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Introduction to Brahma Sutra

Lecture 1 to 14
Adhyasa Bashyam

Lecture No. Page No. No. of Pages

Lecture 1 3 to 15 13
Lecture 2 16 to 30 15
Lecture 3 31 to 53 23
Lecture 4 54 to 78 25
Lecture 5 79 to 101 23
Lecture 6 102 to 122 21
Lecture 7 123 to 135 13
Lecture 8 136 to 162 27
Lecture 9 163 to 183 21
Lecture 10 184 to 206 23
Lecture 11 207 to 224 18
Lecture 12 225 to 235 11
Lecture 13 236 to 259 24
Lecture 14 260 to 282 23
Adhyasa Bashyam – Introduction to Brahma Sutra
Lecture 1
1) Establishes fundamental ignorance in human beings in life – “Who am I”.
• Don’t live life of unreal imaginations and fixed notions.
• Jingyasa means desire to know, doing Vichara of Brahman, the reality.
2) What is a Sutra?
• Poignant, loaded terse statements.


(IV) Vishwato
(I) Alpaksharam (II) Asandigdam (III) Saravat (V) Anavidyam

- Truth in - Brief and - Important - Covers large - Blemisheless

minimum clear message ground
number of



(I) Nyaya (II) Dharma (III) Sankhya

- Jaimini
- Gautama - Kapila
- Purva Mimamsa

(IV) Yoga (V) Vyakarana (VI) Brahma Sutra

- Patanjali
- Panini
- Simple
- Best
- Inspiring

(VII) Veda Vyasa (VIII) Veiseshika

- Vedanta - Kaannada
- Analytical
2 types of Sutras

Presents subject matter Analysis certain topic

- Yoga - Brahma Sutra

- Vyakarana - Purva Mimamsa


Analysis of Truth - Reality

Tat Pada Tvam Pada Aikyam


• Every Upanishad is complete but Prakriyas – methods of revealation different.

Brahma Sutras

4 Padas - Chapters

4 Sections

191 Adhikaranams - Topics

555 Sutras
• Adhikarana = Binding Judgement, resembles court of law.
Example : 1st Chapter
a) Jingyasa Adhikaranam :

Hence (is to be undertaken) thereafter a deliberation on Brahman. [I – I – 1]

b) Janmadhi Adhikaranam :

That (is Brahman) from which (are derived) the birth etc. of this (Universe) [I – I – 2] 6
c) Shastrayonitva Adhikaranam :

(Brahman is not known from any other source), since the scriptures are the valid
means of Its knowledge.[I – I – 3]

d) Samanvaya Adhikaranam :

But that Brahman (is known from the Upanisads), (It) being the object of their fullest
import. [I – I – 4]

4 Adhyayas

Samanvaya Avirodha Sadhana Phalam


8) Adhikaranam :
• 5 components, limbs, angas.
I) Vishaya Vakyam :
• Subject matter
• Prameya
1st Adhikaranam :

Hence (is to be undertaken) thereafter a deliberation on Brahman. [I – I – 1]

Taittriya Upanishad :

Bhrgu learnt that food is Brahman because it is from food that all these beings are born; by
food, when born, do they live and having departed, into food they enter. Having known that,
he approached his father Varuna, and said: “Revered Sir, teach me Brahman”. Varuna told him:
“By Deep thinking (Tapas) seek thou to know Brahman. Tapas is Brahman”. He performed tapas
and having performed tapas…. [3 - 2 - 1]
• You should strive to know Brahman.
• Brahman not distinct from me.
• Stop mental effort to think of the world, then you are with Brahman already.
• Brahman not different from you.
• Don’t contemplate on Brahman as though different from you.
• If different, have to know.
• If yourself, no need to know.
II) Purva Pakshi – Doubter
III) Demolish doubt by reasoning (Nyaya)
IV) State Siddhanta
V) Sangatih : Connection

Isavasya Upanishad :

All this, whatsoever moves in this universe, including the universe, itself moving, is indwelt or
pervaded or enveloped or clothed by the Lord. That renounced, thou shouldst enjoy. Covet not
anybody’s wealth. [Verse 1]
• Ultimate reality presented first.
9) Samanvaya Adhyaya :
• Synthesis of 2 things.

Milk + Water Milk + Oil

Can Mix Can’t Mix

Samanvaya :
• Convergence
• 2 things apparently different.
• All Upanishads point to one Brahman, one without a second.

10) Avirodha Adhyaya :
• Objections negated.
• Doubts cleared.
• How Atma not a Karta?
III) Sadhana Adhyaya :
Atma Vidya :
• Assimilate truth
• Know + Assimilate.
Anatma Vidya :
• Only knowing
• Newtons laws.
• Knowing – 1st step
• Assimilation – 2nd step – understanding deeply within me.
• Transfer knowing to knowledge.
• I am not different from what I know.
• Anatma Vidya : I know different things.
• Sadhana = Nivritti Marga – Kshama, Dama, Uparama, Titiksha.

IV) Phalam : Moksha
• 1st – Brahma Jingyasa – enquiry
• End – Realise Brahman is your nature, never away from Atma.
• Brahma Sutra also called Shaariraka Darshanam.
• Torch, light of wisdom about us and the world.
• Focus on knowing not doing.
• Shaarika = Reality that engulfs the body, mind.
• Adhyatma Jnanam.
• Truth = Indweller Atma in the body
• Atmani Adhyatmam – ones own true self.
• If you know your true self, you should not have any sorrow in life.
• I experience sorrow means I don’t know my self.
• World = Form of God himself.
• Knowing self, will know God and world.
11) Eka Vigyanena Sarva Vigyanam Bavati :
• Vision of awareness, indweller in the body is Shaariraka Darshanam.
I am Papi With demerits
In Religion
I am Punyavan With Merits 12
Self image :
• I am short, fat, lean, fair, lovely, dark, dullard, scholar, rich, poor, happy, unhappy.
• All images rule of persons life.
• All because of ignorance of self.
• Therefore desire to know Brahman Athatho Brahma Jingyasa.
• Worldliness = Isolated existence, I am separate from everything.
• Freedom = Mukti, gained by Jnanam.
• We are overwhelmed by worldliness, shortsightedness.
• Karma – accomplishes what you don’t have.
• Jnanam – light, shows what is there.
• I know how to do, what to do.
• Jnanam becomes Anga for Karma.
12) What is role of Jnanam?
• Generates idea, Samskara in the mind.
• Cause fixations in the mind.
• Auxiliary to Karma, teaches how to perform Karma.

Jnanam – 2 Roles

- Atma Vidya, Vijnana - Anatma Vidya

- Exception - Physics, chemistry
- Illuminator self - Karma Khanda
- No Samsara - Helps to do particular action
- Demolishes all notions, ideas, - Forms Samskaras
fixations person has. - Worldly Jnanam
- No new idea, notion - Know world distinct from you
- Not auxilium to Karma - Domain is the world
- Stands on its own right.
- Know Brahman not as distinct from
you but as you. - You deny the truth by saying you
- Brahmavit, Braheiva Bavati. know the truth.
- Knowing Brahman = Being Brahman - Not accomplish anything new.
- You are not going to know the truth. - Karma meaningless.
- Be the truth - Pursuing through effort is going in the
wrong direction.
- Stop searching necklace outside.

• To begin Vichara, first establish Agyanam.

• Understand ignorance, conquer ignorance first, foundation of Adhyasa Bashyam. 14


Mix up of real Atma and unreal Anatma

• After discernment, unreal does not bind you, it looses capacity.

• Yoga :
o Striving to put an effort to end this mix up of Adhyasa.
o Truth is simple
o Fixations of untruth complex.
• We compromise on basics of Atma Jnanam, this is the fundamental basis of Vedanta.
• Mind rules our life.
• Bashyam takes us to reality of human existence and fundamental mistakes connected
with it.
13) Bashyam will make us stand naked under the sky – Digambara, Shiva.
• Self is divested of all self image, definitions, ideas.
• Truth clouded by notions of non-self.
• Shankara is the pole star in the world of philosophy.
Lecture 2
1) Sangraha Vakyam, Vivarna Vakhyam
• Purpose of Brahma Sutra, to enquire into the nature of Brahman, centre of the
universe, reality.
Taittriya Upanishad :

To him (Bhrgu) he (Varuna) Again said: “That from which these beings are born; that by which,
having been born, these beings live and continue to exist; and that into which, when
departing, they all enter; That sleekest thou to know. That is Brahman”. He, (Bhgru) Performed
Penance; and after having done Penance….. [3 - 1 - 2]


Originated from one cause Sustained by one cause Resolves into one cause

• Cause pervades effect. 16


Gives birth to Pot Sustains Pot Resolution ground for Pot

2) Brahman – Technical name for Jagat Karanam.

• Prathama Darshanam = Brahma Asti.
• Student has glimpse of Brahman.
• Marvels universe, effect, product of Brahman.
What is nature of Brahman?

Intrinsic to Universe Extra cosmic

4) What is the relationship of Brahman and I the Jiva?

• Is Brahman “ Reality of I” or different from I?
5) What is bondage in life?
• Bondage is going through comforts but always live on the verge of sorrow, insecurity,
• Not sure of continuity of pleasure.
Dukham = Sorrow

Sthula Sukshma Karana

- Physical - In sorrow mind

- Crying - Insecurity
- Inspite of health and
wealth, living in
6) What is essence of bondage?
• Mix up of real, unreal.
• Reality not away from us, integral part of our own existence.
• I am unable to manifest it and become free from bondage.
7) Keep unreal away, then we are on the lap of reality already, our Intrinsic nature.
8) For Dvaitin sorrow real, limitations intrinsic to our nature.
• We are different from reality.
9) Purva Pakshi :
• There is no Adhyasa, no mix up.
Tarquika :
• Jiva – Ishvara permanently different.
Mimamsakas :
• Non difference not acceptable.
• Do right Karma, Aquire merit, avoid wrong Karma.
• Jiva – Karta, Bokta.
• Merit – demerit results are real.
• Jagat – real.
• No Aviveka
• No head issue, only hands + legs issue.
• Don’t accept Adhyasa.
10) Siddantin :
• Athatho Brahma Jingyasa.

Hence (is to be undertaken) thereafter a deliberation on Brahman. [I – I – 1]

Thesis :
• Know truth, get liberated from insecurity and sorrow.
• Who is individual?
• Not essentially limited but because of Aviveka he thinks he is an individual.
• In ignorance, mixed up and unreal.
• Address ignorance, get Viveka, eliminate mix up, know truth, become one with the

For Advaitin For Dvaitin

- Address Adhyasa to - No Adhyasa
remove human cause of
• Mix up of not 2 real things.
• Essence of bondage = Adhyasa.
• Mix up of real- unreal.
• Establish Adhyasa, gain everything, become divine.
• Adhyasa = Aviveka.
Adhi Yasa
Adhishtanam You keep

• Instead of understanding substratum as it is, you superimpose something else upon it.

Example :
a) Coffee - Milk
• Satya – Satya Mix up.
• Same order of reality
• Mixed, not mixed up.
Substratum Superimposed
- Real - Unreal
- Rope - Rope - Snake
- Understand what is, as is - Look at real as something
- Cognitively superimpose
over the other

Prithvi Air / Wind
- Has particles of Gandha, - Vayu
smell - Has characteristic of
touch, Sparsha
- Superimpose Gandha on
Hot Water
- Attribute of fire - Attribute of taste

• Heat of fire imputed to water.

• Adhyasas in life messes up life.
• Entire essence of bondage is Adhyasa.
• Avoid Adhyasa, set yourself free.
• Understand, accept, get rid of Adhyasa.
Bashyam :
• Yushmat Asmat Pratyaya Gocharoho Vishaya Vishayino Tamah Prakashavatu.
• Viruddha Svabavayoh Vitararetara Bhavanu Vipapattou, Siddayam.
• Tad Dharmanyapi Supare, Itare Tara Bavanu Utpatih.
• Avidyaya Asmad Patyaya Gochare.
• Vishayin Chidatmake Ushmad Pratyayi Gochare Vishaya… Mithyatva Uktam.
• Read Sw. Gambirananda translation of above Paragraph.
Purva Pakshi : Dualistic view point
• No Adhyasa in life, No basis for Adhyasa.

I) Itara – Itara Bhava :
• One appearing as another.
I Non I
Atma Anatma

III) Address this Adhyasa, drop the Adhyasa, “I” stands naked under the sky, has no more
• I am one with Brahman.
IV) Purva Pakshi :
• Limitations are real, no mix up.

Atma becoming Anatma Extra cosmic

• This is Itara – Itara Bhava.

VI) Purva Pakshi :
Vishayi Vishaya
- Subject - Object
- Atma - Anatma 23
• Subject becoming object is impossible.
• Between 2 Objects rope, snake, mix up can happen, similarity exists.
• 2 Virudhas, no mix up.
Example :
• Pot and light, no mix up.
Example :

Luminous Non – Luminous

Shines Does not shines
• Pot shines in wake of light.
• Contrasting objects.
Example :

Mirror Shining Light Shining

- Similar
- Mix up possible

• Subject – object distinct, no mix up.

• What is the reason?
• Tamah Prakashavatu Virudha Svabavayoho.

Anatma Atma
- Inert - Light
- Darkness - Bright
• Pot : Does not say I am.

Vishayi Vishaya
- I – am Atma - Pot
- Consciousness - World
- Light, Deepa - Darkness
- Asmat Pratyaya - Yushmat Pratyaya
- Turiyam, Jnanam - 3 states spiritual ignorance
- I – seer - Seen, you, Non I
• No god, no enquiry, without Atma.


(I) Light - Darkness (II) Vishayi - Vishaya (III) Pratyayasya - Pratyayi

- Yushmat – Asmat - Seer – Seen - Anatma comes to light,

shines, appears 25
• Light of awareness is distinct, it shines on Anatma world.
• Light of knowledge comes = Vishaya.

Vishayi Vishaya
Shines by itself and others Have no light to shine,
around inert


- Shines itself - makes other thoughts of

- I – thought object, world shine
- This – world thought

• Asmat – Excludes Yushmat

• I – excludes others.
• Anatma = Para Prakashya
= Shines later
= Comes to light
• Light of Atma is distinct from it.
• Light of awareness, knowledge shines on 3 states of the mind and the world becomes
evident. 26
• Atma, Pratyaya shines by itself and makes 3 states evident.
• Anatma never self – shining.

Atma Anatma
- Light of awareness, - Made to shine
knowledge - Comes into light
- Vishayi - Vishaya
- Shines itself - Non I
- Makes universe evident
- Real I
3 types of objections for

(a) (b) (c)

- Pramana - Experience wise - In Vyavahara not

- Means of cognition Adhyasa possible
a) Pramana :
• Means of cognition won’t allow Adhyasa.
b) Experience wise Adhyasa not possible

Atma Anatma
- Self evident - Brought into light of
- Perceived by sense organs
and mind

c) In Vyavahara – Karta Karma 2 opposite poles

Atma Dharma Adhyasa

- Becoming Artha Adhyasa, - Attribute of one taken as another.
becoming a thing, not possible

• Dharmas mutually exclusive, different.

• Atma – becoming Anatma not possible.

3 Adhyas

- One becoming another - One mistaken as other - Dharma Adhyasa

- Artha outside - Jnana Adhyasa in the mind - Adhyasa between
- Rope can’t become - Rope knowledge can’t attributes not possible
snake become snake knowledge
VII) Why we want Adhyasa?
• Because we experience differences in life.
• Papi – Punyavan
• Short – Tall
• Rich – Poor
• Happy – Miserable
• Dull – Scholar
• Opposites in life haunt us.
• Are opposites real or are they experienced because of Misconception.


- Real - Unreal
- Brahma Vichara useless - Misconception
- Adhyasa
- Error

• Without knowledge of Adhyasa, no liberation.

• Essence of bondage = Ajnanam.

• Adhyasa enters into our life and viciates every situation.
• Adhyasa has origin in Ajnana, can be eliminated only by Jnanam.

Chit Jadam
- Knows itself and knows - Cannot know itself or
everything also validate others.

• This is I

This and I – brought together.
• Nobody says you are I.
• Object diametrically opposite to I.
Asmat Yushmat
- Always subject - Always object
- Self evident - Dependent
Purva Pakshi :
Superimposition not possible

Atma on Anatma Anatma on Atma Anatma on Anatma

Purva Pakshi :
• Artha, Jnana, Dharma Adhyasa not possible.. 30
Lecture 3
I) Dharma Adhyasa :
• Limitation of Body taken as limitation of I.
• I live in fear of death.
• I feel myself to be born because I feel myself to be the body.
• If no Adhyasa and if I am not the body, is my birth or death real?
II) I impute attributes of body to I – due to Artha Adhyasa.

Artha Adhyasa

I am body Body is me

Jnana Adhyasa

I Body

- Idea of self evident Chaitanyam - Jadam

- No Jnana Adhyasa in sleep state - Deha Jnanam in the Mind
- Right Jnanam
III) Adhyasas cause of bondage.
• As you free yourself from mix-up, Adhyasa, you gain freedom from Bondage.

No Adhyasa

You are really limited

Birth, death, rebirth real

No Adhyasa possible


There is Moola Ajnanam, ignorance

of self, real I in life

Manifests in the form of

superimposition of real and unreal 32
Mistake - Superimposition

Take Atma as Anatma Take Anatma for Atma

VI) Purva Pakshi :

Superimposition not

Atma on Anatma Anatma on Atma Anatma on Anatma

Siddhantin :
• Logically mistake not possible, but still it is there.
Vishaya Vishayi
a) Prakashya – Illumined a) Prakashaka - Illuminator
b) Drishyam b) Drk – Seer
c) Aneka – Many c) Eka – One
d) Anitya – Impermanent d) Nitya – Eternal
e) Jadam – Insentient e) Sentient – Chetanam
• Both exclusive, Adhyasa is logically, rationally not possible.
• Life does not go by logic, rationality. 33
Shankara :
• Adhyasa is not a logical possibility but confusion is experienced.
Example :
a) I am Tall :
I Tall
Atma Dharma of Body

Right expression :
• I see tallness of body.
b) I am born on :
• Artha Adhyasa.
• Conduct whole life as though we are body.
c) Body knows :
• Cognises – Atma
• Superimpose attribute of Atma on Anatma.
d) I am Ignorant :

I Ignorant
All knowledge Attribute of Anatma

• Insentiency of Anatma superimposed on Atma. 34

e) I - Atma Am :
• Sakshi of all objects in the Universe but yet there is Adhyasa.

I am Body
- Knower of here and there - Travels here and there
- Don’t travel - I say I travel
• Knower of body, here and there assumes travel upon himself = Adhyasa.
• I am not the body, I am witness to travel of the body.
• Awareness of seer consciousness, knower consciousness pervades the pot, objects
and brings it under its light.
• I see space, time, I am not space, time.
• Therefore how I can take I am born or will die.

Time – Space

- Property of Body - Not property of Atma

- Janma, Marana belong to witness.
body which gets manifest,
unmanifest in time

• Insentiency of Anatma, superimposed on Atma. 35

• Properties of Anatma – body, superimposed on Atma.
• I say : I am born on….
• Suffering, enjoying pleasure, are property of the mind.
• If I am the mind, I wont know pleasure, pain.
• Eyes can’t see themselves.
• Mind can’t know itself.
• See outside the eyes, mind.
• Mind can’t know its cheerfulness or sorrow.
Sakshi Mind / Ego I
- Knows the mind all the time - Changing knower of the 5
- Eternal knower sense objects.
- Knower, light - Congnises world of objects.
- Real experiencer - Perceiver, feeler, thinker.

Adhyasa :
• Attributes of body – mind taken as Atmas attributes, pure Chaitanyam.

