Short Stories

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Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was cheerful and friendly. She liked dolls and love rambling with
her friends. She is interested at gadget, scrolling online Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. She extended
using it for hours. One day, her mother requested her to buy egg in the store, but she did not here it due
to using phone. Her mother shouted because she already called her several times, and yet she was not
responding. She stopped using it and went to the store to buy eggs.

For a minute her mother talked to her and confronted her. “My child, please don’t overuse your
cellphone. Be responsible using it.”

“Yes, mother. I will,” the daughter replied.

Her father gave her a beautiful doll she loved. She hugged and kissed her dad. “Thank you, Daddy. I will
take care of her. She was full of happiness because she really loved dolls. Her friends visited her on her
house. They ate miryenda and talked until they say good bye.

“Ahhh.” I woke up, feeling an excruciating pain in my chest until it hurts so bad that it’s getting harder
for me to breath. I grimace as I turn my head to the wall where a clock was hanging. “It was 12 in the

“Same pain, same time.” I murmured bitterly to myself while my right hand was catching on my chest
trying to suppress the ache that I am feeling.

“Argggh!” My heart felt so much pan as though it had been suddenly grabbed from the inside, causing
me to groan. I gritted my teeth and I reached for the bottle of pain medication on my study table, which
is right next to my bed and I took one capsule in the vain hoping it would stop the pain but it just kept
getting worse. The pill that I took was very potent but alas! It didn’t even seem to help, so I got up on my
bed and walked straight to the door. I paused just as I turned the doorknob and took a long, hard look at
the calendar that is nailed to the wall.

“April 21… Hmmm it’s been a year has it? Argh.” I groan again and held my throbbing head.

“Wake up! Maxie Lian!” her mother said.

“Mom, it’s too early to wake me up. I need some sleep.”

“It’s already 6:30 in the morning. You need to go to school early.”

“Okay fine! OMG! I forgot this is my first day in school. I need to go to school early. Shshshs! Where’s my
towel? Oh there you are.”

“Mom! Where’s my allowance? She shouted because her mother is in the kitchen.

“It’s on the top of the table in the balcony!” her mother said to her loudly.

“Okay, I got it! Thank you. Bye mom! Bye dad!

“Okay, bye.” Her father said.

After that she ran towards the outside of their house.

“Taxi!” Maxi Lian said.

“Ma’am where are we?” the driver asked.

In Tantia University, sir.”

“Ma’am! Here we are.”

“Here’s my fare. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Wow! This school is so beautiful and big!”


Tomorrow will be the start of weekdays which also means the start of my busy days. But I am still
thinking about what happened yesterday night while laying on my bed.

It was past eight in the evening when my suitor, Bryan called and asked me for a dinner date. And I said
yes since he has been courting me for a long time. And I think he will not do something bad to me.

So I dressed up and decided to leave the house when I saw my dad in his favorite spot playing chess with
Harris, my childhood friend and neighbor.

“I am going out for a while, Dad,” I said.

“With that blond hair guy?” Dad asked without looking at me.

“Yes, and I think it won’t take too long.”

“I understand. Take care and enjoy.”

When I exited the house, I saw Bryan standing in front of his car waiting for me outside.

“You are here! Why didn’t you come inside?”

“It’s okay. I guess that you are coming out, so I just waited here and I am right,” Bryan said while he
open the car door for me.

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