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Health Promotion International, 2022;37:daab068

doi: 10.1093/heapro/daab068
Advance Access Publication Date: 24 May 2021


Evaluating capacity strengthening for social and

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behavior change communication: a systematic
Grace N. Awantang *, Anna Helland, Sanjanthi Velu, and Tilly Gurman
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, 111 Market Place, Suite 310, Baltimore, MD 21202,
*Corresponding author: E-mail:

International social and behavior change communication (SBCC) programs often include capacity
strengthening (CS). Quality evaluations of CS can help justify investing in these activities and guide
the design of future CS activities. To inform and improve future CS efforts, a comprehensive examina-
tion of ways in which activities aimed at strengthening capacity for improved SBCC are assessed is
needed. Unfortunately, systematic literature reviews about the assessment of CS activities in SBCC
programs are rare. This systematic review helped fill this gap and explored ways in which CS inter-
ventions for improved SBCC in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) evaluated their success. A
search of electronic research databases yielded a total of 1033 potentially eligible publications.
Reviewers identified 19 eligible publications that assessed the effects of activities for improved SBCC
capacity. Reviewers identified seven findings, including the fact that evaluating CS for improved
SBCC is rare, with only three publications having focused exclusively on evaluating SBCC capacity.
This current review also identified several shortcomings around the quality of writing as well as suffi-
cient detail to support certain claims and conclusions, especially around issues of sustainability. Until
quality evaluations of CS activities are better documented, future CS activities for SBCC will find it dif-
ficult to identify effective CS approaches and demonstrate their contribution to improved SBCC in
LMICs. The review discusses several implications and offers practical recommendations regarding
ways to improve the evaluation of CS activities in SBCC.

Key words: evaluation, measurement, social behavior change communication, capacity strengthening

INTRODUCTION approaches, such as mass media, social media, digital

Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) in communication, community-level activities, interper-
the international health context plays an important role sonal communication and advocacy to influence social
in introducing and maintaining desired health behaviors norms and behaviors (USAID, n.d.). Capacity for the
and norms. SBCC uses a range of communication planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of

C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press.

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is not altered or transformed in any way, and that the work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact
2 G. N. Awantang et al.

SBCC activities is necessary for impactful and sustain- assessment via full-text review. A team of six reviewers
able SBCC programming. Capacity strengthening (CS) participated in screening and reviewing publications,
for SBCC may involve a diverse range of SBCC practi- four of which helped write this manuscript.
tioners including SBCC organizations, government part-
ners, health service delivery organizations that integrate Inclusion and exclusion criteria
SBCC within their activities, journalists, community- A publication abstract/summary needed to meet the fol-
based organizations and peer educators. Understanding lowing criteria in order to merit initial consideration for
the various existing measurement and evaluation inclusion in the review:
approaches to strengthening capacity for SBCC is neces-
1. The publication was published between January

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sary to guide CS activities for SBCC. Guidance for
assessing CS activities, in general, is warranted given the 1995 and July 2016.
dynamic nature of capacity (Ebbesen et al., 2004; 2. The publication described a SBCC/health communi-
LaFond and Brown, 2003) and the numerous challenges cation intervention that took place in an LMIC(s).
in evaluating capacity (Ebbesen et al., 2004). 3. The publication was available in full-text form.
When it comes to SBCC and the larger field of health 4. The publication described an activity that aimed to
promotion, evaluators have argued that communities build the capacity for improved SBCC or health
and their capacities are dynamic and therefore merit ap- communication.
propriately tailored evaluation approaches (Labonte and A full-text publication with eligible abstract/sum-
Laverack, 2001). The complexity of measuring capacity mary needed to meet the following five criteria to merit
has been noted in the international development sector, inclusion in the final review:
as well. Woodhill argued that social systems and institu-
tions are (Woodhill, 2010) inherently complex because 1. The publication was written in English.
people and organizations are unpredictable and because 2. The publication was gray literature (e.g. internal
social systems and institutions are dynamic networks of evaluation reports produced by an organization) or
separate entities. Ebbesen et al. proposed using a mix of peer-reviewed literature (e.g. journal articles)—en-
qualitative and quantitative (Ebbesen et al., 2004) meth- tire journal issues, conference descriptions or pro-
ods which may increase the strength of measurement ceedings, literature reviews, editorials and opinion
when evaluating CS activities in health promotion pro- pieces were not eligible.
grams. Articulating the ways in which CS activities are 3. The publication described effects of an activity on
hypothesized to affect change (e.g. logic model, theory the capacity of participants (could include additional
of change [ToC]) can also enhance their evaluation evaluation content).
(Wigboldus, 2010). There is no single standard for 4. The publication described the evaluation
assessing evaluations of CS for SBCC interventions methodology.
(Hawe et al., 2000; Ebbesen et al., 2004; LaFond and 5. The publication included at least three of the follow-
Brown, 2003). However, evaluators have developed sev- ing characteristics.
eral frameworks to help guide evaluation of capacity in
• clearly defined whose capacity the activity aimed
the international health sector (LaFond et al., 2002), in
to strengthen
health promotion (Hawe et al., 2000; Catford, 2005)
• described CS activity in detail
and in SBCC (Health Communication Capacity
• described barriers and facilitators that affected
Collaborative, 2016).
the success of the CS activity
A single review has examined evaluations of CS
• specified what type of capacity was being
efforts for HIV SBCC programs (Lettenmaier et al.,
2014). This current systematic review examines a
• discussed recommendations or lessons learned
broader question to consider how CS for SBCC is evalu-
ated across all health areas in low- and middle-income The team of reviewers defined capacity broadly, as
countries (LMICs). the ability of a person or entity to achieve objectives
over time. A CS activity for SBCC, by extension, is a set
of actions that facilitate the processes by which SBCC
METHODS capacity is intentionally improved (LaFond et al., 2002).
The review involved three steps: (i) literature search on- To be as inclusive and comprehensive as possible,
line, (ii) selection of eligible publications via abstract reviewers included publications that described effects of
and full-text review and (iii) data extraction and quality an intervention on the capacity of participants. In other
Evaluating capacity strengthening for social and behavior change communication 3

