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Yakult Sustainability Stories

Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3第3
Chapter 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 01

C o n t ent s

01 Message from the President/ Message from the President

Corporate Slogan

02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA A longstanding aspiration to support the health of

02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs
people and the planet
History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives

04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and Hiroshi Narita

President and
contributing to society
Representative Director

06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Our corporate slogan expresses our belief that “In order for plastic containers and packaging, and water, while our
Themes people to be healthy, everything around them must also be social themes are innovation, value co-creation with Corporate Slogan
06 Yakult’s impact on society healthy.” “Everything around them” refers to water, soil, communities, and supply chain management.
air, plants, animals and all else on our planet, whose health In fiscal 2021 we established our Yakult Group Global
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style is essential for people to lead healthy, happy lives and for Vision 2030, under which we aim to “evolve into a healthcare In order for people to be healthy,
our company to sustainably conduct our business. company that continues contributing to people’s health
Environmental and social initiatives by private around the world” by 2030. The three qualitative goals of
everything around them must
10 Chapter 3. Striving to
Enhance Sustainability
businesses have been closely monitored in recent years, this long-term vision are “delivering good health to as many also be healthy.
given the deterioration of the global environment and people as possible around the world,” “offering customers
Initiatives Around Material Themes revelations of human rights issues. For any company to new value that matches their needs,” and “realizing a society
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate operate sustainably, the environment and society—the in which people and the planet co-exist.” The belief embodied in our corporate slogan
Toward a zero-carbon society foundation of its operations—must also be sustainable. People’s health was already a major social issue when
The mission of Yakult’s business, our raison d’être, is to Yakult was founded, and our aspiration to contribute to Yakult believes that everything on the Earth
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging
  Toward plastic recycling
apply its expertise in life science to contribute to the health better health has been at the heart of our operations from
and happiness of people around the world and thereby the very beginning. But just as social conditions are in must be healthy—from the water, soil, air,
14 Story 3 Water 
address social issues. We believe that in order to sustain constant flux, people’s attitudes toward health have also
Protecting Earth’s precious, limited plants and animals to humans—in order for
our business and continue contributing to people’s changed with the times. The new Vision therefore
water resources
wellbeing, it is necessary to address various ESG expresses our determination to further pursue and develop people to be able to live healthily and to
16 Innovation  (environmental, social and governance) issues. Accordingly, our founding aspirations in keeping with such changes.
we have identified six material environmental and social The goals of the Yakult Group have always been, and will build a sound society.
17 Value co-creation with communities themes for proactive engagement to enhance sustainability. continue to be, to support the health of people around the
18 Supply chain management
Our three environmental themes are climate change, world and to contribute to the health of the planet itself.

19 Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022 provides a simple summary of the Yakult Group’s initiatives.
Our future vision
Achieving continued growth through For more detailed information and data, please visit our website.
our material themes Sustainability website Sustainability Report
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1章 :章:ヤクルトのDNA
第1 ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3第3
Chapter 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 02

C o n t ent s


Message from the President/
Corporate Slogan Yakult’
s beginnings and the SDGs
Yakult engages in business activities based on our founder Dr. Minoru Shirota’s desire to contribute to the health of people around the world. These activities
02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA contribute to achieving Goal 3, “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages,” of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our
02 Yakult’s beginnings
beginnings and the
the SDGs corporate slogan, “In order for people to be healthy, everything around them must also be healthy,” is also perfectly matched with the aims of the SDGs.
History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives

04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and The passionate spirit of Yakult’s founder
contributing to society
Corporate Philosophy Dr. Minoru Shirota

06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material

Themes Preventive
We contribute to the health medicine
06 Yakult’s impact on society Emphasis should be
and happiness of people placed on preventing
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style illness, rather than on
around the world through treating illness once it
10 Chapter 3. Striving to pursuit of excellence The Yakult Group’s philosophy and
Enhance Sustainability
Initiatives Around Material Themes in life science in general and corporate activities are aligned
with the underlying concept of the
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate our research and experience in SDGs and Goal 3.
Toward a zero-carbon society Shirota-ism
A healthy A price
microorganisms in particular. intestinal tract anyone can afford
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging
  Toward plastic recycling leads to a long life The goal of providing
Human beings take in Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota,
14 Story 3 Water 
▶▶▶ nutrition through their which protects the intestines,
Protecting Earth’s precious, limited intestines. Making the to as many people as
water resources intestines strong leads possible at an
to healthy and long affordable
16 Innovation  lives. price.

17 Value co-creation with communities

18 Supply chain management

Helping achieve the SDGs through our business operations
Yakult’s founder, Dr. Minoru Shirota began his medical studies in 1921 at Kyoto Imperial University (now Kyoto University). At the time, unsanitary conditions caused large
19 Our future vision numbers of children to die of infectious diseases in Japan. Under the circumstances, Dr. Shirota came to believe it was more important to help people avoid sickness rather than
Achieving continued growth through treating diseases after they occur. After years of microorganism research, he successfully strengthened and cultured Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota.* Together with likeminded
our material themes individuals, he then developed an inexpensive, delicious drink so that many people could benefit from Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota. This is how Yakult was born. The goal
at the time of helping as many people as possible lead healthier lives continues to guide our operations to this day.
* Reclassified as Lacticaseibacillus paracasei strain Shirota in April 2020
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1章 :章:ヤクルトのDNA
第1 ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3第3
Chapter 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 03

C o n t ent s


Message from the President/
Corporate Slogan History of Yakult’ s business operations and
02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA sustainability initiatives
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs In addition to our business operations centered on the production and sale of Yakult —a drink delivering good health to people around the world—and the promotion of deeper
ties with local communities and expansion of opportunities for women through the activities of Yakult Ladies, we are also engaged in promoting sustainability initiatives.
istory of Yakult’s business operations