Example :
Pot Is Chain is

Isness - Not attribute of Pot or


• Isness attribute of clay or gold.

Outside Inside
- Clay, space, gold - Cognision of Pot, Pot space,
- Artha Adhyasa Pot time
- Jnana Adhyasa
- Mind manufactures
knowledge of Pot.
- My being, imputed to Pot.

• Isness is derived from Atma and imputed to Pot, body, mind, world.
• I lend isness to the body – mind, sense organs, world and make them stand as though
they are independently existing.

Vishaya Vishayi
- Is an appearance, Mithya, - Atma – always is changeless –
come and go. eternal.
- We are sure world is. - We doubt existence of Atma

Mixture is Adhyasa
Sukham :
• We assume happiness belongs to objects of the world.
• Procure objects.
• There is lack of discrimination between Atma and Anatma.
• There is Mithuni Karanam – mix-up.
Atma Anatma – Body / World
- Dharmi - Dharmi
- Has attributes of Awareness, - Has attributes
existence, beingness, its

Satya – Satyam Satya – Anruta
- No Mixup - Mithuni Karanam

Sankhya :
• Atma – Anatma – both Satyam.
• Confusion between 2 Satya Vastus.
• Elimination of this Adhyasa is Moksha.
Baudha :
• Asatya – Asatya - Adhyasa.
VIII) Vedantin :
• Satya – Anruta Mithuni Karanam.
• Real – Unreal, mix up.
• Atma – Anatma, mix up.
• Waker – dreamer, mix up.
• 2 levels.

Primary fact Body – Mind world

- I am awareness - Come latter as objects of
- Nirvikaram awareness
- Savikaram 39
• Thought is movement in the background of awareness.
• As movement, it is an appearance, not a thing, Savikaram.

Mind comes

With sense organs Without sense organs Mind in passive, resolved,

unmanifest condition

- Called waking state - Called dream state - Called sleep

- Moola Avidya

I am

- Eternal
- Not recognisable
- Without Body / Mind / Intellect

I am is first

Then relative mind in

Dream Sleep Waking 40

• Every thought is movement in awareness, me.
• Sarva Buddhi Pratyaya Sakshi Atma.

Yoga students

Realise quiet mind in the background

of awareness

Samsarga Adhyasa :
• I take thought to be myself.
• Desire thought in the mind.
• I take myself to be the desirer.
• Mind comes in Karana Shariram, Chit Akasha = Jiva.
• Jiva takes bodies and drops

World = Cycle of birth – death
• I am awareness, God, Consciousness.
• As soon as I wake up, Adhyasa starts, suffering starts.
• Break the Adhyasa, have freedom from thoughts = Moksha.
• Churning of Atma Vidya in the mind = Mananam. 41
• Don’t be totally identified with the thought as the self, it is only a reflection of the
self = Real Yoga, Practiced in waking.
• Thought is a phenomena, an appearance.

I am Thought

Primary fact Appearance in Consciousness


Mix up = Adhyasa
• Meditation becomes easy once you have Satya – Anruta Mithuni Karanam Jnanam.
• Thought is a phenomenon, unreal, appearance.
• Death of body – physical level.
• Thought – Chid – Akasha level.
• Atma – Paramartika level.

Satya – Anruta mixup Agyanam
- Effect - Cause
- Adhyasa comes and goes - Not real
- Mithya
- Goes away with Atma Jnanam
- Anaadi but Sa-Antah
• If Ajnanam is real, it will never end.
• Unreal ignorance is the cause which ends in Atma Jnanam.

Ajnanam In Sravanam
- Karanam - One Atma can touch another

Look at understanding of an object

Correctly Wrongly

- Prama - Bramaha
- Mithya Jnanam - Delusion
- Wrong, Mithya Ajnanam
• Both Jnana knowing.
• Knowingness is Atmas property.

Satya Jnanam Mithya Jnanam

- Right knowledge - Wrong knowledge /
- Cause of superimposing

• Adhyasa is at level of Jnanam.

Real Unreal
Atma Body – Mind

• Ishvara required to explain the world.

• Shastra required to understand Atma, eye of Atma.
• Shastra Darshanam = Atma Darshanam.
Unreal Real
- Appears in time and - Always existing
disappears in Time - Timeless
- 3 states of mind - Turiyam

Body is a Notion What exists
- We give Pancha Butas a special - Panchabutas
status, mother, father. - Anaadi
• Identification with body – mind is primary Adhyasa.

Lower I Higher I
- Ego I - Atma I
- Deha Adhyasa
- Unreal
- Continue to live with
Adhyasa because of Prarabda.
• Aham – Idam Mama Eva Iti Naisargikam Loka Vyavahara.
Purva Pakshi :
• Adhyasa not logical.
Shankara :
• Not Pramana Siddha but Anubhava Siddha.
Adhyasa :
• Not Pratyaksha, Anumana Siddham but Anubhava Pramana Siddham, established by
• By employing means of cognition, there should be no Adhyasa.
• Beyond sleep state is my real nature, Svarupam.
• Our experience in life shows that there is plenty of Adhyasa.

In Vyavahara

Satya – Anruta Mithuni Karanam

Aham Mama

What is the Locus of Ghata Jnanam?

I Pot

- Locus is I - Outside is clay

- Object of Ghata Jnanam is in me.
- World is in me
- Born in I, Buddhi not in Ghata
- Universe exists in me. 46
• I am the centre of cosmos.


Idam Shariram Atma is Speculation Aham

- Very Real - Primary fact

- Mixed up with Idam

Idam does not exist outside of I

I – alone am appearing as the cosmos

I am the all = Fact

• Today, you give reality to the body, mind, world.

• What a big blunder?

Idam – body, real

Relationships real 47
• What is correct understanding?
o I am the awareness, Chaitanyam.
• When we wake up what arises first?

“I am”(Reflection of Chidabhasa) Illumines the body

Consciousness first I am identified with the body,

become perceiver

Sun of awareness first

Perceived Body becomes
Notice this first

I – Awareness formed in the mind

Perceived World becomes
I – Ego – formed in the Mind -
Chidabhasa Idam

Thought I am is born (Primary

reflection – False I – Ego I)

Aham Idam
- Atma - Object – Body, Mind, World
- Fact - Seen
- Seer - Artha Adhyasa
- Satyam - Unreal, Anuruddha
- Borrows existence
- Taken as independently
existing because of confusion,
mistake, Adhyasa.
- 1st Artha Adhyasa = Body
Next Adhyasa :
• What is connected to body.
• Mame Idam
• This car, wealth, other,.. Belongs to me.
• Other Artha Adhyasas.
• All objects of the world connected with body I – Aham.
• Atma connected with car, wealth via the body
• Body has wife, money, children not Atma.
• All objects are as though connected with Atma, false connection to be broken by
clear understanding of Adhyasa. 49
Mama - Idam

Samsarga Adhyasa

Connected – Adhyasa with the


• What is connected with the body is connected with Atma = Wrong notion in the mind
(Needs to be broken by clear understanding of Adhyasa).

Artha Adhyasa of body

Leads to Samsarga Adhyasa of


Mama – Idam Adhyasa

Loka – Manushya Vyavahara

• Worldly interactions possible only because of Adhyasa.

• Hence worldly transactions apparently real, not really real. 50
• This is strength of Atma Jnanam, can face anything in life, you know your real home,
without Adhyasa, Aham Brahma Asmi.
IX) When did Adhyasa begin?
• Rope – Mistaken as Snake.
• Samskara of Rope and snake must be there, then only Adhyasa possible.
• Ajnani :
o Body is all the experience.
o Does not know Atma through scriptures.
• How Adhyasa is possible?
• Earlier knowledge of snake is foundation of present mistake.
• At age 5, got snake knowledge, got samskara.
• When I woke up Adhyasa is there, when I slept Adhyasa continues.
• Takes us to earlier births when we have lived with ignorance of Atma – I.
• If Atma Jnanam is there, no birth at all for me, the real I.
X) Is it possible to eliminate Adhyasa?
Example :
Name Person

Adhyasa 51
• In Sannyasa, name changed.
• With Viveka, its possible to drop identification with name, status.
Example :
• New wedded girl, learns to take on new identification with husbands name.
• I am Kshatriya / Yoga teacher / IIT, Married.. Are all expansion of Adhyasas.
• Adjusting thinking process is dropping or expanding Adhyasa.
X) I am a human being, w.r.t. body.
• I am a pure being.. No Adhyasa.
• I am a living being, associate with Prana.
• Feel one-ness with all living beings is dropping all Adhyasas, which a Mahatma is able
to do.
I am a being

No Adhyasa


Sense of self

Revealed by Upanishad 52
• Pay close attention to discrimination between real and unreal, work on it, get rid of
• As a being, all beings are included in you.
• Poornam Adah… Poornam Idam…

That is Whole, this is Whole ; from the Whole, the Whole becomes manifest. From the Whole, when the
Whole is negated, what remains is again the Whole.

Lecture 4
Brahma Sutra :

Hence (is to be undertaken) thereafter a deliberation on Brahman. [I – I – 1]

1) Purva Pakshi :
• Shastram Na Arambaniam.
• For Dvaitin, reality is the truth.
• Because of attraction to things, it makes us live in duality and take them to be real.
• Concepts in mind, make us live in reality of duality.
• Shastra teaches us one-ness, Advaitam, and one learns to abide in it.
• Purva Pakshi is Adversary in heart, Bandah is real.
• Objection to Vichara is strong, because duality put in highest Pedestal.
• Atma Jnanam – will liberate.
In Duality :
Know things as they are

There is limitation in the vision of

the Individual 54
Perform Karma

Do Upasana

Gain grace of Lord

• Purva Pakshi wants to put stay order, don’t start Shastra Vichara.
• It won’t eliminate Ajnanam.
2) Advaitin :
a) Rope – Snake example :

Ajnanam Adhyasa
Cause Effect


Samanyam – General Jnanam Visesha Ajnanam

- Something is there - Miss Truth, Miss Rope

- See it as snake
- Mind superimposes snake 55

Partial knowledge, not total

• Total ignorance = Bliss


Stick, Mala

Caused by Ajnana

Put light on

Ignorance gone

Samanya Jnanam Cause of Adhyasa,

Visesha Ajnanam

Specific nature not

known 56
• Jnanam eliminates Ajnanam.
b) Atma – Ajnanam :

Samanya Jnanam Visesha Ajnanam

- “I am” – existence, Sat - In Sat – chit – Ananda,

known. Adyasa, superimposition



I am knower, consciousness

• We are ignorant and don’t know we are ignorant = Samsara.

• Dukham of mind, Vrutti, superimposed on ever existing Sat Chit Ananda Atma. 57
• Jnanam eliminates Ajnanam.
b) Atma – Ajnanam :
Address the cause


• Agyanam not removed by Karma, Upasana.

• Brahma Vichara has to be done.
• We say Adhyasa is illogical but it is there experientially.
• Agyanam is not Pramana Siddham, cognition.
• We all experience insecurity, fear, hence don’t close door on Vichara.
Shastra :
• You are Brahman, Tat Tvam Asi, nondual, one without a second.
In Life :
• I am Karta, Bokta, limited, Pratyaksham, seen, fact.

Shastra Anubhava
Fact Experience

Gap exists 58
• Sraddha, Bhakti ok in the beginning of spiritual study.
• Have to understand what Shastra revealing about my nature as Sat – Chit – Ananda.
• Paurusheya Jnanam conclusion based on earlier experiences, Samskaras, and what I
see now.

Samskara Pratyaksham

Mind responds

All Actions

Result of memory + stimulus

from outside world
• Mind (Instrument for Jiva) = Memory bag of earlier experiences.
• Memory = Faculty
• Responds to a flower, optical sensation.

Paurusheya Jnanam

- Fact - Illusion
- Prama - Brahmaha 59
• All knowledge is response of memory.
• Pramada = Forgetfulness

Stimulus there

Memory missing

Synthesis incomplete

Conclusion wrong “Pramada”

• If eyesight defective, stimulus incomplete.

• Though Adhyasa illogical, it is experienced.

Pot Pot is known

- Exists - Shines
- Sat - Chit
- Knower
• Pot enters a field of knowingness.

Iron Kshetram
- Magnetised – field - Powered in field of

Vedanta :
• Don’t separate Sat – being from knowing Chit.

Normal Vision

Being Inside Knowing outside

I Know Pot
- Inside - Outside
- Bhati - Asti
• Inside divorced from outside, this is a mistake in cognition.
Brahman Ignorance
- Sat Chit Ananda (Truth), one entity - Adhyasa
- I exist no one doubts - Responsible for divorcing Sat from
- Existence = Knowingness not known Chit
- This is ignorance 61
• I fail to say – I am Jnana Svarupa, Chit Svarupa.
• Divorcing knowing from being in sleep is ignorance, Moola Ajnanam.
• Right knowledge – being and knowing can never be divorced.
• Sat - Chit, Asti – Bhati, together always.
• No situation where pot is, and never shines.
• Priya – Apriya
• Raaga – Dvesha Always in pairs
• Sukha – Dukha
• Head – Tail

Sukham Jagrat
- Fundamental to Atma - Sukham – Dukham mixture
- Sleep state - For Ego I, False I…

Nama Rupa
- w.r.t. organ of speech - w.r.t. cognition

Gap exists

Atma Anatma
- Asti, Bhati, Priyam - Nama, Rupa
- Beingness, loaded to space - Deha, Manaha
of consciousness - Jadam
- Sentient - Does not know
- Anatma dharma of Dukham - Mind has Dukham, not
superimposed on Atma objects
- Real - Unreal

Mutual mixing up /



• Adhyasa has basis on Aviveka, ignorance.

• Agyana, Maya can make anything possible.

3 Adhyasas

Artha Jnana Samsarga

- Abhimana in Body - Abhimana in the mind

- Mama – Idam
- Aham Deha, Idam - Superimposition
- More important
- Don’t say : between 2 impulses of
- Eliminated by Vairagya,
I am this body, this knowledge
body I am. - Pot is
- Live in a house but
- Person with don’t get carried away
identification to a body. as my house.
- I am tall, strong
- Superimposition
between objects.
- Goes only by
Sakshatkara, direct
experience of self.


Dharma I am the eyes Dharmi

- I am blind - Artha Adhyasa - I am

- Superimpose property
of eyes on Atma, I am.

Correct statement :
• I know I am blind.
• I am the one who sees blindness.
• Atma can never be Ajnani.
• Blindness by superimposition becomes an handicap for Atma.
• Experience of world is based on Adhyasa.

2 Pillars of Vyavahara

Aham Idam Mama Idam

- I am this body - My house, wealth, property,

car, books Guru.
Aham Idam - Samsarga Adhyasa
- Connection with Anatma
- Atma - Body
- Real - Unreal
- Vastu - Avastu - Idam Aham
- Artha Adhyasa
• Moksha also Adhyasa, but helps you to raise above Adhyasa.
• Shastriya Adhyasa :
Rituals, Upasana, Puja.

I am the Body Body is I

- Adhyasa of Atma on Body - Adhyasa of Body on Atma

- I see, hear… - I am born
- Samsarga - Artha 66
2 Adhyasas

Atma on Anatma Anatma on Atma

- Samsarga Adhyasa - Artha Adhyasa

- Never Artha Adhyasa - Deha superimposed on Atma
- Atma – infinite, superimposed - I am born, die
on finite body. - I am the body
- Shining, knowingness taken as ↓
property of body. Artha
- Knowingness, sense of touch,
taste, body gets from reflection
of Atma in the Mind.
- There is connection between
Atma and Deha through
reflection in the mind.
- Body Parades as Atma
- Atma – Sarvagyaha, Poornaha
- Body here, there, finite
- Body is I, is Adhyasa.

Atma Adhyasa

Deha Manaha Jagat

Practice Viveka :
• Atma ever free.

Atma Vastu Anatma Vastu

Mind – Body world

• Sruti Vakhyams alone can give you a glimpse of the truth.

Brahma Sutra eliminates 2 Adhyasas

Aham - Idam Mama - Idam

- By Sakshatkara - By Viveka Vairagyam

- Artha Adhyasa - Samsarga Adhyasa 68
• Nama is given to differentiate one body identified person from another body identified
person, serves practical purpose.
• Body comes to light in the wake of “I am”.

I am

Identifies with perceived body


Perceiver “I am” Perceived body

Gita :

The Purusa, seated in Prakirti, experiences the qualities born of Prakirti; attachment to the
qualities is the cause of his birth in good and evil wombs. [Chapter 13 - Verse 22] 69
Purusha Prakrti
- Jiva - Body
- Sense of “I am“ - Product of 5 elements
- Satyam - Mithya

Adhyasa due to Aviveka

Cognitively separate Purusha, Prakrti

No Bondage

Both remain

Sankhya :
• Satya – Satya Mithuni Karanam.
• Purusha – Prakrti both real
• Not acceptable by Shankara.
Nyaya – Veiseshika :
• Accept Satya – Satya Adhyasa.
Karma – Mimamsakas :
• Adhyasa not acceptable.
Bandha :
• Asatya – Asatya Mithuni Karanam (Coupling).
• Unreal – Unreal
Shunya – Kshanika Vigyana Vadin :
• Only Jnana Adhyasa.
• No Artha Adhyasa.

Artha Jnana
- Object - Cognition
- Realist - Idealist
- Only Arthas real - Only Jnana Satyam
- Jnana secondary - Artha Unreal
- No Pot outside, only
knowledge consciousness of
world, Kshanikam.
- Gives sense of continuity
because of frequency
- Pot knowledge alone appears
as pot outside.
Kshanika Vedantin
- Outside nothing - Outside is Brahman
- No Artha Adhyasa - Satyam = What persists in 3
periods of time, Chaitanyam.
- Momentary thoughts are

Keshanika Vigyana Vadin

Pravritti Vigyana Alaya Vigyana

- Knowledge of Pot appears as - All knowledge is centered

though outside. around I.
- Unreal Deha - Object outside evokes
thought response, “Ego I”
- Unreal Aham

• Anruta – Anruta false – false.

• Mithuni Karanam.
• All Jnana Adhyasa
• Not Acceptable to Shankara. 72

Aham Atma Ghata

- Real - Anrutam
- Satyam - Unreal
- Mithya

• I – alone appears as Pot – world.

• Satya – Anrutha Mithuni Karanam.


Aham Ahamkara

- Satyam - Ego – I, Mind

- Real - Mithya
- Adhishtana Tattvam - Identified with Body,
Mind, world
Antahkaranam – 4 Levels

Manaha Emotions

Buddhi Intellect

Chitta Memory Memory

Ego I - Consciousness Ahamkara

Reality – Sense of I in
Adhishtanam Chaitanyam
• Aham – wrongly identified with Ahamkara is Adhyasa, Satyam – Anrute Mithuni
• Adhyasa is basis for Sarva Vyavahara.

Drk Drishyam
- Satyam - Mithya
- Sentient - Jadam
- Luminous - Non Luminous
- Knows itself and others - Can’t know itself or know
through the window of Mind. anything else.

Ajnani :
• Most powerful Example of Adhyasa.
• I am the Body.

I Body
- Drk - Drishyam
- Sentient - Jadam

Ratna Prabhakara Method :

• What is Karanam of Adhyasa?
• Mithya Jnanam.
• In Awareness, body walking, talking, eating, transacting.
• I am not aware of the light of consciousness, awareness = Agyanam.
• Agyanam is eliminated by Atma Jnanam.

Body – Mind – World – Anatma

Cant say its non-existent



Agyanam - Ignorance

- Causes Adhyasa - Eliminated by Jnanam

- Shows effect - Therefore, not real
- Anirvachaniam - Has no beginning but
- Karma gives Punyam, get ends.
opportunity for Jnanam.