words, the final sample of publications included not evaluations, reviewers extracted information related to
solely CS evaluations but also publications which con- the goals of the evaluation activities, types of data col-
tained some assessment of CS activities or a description lection, evaluation design and the findings presented.
of the effects of CS activities on capacity. This approach Reviewers classified the capacity-related findings by the
meant that publications with minimal focus on evaluat- SBCC Capacity Ecosystem framework (Health
ing CS activities for improved SBCC were eligible in this Communication Capacity Collaborative, 2016) to re-
review, which was necessary in part due to the small flect whether findings described capacity at an individ-
number of formal evaluations of CS for SBCC activities. ual, organization or system level. This framework posits
This approach, however, also introduces the limitation that CS activities for SBCC can influence change at these

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of potentially including less rigorous assessments. three levels. Given that a goal of international develop-
However, for simplicity’s sake, the publications are ment is to create and sustain capacity over the long-
heretofore described as ‘evaluations’, due to the focus of term, reviewers also examined whether and how evalua-
this article’s analysis. tions assessed the sustainability of CS efforts.

Literature search Quality of writing

Starting in October 2016, a reviewer searched for publi- One reviewer further analyzed the publications and
cations in EBSCOhost, POPLINE, Scopus, PubMed and extracted data used to generate the final manuscript.
Cochrane Library using terms related to evaluation, CS During this process, this reviewer assessed the quality of
and SBCC. In addition, the reviewer identified gray liter- each written publication in two steps. First, the reviewer
ature associated with a wide variety of international do- assessed general readability of the publication. The eas-
nor agencies, multilateral agencies and foundations (e.g. ier the publication is to understand and follow, the more
the World Health Organization, the Danish likely that a reader will find the evaluation useful and
International Development Agency). DistillerSR soft- apply the findings and recommendations to future pro-
ware automatically removed duplicates identified from grams. A publication’s readability was diminished by
the multiple searches. grammatical errors, overuse of jargon (e.g. project-spe-
cific acronyms) and poorly organized content. Second,
Selection of eligible publications the reviewer gauged whether publications sufficiently
In the first phase of assessing eligibility, four reviewers documented their activities and evaluation to support
screened publication abstracts/summaries—two their conclusions. e Linking the publication’s CS-related
reviewers per publication. They included publications recommendations/conclusions back to specific evalua-
that described the evaluation of CS activities for im- tion findings help ensure validity and credibility.
proved SBCC in LMICs. In cases where two reviewers
disagreed on the assessment, a third reviewer conducted
a separate independent screening of the abstract/sum-
mary to break the tie and determine whether or not to Initial searches yielded 1646 publications. After auto-
include the publication. Publications that fulfilled the matic removal of duplicates in Distiller, 1033 publica-
abstract/summary eligibility criteria underwent full-text tions remained. The abstract/summary review yielded
review by one of four reviewers. The full-text review 243 potential publications, and the full-text review
assessed eligibility according to the above-mentioned resulted in a final sample of 19 eligible publications (see
criteria. Figure 1).

Capacity strengthening activities and their Description of capacity strengthening activities

evaluations Before considering the quality of the written publica-
Examination of the CS activities and their corresponding tions, reviewers first examined the CS activities for SBCC
evaluations, although not the primary focus of this re- that were evaluated. The CS activities described in the
view, provides context for understanding our assessment study sample took place in 12 different countries; 7 pub-
of CS for SBCC evaluations. First, reviewers extracted lications described activities in Asia and 12 publications
information about the scale and scope of CS activities, described activities in sub-Saharan Africa. The partici-
where CS activities took place, who participated in pants of the CS activities were varied. Most commonly
them, and what kinds of SBCC capacity the activities they included community groups, community-based
sought to strengthen. Second, in order to describe organizations or their members (n ¼ 8, Adams, 2007;
4 G. N. Awantang et al.

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Fig. 1: Study flow diagram for the publication selection process.

