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Carberry Bus Crash in Canada was a Defacto Terrorist Act Committed by Chinese

Communist Terrorists, Gay Male Mafia and Jewish Mafia: American Intelligence
Agencies and BBC

By Andrew Kaprusiak (June 16th, 2023)

On Thursday, June 15, 2023 I read about the terrible bus crash near Carberry,
Manitoba. A semi-truck collided with a mini-bus full of seniors from nearby Dauphin on
its way to Sand Hills Casino. Fifteen died and ten were injured in the crash with the
death rate expected to increase.1 I was immediately suspicious about the crash
because of the similarities between it and the Humboldt bus crash in 2018. Both
accidents involved buses and tractor-trailers, both accidents had similar casualty rates
and apparently both “accidents” were defacto acts of premeditated domestic communist
terrorism.2 Unfortunately, I am alleging that the Carberry crash was a defacto domestic
communist terrorist act. Communists in the west conduct defacto acts of clandestine
terrorism —instigated and facilitated by China— as part of China’s crack-pot scheme to
get the west to hand over Australia to it and for retribution for its “century of shame”. 3
Also, China allegedly instigated a deadly bus crash in Bulgaria (ethnic Albanians made
up the majority of victims) in 2021 killing 48 people allegedly due to Albania and eastern
Europe embarrassing Chinese President Xi.4 Regardless, if you look at my Scribd page
on social media it is apparent that China instigates all manner of clandestine terrorism.

Here is the evidence that the Carberry crash was tacitly forecast and therefore, a
premeditated act of communist terrorism: I often play euchre online at the OK Play site.
On May 20th, 2023, I was playing a game with several online partners when a
conspicuous squabble broke out between my opponents. One opponent kept
mentioning the name Brandon when there was no Brandon present at the table. The
only Brandon I knew worked at the Superstore grocery store in Oakridge near where I
live. I thought, perhaps because sometimes strangers make perfectly valid allegations
about people or events to me, that my euchre opponent was passing on info to me
about Brandon or, perhaps information about the adult star Riley Nixon that came from
Brandon, Manitoba. There have been several allegations tacitly made about Riley Nixon

that she is in grave danger of being either killed, paralyzed or given cancer by Jewish
mafia in the adult film industry and that she needs to return to Canada and her family

Nevertheless, there have been several allegations in regards to Brandon at the

Superstore in Oakridge in regards to a Natalia Kostercova as well, who works there as a
cashier. These allegations are alarming, to say the least, but it has been difficult to talk
with Natalia in any length about these allegations. Natalia is a nice young woman who is
good-natured, kind, intelligent and well-educated. I certainly hope no harm comes to her
but having such personal characteristics, as I described above, is no defence from
malevolent communists in society. As well, it is alleged that Natalia is related to Russian
aristocracy and being related to aristocracy automatically puts an individual in jeopardy
with the communists in society. In effect, I need to share these alarming allegations with
Natalia in a face-to-face dialogue before any serious harm comes to her. Nevertheless,
it is of utmost importance that Natalia return to live with her parents asap to be safer
than she is now.

Regardless, as it turns out the references to Brandon by my euchre opponent seem to

refer, most poignantly, to the Carberry crash. I have reprinted the tacit allegations in
regards to the Carberry bus crash in a text dialogue that I copied on May 20th on the
OK Play euchre site. (As I said the dialogue was conspicuous and I tend to copy
conspicuous activity on my computer to later analyze it as it often contains tacit
allegations of very important subjects.) The player, cvdisascam, mentions the noticeable
dialogue in terms of the Carberry crash:

jmgt2629: u really think I care....

cvdisascam: awwww geeze not again, another misclick, so sorry p Ill try harder
jmgt2629: u do this on every table u go to
hyt5788g: its lord
cvdisascam: go ride your short bus , werar your helmet, just dont lick the
windows, the driver gets upset
jmgt2629: I guarantee you voted for Donald Trump'
jmgt2629: yep u did
cvdisascam: Lets og brandon, lets go brandon, we have your lone supporter at
our table
jmgt2629: hahahahahahahaha a TRUMPER exactly how they act
jmgt2629: lmaoooooooooo
cvdisascam: lets go brandon
cvdisascam: lets go brandon
jmgt2629: I dont like Biden
cvdisascam: lets go brandon, lets go
jmgt2629: wahts your IQ like 50?
hyt5788g: gg
cvdisascam: lets og brandon, lets go, go get in line for your ninth bosster,
jmgt2629: sorry guys

