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The world's economy changed drastically after COVID-19, as it forced most enterprises to get
into the digitalization world to keep up with the new exigencies of the population in
lockdown to make successful commercial transactions. Those enterprises that did not adjust
to the digitalization process of their trade exchange had to shut down, losing working
positions and increasing the unemployed people rate; it got worse for those enterprises that
already had economic problems before the pandemic as they could not be in line with the
changes and exigencies of the new emerging economic world and withstand the pressure of
lockdown. The population faced changes in its economy: Money incomes decreased, poor
people got poorer, and women, in particular, were affected by income and employment
losses because they were likelier to be employed in sectors more affected by the lockdown;
despite all, we could overcome the aftermath of Covid-19; step by step we are recovering
economically. It has not been easy for big enterprises, firms, and small businesses but
COVID-19 has taught us to be strong to overcome adversity.


The pandemic of COVID-19 was an unexpected event all over the world. It brought a lot of
consequences: death, sadness, and the loss of people's lives whose bodies were unable to
overcome the illness. However, it also brought some benefits as the informatization of the
world that kept more connected; education improved a lot as most schools worldwide
opened their doors to ONLINE education, which was helpful as children could not leave their
houses afraid of being infected. The world didn't stag due to this terrible pandemic; it
continued rolling as if nothing stopped. Workers also had the chance to start working from
their homes using their laptops. The working world got home to share the day-to-day with
our families.

As all of you can see, despite the suffering and sadness that COVID-19 caused, the world
changed to become better digitally organized, and universities opened other choices to study
100% ONLINE; now, there is another view of the world, more globalized, connected,
interrelated, and maybe, more humanized as this pandemic touched people's heart; at least
most of them.

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