ADAPT-CAETIC Development Consortium, 2014; CS activity participants often received training on the
Chakravarthy et al., 2012; Field-Nguer et al., 2015; Hien relevant technical health areas (e.g. HIV/AIDS) as well
et al., 2008; Save the Children, 2005; Stauffer et al., as SBCC-specific skills such as interpersonal communi-
2016; Martin and Freimuth, 2011) and community cation, counseling and/or health education. Several pub-
health workers/volunteers (n ¼ 6, Ahluwalia, et al., 2010; lications provided little detail regarding the skills, tasks
Field-Nguer et al., 2015; Hien et al., 2008; Pyle et al., or roles their CS activities aimed to reinforce (Adams,
2007; Boothby and Veatch, 2007; Stauffer et al., 2016). 2007; Andina et al., 2013; Boothby and Veatch, 2007;
Publications did not necessarily evaluate the capacity FHI, 2006; Hien et al., 2008; Pyle et al., 2007; Save the
among all CS activity participants. (For additional details Children, 2005). For example, participants might be
about these publications, see Table 1.) trained on ‘approaches to public education’ or how to
Table 1: SBCC CS evaluation characteristics (N ¼ 19)

CS activity and evaluation characteristics

Publication Country(ies) in which Purpose of CS assessment activitiesa Capacity strengthening activ- Data collection activitiesb
(year of publication) evaluations took ity participants

Pyle et al. (2007) Bangladesh  Evaluate program objectives including ex- Community committees, mu- - Individual interviews with donor
tent to which sustained improvements in nicipal government staff and unspecified persons
municipal health systems were achieved - Group interviews with unspecified
- Meetings with past evaluators of
the program
Stauffer et al. (2016) Bangladesh  Not stated Clinicians, community health - Individual and group interviews
workers (CHWs), commu- with ‘target group representatives’
nity sales-agents and stakeholders
- Phone interview with implementing
program staff
Andina et al. (2013) India  Evaluate effectiveness of program’s tech- Government, clinicians, pri- - Document review
nical assistance in improving local capac- vate media organizations - Individual interviews with unspeci-
ity, identify lessons learned and program fied individuals
legacy - Meetings with stakeholders
International Business Kenya - Determine extent to which program Ministry of Health (MoH) - Document review
and Technical Consultants achieved goals of strengthening the capac- staff, non-governmental - Group interviews with various par-
Inc. (2015) ity of public sector institutions to promote organizations (NGOs) ticipants, partners and
and oversee social marketing (SM) and stakeholders
SBCC initiatives, of one or more Kenyan - Secondary data analysis
entities to implement SM and SBCC ini-
tiatives, of increasing the synchronization
Evaluating capacity strengthening for social and behavior change communication

of national and United States Government

-funded SM and SBCC
- Identify lessons learned regarding how to
establish sustainable SM programs
- Identify recommendations for making fu-
ture SM programs more effective in deliv-
ery sustainable services
Martin and Freimuth (2011) Kenya, Namibia, - Evaluate C-change’s progress toward im- Public health students, public - Document review
South Africa proving capacity in strategic planning, health professionals, - Observation of intervention
program design, implementation and NGOs, media activities
monitoring and evaluation of communica- organizations - Individual interviews with various

tion programs. participants and stakeholders


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Table 1: (Continued)
CS activity and evaluation characteristics

Publication Country(ies) in which Purpose of CS assessment activitiesa Capacity strengthening activ- Data collection activitiesb
(year of publication) evaluations took ity participants

- Review the interest and commitment of - Individual and organizational ca-

USAID/Global Health Missions for pacity assessment
SBCC CS in the follow-on SBCC project
ADAPT-CAETIC Development Madagascar - Determine extent to which the community Community committees - Individual interviews with commu-
Consortium (2014) committees fulfill their roles and responsi- nity committees, and other
bilities in managing community health stakeholder
systems, including support to CHWs - Group interviews with stakeholders
- Assess the effectiveness of the program’s
capacity building on local community
health committees capability in the rural
areas of Madagascar
Rispel et al. (2010)c South Africa - Determine the main activities of the peer Master trainers, ‘community - Individual interviews with master
educators trainers’ also called peer trainers, community trainers and
- Identify barriers and facilitators of peer ed- educators other stakeholders
ucator actions - Group discussions with
- Identify the impact of the training program stakeholders
on the community trainers - Survey of community members
Wills and Rudolph (2010)c South Africa  Explore the experiences of the first cohort Health promoters  Individual interviews with health
of trained health promoters and to use the promoters
findings to determine whether and how
the training program contributes to capac-
ity building
Al-Iryani et al. (2011)c Yemen - Highlight factors that enabled community Peer educators, community  Individual and group interviews
peer education focal points with peer educators, community
- Understand the role of the community fo- focal points and other
cal points, local council members stakeholders
- Understand the effect of life skills on the
life of the peer educators and their peers
- Understand the impact of the program on
the sexual behavior of the targeted young
people, including sex workers
Family Health Zambia  See how five program elements contrib- Health promoters, student
International (2006) uted to program’s strategic aims. peer educators
G. N. Awantang et al.


