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Why School is Bad

By: Curtis

In this world, 90% of the population go to school, even though they

dislike it, or even hate it. I agree with them. I dislike it too. School is a
boring place where you have to hear teachers conversing for a full 40
minutes or more. Additionally, school is bad (for people too) in many
ways. People think it can damage their life too.

To begin, one reason school is bad is because teachers provide

homework in school, which could make you stay up very late if they
provide too much. Also, if you have a project, and it is due tomorrow
,that also makes you stay up all night doing the project so it won’t be
late. They could make you pull something called “all-nighters”.
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, all-nighters
can result in lower GPAs. Besides, it can make you drink more coffee to
stay awake, which can cause health problems, like sleeping less,
headaches, and something called insomnia (which means it is harder for
you to sleep).
Next, it can also discourage learning from mistakes, causes stress, and
teaches poor habits. For example, a habit that one can experience is
that they would be scared of failure, and that they would be very
focused on the “right answer”.

On the other hand, people say that school is also good, and that it has a
good side too. For example, it can help people have a bigger income,
have more job opportunities, and sometimes it can actually make people
become healthier. They might also get some lifelong friends in school,
develop your skill of personal developing, and etc. The best thing about
is that it will get them prepared for their later life after college or

Last but not least, school can bring people down. It could make then
avoid mistakes (which help you learn), could apply pressure to the
person studying for the tests, make them spend their time for rest and
activities for homework, and more. All in all, it is still very bad, and the
cons outweigh the pros.

To summarize, I think school is very bad, because it can damage

people’s life by making them sleep later, bring them down, and affect

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