Sustainability initiatives
and sustainability initiatives

04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and 2022: Human rights due diligence activities launched following
contributing to society establishment of Yakult Group Human Rights Policy (in 2021)
2021: Six material themes identified
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material    Yakult Group Environmental Vision established 2018: CSR procurement activities launched with establishment of CSR Procurement Policy
Themes    UN Global Compact signed 2020
2012: Basic Policy on CSR established
06 Yakult’s impact on society    Governance strengthened, such as through establishment
    of Nomination & Remuneration Committee 2006: “In order for people to be healthy, everything around them 2019: Business expands to
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style 2010    40 countries and regions
must also be healthy” established as corporate slogan
   (including Japan) around
2000: Yakult Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct established 2000    the world
10 Chapter 3. Striving to
Enhance Sustainability
Initiatives Around Material Themes
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate
1998: Yakult is approved for labeling as a Food for
Toward a zero-carbon society
1972: Start of Courtesy Visit Activities by Yakult Ladies
1980    Specified Health Uses
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging
  Toward plastic recycling 1968: Glass bottles replaced by plastic
1975: Start of pharmaceutical business
14 Story 3 Water  1963 : Yakult’s unique Yakult Lady home delivery system introduced 1970
Pharmaceutical Business

Protecting Earth’s precious, limited

water resources 1971: Start of full-scale sales of cosmetics products
1960 Cosmetics Business
16 Innovation 
1964: Yakult Taiwan Co., Ltd. starts operations as the first overseas office Washing glass Yakult bottles
17 Value co-creation with communities
1950 International Business
18 Supply chain management

19 Our future vision
Achieving continued growth through
our material themes 1930 1935: Start of production and sale of Yakult Food and Beverage Business
1930: Dr. Minoru Shirota succeeds in strengthening and culturing a strain of lactic acid

Business operations
bacteria beneficial to health (Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota)
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1章 :章:ヤクルトのDNA
第1 ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3第3
Chapter 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 04

C o n t ent s


Message from the President/
Corporate Slogan Yakult Ladies:
02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA Growing with and contributing to society
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs Yakult Ladies embody the Yakult Group’s corporate philosophy by delivering not only products but also good health to customers around the world.
es y V
History of Yakult’s business operations Cour t ties
and sustainability initiatives Delivering Yakult products and good health Ac tiv

Yakult Ladies:
Ladies: Growing
Growing with and
contributing to society The Yakult Lady home delivery system was launched throughout Japan in 1963 and contributed to the social advancement of women at that
time. These women took pride and responsibility in delivering not just Yakult products but also good health, and they came to be known as
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Yakult Ladies in the 1980s as their work was broadly recognized by society. The system was introduced outside Japan with the establishment of
Themes Yakult Taiwan Co., Ltd. in 1964, and Yakult Ladies are now active in 13 countries and regions worldwide (as of the end of fiscal 2021).
Yakult Ladies provide customers with not only products but also information that can help promote good health. The Yakult Group provides Yakult
06 Yakult’s impact on society
Ladies with opportunities to learn about the science behind Yakult’s probiotics using such means as online courses to share the latest information. The
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style Yakult Group also utilizes the networks built through the delivery of our products to contribute to local communities in many ways, working with local
governments and others to undertake initiatives like Courtesy Visit Activities* and community safety watch and crime prevention activities.
* Yakult Ladies visit elderly people living alone as they make their deliveries to confirm that they are safe and spend some time chatting with them.
10 Chapter 3. Striving to
Enhance Sustainability ■ Yakult Ladies: A growing presence
2021 13 countries and regions worldwide

Initiatives Around Material Themes

change  1963 Japan only

10 Story 1▶▶▶ Climate
Toward a zero-carbon society

12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging

  Toward plastic recycling

14 Story 3 Water 

Protecting Earth’s precious, limited

Approx. Over
water resources

16 Innovation 
Message from the divisional general managers The social significance of Yakult Ladies
17 Value co-creation with communities Yakult Ladies are active from day to day, delivering Yakult products The desire to deliver good health to as many people in the world as
and health information with sincerity out of a desire to contribute to possible is shared by all Yakult Ladies, regardless of country or region.
18 Supply chain management
people’s health. They wish to fulfill a needed function in the local As members of their communities and familiar faces for their customers,
community through their activities. For our company as well, Yakult they deliver products with this goal in mind and with respect for local
19 Our future vision Ladies represent indispensable assets who help us realize our lifestyles and norms, allowing customers to consume our products with
Achieving continued growth through corporate philosophy and support our growth. We will actively even more peace of mind. I believe they are making a major contribution
our material themes Tetsuya Hayashida Susumu Hirano
support Yakult Ladies and improve their working environment to to the health of the community. We will continue to contribute to
Director and Senior Managing Director and Senior Managing
Executive Officer promote rewarding work and achieve value co-creation and growth Executive Officer local communities by supporting the activities of Yakult Ladies and
Divisional General Manager of Divisional General Manager of
Food and Beverages Division with communities. International Business Division delivering good health to different regions around the world.
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1章 :章:ヤクルトのDNA
第1 ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3第3
Chapter 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 05

C o n t ent s


Message from the President/
Corporate Slogan
Message from Yakult Ladies
02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs

History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives Delivering good health Proud to be applying
Yakult Ladies:
Ladies: Growing
Growing with and with a smile Shirota-ism in my work
contributing to society
Kazumi Miyamoto Valencia Barrera Ma. De Lourdes
Tsugaru Center, Yakult Aomori Sales Co., Ltd. Yakult S.A. De C.V. (Mexico)