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Table 1: (Continued)
CS activity and evaluation characteristics

Publication Country(ies) in which Purpose of CS assessment activitiesa Capacity strengthening activ- Data collection activitiesb
(year of publication) evaluations took ity participants

Elements included capacity building - Individual interviews with peer edu-

within the Ministry of Education at all cators, teachers and other
levels and four others geared towards stakeholders
adolescents - Observation of peer educators
Ahluwalia et al. (2010)c Tanzania  Assess the sustainability of the impact of CHWs  Survey of CHWs and other
community-capacity and training pro- stakeholders
vided to CHWs maternal and infant
health outcomes, service uptake, emer-
gency obstetric care, emergency transport
systems and other formal and informal
components in the community
Namagembe et al. (2012)c Uganda  Examine the effect of team-based training Clinicians and other health  Observation of clinicians post-
courses on clinical and laboratory skills facility staff (e.g. lab work- training at various time points us-
related to malaria management relative to ers, information system ing structured checklist
baseline assistants), same training
given to all groups, results
not disaggregated
Mixed methods
Adams (2007) Cameroon Not stated, but the purpose of one data col- Health promoters, commu- - Document review
lection activity (survey of health pro- nity-based organizations - Survey of health promoters
Evaluating capacity strengthening for social and behavior change communication

moters) was to assess the impact of the (CBOs)

program on their behavior, sexual and re-
productive health, socio-economic im-
pact, as well as the impact on other young
people, families and communities
African Youth Alliance Tanzania - Assess extent to which the interventions Clinicians, peer educators, - Individual semi-structured inter-
(2005) met their objectives (increased use of other health facility staff views with clinicians, peer educa-
services) tors and other stakeholders
- Group interviews with clinicians,
peer educators, client youth


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Table 1: (Continued)
CS activity and evaluation characteristics

Publication Country(ies) in which Purpose of CS assessment activitiesa Capacity strengthening activ- Data collection activitiesb
(year of publication) evaluations took ity participants

- Capture successes, challenges and lessons - Pre- and post-training for clinicians
learned of both the facility and outreach - Exit interviews with facility clients
efforts - Mystery clients
Field-Nguer et al. Tanzania - Learn which of the program’s CS interven- MoH staff, training insti- - Document review
(2015) tions have been most effective in improv- tutes, media institutions, - Individual interviews with various
ing the ability of individuals and health promoters, young types of
institutions to design, implement and educated adults/SBCC program participants
evaluate SBCC programming professionals, CHWs - Group interviews with program
- Identify what areas of behavior change participants
research, design or implementation has - Individual pre- and post-training
program successfully strengthened the questionnaire
capacity of Tanzanian individuals, insti- - Institutional capacity assessments
tutions and communities
- Identify internal or external factors have
influenced the project’s ability to achieve
its objectives
Save the Children (2005) Tajikistan Not stated Community committees, chil- - Document review
dren, health facility staff - Exit interviews with pregnant
- Individual interviews with health
facility staff and stakeholders
- Group interviews with health facil-
ity staff, children, community
committees and other
- Secondary data analysis
- Survey of community members
Chakravarthy et al. (2012)c India - Describe the steps in the development of Peer educators (sex workers),  Individual semi-structured inter-
the community mobilization process; CBOs views with CBO members, peer
show how a model was adapted to the educators and other stakeholders
different social and economic environ-
ments of the sex workers

G. N. Awantang et al.

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Table 1: (Continued)
CS activity and evaluation characteristics

Publication Country(ies) in which Purpose of CS assessment activitiesa Capacity strengthening activ- Data collection activitiesb
(year of publication) evaluations took ity participants

- Assess the progress of the program in de-

veloping organizations and empowering
sex workers to play an active role in their
local and district-wide organizations
Hien et al. (2008)c Vietnam - Evaluate the effectiveness of an educational CHWs, CBOs, traditional au- - Pre- and post-test of participants
program thorities, same training and controls
- Assess the usefulness of a participatory given to all groups, some - Training feedback survey of train-
style of education and the applicability of results disaggregated ing participants
an intersectoral approach in the educa-
tional process
- Evaluate the appropriateness of the facili-
tated training from the point of view of
Boothby and Veatch (2007) Indonesia - Examine whether the project completed CHWs, clinicians - Individual semi-structured inter-
what it set out to do in terms of activities, views with clinicians and other
trainings, material development and serv- stakeholders
ices that were planned to achieve specific - Group interviews with CHWs and
objectives or result other stakeholders
- Identify what changes—if any—resulted - Individual interviews with unspeci-
from people’s participation in the sup- fied number of nurses
ported program - Pre- and post-training test for
health providers
Evaluating capacity strengthening for social and behavior change communication

For brevity’s sake, this column includes only assessment objectives related to CS activities.
Sample sizes are not provided as this information was partial or missing for many publications.
Peer-reviewed publication.

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10 G. N. Awantang et al.

perform ‘awareness campaigns’ (Boothby and Veatch, assessed CS activities that aimed to strengthen individual
2007). It was often difficult to assess the strength of CS capacity (ADAPT-CAETIC Development Consortium,
findings in the reviewed publications for two reasons. 2014). Six others described evaluation findings of activi-
First, publications often had only limited information on ties that aimed to influence change at the organization
the content of CS activities or the specific aims of the CS level (ADAPT-CAETIC Development Consortium,
activities. Second, CS activities were often integrated 2014; Field-Nguer et al., 2015; IBTC, 2015; Pyle et al.,
into larger SBCC, health and development programs. 2007; Andina et al., 2013; Martin and Freimuth, 2011),
Two publications that described CS interventions and five included a system-level focus (Chakravarthy
mentioned a ToC which outlined how capacity for et al., 2012; Field-Nguer et al., 2015; Andina et al.,

