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Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

EEE 222L, Electrical & Electronic Circuit Simulation Lab

Project Report
Designing Op-Amp Based Fire Alarm Circuit

Submitted to:
Md. Iftadul Islam Sakib
Adjunct Faculty,
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Independent University, Bangladesh

Submitted by: Group Members:

➢ Md. Mahmud Sazzad Basalim Anwar Aunim
Mohiuddin ID. 2021834, Sec. 02
ID. 2020055, Sec. 02 ➢ Sadman Siraj Ahad
ID. 1930517, Sec. 02

Date of Submission: 5 May

2023 2022
Fires are still a significant threat today. Many people are killed in fires, and many more are left
homeless. Things are now can be done easily with the help of fire. However, this fire also claims
the lives of many people and makes their lives miserable. Fires are used in both cooking and
manufacturing. Because of the inattention of people, the fire grew serious. Overheating of an
electrical equipment can also result in unwelcome fires. The other causes are- faulty wiring,
cooking etc.
As the country's metropolitan areas expand without basic infrastructure such as fire stations, the
frequency of fire occurrences has increased fourfold in Bangladesh over the last two decades.
Approximately 2, 85,000 fires were reported in the county between January 1, 1999 and December
31, 2020, according to statistics provided by the fire service and Civil Defense. The country
suffered a financial loss of approximately 6900 crores as a result of these fire disasters. Between
2004 and 2020, fire killed 2308 persons in Bangladesh. Every year, more than 100 fires occur in
our country. When people or the fire department learn about the fire recently, the loss becomes
serious. For this, we have to find a solution by which we can detect the catching of fire instantly.
Fire alarms are ideal for this job since they can alert us right away if they detect a fire. A 10k
thermistor, a 10k resistor, an LM358 operational amplifier, a potentiometer, a 9V DC supply, and
a red LED make up the fire alarm circuit we're using. A thermistor is a type of resistor whose
resistance varies with temperature. It is temperature sensitive, and as a result, it is utilized to detect
temperature changes.
Because the resistance of the thermistor decreases as the temperature rises, we're employing a
negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor. At normal temperature, the thermistor has a
resistance of 10K. The voltage divider rule (VDR) is used to create a potential divider with this
thermistor and resistor, with the output connected to the non-inverting terminal of the op-amp.
According to VDR, the potential difference between two series of resistances is separated into
proportional amounts based on their resistance ratio. As a result, because an NTC thermistor is
employed, a rise in temperature reduces the thermistor resistance and, as a result, its voltage,
increasing the voltage across the fixed resistor. The LM358 is a dual operational amplifier that can
be utilized in sensors, amplifier circuits, and other applications. It can be operated with only one
power source because the two op-amps are internally compensated. It compares inverting and non-
inverting input signals in comparator mode. LM358 has 8 pins, however, we are using only 5 of
them; pin 1 is the output terminal, pin 2 is the inverting pin, pin 3 is the non-inverting pin, pin 4 is
connected to the ground, and pin 8 is the Vcc or biasing voltage for the op-amps to function.
Literature Review
Some methods have been reviewed to make a simple fire alarm circuit which are listed below:

