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• In the case of mercury

contamination of rice, fish, and

mussels in Davao, in order to
trace its extent, you need to
estimate the average mercury
content found in mining silts in a
• Suppose that a random sample
of 10 such sites resulted in a
sample average of 90 mg of
mercury was found per kilogram
of silt in the river. We may use
this findings as an estimate of
the average mercury for all of
the setting areas of mining site
in Davao.
• The process by which conclusions
about parameters in the population are
made based on the sample data is
called statistical inference.
• There are two areas of statistical
inference: estimation and hypothesis
• An estimate is a value or a range of values that
approximate a parameter. It is based on sample
statistics computed from sample data.
• Estimation is the process of determining parameter
• Also known as student t-test.
• Developed by William Sealy Gosset in
• t-test is used when sample size is small
and/or when population variance is
unknown and the observations come
from a normally distributed population.
• t-distribution is based on the on the sample
standard deviation, s
• The t-distribution is bell shaped and symmetric about the
• The mean, median, and mode are equal to zero
• The total area under a t-curve is 1 or 100%
• The tails are asymptotic to the horizontal axis.
• Lower peak and fatter/thicker tails. (t distribution has a
greater chance of extreme values than normal distribution)
• There is a different t-distribution
for each sample size. t-
distribution is a family of curves,
each determined by a parameter
called degrees of freedom.
• The degress of freedom is a
number of values that are free to
vary in a data set.
• The degress of freedom is a number of values that are free to vary in a
data set.
• As the degrees of freedom
increases, the t-distribution
approaches normal distribution.
• When df =30, the t-distribution
almost matches the z-
• The variance is always greater than 1. It is equal to df/df-2.
• As df increases, the variance approaches 1.
If df=20 what is the variance?
Variance=df/df-2= 20/20-2 =20/18 =10/9 =1.11

If df=40 what is the variance?

Variance=df/df-2= 40/40-2 =40/38 =20/19 =1.05
• The standard deviation is always greater than 1.
• The student's t distribution is a probability distribution that
is used to estimate population parameters when the
sample size is _____________ and/or ____________ is
• The student t-distribution was developed by ___________
in 1908.
3. The t-distribution is __________ shaped, symmetrical about
___________, and has a total area under its curve equal to
4. The t-distribution has tails that are asymptotic to the
_____________ axis.
5. The mean, median, and mode are equal to ______________.
6. The shape of the t-distribution curve depends on the nuber
of _________.
7. The t-distribution has _______ peak and ________ tails than
the normal curve.
8. As the degrees of freedom increases, the t-distribution
approaches to the _________.
9. The variance and the standard deviation of t-distribution is
always _________ than 1.
10. To compute the df, use the formula:
True or False
1. The t distribution has thicker tails than normal distribution.
2. The t distribution that has 8 degrees of freedom has lower peak
than a t-distribution that has 6 degrees of freedom.
3. A sample size of 7 has a degrees of freedom that is equal to 8.
4. When sample size is small and population variance is unkown ,
we use t distribution.
5. Th t distribution has higher peak than normal distribution.
• The student's t distribution is a probability distribution that is
used to estimate population parameters when the sample size
is small and/or variance is unknown.
• The student t-distribution was developed by William S. Gosset
in 1908.
• The t-distribution is bell shaped, symmetrical about zero, and
has a total area under its curve equal to 1.
8. As the degrees of freedom increases, the t-distribution
approaches to the normal distribution.
9. The variance and the standard deviation of t-distribution is
always greater than 1.
10. To compute the df, use the formula: df=n-1
• Find the value of t with probability 0.025 to its right, df=4.
2. Find the value of t with area of of 0.05 on its left and n=11
Determine the t-value based on the given sample and area.
1. n=22, a=0.01
2. n=15, a=0.05
3. n=28, a=0.05
4. n=100, a=0.05
5. n=10, a=0.025
Find the value of t with probability of 0.25 to its right, n=5.
• Find the 90th percentile, n=6
2. Find the 15th percentile, df= 4
1. Find the 99th percentile of the t-distribution with 18 degrees of
2. Find the 90th percentile of the t-distribution if the sample size
is 25.
1. P(T>6.5), df=4
2. P(T<-4.15), n=7
3. Find the 2.5th and 97.5th percentile, df=6
4. Find the area to the left of t=1.8, n=6
1. What is the area to the right to the right of 1.323 with 21 degrees
of freedom.
2. What is the area to the right to the right of 2.4 with 7 degrees of
3. Find the area to the left of t=-5.2 and n=10.
A process whereby we select a random sample from a
population and use a sample statistic to estimate a
population parameter.
Point estimation is a single numerical value obtained
from a random sample used to estimate the
corresponding population parameter.
A sample of 35 grade 11 students of
Marites National High School were
selected. Their mean height (in cm) are
as follows. Find the point estimate of
the mean height of all grade 11 students
in the school.
The point estimate for the population
mean height of all grade 11 students in
MNHS is 153.89 cm.
It consists of two numerical values defining an interval within
which lies the unknown parameter we want to estimate with
a specified degree of confidence.
The values depend on the confidence level which is equal to
1-α(α is the probability of error)
The interval estimate may be expressed as
It is the likelihood, expressed as percentage or a
decimal, that the interval estimate contains the
population parameter.
Also known as Interval Estimate
It is a range of values that is used to estimate
a parameter
The estimation may or may not contain the
true value of the parameter.
It has lower and upper limit that serve as
boundary of the estimate
It is written as lower limit < μ < upper limit or (lower
limit, upper limit)
It is the range of values below and above the given
The time spent in playing DOTA of 125 teenagers in your
barangay ranges from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours at 99%
confidence level.

