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Lesson 2: Lute Music in Mindanao

1. The Kudyapi is an example of Lute instrument with _____ strings.
a. One b. Two c. Three
2. It is a continuous low dull humming sound.
a. Drone b. Kubing c. Kagul
3. The sitar is a Japanese word derived from Persian sih and Tar, literally meaning “three strings”
a. True b. False
4. Aerophones
a. Blowing b. Shaking c. Plucking
5. Chordophes
a. Blowing b. Shaking c. Plucking
6. The Kubing is a jew’s harp from ______.
a. Luzon b. Visayas c. Mindanao
7. It has a jagged edge on one side and played with two beaters, one scarping the jagged edge and the
other making a beat.
a. Kubing b. Kagul c. Luntang
8. It is one of the Magindanaon xylophones. It has five horizontal logs hung in ascending order
arranged by pitch and is a struck vertically.
a. Gabbang b. Luntang c. Kagul
9. It is played by hitting the bamboo blades with a padded rubber mallet. It is a wooden xylophone of
the Muslims of Sulu
a. Gabbang b. Gandang c. Suling
10. Gabbang is a double – headed cylindrical drum.
a. True b. False
11. The ___ is the smallest bamboo flute of the Maguindanaon.
a. Sahunay b. Suling c. Gandang
12. It is pipe instrument with six finger holes. It has a belt made of bamboo leaf.
a. Sahunay b. Suling c. Gandang
13. A famous bamboo instruments maker and founder of the “Singing Bamboos of the Philippines”
a. Joey Ayala b. Victor Toledo c. Severino Reyes
Lesson 3: Folk Arts and crafts of Davao and Zamboanga Regions
14. The _____ are known for their art of weaving using fibers from plants like pineapples and abaca.
a. Yakans b. Manobo c. T’bolis
15. Bago: New Obo: _____
a. Go b. Glow c. Grow
16. One of the most colourful people in Southern Mindano are the ______.
a. Manobos b. Bagobos c. T’bolis
17. It describes the process of the colored fabric’s way of producing patterns with the use of fabric
dyes in creating the designs of motif or pattern.
a. Batik b. Malong c. Landap
18. The origin of the word batik is from Java and Indonesia.
a. True b. False
19. It is a way of thanksgiving of farmers for a bountiful harvest with grand display of rice wafers,
fruits, vegetables, and handicrafts, adorning every house.
a. Moriones b. Pahiyas c. Sinulog
20. It is an annual colourful festival held every Holy Week in the province of Marinduque.
a. Dinagyang b. Sinulog c. Mariones
21. Morion means ______.
a. Shadow b. Mask c. Sword
22. The term Ati - Atihan indicates “to be like Aetas”
a. True b. False
23. This Festival commemorates the Filipino people’s animist origin, and their acceptance of Roman
a. Dinagyag b. Ati – atihan c. Sinulog
24. It is held in honor of the Virgin Mary.
a. Flores de Mayo b. Pahiyas c. Dinagyag
25. _________ was introduced by the Spaniards and has since then become part of Filipino traditions
identified with youth, love and romance.
a. Sinulog b. Dinagyag c. Sagala
26. It represents the pageant on the last day of the Flores de Mayo.
a. Santacruzan b. Flores de Mayo c. Pahiyas
27. Panagbenga festival means ______.
a. Season of harvesting b. Season of praying c. Season of blooming
28. _____ is a name created from the icons Davao was famors for; Mt Apo, the country’s highest peak;
durian, king of fruits and waling waling.
a. Apo Duwaling b. Apo Paiburong c. Apo Sumakwel
29. Kadayawan derives from the friendly greeting “Madayaw” from the Cebuanos.
a. True b. False
30. _______ comes from the Binukid word amul meaning “to gather”.
a. Kadayawan Festival b. Kaamulan Festival c. Panagbenga Festival
31. It is a dance from the province of Abra that employs music, costume, and accessories to the story,
making the presentation theatrical.
a. Moro – moro b. Senakulo c. Sakuting
32. It means “to change the character” of an element.
a. Variety b. Unity c. Rhythm
33. It is the continuity recurrence or organized movement in space and time.
a. Variety b. Unity c. Rhythm
34. It is the art of drama that showcase the life, passion, and death of Jesus Christ.
a. Moro – moro b. Sakuting c. Senakulo
35. It is a comedia that depicts bloody battles between the Christian and the Muslims.
a. Tibag b. Senakulo c. Panunuluyan
36. Higantes is considered as one of the oldest freestanding puppet in the world.
a. True b. False
37. The wayang kulit of the Indonesian art of shadow puppetry usually uses figures and forms.
a. True b. False
38. Puppetry is not a form of theatrical art.
a. True b. False

