Year 10 Civics Research Task 2022

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Year 10 Humanities and Social Sciences:

Topic: Civics and Citizenship

Research task 2022

Name: _____________________ Mark: ____________

Content Description:
• The key features and values of Australia’s system of
government compared with ONE other system of government
in the Asia region (ACHCK090)

Task outline

Student are to choose a system of government in an Asian region

and compare it to Australia’s System of government.


Time Allowed: Week 5 in class

Assessment Weighting: 7.5% of Semester Mark

Inquiry Process: Planning, Conducting, Processing, Communication


Validation: Student will validate their research in the Semester One

Examination using the graphics page they created in this task.
Research Task

Choose one system of Government within Asia and compare it to the

Australian System of Government.

Key areas to address

• Election Process
• Separations of Powers
• Comparison (similarities and differences)

1. Planning Where do I start (6 marks)

Investigate an Asian system of Government and compare it to Australia’s
System of Government.
To achieve this, you will need to:
• Use a ‘concept map’ or ‘structured overview’ to record what is already
known about the structure of the Asian Government and Australia’s
system of government
• Write down what do I need to know.
• Develop a hypothesis (best prediction) and research questions (general
and specific) to guide your research to find out how the different
governments function.
• Devise a research plan that outlines your own personal deadlines. This
would include details about how and when you would gather information
related to your task
• Select appropriate and relevant resources (e.g. library resources, the
internet etc.).
2. Conducting: Collecting and recoding information: (6 Marks)
How do I record the information I have found?

• Record appropriate and relevant resources in a correctly formatted

bibliography. (E.g. library resources, the internet etc.).
• Time management
• Use different styles of research notes where suitable (e.g. concept
map, table, )
• This should be at least a page per key topic.
• Keep a detailed bibliography. It should be correctly formatted
• The Graphic Page should provide a visual for the reader and assist
you when writing an extended response in your exam
• Use the marking key to help guide the research notes and writing.

3. Processing: putting it together, summaries, use of graphics and visual

data. Two completed summaries (6 marks)
• Information must be processed in the ‘context of the task’.
• At the end of each page of notes that relate to each research question,
write summary paragraph outlining your findings that support your thesis
• Information and evidence must to be tied to the following areas:
1. Election Process
2. Separations of Powers
3. Comparison (similarities and differences)

Evaluation/ Reflection (4 marks)

• This will be completed on SEQTA after you have completed your
• Answer using the following headings:
- Planning
- Collecting and Recording
- Processing
- Communicating

Consider - What did you do well? What could you improve on? What
will you do differently next time?
4. Communicating
Creation of Graphics Page (10 marks)

Note you will need this for your semester one exam
• should have relevant sources from your research
• Titles and annotations of each source
• Maps/images/graphs/statistics/diagrams/article extracts

Graphic page example: Source Stephen King

Format Examples

1. Cornell Note Style

Bibliography Research Question



2. Table

Topic Australia Indonesia Comparison


Marking guide: Inquiry Process – 22 marks


Planning /6
Highly detailed and comprehensive brainstorm. 5-6

Excellent hypothesis and focus questions using geographical terminology.

Detailed and comprehensive research plan.

Detailed and somewhat comprehensive brainstorm. 3-4

Good hypothesis and focus questions using some geographical terminology.

Detailed research plan. Does not include outside commitments

Includes a brainstorm 1-2

Basic hypothesis and some focus questions.

A basic research plan.

A selection of appropriate and relevant resources.

Limited effort made with the concept map, hypothesis and focus questions. 0-1

Attempt at research plan.

Missing parts of the planning stages

Collecting & Recording


Selects relevant and detailed information and/or data from a number of sources 4

Uses appropriate recording techniques to collect and present the information and/or data required
by the task.

Records abundant information and/or data to support the inquiry

Selects relevant information and/or data from a number of sources 3

Uses mostly appropriate recording techniques to collect and present the information and/or data
required by the task.

Records appropriate information and/or data to support the inquiry

Selects some relevant information and/or data from a limited number of sources 2

Uses a simple, incomplete recording technique to collect and present the information and/or data
required by the task.

Records satisfactory information and/or data to support the inquiry

Selects mostly irrelevant information and/or data from a limited number of sources. 1
Uses no logical or organised recording techniques to collect and present the information and/or data
required by the task.

Records insufficient information and/or data that provides little support for the inquiry


Presents a bibliography which includes a comprehensive list and variety of sources which correctly 2
follows the referencing technique.

Presents a bibliography which includes a list of sources which may follow a basic referencing 1

No bibliography included 0

Processing 6
Develops and justifies conclusions through logical discussion and consideration of viewpoints and 5-6
evidence. Similarities and differences are clear and concise

Extensive, edited and correct use of paragraph format.

Develops an opinion based on evidence. Similarities and differences are described 3-4

Includes edited paragraph with a basic paragraph format.

Limited understanding and weak evidence included. Similarities and/or differences are highlighted 1-2

Limited editing and Incorrect paragraph format.

No evidence of summary paragraphs. 0-1

Evaluation/ Reflection 4
Critically reflects each step during the inquiry. Assesses what they did well and what they need to 3-4
improve on. Honesty
A simple reflection of the inquiry. Vaguely looks at areas did well and areas to improve. 1-2
Limited thought into how they participated in the inquiry. 0
Marking guide: Communicating Graphics Page—10 marks


Covers the topic in-depth with specific details and examples

Demonstrates an excellent knowledge of the content

All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand 8-10

Makes excellent use of font, colour, graphics to enhance the presentation

Well-constructed infographic using appropriate language concepts – grammar, spelling

Includes essential knowledge with some details and examples

Demonstrates a sound knowledge of the content

All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand 5-7

Makes good use of font, colour, graphics to enhance the presentation

Good use of appropriate language concepts – grammar, spelling

Includes some essential knowledge but are missing examples

Demonstrates some knowledge of the content but there are factual errors

Some graphics are related to the topic and may not be easy to understand 1-4

Makes use of font, colour, graphics to enhance the presentation but may distract from the presentation

Limited use of appropriate language concepts – grammar, spelling


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