Manually operated devices are found near exits and, in many cases, resemble the red button on the
wall. In the event of a fire, someone should press the button. But it will be too late when someone
presses the button after he sees the flame.
Modern automatically activated fire alarms are used to detect fires as soon as possible. They were
designed to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with no human interaction. Fire detection
sensors are classified as smoke sensors, flame sensors, heat sensors, carbon monoxide sensors, and
computer-assisted cameras. Typically, fire detection sensors will activate when a crucial value is
reached. There are three types of fire detectors: point, linear, and sampling. Point fire detectors
collect data in the area where they are put. The linear one is made up of pieces that resemble
cameras. They are laser-based and positioned in front of each other on opposing walls of the room.
This type of detector can identify objects in areas as large as 100 meters long.
The aim of a smoke detector is simple: to provide you with advanced warning in the event of a fire
in your home. Without a smoke detector, your house could be so heavily engulfed in flames that
you can't identify a safe exit or the smoke can be so suffocating that you suffocate trying to escape.
Photoelectric sensors generate a beam of light focused on a light-sensitive cell, enclosed in the
alarm. If the light beam is interrupted from smoke entering the detector, the alarm goes off.
Ionization sensors work by having a small piece of radioactive material create an electric current
between two plates. If smoke or hot air enters the chamber, the reaction is changed and the current
is disrupted, causing the alarm to go off. Photoelectric smoke detectors work best with slow, smoky
fires and ionization detectors work best with quick, hot fires. [2]
A flame detector is a sensor designed to detect and respond to the presence of a flame or fire. The
flame sensor module has a photodiode to detect the light and an op-amp to control the sensitivity.
It is used to detect fire and provide a HIGH signal upon the detection. Arduino reads the signal
and provides an alert by turning on the buzzer and LED. The flame sensor used here is an IR-based
flame sensor. [3]
Carbon monoxide (CO) detectors are a very important part of fire safety systems in buildings. The
main problem with CO is that it does not smell. Carbon monoxide is produced by portable
generators, stoves, burning coal and wood. CO can cause death even if you are not sleeping
because people cannot detect the existence of this gas. That is why it is so important to use carbon
monoxide detectors. There are three basic types of them: metal-oxide-semi-conductor (MOS),
biometric and electrochemical. There is no need to check batteries with using the first technology
(MOS), because it is always connected to the house power. Biometric detector has gel-coated disk,
which becomes dark in the presence of CO. Changing the colour of the disk turns alarm on.
Electrochemical detectors work because the chemical reaction with CO creates an electrical
current. The most part of CO detectors alarm when CO concentration rapidly increases. There are
also detectors which detect the long-term changes of CO concentration but they are rather
expensive. Laws of many countries prescribe us to have at least one CO detector in each home. [4]
Cameras operated by computer algorithms are used mostly in lofty voluminous areas or other
places which traditionally are the most challenging for fire safety. They are irreplaceable in
tunnels, big stadiums, industrial facilities and others. Cameras are able to recognize smoke and
flames at great distances in seconds. They send live video to the fire station and turn alarm on.
Computer algorithms help to determine smoke and flame patterns and to cut out secure events. [5]
Heat detector is a device that's used to detect any substantial increase in temperature which may
indicate a fire is about to break out. The convicted thermal energy from the flame raises the
temperature of a heat-sensitive element in the heat detector if there is a fire in the proximity of the
alert. When this happens, the element sets off an alarm, which sounds, warning anybody within
hearing distance of the device.

Firstly, literature review was done. This way we could come up with a design which would be of
less complexity and also cost effective.
The design of the fire alarm circuit was first simulated in Proteus. We make sure that the circuit at
least worked in simulation. That way unnecessary cost of components could be avoided due to
trial and error.
Below is the circuitry we came up with.
Fig. 01: Circuit simulation in Proteus

Fig. 02: Methodology

Circuit Simulation
This fire alarm circuit works on the principle of non-inverting comparator mode of the LM358
operational amplifier. The LM358 is a dual operational amplifier which is internally compensated.
Therefore, it doesn’t need two sources to keep the internal transistors biased as in the case of
LM741 op amp. As the op amp can be powered by only 1 voltage source, therefore -Vcc can be
kept at ground. Therefore, as the op amp is used as an open loop comparator with no gain Vout
can swing from +Vcc to GND(0V) depending on the reference voltage at the inverting pin. In
addition to these, the input impedance of LM358 is very high somewhere in the range of 1 GΩ
therefore no input loss. [6]
In this circuit, one pin of the potentiometer is connected to a 9V DC supply and another pin is
connected to the ground. The middle pin or wiper is connected to the inverting pin (pin 2) of the
op-amp and this configuration of the potentiometer will act as the reference voltage, which can be
varied between 0V to 9V. Then a potential divider circuit is made by connecting the 10k thermistor
and 10k resistor in series and then connecting both these components in parallel with the
potentiometer. 9V is divided between the thermistor and resistor. The voltage across the resistor
is fed into the non-inverting pin (pin 3) of the op-amp. Pin 8 (VCC) is connected to 9V and it is
the maximum saturation (+Vsat) voltage. Pin 4 is connected to ground or 0V reference and it is
the minimum saturation voltage. Output is taken at pin 1 and an LED and piezo buzzer is connected
across pin 1 and ground. In this simulation, the LED and the buzzer will act as an indicator for
When the temperature increases around a NTC thermistor (i.e., in case of a fire), the resistance
decreases for the thermistor. Total series resistance for the resistor and thermistor decreases and
according to voltage divider rule, voltage across the fixed resistor increases. When the voltage at
pin 3 (non-inverting) is greater than pin 2(inverting), the output voltage at pin 1 of the op-amp is
maximum saturation voltage, that is +9V. Therefore, the LED connected across pin 1 and ground
will light up and the buzzer will make a sound, which is the signal of a fire.
The potentiometer controls the reference voltage at pin 2. In case of a fire, the temperature will be
more than 60°C [7]. The potentiometer resistance is such that reference voltage is high and when
the thermistor resistance decreases, the output voltage of the resistor at pin 3 will be greater than
the reference voltage, pin 2. Hence output at pin 1 will be maximum saturation voltage which is
5V at pin 8. And in normal cases where there is no fire, the thermistor resistor wouldn’t be small
and hence the reference voltage will be greater. The output at pin 1 will be minimum saturation
voltage which is zero and the LED and buzzer will be off. [8]

