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The Healthy

Ways to Build resilience, the experts suggest the

By Russell McLendon Nurture relationships
Set up and maintain a support net-
work before you need it, says Michael
Ungar, PhD, author of Change Your
World: The Science of Resilience and
the True Path to Success. When ad-
versity strikes, a supportive friend
with good listening skills can make a
big difference. And if you want your
friends and family to support your
resilience, remember to support
theirs too.

Find a sense of purpose

“When somebody needs you, you just
eing resilient isn’t about cope with stress that much better,”

B avoiding misfortune, but rather

how we respond to it. Resilience
means “doing well in the face of risk
Ungar says. Your sense of purpose
doesn’t have to come from school or
work; it can also come from hobbies
or adversity,” says Suniya Luthar, PhD, or volunteer projects, like growing a
cofounder of Authentic Connections, backyard vegetable garden or clean-
a company that helps teach resilience ing up litter in a neighborhood park.
and well-being.
Recently we’ve all needed to draw Don’t try to banish
on our resilience. “We all get depleted misfortune completely
from time to time, and the pandemic Resilience usually refers to how we
has drained the resilience capacity of handle serious adversity, Masten says,
nearly everyone, at one time or an- but our reactions to big problems
other,” says Ann Masten, PhD, a pro- may be informed partly by the many
fessor of child development at the smaller setbacks we face in daily life.
University of Minnesota. “Everyday stress probably helps us
Even if you consider yourself re- learn how to handle bigger challenges
silient, you may need a booster dose and gradually optimize our adaptive
in especially hard times. To build systems,” she says. RD 49

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