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9/5/23, 13:56 Four Corners 2, Unit 8 Quiz


Four Corners 2, Unit 8 Quiz
35 Preguntas

1. Listen to the conversation between Tony and Lily. Select the correct answer to complete
each sentence.

Tony is going to London for _______ _.

A a few days B a week

2. Listen to the conversation between Tony and Lily. Select the correct answer to complete
each sentence.

Lily recommends taking a _________ tour.

A bus B boat

3. Listen to the conversation between Tony and Lily. Select the correct answer to complete
each sentence.

Lily thinks Tony _________ go to a palace.

A should B shouldn't

4. Listen to the conversation between Tony and Lily. Select the correct answer to complete
each sentence.

Lily thinks the food in London is ____________ _.

A extremely good B pretty cheap

5. Label each picture with the correct word from the box.

1. palace

6. Label each picture with the correct word from the box.

2. statue 1/6
9/5/23, 13:56 Four Corners 2, Unit 8 Quiz

7. Label each picture with the correct word from the box.


8. Label each picture with the correct word from the box.

4. fountain

9. Label each picture with the correct word from the box.


10. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

There are too many things to see. You ________ see everything in one day!

A shouldn't B can't

11. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

That neighborhood isn't safe at night. You _________go there after 8:00 p.m.

A should B shouldn't

12. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

Elena _________ go to the Louvre. She loves art, and the Louvre is one of the best art
museums in the world.

A shouldn't B should

13. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

Our plane leaves at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. We _________ stay out late tonight.

A shouldn't B should 2/6
9/5/23, 13:56 Four Corners 2, Unit 8 Quiz

14. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

The botanical garden is open every day. We ________ go there tomorrow.

A can B can't

15. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

You __________ go to Madrid. It's my favorite city in Spain!

A shouldn't B should

16. Match the adjectives and their opposites.


17. Match the adjectives and their opposites.


18. Match the adjectives and their opposites.


19. Match the adjectives and their opposites.


20. Match the adjectives and their opposites.

5.relaxing 3/6
9/5/23, 13:56 Four Corners 2, Unit 8 Quiz

21. Put the words in order to make questions and answers. Use
capital letters where needed.

1. What do you suggest doing here?

22. Put the words in order to make questions and answers. Use
capital letters where needed.

2. I think you should go to the castle.

23. Put the words in order to make questions and answers. Use
capital letters where needed.

3. What do you think I should do in Rio?

24. Put the words in order to make questions and answers. Use
capital letters where needed.

4. I'd recommend visiting the botanical garden.

25. Complete each question with the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.

Is Athens the oldest ______ (old) city in Greece?

26. Complete each question with the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.

Is Mexico City the biggest ______(big) city in North America? 4/6
9/5/23, 13:56 Four Corners 2, Unit 8 Quiz

27. Complete each question with the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.

What city has the best _________ (good) restaurants in South Korea?

28. Complete each question with the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.

What is the safest_______ (safe) city in Africa?

29. Complete each question with the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.

Is Sydney the most relaxing (relaxing) capital city in the world?

30. Read the webpage. Select True or False.

The writer recommends staying in Venice for two days.

A False B True

31. Read the webpage. Select True or False.

The writer doesn't suggest walking in Venice.

A True B False

32. Read the webpage. Select True or False.

The writer thinks Venice in not very quiet in the afternoon.

A True B False

33. Read the webpage. Select True or False.

The Rialto Food Markets are open every day.

A False B True 5/6
9/5/23, 13:56 Four Corners 2, Unit 8 Quiz

34. Read the webpage. Select True or False.

Visitors to the Doge's Palace can see a famous picture.

A False B True

35. Read the webpage. Select True or False.

The writer thinks Saint Mark's Square is a good place to have


A True B False 6/6
9/5/23, 13:56 Four Corners 2, Unit 9 Quiz


Four Corners 2, Unit 9 Quiz
30 Preguntas

1. Listen to the conversation between Jake and Sarah. Select True or False.

Sarah has a test about Gandhi tomorrow.

A False B True

2. Listen to the conversation between Jake and Sarah. Select True or False.

Sarah thinks Gandhi was inspiring.

A False B True

3. Listen to the conversation between Jake and Sarah. Select True or False.

Gandhi never studied in England.

A True B False

4. Listen to the conversation between Jake and Sarah. Select True or False.

Gandhi was the first Indian to win a Nobel Peace Prize.