𝑉𝑂 = 𝐴𝑂𝐿 𝐸𝑑 , 𝐴𝑂𝐿 = open loop gain, 𝐸𝑑 = Difference between positive terminal voltage and
negative terminal voltage.
When 𝑉+ > 𝑉− , 𝐸𝑑 > 0
𝑉𝑂 = +109 = +𝑉𝑠𝑎𝑡 =9V
When 𝑉+ < 𝑉− , 𝐸𝑑 < 0
𝑉𝑂 = −109 = −𝑉𝑠𝑎𝑡 = 0V

From Date table in Appendix, at 60 °C
Thermistor Resistance 𝑅𝑇 =2488Ω
Voltage across resistor 𝑅𝑖𝑛,
𝑉𝑖𝑛 = 10000+2488 × 9𝑉 = 7.21𝑉
Reference voltage from potentiometer should be such that it is greater or equal to 𝑉𝑖𝑛 for
temperatures under 60 °C.
Let 𝑉𝑟𝑒𝑓 = 7.4𝑉,
× 9 = 7.4

𝑅𝑟𝑒𝑓 = 8.2𝑘𝛺

For T = 25 °C, 𝑅𝑇 =10000Ω

𝑉𝑖𝑛 = × 9𝑉 = 4.5𝑉
10000 + 10000
For T = 50 °C, 𝑅𝑇 =3525Ω
𝑉𝑖𝑛 = × 9𝑉 = 6.65𝑉
10000 + 3525
For T = 65 °C, 𝑅𝑇 =2082Ω
𝑉𝑖𝑛 = × 9𝑉 = 7.44𝑉
10000 + 2082

Voltage output and waveform for thermistor at 25°C:

Vout = -0.01V
Voltage output and waveform for thermistor at 50°C:

Vout = -0.01V

Voltage output and waveform for thermistor at 65°C:

Vout = +7.54V
PCB Design of this Circuit:

Fig: 3D design of Fire Alarm Circuit

Fig: PCB Design of this circuit

The fire alarm will activate at a temperature greater than 60°C for the NTC thermistor. So, we can
observe that at temperatures 60°C or below, there is no output across the LED. However, the
potential difference across the fixed 10k resistor increases gradually with temperature increase
(since the pd across the thermistor is inversely proportional to the temperature). The reference
voltage remains constant (4.10V), since it does not depend on the thermistor. As the temperature
exceeds 60°C, the pd across the fixed resistor becomes greater than the reference voltage, and so
the LED activates. We can notice that the pd across the LED, above 60°C, always remains constant,
regardless of the temperature, as it has a forward voltage of 2.2V. The remaining voltage is
dissipated by the resistor connected in series.