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SBCC would be strengthened (Al-Iryani et al., 2011, 2013; Wills and Rudolph, 2010; Martin and Freimuth,
Martin and Freimuth, 2011) but neither mention was 2011). Only three publications evaluated capacity at all
accompanied by a detailed description of how the ToC three levels of the SBCC Capacity Ecosystem (Field-
was integrated into CS activities. Nguer et al., 2015; Andina et al., 2013; Martin and
Freimuth, 2011). None of the publications described
Description of evaluations assessments that were explicitly linked to TOCs.
All publications specified at least one evaluation goal re- The reviewed publications differed in terms of evalu-
lated to CS for SBCC except for two publications which ation design and methods. In terms of evaluation design,
did not (Stauffer et al., 2016; Save the Children, 2005). 18 publications described non-experimental designs,
and only one study (Hien et al., 2008) used an experi-
Among the reviewed publications, only three described
mental design which featured random assignment of
interventions and evaluations focused exclusively on CS
community leaders from various communities to a train-
for SBCC (Martin and Freimuth, 2011; Field-Nguer
ing intervention. Most publications used either qualita-
et al., 2015; Wills and Rudolph, 2010). The first of these
tive methods alone (n ¼ 10) or both qualitative and
three described the evaluation of the global C-Change
quantitative methods (n ¼ 7). The two that used only
project; this evaluation used mixed methods to describe
quantitative methods focused on assessing individual
shifts in capacity at the individual, organization and sys-
performance (Namagembe et al., 2012; Ahluwalia et al.,
tem level (Martin and Freimuth, 2011). The second was
an evaluation of the Tanzania Capacity and
Several publications used quantitative measures to
Communication Project (TCCP) that used qualitative
describe changes in capacity for SBCC. A few publica-
methods to assess capacity at all three levels of the
tions quantified the success of CS efforts by describing
SBCC Capacity Ecosystem. The third publication that
the percentage of participants that demonstrated specific
focused exclusively on CS for SBCC used qualitative
counseling practices before and after an intervention
methods to describe the learning of South African health (Namagembe et al., 2012; Save the Children, 2005) or
promoters that participated in a university course (Wills reported the percentage of trained participants that were
and Rudolph, 2010). Two of these three evaluations ref- practicing activities such as patient education
erenced use of SBCC capacity assessment tools. The (Ahluwalia et al., 2010) and implementing awareness
TCCP evaluation provided a web link to a tool which campaigns (Boothby and Veatch, 2007). Four publica-
assessed organizational SBCC capacity across six tions described the use of pre- and post-intervention
domains and described how the project used scores on assessments (e.g. participant written tests, survey or ob-
communication strategy and design to plan technical as- servation) to assess the capacity of individuals (Save the
sistance for a local communication organization (Field- Children, 2005; AYA, 2005; Field-Nguer et al., 2015;
Nguer et al., 2015). The C-Change project’s capacity as- Hien et al., 2008).
sessment tool was different than that used in the TCCP In terms of addressing sustainability, some publica-
evaluation and was described in less detail (Martin and tions acknowledged the important link between CS and
Freimuth, 2011). The C-Change project adapted differ- sustainability of SBCC interventions (FHI, 2006; Martin
ent versions of the tool for assessing SBCC capacity of and Freimuth, 2011). However, this review found that
individuals, organizations and donors/networks but did sustainability was not generally a focus of CS for SBCC
not clearly define what categories were assessed and did evaluation findings. For example, publications often de-
not discuss assessment findings (Martin and Freimuth, scribed the hypothesized sustainability of some, but not
2011). all, of the implemented CS activities for SBCC
In terms of the levels of the SBCC Capacity (AYA, 2005; Pyle et al., 2007; Stauffer et al., 2016;
Ecosystem framework, all (n ¼ 18) but one publication IBTC, 2015). More troubling was the fact that two
Evaluating capacity strengthening for social and behavior change communication 11

publications mentioned sustainability of capacity out- their CS efforts were sustainable. For example, Pyle
comes as part of the stated scope of evaluation but did et al. discussed that ‘dependency’ of partners on the
not include evaluation findings related to sustainability evaluated project (Pyle et al., 2007) was a concern and a
in the actual publication (IBTC, 2015; Andina et al., possible threat to the ongoing activity of municipal com-
2013). mittees that serve an SBCC coordination role. Three
Only three publications explicitly collected data publications mentioned a lack of funding as a threat to
about the sustainability of capacity outcomes the gains made by or the continuance of CS activities for
(Ahluwalia et al., 2010; Namagembe et al., 2012; SBCC in particular (FHI, 2006; Field-Nguer et al., 2015,
Martin and Freimuth, 2011). In the first publication, IBTC, 2015). For example, one publication noted that

