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moves I have covered in this course. Before playing e7-e6, Black first gets his bishop out.

The more direct 3...c5 is the alternative. }

4. Nf3
{ White has many options onmove 4 and we will cover them all in the course. }
4... e6 5. Be2
{ TheShort Variation is considered the main line, where White is naturally developing his
pieces. }
5... c5
{ The most reliable move. Black wants to play Nc6 next to challenge the centre. }
6. Be3 Qb6 7. Nc3 Nc6
{ All according to plan. Note that 7...Qxb2 8.Qb1 Qxb1+ 9.Rxb1 c4 10.Rxb7 Nc6
11.Nb5 is known to be dangerous for Black. }
8. Na4
{ Used byAnish Giri to defeat David Navara in the Gashimov Memorial of 2018. }
8... Qa5+ 9. c3 c4
{ I like this move a lot. Navara took on d4, which may be possible too, but the text move
requires much less homework. }
10. b4 Qd8 11. O-O h6
{ In the French (and there is a French pawn structure on the board right now) , Black
usually has to work very hard to get the c8-bishop into the game. Here it's already on f5 ! }

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