Fires are one of the most common dangers we encounter in our daily lives. Even though fire is
very commonly used in cooking, there is always the risk that it may not remain in control.
Unwanted fires may also be generated due to overheating of an electrical appliance. In our country,
hundreds of casualties occur every year due to a fire breakout, both industrially and residentially.
It is necessary to detect the fire as soon as possible so that it can be extinguished before causing
any fatalities. Fire alarms are excellent for this role.
Fire Alarm Circuit is a simple circuit that detects the fire and activates the Siren Sound or Buzzer.
Fire Alarm Circuits are very important devices to detect fire in the right time and prevent any
damage to people or property. Installing Fire Alarm Systems and Smoke Sensors in commercial
buildings like offices, movie theatres, shopping malls and other public places is compulsory.
Life Safety
The main advantage and function of the fire alarm system is to ensure the highest level of security.
They warn and protect people and help reduce the destruction of buildings.
This is probably the major reason why should residential & also business install a fire detection
system. A high-quality and advanced fire detection and alarm system will be able to warn the
people a building that they need to get out of the building when a fire is starting and where the fire
is in the building.
Property Safety
Fire detection systems increase response times, as they can alert the correct people in order to
extinguish the fire. This thus reduces the amount of damage to the property. Fire detection systems
can be connected to sprinklers that will automatically respond when a fire is detected.
Quicker Response Times
The fire detection system is connected to a loud alarm system that will be set off when a fire has
been detected. This will then alert the people in the building to exit, and it will also alert the service
provider who will then alert the emergency services. As a result, firefighters will be immediately
dispatched to the business the moment a fire is detected by the system.
Integration of Systems
There are some instances that some buildings require access control systems. This advanced fire
detection system is beneficial when these systems are interconnected. When these systems are
integrated the fire detection system can disable the access control system and thus enabling people
to exit the building faster and safer.
Self-Monitoring System
One of the benefits is that no human intervention is needed, and this is because the fire detection
system uses sensors to detect smoke or fire. With no human monitoring needed this gives the
benefit of the system of providing a warning that there is a fire even though there might be no one
in the building.
We can also make it IoT based; operate through an app.
Being one of the most densely populated countries in the world, Bangladesh often encounters fire
accidents that may take lives and cause serious damage to property. This project shows how to
assemble a fire alarm circuit using op-amp and its working principle with the advantage of being
both cost-effective and simple. The project uses an op-amp, resistor, thermistor, and a
potentiometer which are commonly available and cheap and allows even a lower-class family to
use this module and save his home from a fire accident. Further improvement of this project can
also be done in order to add more features to overcome the limitations of the project.

[1] Nasir, Syed. "Introduction To LM358 - The Engineering Projects". The Engineering
Projects, 2017,
tolm358.html. Accessed 10 April, 2021.
[4] A Arefín, Utsho & Bala, Asok & Hossain, Md. (2012). Design & Implementation of Fire
Alarm Circuit. 10.13140/2.1.1126.9440.
[6] Ti.Com, 2022, Accessed 10 Apr 2022.
[7] "Heat Detector - Wikipedia". En.Wikipedia.Org, 2021,
.4%C2%B0F). Accessed 10 Apr 2022.
[8] "Comparators". Tutorialspoint.Com, 2021,
circuits_applications_comparators.htm. Accessed 29 Aug 2021.

Thermistor temperature versus resistance table
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Independent University, Bangladesh BAETE Accredited
Basalim Anwar Aunim 2021834
Md. Mahmud Sazzad Mohiuddin 2020055
Sadman Siraj Ahad 1930517
Course Code, EEE 222L, Electrical & Electronic Term,
Spring 2023
Title Circuit Simulation Lab Year

I. PROJECT PRESENTATION (Tick on the appropriate box)

Rubrics (weight) Accomplished Intermediate Developing Intermediate Novice
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Identifying the Demonstrated Intermediate Demonstrated good Intermediate Demonstrated
problem and sound knowledge between knowledge of between poor knowledge of
appropriate solution of literature in the developing & literature in the novice and literature in the
(10%) area, and of prior accomplished area, and of prior developing. area, and of prior
work on the work on the work on the
problem providing problem providing problem providing
motivation for motivation for motivation for
seeking a solution. seeking a solution. seeking a

Applying Applied state-of- Intermediate Applied state-of- Intermediate Applied state-of-

appropriate the art methods / between the art methods / between the art methods /
methodology and tools to solve the developing tools to solve the novice and tools to solve the
conducting defined problem and defined problem developing. defined problem
experiment / and has described accomplished. and has described and has described
simulation (10%) the methods/tools the methods/tools the methods/tools
effectively. moderately. poorly.

