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Ianiia Gazeeva

Read Extracts A and B in the Source Booklet before answering this question.Assess the
advantages of a paternalistic style of leadership for a business such as the Alibaba Group. (10

Paternalistic leadership is a managerial approach that involves a dominant authority

figure who acts as a patriarch or matriarch and treats employees and partners as
though they are members of a large, extended family. In exchange, the leader
expects loyalty and trust from employees, as well as obedience.

For example
From small beginnings of 17 investors, Jack Ma has maintained his caring approach
to his staff resulting in a successful business operatings in the B2B and B2C
markets. To ensure his business activity progresses into the future Jack will need
his happy, productive employees to work with him to take this business forward in a
positive way into the future. (this demonstrates you understand the market the
business sits in with judgement and suggests a solution)

Jack Ma built a large team around him that trusts his decision making. He believes
in taking responsibility for the actions of the group.
He said he gave his team the confidence to follow his commands as he took the
responsibility for anything that went wrong. He also said that his job is to make sure
his team is happy, because when the team is happy, they can make customers
happy.Employees believe hard work or loyalty are ultimately recognised and
rewarded. This leads to job satisfaction, motivation, and even retention. Alibaba
Group decides what is best for employees, and has their best interests at heart in
every decision. Based on a parent/child relationship .

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