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Subject-Verb Agreement Practice Quiz II

1. Which sentence below demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. Cell phones and laptop computers each requires high-output batteries.

B. The price and the location each depend on the availability of the tickets.
C. Both comes to us on a regular basis to discuss the expectations of the day.
D. The teachers and the students both knows the educational requirements.

2. Which sentence below demonstrates incorrect subject-verb agreement?

A. I was still trying to recover from the pulled hamstring I had suffered during training a month before.
We all starts from the same point, but I knew going into the race that it was going to be harder than I
originally thought.
Gram Glenn was the state's fastest runner in the hundred yard dash, and he was the odds-on favorite to
win this heat.
As I squatted into position on the starting blocks, I could feel my legs tighten and all of the blood rush
forward to my hands.

3. Which sentence below demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. Each one of the singers in the choir do have a beautiful voice.

B. Each one of the singers in the choir have a beautiful voice.
C. Each one of the singers in the choir has a beautiful voice.
D. Each one of the singers in the choir possess a beautiful voice.

4. Which sentence below demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

The term perissodactyls refer to hoofed mammals such as horses and elephants that have an odd number
of toes.
B. Referred to as ungulates, elk are animals with hoofed feet, and they are members of the deer family.
C. The term artiodactyls designate an order of mammals that has an even number of toes.
Ungulates are a term referring to two distinct orders of hoofed animals that have either an odd or even
number of toes.
5. Which of the following sentences demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. During the trial, the jury listen carefully to the testimony of the main witness.
B. The group of visiting tourists examines the impressive structure of the Sydney Opera House.
C. The swarm of bees sweep through the area to find a new location for its colony.
D. The pack of mules transport supplies for climbers embarking on an expedition to Mt. Everest.

6. Which of the following sentences demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. The crowd at soccer matches cheer animatedly when a player scores a point.
B. The school choir begin each performance with a medley of classic and new songs.
C. The football team practice five days a week to prepare for the state championship.
D. The faculty at the university plans to develop fresh and interesting courses.

7. Which sentence below demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. The group of ideas floating around in my head need to come out.

B. A book is like a friend who come back to visit from time to time.
C. The problems, which is relatively minor, exists due to my own making.
D. A favorite poem of mine remains Rudyard Kipling's "As the Bell Clinks."

8. Which sentence below demonstrates incorrect subject-verb agreement?

A. The thing that hurt the worst was the look on Maria's face when she approached Dawn and asked, "Why?"
B. When rumors runs wild, Dawn doesn't know who to blame, but she feels awful.
C. Karen was the only person Dawn told about Maria's secret.
D. Dawn didn't want to think that Karen could betray her trust that way.

9. Which sentence below demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. Mindy and Wilma runs to catch the bus, but it left without them.
B. Mindy and Wilma were running to catch the bus, but it left without them.
C. Mindy and Wilma am running to catch the bus, but it left without them.
D. Mindy and Wilma was running to catch the bus, but it left without them.
10. Which sentence below demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. That there is something in the air of Denmark everyone seem to be in full agreement.
B. The odors of Denmark in the darkness of night instills fear into even the bravest of daring souls.
C. A rather peculiar and distasteful smell emits from the foul air hovering above the state of Denmark.
D. A rank and fearsome odor common to the halls of Denmark fill the senses with distaste.

11. Which sentence below demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. Delores am sailing in a yacht race this weekend.

B. Delores is sailing in a yacht race this weekend.
C. Delores are sailing in a yacht race this weekend.
D. Delores be sailing in a yacht race this weekend.

12. Which sentence below demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. There is answers that will be given tomorrow when the time is right.
B. There are a concern because we have noticed strange happenings.
C. There is something about the midnight sky that excites my imagination.
D. There were once an old man who lived way up in the hills as a hermit.

13. In which of the following sentences do the subject and verb agree?

A. The paintings on display at the art museum was priceless.

B. The paintings on display at the art museum seems priceless.
C. The paintings on display at the art museum are priceless.
D. The paintings on display at the art museum is priceless.

1. B
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. C


1. In the correct sentence, the subjects "price" and "location" are joined by "and," which makes the complete
subject plural. Therefore, the correct verb is "depend." Compound subjects that are followed by "each" or "every"
take a plural verb, but compound subjects that are preceded by "each" or "every" usually take a singular verb. The
indefinite pronoun "both" is plural because it refers to more than one thing, so it takes a plural verb.

2. The sentence, "We all start from the same point, but I knew going into the race that it was going to be harder
than I originally thought," demonstrates incorrect subject-verb agreement. "All" is a plural subject, so it should be
matched with a plural verb: "start."

3. "Each one" is the subject of the sentence, and it requires a singular verb.

4. In the correct sentence, the subject is "elk," which can be either a singular or a plural noun depending on how it
is used in the sentence. Here, it is used in the plural sense, which is evident by the subject complement "animals"
and the plural verb "are." In each of the incorrect sentences, there is an error in subject-verb agreement. The
terms "artiodactyls," "perissodactyls," and "ungulates" are used as titles or classifications of animals. Such terms
and titles will take the singular form of the verb.

5. In the sentence, the subject is "group," which is a collective noun that identifies a group of individuals. Because
the "group" acts as a single unit, the subject is singular. Therefore, it must agree with the singular verb "examines."

6. In the sentence, the subject is "faculty," which is a collective noun that identifies a group of individuals. Because
the "faculty" acts as a single unit, the subject is singular. Therefore, it must agree with the singular verb "plans."

7. In the correct sentence, the subject is "poem," which is singular. Therefore, it agrees with the singular verb

8. The sentence, "When rumors runs wild, Dawn doesn't know who to blame, but she feels awful," demonstrates
incorrect subject-verb agreement. It should read, "When rumors run wild, Dawn doesn't know who to blame, but
she feels awful."
9. When the subject of a sentence contains two singular nouns joined by "and," the subject is plural and requires a
plural verb.

10. In the correct sentence, the subject is "smell," which is singular. Therefore, it agrees with the singular verb

11. The subject of the sentence is "Delores." The subject is third person singular; therefore, "is" is the verb that
agrees with the subject.

12. The sentence has an inverted subject-verb word order, which means that the subject is placed after the verb.
The words "there" and "here" will never function as the subject a sentence. The subject "something" is an
indefinite pronoun that is singular, and it agrees with the singular verb "is."

13. The subject of this sentence is "paintings"; therefore, it requires a plural verb. The verb that agrees with
"paintings" is "are."

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