Here is cvdisascam’s dialogue on its own, conspicuous is that Brandon (mentioned 8

times), is obviously a reference to Brandon, Manitoba, the closest city to where the
Carberry crash occurred:

—go ride your short bus , werar your helmet, just dont lick the windows, the
driver gets upset
—Lets og brandon, lets go brandon, we have your lone supporter at our table
—Lets og brandon, lets go brandon, we have your lone supporter at our table
—lets go Brandon
—lets go Brandon
—lets go brandon, lets go
—lets og brandon, lets go, go get in line for your ninth bosster,
Furthermore, not only does cvdisascam refer tacitly to the Carberry (Brandon) crash
twenty-one days before it occurred, but he refers to the short bus involved in the
Carberry accident. It was definitely a small bus that was involved in the accident, like
those shuttle buses you often see. I am unsure what the last sentence “get in line for
your ninth bosster, [booster?]” means but it is preceded by 8 mentions of the word,
Brandon. In terms of cvdisacsam’s euchre partner’s dialogue, jmgt2629, this individual
conspicuously states, "wahts your IQ like 50?”. Fifty seems to refer to highway number
5 that intersects the Trans-Canada Highway in the vicinity of Carberry and where the
crash occurred between the bus and the tractor-trailer. Also, the word fifty is a close
homophone to the word fifteen and, conspicuously, fifteen tacitly forecasts exactly the
number of dead in the crash. In going through my writings on Scribd, it is apparent that
often the exact number of dead are often forecast in these acts of defacto terrorism
made to appear as accidents.5 6 Quite often numbers have great significance in tacit
allegations about tragedies to unfold. So it is apparent that these two, obvious
Americans playing online euchre, had very prescient tacit information on the impending
crash in Manitoba. I allege they had this information because they are tied into
American intelligence services.

In terms of other tacit forecasts of this tragedy in Manitoba, they are more tenuous but
worth mentioning: In the screenshot that I have reproduced below from the BBC series
Homes Under the Hammer on June 14th (one day before the crash), we see the
presenter Tommy opening a closet door to a house heating system. Tommy mentions
that when you open the door the heater is noisy but if you close the door, the heating
system is quiet. Inside the closet is a reusable shopping bag with blueberries on it.
Obviously the berries on the bag are a tacit reference to the Carberry bus crash. Even
the blue colour of the berries symbolizes the blue colour of the tractor trailer involved in
the crash. The closet in this scene is a metaphor for closet homosexuals. So, obviously
Homes Under the Hammer is tacitly indicating that the “buries” in Carberry were caused
by closet homosexuals. I have often commented in past articles how gay males are

often corralled into domestic terrorism at the hands of communists in the west.7 8 9 10 11
Unfortunately, those innocuous gay-guy jokes that most people find irresistible to make,
and our wariness of gay male sexuality —with the resulting prejudices it evokes in us—
come at a very high price: a ruthless defacto genocide of women and shy people and
defacto terrorist acts directed at the general population facilitated by gay male mafia,
pedophiles and transexuals in society. All of this terrorism is facilitated by communist

In another BBC reference to the Carberry crash after-the-fact, on June 16th the Hairy
Bikers show broadcast an image of biker Dave Myers with sand and hills in the

background. This scene (reproduced in a screenshot above) refers to the Sandhill
casino the seniors were on their way to visit in their outing. Dave Myers refers tacitly to
the Myers supermarket in Carberry. In what way exactly, I cannot be sure but there may
be a bad pedophile working in the store involved in the crash in some way.

Finally, I want to reiterate the danger that Natalia Kostercova is in, of whom I wrote
about previously in this article. If she is harmed in any way, I will use everything I have
at my disposal to track-down those responsible. I would hate to see any harm come to
her (including losing her job) as I would hate to see any harm come to any of the
Oakridge Superstore employees. These kind people have prevented me from getting
intentionally-caused cancer for the 7 years or so I have been patronizing the store.
Whistle-blowers, like me, must limit our food and grocery source to a single store if we
are to prevent getting intentionally-caused cancer by the myriad chemicals which can
cause this affliction. Also, I would like to thank my doctors at the Hyde Park Care Clinic,
especially Dr Mataradi and my endocrinologist, Dr Wojcik for their diligent work in
keeping me cancer-free. It can be done. I have been a communist whistle-blower for 11
years and have had no uncommon health issues come up. Finally, my deepest
condolences to the victims of this tragedy from Dauphin. These people are martyrs
whose sacrifice will help us to dismantle communist infrastructure in Canada.

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