Agyanam - Neither

Sat Asat But is Anirvachaniam 76


Is it

Absence of Jnanam Something which opposes

Example :
Tamaha - Darkness

- Absence of Prakasha, light

- Bava Rupa
- Abava Rupam
- Opposes Prakasham
- Ramanujacharya
- Mithya
- Not Satyam
- Throw out Darkness by lighting - Within Vyavahara
lamp of Atma in the Buddhi. - Must be eliminated
- Chaitanya Maha Prabhu, - Jnana Nivartaye
Krishna consciousness. - Gain knowledge, eliminate
- Tamaha is Bava Rupam Agyanam.
- Dvaitin

Bava Rupam Reason :
• In Bhagavatam – Krishna goes to Patala loka with discuss.
• It is dark.
• Remembers his discus.
• All darkness eliminated.
• Tamas, Bava Rupa, sitting there.
• Remember Atma, difficult but Tamas will go.
Shankara :
• Takes no position on Agyanam as Bava or Abava Rupam
• Agyana ultimately Mithya Bava Rupa in context of Vyavahara.
• Agyanam, not Satyam.
• Satya – Anrutha Mithuni Karanam caused by Agyana which is Mithya.
• Jnanam = Nimittam, instrument, cause to eliminate Agyanam.

Lecture 5
Aham – Identification - Abhimana

- Manushya - My house
- Artha Adhyasa - Samsarga Adhyasa

Our self image is based on

Body Mind Relationships Possessions

- Tall - Intelligent - I – know prime - I have big

- Fair minister, house, car,
- Beautiful doctors, lawyer company

3 Primary Adhyasa

Artha Jnana Samsarga

I am the body I am tall I have house, car 79

• Adhyasa caused by Mithya Jnana Nimitta.
• In I

This-ness is all together absent = Jnanam.
• What is Mithya Jnanam?

Knowledge False Knowledge

Understanding, conception Misconception
• Aham – I – has no identity (Self image)
• What is content of Aham? All Adhyasas, all Idam element.
I) Male / Female – Gender identification = Self Image
= Idam elements.
II) Nama
III) Money in the bank – Always Idam
– Can’t carry to sleep, next world.
• Rich only if you remember your bank balance.
IV) Waker I, Dreamer I, Sleeper I = Abhimana.
• Drop it, own up Turiyam as Svarupam, pure consciousness, Adhishtanam of universe
(Known from scriptures).
• Aham – always self evident, pure Awareness.
• Realisation is simple, easy.
• Non – self enters to constitute self – image.

I – Aham Vrutti World

- Existence, pure, Adhishtana - Superimposition

• This is Moksha, freedom through Atma Jnanam here and now.

• Entire self image is Adhyasa.

Without Adhishtanam Superimposition not possible

- Waker - Dream
- Atma (Awareness) - Self image of waker

Kshanika Vigyana Vada :

• No Adhishtanam at all.
• Anrutha – Anrutha Mithuni Karanam.
• Attaching Idam into Aham = Mithya Jnanam.

Atma Jnanam Anatma Jnanam

- Pure Jnanam - Mithya Jnanam
- General awareness - Nimitta 81
• Vachaspati Mishra refuses to take Mithya Jnanam as Nimitta
= Mithya Ajnanam
= Bringing ignorance with a lot of effort.
• If no Mithya Ajnanam, no Adhyasa.
• How to get Rid of Mithya Jnanam from “I”?

Make a list…

- What I am not - What all not mine

- Ego, mind, body not me

• Strip yourself, stand utterly naked.

• I am what I am, not attached to this or that.
• Then you are not becoming something else.

Body – Mind I – Awareness

- Goes to sleep - Does not have 3 conditions
of waking, dream, sleep



You see You know Other than you

- Artha - Jnana - Taken as part of I =

Ajnanam in our life.

• Mithya Jnanam is Nimitta for Adhyasa.

• Element of wrong understanding in Jnanam is – Mithya Jnanam.
Taittriya Upanishad :

Om, the knower of Brahman attains the Supreme. With reference to that, is the following
hymn recited: Brahman is the truth, knowledge and infinity. He who knows it as existing in the
cave of the heart in the transcendent Akasa, realises all his desires along with omniscient
Brahman. [2 - 1 - 1] 83
Jnanam – awareness

Total time, space, objects

Shines in consciousness and conditions

• Jnanam conditioned by what shines in it (Totality) = Anrutha.

Satyam Anruruddha
- Jnanam - Totality
- Purusha - Brought to light by Jnanam
- Poorna Brahma - Jneya w.r.t. Jnanam
- Brahma, Shuddha Jnanam - Jneya conditions Jnanam by
- Undifferentiated knowledge way of identification


Identifies with total Anatma

(Desha, Kala, Vastu)

Called Ishvara

• Unless there is Adhyasa, even Ishvara can’t be established. 84


Vyashti Samashti

- Jiva
- Begins with I am which - Ishvara
rises from the reality. - Totality
- Everything shines after…

• Without I am, no sense of time – space – objects.

• Vyashti Desha – Kala – Vastu comes to light = Sphuranam.
• I am - comes from Samanya Chaitanyam, undifferentiated knowledge.

Shuddha Jnanam Adhyasa Mithya Jnanam

Unconditioned knowledge Conditioned knowledge

• In Mithya Jnanam, have division of Jiva and Ishvara.

Shuddha Jnanam appears
Mithya, Adhyastha Rupa

Jiva Ishvara
• Undifferentiated knowledge is awareness, knowingness, Nirupadhika Jnanam = Satyam
• Satya Vastu sullied by Adhyasa then it becomes Mithya Jnanam.
• Eliminating Adhyasa from Mithya Jnanam and making it pure apparently = Moksha,
transcend death.
• In Anadhyastha Jnanam, undifferentiated Jnanam, knowingness absolute, one crosses
Samsara, pairs of opposites of pleasure and pain.
Mithya Jnanam Drop Adhyasa

Eliminates Samsara Gain Moksha

Ignorance Effect of Ignorance

Rope Agyanam
Snake, Pipe, Mala

Karyam, Many forms 86

Adhyasa Agyanam
1) Bahu Rupa 1) Eka Rupa
2) Nimitta, Naimittika, Karya, 2) Naisargika Karana Agyanam
Agyanam 3) Rope
3) Rope Snake 4) I don’t know self evident
4) I am the body Mithya Atma, as My real self
Jnanam, in Anatma
Why there is ignorance of Rope?
• Because of Pramana – Prameya Sannikarsha Abhava.

Pramanam Prameya
Eye sight Rope
• Sannikarsha = Perfect contact
= Rope knowledge
• Sannikarsha Abhava = Abava of perfect contact.
• What is reason for Abava?


Adhyasa is effect

Due to partial veiling, partial


Mandah Andahkara

Covering factor

How Adhyasa happens?

I) Defective eyesight
II) Partial darkness = Veils
III) Sadrushya Jnanam – In memory, similar to general knowledge of snake.
IV) See Sarpah
V) Fear comes
• Agyana + Adhyasa – happen daily
• How is Atma Adhyasa?
Atma Anatma
Anatma Atma

I) Naisargikoyam :
• It is there from birth.
• Atma Agyana is there since birth.
II) Sannikarsha Abava :
• Can’t know Atma by any means, Indriya Agochara.
• Sannikarsha bava ruled out, no correct knowledge of “I am”.
III) Agyana is there without any cause of the world.
• Anaadi.
• When, where, can’t answer.
• Time, space are after effects, products of ignorance.
• How time comes?
• “Eternally, there is only now, it can’t be sense of time.
• Past was now, future will be now, now is now.
• Now, can only be sense of presence of being not sense of time.
• Time and space are products of mind.
• Now, is eternally now, in it there is no sense of time. 89
In now, presence of Chaitanyam

Bring thoughts, memory into

• Memory = Spreading of mind in Time scale.
• My mind memorises what happened yesterday, 25 years ago, by repeated thinking.
• Spread of mind alone is called time scale.
• Mind spreads as a movement and establishes the time scale.
• Time expands to past, future, forgets present.
• Without thoughts in the mind, no time or space division.
• Shankara is beyond Einstein.
• In time – space, Atma Agyanam is in full swing.
• Desha, Kala, becomes distinct from Atma.
• I am Atma, Sat, in which Desha, Kala comes and goes.
• Desha, Kala, are after effects of Agyanam.
• Can’t ask when, where w.r.t. Agyana.
• Only way to explain Agyanam is Naisargika, by nature it is there.

Atma - Exists

Atma Agyana (Ignorance)

Desha – Kala appear in Sat Atma

• Ignorance is basis of Desha – Kala.

• Agyana is for no reason, Naisarga, Sahaja, Responsible for Adhyasa.
• Naisargikam Loka Vyavahara.
• I am body, is natural, Naisargika Adhyasa, in the field of transactions.
Shastra Adhyasa :
• Be human not an animal.
• Shastric duties to Brahmachari, Grihasta, Sanyasi… Shastriya Adhyasa.

Atma We say
- Akarta - I am Grihasta, how can I be Akarta.
- Be open to knowledge, don’t
armour with Agyanam, ignorance.
• Family person is Adhyasa, not opposed to Atma.
• Shastriya Adhyasa helps person to conduct himself well in society.
• Live life according to the truth of Atma not as false ego, impressions, notions.
• Father, student, lawyer are incidental experiences, I am eternal Atma.
• Atma Svarupa not Grihasta or Sanyasi, it is Pseudo reality.
• Head of house, Ashram = Adhyasa.

3 Adhyasas

Naisargika Laukika Shastra

- Atma Agyana - Human, Rope Snake - Doing rituals

- There from birth Purva Pakshi :
- Brahman, Atma, also
- Formless
- Nama Adhyasa

Any description comes from

Perception Memory 92
Factors of cognition

Sense Organs Light Stimulus outside

• Cognitions can’t grasp truth.

Pot Atma / Brahman / Reality

- Cognition - Negation, not positive description.
- Deha, Kala, Vastu Paricheda
Rahitam (Limitless)
- Transcends

Space :
• Contains everything in it.
• Karyam.
• Limits itself, originates from Atma, can’t limit Karanam.
• Reality can’t be contained in space.
• Reality, not different from your own structure, it is your essential content, your true
• Brahman, Atma, not name, not Adhyasa.
Purva Pakshi :
• What is Adhyasa with a name? What is the thing called Atma? Trapping question.
Rule :
• Lakshana Pramanabyam Vastu Siddhi.

Vastu established by

Lakshana Pramana

Verbal description Source of cognition

Perception Inference Shabda

• For Adhyasa what is Lakshan and Pramana?

• If Siddanti gives Lakshana and Pramana, then Adhyasa becomes real.
• It can’t be eliminated by Jnana or Vichara.
• Only Agyanam is eliminated by Jnanam.

Example :
• Dirt in the Chair – I come to know.
• Must clean, karma.
Shankara :
• Adhyasa is not Pramana Siddham.
• Adhyasa is Anubhava Siddham.
• It is there in our life experientially.
• Adhyasa, Agyana, is Sat, Asat Vilakshanam.

Not Sat Not Asat

- Pramanas won’t work - Can negate as Nonexistence
• It is there in our lives and binds.
• It can be eliminated by Jnanam.
Movie :
• Not real
• When light in the movie is gone.

Tuchyam Mithya Satyam
- Nonexistence - Appearance - Existent
- Horns of Rabbit - Time
- No need of Shastra - Dissappears in sleep
- World appears in waking
• What is definition of Adhyasa?
• Smruti Rupa Paratra Purva Drishta Adhyasa Avabasaha.
Adhyasa Bhasa
- Ava Basaha, Pratiti - Truth
- Appears - Awareness
- Unreal
- Gets negated
• Cognition in light of awareness.
• What gets negated by Jnanam = Avabhasa.


Negated by knowledge,

Avabhasa 96
Paratatra Avabhasaha

Cognition ultimately negated


On What? Of What?

Shunyavadi : World seen

- No ground, Adhishtanam
Advaitin :
- On Satya Adhishtanam,

• Appearance taken to be real because of Agyanam.

• Negated by knowledge of Adhishtanam.
• Bondage is false understanding in the mind.

Cognition - Errors

On Rope On Brahman, Adhishtanam

Snake Seen

• World is not what is appears to be.

Snake appearing on

Snake Rope

- Bhasa - Avabhasa
- Ground for false

Waker I appears on

Pure Consciousness – I

Superimposition not physical but

mental level

• On which you superimpose is called Paratra Avabhasa.

Ratna Prabhakara :
• Branti – Avabhasa – cognition.

Shukti Rajata
Shell Silver

• Cognition of silver on shell = Artha Adhyasa.

Jnana Adhyasa

Appearance of silver cognition on Idam

Say : This is silver

Don’t say : Shell is silver 99

Rajatani (Silver) Cognition of Rajatam on

Cognition of Idam = Jnana
- On Idam Adhyasa
- Artha Adhyasa

Adhikaranam - Ground

Right substratum Ayogya / Paratara

- See silver in silver shop - Inappropriate ground.

- Shell

Absence of Rajata Jnanam = Ignorance

= Ground for superimposition

See Adhyasa

On Absence of Brahma Jnanam = Ignorance
= Ground for Superimposition
= Thisness = Substratum

See Adhyasa
• If there is nothing = Shunyavada, no Adhyasa.
• There is something = Brahman.
• In Absence of knowledge of Brahman, consciousness = Ignorance – It upholds the
world (Like Silver – on Shell).
• Smruti Rupa = Rajata – Silver contributed by the mind.
• Adhikaranam alone becomes real = Advaitam.
• Dvaitin in mortal fear of accepting any Avabhasa.
Dvaitin :
• Silver is real.
• Seeing real silver
• Adhyasa is memory for Dvaitin.
• Memory is right, not false.
• Contribution of memory.
• Outside no silver.
• Samskara of the mind
• Silver memory. 101
Lecture 6
Shankara Purva Pakshi
- Adhyasa not Yukti Siddha but - No Adhyasa
Anubhaa Siddha - No Vichara required
- Not derived rationally
- Not Pramana Siddha, not means of
- Our experience Validates Adhyasa.
- We do not use proper means for
- Agyana is responsible for wrong
notions, Adhyasa.
- Adhyasa is Anubava Siddha
• Adhyasa like Agyanam is Sat – Asat Vilakshanam.

Adhyasa - superimposition

Sat Asat Vilakshanam

- If it is sat, it can’t be - Won’t be experienced - Experienced, appears,

eliminated by Jnanam can be negated.
of the reality. 102
Gita :

The unreal has no existence; there is no non-existence of the Real; the truth about both these
has been seen by the knowers of the Truth (or the seers of the Essence).[Chapter 2 - Verse 16]


Not Sat Not Asat Both Vilakshanam

- Not experienced in - It binds - Not acceptable - Mithya

sleep. - Can’t say its not - Sat – Excludes Asat - Appears
- Changes there, appears - Asat – Excludes Sat - Can be
- Negated - Can’t combine negated by
• Sat – Asat – Vilakshanam – World, Agyanam, Adhyasa :
Established only by human experience.
Definition of Adhyasa :
• Smruti Rupa, Parata Purva Drishta, Avabhasa, Superimposition.
• Bhasa = Appearance, shines, comes to light.
• Bhasa = Snake seen on rope.
• 3 states = Bhasaha – Shines, appears on Atma.


- Can’t be validated as - Can be negated,

true. repudiated by knowledge
of substratum Rope, Atma.
- Avasanno Nama
• That is called Mithya Jnanam, Adhyasa, Agyanam.
• Comes to be known, becomes object of knowledge of Atma, Chaitanyam.
• We see, know, cognize, world (Like snake).
• Brahmanata = Continues to the cognized for sometime, not for fraction of a second.
• Bhasa does not establish reality.
• Atma Bhasate, self evident, shining reality, I am, is fact of experience, world
appearance, unreal. 104
I am Jagat
- Fact of experience - Avabasa, Adhyasa
- Bhasa - Body, Mind, World also experienced
- Can never negate - Not equal reality, only Vyavaharikam,
- Atma never negated Mithya
- Satyam - Can be negated in sleep
- I am – real – truth – Paramartika - Continued cognition of the world is
Satyam. negated.
Example :
- Bhasamana of dream world negated
in waking and sleep.
Example :
- Bhasamana of waking world negated
in dream and sleep.

- Not Bhasa - It is Avabhasa

- Superimposition
- Gets negated every

• What is origin of the world? Jagat is Karyam, what is Karanam?
• Before creation, where was the world, how was the world?
• What is erroneous perception? Khyati? Adhyasa?
All philosophers discuss 3 topics :

3 Topics

Subject Object Reality

- Pramata - Prameyam – World is - I am – Real

- Has means of real - World – Appearance,
cognition, inference - Veiseshika unreal
- Neiyayika - God is real
- Plato

Vedanta :
• Pramana + Prameya are Mithya, not Satyam.
• Subject, object, both appearance, not real.

Reality Pramata, Prameyam
- Consciousness awareness - Avabhasa
- Atma Turiyam - Appear, disappear
- Chaitanyam - Rise and sink simultaneously
- Avyavaharyam - Not independent of each other
- Where you see - What you see – Mithya
- Substratum - Can’t find subject Pramata alone
- Bhasa without object.
- 3 pairs, 3 states, subject – object
- Subject – object is unreal.
• Darshana = School of thought.
Kshanika :
• Pure, subjective idealist, Vigyanavadi.
Shunyavadi :
• Void = Reality, seen no where.
• No need of substratum to see something.
Mimamsaka :
• Ritualist.
• Avabhaso = Avasanno Bhasaha
= Paratra Avabhasa.
• Bhasa = Not committed
• Avasanno = Negated.


What you see is false Where you see is real

• Paratra = Parasmin
o See that on something other than that.
o Abhasa seen on Substratum, not on void.
• Seeing negated and leaves something else in place, ground.
• Avabhasa :
o Serpent doesn’t exist, only appears.
o 3 states doesn’t exist, only appears.


Appears on Asat Appears on Sat

- Shunyavadi - Advaitin
- Ground = Shunya - Ground real
- Asat Khyati Vada - Turiyam real
- 3 states unreal - Sat, Asat Bhasate
- Sat – Khyati
- Ground Atma remains
- Seen negated

• Brahmanata :
o Shining, world comes in light of awareness.
o Just because a thing appears, seen as existing, it is not enough to make it real.
o Then serpent, world becomes real.
• Kevala Basamanata Satyatva Prayojakam Na Bavati.
• Only appearance not enough to make it real.
• Very important conclusion of Vedantin.
• Dream world appears, not real Jagat gets negated, not real. 109
• Shell reflects sunlight, appears silver, unreal.
• Rope Snake – Origin is fear in the person.



2 qualities

Fear Desire greed

Example : Example :
- Rope Snake - Shell silver

Smruti :
• What you remember.
• Silver coming from mind is superimposed.
• Remembrance is not Khyati, erroneous perception.
• It is Bhasa, not Smruti.
• Silver – is similar in memory, Smruti Rupaha.
Neiyayika :
• Silver seen in shell is same as silver in shop.
• Anyatha Khyati.
• What you see here is same elsewhere, not Asat, Sat.
• Satu – Satubhasate is Anyatha Khyati.
Motive of Shankara :
• Dismiss Asat, Jagat, Sat alone remains.
Sankhya :

Atma Jagat
Satyam Satyam
Shankara :
• What is remembered is Asat, not anywhere now.
• When he saw, it was real, not while remembering.
• Drop all projections of the Mind.
• See reality as it is, pure consciousness, Sat, Ananda, Chit Svarupa, I am.
• Silver is projection of the mind.
• Any projection = Asat, Anyatha Khyati negated.
This Adhyasa


Applies to both

Artha Adhyasa Jnana Adhyasa

- Silver on shell - Knowledge of silver on

- Object outside knowledge of Shell.
- Smruti Rupaha - In the mind
- Silver remembered - Remembrance of silver
- Cognition of this loaded flashes.
in the Mind.