06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material

I was looking for work that would let me spend When my two children were still young, I wanted to
days off with my kids, and I was encouraged to take help my family financially, so I started working as a
06 Yakult’s impact on society this job by my mother-in-law, who received Yakult Lady, which did not require long working
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style deliveries from a Yakult Lady. In the beginning, I had hours. Today, I am in charge of 400 customers and
a hard time carrying on conversations with deliver Yakult products every day. My children have
customers, but an encounter with an elderly man grown up, so I now help my husband with his
10 Chapter 3. Striving to who lived alone convinced me to continue working. furniture-making business after my deliveries.
Enhance Sustainability He listened patiently as I haltingly explained the Yakult’s Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota is well
Initiatives Around Material Themes
health benefits of Yakult products, and I was so known in Mexico as being good for your health. I always
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate relieved to see him smiling that I broke into a grin, at which he told me, “You have a explain its benefits before I recommend that people purchase a drink. One time, I was
Toward a zero-carbon society
beautiful smile.” I was so happy to be able to communicate my feelings, and this gave stopped on the street by someone who initially said they did not need the products but
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging me the confidence to keep going. now wanted to make a purchase. A member of the person’s family was suffering from
  Toward plastic recycling
I have been working as a Yakult Lady now for 16 years, and even today, the smiles on the intestinal problems and remembered my explanation. The condition improved, and they
14 Story 3 Water 
▶▶▶ faces of my customers are the sources of my motivation. There are many farmers and nursing have been loyal customers ever since. A big part of a Yakult Lady’s job is to convey the
Protecting Earth’s precious, limited homes on my route, so my customers are often quite elderly. When I visit and speak with importance of preventing disease and keeping the intestines
water resources
them, I pay attention to their expressions to see if anything is off. Especially for people living healthy while making deliveries, and I think this is a big plus for
16 Innovation  alone, I hope they will come to feel that there is someone who cares about them. the health of local communities.
17 Value co-creation with communities
I feel that I am delivering three health benefits to Recently, people’s perceptions about the environment have
customers through my work. The first is physical been changing, and many customers now help us reduce plastic
18 Supply chain management health, which comes from drinking Yakult products. waste by preparing eco-friendly bags.
The second is mental health, which is nurtured through Many people died from COVID-19 in Mexico, but going
19 Our future vision sincere exchanges of words and smiles. And the third is through this hardship together with our customers made us closer,
Achieving continued growth through skin health, which can be promoted by using Yakult almost like a family. I have been blessed with rewarding work over
our material themes
cosmetics. I am happy that I can contribute to local the past 25 years and have received many awards. My future goal
communities by delivering these three health benefits. is to continue working so that I can live happily in retirement.

Note: Masks were removed for photo purposes only.

Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2章 :ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3第3
Chapter 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 06

C o n t ent s


Message from the President/
Corporate Slogan Yakult’
s impact on society
The Yakult Group creates products that are available in 40 countries and regions around the world, conducting our business on the basis of local production for local sales. We
02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA recognize that our corporate activities have not only positive but also negative impacts on local communities and environments in various locations globally. By minimizing these
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs negative impacts and maximizing the positive ones, we will help create a sustainable society
History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives

04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and Supporting the health of people

contributing to society
around the world Marketing population in countries and regions
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material The Yakult Group does business around the world based on our corporate
where we operate
Themes philosophy of “We contribute to the health and happiness of people around the
06 Yakult’s impact on society world through pursuit of excellence in life science in general and our research In 40 countries and regions
and experience in microorganisms in particular.” Through the expansion of our

09 Sustainability, Yakult-style
business, we will strive to resolve the social challenges of health shared around
the world.
10 Chapter 3. Striving to billion
Enhance Sustainability people
Initiatives Around Material Themes

10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate
Toward a zero-carbon society
Yakult dairy products Yakult is sold in Asia, Oceania, Europe
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging
  Toward plastic recycling consumed globally each day and the Americas!

14 Story 3 Water 

Protecting Earth’s precious, limited

water resources

16 Innovation 
million bottles
17 Value co-creation with communities Fiscal 2021 Yakult Ladies deliver products around the world
Supply chain management

Yakult Ladies
19 Our future vision Yakult is enjoyed all bring good health
Achieving continued growth through around the globe! to people around
our material themes the world!

Fiscal 2021
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2章 :ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3第3
Chapter 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 07

C o n t ent s

01 Message from the President/

Corporate Slogan
Minimizing our negative impacts
02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA The Yakult Group recognizes the negative environmental impacts associated with our business’s global expansion, including greenhouse gas emissions, the use of plastic containers
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs and packaging, and the use of water resources. We are engaged in a range of initiatives to understand and minimize the extent of these impacts.

History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives

04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and

Climate Plastic containers
change and packaging
contributing to society
Greenhouse gas emissions Amount of plastics used

409,237 15,643
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material
06 Yakult’s impact on society

09 Sustainability, Yakult-style tons tons

Fiscal 2021 Total for Japan, fiscal 2021
Total of Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions for Japan
10 Chapter 3. Striving to including Yakult Honsha (including logistics) and 5
manufacturing subsidiaries
Enhance Sustainability
Initiatives Around Material Themes We’re aiming to reduce
plastic containers and
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate
W e ’r e a i m i n g f o r n e t-z e r o p a c k a g i n g i n J a p a n by
Toward a zero-carbon society
emissions of greenhouse 30% compared to
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging g a s e s (S c o p e 1, 2 a n d 3) fi s c a l 2018 l eve l s , o r
  Toward plastic recycling b y 2 0 5 0! make them recyclable!
14 Story 3 Water 

Protecting Earth’s precious, limited

water resources

16 Innovation 

17 Value co-creation with communities

18 Supply chain management Water Amount of water used W e ’r e a i m i n g t o r e d u c e w a t e r u s a g e a t o u r d a i r y

p r o d u c t p l a n t s i n J a p a n b y 10 % i n 2 0 3 0 ( w a t e r

u s a g e p e r p r o d u c t i o n u n i t ) c o m p a r e d t o fi s c a l
19 Our future vision
Achieving continued growth through 2 018 .
our material themes

thousand tons Production facilities inside and outside Japan, total figure for fiscal 2021
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2章 :ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3第3
Chapter 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 08

C o n t ent s

01 Message from the President/

Corporate Slogan
Maximizing our positive impacts
02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA The Yakult Group has strived to create innovation through research on lactic acid bacteria while contributing to the health of regional communities through its unique sales style in
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs which Yakult Ladies deliver good health to as many people as possible around the world. We also promote sustainable procurement throughout our supply chain. Moving forward,
we will continue to have a positive impact on resolving social issues and contribute to the health of people around the world, as has been our goal since our founding.
History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives

04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and

contributing to society
Number of patents held by Yakult in and out of Japan

06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material
This figure represents the achievements of our
06 Yakult’s impact on society
ongoing commitment to research and development!
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style Around
10 Chapter 3. Striving to
Enhance Sustainability
Initiatives Around Material Themes
Value co-creation Number of elderly people Number of suppliers
change  Supply chain