A True B False

5. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

A composer creates .

A movies B music

6. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

An explorer likes to .

A paint B travel 1/5
9/5/23, 13:56 Four Corners 2, Unit 9 Quiz

7. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

A director makes .

A movies B books

8. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

A designer likes .

A fashion B politics

9. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

He loves his work. He's really about it.

A passionate B intelligent

10. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

She always tells the truth. She's really .

A intelligent B honest

11. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

He loves helping people. He's really .

A caring B talented

12. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

She isn't afraid of anything. She's very .

A talented B brave

13. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box.

1.was 2/5
9/5/23, 13:56 Four Corners 2, Unit 9 Quiz

14. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box.


15. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box.


16. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box.


17. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box.


18. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box.


19. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box.


20. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box.

8.were 3/5
9/5/23, 13:56 Four Corners 2, Unit 9 Quiz

21. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the simple
past and the words in parentheses. Use short answers where

Did you finish

22. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the simple
past and the words in parentheses. Use short answers where

2.I did

23. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the simple
past and the words in parentheses. Use short answers where

3.I wrote

24. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the simple
past and the words in parentheses. Use short answers where

4.did she do

25. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the simple
past and the words in parentheses. Use short answers where

5.she painted 4/5
9/5/23, 13:56 Four Corners 2, Unit 9 Quiz

26. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the simple
past and the words in parentheses. Use short answers where


Did you write

27. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the simple
past and the words in parentheses. Use short answers where

7.I saw

28. Select the correct answer to complete each conversation.

A: Who was the first president of the United States?

B: I know the answer. I'm it was George Washington.

A positive B not positive

29. Select the correct answer to complete each conversation.

A: Who was the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean?
B: I think it was Charles Lindbergh, but I'm .

A not certain B certain

30. Read the text. Number the lines to put the events in the correct

She started the Green Belt Movement.

She went to a university in the United States.
She started working for the government in Kenya.
She was the best student in her class.
She won the Nobel Peace Prize.

3,2,4,15 5/5
9/5/23, 14:03 Four Corners 2, Unit 10 Quiz


Four Corners 2, Unit 10 Quiz
27 Preguntas

1. Listen to the conversation between Lynn and Matt about a new restaurant. Select True or

Lynn started her meal with avocados and oysters.

A True B False

2. Listen to the conversation between Lynn and Matt about a new restaurant. Select True or

Lynn has eaten ravioli before.

A False B True

3. Listen to the conversation between Lynn and Matt about a new restaurant. Select True or

Lynn liked the dates and blue cheese.

A True B False

4. Listen to the conversation between Lynn and Matt about a new restaurant. Select True or

The desserts weren't very good.

A False B True

5. Listen to the conversation between Lynn and Matt about a new restaurant. Select True or

Matt would like to go to this restaurant.

A False B True 1/5
9/5/23, 14:03 Four Corners 2, Unit 10 Quiz

6. Look at the picture and the example. Use two words from the
box to label each picture.

2. French fries

7. Look at the picture and the example. Use two words from the
box to label each picture.

3.mashed potatoes

8. Look at the picture and the example. Use two words from the
box to label each picture.

4.tomato soup

9. Look at the picture and the example. Use two words from the
box to label each picture.

5.onion rings

10. Select the food that doesn't belong in each list.


A steak B fruit salad

C apple pie D cheesecake

11. Select the food that doesn't belong in each list.


A blue cheese B plantain

C yogurt D milk 2/5
9/5/23, 14:03 Four Corners 2, Unit 10 Quiz

12. Select the food that doesn't belong in each list.

fruits / vegetables

A avocado B date

C carrot D squid

13. Select the food that doesn't belong in each list.


A seaweed B milk

C coffee D juice

14. Complete the conversation with the present perfect and the
words in parentheses. Use short answers where needed and
contractions where possible.

1.Have you ever eaten

15. Complete the conversation with the present perfect and the
words in parentheses. Use short answers where needed and
contractions where possible.

2. I haven't

16. Complete the conversation with the present perfect and the
words in parentheses. Use short answers where needed and
contractions where possible.

3. I've never tried 3/5
9/5/23, 14:03 Four Corners 2, Unit 10 Quiz

17. Complete the conversation with the present perfect and the
words in parentheses. Use short answers where needed and
contractions where possible.

4. I've had

18. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

We should go to Fiorelli's later. ice cream there is delicious.

A Some B The

19. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

Did you order appetizer? I'm having the crab cakes.