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Ahluwalia et al. examined whether village health work-
only 8% of the program budget was dedicated to CS al-
ers (Ahluwalia et al., 2010) were still active 7 years after
though CS was the sole focus of one of the program’s
the end of the Community-Based Reproductive Health
primary objectives (Field-Nguer et al., 2015). Another
Project and found many were. This project trained
publication discussed factors such as the ‘voiced com-
workers to counsel pregnant women, communicate ma-
mitment’ among teachers in a student health education
ternal health care messages and refer women experienc-
program (Save the Children, 2005) to argue that capac-
ing pregnancy-related complications to district
ity for SBCC would endure. On the flip side, another
hospitals. Namagembe et al. observed clinician’s malaria
counseling skills in Uganda (Namagembe et al., 2012) publication noted little involvement and activity among
repeatedly over a period of 12 months after clinicians re- community health committees over the course of the
ceived a 6-day training that touched upon health educa- project as explanation for why capacity gains were not
tion for adherence, prevention and follow-up. They likely to endure (ADAPT-CAETIC Development
defined adequate patient education as clinicians advising Consortium, 2014).
their patients on at least six out of eight topics (e.g. ma-
laria treatment and prevention, completion of treat- Quality of the writing
ment). That study found that participants’ interpersonal Reviewers noted several concerns regarding the quality
counseling skills were improved up until 12 weeks after of publication writing. This section details the findings
the training, but fewer participants did so at one year af- related to the general readability of publications before
ter the training. Lastly, Martin and Freimuth asked describing the strength of arguments related to recom-
respondents questions about (Martin and Freimuth, mendations and conclusions made about CS for SBCC.
2011) whether supported SBCC communities of practice In terms of readability, reviewers found clarity of writ-
were ‘self-sustaining’, to assess the sustainability of these ing and organization of the publications to be highly
networks. It is not clear what results link to this question variable. The three evaluations focused exclusively on
as the publication describes both a web-based and more CS for SBCC were clearly written and organized (Field-
informal face-to-face community of practice. The publi- Nguer et al., 2015; Martin and Freimuth, 2011; Wills
cation described the web-based community of practice and Rudolph, 2010). Similarly, the seven peer-reviewed
as ‘struggling’. An interviewee referred to the latter com-
publications were generally easy to read and well orga-
munity of practice as ‘structural CS, because it creates a
nized (Rispel et al., 2010; Wills and Rudolph, 2010; Al-
new institutional framework for SBCC’ (Martin and
Iryani et al., 2011; Ahluwalia et al., 2010; Namagembe
Freimuth, 2011). All three publications presented some
et al., 2012; Chakravarthy et al., 2012; Hien et al.,
evidence to speak to the sustainability of CS for SBCC
2008). With few exceptions (Save the Children, 2005;
Stauffer et al., 2016; Field-Nguer et al., 2015; Martin
Other publications often lacked concrete findings re-
and Freimuth, 2011), however, gray literature publica-
lating to the long-term sustainability of CS efforts. Five
publications posited the sustainability of CS efforts tions were generally harder to read and follow. In two
without any explicit mention in their methods or process instances, gray literature publications contained many
of conducting their evaluation, to suggest that they col- instances of incorrect grammar or spelling (ADAPT-
lected data to assess sustainability (ADAPT-CAETIC CAETIC Development Consortium, 2014, Pyle et al.,
Development Consortium, 2014; Field-Nguer et al., 2007). One of these two publications was difficult to
2015; Save the Children, 2005; Pyle et al., 2007; Adams, follow because the publication’s paragraphs were seri-
2007). ally numbered in a different way than the table of con-
Publications presented factors such as funding and tents (ADAPT-CAETIC Development Consortium,
stakeholder buy-in when discussing the likelihood that 2014). Furthermore, some publications used so many
12 G. N. Awantang et al.

project-specific acronyms that they were difficult to fol- 11 publications did not clearly support all their recom-
low (Pyle et al., 2007; Andina et al., 2013; IBTC, 2015). mendations and conclusions related to CS activities for
The second part of examining publication quality in- improved SBCC. Six publications did link all recommen-
volved assessing whether publications provided suffi- dations and conclusions to their findings (ADAPT-
cient detail to support the claims made. CAETIC Development Consortium, 2014; Rispel et al.,
Lack of detail regarding program activities, evalua- 2010; Wills and Rudolph, 2010; Al-Iryani et al., 2011,
tion methodology and findings challenged the validity AYA, 2005; Chakravarthy et al., 2012).
and credibility of certain publications. In terms of lack Arguments linking CS to SBCC capacity were often
of detail concerning the assessment methodology used, weak and were found in both gray (IBTC, 2015; FHI,