Story 1▶▶▶ Climate
Toward a zero-carbon society
with visited by Yakult Ladies as part management who completed our CSR
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging of our Courtesy Visit Activities procurement survey*
  Toward plastic recycling

Around * Survey about current state of supplier initiatives related to the environment and social issues

14 Story 3 Water 

Protecting Earth’s precious, limited

water resources

16 Innovation 
17 Value co-creation with communities
Fiscal 2021
Includes secondary suppliers when the primary supplier is a
trading company
18 Supply chain management
We’r e c o n si d e r i n g o u r
Yakult L adie s v isit eld e r l y p e o ple
social and environmental
19 Our future vision li v in g alone as t he y make t heir
impact throughout the
Achieving continued growth through d eli ve r ie s t o c o n fir m t hat t he y
our material themes supply chain.
ar e s af e an d sp e n d t ime chat t in g
w it h t he m!
Skim milk Flavor Packaging and
powder other materials
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2章 :ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3第3
Chapter 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 09

C o n t ent s

Sustainability, Yakult-style
We will realize our vision of
01 Message from the President/
“People and Planet as One!“
Corporate Slogan
Based on our corporate slogan “In order for people to be healthy, everything around them must also be healthy,” the Yakult Group has identified six material
02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA environmental and social themes requiring proactive engagement if we are to fulfill our mission of contributing to the health and happiness of people around the world.
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs Based on these six themes, we will establish strategies and plans and execute on them one by one to raise the potential for sustainability of the planet and society.
Regarding our environmental material themes, we have established the Yakult Group Environmental Vision and will continue to pursue initiatives.
History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives

04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and

contributing to society Yakult Group materiality themes Yakult Group Environmental Vision
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material
Value co-creation with
Themes Innovation
Supply chain management

06 Yakult’s impact on society

09 Sustainability, Yakult-style
■ Environmental Vision 2050
10 Chapter 3. Striving to To realize a society where people and the planet co-exist as one
Enhance Sustainability Evolve into a healthcare Connect closely with local Maintain sound through a value chain that has zero environmental impact
Initiatives Around Material Themes company, further pursue communities, deliver relationships with business
O u r g o a l i s t o a c h i e v e N e t Z e r o C a r b o n b y 2 0 5 0 ( i n S c o p e 1, 2 a n d 3 ) .
the potential of bacteria, information on health, partners, promote CSR
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate provide new products and provide safe and reliable procurement, ensure stable
Toward a zero-carbon society services, use resources health products and procurement of raw
effectively, and others services, and others materials, and others ■ Environmental Targets 2030
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging Environmental Targets 2030 is a set of medium-term milestones toward achieving Environmental
  Toward plastic recycling p. 16 ▶︎
P.16 ▶︎ p. 17 ▶︎
P.17 ▶︎ p. 18 ▶︎
P.18 ▶︎
Vision 2050, connected to our three environmental material themes.
14 Story 3 Water 

Protecting Earth’s precious, limited Plastic containers and Material themes Target
Climate change Water
water resources packaging
Reduce GHG emissions (in Japan, Scope 1 and 2) by 30% compared to fiscal
16 Innovation  Climate change
2018 levels

17 Value co-creation with communities Plastic containers and Reduce plastic containers and packaging (in Japan) by 30% compared to fiscal
packaging 2018 levels, or make them recyclable
18 Supply chain management
Reduce water consumption (at dairy product plants in Japan, per production unit)
Reduce GHG emissions Convert to fully-recyclable Use sustainable water Water
by 10% compared to fiscal 2018 levels
19 (decarbonize), proactively containers and packaging, resources, reduce water
Our future vision
shift to renewable energy, reduce environmental consumption, and others
Achieving continued growth through
our material themes
introduce energy-saving impact by changing ■ Environmental Actions (2021–2024)
practices, and others container materials, and
others Our Environmental Actions (2021–2024) were established as short-term milestones toward
achieving Environmental Targets 2030. In addition to our environmental material themes, we
p. 10 ▶︎
P.10 ▶︎ p. 12 ▶︎
P.12 ▶︎ p. 14 ▶︎
P.14 ▶︎
have also set goals for reducing waste and conserving biodiversity.
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3章 :3.
Chapter サステナビリティを高める挑戦
第3 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 10

C o n t ent s

01 Message from the President/

a te chan
Toward a zero-carbon society lim ge
Corporate Slogan
Story 1▶ ▶ ▶

02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA
The Yakult Group Environmental Vision set a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. In order to
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs
achieve this, we are promoting efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout our entire value chain.
History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives
Related SDGs
04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and We are promoting GHG
contributing to society
emissions reduc tions and
striving for a societ y w here
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material people and the planet
around them are
06 Yakult’s impact on society

09 Sustainability, Yakult-style

Social issues & Yakult’s

10 Chapter 3. Striving to Our initiatives
Enhance Sustainability megatrends commitment
Initiatives Around Material Themes

1.5 Net zero

10 Story 1 Climate change 
  Ayaka Kato Senior Staff, Environmental Promotion Department
Toward a zero-carbon society
From R&D to raw material procurement, production,
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging
  Toward plastic recycling distribution and sales, divisions within the Yakult

Group are promoting the following initiatives to
14 Story 3 Water 

Protecting Earth’s precious, limited

Below reduce greenhouse gas emissions at every level of our
water resources value chain.
Signatory parties of the Paris We will strive for net-zero
16 Innovation  Agreement agreed to hold greenhouse gas emissions by R&D Install solar power generators and energy-saving
equipment at the Yakult Central Institute as well Solar panels at the Yakult Central Institute
17 Value co-creation with communities the average global 2050 (Scope 1, 2 and 3).
as plants in Japan and overseas
temperature increase by the
18 Supply chain management Production Switch to renewable energy for purchased
end of this century to 2°C
electricity used at domestic plants
above pre-industrial levels,
19 Our future vision and to pursue efforts to Distribution Obtain Green Management Certification for our
Achieving continued growth through logistics subsidiary and coordinate joint deliveries
limit the temperature
our material themes with other manufacturers
increase to 1.5°C above
pre-industrial levels. Sales Introduce electric vehicles for Yakult Ladies
making home deliveries COMS electric vehicles used by
Yakult Ladies
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3章 :3.
Chapter サステナビリティを高める挑戦
第3 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 11