A an B some

20. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

I'd like garlic bread, please.

A some B a

21. Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

Let's order a dessert. cheesecake here is very good.

A Some B The

22. Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

Waiter: All right. Let me check that. You'd like the chicken stir-fry with rice and the lamb
chops with mixed vegetables. And water.
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink with that?
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Carla: Water would be great. Thanks.
Carla: Yes, I'll have the chicken stir-fry and rice, please. What about you, Daniel?
Daniel: I'd like the lamb chops with mixed vegetables.
Daniel: Yes, that's right.

3,5,6,2,4,1,7 4/5
9/5/23, 14:03 Four Corners 2, Unit 10 Quiz

23. Read the restaurant reviews. Select the correct answers.

Which restaurant has good desserts?

A New York Grill B Kings' Restaurant

C Rosa's Café

24. Read the restaurant reviews. Select the correct answers.

Which restaurant isn't expensive?

A Kings' Restaurant B Rosa's Café

C New York Grill

25. Read the restaurant reviews. Select the correct answers.

Which restaurant doesn't have good service?

A Kings' Restaurant B New York Grill

C Rosa's Café

26. Read the restaurant reviews. Select the correct answers.

Which restaurant has great main dishes?

A Kings' Restaurant B Rosa's Café

C New York Grill

27. Read the restaurant reviews. Select the correct answers.

Which restaurant doesn't serve seafood?

A Kings' Restaurant B New York Grill

C Rosa's Café 5/5
9/5/23, 14:02 Four Corners 2, Unit 11 Quiz


Four Corners 2, Unit 11 Quiz
29 Preguntas

1. Listen to three conversations. Select the correct answer to

complete each sentence.


A basketball B baseball

2. Listen to three conversations. Select the correct answer to

complete each sentence.


A swimming B shopping

3. Listen to three conversations. Select the correct answer to

complete each sentence.


A rock B folk

4. Listen to three conversations. Select the correct answer to

complete each sentence.


A reggae B jazz

5. Listen to three conversations. Select the correct answer to

complete each sentence.


A horror B action 1/6
9/5/23, 14:02 Four Corners 2, Unit 11 Quiz

6. Listen to three conversations. Select the correct answer to

complete each sentence.


A westerns B comedies

7. Label each picture with the correct type of movie from the box.


A western B science-fiction movie

C drama D horror movie

8. Label each picture with the correct type of movie from the box.


A drama B horror movie

C science-fiction movie D western

9. Label each picture with the correct type of movie from the box.


A science-fiction movie B western

C drama D horror movie

10. Label each picture with the correct type of movie from the box.


A western B drama

C science-fiction movie D horror movie

11. Select the correct response to each statement.

I don't like techno music.

A Neither do I. B I am, too.

C So do I. 2/6
9/5/23, 14:02 Four Corners 2, Unit 11 Quiz

12. Select the correct response to each statement.

I'm interested in old movies.

A I do, too. B So am I.

C Neither am I.

13. Select the correct response to each statement.

I like musicals.

A Really? I don't. B I don't, either.

C I am, too.

14. Select the correct response to each statement.

I'm not a fan of country music.

A I'm not, either. B Really? I do.

C So am I.

15. Select the correct response to each statement.

I don't listen to hip hop.

A Neither am I. B I don't, either.

C Really? I do, too.

16. Rewrite the sentences. Replace each underlined phrase with the
correct phrase from the box and us or them.

Ten of the students in Bob's class like pop music.
All of them like pop music.

Nine of the students in our class play a musical instrument.

play a musical instrument.

Most of us 3/6
9/5/23, 14:02 Four Corners 2, Unit 11 Quiz

17. Rewrite the sentences. Replace each underlined phrase with the
correct phrase from the box and us or them.

Ten of the students in Bob's class like pop music.
All of them like pop music.

Two of the student's in Bob's class like rock music.

like rock music.

not many of them

18. Rewrite the sentences. Replace each underlined phrase with the
correct phrase from the box and us or them.

Ten of the students in Bob's class like pop music.
All of them like pop music.

Five of the students in our class like to sing karaoke.

like to sing karaoke.
Some of us

19. Rewrite the sentences. Replace each underlined phrase with the
correct phrase from the box and us or them.

Ten of the students in Bob's class like pop music.
All of them like pop music.

The students in Bob's class don't like classical music.

like classical music

none of them

20. Match the two parts of each conversation.


A b. B c.

