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Sport Event Management

PART II Event Planning

Feasibility (SWOT Analysis) Event objectives and tools (SMART Objectives) (Planning tools)


Feasibility? The elements of event success SWOT analysis Other factors have impact on the feasibility of the p j projects


that you have looked at the event design objectively h h l k d h d i bj i l to determine if what you propose is feasible given t the resources available. sou c s ava ab .

The Elements of Event Success

1. Is the event is a good idea?

2. Do we have the skills required to plan and run the event? l d h ?

3. Is the host community supportive?

The Elements of Event Success

4. D 4 Do we have the infrastructure h h i f in the community?

5. Can we get a venue at a price we can afford? ff d?

6. Will it attract an audience?

The Elements of Event Success

7. Will it attract media support?

8. 8 Is it financially viable?

9. Are the success criteria reasonable?

The Elements of Event Success

1.Is the event is a Purpose of the event good idea? Main purpose for organiser/s

2. Do we have the skills required to plan d l and run the event?

Determine the concepts of the event Specific equipment/technical support needed

The Elements of Event Success

3. Is the host community y supportive? 4. Do we have the infrastructure in the community?
How attractive the event to visitors/spectators Check on any volunteers/ expertise, free promotional opportunities ti l t iti Did not clash with other events

Held close with main-road/highway/LRT station and closely work with local authority h Easily get the public transport, drive and drop areas, hotels, banks, shop-lots.

The Elements of Event Success

5. 5 Can we get a venue at a price we can afford? 6. Will it attract an audience?

Location and cost of the venue; depend on the time for which it is required Relate mainly to placement and cost of temporary y p p y structures

The location would be in an area which the demographic group was large The event designed to attract a local audience The age group was targeted carefully

The Elements of Event Success

7. Will it attract media support? 8. Is it financially fi i ll viable?

Media support needed for different kind of launching (product, services). Select the best approach such as newspapers, posters, posters word of mouth schools/college/universities mouth, schools/college/universities, chat groups, bulletin boards, email, texting.

Determine beneficial (tangible or intangible) to the community/target group Profit making or break-even based (depends on range of donations, sponsors,VIK support, local council support) Social impact

The Elements of Event Success

9. Are h 9 A the success criteria reasonable?

The criteria for success need to be established d b bl h d before the event takes place l Relate the success story with event objectives

What are possible RISKS? p Heavy weather, wind, rain Flooding Fire p g p y Collapse of buildings or temporary structures Accidents involving workers and/or the event audience Crowd control Security of participants and VIPs Food poisoning Breakdown in water or power supply


Event feasibility? can draw on the tools used in other disciplines. SWOT ANALYSIS An effective tool from marketing in the feasibility study. Provides a framework for describing the elements of the event. Determine the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with changes.


Event feasibility? can draw on the tools used in other disciplines. One of it is called as SWOT ANALYSIS An effective tool from marketing in the feasibility study. g y y Provides a framework for describing the elements of the event.

SWOT ANALYSIS assists the event planner in identifying the internal and external variables th t may id tif i th i t l d t l i bl that prevent the event from achieving maximum success. SWOT ANALYSIS enables the event planner to make informed decisions regarding the feasibility of an event and allows flexibility so that the event planner can make changes as required as the event develops. SWOT ANALYSIS helps in the preparation of a decision making document on which the pros and cons of the event can be assessed.


SWOT ANALYSIS: finding the Strengths, g g ,

Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
(internal strengths of the organisation)

(internal weaknesses of the organisation)

(external favorable things that may occur)

(external favorable things that may occur)

Strengths and Weaknesses

Can be spotted before the event actually takes place

Opportunities and Threats present themselves either during an event or after it has occurred

SWOT Analysis
Do you have both the internal and external resources essential to make a decision to produce an effective event?

Other F t Oth Factors Have Impact On The H I t O Th Feasibility of the Projects

Financial consideration
(cash flow projections payables and receivables)

Human resources
(staffs, volunteers)

(role of government leaders)


Rank the events below from most to least feasible.