C o n t ent s

01 Message from the President/

Corporate Slogan Story 1 ▶ ▶ ▶ Climate change

Close-up: Switching to renewable energy for electricity used at

02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs

History of Yakult’s business operations our 13 domestic plants
and sustainability initiatives As the Yakult Group seeks to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, we have switched to renewable energy for all purchased electricity used at our
04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and 13 domestic plants. Below, staff in charge discuss their thoughts about these initiatives and their expectations for the future. My eco actions:
contributing to society
I adjust my thermostat to
My eco actions: use less energy, try to turn
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material I use my car as little off lights when I’m not
as possible, and We continue our efforts around using them, and bring a
Themes Constant pursuit of instead walk or ride energy-saving equipment conversion bag with me when I shop.
innovative solutions my bicycle.
06 Yakult’s impact on society
and energy conservation
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style Yuichiro Kawakita A ssistant Manager, Equipment and Facilities Section, Takayuki Yamamoto A ssistant Manager, General Facilities Section,
Production Control Department Hyogo Miki Plant

10 Chapter 3. Striving to We began this initiative after determining that switching to renewable energy Rising interest in environmental challenges is evident at our plants, where we
Enhance Sustainability sources for all purchased electricity used in the production process at our have been receiving proposals from business contacts for some time about
Initiatives Around Material Themes plants in Japan would let us greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and converting to renewable energy and increasing clean energy systems such as
10 Story 1 Climate change  contribute to global environmental conservation. Renewable energy takes solar-powered electricity generation, and where visitors on plant tours have
Toward a zero-carbon society
society many forms, and choosing an energy company plan that met the Yakult increasingly been asking about environmental issues.
Group’s needs was highly challenging. Through this conversion, we estimated We have now completed the switch to renewable energy for purchased
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging
  Toward plastic recycling a reduction in emissions of 34,800 t-CO 2 per year in total at our 13 electricity across the Company, which has enabled us to achieve true net-zero
domestic plants, roughly a 40% reduction from fiscal 2018 levels . CO 2 emissions for electric power at our domestic plants. However, even if
14 Story 3 Water 

Protecting Earth’s precious, limited CO 2 emissions from electric power (Scope 2) have been essentially reduced CO2 emissions can be reduced, energy costs will increase, so continuing efforts
water resources to net-zero thanks to this switch to renewable energy. However, in order to will be needed at plants to conserve electricity and convert to energy-saving
meet the goals of our Environmental Vision, reducing CO 2 emissions equipment. For that reason, we believe that all workers must heighten
16 Innovation 
from the use of fuel sources like city gas (Scope 1) will be essential. their energy awareness even further, and change their
17 Value co-creation with communities This task will require constant pursuit of innovative solutions. patterns of behavior .
18 Supply chain management

19 Our future vision As part of our efforts to reduce CO 2 emissions, we are also encouraging our plants outside Japan to introduce solar-powered electric generator
Achieving continued growth through
our material themes International systems. Currently, our plants in Korea, the Philippines and Brazil are considering installing these systems. Moreover, our Ayutthaya Plant in
initiatives Thailand has introduced energy-saving air compressors as part of larger efforts to shift to energy-saving equipment at our plants. Our CO 2
emissions reduction efforts have expanded beyond the production process to include expanded use of electric trucks in Guangzhou.

Electric truck
(Guangzhou Yakult Co., Ltd.)
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3章 :3.
Chapter サステナビリティを高める挑戦
第3 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 12

C o n t ent s

ne rs and
t ai
01 Message from the President/

Toward plastic recycling pa

Corporate Slogan
Story 2 ▶ ▶ ▶ on

02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA

In order to make plastic containers and packaging sustainable, we are making them lighter and shifting to biomass

P l a s ti
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs
and other easily recyclable materials to reduce their burden on the environment.

History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives
Related SDGs
04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and
contributing to society

06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material We will work hard to

make Earth-friendly
recycling a reality!
06 Yakult’s impact on society

09 Sustainability, Yakult-style

Social issues & Yakult’s

10 Chapter 3. Striving to Our initiatives
Enhance Sustainability megatrends commitment
Initiatives Around Material Themes

8 30
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate  anager, Environmental
Naoya Tonegawa M

Promotion Department
Toward a zero-carbon society
In January 2019 the Yakult Group
12 Story 2 Plastic containers and packaging

  Toward plastic recycling

recycling announced the Declaration of Action on

14 Story 3 Water 
▶▶▶ Approx. million tons %  Plastic Recycling. Since then we have been
Protecting Earth’s precious, limited promoting effort to change the materials
water resources Every year, an estimated 8 million tons* of We are committed to reducing of our containers and packaging and to
plastic waste end up in our oceans. By 2050, our use of plastic containers and make them more easily recyclable.
16 Innovation 
the amount of plastic in the ocean is packaging in Japan by 30%
⃝ Increase use of biomass materials
17 Value co-creation with communities projected to exceed the total amount of fish. compared to fiscal 2018 levels, or The Recycling Promotion Committee in
⃝  reate thinner shrink labels, and
C discussion
18 Supply chain management
* WWF UK website, “Why Is Plastic Pollution a Problem?”, making them recyclable, by 2030.
Neufeld, L., et al. (2016) increase use of recycled PET
⃝  educe amount of plastic spoons and
19 Our future vision straws provided with products,
Achieving continued growth through except in special cases
our material themes ⃝  ngage in plastic recycling initiatives
Straws are no longer provided with
through equity participation in R Plus
New Yakult
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3章 :3.
Chapter サステナビリティを高める挑戦
第3 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 13

C o n t ent s

01 Message from the President/

Corporate Slogan Story 2 ▶ ▶ ▶ Plastic containers and packaging

Close-up: Recycling reforms for containers and packaging

02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs
Our efforts to reduce our use of plastic containers and packaging in Japan by 30% compared to fiscal 2018 levels, or make them recyclable, by 2030, involve cooperation across
History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives departments to reform container and packaging recycling. Below, managers involved in these initiatives discuss their thoughts and expectations for the future.