C a. D d. 4/6
9/5/23, 14:02 Four Corners 2, Unit 11 Quiz

21. Match the two parts of each conversation.


A d. B c.

C b. D a.

22. Match the two parts of each conversation.


A d. B c.

C a. D b.

23. Match the two parts of each conversation.


A a. B b.

C c. D d.

24. Read the comments from fans about a band. Match the
questions and answers.

1.sun45 d

25. Read the comments from fans about a band. Match the
questions and answers.

2.Afma25 f

26. Read the comments from fans about a band. Match the
questions and answers.

3.Fanda1 e 5/6
9/5/23, 14:02 Four Corners 2, Unit 11 Quiz

27. Read the comments from fans about a band. Match the
questions and answers.

4. yan7 c

28. Read the comments from fans about a band. Match the
questions and answers.

5.Lin3 a

29. Read the comments from fans about a band. Match the
questions and answers.

6.Lola29 b
b 6/6
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test


Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test
81 Preguntas

1. Listen to the conversation between Josh and Claire. Select True or False.

Claire has never been to Italy before.

A False B True

2. Listen to the conversation between Josh and Claire. Select True or False.

Josh says Claire shouldn't go to the art museums.

A False B True

3. Listen to the conversation between Josh and Claire. Select True or False.

Josh thinks shopping is the best thing about Italy.

A True B False

4. Listen to the conversation between Josh and Claire. Select True or False.

Josh thinks American pizza is better than Italian pizza.

A False B True

5. Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Jill about Leonardo da Vinci. Select the
correct answers.

Eddie _____ about Leonardo da Vinci.

A wrote B is writing

C might write 1/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

6. Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Jill about Leonardo da Vinci. Select the
correct answers.

Eddie thinks Leonardo da Vinci is the most ______ person in history.

A creative B talented

C interesting

7. Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Jill about Leonardo da Vinci. Select the
correct answers.

Eddie says he admires Leonardo da Vinci because he was ______ _.

A an artist B a scientist

C a science-fiction writer

8. Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Jill about Leonardo da Vinci. Select the
correct answers.

Jill thought da Vinci was from the ______ _.

A 15th century B 17th century

C 16th century

9. Match the questions and the answers.


A d. B c.

C a. D b.

E e.

10. Match the questions and the answers.

3. d

A e. B a.

C d. D b.

E c. 2/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

11. Match the questions and the answers.


A e. B d.

C c. D a.

E b.

12. Match the questions and the answers.

4 .c

A c. B b.

C d. D a.

E e.

13. Match the questions and the answers.

5. a

A a. B c.

C e. D b.

E d.

14. Select the correct adjective to complete each sentence.

I don't like to walk in the park at night. It isn't _______ _.

A dangerous B safe

15. Select the correct adjective to complete each sentence.

I had a great vacation. It was very _______ _.

A relaxing B stressful

16. Select the correct adjective to complete each sentence.

The city is beautiful today. The streets are really ______ _.

A clean B dirty 3/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

17. Select the correct adjective to complete each sentence.

I bought a CD of _________ American music from the 19th century.

A modern B traditional

18. Label each numbered item in the picture with the correct word
from the box.


A statue B palace

C fountain D pyramid

19. Label each numbered item in the picture with the correct word
from the box.


A fountain B pyramid

C palace D statue

20. Label each numbered item in the picture with the correct word
from the box.


A statue B fountain

C palace D pyramid

21. Label each numbered item in the picture with the correct word
from the box.


A fountain B pyramid

C palace D statue 4/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

22. Select the word that doesn't belong in the list.


A astronaut B athlete

C director D passionate

23. Select the word that doesn't belong in the list.


A determined B politician

C honest D brave

24. Select the word that doesn't belong in the list.

fruits / vegetables

A onion B steak

C carrot D avocado

25. Select the word that doesn't belong in the list.


A crab B plantain

C squid D oyster

26. Select the word that doesn't belong in the list.

types of movies

A blues B action

C western D comedy

27. Select the word that doesn't belong in the list.


A save money B get promoted

C retire D graduate 5/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

28. Complete each question with the opposite of the underlined

word. Use the comparative form of the correct word from the

1.more expensive

29. Complete each question with the opposite of the underlined

word. Use the comparative form of the correct word from the


30. Complete each question with the opposite of the underlined

word. Use the comparative form of the correct word from the


31. Complete each question with the opposite of the underlined

word. Use the comparative form of the correct word from the

4.more difficult

32. Complete each question with the opposite of the underlined

word. Use the comparative form of the correct word from the

5.worse 6/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

33. Complete the sentences with too or enough.

These jeans are__________ baggy.