• Mind has Anaadi Parampara of Samskaras, can’t establish beginning.

Purva Pakshi :
• Real silver remembered = Sat.
• See real silver only, no Mithya.
• Smruti need not be real.
• Rubber serpent seen before – Unreal, remembered
• Neiyayika : Seen silver is real.
Ramanujam : 14th Century
• Jagat Satyatva Vadi.
• Some element of reality is in Jagat, shell.
• Atoms of silver everywhere.
• Few elements of silver in shell also.
• Silver you see is somewhat real.
• Anatma Jagat borrows reality from Sat Vastu.
• Silver you see is projection of the Mind.


Adhyasa Memory

Madhavacharya :
• Svapna is real, sent by Bhagavan.

Dakshinamurti Stotram :

He who experiences at the time of realization his own immutable Self-in which the Self alone
plays as the universe of names and forms, like a city seen in a mirror, due to the Maya power
as though produced outside, as in a dream, to him, the divine teacher, Sri Dakshinamurthy, is
this prostration. [Verse 1]
• Svapna = Unreal.
• Mandukya Upanishad and Brihadaranyaka Upanishad – Svayam Jyoti Brahmana and
Vichara Sagara – Chapter 6 resolves around Svapna.
• All 3 use Svapna example to prove Jagrat is unreal.
Purva Pakshi :
• Silver in the shop real.
• Smruti can be unreal.
• It is not reality of object which causes Adhyasa and is established in mind as Samskara
which causes Adhyasa. 114
Samskara causes Adhyasa

May be caused by May be caused by

real object unreal object
• Purva Drishta Avabhasa = Seeing, Darshanam, Anubhava.
• Avabhasa = Appearance of silver is because of earlier experience.

Every cognition is in

Desha Kala Vastu


See Avasthu as Silver

Non silver seen as silver

• Bada, Dosha, negation is in Vastu Area.

• Smruti Rupa = Similar to memory of silver elsewhere.

Vastu Desha Kala

- Non-silver seen as - Silver seen in a place - Wrong

silver where its not there - Silver time is current
- Old silver in shop, now
place correct

• Silver in memory – similar – you project.

• Old Kala, superimposed now in current object.


- See nonexistence object - In a Desha

- Not Yogya Desha
- Not appropriate place

Example :
• Silver in shop – Yogya Desha.
• Silver in beach – Ayogya Desha, where it is not there.
Dream :
• See nonexistent object as existing.
• Not appropriate Desha.
• Avabhasa – Paratra = Vastu Dosha mentioned.
• Non Vastu seen as Vastu.


Ayogya Desha, Kala, Vastu


Smruti Rupa Purva Drishta Paratra

Ayogya Desha Ayogya Kala Vastu Dosha

See Object

Correctly Wrongly

There is Desha, Kala All pervading mistake

Vastu Mistake Desha Mistake Kala Mistake

- See Big elephant - See mountain - 50 years in dream

- Cot should break passes in few seconds

Jagrat also

Ayogya Vastu Ayogya Desha Ayogya Kala

• See whole waking in a second on waking.

• Definition of Adhyasa incorporates Desha, Kala, Vastu.
• Samskara gives birth to a flash of cognition.
See silver outside Silver is object of cognition
with locus of mind
Say this is silver Purva Anubhava = Source
• Earlier Anubhava common factor for Smruti and Adhyasa.
• Memory and error not same.
• Silver seen is similar to the silver that is likely to be remembered, is the best
definition of Adhyasa.

Remembers silver
Sees silver
• Purva Drishta Anubhava

Nimitta for seeing the silver and remembering the silver.
Common factor for

Smruti Adhyasa

- Past Anubhava a must

- Purva Anubhava Satyatvam
not required. 119
3 Dalas – Streams for

Avabhasa / Paratara Smruti Rupa Purva Drishta

- Silver not real - Adhyasa is there in real

- Adhishtana Satyatvam
- Connects Anaadi life
Samskaras to experience - See Purva Kala in Anya
- Ground for erroneous
- Samskara of seeing Kala
perception established
plurality is there in the - Kala also is Adhyasa
- See plurality of Jagat on
- Connects Adhyasa to
- See another thing in
- Anya Desha Adhyasa


What you see Vastu is wrong Time you see is wrong Place you see is wrong

• Desha, Kala, Vastu wrong = Adhyasa.

Einstein :
• Universe is an appearance in the canvas of time – space. 120
Dream Universe :
• Appears in canvas of time – space.
Newton :
• Time – Space absolute, keep it aside.
• Absolute, does not change equation.
Shankara :
• Integrates time – Space – Objects.
Khyati Prakaranam – New Topic :
• Khyati = Erroneous perception.
I) Akhyati Vadi :
• No mistake
• Mimasakas
II) Anyatha Khyati :
• Ramanujacharya
• Escapes into Vaikunta, Vishnu, Bhakti.
• Sat on Sat appears.
III) Asat Khyati :
• Shunaya Vadi
• Asat on Asat. 121
• Shunyam = Satyam
• No
IV) Atma Khyati :
• Vigyana Vadi.
V) Anirvachania Khyati : Shankara
• See Asat on Sat
• Ground always real
• Erroneous perception.
• Error – Adhyasa, gets negated.
• Can’t say unreal because world is experienced.
• Can’t say both real and unreal, opposites can’t coexist.

We can categorise only if it is

Pramana Siddha Yukti Siddha

• Adhyasa is Anubhava Siddha.

Lecture 7
I) Anyatha Khyati Vadis :
• On shell… superimpose attribute of other… silver.


Object See silver of shop on the shell in beach


• Neiyayika, Veiseshika.
• Nothing unreal, Mithya.

Sat / Real Sat / Real

Silver Shell
• Artha Adhyasa people.
• Silver in shop appears on shell due to defect in eye.
• Netra Dosha.
• Don’t accept Jnana Adhyasa.
• Real silver on real shell.
• Ramanujacharya – elements of real silver is there in shell also.
• Everything everywhere.
• Molecules move on from objects.
Negation :
• Silver of shop not possible at time of error.
• Desha separates.
• Error without touching Jnanam not possible.
Basic Agyanam :
• I am Karta, Bokta.
• Ananda outside me.
II) Atma Khyati Vadi :
• Kshanika Vigyana Vadi.
• Idam Jnanam – shell is Kshanika.
• Idealist, no this, other than cognition of this.
• Accept only Jnana Adhyasa not Artha Adhyasa.

This Silver
- Jnanam - Unreal
- Unreal

• Brief consciousness.
• Asati – Asataha Khyati.
• Subjective ideation.
III) Akhyati :
• Mimamsaka.
• Don’t accept Jnana Adhyasa.
• Veda Shabda Pramana Vadis.
• Jaimini Sutra.
• Falsehood in mind of person.
• Asatya in mind superimposed on words.
• No error in any word.

Idam cognition Silver Jnanam

• 2 cognitions in themselves true, no error.
• Purusha Buddhi should keep 2 Jnanams disconnected.
• No Jnana Adhyasa.
• Error has basis, cause in failure to distinguish, Aviveka.
• Similarity in cognition is there – Silver from memory
Shell from perception.
• Jnanam is Satyam, Viveka is missing.
• For Atma – we impute Deha, Manaha, Indriya, world.
• Happiness in heaven, perform ritual, reach heaven.
Negation :
• If self understood wrongly, Karma has no basis.
• Fire, oblation, offer is Brahman, Chaitanyam.
• Will have confusion of Jagat if self not understood first.
• Fire is appearance, Brahman is real.
• Negation first, basis is Agyana.
• If Agyanam, Atma Jnanam relevant.
• If you reject Agyanam, all problems come.
• Basis for Karma is Shaken.
• Jnana Adhyasa rejected by ritualist. 126
IV) Asat Khyati Shunya Vadin :

Silver – Outside Silver Inside Mind

- Asat - Asat
- False - False
• No shell outside also.
• Shunyam = Sat.
• Shell and silver both nonexistent.
• Shell and silver both superimposition on non-existence.
• One Asat – ground for another Asat.
Negation :
• If nonexistence is ground for superimposition of non-existence, how error began?
1st :
• Person saw shell, Idam Jnanam = Pratyaksha.
• Without Pratyaksha, no Adyasa.
2nd :
• We see body in waking, Pratyaksham, Adhyasa starts.
3rd :
• See rope – shell.
4th :
• Can’t say : Without rope being there, Pratyaksha happens (Shunya Vadin).

Gross Body Subtle Body Causal Body

Waking Dream Sleep

Shunya Vadi :
• Without experience of anything, there is error.
• Body reflects light, hence see body.
• Body reflects consciousness, hence seeing, experiencing, knowing.
• Knowingness, awareness, does not belong to body, mind, objects.
• With nothing no Pratyaksha possible.

Bauddhas – 3 Groups

(I) (II) (III)

- Accepts only - Accepts Pratyaksha + - Accepts only Anumana

Pratyaksha as Pramana Anumana 128
• Nothing outside, pure subjective idealist.
V) Shankara :
• Pratyaksha is foundation of Adhyasa.
• Seer is waker, dreamer, sleeper.
• Something is there, then there is Adhyasa.
• All 3 states are Adhyasa on Brahman.

No Adhyasa

Pitch Darkness Full Light

Mandah Andahkara

Dull, inadequate light Pratyaksha inhibited

• Without Pratyaksha, no Idam, no Adhyasa.

Gita :

The Blessed lord said : This body, O Kaunteya, is called Ksetra (The field) and he who knows it
is called Ksetrajna (The knowledge of the field) by those who know them (Ksetra and
Ksetrajna), i.e., by the sages. [Chapter 13 - Verse 2]
a) Asat Khyati – Shunyavadin not acceptable
• There is erroneous perception is accepted by all, hence Adhyasa is there.
b) Mimamsakas do not accept Jnana Adhyasa
• Have absence of Viveka.

Aham Jagan
- Kshetrajna - Mithya
- Substratum
- Satyam

c) Anyatha :
• Netra Dosha.
• Anyasya Anya Dharma Avabhasata.
• Basic error accepted by all.
• In one, appearance of attributes of other is Adhyasa.

3 Adhyasas

Artha Dharma Jnana

• Shankaras approach is Mithyatvam, Anirvachaniyam, uncategorisable, Mithya.

• Mind wants to categorise everything.
• Defines what you see outside, the stimulus.
• Tendency to categorise is job of intellect, then only it is satisfied, otherwise
• Mind sees Idam, thisness outside, Samanya Jnanam.
• No specific knowledge in 3 states, 3 bodies, 5 Koshas.
• Mind should leave it open ended, something is there, not clear.
• Aham Atma, covered, veiled, hence ignorance.
• Then I am this body projection happens.
• Mind categorises the sense experience. 131
• Mind unable to discover power of substratum Atma behind the world experience of
the sense organs.
• Mind only after it puts in a pigeonhole the experiences, it is fulfilled, satisfied,
contented, Poornaha.
• This is logic, rational thinking.
• Train mind not to define, categorise, let it be open.
Gita :

He, who is of the same mind to the good-hearted, friends, relatives, enemies, the indifferent,
the neutral, the hateful, the righteous and the unrighteous, excels. [Chapter 6 – Verse 9]

• Vedanta synthesized with practical life in Gita.

6 Categorise of Mind

(I) Mahatma (II) Criminal (III) Friend (IV) enemy (V) Unknown (VI) Neutral

Beneficiary Adversary 132

• Jnani does not categorise, drop notions.
• Mind resolves, peace and quietude prevails whenever mind resolves.
• When you categorise a person, there is Agitation.
• Punyam – Papam… categories is Dharma – Adharma Adhyasa.
• They are all part of Mithya world.
• Poornam Adaha, Poornam Idam…

That is Whole, this is Whole ; from the Whole, the Whole becomes manifest. From the Whole, when the
Whole is negated, what remains is again the Whole.

• Train the mind to a state of Anirvachaniam.

• Hold of world upon you will slacken.
• World is seen as a web of mental categories, appear real outside.
• Never thinks black – white, in the relative world.
• Division is caused by the mind.
• Who knows location of Brahman?
• Leave it as it is.
• Open ended question.
• Train mind to see the world as Anirvachania, Maya.
• Whatever the mind concludes about the universe and about my empherical self is
• Let mind be undivided, unopposed, resolved.
• In peace, truth emerges.
• Adhyasa = Loka Anubhava, as part of our daily experience, Drishyam.
• Paratra Para Avabhasa Smruti Rupaha… accommodate everybody.
• Don’t ask where did rope come from… 6 theories of error.
• Accept Mithyatvam of Rope – Snake, world.
• Don’t analyse origin of Adhyasa.
• Adhyasa established by Loka Anubhava.
• Avabhasa, it was appearing, not Bhasate now, shining Mithyavatu.
Adhyasa :
I) See one object on another.
II) See plurality when it is not there.
Example :
• See 2 moon by pressing eyelids.
• 5 elements in creation.
• Murtha – Amurtha Brahmanam, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :

Brahman has but two forms—gross and subtle, mortal and immortal, limited and unlimited, defined and
undefined. [2 - 3 - 1]

Murtha Amurtha
- Earth, fire, water - Air, space
• Plurality is elaborate trick of senses and mind, illusion.
Example :
• See reflection in Mirror.
• Image in Mirror – trick of mind + senses.
• Jagat experience, Nanam plural, unreal.
• Adhishtana Atma alone real
• Adhishtanam – Ekam, not plural.
Katho Upanishad :

By mind alone could this (Brahman) be obtained (realised) ; then there is no difference here at all. He, who
sees any difference here, goes from death to death. [II – I – 11] 135
Lecture 8
Brahma Sutra :

Hence (is to be undertaken) thereafter a deliberation on Brahman. [I – I – 1]

2 kinds of Adhyasa

Niropadhika Sophadhika

• Upadhi = Guna Adhiyante.

• Just by juxtaposition attributes of one superimposed on other.
• Attributes seemingly imputed to the other.
• Crystal appears as ruby when flower is close by.
• Redness as though aquired by crystal.
Upahita :
• Imparted crystal, (Atma)
• Substratum.
• Remove Upadhi – flower (3 States).
• Will be crystal again (Pure Chaitanyam). 136
• Hence Poornam Adah, Poornam idam..

That is Whole, this is Whole ; from the Whole, the Whole becomes manifest. From the Whole, when the
Whole is negated, what remains is again the Whole.


- Crystal - Ruby (I am this body –

- Atma Mind)
- Shell - Appearance
- No Upadhi - Silver (Superimposition)
- No outside Agency
(Ignorance exists)
• Nirupadhika Adhyasa
Example :
• Pencil in water appears bent.
• Water = Upadhi.
Example :
• Stars – twinkle, small Upadhi = Distance.
• Upadhi plays tricks.
• Sophadhika, Nirupadhika Adhyasa very important concept in Vedanta.

Atma Body
- Reflects in the body, - Size, volume imputed to
limitless, all pervading Atma.
Example :
• Air in the lungs not separate from outside air.
• Seems to be isolated.
• Upadhi = body.
• After Atma Jnanam, not limited by memory or time.
• Movement of time is in the Upadhi – Mind.
• Space identification because of body Upadhi.
• Time limitations because of mind Upadhi.

2 Major Upadhis

Body Mind

Space Time

• Both makes us limited primarily.

• Know I am awareness, not body, mind is benefit of study of Adhyasa Bashyam.

Jeevan Mukta

Identifies with Atma not with

Upadhi – body - Mind

Body – Mind continues till


• I appear to be limited, individual person, really limitless.

• When Upadhi falls, Jnani obtains Videha Mukti.
• W.r.t. own self, he is Brahman. 139
• W.r.t. on looker he is Jiva with Upadhi.
• Sophadhika Branti continues till the body appears.

Atma Body – Mind – world

- Timeless - Upadhi
- Awareness - Have limitations of time
- Poorna Brahman - End of Upadhi as
- Limitless appearance in sleep
- Sophadhika Branti, Adhyasa

Adhyasa – 2 chapters
covered so far

Lakshana Khyati

Topic III :
Next :
• Sambavana Bashyam.
• Atma – Anatma Adhyasa.
Atma Anatma
Vishayi Vishaya 140
Purva Pakshi :
• Wants to prove limitation of Atma as real, Dvaitam is real.
• No Adhyasa, not valid.
• I am different from Ishvara.
Shankara :
• All experiences are due to Adhyasa, not real.
• Limitation is caused by Adhyasa.

Adhyasa Practice Sankhya Yoga

Caused by Aviveka Means


Get Viveka Jnanam

Karma Yoga
2 Yogas
Sankhya Yoga Gain Atma Jnanam
Viveka Jnanam

Sat – Asat Mithya Nitya – Anitya Vastu Atma – Anatma

• There is need for Viveka because there is Adhyasa.
• Adhyasa Sambavati.
Example :
This That
Shell Silver

• Both Vishaya
• Atma – Anatma – not 2 Vishayas, 2 outside.
• One Vishaya and one Vishayi (One inside, other outside).
• Antar Drishti
• Bahir Drishti.
• Who am I?
• Body – Mind person.

Reject 5 Koshas

I am not Anandamaya Kosha I am not Vijnana Maya Kosha

- Not Bokta - Not Karta

- Ego - Ego

• If I am not ego, who am I?

• I am reflection of Pratyag Atma in the Mind.


- Grows
- Superficial
- One side
- Eliminated by 1st Neti

• I am that by - which I know, I am.

I am - Experience

- Primary fact of a person

- Reflection of Atma.
- Avishaya, not object of any
means of knowledge

• Everything else is Adhyasa – Fat, Doer, Father = Body

• Enjoyer, Professor / Doctor = Mind
• Reject all expressions, self divested of all expressions = Digambara Shiva, Atma, no self
identification, undefined.

Human endowed with 2 means,


Perception Inference

Sense Organs Mind

• Use mind alone and come to conclusion without use of sense organs.
• Atma = Avishaya, subject. 144
On Atma

- Adhyasa of Vishaya – Body –

Mind – Objects of the world as
me – mine.

Body Mind
Object of perception Object of Inference

• Vishaya – Body – Mind – superimposed on Atma.

• Dharma of Body, attributes are superimposed on Atma, Bramaha.
Purva Pakshi :
I) Atmani – Anatma Adhyasa :
• Superimposition not possible between 2 Vishayas = Vyapti Jnanam
= Generalisation
Example :
See :
• Smoke bellowing in the mountain.

Conclude :
• Fire
Vyapti :
• Wherever smoke, there is fire.
Not :
• Where fire is, there is smoke.
• In Red Iron ball, no Smoke.
Example :
• Jnanam gained by fire in the kitchen with smoke.


Indriya Samyukta Vishaya

- Indriya Samyukta
- Sannikarsha

Purva Pakshi :
• Can’t perceive Atma with sense organs.
• Atma not object of any thought.
• No Adhyasa possible. 146
Example :

This is Silver
Indriya Samyuktam Vishaya

• Atma not Vishaya and does not have this-ness.

• Atmani Anatma Adhyasa rejected.
II) Vishyatvam :
• Anatmani Atma Adhyasa not possible.
• Atma not Vishaya, never in front.
• Shell in front.
• Atma – Avishaya, not object of mind.
• Yushmat Asmat Pratyaya Agocharam.


- Anatma
- Diametrically opposite to
Asmat (Atma).