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six publications lacked clarity about the methods used 2006) and peer-reviewed literature (Stauffer et al.,
to assess the effects of CS activities versus other activities 2016). The following two examples help demonstrate
(Boothby and Veatch, 2007; Chakravarthy et al., 2012; this trend. In Bangladesh, a mid-term evaluation of a so-
FHI, 2006; IBTC, 2015; Pyle et al., 2007; Stauffer et al., cial marketing project repeatedly touted the need for
2016). In addition, several publications provided mini- more training of providers, private sector partners and
mal information regarding their sample sizes or did not government staff. However, exit interview results
clearly explain which stakeholders participated in which showed client satisfaction was high. The publication’s
data collection activities (AYA, 2005; Andina et al., authors were not clear on how provider behavior, specif-
2013; Field-Nguer et al., 2015; Martin and Freimuth, ically, was lacking except for one observation of poor
2011; Pyle et al., 2007; Save the Children, 2005; referral form documentation as an issue and that trained
Stauffer et al., 2016). providers did express a need for training (Stauffer et al.,
Regarding CS activities and findings, several publica- 2016). The evaluation’s repeated emphasis on training
tions contained minimal text or content describing the seemed out of proportion given the evidence provided.
relevant SBCC capacity skills or competencies that activ- A second example was a publication that concluded
ities aimed to strengthen (Adams, 2007; Ahluwalia, that an NGO-gained capacity by taking over manage-
et al., 2010; Andina et al., 2013; Boothby and Veatch, ment of their health communications and marketing
2007, Stauffer et al., 2016; Namagembe et al., 2012). In (HCM) project. The publication argued that the project
three instances, publications did not clearly define the had ‘empowered board and management and the capac-
extent of the technical assistance provided to CS activity ity to implement HCM [project] activities’ (IBTC,
participants and, by extension, did not distinguish be- 2015). The publication described the NGO’s and the
tween the CS activities and the findings of their evalua- project staff’s joint implementation of SBCC campaigns
tion (Adams, 2007; IBTC, 2015; Andina et al., 2013). but did not explain how the NGO specifically gained ca-
For example, Adams discussed e CS activities (Adams, pacity relative to what it had previously accomplished
2007) and evaluation findings concomitantly, making it before the CS activities. Authors also supported the em-
difficult to distinguish one from the other. The fact that powerment claim by saying the management staff were
it was difficult to distinguish CS activities from findings all Kenyan and the NGO’s board was more than 50%
complicated subsequent arguments about the activities’ Kenyan. While the supporting findings are positive, the
contribution to changes in SBCC capacity. As highlighted author’s claim of empowerment is weak without a larger
earlier, only two interventions explicitly mentioned the conversation of what empowerment is, how nationality
use of a programmatic ToC (Al-Iryani et al., 2011, correlates with empowerment, and what the NGO’s ca-
Martin and Freimuth, 2011) and none detailed whether pacity was before the implementation of CS activities
or how a ToC informed their CS evaluation. (IBTC, 2015). These two examples represent a pattern
Regarding whether or not publications presented evi- found across the reviewed publications.
dence to support their CS-related recommendations/con- Some publications generally supported most, but not
clusions, findings were mixed. The fifth screening all, of their conclusions and recommendations. Two
criteria used to screen full-text publications only needed such examples were evaluations that focused exclusively
to satisfy three out of five sub-criteria, one of which was on assessing CS for SBCC (Martin and Freimuth, 2011;
having recommendations/conclusions/lessons learned. Field-Nguer et al., 2015). Authors of the TCCP evalua-
As a consequence, a couple publications did not provide tion report concluded that the project successfully built
any recommendations, conclusions or lessons learned re- the capacity of the Ministry of Health and Social
garding capacity for improved SBCC (AYA, 2005; Welfare and Tanzania Commission for AIDS in design-
Namagembe et al., 2012). Among the 17 publications ing, developing, implementing and monitoring national-
included in the final sample that provided this content, level mass media campaigns (Field-Nguer et al., 2015).
Evaluating capacity strengthening for social and behavior change communication 13

However, none of the findings presented in the report implications for CS in SBCC. First, there is a scarcity of
demonstrated improvement in the capacity of the literature about specific evaluation of CS for SBCC.
Commission. The publication only describes the techni- Although CS has become a ‘buzz word’ in international
cal assistance and training of Commission officials. development (Hawe et al., 2000), published evaluations
Similarly, Martin and Freimuth argue that media profes- of CS activities that aim to build SBCC capacity in
sionals (Adams, 2007) need different capacities strength- LMICs are rare. Only 19 publications met the study’s el-
ened than those required by SBCC professionals and igibility criteria, and only three focused solely on CS
that C-Change should identify these capacities and tailor findings. This review’s findings complement previous lit-
CS approaches accordingly. While their recommenda- erature which has noted that evaluation of CS efforts for

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tion may be true, it was not clear which findings sup- SBCC is rare (Lettenmaier et al., 2014). Future evalua-
ported that recommendation (Martin and Freimuth, tions should publish their findings more widely in order
2011). Compared to other publications, evaluators of to share lessons learned with others interested in imple-
the TCCP and C-Change projects assessed an array of menting CS activities in SBCC and generate further
diverse CS activities (Martin and Freimuth, 2011; Field- knowledge about what works and what does not work.
Nguer et al., 2015). Second, the review found that among publications
In the process of assessing the publication quality, that described evaluation findings of CS for SBCC, most
reviewers noticed a separate trend in the way arguments did not emphasize the assessment of CS activities. The
related to CS activity effectiveness were supported by in- details of how CS activities were evaluated was often
direct proxy measures. Publications sometimes implied lost in description of large multi-arm interventions that
that capacity had been built based on behavioral out- were not focused on SBCC or CS. Lack of detail about
comes of the intended audience of the SBCC interven- the CS activities and evaluation, including about a pro-
tion (e.g. peer education) as opposed to the outcomes of gram’s ToC, made it difficult to assess the process of
the CS activity itself (e.g. peer educator training). In at change and the impact of CS activities. This finding is
least one case, a publication noted that while the inter- consistent with the understanding that CS is rarely a
vention had addressed family planning providers’ per- stand-alone activity and is more often paired with other
ception and behavior, evaluators could not know if the programmatic activities (Hawe et al., 2000; Labonte
mentoring of providers translated into different counsel- and Laverack, 2001) such as service delivery or health
ing practices without looking at contraceptive commodity interventions. In addition, this finding is a concern given
sales data (IBTC, 2015). In other words, the evaluators the need to identify the most appropriate and effective
seemed to argue that they could not assess changes in CS activities for SBCC. Future evaluations of CS for im-
family planning counseling capacity directly and would proved SBCC should clearly and thoroughly describe
need supplementary data about client behavior (IBTC, both the CS activities as well as how they are evaluated,
2015). Elsewhere, evaluations described the health behav- including the hypothesized ToC. This is important so
iors of CS activity participants, themselves, though the that readers can fully understand what is being pre-
goal and design of the health promotion program sug- sented and so that those implementing SBCC programs
gested these participants were to counsel or educate can apply their learning when designing future CS
others (Adams, 2007; FHI, 2006). All 19 publications activities.
provided at least a minimal description of how CS activi- Third, the current systematic review found that eval-
ties affected their participants. However, several publica- uation assessments of CS for SBCC generally employ
tions dedicated markedly more emphasis on describing non-experimental designs. Of the reviewed publications,
shifts in social norms or behaviors of the SBCC interven- only one described an experimental design. This finding
tion’s audience and less emphasis on describing the effects is not necessarily a weakness, even though experimental
of CS activities on its participants (Al-Iryani et al., 2011; designs are typically the gold standard of program evalu-
Rispel, et al., 2010; Andina et al., 2013; Boothby and ation, given experimental designs, may not be the most
Veatch, 2007). The priority was often placed on measur- appropriate for CS activities. In practice, CS activity
ing behavioral outcomes and their determinants rather participants often volunteer or are specifically chosen,
isolating the direct effects on capacity. introducing self-selection bias and making random as-
signment difficult (James, 2001; LaFond and Brown,
2003). In addition, experimental designs of CS activities
DISCUSSION may sacrifice rich contextual knowledge and a better un-
The current systematic review identified seven overall derstanding of why activities were effective, in favor of
findings with distinct programmatic and research objectivity and learning whether or not an intervention
14 G. N. Awantang et al.

