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Is each requirement testable

Are there specific acceptance criteria

associated with each requirement

s there a calling structure specified to the

use cases

Is there a unique identification for each

stated requirement

Does each requirement have a version

assigned to it
Checklist for requirements reviews
here a traceability from each requirement
ts source (higher-level requirement or
siness requirement)

Is there traceability between the stated

requirements and the use cases

Is each requirement clear

Is each requirement unambiguous

es each requirement contain only a single

m of testable functionality

Is the main path clearly defined

Are all alternative paths (scenarios) identified,

complete with error handling

Are the user interface messages defined

Is there only one main path or does the use

case definition combine multiple cases into

Checklist for use case reviews

Is each path testable

Does this use case call other use cases

Is this use case called by other use cases

What is expected frequency of use for this

use case

What are the types of users who will use this

use case

ach field and it's function clearly defined

Are all error messages defined

all user prompts defined and consistent

Is the tab order of the fields defined

e there keyboard alternatives to mouse

Understanding the review process, training
there shortcut keys defined for the user the reviewers, getting management support
e there dependencies between the fields

Is there a screen layout Having the initial meetings so that everyone

understands what they are supposed to do
es the screen layout match the specified

re an indicator for the user that appears Read, the work product, prepare comments,
the system is processing or just provide reactive comments
Individual preparation
s the screen meet the minimum mouse
k requirement

Conducting the meeting, outcomes are no

the navigation flow logically for the user
on use case information
Reviews changes or minor changes, changes are
required but review isn't necessary, major
Checklist for usability reviews changes are required and further review is
s the screen meet any requirements for necessary
Checklist for reviews Review meeting

here any help text available for the user

Changes to the work made by author are
here any hover message available to the required after the review
r Rework

e user consider the user interface to be

Re-review of changes may be required, look
at the efficiency and to gather suggestions for
e use of colors consistent with other improvement
cations and with organization standards Follow-up

there sound effects used appropriately

are they configurable

Does the screen meet localization


Can the user determine what to do

he user be able to remember what to do

e there usability standards that must be


Are there accessibility requirements that

must be met

Is the story appropriate for the target


Are the acceptance criteria defined and


Is the functionality clearly defined

Are there any dependencies between this

story and others
Checklist for user story reviews
Is the story prioritized

Does the story contain a single item of


Is a framework or harness required for this


Who will provide the harness

Follow the defined review process

Keep good metrics regarding time spent,

defects found, costs saved and efficiency

Review documents as soon as it's efficient to

do so

Use checklist when conducting the review

and record metrics while the review is in

Use different type of reviews on the same

work item if needed

Focus on the most important problems Checklist for success

Ensure that adequate time is allocated for

preparation, conducting and rework for the

Time and budget shouldn't be allocated

based on number of defects found

Make sure the right people are reviewing the

right work and everyone is reviewing and
under review

The reviews should be conducted in positive,

blame - free and constructive environment

Keep a focus on continuous improvement

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