A enough B too

34. Complete the sentences with too or enough.

I don't have___________ time to go shopping.

A enough B too

35. Complete the sentences with too or enough.

This T-shirt isn't big _______ _.

A enough B too

36. Complete the sentences with too or enough.

These shoes are _________ small.

A enough B too

37. Complete each question with the superlative form of the

adjective in parentheses.

1.most exciting

38. Complete each question with the superlative form of the

adjective in parentheses.

2.most beautiful

39. Complete each question with the superlative form of the

adjective in parentheses. 7/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

40. Complete each question with the superlative form of the

adjective in parentheses.


41. Complete each question with the superlative form of the

adjective in parentheses.


42. Complete each question with the superlative form of the

adjective in parentheses.


43. Complete each question with the superlative form of the

adjective in parentheses.

7.most dangerous

44. Complete each question with the superlative form of the

adjective in parentheses.


45. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A the B an 8/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

46. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A a B some

47. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A too B either

48. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A a B some

49. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A tried B try

50. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A Did B Have

51. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A did B have

52. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A I don't B I'm not

53. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A drunk B drank 9/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

54. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A do I B I do

55. Complete the paragraph with the simple past form of the verbs
in parentheses.


56. Complete the paragraph with the simple past form of the verbs
in parentheses.


57. Complete the paragraph with the simple past form of the verbs
in parentheses.

58. Complete the paragraph with the simple past form of the verbs
in parentheses.


59. Complete the paragraph with the simple past form of the verbs
in parentheses.

5.was 10/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

60. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A Most B The most

61. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A to save B saving

62. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A I might B I'll

63. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A you'll B you

64. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A to learn B learn 11/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

65. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A shouldn't B should

66. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A was B is

67. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A do B should

68. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A could B will

69. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A can't B shouldn't 12/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

70. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A visiting B visit

71. Select the correct answers to complete the conversation.


A more B the most

72. Complete each conversation with the correct response from the


A That's wonderful! I'm happy to hear that. B I'll let you have it for $15.

C Let's try the new restaurant at the mall. D I think you should take a boat tour.

E Would you like a salad with that?

73. Complete each conversation with the correct response from the


A I'll let you have it for $15. B Would you like a salad with that?

C Let's try the new restaurant at the mall. D I think you should take a boat tour.

E That's wonderful! I'm happy to hear that. 13/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

74. Complete each conversation with the correct response from the


A Let's try the new restaurant at the mall. B Would you like a salad with that?

C I'll let you have it for $15. D I think you should take a boat tour.

E That's wonderful! I'm happy to hear that.

75. Complete each conversation with the correct response from the


A Let's try the new restaurant at the mall. B I think you should take a boat tour.

C I'll let you have it for $15. D That's wonderful! I'm happy to hear that.

E Would you like a salad with that?

76. Complete each conversation with the correct response from the


A I think you should take a boat tour. B I'll let you have it for $15.

C Let's try the new restaurant at the mall. D That's wonderful! I'm happy to hear that.

E Would you like a salad with that?

77. Read the suggestions from a travel website. Answer each

question with the name of one of the travelers: Lizzie M., Martin
B., Greg W., or Tanya K.

Who had bad weather on vacation?

A Martin B. B Greg W.

C Lizzie M. D Tanya K. 14/15
9/5/23, 14:06 Four Corners 2, Units 7 - 12 Test

78. Read the suggestions from a travel website. Answer each

question with the name of one of the travelers: Lizzie M., Martin
B., Greg W., or Tanya K.

Who started in one city and then went to different places?

A Tanya K. B Lizzie M.

C Greg W. D Martin B.

79. Read the suggestions from a travel website. Answer each

question with the name of one of the travelers: Lizzie M., Martin
B., Greg W., or Tanya K.

Who enjoyed going shopping and sightseeing?

A Greg W. B Tanya K.

C Martin B. D Lizzie M.

80. Read the suggestions from a travel website. Answer each

question with the name of one of the travelers: Lizzie M., Martin
B., Greg W., or Tanya K.

Who didn't write about food?

A Martin B. B Greg W.

C Lizzie M. D Tanya K.

81. Read the magazine article. Number the events from Björk's life
from 1 to 4.

4231 15/15

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