Lesson 3: Common Mental Disorder and Management
39. ____________ are generally characterized by abnormal thoughts, emotions, behaviour, and
relationships with others.
a. Mental disorder
b. Lifestyle diseases
c. Cardiovascular diseases
40. Withdrawal after living through or seeing a traumatic event.
b. Bipolar disorder
c. Post – traumatic stress disorder
41. Mood swing from extreme joy to sadness.
a. Schizophrenia b. Bipolar disorder c. OCD
42. Inattentive, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
a. ADHD b. OCD c. Schizophrenia
43. Preoccupied with order and symmetry have difficulty disposing things out.
a. Bipolar disorder
b. Mood disorder
c. Obsessive – compulsive disorder
44. Characterized by having both hallucination and delusions.
a. Schizophrenia
b. Post – traumatic stress disorder
c. Bipolar disorder
45. _______ is described by those who experienced it as “like a tape playing in my head”
a. Hallucinations b. Delusions c. Obsession
46. These are false beliefs that usually involve misinterpretation of perception or experiences.
a. Hallucinations b. Delusions c. Obsession
47. These are health problems and conditions that come as a result of one’s modern lifestyle.
a. Mental disorder b. Non – communicable disease
48. A substance that causes a reaction called _____.
a. Antigen b. Allergen c. Allerta
49. It is a chronic lung disease which is characterized by the inflammation and narrowing of the
a. Asthma b. Arthritis c. Renal Failure
50. It is a generic term for a large group of disease that can affect any part of the body.
a. Cancer b. Renal Failure c. Diabetes
51. Carcinogens are agents that causes ______.
a. Allergy b. Cancer c. Diabetes
52. It occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively
use the insulin it produces.
a. Arthritis b. Renal Failure c. Diabetes
53. __________ is characterized by a lack of insulin production.
a. Insulin dependent
b. Non – insulin – dependent
c. Gestational diabetes
54. It is causes by the body’s ineffective use of insulin, it is often result from excess body weight and
physical inactivity.
a. Insulin dependent
b. Non – insulin dependent
c. Gestational diabetes.
55. It is hyperglycaemia that is first recognized during pregnancy.
a. Insulin dependent
b. Non – insulin – dependent
c. Gestational diabetes
56. It is also known as degenerative joint disease because the inflammation often occurs as the
cartilage breakdown, degenerates with age or overuse.
a. Gout b. Rheumatoid arthritis c. osteoarthritis
57. It is painful condition that occurs when the body cannot eliminate a natural substance called uric
a. Gout b. Rheumatoid arthritis c. Osteoarthritis
58. It occurs when the body’s immune system against disease mistakenly attacks itself and cause the
joint to swell.
a. Gout b. Rheumatoid arthritis c. Osteoarthritis
59. The _________ plays an important role not only by filtering the blood and getting rid of waste
products, but also by balancing the electrolyte levels in the body, controlling blood pressure and
stimulating the production of red blood cells.
a. Kidney b. Heart c. Pancreas
60. It is the painful inflammation of the joint.
a. Diabetes b. Arthritis c. Allergy
61. It is a popular Chinese medical practice and is commonly used and frequently researched
alternative cancer treatment.
a. Electrocardiography b. Acupuncture c. Dialysis
62. It is a delicate instrument that magnifies impulses formed in the heart.
a. ECG b. Endoscope c. Stethoscope

63. It may result from the increased level of creatinine in the blood.
a. Cancer b. Renal failure c. Cardiovascular disease

64. Do not plant vegetable under or near trees or shrubs because their roots will absorb water for and
from the vegetables.
a. Right b. Wrong
65. The soil in your garden must contain humus.
a. Right b. Wrong
66. Strong winds are not good for young plants.
a. Right b. Wrong
67. Successful vegetable cultivation depends largely on how well you prepare the soil before planting.
a. Right b. Wrong
68. Vegetables can grow in containers such as pans, pots and plastic bags.
a. Right b. Wrong


69. Harvest when pods are full – size and when seeds are tender and about one – fourth developed.
a. Cauliflower b. Bean c. Cabbage
70. Harvest when fruit is firm and bright purple to black in color.
a. Lettuce b. Carrot c. Eggplant
71. Store for 2 to 3 weeks in the warmest part of the refrigerator in plastic bags.
a. Pepper b. Okra c. Carrots
72. Selling your crops to one place, such as store, restaurant, or public market.
a. Wholesale marketing b. Retail marketing
73. Directly selling to customers.
a. Wholesale marketing b. Retail marketing
74. To successfully market vegetable grow vegetables that are popular in your area.
a. True
b. False
75. Quality vegetables are those that are properly harvested and properly stored
a. True
b. False
76. Many people buy vegetable from a clean and busy area.
a. True
b. False
77. It is important to do proper accounting when selling vegetables.
a. True
b. False
78. A good marketing plans in necessary for successful vegetables.
a. True
b. False
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