• Atma = Can never become Idam, this.
• Pratyaya = Cognition
• Atma - all together (Apetasya) removed from the category of Pratyaya (Cognitions).
• No Idam w.r.t. Atma.
• Unless this-ness is there, there is no basis for Adhyasa.
• Atma here not body identified Pseudo Atma – ego I.
• Pratyag Atma (inner being) is Yushmat Pratyaya Apetha.
• Atma not a candidate for Adhyasa.
Mundak Upanishad :

That which is invisible, ungraspable, unoriginated and attributeless, that which has neither
eyes nor ears nor hands nor legs – that is Eternal, full of manifestations, All-pervading, Subtlest
of the subtle – that Imperishable Being is what the wise perceive as the Source of all Creation.
[I – I – 6]
• Atma – being Avishaya, not a candidate for Adhyasa.
Siddhanti :
• Adhyasa is possible. 148
Reorganise Vyapti :
Adhyasa Possible

Thing superimposed Thing superimposed upon

II) 2 things must be part of one cognition, Eka Jnanam.


Idam Jnanam Memory

Thisness Silver Jnanam

• Mistaken cognition is one cognition not 2 cognitions.

• 2 things in one cognition is Vyapti for Adhyasa, not Indriya Samyuktam.

Single cognition

This Jnanam Silver Jnanam

• 2 Sources have coalesced (Adhyasa).

Definition :
• Adhishtana Aropya Eva Asmin Jnane Basmanatva Adhyasa Vyapakam.

Shell Adhara
- Adhishtanam - Locus for sitting not for
- Locus for mistake mistake.
- Silver sits on shell as - I am sitting on a Chair.
- Don’t see shell, see silver
Atma :
• Don’t see
• See body, mind Kalpita.
• Remove Kalpita Vastu like silver – body – mind.
• Notice the Adhishtana – Atma.

Silver Atma
- Ignorance, Ajnanam - Remove unreal body, mind
- Unreal - Projections of ignorance
- If Real silver, can’t negate - Body – Mind Adhyasa on Atma
- Silver sits on Shell - Body – Mind seen only in waking
- Anatma sits on Atma 150
• Adhi – Staha – Upadhi sits.
• Provides locus for error, mistake.
• See only silver, Anatma, remove Anatma.
• Anatma is Kalpita Ajnana, not real (Projection of ignorance in the Mind).
• If real, can’t remove by Jnanam.
• Put battery light of Shastra, Anatma is gone.
• Cognition of Atma and going off of Anatma happen simultaneously (Tat Tvam Asi).

Anatma world

- As though sitting (Tishtati)

on Atma

• Atma provides locus for superimposition of the world = Adhishtanam.

• Anatma is Aropya.
• Drop Vishaya – Vishayi Sambandha.

Adhishtana Aropya
One Cognition has 2
Atma Anatma
• If 2 separate cognitions, it is called Viveka, not Adhyasa.
• Confusion is mixup in one cognition, Adhyasa, Mithya.
• In Viveka, Adhishtana Atma Jnanam is different cognition.
• Aropyamana Anatma is another cognition, not Adhyasa.
• Both cognitions become unitary cognition, experience of I.
• Pratyagatmana Adhyasitam Rupam = I – cognition.
Adhyasa in daily life :
I) Wake up :
• Become alert.
• Alertness becomes “I am”
• Chetanam, Atma.
II) I am – Awareness, becomes identification with body, mind, world instantaneously.
• We fail to see the process.
III) Alertness becomes personalized as I am – is Adhyasa.
IV) I – Sense is available.
• I – cognition comes first, then body cognition.
V) Maintain space between I – cognition and body cognition throughout the day, then there
is no Adhyasa.
VI) I cognition itself is a product of Adhyasa.
Atma I cognition Deha

• Anonya – Ashraya
• Both mixed up in the cognition I am the body.
• I = Outcome of Adhyasa.
VIII) I can’t come without Adhyasa.
• Yesterdays Adhyasa is responsible for todays I.
IX) I Agyana, we accept, infinite regression.
• Same I which went to sleep wakes up.
• Beginningless Samsara Pravaha.
• No 1st Adhyasa.
• Ajnana is beginningless.
Purva Pakshi :
• Atma not available in a cognition.
Shankara :
• Atma is available.
• To have Adhyasa, it is not necessary that both Adhishtana Atma and Aropya Anatma
are Pratyaksha. 153
• In shell – silver, both Pratyaksha.
• Atma is captured in every cognition not Pratyaksha.
• Atma is Aparoksha.
IX) Purva Pakshi :

Deha Atma
Pratyaksha Aparoksha

How Adhyasa?
X) Shankara :
• Atma not Atyantika Paroksha.
• Then no Adhyasa.
• No Svarga object on earth is Adhyasa.
• Paroksham eliminates possibility of Adhyasa.
• All human beings have sense of I.
• Source of sense of I = Atma.
= Prati Anchati, Pratyag Atma Derivation.
• In every loving being, Atma is shining as I – Aham.
• Say Aham and reflect on Turiyam. 154
• Reflection of Atma is there in every cognition.
• In the same reflection, body is captured.

(A) Atma (B) One Aham

Mind + Reflected Consciousness
Atma + body cognition

(C) Body Cognition

(D) World Cognition

• I – is encased in the mind as reflection.

• In the same reflection, body is also encased.
• Adhyasa happens.
Atma – 3 expressions

Sat Chit Ananda

In Stone I Pot
- No Chit - Isness – Sat is there
- No Ananda

I – thought

- I exist - I shine limited - Sarvagyatvam

- Sat Captured - Chit shines - All knowledge not
- Jnanatvam captured captured

• Ananda not reflecting.

• I don’t take myself as al knowing.
• I am ignorant is our belief.
• Aham Dukhi / Ajnani

Limitation going against, source of all knowledge Aham – Asmi – I exist
• Aham Shuddha Jnana Svarupam = Atma.
• Aham Dukhi is opposite to nature of Atma.

• Atma- not altogether Paroksham, unknown.
• Sat is there, No Chit, Ananda.
• Therefore Adhyaa happens.

Cognition of I

Asmat Pratyaya Vishaya

Atma - Vishaya

• This – Pratyaya cognition never negated.

• I – thought never negated.
• Pot – world – Body – Mind – this thoughts come + go.
• I – deeper always in waking.
• Associates with every this thought.
• No pot thought flashes without I thought.
• I – thought is under current, substratum.
I Thought This Thought
- Abadita Pratyaya - Badita Pratyaya
- Unnegated existence - Negated 157
• Mind = Combination of Sattva Guna of 5 Elements goes.
• Atma encased in I – thought.
• Encasement happens by Adhyasa, Purva Samskara, infinite regression, Ajnana is

I am - Aham


Encases Atma

• Without Adhyasa, you can’t have ground.

• I am – associated with impurity – changing body – mind.
• Body – changes, 7 years - all bones change.
• Change pre-supposes changeless background.
• Body does not know it is changing.
• Illuminator different than illumined.
• I am the knower of the body.

Shuddha Samvit




• I am body = Adhyasa.

I = knot - Granthi

- Atma - Always there.

- Anaidam - Idam
- Awareness - I always has sense of
- Space – time – objects.

• Knot of Idam + Anaidam

Provides substratum for superimposition of Body


Always available for


• Atma is experienced enough to commit a mistake.

• Purva Pakshi = Avishaya – No Adhyasa
Bamatikara :
• Shuddha Atma, Svayam Prakasha, not Vishaya.
• Atma = Avishaya = Not objectified
= True
• Buddhi, Manaha, Sharira.
• From where do they come from.
• Anaadi Avidya Pravikalpita.
• Product of ignorance presented by ignorance.
• W.r.t. Anatma, Atma appears to be conditioned.
• Appears to be plural, Karta, Bokta.
• Atma appears to be encased in a Vishaya.
• Bare I thought = Essence of Jiva Bhava, individual.


Reflects in

I thought

Makes all other Adhyasas possible

Example :
Ghata Akasha

Size of Pot

Superimposed on space

Ghata Ghata Akasha
- Small - Limitless
- Has Parts - Niravayava
- Gross - Subtle
- Seen - Akasha not Pratyaksha
- Not seen
Vyapti :
• Ekasmin Jnane, Adhishtana Aropyoho Bhasamanata.
• Condition Satisfied in I am the body.
• I – is there to capture glory of body – mind.
• Atma’s Satta Aspect is there.
• Bodys Aviveka, Adhyasa is there.

Lecture 9

Hence (is to be undertaken) thereafter a deliberation on Brahman. [I – I – 1]

1) Recap of Khyati Prakaranam

I. Anyatha Khyati
II. Atma Khyati
III. Akhyati
IV. Asat Khyati
V. Anirvachania Khyati
I) Anyatha Khyati :
• Anyatra – Erroneous perception of Atma in Anyatra.
Example :

On Shell in Beach See Silver

• Sat – Sat
• Seeing due to defect in eye. 163
• Dvaitin – Plurality is reality.
• Jiva independent of Ishvara.
Newton Theory :
• Every object has some element everywhere, Vapour pressure.
• Some aspect of serpent present in rope and you see that.
• Illogical concept.
• Pure Artha Adhyasa.
II) Atma Khyati :
• Kshanika Vigyana Atma Vadi.
• Brief consciousness is Atma.
• Everything in the universe is Vigyana, knowledge, consciousness.

Idam Rajatam
- This - Silver
- Vigyana
- Substratum
• Vigyane – Vigyanasya Adhyasa.
• Pure Jnana Adyasa.
• No objects outside.
III) Akhyati :
• Mimamskas.
• No mistake
• Absence of Viveka = Problem.

Idam Silver Jnanam

- Right knowledge - Pramana Siddham
- Correct knowledge
- Past experience

• Taking 2 Jnanams separately, is not there.

• No dosha, error
• Both Jnanams are Satyam
• Atma – Anatma – Jnanam - Satyam, only Viveka missing.
IV) Asat Khyati :
• Shunya Vadi.

Silver Shell Idam

- In shop - Shunyam - Samanya Jnanam
- In void - Appearing in Void - This seen in void

• Everything seen in Blankness void. 165

• Asat – Asat – error.
• Atma – Anatma – Asat – void.
V) Anirvachania Khyati :
• Shankara, closely resembles Heisenberg principle.
Before Him :
• Properties of atom, molecules, neutron, with definite mass, velocity.
• Particles not sitting in one place, always moving, forever on the move.
• Have to bring velocity.
• Mass + velocity – 2 basic characteristics of a particle, to define nature of an object.
• Find mass accurately, velocity will go off.
• If you find velocity accurately, mass will go off.
• Can’t find both accurately.
• If you increase accuracy of mass, accuracy of velocity will go down.
• Combined, inaccuracy follows a Law = Constant.
• Can’t define universe in itself, can’t definite particle clearly, atomic physics.
• Give up defining universe.
• Anirvachaniam, uncertain.
• Nirvachaniam = Certainity.
Vedantin :
• Sambavana Bashyam.
• Universe not out of big bang.
• Universe rises out of a mistake, error, Khyati, Adhyasa.
Stand before mirror

Reflection seen because of


• Committing mistake daily for several births.

• Take it as non-mistake, reality now.
• How mistake happens?
• Sense organs and mind play a trick.
• Make you see what you see.
• See chain by mistake, gold alone exists.
What you see :

Chain Gold World Awareness

- Not there - What you don’t - What you see, - Alone is there in
see, alone is not there the past, present,
there. future. 167
• What you don’t see, alone is there.
• What is there, you don’t see completely, see more or less.


- Form shape - Name

- See in the Mind - In the Mouth
Chandogya Upanishad :

O Somya, it is like this: By knowing a single lump of earth you know all objects made of earth.
All changes are mere words, in name only. But earth is the reality. [6 - 1 - 4]

Gold Awareness
- Seen as Chain - Seen as Universe
• What is nature of mistake?
• Can’t define the mistake as Sat, Asat.
• Mistake is because we experience it, with knowledge of scriptures – mistake
negated. 168

Not Sat Not Asat

- Badyate - If not existence, will not be

- Negated experienced.
- Na Pratiyate


Product of Mistake

Not Real Unreal, Tuchham

- Negated with knowledge - Experienced, seen

- Body – Mind world - Asat Chet Na Pratiyate
- Sat Chet, Na Badyate

Not Combination of Sat - Asat

- Opposite nature
- Sat excludes Asat
- All experiences of waker I,
Dreamer I, sleeper I, negated
in realisation of Sakshi.

• Nir Vaktum Ashakyam, Anirvachaniyam.

• 3 statuses of Jiva are Anirvachaniyam.
• Rope – Snake
Needs substratum, reality, Adhishtanam
• Shell – Silver
Satyam :
• Jnanam, Anantham, Nirgunam self, revealed by Mahavakyam
• Drop attributes of 3 pairs.
• Vishwa – Virat
• Teijasa – Hiranyagarbha
• Prajna – Ishvara.
• Retain content Turiyam, Awareness.
• 3 states are uncertain, spirit of Heisenberg uncertainly principle.
• Sat experience beings in world of objects – Time – Space.
• No experience in Nirguna Turiyam.
• Shantam, Shivam, Advaitam, Prapancho Upashamam.
• Fact revealed, need courage to accept, not for a weak mind.
• Pure mind, strong mind, without attachment alone, can accept the truth.
• Drop ego – I – waker, dreamer, sleeper I, Ask who am I?
• Drop unpleasantries – likes – dislikes to any experience.
• I name, define, categorise all experiences, habit of mind, based on a yard stick.
• Things happen, don’t define good, bad, categorise it.
• Go through it, Ninda, Stuti.
• Law of Karma decides the world, I am Turiya Sakshi, substratum, Kevoloham.
• Mind needs to accept Anirvachania state from Vachania state.
• Khanda Kadyam – Sriharsha – book of Vedanta logic.
• Gita :
o “Samatvam” = Non categorisation.
o Why?
o What we experience is not real, but an appearance.
• Nasadiya Suktam – Rig Veda discusses Anirvachania principle.
Katho Upanishad :

Naciketas, having been so instructed by Lord Death in this knowledge and in the whole process
of Yoga, became free from all impurities and death, and attained Brahman ; and so will attain
any other too who knows thus the Inner Self. [II – III – 18]

• Leave question open, no answer given.

• Where object is perceived by sense organs, then Adhyasa possible.

Superimposition possible

Atma on Anatma Anatma on Atma

Purva Pakshi :
• Adhishtana + Aropyamanam 2 conditions necessary for Adhyasa.
• Vyapti Jnana Niyama. 172
Shankara :
• Niyama does not apply in Atma – Anatma Adhyasa.
• I can’t be witness to myself, only in other objects.
• Objects manifest consciousness as Sakshi.
• In Duality, I am called Sakhi.
• In Advaitam, I am called awareness.
• In front of object only superimposition happens Niyama is not correct.

Example Infer
- Space not seen by Indriyum - Space, when I see wall
- Can’t sense Akasha in Dark room - Sense organ + Mind, give knowledge
- Akasha known by Sakshi, not by eyes.
Tarqa :
• Stuck to what they see as real.
• Transcend mental experience and be aware of Sakshi.
• Akasha, not Pratyaksham, not Idam but still Adhyasa is there.
Absence of Viveka :
• See some thought, and think it is right.

Example :
• Akasha = Dome
• No space pollution, Atmosphere pollution.
• Atma need not be Indriya Samyukta, object of perception or conception.
• Atma can serve as substratum for superimposition, Adhyasa.
• This is Sambavana Bashyam in Adhyasa.
• Pratyag Atma – not Pseudo Atma
• Pseudo I – identification with body.
• Here, innermost reality, Satchit Ananda Brahma, not Jiva.
• In Pratyag Atma, Anatma Adhyasa is possible.
• Akasha = Close to Atma, not contaminated by anything it contains, Sarva Vyapi, no
parts, yet it is subject to mistake.
• Pure Pratyag Atma like Akasha.

On it is superimposed Dukhitvam.
• We don’t know Atma as Ananda Svarupa, Chit Rupa.
• Aham Ajnani is our experience.
• I am not there is not our experience even in sleep.
• Sat – Asat is there as part of our experience. 174
• If no Sat experience, no Adhyasa.
• In Darkness, no Adhyasa.
• If Chit and Ananda known, you have crossed Adyasa.

Chit Svarupa


Generally known Specifically unknown

- Some form of shell known - Shellness unknown

- Idam Akara known
- Aham Asmi part knowledge,
basis for all Adhyasa.

On getting up :
• “I am” – Aham Vrutti rises.
• Glory of Atma captured as reflection.
• Adhyasa happens to Chit and Ananda Amsha.
• I am ignorant – Adhyasa, error.
• I am not there, Adhyasa, not possible. 175
Adhyasa possible

- On Objects visible - On Pratyagatma also

- Shell - Silver

• Anatma Adhyasa possible on Atma.

3 Bashyams over

(I) Lakshana Bashyam (II) Pramana Bashyam (III) Sambavana Bashyam

Tam Etam Adhyasa

That This Adhyasa

• Negated by Purva Pakshi, established by Siddhanti.

From Agyanam

Adhyasa arises

This is Shell
Known Ignorance exists
I am Atma
- Known - Ignorance exists
- I exist in sleep - As Satchit Ananda is

Topics :
1. Adhyasa – Lakshana Bashyam
2. Adhyasa – Khyati Bramanam
3. Adhyasa – Sambavana Bashyam → Lecture 9
4. Anatma is Aropyam on Atma
Atma – Adhishtanam, Locus for error
5. Drop Vishaya – Vishayi Sambandha in Adhyasa
Quotes :
1. Self is divested of all self – image, definitions, ideas.
2. Brahman – Technical name for Jagat Karanam.
3. Body – Mind primary Upadhi
↓ ↓
Space Time
• Movement of thoughts give notion of time.
• I exist – as waker, dreamer, sleeper is error (Like Silver).
• I don’t know Turiya Sat Chit Ananda Atma.
Product of Ignorance

- Silverness - Waker I, Dreamer I, Sleeper I

• Ignorance = 1st Karanam – Moola Avidya.

• Waker, dreamer, sleeper I = Karyam.
• In the beginning Moola Agyanam is there, at birth of body itself.
Ignorance / Maya

Tamo Guna


5 Elements
• Before birth of body, I don’t know I exist as Turiyam, independently without Body /
Mind / Intellect, universe as Brahman.
• Agrahanam of Satchit Ananda is responsible for Anyatha Grahanam. 178
Cause Effect
- Agyanam Avidya Agrahanam - Adhyasa
- Moola Avidya - Anyatha Grahanam
- Root - Tula Avidya
- Anirvachaniyam - Twig = Tula
- Lesa Avidya, small part
- Nirvachaniam
- Mistake
• Nagesh Bhatta – Satchit Ananda Saraswathi took Purva Pakshi side and Argued.
• Grammar book – Manjusha by Nagesh
• He says, no Agyanam, only Adhyasa.
• We experience only Adhyasa not Agyanam.
• Atma – eternal, exists in 3 periods of time.
• Go beyond birth and death, Nityam.
• Karya – Karana Bhava not accepted by Shankara.
Foundation Avidya Karyam

Agyanam Avidya of eternal Atma On which Body / Mind / Intellect

(Karanam) superimposed as self 179
• This is traditional view, Ratna Prabhakara follows this.
• Karyam – not different from Karanam.
Example :
• Chain not different from Gold.
Gita :

The Blessed Lord said : You have grieved for those that should not be grieved for; yet, you
speak words of wisdom. The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead.
[Chapter 2 – Verse 11]

• Mimamsakas are Akhyati Vadas, will never use word Adhyasa.

