortified rice
promotion, (g) - among women. USAID's Agricultural Value
Chain activity, which (h)- access to finance, environmental
in Bangladesh. (Complex compliance, nutrition, and gender equity, (i) -with local
'.b) It is th;..sday�he yea 1e e d et so jampacked. organizations of empowered women entrepreneurs and
(SimJ1e) � business owners G)- break down barriers and biases for
c) Al os �eryo ��njoys the II in his own way. (Passive) women.
d\ Although a<c galhering, I enjoy activities of the flood of Answers:
masses this da .(�p\�nd) (a) is (b) are stunted (c) to increase (d) arc helping (e) has led
c) How enthusiastic the�ple look on this day1 (Assertive) (f) promotes (g) particularly (h) promotes (i) partnered
uswers: (i) partnered
i There is no doubt that Pahela Baisakh is the most celebrated 04. Translate the following sentences into English.
festival in Bangladesh. . (a)� qS!�lhrn -
= The roads get so jampacked on this day ofthe year.
(b) ll!m'f � Clll:11 ffli1 -
; The day is enjoyed by almost everyone in his own way.
t I hate gathering but I enjoy activities of the flood of masses
(d) 'lfCilWll<t � � q5Qll C"l1t"1 -
oo this day.
� People look very enthusiastic on this day. (e)����-
C. C.mplete the text with suitable prepositions. Answers:
3.mgladesh has made remarkable progress in the last 20 years a) I do the work.
1 - improving the lives (b) - women and girls. At the b) The sky is enveloped with clouds.
:=:ie time, pervasive sexual violence prevents women (c) - c) I am not as much rail as you.
xbiC'\'ing their full potential. Despite efforts (d) -· the d) Listen to me attentively
;'IJ\'fflllDCnt and non- governmental organizations, it remains e) I have stood first in the examination.

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