04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and

contributing to society My eco actions:
My eco actions:
I use reusable
I don’t leave the water
containers to store
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material running, I turn off
We are striving to create my food, and do my
Themes electronics when
Seeking further reduction in best to reuse water
they’re not in use, and systems which enable
petroleum-based plastic use from the bath and
06 Yakult’s impact on society I take my own bag and
water bottle with me
repeated container recycling washing rice.
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style when I go out. Toshiyuki Harada A ssistant Manager, Development Masao Kubo A ssistant Manager, Environmental Promotion Department

10 Chapter 3. Striving to The Development Department is involved in numerous initiatives regarding Yakult was originally sold in glass bottles that were collected and reused. In 1968,
Enhance Sustainability plastic containers and packaging. Along with the technical side of new however, these bottles were replaced with polystyrene containers. This eliminated the
Initiatives Around Material Themes plastic container and packaging development, our department is also burden of delivering, collecting, and washing heavy glass bottles, but these containers
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate
investigating ways to reduce overall plastic use, implement biomass now represent the majority of plastic used in our containers and packaging.
Toward a zero-carbon society materials and recycle resources. I was in charge of introducing 20 μm In Europe, the US and other countries, polystyrene is less commonly used than other plastics,
polystyrene shrink labels, the world’s thinnest, for New Yakult and Yakult and this contributes to a negative view that it is difficult to recycle. However, polystyrene has
12 Story 2 Plastic containers and packaging

  Toward plastic recycling

recycling 400 series products. These shrink labels reduce plastic use by 20%, enormous potential to be recycled into a high-quality resin through a technical process that
and make it possible to place labels and designs on the necks of Yakult is relatively inexpensive and has a low environmental impact. Our containers are a trademark
14 Story 3 Water 

Protecting Earth’s precious, limited series containers, which was previously difficult to do. of our company, expressing the Yakult image through shape alone. I am committed to
water resources Moving forward we will work to further reduce petroleum-based creating systems which enable repeated container recycling in order to
plastic use by promoting biomass material use and reducing continue using them in the future. Of course, creating such a system is a challenge for any
16 Innovation 
container weight Over the medium to long term, we are looking to single company, so we will look beyond the bounds of our Group and seek collaboration with
17 Value co-creation with communities shift to highly recyclable materials and encourage container recycling people and organizations involved in everything from raw material
18 Supply chain management through government cooperation. production to product consumption, disposal, collection and recycling.

19 Our future vision

Achieving continued growth through In response to requests from supermarkets and other business partners throughout Europe, we have switched our
our material themes International packaging material from plastic to paper-based cartons, and anticipate expanding this shift to all European countries where
initiatives we operate by 2023. In Brazil, plastic straws have been replaced by paper ones, while in Indonesia Yakult Ladies and direct
sales route operators now collect plastic waste. We also began a pilot project collecting Yakult containers in October 2021. Carton packaging
(Yakult Europe B.V.)

Collecting Yakult containers (P.T. Yakult Indonesia Persada)

Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3章 :3.
Chapter サステナビリティを高める挑戦
第3 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 14

C o n t ent s

01 Message from the President/

Wa ter
Protecting Earth’
s precious, limited water resources
Corporate Slogan
Story 3 ▶ ▶ ▶
02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA
Water is a fundamental resource for the products sold by the Yakult Group, and we consider its sustainable use to be a
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs
crucial issue. We promote water recycling and water conservation initiatives at business sites and plants around the world.
History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives
Related SDGs
04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and
contributing to society
We will create
systems that use
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material limited water
Themes resources
06 Yakult’s impact on society

09 Sustainability, Yakult-style

Social issues & Yakult’s

10 Chapter 3. Striving to Our initiatives
Enhance Sustainability megatrends commitment
Initiatives Around Material Themes

2 10
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate Tetsuya Yamada A ssistant Manager,

Environmental Promotion Department
Toward a zero-carbon society
The Yakult Group is working to conserve our precious water
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging
  Toward plastic recycling resources by addressing their effective use and risks.

14 Story 3 Water 
▶▶▶   billion people % ⃝ Understand water risks at production bases
Protecting Earth’s precious, limited ⃝  onserve water and reuse wastewater at plants and bottling
water resources Around the world, 2 billion people lack access to We will reduce water consumption
companies in Japan and overseas
safely managed drinking water, while 11% of the (at dairy product plants in Japan, per
16 Innovation  ⃝  anage wastewater based on voluntarily adopted standards
global population, or 771 million people, are production unit) by 10% compared
more stringent than those required by laws and ordinances
17 Value co-creation with communities forced to use limited services, unimproved sources, to fiscal 2018 levels by 2030.
18 Supply chain management
or surface water.
* Progress on Household Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
2000–2020, the latest report by the World Health Organization and
United Nations Children’s Fund (WHO/UNICEF) Joint Monitoring
19 Our future vision Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (JMP)
Achieving continued growth through
our material themes

Wastewater treatment facility Discharge of appropriately processed water

Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3章 :3.
Chapter サステナビリティを高める挑戦
第3 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 15

C o n t ent s

01 Message from the President/

Corporate Slogan Story 3 ▶ ▶ ▶ Water

Close-up: Initiatives across the world

02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs
At Yakult Group plants, water is used not just as a raw material for our products, but also for cleaning and cooling manufacturing equipment and various other purposes.
History of Yakult’s business operations
and sustainability initiatives This section outlines initiatives to use water effectively at Yakult plants.

