Antenna Design & Ana - ch2

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i, field pattern (in linear scale) plot of the magnitude of E & H

as a function of the angular space.
a, HPBW of field pattern at 0.707 value of its maximum
ii, Power pattern (in linear scale) is plot of square of the
magnitude of E & H field as a function of the angular space.
b, separation of points where power pattern (in a linear scale)
achieves its 50% value of its maximum is HPBW.
iii, Power pattern( dB) magnitude of electric or magnetic field in
dB as a function of angular space;pattern(dB)=10log10
c, HPBW is at -3 dB value of its maximum
Cont’d. . .

Figure: Radiation pattern in linear & dB

Cont’d. . .

Figure: Radiation lobes and beamwidths of antenna amplitude pattern

▶ back lobe: radiation lobe whose axis makes approximately

1800 w.r.t major (main) lobe of an antenna
▶ Directivity: ratio of radiation intensity in a given direction to
radiation intensity averaged over all directions
▶ Radiation Intensity:power radiated from an antenna per unit
solid angle
Cont’. . .

U = r 2 Prad (1)
Where Prad is radiation density (W/m2)⇒ Poynting vector=EXH;
U=radiation intensity per unit solid angle (W/unit solid angle)
radiated power & radiation intensity of isotropic radiator:

Main steps to determine far-field radiation parameters of antenna:

Step1: Having J,M evaluate vector potentials(Aθ , Aϕ ; Fθ , Fϕ )
Step2: Compute fields E (Eθ , Eϕ ) & H (Hθ , Hϕ )
Cont’d. . .
Finite Dipole
Radiation intensity, U approximated as:
two dipoles
considering far field region:

Figure: two-element array along z-axis


▶ Shows total field of the array is equal to the field of a single

element positioned at the origin multiplied by array factor
(AF)=2cos[1/2(kdcosθ + β)],
▶ When normalized AF=cos[1/2(kdcosθ + β)].
▶ Total field of the array can be controlled by controlling
separation d and excitation phase β between elements
▶ Etotal = Eorigin ∗ AF ⇒ pattern multiplication
For N-element linear array with uniform amplitude & spacing, d
Cont’d. . .

Where Ψ = kdcosθ + β
Other configuation of array

Figure: linear and rectangular arrays

Cont’d. . .

Assuming amplitude excitation of array uniform (I0 )

rectangular of 5 antenna elements
Antenna Array

▶ Is collection of radiating elements in an electrical and

geometrical configuration
▶ fields from the elements of array combined constructively in
desired directions & cancel each other in undesired one.
i, Changing geometrical configuration of array
ii, Relative displacement between the elements
iii, Excitation amplitude of the individual elements
iv, Excitation phase of the individual elements
v, Relative pattern of the individual elements

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