a. Sample size e. average playing time

b. lower limit f. margin of error
c. upper limit
d. confidence
The time spent in playing DOTA of 125 teenagers in your barangay ranges
from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours at 99% confidence level.

a. Sample size 125

b. lower limit 30 mins
c. upper limit 1.5 hours
d. confidence interval 30 < μ < 90 or (30, 90)
e. average playing time (30+90)/2=60
f. margin of error 60-30= 30 or 90-60= 30
To augment financial shortage, Jennysales mango shakes every afternoon
after class.84% of 35 randomly selected customers were satisfied with
2.87% margin of error.
a. Sample size
b. average percentage of people who
are satisfied
c. margin of error
d. lower limit
e. upper limit
f. confidence interval
To augment financial shortage, Jennysales mango shakes every afternoon
after class.84% of 35 randomly selected customers were satisfied with
2.87% margin of error.
a. Sample size 35
b. average percentage of people who
are satisfied 84%
c. margin of error 2.87%
d. lower limit 84%-2.87%=81.13%
e. upper limit 84%+2.87%=86.87%
f. confidence interval 81.13% < μ < 86.87% or (81.13%, 86.87%)
A local government is planning to provide a tablet for online learning of SHS
Student. Upon canvassing of 30 pcs tablets, the average price is Php
15,000 with amargin of error of Php 305.75 and a confidence level of 95%.
a. What is the lower limit?
b. What is the upper limit?
c. What is the confidence interval?
d. Is the budget Php 14,000 lies within
confidence interval?
A local government is planning to provide a tablet for online learning of SHS
Student. Upon canvassing of 30 pcs tablets, the average price is Php 15,000
with amargin of error of Php 305.75 and a confidence level of 95%.
a. What is the lower limit?
b. What is the upper limit?
c. What is the confidence interval?
d. Is the budget Php 14,000 lies within
confidence interval?
After the summative exam, a sample of 50 students were randomly
selected. Their scores ranges from 28 to 38 with a mean of 33 and 90%
confidence level.
a. What is the lower limit?
b. What is the upper limit?
c. What is the confidence interval?
d. What is the margin of error?
e. Make a conclusion regarding the population
After the summative exam, a sample of 50 students were randomly
selected. Their scores ranges from 28 to 38 with a mean of 33 and 90%
confidence level.
a. What is the lower limit? 28
b. What is the upper limit? 38
c. What is the confidence interval? 28 < μ <38 or (28,38)
d. What is the margin of error?
e. Make a conclusion regarding the population mean.
A random sample of 50 DRECMNHS SHS Students have mean height of 67
inches with a standard deviation of 2 inches. Construct a 95% confidence
interval and make a conclusion for the mean height of all DRECMNHS SHS

We are 95% confident that the mean height of all DRECMNHS SHS Students is
between 66.43% and 67.57%.

A random sample of 64 final exam scores were selected, its sample mean is
is 84 points. The population is normally distributed with standard deviation
of 16 points. Solve for a) margin of error, b)95% confidence interval, c)
conclusion about the population mean, d) length of interval.

A random sample of 64 final exam scores were selected, its sample mean is
is 84 points. The population is normally distributed with standard deviation
of 16 points. Solve for a) margin of error, b)95% confidence interval, c)
conclusion about the population mean, d) length of interval.
We are 95% confident that the population
mean score is between 80.08% and 87.92%.

In a random sample of 20 customers at Mcdollibee, the mean waiting time

to order is 95 seconds and the standard deviation is 21 seconds. Assume
the wait time is normally distributed, make a conclusion on the mean
waiting time for all customers at 90% confidence level.

In a random sample of 20 customers at Mcdollibee, the mean waiting time to

order is 95 seconds and the standard deviation is 21 seconds. Assume the wait
time is normally distributed, make a conclusion on the mean waiting time for
all customers at 90% confidence level.