• Can’t do Atma – Anatma Viveka.
• Stay with Dharma.
• I – has Adhyasa – Mimamsaka don’t understand.
• For Vikshipta people, Moorkha, teach Dharma, Yoga, Shastra, they are not dull.
• By Yoga, Vikshepa comes down.
• Raaga Dvesha will go.
Gita :

The Blessed Lord said : When a man completely casts off, O Partha, all the desires of the mind
and is satisfied in the Self by the Self, then is he said to be one of steady wisdom.
[Chapter 2 – Verse 55]
• Mind understands Adhyasa and becomes pure, light, has freedom, becomes efficient.
• I am Grihasta.. Adhyasa.
• Abhimani is already caught up in Adhyasa.
• Green card holder, citizen, all Adhyasa.
• You can function without having Abhimana.
• Bhakti and Upasana are solutions for Abhimani. 181
Isavasya Upanishad :

All this, whatsoever moves in this universe, including the universe, itself moving, is indwelt or
pervaded or enveloped or clothed by the Lord. That renounced, thou shouldst enjoy. Covet not
anybody’s wealth. [Verse 1]

Invoke Universal person – Satchit

Ananda Svarupa

Individual person dissolves

• Wise appreciate Adhyasa.
• Patanjali calls Adhyasa as Avidya.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra : 2nd Pada Sadhana Pada

Ignorance Is Taking The Non-Eternal, The Impure, The Painful, The Non-Self, As The Eternal,
The Pure, The Pleasurable And The Self. [Verse 1] 182

Taken as Nityam


• No one is permanent = Adhyasa.

• Anitya – Nitya Khyati = Avidya.
• In Yoga, Body = Ashuchi, not alter.
• Yogi sits on hard surface, cross legged, does cleansing techniques, Jal Neti, Sutra Neti,
Shankha Prakashalam.
• Takes body as Shuchi – is Avidya.
• Don’t look at body, mind as alter and cater to its needs, will not know Atma.
• Have $1 mill, want one more… Dukham, not Sukham.
• Anatmasu – Atma Adhyasa.
• Body – Mind taken as Atma = Avidya.
• When Shankara uses Avidya, he has this Yoga Sutra in mind.
• Nitya Shuddha, Mukta Svavabava… negates Adhyasa of Body – Mind.
Lecture 10
• Adhyasa in real life – correct it and be free.
• Aquire Atma – Anatma Viveka and have deeper understanding (Avadharanam).
• Vidya = Vastu Svarupa of Atma.
• Don’t confuse it with attributes of the body, old age, sorrow.

Vidya (Right understanding)

Negates Avidya

• This is Satchit Adrendras traditional viewpoint.

Avidya = Karanam (Wrong understanding)

Karyam – Vidya will be absent

Grahanam Agrahanam

Vidya Avidya / Agyanam

Karanam Adhyasa 184

• Avidya = Adhyasa caused by Agyanam.
• Most harmful confusion.
• Anartha Itara Itareya Bhava.
• Taking body as Atma.
• Atma as Anatma.

Anartha Rupa Anartha Hetu

- Form of Adhyasa - Agyana is cause of Adhyasa

- Harms life
• When there is superimposition, Adhishtanam, ground is not affected.

Cause = Greed / Fear

Dosha Serpent

- Greedy for silver - Fear – Dosha

- Hence superimposition - Afraid of Snake
- Hence superimposition 185
• Dosha does not affect ground of Adhyasa.
• Attributes of body – mind superimposed does not affect the ground of Adhyasa.
• Desire does not affect Atma.
Reality :
• 3 States – Adhyasa – Not there in substratum – Turiyam alone exists, is there.
1st Step :
• Clarity and acceptance of reality.
• No more afraid of death or have greed for the world.
• Mistake 100 times, see truth on the 101st time, but see Atma correctly.
• 3 bodies, only appearance, not reality, not truth.
• Drop experiences as Mithya, both Sukham and Dukham.

Guna Greed Shell

- Valuable - Dosha - Not Valuable
- Silver

• Guna and Dosha of Anatma does not apply to Atma.

• Do proper Viveka of Atma Vastu and Dharmas – Guna – Dosha of superimposed body –

3 Vivekas of Atma - Anatma

Vastu Guna Dosha

• Atma Jnanam – effort = Helps Viveka.

• Result of Sravanam, Mananam = Revelation of true being.
• Atma reveals itself, make effort to dispel notion of Anatma.
• Vastu Jnanam is Automatic.
Atma Definition : Linga Puranam
• Yad Apnoti… Yattadatte…
• Shankara quotes this in Katho Bashyam.
• Vayu, Matsya, Shiva, Bagirata, Vishnu Puranam studied by scholars.
I) Yatcha Vyapnoti : (Applies to waking state)
• Pervades
• Applies to waking state
• Being and knowingness

As Satta Sphurti
Being Knowingness
• As Satta and Sphurti Atma pervades intellect, mind, sense organs.
• Body is, shines.
• If Atma does not pervade, you can’t have experience of body is, body shines.
• Atma pervades Jagat.
• Jagat is, Jagat shines, is function of Atma.
• Without Atma pervading pot, can’t say pot is, pot shines.
• Pot is Jadam.

Vastu Pot / Jagat / Body

- Atma only - Anatma
- Jadam
- Asat
- Almost non-existent

Dakshinamurthi Stotram :

(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His
Profound Silence) By This Throb Alone which is of the Nature of Eternal Underlying Awareness,
the Unreal Forms get their Meanings and Appear over the Mind, This Knowledge of the Atman
Spoken of in the Vedas as "Tat-Tvam-Asi" is Imparted by Our Inner Guru as a Direct Experience
when we Surrender Whole-Heartedly to Him, By Direct Experience of this Knowledge, the
Delusion of being tossed within an unending Ocean of Worldly Existence will Not Appear
Again, Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge
through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy. [Verse 3]
• Kalpa = Similar, appear, world doesn’t exist.
• World appears to be, appears to shine.
• World came from Atma, goes into that Atma.
• In waking state, you sense the isness.
• Isness is Atma.
II) Yat Adatte :
• (Applies to Svapna Atma).
• Atma projects things within the mind.
• Samskaras pervaded by isness – knowingness of Atma.
• Dream withdrawn into Atma itself.
• Adatte iti Atma.
III) Atti : (Applies to sleep state Atma)
• Devours everything of waking into itself and just stays.
• Pervades all 3 states.
• Experiences of mind, and sense organs pervaded by Atma in waking.
• Experiences of mind alone without sense organs pervaded in dream state.
• Absence of all experiences also pervaded by Sakshi Chaitanyam.
• Pervasion = Immanent.
• Transcends also = Atma.
• Do Viveka of Atma from all attributes of Jagrat, Svapna, Sushupti Avastha.
• Then you get pure Atma.


Guna Dosha

• Unless opposites, contrasted, can’t experience.

Experiences Because of
- Heat - Cold
- Dharma - Adharma
- Jagrat - Sushupti
- Good - Bad
- Sukham - Dukham

Law :
• All experiences come only by contrast.
• See world only by contrast.
• If one colour… don’t see world.
• If one sound… don’t hear.
• All perceptions happen by contrast.
• All waking = Guna – Dosha.
• Do Viveka of nothingness, Guna – Dosha.
Do Viveka :
• Svapna does not affect Atma.
• Do Viveka of 3 states – 100% with Atma definition of Linga Puranam.
• Instant realisation.
• Fulfil one desire, more desire will come like fire. 191
Laukika Vyavahara :
• Artha – Kama Adhyasa on Atma.
• Painful to see Sun of Atma with open eyes.
• We love to sit in Darkness.
• This life is Adhyasa, Avidya based life.

Atma Svarupa Adhyasa on Anatma (I) Atma Dharma Adhyasa

Not Possible On Anatma

Nobody understands body to be Possible


- Being - Knowing
- Is-ness - Shines


• Nama Rupa never is.

We say :

Water World Awareness Body – Mind – World

- Is - Appears - Is - Appears
- I am


- Knows Pot, Body, Can’t say : Samsarga Adhyasa :

World, Mind - I know - Possible
- Knowingness is Atmas - Dharma Adhyasa
attribute possible
- Atma to Anatma
Svarupa Adhyasa not
- Dharmi Adhyasa not

• Atma resides in the body, contained in this body.

• Eyes see, eye knows, but is not infinite.
• Body can’t know.
II) Anatma on Atma Adhyasa : Pramana Adhyasa
• I am born, old, die, calamitous mistake.
• Develop distance between I and Roga – Disease and then handle disease.
• Atma superimposes, identifies with body, mind and then can think, perceive.
• This is my book, my house
Me - Mine
• This body is me
• Prameya Adhyasa
I) Mimamsaka :
• No Adhyasa
• I put trust on eyes and mind to know.
• Veda asks me to act.
• My Pramana, Prameya is secondary, subsidiary.
• Veidika Vyavahara not effect of Adhyasa but caused by Avidya – Ajnana.
• Shastriya Karma : Go to Svarga.
Shankara :
• Dharma influences Artha, Kama.
• Moksha replaces all 3.

Tarqa Sangraha 4 Chapters

Pratyaksha Paricheda Anumana Pramana Upamana Pramana Shabda Pramana

• Pramanam is cause of Adhyasa.

III) Neiyayikas :
• Pramana Pradhanas.
IV) Veiseshika – Kanaada :
• Prameya Pradhana.
• What you know by perception, inference, Upamana has similarity of what is revealed
by Veda.
• Objective Vyavahara caused by Adhyasa.
• Moksha Shastra – also Adhyasa.
• Create a super structure, get attached and start believing more in that.


Laukika / Karma Khanda Jnana Khanda

- Meaningless - Sacred
- Won’t hurt you - Focus on Atma – anatma
- Vidhi – Nisheda Viveka alone.
- Karma Khanda Shastra - Transcend Vidhi – Nisheda.
heavier than Moksha - With clear understanding,
Shastra. no Vyavahara required.
- Karta – Bokta Vyavahara is
Adhyasa Moolakam.
- Soma Yagya, build Ashram,
all for Svarga.
• In perception, if Pramanam is there, there must be a Pramata.
• Who operates the means?
• How Pramata came?
• Atma not Pramata.
• Mind assumes the form of subject, Pramata.
• Subject modification of the mind is blessed by Atma.
• Mind is recipient of knowingness and beingness from Atma. 196
• Wave takes shape and birth in water.
• Mind takes shape and birth in awareness as the Pramata, subject.
• Only with subject, Pramana operation starts.
How Subject comes into existence?

Pure Aham Vrutti = Atma

I – Vrutti is formed in the mind on waking by


This is 1st Adhyasa

Jnantru, Aham Janami, I know is 1st Adhyasa

I – Know – I exist is Adhyasa

Jnatru, Boktru, Pramatru, is Adhyasa, Avidya Vishaya

Pratyaksha Vyavahara is functioning of a person who

has Avidya
• Avidya makes one a person.
• Avidya is cause of Adhyasa.
• Person is ignorant of self being Atma, without the Universe.
• According to Tarqa, Atma is Karta, he is under spell of Avidya.
• Drk does Laukika, Shastriya, Veidika Karma through Deha Adhyasa, takes body as
Aham or Mama.

Anvaya Vyatireka
- Body identification - No body identification
become Karta, in sleep – No Adhyasa,
Adhyasa No Vyavahara

Person Pot
- When mind is functioning, - Does not say I am
we say Pot is.
- Mind identified person is
- Mind comes, knows Pot.
- Pot exists in the
movement of mind
By Anvaya and Vyatireka Conclude :
• All Vyavahara caused by Avidya, Adhyasa. 198
• Body, Prana, Mind is there but no identification, superimposition in sleep.
• Mind wakes up, one identifies with the mind and becomes Karta, does Karma.
• Mumukshutvam is also superimposition.
• You are ignorant of your own freedom.
• Assume you are bound to body, mind.
• Because you identify with body, mind superimposed.
• Atma becomes Baddaha, bound.
• Atma desires Moksha, pursues Moksha Shastra, gains Moksha.
• For Nitya Mukta, all Vyavahara is Adhyasa.
• How Pratyaksha caused by ignorance of oneself?
• It is due to Deha Adhyasa.
• W.r.t. body – Mind – Indriyams, Aham – Adhyasa.
• What is not I, is taken as I.


Aham - Idam Mama - Idam

Artha Adhyasa Samsarga Adhyasa

• In sleep, Abhimana Rahita.
• No Pramata, no operation of Pramanam.
• Pramata not possible without superimposition of Atma on Body – Mind.
Positively :
• When there is superimposition, there is Pramata, Pramana operation.
• Origin of Pramata, Pramanam is Adhyasa.
Purva Pakshi :

Home Operation of sense organs

- Adhyasa ok - How Adhyasa?
- See Pot, I say Pot is
- How Adhyasa?
- Am I Ajnani?

• Hear Veda.. Am I Ajnani?

Vidya See Rope See Rope

- Understanding - Say – Snake - Say Rope
reality is - Bramaha - Prama

• How Pratyasha + Inference operated by ignorant person?
• If Ashraya is ignorance, how they are called Pratyaksha Pramana?
• It should be Pratyaksha Bramaha.
• Avidya – Vidya → Opposed to each other.
• Paricheda = Conditioning.
• Desha, Kala, Vastu Paricheda.
• Pramata has to operate Pramanam.
• Pramana can’t operate by itself.
• Pramata in place means there is Avidya.

Without Avidya No

Karta Bokta Pramata

• Upadanam = Mama Abhimanam.

• Faculty of eyesight is there.
• I look at Pramanam as me and mine.
• You see eyesight by superimposing Abhimana upon it.
• Don’t put Abhimana, say it is Prakrti.
• There is seeing, but I am not the seer.
• Eyesight happens, not something I do.

Eyes see flower

No Adhyasa

I say I don’t like Rose but like Lily


• Don’t identify eyesight with self, then not Pramata.

• Don’t assert anything.
• All assertions wrong.
• All denials are right, Neti, Neti….
• Pramata is there in place only by superimposition of Aham with eyes, ears,….
• Forgetting happens
Don’t have Abhimana
• Rememberance happens
• Don’t praise or criticize too much, you will have to reverse it after sometime.
• Sorrow is there in the mind – correct
• I am sorrowful – Adhyasa.
• Mithya world is there.
• I am in the world – Adhyasa.
Mimamsakas :
• Person is Karta in Yagya.
Shankara :
• Tattu Samanvayat

But that Brahman (is known from the Upanisads), (It) being the object of their fullest
import. [I – I – 4]

Body is doing Karma

Body should go to heaven

• Jiva not body, not doing Karma, can’t go to heaven.

• If Jiva not body, he can’t be Karta. 203
• If Jiva is Karta, he has to be identified with the body.
• Kartrutvam in Atma is only by identification with Karma Indriyas.
• Indriyas perform Karma.
• You are Atma, blessing them.
• I – superimpose myself with Indriyas, become Karta, Bokta, due to ignorance of

Identify with

Jnana Indriyas Karma Indriyas

- I Atma become Bokta - I – Atma become Karta

- Have locus in Sukshma - Have locus in Sthula
Shariram Shariram

Unless I identify with

Sthula Shariram Sukshma Shariram

Can’t be Karta Can’t be Bokta

• You have Vyavahara only by identifying with the physical body as I.
• Deha on which Atma Bhava is superimposed.
• I, Atma, without identifying with the body, can’t have Vyavahara.
• Asangoham hi Ayam Purusha
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :

After enjoying himself and roaming, and merely seeing (the results of) good and evil (in
dreams), he (stays) in a state of profound sleep, and comes back in the inverse order to his
former condition, the dream state. He is untouched by whatever he sees in that state, for this
infinite being is unattached. ‘It is just so, Yājñavalkya. I give you a thousand (cows), sir. Please
instruct me further about liberation itself.’ [4 - 3 - 15]
Meditate :
• I am witnessing awareness with reference to body in action. 205
• I have several desires… is wrong.
• I am witness to thoughts of desire, Dharma of mind.
• All identification is due to ignorance of Atmas nature.
• All Vyavahara has locus in wrong identification = Adhyasa.
• Know the fact first, realise Karma is due to Adhyasa.
• Develop Viveka = Moksha Shastra.
• Continuously perseveringly address problem of Adhyasa, superimposition in life.
• Identification slowly flattens, then will get freedom by non-identification.
• Viveka is essence of Vedanta.

Lecture 11
Brahma Stura :

Hence (is to be undertaken) thereafter a deliberation on Brahman. [I – I – 1]

Artha Patti :
• Arrive at conclusion based on Ayatha Anupapatti.
Example :
• Devadutta eats no lunch, but hefty.
Inference :
• Must be taking heavy dinner.
Example :
• Ground wet in the morning.
Inference :
• Must have rained in the Night Artha Patti – Pramanam means of arriving at conclusion.
Mimamsakas :
• Use Artha patti a lot.
• Any interaction in the world is with Adhyasa, no Vyavahara.
Atma Light
- Asanga, not attached to - Illumines not attached to
anything anything.
Atma :
• Sarva Jyoti, illumination in the form of knowingness.
• Asanga – Atma is now acting as knower.
Artha Adhyasa :
• Body superimposed on Atma = Dharmi Adhyasa.

Dharma Adhyasa Dharmi Adhyasa

- Knowingness of Atma - Body’s size, limitations
- Superimposed on Body imputed to Atma.
• Without these 2 Adhyasas, Asanga Atma can never be Pramata.
• This is crux of Sambavana Bashyam.
• Therefore Adhyasa is there.
• Pramana Pravritti, means of cognition must function.
• In the absence of Pramatrutvam, status of being a knower, Atma apparently assumes
status of Pramata
• Mind is Jadam, can’t be Pramata independently.
• Atma reflected in the Mind = Pramata.
• Atma aquires status of Pramata by Adhyasa with Antahkarana Vrutti.
• With Antahkarana Vrutti illuminating mind, we impute transference of knowingness.
• Make Mind knower.
• Without knower status, there can’t be usage of Pramanam.
• Cognition by knower of perceived object – operation will not be there without
Adhyasa between Atma and Antahkaranam.
• By Arthapatti and Anumana, you establish Adhyasa.

Pratyaksha Pramana

Means of cognition, perception possible only if there

is perceiver

Perceiver is there only if there is Adhyasa

2 Statements

I see flower Flower is seen

- Wrong - Correct
- Rise above Adhyasa 209
• One who is ignorant of truth of self alone will have Adhyasa Avidya, ignorance of
Atma must be there.

Effect of Avidya


Pramata in place


No – Pramata

• Wake up, alertness is there, no Adhyasa, not Pramata.

Mind captures reflection of awareness

Adhyasa starts

• Instead of Viveka Jnanam, that I am the awareness which illumines the mind, one
becomes Pramata. 210

2 Statuses

Ajnani Jnani

- Pamata with Adhyasa - Pure awareness in 3 states

- Perceiver - No Adhyasa
- Avidyavan - Not Pramata
- Vidyavan
- Awareness behind thinker,
feeler, perceiver.

• You are not the thinker, seer, hearer, but knower, consciousness, awarer behind all.
• Janati it Kshetrajna.
• Jnanata = Witness.
• Witness to Antahkarana not Pramata.

You are knower

Behind perceiver 211

• When using inference you are knower behind thinker.
• Operate Arthapatti or Anumana then thinker = Adhyasa.
• You are knower behind all Pramanams including Shabda…
• Shabda not Pramanam for knower… Veda Aveda Bavanti.
• Don’t have sentiment.
• All because of persons ignorance about the self evident, self existing, eternal
witness, consciousness.
• Person identifies with body – mind as self.
• Pramanams existent because of Pramata.
• Pramata exists because of Sakshi.
• Without Adhyasa, no Pramata.
• Reflection = Adhyasa = Chidabhasa.
• Very important topic in Vedanta for Moksha.
• Super waker, consciousness, Turiyam state.
• All Shastrams, branches of knowledge because of fundamental Adhyasa, Moola
• In empirical world use Pratyaksha Pramana.
• See with eyes… not Dosha within empirical world of perceptions.
• Defect in eye = Dosha.
• At absolute level, can’t use Pratyaksha but Shastra Pramanam only.
Question :
• Is appearing world real?
Answer :
• Doctrine of Pure reason :
Person using mind, reasoning, ultimate in process of knowing.