04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and

contributing to society

06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Wuxi Plant, China

The Wuxi Plant’s
California Plant, USA
06 Yakult’s impact on society Ayutthaya Plant, Thailand wastewater is reused at
We have installed
Working to end wastewater flow to rivers other companies’ plants
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style a rainwater
after it has passed through
final water treatment collection system
10 Chapter 3. Striving to locations. We also purify which is used to
Enhance Sustainability water plants on
domestic wastewater
Initiatives Around Material Themes before it is discharged.
the surrounding
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate
Toward a zero-carbon society
The Ayutthaya region is blessed with abundant
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging
water resources, and our Ayutthaya Plant draws
  Toward plastic recycling
water from two wells. Since the plant is surrounded
14 Story 3 Water 
▶▶▶   by paddy fields and other farmland, we have long
Protecting Earth’s precious, limited
water resources been conscious of wastewater flows, and are
working to eliminate all wastewater flow to
16 Innovation 
Ixtapaluca Plant, Mexico
rivers. Suspended particles are further removed
Calamba Plant, the Philippines Wastewater which has passed
17 Value co-creation with communities from treated wastewater using microfilters before it
through treatment facilities is
is used to water the grounds and flush toilets. When Water used for cooling
18 Supply chain management reused to water green spaces
the plant’s manufacturing tanks were updated, the during production,
around the plant. In 2021, we
old tanks were repurposed as wastewater storage along with rainwater,
19 reused a monthly average of
Our future vision containers where water could be reused for cleaning is reused to water
Achieving continued growth through vehicles and other purposes. We also actively plants, supply fire
1,413 tons in this way, for a
our material themes yearly total of 16,956 tons.
communicate information about these initiatives to hydrants and flush
the local residents. toilets.
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3章:3.
Chapter サステナビリティを高める挑戦
第3 章:サステナビリティへの想い
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 16

C o n t ent s

01 Message from the President/

Corporate Slogan

02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA

The Yakult Group recognizes the necessity of further promoting product development through life science research, which has served as
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs
the foundation of our business to date, and creating services that provide new value. While bearing in mind the views of our
History of Yakult’s business operations stakeholders, we will develop the structures and frameworks that can generate innovation to help resolve social issues and
and sustainability initiatives
bring about our evolution into a healthcare company.
04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and
contributing to society
We actively engage in
Related SDGs
research aimed at
addressing health problems.
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material
06 Yakult’s impact on society Advancing research on beneficial bacteria for human health
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style
Intestinal flora
The pillar of our activities at the Yakult Central Institute is research into intestinal microbiota and probiotics*1 from the analysis system
perspective of preventive medicine. We are studying the difference between the intestinal microbiota of people in different YIF-SCAN®
10 Chapter 3. Striving to
countries and determining the relationship between the intestinal microbiota and disease in an effort to contribute to
Enhance Sustainability
Initiatives Around Material Themes better health. For example, our research confirmed that regular consumption of beverages containing Lactobacillus casei
strain Shirota*2 helps relieve stress and improve sleep quality for people under temporary mental stress. These findings led
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate
Toward a zero-carbon society
to the launching of the fermented milk drink Yakult 1000, which contains 100 billion Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota per
100 ml bottle. And in 2021, we launched Y1000 for in-store sales.
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging *1 Defined by the FAO/WHO in 2002 as “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host”
  Toward plastic recycling
*2 Reclassified as Lacticaseibacillus paracasei strain Shirota in April 2020

14 Story 3 Water 

Protecting Earth’s precious, limited

water resources

16 Innovation
Engaging in joint research with outside research institutions
17 Value co-creation with communities • Joint research with the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
18 Supply chain management Consumption of fermented milk drinks containing Lacticaseibacillus paracasei strain Shirota was confirmed as relieving depression
symptoms and improving the sleep quality of patients suffering from major depressive or bipolar disorders. The results were reported
in the journal Microorganisms (published on May 10, 2021).
19 Our future vision
Achieving continued growth through
our material themes • Joint research with the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
Habitual intake of dairy products containing Lacticaseibacillus paracasei strain Shirota was confirmed as contributing to the stabilization nisms,
f m icroorga
ion o id bac
of intestinal flora in the elderly. The results were reported in the journal Scientific Reports (published on June 17, 2021). Collec t c tic ac
h as la eria
suc idobac
and bif
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3章:3.
Chapter サステナビリティを高める挑戦
第3 章:サステナビリティへの想い
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 17

C o n t ent s

01 Message from the President/

Value co-creation with communities

Corporate Slogan

02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA

Based on our corporate slogan, “In order for people to be healthy, everything around them must also be healthy,” the Yakult Group
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs
recognizes the importance of co-creating value with communities and continuing our business activities in harmony with the
History of Yakult’s business operations environment. We also actively participate in building safer communities and contribute to local development through our
and sustainability initiatives
unique network of community-based Yakult Ladies, who hand deliver products to customers.
04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and
contributing to society Related SDGs
We help build “safe and secure”
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material
06 Yakult’s impact on society Dispatching lecturers and Contributing to communities’ safety and Support for people living in
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style holding health-related classes peace of mind poverty
10 Chapter 3. Striving to We dispatch employees to elementary schools While delivering products to their sales areas, Yakult Ladies confirm the safety of Yakult (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. donated daily necessities
Enhance Sustainability and other locations to explain in simple terms elderly people living alone and spend time chatting with them through Courtesy and Yakult to 30 children from impoverished families
Initiatives Around Material Themes the important role the intestines and proper Visit Activities. They also contribute to communities’ safety and peace of mind by at six elementary schools. It also provided Yakult to
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate
daily habits play in good bowel functions. For participating in neighborhood watch and other activities undertaken in cooperation support orphanages, flood victims, and families living
Toward a zero-carbon society adults, health-related classes are held on a wide with 932 local governments and police departments in Japan. in poverty.
variety of topics. These activities are conducted In China, Yakult Ladies from three delivery centers in Shanghai visited the homes The Yakult China Group takes part in a public-
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging
  Toward plastic recycling not just in Japan but in other countries as well. In of elderly people living alone in their sales areas during the Double Ninth Festival interest initiative organized by Yicai Media Group
fiscal 2021, we conducted these activities online (China’s day for seniors) to check on their living situation and well-being, introduce (China) to provide children from impoverished
14 Story 3 Water 

Protecting Earth’s precious, limited to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and created the benefits of probiotics, and present gifts to promote health. They also held families in
water resources original teaching materials to be used for online informal social gatherings at three assisted-living facilities, where they introduced mountainous areas
16 Innovation 
lectures. the workings of the digestive tract and had residents try some finger exercises. with breakfasts.
Since 2013, the
17 Value co-creation with communities Yakult China Group
18 Supply chain management has provided 10,000
yuan every year for
breakfasts on May
19 Our future vision
29—World Digestive
Achieving continued growth through
our material themes Health Day.

