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1. Describe what is local-based marketing ?

Local-based marketing is the online and offline techni that desiged to help manage and help
business plan and the merketing activities. The main important local-based marketing is the
use of consumer data to display relevant brand messaging to a highly-targeted.

For example local-based merketing is the Facebook advertisement which increases the
likelihood of reaching potential leads. User Location Based Social Networks like Facebook
Places, Foursquare, Twitter or Flickr produce enormous number of social, spatial and
temporal data which analysed might answer critical questions for marketers about the

2. Understanding challenges in local-based marketing and solution/good tips to

overcome them.
-Summarize the challenges and solution based on the attached article of ' 4 missing
links in Your location-Based marketing'.

 Customer.

The place for marketers to manage and segment audience and track location data. A
new feature lets users set targets, like finding customers who haven’t visited the
store. The apps such as API-driven, marketers can plug in their CMS and CRM

 Proximity marketing

Is a key strategy for marketers to connect with consumers through their mobile
devices. Proximity marketing has tremendous potential to deepen consumer
engagement, build brand equity, strengthen customer loyalty, and boost revenue
across a broad range of enterprises, including retailers, hotels and airports. It’s only
effective only if the consumer agrees to give advertisers access to his or her personal
devices via SMS, app notification, mobile wallet, Web browser, or even email.

 Location

In the location we can add depth to a person’s profile by using location data.
Location data for audiences, both at a point in time and over time, gives context to
the demographic and descriptive “what” data that advertisers are already gathering.
With location data, we get more accurate home locale, work sites and journey
patterns - the important where, what and when. The use of location data for example
GPS from mobile phones is a foundational element for this new data stack and can
find the where or the location of the object can find.

 Messages

Marketers can build mobile campaigns in this app without any coding. The new
platform features location-based or standard messages and rules for when and
where customers receive notifications.

3. Example of local-based marketing implemented by businesses.

Pinterest isn't just for lifestyle bloggers and home chefs. Implementing a Pinterest marketing
stategy for your business may increase sales and brand awareness. People will made a
purchase after seeing a Promoted pin and say they’ve discovered a new brand or product
from content on the network.

One way to customize your profile is to add board covers. You’ll need to upload these as
photos yourself but the custom covers bring a more cohesive look to your brand. Experiment
around with using branded colors, icons and fonts. For example like below.

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