Empherical Level Absolute Level

- Apply reason - Use Shastra

- No Avidya
- See flower as flower

• How knowing happens? Process? Are you knower in sleep?

Are you

- Knower - Not knower

- Doer in waking - Non doer in sleep 213
• Fire is hot all the time.
• I am not knower all the time, I am witness, consciousness all the time.
• Can never say : Fire is not hot.
• Can never say : I am not Consciousness

If I say in sleep no Atma

Will be joining Shunya Vadi

• Atma :
o Is it really becoming Karta?
o Are you thinker or knower behind thinker?
• Transcend level
• Unless there is fundamental error between self and non-self, can’t say you are Karta,
Bokta, Pramata (KBP).
• Unless you are knower first, consciousness first, you can’t have a process of knowing.
• Apply Anyatha Anupapatti.
• You know, there is Adhyasa.
• In relative world no final assertion.
• Newton, Einstein, correct at their time. 214
• Pramana, Shastra talks of truth at absolute level, valid in their own place.
• Fundamental error in identification.
• Atma – Anatma – Adhyasa.
• Sambavana Bashyam over.
New Section :
Purva Pakshi : Kaanada :

Adhyasa is Vyavahara is


No Adhyasa No Vyavahara

• Vyavahara = Product of Adhyasa, mistake, blemish.

• Mistake in ignorant, innocent ok, but not in scholars, Panditas.
Brief Answer :
• What is scholarship?
• Atma Sakshatkara?
• Aham Brahma Asmi? 215
• After Vedanta, has no Viveka Jnanam.

Rope Jnanam

Idam Jnanam in Mind

Smruti Rupa

Vasanas in Mind

See Snake

Viveka is missing

• Adhyasa is opposite of Viveka.

• Perceiver can’t be perceived is nice Yukti.
• Panditas No different from Animal.

Human life same in

Quaterped Biped

4 legged animal Human

Both conglomerate of 5 elements

Same life reflecting in Both

• No superiority, no Nindha.
• If you are the body then animal.
• Both have no Atma Sakshatkara.
• With perfect knowledge in the intellect, won’t do Adhyasa.
Example :
• Cow does not take grass as itself, it Munchas.
• Tail removes flies.
• Takes body as Atma, grass as Anatma.
• Has Bheda Jnanam, like you have. 217
• If you don’t stop mistake, you will be like cow.
• Body identified individual common in Human and animal.
• Animals and human use Pratyaksha + Anumana, and draw conclusions based on likes
and dislikes.
• Both have Viveka and Vairagyam.


Anu Koola Prati Koola

Favourable Unfavourable

• This is Atma – Anatma Bheda Jnanam but yet commit mistake.

Brahma Sutra :

But that Brahman (is known from the Upanisads), (It) being the object of their fullest
import. [I – I – 4]

Jnani Body – Mind
- Never identifies with body - Are operating
Mind - Never me, Mine error

Baditta Anuvritti Vyavahara
not Adhyasa Vyavahara

Astronomer like Jnani

• Sun never rises, sets
• Earth going around sun
• Sun always shines
• Wisdom kept aside, answers = Badita Anuvrutti


- With no identification - With body identification

- No Adhyasa - Adhyasa
- Jnani - Ajnani

• During Vyavahara Kala, and Jnana Kala, Jnani sees difference.

• Viveka Jnana and Atma Sakshatkara different. 219
• In operation of Pramana by Adhyasa, scholars, illiterate, animals are all same with
Atma – Anatma Viveka.
Example :
Cow sees human with

Stick Gross

Runs away Goes towards

• Anumana = Syllogism
I) Pratingya :
• Mountain has fire
II) Linga Hetu :
• Cause – Dhumat.
III) Drishtanta :
• Like Kitchen fire.
Vyapti :
• Where smoke, fire is.

IV) Paksha :
• Apply Vyapti to mountain = Substratum of discussion.
V) Nigamanam :
• Conclusion
• Tat – Tataha.

Jnani sees

- Angry people - Compassionate + Love

- Moves away - Buddha smiled
- Has Adhyasa inspite of study

• Adhyasa is there in scholars of Vedanta in Vyavahara.

• Operate perception, identified with mind, become thinker, operate inference based
on Vasana, Divide into favourable, unfavourable, act.
• Being ignorant is not bondage.
• No able to know you are ignorant is bondage.
• Have logic to say Atma is different from Anatma but identified with body – mind.
• Raaga (Pravritti) + Dvesha (Nivritti) = Vyavahara.
• Vyavahara is product of Adhyasa, same in animals + human.
• Pashu and ours basis is Aviveka.
• Transactions based on Pratyaksha + Anumana with Aviveka.
• Atma – Anagma Bheda Jnanam is there.
• In Vyavahara, if you transcend Raaga – Dvesha, Body – Mind identified ego, then you
are Mukta, not easy.

Person can respond

With Ego Without Ego

With Adhyasa No Adhyasa

• Recognise Adhyasa is inevitable in life.

• Religious, devotional, compassionate, ignorant of self.

Wrong Idea of

Self World Ishvara


With Adhyasa Without Adhyasa

Wrong Right

• Recognise first you are ignorant of self.

• Then you can negate ignorance.


Real Not Real

Does not know he is ignorant Knows he is ignorant

• Recognise Adhyasa first in life.

• Don’t protect Adhyasa.

Worldly Vyavahara

Pravritti Nivritti

Backward Step Forward Step

• Both, product of Adhyasa in Jagrat Kala.

• In sleep, no Adhyasa.
Conclusion :
• There is Adhyasa.

Lecture 12
Pramana Bashyam :

Important Viveka

Jagrat Sushupti

With Adhyasa No Adhyasa

• Wise recognise Adhyasa, have chance to come out.

• Mimamsakas, Karma Vadin, don’t accept Adhyasa.
Purva Pakshi :

Laukika Shastriya Karma

- Accept Adhyasa - Rituals not Adhyasa

- Go to heaven 5 days
- Agnishtoma go to heaven
• Atma gets merit, goes to heaven, not body.
• Atma = Body – Charvakas.

Atma Body
Indweller Jiva in the Body House

• Jiva has desire for Phalam.

• Without discrimination of Body – Atma, he will not do ritual.
Shankara :
• At your level you are ok.
Katho Upanishad :

The Purusa of the size of a thumb, the Inner Self, is ever seated in the heart of all living beings.
One should draw Him out from one’s own body with steadiness, as one draws the pith (central
stalk) from a reed (rush grass). Know Him as Pure and Immortal, yes, know Him as the Pure,
the immortal. [II – III – 17]
• Indweller of the size of thumb gains merit and goes to heaven.
Upanishad :
• Atma transcends attributes of body, mind, Prana, old age, death, pleasure, pain….
• Transcends 6 oormis (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)
• Atma has no distinction in male, female bodies, Brahmana, Samsari, does not travel to
any Loka, all pervading.

2 understandings of Atma

Simple Full correct Atma Jnanam

- Atma other than body - Required for Moksha

- 1% knowledge

• For going to heaven, more knowledge of Atma not required.

• By Punyam, Gain Svarga.
Shankara to Mimamsakas :
• Basis of Karma is gone, if Atma is Sarva Vyapi.
• Accept Adhyasa in Shastriya Vyavahara.
• I am subject to hunger – thirst, Samsara, Brahmana, take birth in other Lokas is
Jnanam required for Karma (Rituals).
• Real Atma Jnanam drops all purposeful activity.
• Asamsari Atma = Complete knowledge, full vision, steering in hand.
• Both Laukika, Shastriya Vyavahara is in sphere of ignorance.
• Jiva based on Avidya, Raaga – Dvesha moves backward, forward.
• Irrelevant after full Atma Jnanam.
• Shastra never tells, you are Karta, do Homa.
• Karta not there in Vidhi Vakyams.
Mimamsaka :
• Karta brought in, Adhikari alone performs… inference – Arthapatti…
I) Karma dependent on Karta.
II) Shastra does not talk of Karta.
• Comes by Artha Patti, Anyatha Artha Patti.
III) Reasoning of Mimamsaka :
• Karma talked by Vedas, therefore Karta
0 assumed to be there in the body – mind
complex = Artha Patti.
• Otherwise, Karta not possible Anyatha Artha Patti.
IV) Shastra does not ask you to desire – Karma.
• Desire is there because of Avidya of Atma.
V) No need to inspire to desire.
• Person ignorant of Atma.
• A glimpse of Atma enough to drop all desires, Dukha rupatvat.
• Karma done with smoke.
• Inspiration = Desire for higher pleasure.
Artha Patti :
• Without desire for a higher benefit not worth doing Karma.
• Desire for Atma = Desire for end of Anatma.
• Desire for Atma = Desire for Self.
= Which is not a desire
• Before Jnanam Shastra operates in the sphere of ignorance only.
Shankara asked Totaka :
Reply :
• Nijah Bodha Rupa.
• I am the awareness absolute, which is my form.
• Come with me, you are in my group already.
• Till then Totaka did not speak.
• No Kartrutvam, Shastra will not give Vidhi.
• Shastra does not impose - you are Karta, now you desire to go to heaven.
• Desire is result of Atma Ajnanam.
• Shastra is in the field of ignorance of Atman.
• Raja does Raja Suya Yaga.
• Bramana… do Brahaspati Sabha.
• Varna Adhyasa superimposed on Atma while doing rituals.
• Varna is by birth in a family.
• Body is born, Atma is Ajaha.
• If you don’t superimpose Varna, Shastra Vakyas redundant.
• Brahmachari does not take to Sanyasa or Grihasta.
• Ashrama – state in life superimposed on Atma.
• Sanyasa taken to remove Adhyasa, shine of I am Grihasta notion.
We complain :
• Vairagyam important, but we are family people = Adhyasa.
• Atma – Asanga, having Raaga is going against your true nature.
• You are a student of Vedanta, not Grihasta.
• Age superimposed on Atma. 230
• Shastra needs Adhyasa for Vakyas to operate.
• If Viveka is established, Vakyas become Redundant.
• No Chain without adding copper to gold.
• In Yagya, don’t discuss pure Atma.
• Sanyasa goes against spirit of marriage, Swamijis don’t like to attend.
• Sarva Sankalpa Sanyasi.
Gita :

Abandoning, without reserve, all desires born of Sankalpa, and completely restraining the
whole group of senses by the mind from all sides… [Chapter 6 – Verse 24]

• Age is superimposed in rituals.

• Avastha, stage in life superimposed on Atma.
• Abhimana is superimposition.
• With Abhimanam in the body, person with desire does Kamya Karma.
• Atma becomes desirer.
True Knowledge :
• Atma Akamaha.
• Akahmastu, Aapatakamaha, Nishkamaha = Atma.
• For Shastra to function, need Adhyasa, not Atma Jnanam.
• Seen Pramana Bashyam so far.
• Adhyasa = Pramana Siddham.
1st :
• Deny Adhyasa.
• Adhyasa Sambavati, Purva Pakshi negated.
• Adhyasa Lakshanam covered.
2nd :
• Apply Adhyasa in real life, recognise Adhyasa.
• Where is Adhyasa in life?
Remember Lakshanam :
• Atasmin Tat Buddhi = Adhyasa.
• Thumb rule for Adhyasa : You see that in non-that.
• Atas = Non That
= Adhyasa
• Tat = See That
• See Anatma in Atma, impute to Atma.
• See Atma on Anatma, attribute to Anatma.
• Adhyasa identification starts with the body.
1) Build self image with Polo shirt, BMW car.
• Clothes superior, not self.
• Self aggrandizement.
• Car glorious, you are not.
• Bahya Dharma Atmani Adhyasati.
2) Mama Sam Sarga Adhyasa :
• My uncle is great.
• I lack something
• Adhyasa.
• Vikala, Vigata, lacking.
• Sakala – Having Kala
• Vikala in me
• Sakala in Brother.
• Father cries when son cries – Adhyasa.
• Person born in the world because of fructification of Prarabda Karma Phalam.
• Body comes in form to exhaust baggage and go away.
• Son different from body.
• Sakala, Vikala of Daughter superimposed on self.


With Body With Daughter

- Bheda Jnana missing - Bheda Jnanam is there

- Only logic says body is different - I am different from my daughter
from me. - Bheda Jnanam is experiential
- Not experientially different. - Identification with outward
objects – my car, house, wealth
- My-ness = Samsarga Adhyasa
- My-ness not in mountain, river,
- Ownership of house not
intrinsic to you as Atma.
• You establish a connection, Bahya Dharma Adhyasa through the Vrutti in Mind.


Bahya Antarah

Direct Indirect

• Never deny Adhyasa.

• Work to drop Adhyasa.

Lecture 13
• Vasyam Bahyam Na Adhyasya iti….
• What is outside not superimposed.
• Sees distinction clearly.
• Bheda Jnanam is there.
• I am different from my daughter.
• Dharma Adhyasa is there, no Dharmi Adhyasa.
• Avoid internalization.
• Keep internal, external.
Gita :

Shutting out (all) external contacts and fixing the gaze (as though) between the eyebrows,
equalising the outgoing and incoming breath moving within the nostrils. [Chapter 5 – Verse 27]
• Keep whats in the world, in the world, not in your head.

Non-Accumulation recommended
things get internalised

Wealth – Business - Family

• Mind created for worldly interaction, not for contemplation.

• Mind efficient for Loka Vyavahara, meditation is enforced in the Mind.
Gita :

The Blessed Lord said : When a man completely casts off, O Partha, all the desires of the mind
and is satisfied in the Self by the Self, then is he said to be one of steady wisdom.
[Chapter 2 – Verse 55]
• Discover your potential through Veda.
• Mind is clustered with Bahya Dharma Adhyasa.
• Bahya Dharman Atmani Adhyasyati.
• Then Deha Dharma Atmani Adhyasyati.


Deha Deha Dharma

- Not much - More

- When sick, fasting, injured

• Not conscious of the body most of the time.

• Dharmi, Artha Adhyasa is not powerful as Deha Dharma Adhyasa.
• No body says – I am the body.
• They say I am Brahmana, Kshatriya…, labelling attribute of Body.
• Jati, age, are all Dharmi Adhyasa.
• Internalising, assessing ones self based on outside situation is Adhyasa.
• Superimposing property of Body on self is a very big Mistake.
Never say :
• I am old, male, fair, lovely.
• Deha Dharma Adhyasa more dangerous than Deha Adhyasa.
• I am heavy, thin…
• First recognise Adhyasa, then can avoid.
Meditation :
• I am witness of the body – mind in action.
• First locate the body, then negate it.
• Organs of action identified with body.

When I identity

Organs of knowledge Organs of action

Become Bokta Become Karta

• I become experiencer through identification with organs of knowledge and action.

• Without identification with body – mind, I am called Sakshi.
• Tishtami – Standing.
• Gachhami – going around
• Langhayami – Jumping
• Satchit Ananda Atma can’t jump.
• Maintain space between self and body – mind by negating Adhyasa.
• I am the body is the source of all sorrow and conflict in life.
• Obsession with body not good.
• Body requires maintenance to remain in good condition by proper food and exercise.
• Put body into moderate purposeful activity.
• Not sit and don’t move.
• Don’t identify with body mind.
• Identify self as Sakshi of Body – Mind world.
• Inspite of intense activity don’t take yourself as Karta.
• I am Atma, substratum in which body, mind, world manifests and unmanifest.
No Adhyasa :
Gita :

But, the man who rejoices only in the Self, who is satisfied with the Self, who is content in the
Self alone, for him verily there is nothing (more) to be done. [Chapter 3 – Verse 17]
Gita :

Having abandoned attachment to the fruits of action, ever content, depending on nothing, he
does not do anything, though engaged in actions. [Chapter 4 – Verse 20]

• All around actions, but I don’t act.

Gita :

I do nothing at all, thus would the harmonised knower of Truth think – seeing, hearing,
touching, smelling, eating, going, sleeping, breathing... [Chapter 5 – Verse 8] 241
Speaking, letting go, seizing, opening and closing the eyes – convinced that the senses move
among the sense objects. [Chapter 5 – Verse 9]
• Don’t identify with Karma Indriyas and live life as Jeevan Mukta.
• Be witness to all Vyavahara, actions of the body.
• Know truth, be the truth, I never do.
• In my presence bodies organs of knowledge and action function, manifest, unmanifest.
• Simple understanding, simple wisdom.
• Jnana + Karma Indriyas Dharma not taken on Atma = Moksha.
• We internalize Dharma of Jnana + Karma Indriyas + Antahkaranam on Atma.
• Colour of Body, mind internalized as self.
• Handicapped does not look self as handicapped, then does not suffer internally.
• Others look at him with pity and sympathy.
• Do not see self as the attributes of sense organs.
• Any self – image is wrong. 242
• Image in the mind of self has no truth.
• It is construct of the mind.
• I am not the image created by the mind and identify with it as self.
• If true nature discovered, any handicap not a problem.
• Stephen Hawking :
Rose above his tormenting body, mind.
• Self knowledge, not verbal statement.
• See Adhyasa at various levels and negate it.


Sense organs


Faculty of knowing is shapeless

Aquires shape of knowing

• Form of mind = Form of thought, its content.
• Aquire Vasanas, Samskaras, grooves, by product of knowing.
• Kamaha = Desire, mental pattern of thinking.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :
• Kama, Sankalpa, Hri, Srihi, Sraddha, Vichhikitsa, Dihi.
• All are thought patterns of faculty of knowing, Antahkaranam, mind.
• All are attributes of the mind.
• You are not the mind.
• Avoid Adhyasa.
• You have solved problem of human existence by dropping Adhyasa.
• Greatest Achievement in life.
• You have become Uttama Adhikari.
• You are what your mind, body is = Adhyasa.
• We live in mental prison, identifying with the mind.
• Mind rules our life’s actions because, they are prompted by the mind.
• Likes – dislikes, speech have origin in the mind.
• Practice discernment w.r.t. the mind.

• Don’t define your self w.r.t. the mind.
• Mind is real is an error, mistake.
• It is unreal, changing, fleeting, Prakrti.

Shell Silver
Alone Real Not Real

Atma Body / Mind / World

Alone Real Not Real

• Minds attribute = Vichikitsa = Doubt taken to be ones own.

• Identification with mind goes after desires fulfilled (Prarabda Karma Phala).
Tarqa :
• Refuses to separate mind from Atma.
• Refuses to see truth.
Shankara :
• Be witness to your mind for 5 minutes.
Conclude :
• You are not what your mind is.
• You are not the content of your mind.
• What is common factor between childhood, youth, old age?
• Sakshi
• Minds contents have changed, thoughts have changed.
• Commonality between childhood and old age = “I am” – not part of Mind, not product
of mind.
• Sankalpa = Minds Dharma not Dharma of Atma.
Vigyanavadi :
• Baudhas – Mind = Mithya.
Tarquika :
• Mind = Real
• Recognise mistake and negate it, final solution for Adhyaya.
• I am witness of body in action, mind in its feelings, thoughts, emotions.
• Mind is Bahyam, external to me, Atma.
• Know what is going on in your mind but don’t take them to be real.
• I Bless, but ignore my thoughts.
• I am not content of my mind = Negation of Adhyasa, practical.
• After mind, Ahamkara Adhyasa.
• Sense of me = Aham Pratyaya Hinam 246
• We don’t put Ahamkara separate from self.
• Ahamkara = Pratyaya, thought Pratyayi = Atma, source - Dhanam – Dhani.
• Observe I thought on waking up = Aham Pratyayi, ego.
• We take ego as entity, independent.
• Ego not different from mind.
• Kama, Desire = Groove in the mind in the form of Vasana.
• Vasana = Well entrenched thought.
• Pot – not well entrenched.
• I – thought more entrenched.