Donation of Yakult drinks to

an orphanage by Yakult
A health-related class organized by P.T. Yakult Indonesia Persada Employees of the Yakult China Group visit a nursing home (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3章:3.
Chapter サステナビリティを高める挑戦
第3 章:サステナビリティへの想い
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 18

C o n t ent s

01 Message from the President/

Supply chain management

Corporate Slogan

02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA

The Yakult Group promotes sustainable procurement, which takes into consideration such issues as human rights, labor, the environment and anti-
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs
corruption in the supply chain, and positions it as a key theme in the stable production and sale of products that help promote good health and
History of Yakult’s business operations the creation of a sustainable society. By communicating actively to achieve effective collaboration with our suppliers, we aim to improve the
and sustainability initiatives
sustainability of society by taking our environmental and social impact into consideration and reducing risks throughout the supply chain.
04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and
contributing to society Related SDGs

We will promote
06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material
Themes responsible procurement!

06 Yakult’s impact on society

Working with our suppliers to promote
09 Sustainability, Yakult-style
sustainable procurement Raising sustainable procurement awareness
10 Chapter 3. Striving to The Yakult Group works with suppliers to promote sustainable We are also conducting sustainable procurement promotion meetings and
Enhance Sustainability procurement throughout the supply chain based on the Yakult Group sustainable procurement workshops for our employees involved in raw material
Initiatives Around Material Themes
CSR Procurement Policy, established in 2018, and the Yakult Group procurement and manufacturing consignment.
10 change 
Story 1▶▶▶ Climate Supplier CSR Guidelines, established in 2020. In fiscal 2021, training on sustainable procurement was provided to a total of
Toward a zero-carbon society n mee
In fiscal 2021, approximately 400 people from 158 suppliers 72 persons responsible for or involved with CSR procurement promotion at the motio
urem ent pro
Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging ab le pro c
12 participated in our first CSR Procurement Policy briefing, held to Yakult Group’s overseas offices, as well as officers and employees of the Sus tain
  Toward plastic recycling
provide them with information on sustainable procurement and department in charge of overseas offices at Yakult Honsha.
14 Story 3 Water 
▶▶▶ promote their understanding of our
Protecting Earth’s precious, limited
water resources
CSR procurement policies and future
plans. The event resulted in a shared
Supporting communities ■ Percentage of locally sourced raw
materials for dairy products 
16 Innovation  recognition of various issues among with local employment and sourcing (fiscal 2021)

17 Value co-creation with communities

our suppliers.

18 Supply chain management

To contribute to the sustainable development of the
95.6% Americas
countries and regions where we operate, we operate our
global business with a local focus based on local production
19 Our future vision and sales using raw materials that can be stably procured
Achieving continued growth through and that satisfy our product quality and safety standards.
our material themes Europe
Asia and
Yakult currently operates in 40 countries and regions,

including Japan, with 29 overseas companies. We have
established sales offices and production plants with deep
Yakult Group Supplier CSR Guidelines
ties to local communities and actively hire local employees. * Includes imported raw materials that receive final processing in Japan
Yakult Sustainability Stories 2022

第1 章:ヤクルトのDNA
Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA 第2 章:ヤクルトが向き合う社会の課題
Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material Themes 第3第3
Chapter 章:サステナビリティを高める挑戦
Striving to Enhance Sustainability 19

C o n t ent s


Message from the President/
Corporate Slogan Our future vision
02 Chapter 1. Yakult’s DNA
Achieving continued growth through our material themes
02 Yakult’s beginnings and the SDGs
“Yakult Group Global Vision 2030” is a long-term vision formulated as a guidepost for maintaining the growth of the Yakult Group while adapting to changes in society.
History of Yakult’s business operations Our business began as a way of resolving health-related social issues that were prevalent in Japan at the time of our founding. Over the years, such issues have evolved
and sustainability initiatives
greatly along with changes in the social environment, with people today having an increased awareness of and diversified attitudes toward health.
04  Yakult Ladies: Growing with and By addressing these emerging social issues through our material themes in the 10 years between fiscal 2021 and 2030, we aim to meet higher levels of customer expectations,
contributing to society enhance corporate value through the realization of our corporate philosophy, and evolve into a healthcare company.

06 Chapter 2. Yakult’s Material

Themes Yakult Group Global Vision 2030
06 Yakult’s impact on society

09 Sustainability, Yakult-style O ur v i s i o n Evolve into a healthcare company that continues contributing to people’s health around the world

10 Chapter 3. Striving to Delivering good health to as many Offering customers new value that Realize an inclusive society of people
Enhance Sustainability people as possible around the world matches their needs and the planet
Initiatives Around Material Themes

Story 1▶▶▶ Climate
Key theme Strengthening global expansion Key theme Expansion of business domains Key theme Responding to environmental issues
Toward a zero-carbon society
◦Deliver intestinal health and longevity to many more ◦O ffer products and services corresponding to ◦Fulfill our social responsibility as a global company
12 Story 2▶▶▶ Plastic containers and packaging people. individual health issues and next-generation health. while co-existing with the local community and
  Toward plastic recycling
◦Develop new channels to create an environment ◦Evolve into a healthcare brand that responds to the being in harmony with the environment.
14 Story 3 Water 
▶▶▶ that allows anyone to acquire our products. health needs of people around the world. ◦Contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
Protecting Earth’s precious, limited ◦S upport people’s healthy lives with the pillars of ◦C ontribute to prolonged health expectancy through ◦Establish healthy lifestyles and develop safe and
water resources preventive medicine and therapeutic medicine. locally rooted sales organizations and connections secure communities.
16 Innovation  with individual customers.

Deployment of new businesses

17 Value co-creation with communities in the global market ウェルネス
Europe Asia and Japan &
18 Supply chain management Food and lifestyle
Oceania Americas beverages support
Health foods, &
supplements beauty
19 Our future vision Building a new
Achieving continued growth through business model in Probiotics
Aim to expand
our material themes the domestic market Medical business domain to
care become a healthcare
Pharmaceuticals &
and company having its
Localize at each location ⇒ Cultivate and expand the global Yakult brand nutrition core in probiotics

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