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Kathmandu National School

Purano Baneshwor, Kathmandu

01-4490821 / 9843208635
Let Us Know Your Opinion
Dear Parents,
Considering the suggestions from some of our valued parents, the school has started extra coaching classes for
the students of Grade VIII, intending to develop their self-reading culture and encourage them to utilize time for
better academic performance. At the same time, the classes, as per the expectation of parents, encourage the
students to work hard and engage them in additional creative work in Mathematics and Science by preventing
them from unwanted chores like- excessive use of Social Media, Mobile, Television and Computer Games at
We believe that improved performance is possible when students work in a routine by utilizing the time
appropriately. Therefore, we have started the class earlier to educate the students about the value of utilizing
time and prepare them well for the upcoming BLE examination. However, we expect your genuine suggestion or
feedback regarding the commencement of extra classes. So, kindly tick the option that matches your opinion
a. I am unable/ don’t have time to guide my child for his/her self-study and practice at home. So, I’m happy the
way the school has started the additional classes.
b. I have time / can manage to guide my child for self practice or study at home. So, my child doesn’t need
extra classes now.
c. My child needs extra classes but only after the first term exam.

d. Other … (if any) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Thank you.

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