Sport Day at school Orienteering Competition among UiTM Malaysia Students FSR Sports Carnival Class Trip to UiTM Sports Complex Football Match between FSR and FSPPP UiTM as host for MASUM Competition


Discuss the f Di h feasibility of the following event ibili f h f ll i by using SWOT analysis.


Event concept Purpose/ aims? objectives? Planning tools? Constraints? Develop event concept will involves defining the events purpose/aims, and specific objectives.

Planning the EVENT CONCEPT

Important to set a clear direction, right from the start. To do this, MUST BE a clear vision and mission as the event concept is being planned, and suitable goals and b l d d bl l d objectives MUST also be set. ..for event choices such as;
product launches sporting events concerts shows festivals hi-tea launches, events, concerts, shows, festivals, receptions, annual dinner.

AIMS of the event

The purpose can be broken down further into general aims and specific measurable objectives. Eg.
Improving community attitudes to health and fitness through participation in sporting activities Injecting funds into the local economy Raising funds for a charitable cause Raising revenue through ticket sales Enhancing the reputation of the organizer/venue g p g Providing unique experience Promoting the educational well being of the faculty

Aims varies from one event to another, either have social impact or profit oriented oriented. Aims provide the foundation for many aspects of the planning process avoid conflict between organizing committee and other stakeholders.
As an event manager need to show, in a measureable way, how the AIMS have been achieved. HOW?

The AIMS are used to develop detailed and specific objectives.

Eg. 1; FSR Sport Carnival - to increase the participation level in the FSR community to 1000 peoples, including students from all peoples programs from Year 1 to Final Year, and as well as lecturers and administration staffs. Eg. 2; j p g g y Attract a new major sponsor with naming rights for a five-year contract to 2015.

Establish the OBJECTIVES

An objective is a specific and measureable target for achieving event outcomes. Objectives are generally evaluated by measures such as;
size of audience demographics ( d hi (age, country, gender) d ) sponsor recognition levels sales of sponsor products economic impact of event (sport, tourism) profit

SMART objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, specific measurable achievable realistic and time related;
Specific Measurable Achievable Results oriented Time oriented - .. So that, know what is going to be achieved - .. So that, know how success will be judged - .. So that, know that it is challenging that but not impossible - .. So that, know what the result/outcome will be - .. So that, know how to plan when have target date/s date/s.


are useful tools for presenting material and information to clients, members of your staff/team and stakeholders stakeholders.

Planning tools Pl i t l

Gantt Ch G Chart
(Also known as a bar chart)

A Process for Planning & Scheduling

1. Think 2. 2 List activities 3. Arrange activities considering precedence and relationships p 4. Develop planning tool (Gantt charts) p 5. *Determine critical activities/critical path Crash and adjust as necessary ________________________________ *beyond the scope of this course

Gantt Charts




8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26

Advantages g
Easy to understand Easy to show progress and status Easy to maintain Most popular view to communicate project status to client and/or senior management

Can be superficial Not always easy to see precedence, relationships

Eg; Gantt Chart


Group Activity

Think? of

List of activities/tasks Time scale (days/ months/ years) Estimated duration for each activity/task Who is responsible for each activity/task

Other tool
(The program evaluation and review technique)


Other tool

Maps and models

Other tool

run sheet
can be prepared as preliminary (stages of planning) and complete sheet (bump-in/bumpout). script!

Other tool
complete sheet (bump in/bump out). (bump-in/bump-out) script!

Other tool organization chart: event committee structure

the staffing requirement become much clearer.

Other tool check list (daily/weekly)

Task, check, comment, follow-up required. follow up

Event Barrier

Communication? Effective? Everyone aware of the goals/ milestones? Responsibility & accountability and trust & p y y respect? Ongoing discussion (meeting, tel. calls/texting, emails)? ll /t ti il )? Changes? Additional resources (but remember the event date, never change!) , g )


The differences purpose, aim, objectives Charts/ diagrams/maps, checklists


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