Analyzing and Analyzed and Intermediate The results are Intermediate The results are
interpreting the interpreted the between analyzed to some between poorly analyzed
project outcome results properly developing extent according to novice and and interpreted.
(10%) using the designed and defined problem. developing.
parameters. accomplished.

Addressing complex Demonstrated the Intermediate Demonstrated the Intermediate Demonstrated the
engineering project addressing between project addressing a between project addressing
problems (10%) all possible developing few attributes of novice and only one attributes
attributes from P1- and complex developing. of complex
P7 of complex accomplished. engineering engineering
engg problems. problems. problems.

Oral Communicated Intermediate Results are Intermediate Results are poorly

communications results clearly and between moderately between communicated in
(10%) professionally in developing & communicated in novice and oral form.
oral form. accomplished oral form. developing.

Sub Total
Presentation Total
II. PROJECT REPORT (Tick on the appropriate box)
Rubrics (weight) Accomplished Intermediate Developing Intermediate Novice
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Literature Demonstrated Intermediate Demonstrated good Intermediate Demonstrated poor
review (10%) sound knowledge between knowledge of between knowledge of
of literature in the developing & literature in the area, novice and literature in the
area, and of prior accomplished and of prior work on developing. area, and of prior
work on the the problem work on the
problem providing providing problem providing
motivation for motivation for motivation for
seeking a solution. seeking a solution. seeking a solution..

Applying Applied state-of- Intermediate Applied state-of-the Intermediate Applied state-of-

appropriate the art methods / between art methods / tools to between the art methods /
methodology tools to solve the developing solve the defined novice and tools to solve the
and simulation defined problem and problem and has developing. defined problem
analysis (10%) and has described accomplished. described the and has described
the methods/tools methods/tools the methods/tools
effectively. moderately. poorly.

Analyzing and Analyzed and Intermediate The results are Intermediate The results are
interpreting the interpreted the between moderately analyzed between poorly analyzed
project outcome results properly developing and interpreted. novice and and interpreted.
(10%) using the designed and developing.
parameters. accomplished.

Written Communicated Intermediate Results are Intermediate Results are poorly

communications results clearly and between moderately between communicated in
(20%) professionally in developing & communicated in novice and written form.
written form. accomplished written form. developing.

Sub Total
Report Total
Project Total
Dr. Tanbir Ibne Anowar
Associate Professor, IUB

Independent University Bangladesh

Department of EEE/ETE
Course: Electronics 2 (ETE234, ECR407)


This rubric is designed to make clear the grading process for

written communication by informing you, the writer, what key

elements are expected by the university in a “good” piece of
written work.

Your written work will be evaluated by the criteria below in order

to give you specific feedback to help guide your development as a
writer. Your writing will not be graded point by point by these
items; it will be graded for its overall quality.

5 4 3 2 1

Presentation (5%)
1. The purpose and focus are clear and consistent.
2. The main claim is clear, significant, and challenging.
3. Organization is purposeful, effective, and appropriate.
4. Sentence form and word choice are varied and appropriate.
5. Punctuation, grammar, spelling, and mechanics are

Content (10%)
6. Information and evidence are accurate, appropriate, and
integrated effectively.
7. Claims and ideas are supported and elaborated.
8. Alternative perspectives are carefully considered and

Dr. Tanbir Ibne Anowar

Associate Professor, IUB
Dr. Tanbir Ibne Anowar
Associate Professor, IUB


Thinking (5%)
9. Connections between and among ideas are made.
10. Analysis/synthesis/evaluation/interpretation are effective and
11. Independent thinking is evident.
12. Creativity/originality is evident.

Assignment Specific Criteria (80%)

13. Responds to all aspects of the assignment.

14. Documents evidence appropriately.

15. Considers the appropriate audience/implied reader.

Overall Evaluation
‰ Excellent ‰ Competent ‰ Not Acceptable
Grade ______


Dr. Tanbir Ibne Anowar

Associate Professor, IUB

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