1st Level Perceptions

2nd Level Kama
3rd Level I – thought
4th Level Sakshi

Yoga Vasishta :
• Oh Desire, I know your origin.
• I have not given birth to you.
• Kama comes from Sankalpa.
• you are born from mind. 247
• I refuse to identify with the mind as self.
• It is an object of Sakshi all the time.
• I don’t have anything to do with you.
• Kama disappears.
• This is Atmas dialogue with the mind.


- I thought - Desire
- Stands apart

Manifest Consciousness

I - thought


Continuous flow of Vrittis of the world

• Erase groove, stop identifying.
• Smoking given up. 248
• Erase Kama, Sankalpa, me thought not my SELF.
• It is Idam, not Aham.
• I identify with ego all my life as the self.
• Can you recognise, me – Aham thought?
• Then it is Idam.
• Recognise it as Idam, not Aham – Atma.
• Everything has reflection of Atma, in the background reality.
• By itself Aham = Anatma.
• Do Viveka.
• Me – Persona, not you, you are always witness of persona.
• Persona = Aham Pratyaya Asesha Svaprakasha Sakshini Pratyagatmani = Atma
• It is description of indescribable.
• Beyond that mind, language fall back.

Gathi Avagathi
Going Knowing

Quotes :
1) 3 states are not there, their ground, Adhishtanam, Atma alone real, exists.
2) Both Shastriya, Laukika Vyavahara in sphere of ignorance. 249
• Knowing = Prakashate = Shines.
• I am body or mind, Atma covered by body, or mind.
• Unreal Anatma = Jadam.
• After that Atma shines as witness.
• Witness to all movements of the mind including movement of Karta, Bokta, me.

Adhyasa – Non self – Anatma

- Simple - Sense - Organs of - Body - World

thoughts Organs Action
- Antahkarana

• I am Sakshi of Non self.

• I am the witness only, have this discernment.
• Drop I am the body, idea.
• I am the pure witness, only idea purifies the mind.
• I am body – reflected, by I am witness.
• Be – uninvolved, don’t show interest in thoughts.
• I like car, book, don’t compromise on any liking.
• Little commitment, witness gone.
• Pure uninvolved witness, my nature.
• In the ultimate truth no two things.
• Practice Viveka, Abide as Sakshi, Atma takes over you.
• Aha effect.
• Pratyag Atma = Sakala Buddhi Pratyaya Sakshi.
• 1st : Viveka
• 2nd : Sarvatma Bhava
• Pratyag Atma = Innermost reality of the individual.
• Upto this point, volition, effort can take you.
• I am witness only, not giving definition to Atma.
• Saying only what I am not.
• Nothing like knowing the self.
• Self knowledge = Knowing what you are not.
• Self knowledge is being what you are, Satchit Ananda Svarupa, Kartru, Karma

Purva Pakshi :

I Know Atma

Knower Known

2 Atmas

Not Advaitam

One Atma can’t be

Karta Karma

• Single person can’t play cards.

• Na Aham Atmanam Janami.
Example :
• Can’t yourself lift yourself up by pulling your own shoe lace. 252
• Knowing what all you are not is Viveka Prakriya Aimed at truth.
• Sakala Buddhi Sakshi neutralizes “Other category”
• I am pure uncontaminated awareness.
• Sakshi w.r.t. what I do not identify with = Viveka.
• Come to know :
What you have disidentified does not exist independently.

World not existence

Only an appearance

That world starts with the I – think –

thoughts in the mind
• Being an appearance, comes and merges in you.
• You are Poornam the whole.
• No – I – thought, no world.
• What happens to Kama, desire?
• With Viveka reject Kama.
• Stop identifying with it, temporary, transient Phenomena.
• What happens to it? Disappears, goes away.
• All thoughts get resolved in you, awareness, higher order of reality.
• Thoughts have no separate existence.

Wake up

1st 2nd 3rd

Dreamer status Waker status Sleeper status

• Own up Adhyasaless Atma.


Identifies I am Does not identify

- Desire is - I am, desire is not

- I become desire - Stay there as Sadhana
- I am, I am
- Desire resolves in you
II) Thoughts dissolve in you, don’t go out of the window.

Very important step

No identifying with desire – rising

thoughts and connecting with it

There is break required for feeling of

Moksha Bava
• Effort = Nivritti, not Pravritti, negative direction.
• Make effort not to identify, not to do something.


Ahamkara – I – thought

Superimposed on Pratyagatma

Itaretare Adhyasa


Superimposed on

Ego Mind Sense Organs

• Mind knows means = Superimposed.
I) Knowingness of Atma transferred to the mind by Adhyasa = Error.
• Correct this by Atma Jnanam.
• Legs walk, Pranas superimposed on leg, movement belongs to Prana, Prana walks.
• Atma superimposed on legs, I say, I walk.
• Itaretara Adhyasa.
• Anatma superimposed on Atma.
II) Dharma Adhyasa :
I am the body

Fair, lovely

Dharmi – Dharma Adhyasa 256

Atma Adhyasa on Anatma

No Dharmi Svarupa Adhyasa

Nobody says I am the infinite body

• Dehaha Asti.

Sarva - Jnya

- Knowledge
- Knowingness of infinite Atma
superimposed on limited body

• Atmas infiniteness not superimposed.

• Stone – formless, can hold infinite forms.
• Knowingness can manifest as knowledge of anything and can uphold any form.

Atma Antahkaranam
- Sarvagnyaha - I am Agnyaha
- I know all - I am ignorant

• No Svarupa Adhyasa of Atma on Anatma, only Samsarga Adhyasa.

• Dharma Adhyasa is there.
• Isness, knowingness attributed to body, Antahkaranam.
• Sarva Sakshinam Pratyagatmanam.
• Pratyagatma can be understood only upto Sarva Sakshi.
• Beyond that words fall back.
Sruti :
• Sakshi Chetanah Nirgunashcha.
Sakshi of Sarva :
• Ego, intellect, mind, sense organs, physical body, Jagat = Sarva.

Electricity Antahkaranam
- Does not know itself or others - Jadam
- Moves machines - Captures reflection of Atma
- Jadam - When Atma reflects in it, it knows
• Mirror shines when sun gets reflected.
• By itself non-luminous.
Mind :
• Itself polished, fine surface like mirror.
• But Jadam.
• Atma in the mind appears as the mind itself, not distinct from the mind.
• Mind parades as ultimate knower, subject.
• You can wonder if all this is the truth.
• People take themselves as the subject, body identified Atma.
• Viparyaya – of Adhyasa.

Lecture 14

Superimposition of Pratyag Atma

In the Antahkaranam, mind = I - thought

It is due to Adhyasa


Karana Shariram

Sukshma Shariram

Sthula Shariram

Ratna Prabhakara :
• Wake up
• Recognise – undifferentiated alertness, awareness.
• No sense of time, space, no otherness. 260
• Division has 3 causes, 3 factors.
• Apparent, not real.

One consciousness becomes

Desha Kala Vastu

- Time divides events

- Content of mind
spreads to past,
present, future.

Division No Division
- Waking - Sleep
- Dream
• Atma – free from opposites, undifferentiated, pure awareness.
• I = Prathama Karya Adhyasa.
• Gives birth to an isolated entity.
• Sense of limitation is built in Aham.
• Without sense of limitation no I – sense. 261
• I am limited by time, space, creation = Fundamental ignorance, Ajnanam, Moola
• Ajnanam is dormant in sleep state, continues, blossoms in waking.
• Blossoming of Ajnanam is called waking state.

Atma Aham
Always there Adhyasa of Atma in Ajnanam

Pure Awareness, being

Appears limited with Aham Adhyasa on

the Mind

• Pure awareness wrenches itself outside unlimited Atma and appears limited.
• Like bubble emerging on the surface of ocean.

Bubble Ocean Svarupa

Limited Infinite, unlimited H2O

Individual :
• Has ignorance of ones own unlimited nature.
• Has limited himself in space, time, objects.
• Limitation inbuilt as character, intrinsic.
• Ajnanam is always there, as waker – I, with sense of isolation.
• Ajnanam is illuminated by reflection of Atma Chaitanyam = Superimposition, Adhyasa.
1st Adhyasa :
• Prathama Adhyasa = Karana Shariram, sense of I, limited being.
• I – sense is soaked in Atma, Awareness.
• I – Sense is the beginning of the mind.
• Content of mind comes to light.’
2nd Adhyasa :
• Atma – superimposed on I – now reflects on thought, Antahkarana = Sukshma Sharira
• Now Sukshma Shariram, soaked in awareness.
3rd Adhyasa :
• It reflects in the Sthula Shariram.
• Body is outcome of such superimposition.
• Body becomes Atma by Adhyasa.
4th Adhyasa :
• Things related to Body – Home, Wife, Daughter, Business, Wealth… 263
• Life = Everchanging dream.
1st Recognise :
• I am ignorant.



Antahkaranam (Is in time)

• Thoughts are spread in time, not in space.

• Unless you open 3rd eye of wisdom and abide as witness, Adhyasa can’t go.
• Practice discernment and clearly see distinction.
• Karma, Upasana can’t end Adhyasa, they are based on idea of division.
• Can purify mind.
• Locus of Karma is Anatma, outside you.
• Kshama, Dama, Shanti, inner peace, quietitude are within you and will help you to
know the truth.
Karana Shariram :
• You don’t experience.
1st Stage :
• In sleep, don’t feel isolated.
• This is beginning of Adhyasa.
2nd Stage :
• In wake of I – all other thoughts come to light 2nd stage of Adhyasa in Sukshma
• 1st moment = Alertness, no I – sense.
• 2nd moment = I – sense
• Before Adhyasa of Karana Shariram what was there?
• Unless there is Adhyasa, there can’t be I – sense.
• Unless there is I – sense, no Adhyasa in Sukshma Shariram.
• Adhyasa feeds Adhyasa.
• Karana Shariram Adhyasa flow is continuous…
• Yesterday nights Ajnanam, isolation is there.
• I – sense today is because of Samskaras in last nights sleep.
• When I wake up, sense of isolation, aloofness shines.
• Instead of awareness which brings sense of isolation to light, I become the sense of
isolation myself.
• Why Adhyasa at mind level?
• Because of Adhyasa at I – level, Ahamkara level.
• Adhyasa at I – level, perennial, Pravaha, Naishargika, Natural.
• Tamas causes Adhyasa at I – level.
• It is there from birth.
• Childs mind is in latent state.
• As child grows, sense of isolation grows, child becomes Afraid.
• Sense of fear comes from earlier birth.


(I) (II)

- Karana Sharira level - Karya Adhyasa

- Aham Adhyasa - Identification with
- I - Sense emotions.
- Sense of mineness
appears on emotions as
my emotions, my house,
my body – my mind.
• Apart from Pratyaya, thought, there is nothing substantial called mine. 266
• In screen of consciousness, see all Pratyayas.
• What is seen = Loka.
What is What is seen
- Brahman - World
- Shell - Silver
- Rope - Bhasate, Loka
- Appears without being there.
- Mithyaya Pratyaya Rupa.
- Snake appears without being

• Jagat appears without being there, Pratyaya Rupam.

• If it appears and is there, won’t call it Mithya, Pratyaya Rupaha.


- Karya Prapancha
- Result of superimposition of Atma
on Pratyayas, appearance, unreal.

Gita :

Its form is not perceived here as such, neither its end, or its foundation, nor its resting place;
having cut asunder this firm-rooted Asvattha-tree with the strong axe of non-
attachment…[Chapter 15 - Verse 3]

• Its form is not substantiated.

• Movie = Seen

Tv Screen To Movie

- Moksha - Bandah
- Atma - World

• Yatha Drishyathe Na Upalabyathe world is seen, it is not there. 268

• Mithya – Pratyaya Rupaha.

Prtyayas Push I - thought

Into status of Karta - Bokta

• World explained by Pratyayas.






Shines in Vigyana Maya Kosha as Karta

Legs move, walk 269

• I am the mind = Adhyasa.
• All Vyavahara explained by Adhyasa.
• Kartrutvam is wrong intrinsically, philosophically.
• Crucify Ego = Atma divested of all kinds of superimpositions.
• Adhyasa makes us doer.
• Anatma Ajnanam is Bandaha.
• Gives rise to Kartrutvam and Boktrutvam.

Gita Method

I) Start with (II) Neutralise

- Kartrutvam - Boktrutvam
- Sankhya Yoga
- Aham Akarta
- Chapter 2 – Verse 12 – 30

Most important teaching of Gita :

• I am not Karta, Bokta.

Sankhya Yoga :

Atma Body – Mind

• In Viveka : No Kartrutvam.
• Begin with Karma Yoga, Neutralise Kartrutvam, Boktrutvam by Adhyasa.
• I – Sarva Prathama Karya Adhyasa.
• Superimposed on Atma, Awareness.
• Reflects in Vigyana Maya Kosha.
• I – becomes Karta, Bokta.
• Why it becomes Bokta?
• Because it is isolated from the whole.
• Whole – standing opposite to I.
• Wants to enjoy.
• Sense of enjoyership is together with sense of isolatedness, limitedness.

In Sleep

- Free
- Not Isolated 271
• Isolation = I – In the mind
= Ahamkara
• Karoti Iti Karta.
• Hence Bokta is cause of Karta.
Cause Effect
Bokta Karta
• Because of isolation of ego in front of the world, I become Bokta.
• This is one way of explanation of Karma Yoga.
2nd Way :
• Boktrutvam Neutralisation is easy.
• Invoke persons Sraddha for the highest truth.
• In Boktrutvam, person is subserving his lower nature of Prakrti, Animal nature is us.
• We succumb to lower nature in being the enjoyer.
• One from exhalted state of Pratyag Atma – comes down to a state of limited being,
isolated, standalone entity.

I – Sattwa Guna Pradhana Atma

Fall down to Rajo and Tamo Guna

in Boktrutvam 272
Chetana Purusha

Begging at Door of Maya – Inanimate


For a crumb of pleasure

• Therefore, neutralize Boktrutvam.
Gita :

Thy right is to work only, but never to its fruits; let not the fruit of action be thy motive, nor let
thy attachment be to inaction. [Chapter 2 – Verse 47]
• Be Karta in present, never a Bokta.
• In Karma Yoga, Boktrutvam is neutralized.
• Become Nishkama, heart very pure.
• When desires Neutralised, Raaga – Dvesha gone.
• Fear also gone.
• Fickleness of the mind is neutralized.
• Mind becomes spontaneously calm and quiet.
• Then Atma Jnanam given.
• What is the Journey?

Drop Bokta

Drop Karta

Be Atma

• Mind + organs of Action = Karta.

Segregate pure I

From reflected consciousness as Karta

• Mind impels organs of action into movement.
• You are the witness of the mind.
• Pure mind Sakshi can immediately know movement of the mind.
• Impure mind can never appreciate meaning of Sakshi
• Only pure Mind can appreciate meaning of Sakshi.
• Purpose of Sakshitvam is over.
• You are not going to remain as Sakshi forever.

Bhokta Karta
- Handled by Karma Yoga - Handled by Jnana Yoga
- Sankhya Yoga

• Everyday we fall from our pure Sakshi nature and identify with one body as per
Prarabda on waking.
• Now, waking up from Anaadi Maya, Moola Avidya, Karana Shariram = Self Realisation.
• In Sankhya, Deha seen as object, distinctly different from ones true self.
• Deha is Karta.
• Bahir Anga, its locus is the gross body.
• For eliminating Adhyasa, start Vedanta study.
• Adhyasa = Movie, Drama, show of ego I – Karta – Bokta in time – place – objects.
• We identify with what we see, hear.
• Karta goes to heaven.
• Akartru Atma can’t go to heaven, no interest in Vedanta, will see Atma Nishta Later.
• Human nature is Adhyasa.
• Good lunch, picnic not because of Adhyasa.
• Conflicts, desires, because of Adhyasa.
• Perception Versus error.

See Rope

As Serpent

No Benefit

Frightened, digestion stops

• Good things in life not by Adhyasa.

• Conflicts, sufferings, fears, desires caused by Adhyasa.
• Recognise mistake as mistake.

Wisdom :
• Seeing false as false.
• Need courage, Dheerah.

Can’t see the truth

Can only be the truth

• By knowing, you deny truth, making it into an object.
• What is known, is not the truth.
• Adhyasa = Misconception, delusion.
• Correct reading = Solution, gaining knowledge.
Conclusion :
I) 1st Adhyasa

I - Adhyasa

What is basis of I – Adhyasa?

Agyanam, Sense of Isolation as In sleep,

Karana Shariram
• Innate sense of Isolation = Agyanam. 277
II) Require a situation to overcome sense of Isolation.
• Most of the time we live as stand alone isolated beings.
• When we watch sunrises, sunset, sense of stand alone drops, isolation drops, merge
with self.
III) We are in communication with the whole.
• You are the whole, no isolation.
• Don’t sense space, time, sense of isolation.
• Desha, Kala, Vastu Paricheda, limitation drops.
• You are one with the whole.
IV) When you look back at the experience, can’t describe that experience without any
V) You are one with the whole truth, with Joy, with God (Self – Realisation)
VI) Rare, happy, in true love.
VII) See resplendent glory of Ishvara.
VIII) If Mind is artificial, you are photographer, convert to store sense based experiences.
• Thing of beauty is Joy for ever… (Intimations to infinite.. Keates).


Not sense experience 278

IX) Atma knowledge eliminates sense of Isolation.
• Embrace of oneness, eliminates Adhyasa.
• Purpose of Upanishad = Adhyasa elimination, sense of isolation goes, sense of
wholeness comes in you.
• Study, reflect, contemplate on Vedanta.
• Mind conducive for interaction with world with sense of isolation not for
• Reflected Consciousness – Organised structure of the Mind.
• Kshamah, Damah…
X) Begin Vedanta by changing interactional mind to contemplative mind.
• Explains Moksha Phalam.
• Atma is one without a second = Subject matter of Advaitam.
• What is Prayojana?
• Moksha, Samsara Nivritti.
• Liberation from bondage of Samsara.
• Do Prano Upasana to understand oneness.

Oneness Bhedam
Satyam Mithya
• For truth, don’t begin with Vishnu in Vaikunta.
• Begin with yourself.
• What is the truth of indweller of this body? Shariram?
• Brahman.
Gita :

The lord dwells in the hearts of all beings, O Arjuna, causing all beings by his illusive power to
revolve, as if mounted on a machine. [Chapter 18 - Verse 61]

• Begin with body, reach the infinite.

• Don’t start with infinite, Ishvara, will be stuck.
• How Jiva comes into existence?
• By Adhyasa.
• Jivas true nature = Brahman, unlimited reality.
• Jiva in association with the body appears limited. 280
• Limitation is only appearance not a fact.
• You are only limited as body, not as your true self.

Body Mind
- Small - Connects
- Space limitation - Limited in time

• You are Atma, not Body, Mind with limitations of time and space.
• Body spread in time – space.
• You are witness of both time + space.
• You transcend both space and time.
• Oh man, know thyself.
• Mimamsa = Analysis of truth.
• What is Upasana?
• Contemplativeness of mind.
• Precondition of gaining Atma Jnanam.
• With desires and fears, can’t know the truth.
• Mind covers Brahman.
• Truth of Atma, pure awareness is sitting on the mind all the time, ground of
• Mind covers the ground itself, awareness, consciousness itself.
• This problem addressed by Upasakas.
• Adhyasa in life is established.
• Division between individual and Brahman is there in place by mistake.
• Ground is ready to discuss the oneness.
• Without Adhyasa, can’t discuss one-ness.
• Division is there by mistake.
• Hence worth discussing.
• Shastra can be started.
Brahma Sutra :

Hence (is to be undertaken) thereafter a deliberation on Brahman. [I – I – 1]

Om Poornamadah….

That is Whole, this is Whole ; from the Whole, the Whole becomes manifest. From the Whole, when the
Whole is negated, what remains is again the Whole. 282

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