We are 90% confident

that the mean waiting time
for all customers is
between 86.88 and 103.12

A random sample of 60 students in DRECMNHS SHS were selected, their

standard deviation on 40-item summative test in Statistics and Probability
is 5 points. Determine the margin of error and compute the interval length
of 99% confidence interval.

A random sample of 60 students in DRECMNHS SHS were selected, their

standard deviation on 40-item summative test in Statistics and Probability
is 5 points. Determine the margin of error and compute the interval length
of 99% confidence interval.

25 young professionals from Sana Mall corporation were randomly selected

and their mean IQ is 110. It is known that the standard deviation of IQ is 15.
Assume that the distribution is normal, make a conclusion on the mean IQ
of all young professionals in Sana Mall corporation at 92 % confidence

25 young professionals from Sana Mall corporation were randomly selected and
their mean IQ is 110. It is known that the standard deviation of IQ is 15. Assume
that the distribution is normal, make a conclusion on the mean IQ of all young
professionals in Sana Mall corporation at 92 % confidence level.
We are 92% confident that
the mean IQ is between
104.75 and 115.25
1. Michelle wants to surprise his father with a new leather belt. Upon canvassing
30 belt, she found out that the average price is Php 900 with a standard deviation
of Php 150. Construct a 90%, 95%, and 99% interval.
2. The standard deviation for human life span is 15 years. The average age of 300
Filipinos is 68 years old. Compute the length of interval using 97% level of
confidence. Make a conclusion about the mean life of Filipinos.
3. A survey of 15 SHS students of DRECMNHS shows that they read on average
10 hours per week with standard deviation of 2 hours. Assume that the
distribution is normal, make conclusion on the average reading time at 98%
confidence interval.
1.a Michelle wants to surprise his father with a new leather belt. Upon canvassing
30 belt, she found out that the average price is Php 900 with a standard deviation
of Php 150. Construct a 90%, 95%, and 99% interval.
1.b Michelle wants to surprise his father with a new leather belt. Upon canvassing
30 belt, she found out that the average price is Php 900 with a standard deviation
of Php 150. Construct a 90%, 95%, and 99% interval.
1.c. Michelle wants to surprise his father with a new leather belt. Upon canvassing
30 belt, she found out that the average price is Php 900 with a standard deviation
of Php 150. Construct a 90%, 95%, and 99% interval.
2. The standard deviation for human life span is 15 years. The average age of 300
Filipinos is 68 years old. Compute the length of interval using 97% level of
confidence. Make a conclusion about the mean life of Filipinos.

We are 97% confident that

the mean life of Filipinos is
between 66.12 and 69.88
3. A survey of 15 SHS students of DRECMNHS shows that they read on average
10 hours per week with standard deviation of 2 hours. Assume that the
distribution is normal, make conclusion on the average reading time at 98%
confidence interval.
We are 98% confident that
the average reading time
is between 8.64 and 11.36
• Margin of Error
as the margin gets smaller, the sample
size gets larger
Level of Confidence
The lower level of confidence, the
smaller sample size is needed
Standard Deviation
as the sd gets lower, the sample size
gets lower too
Always round up to the next whole
-Because the computed sample
size is based on the formula that is
always minimum.
Compute for the appropriate
sample size if the margin of
error is 3, with a population
standard deviation of 10 and
9% confidence level. Make a
Compute for the appropriate sample size if the margin of error is
3, with a population standard deviation of 10 and 9% confidence
level. Make a conclusion.

To be 95% confident that the estimate differs from the true mean
by 3, a sample of at least 43 is needed.
The college president ask the statistic
teacher to estimate the average age of
the student at their college. How many
samples are needed? The statistics
teachers would like to be 99% confident
that the estimate should be accurate
within 1 year. From previous study, the
standard deviation of the age is known
to be 3 years. Make a conclusion .
The college president ask the statistic teacher to estimate the average age of the
student at their college. How many samples are needed? The statistics teachers
would like to be 99% confident that the estimate should be accurate within 1 year.
From previous study, the standard deviation of the age is known to be 3 years. Make
a conclusion .

To be 99% confident that the estimate differs from the true mean
by 1, a sample of at least 60 is needed.
Suppose a similar study conducted 5
years ago regarding SHS smokers had a
standard deviation of 25. How many
students you need to survey using 99%
confidence level so that margin of error is
not more than a.)10? b.)5?, and c.)3?
How many students you need to
survey using 99% confidence level
so that the margin error is not more
than 5? Suppose a similar study
conducted 5 years ago regarding
SHS smokers has standard
deviation of a.) 25?, b.) 15?, and c.)
Suppose a similar study conducted 5
years ago regarding SHS smokers has
standard deviation of 25. How many
students you need to survey so that
the margin of error is not more than 5
using a.) 99%, b.) 95%, and c.)90%

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