worked (Berwick et al., 2008). CS evaluators may pur- Conclusions about the sustainability of CS activities
posefully opt for non-experimental designs in part to un- were not typically linked to evaluation findings. It was
derstand the role of context and what components of CS not clear whether these programs did not evaluate sus-
activities are effective. Ultimately, when designing an tainability of their efforts or whether they did evaluate
evaluation of CS for improved SBCC, a critical consider- sustainability but did not present that data in the
ation for practitioners is that the evaluation study design reviewed publications. Either way, these publications
should appropriately factor in and account for the com- suggest that even when programs place importance on
plexity and situational context of the CS intervention. sustainability of its efforts, a gap exists in terms of docu-
Fourth, in terms of the SBCC Capacity Ecosystem, menting and sharing that evidence.

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while evaluations commonly addressed organization- The lasting impact of CS for SBCC activities hinges
level capacity and individual-level competencies, they on programmatic, financial and contextual factors in-
rarely addressed system-level capacity. This finding cluding stakeholder buy-in and continued funding.
comes as no surprise to those who evaluate capacity. While evaluations must work within the constraints of
The documented predominance of capacity assessment available resources and program timelines, CS activities
at the ‘micro level’ (e.g. individual level) as opposed to often continue until the end of a funding cycle, making
the ‘macro level’ has persisted in capacity assessment for it practically difficult to assess whether capacity out-
some time (LaFond and Brown, 2003; Brown et al, comes were sustained over time and after the end of a
2001). This bias may be related to the fact that system- program. The terms and conditions of donor funding
level capacity takes longer to develop and that evalua- likely hinder the frequency with which programs can
tors have traditionally struggled to measure capacity at evaluate the success or sustainability of CS efforts.
that level (Ebbesen et al., 2004; USAID, 2015). In con- Funders should rise to this challenge by increasing fund-
trast, individual competencies are often less challenging ing for the evaluation of CS activities. Moreover, fun-
to delineate, observe, document and therefore measure ders must identify mechanisms for earmarking
than system-level changes in a community of practice or evaluation funds that extend beyond the end of program
professional network of partner organizations. System- activities in order to be able to explore issues of sustain-
level change involves a larger number of stakeholders ability. Such commitment could enable better documen-
and more intangibles compared to individual-level tation and knowledge sharing about which types of CS
change. This finding in respect to the SBCC Ecosystem activities can generate sustainable change.
may also reflect the scarcity of programmatic investment Sixth, authors identified the shortcomings in terms of
in system-level CS activities. It was often unclear from quality, both in terms of the writing as well as providing
the reviewed publications why system-level activities sufficient detail and documentation to support claims.
were omitted from the scope of evaluation activities. Problems of clarity in the writing, particularly in gray
This finding is a concern, in part, because system-level literature, made it difficult to understand what kind of
competencies such as prioritizing SBCC funding, sus- CS activities were most effective at strengthening capac-
taining SBCC training and harmonizing SBCC imple- ity for SBCC. The substance, content and specific aims
menters are key to allowing individual-level capacity to of CS activities available in the reviewed literature were
flourish within an SBCC Capacity Ecosystem (Health often vague or unspecified. Core program components,
Communication Capacity Collaborative, 2016). Future such as ToC, were also not routinely integrated into the
CS interventions—as well as their evaluations—should evaluation publications. These shortcomings make it
take a more ecological approach and aim to affect more difficult to obtain a complete picture of the CS ac-
change beyond the individual level. A more ecological tivities as well as of their evaluation. Evaluation practi-
approach to CS efforts and their corresponding evalua- tioners must prioritize clear and detailed documentation
tion also calls for greater financial support from funders, so that others can easily identify and apply valuable les-
given the resource-intensive nature of intervening at the sons learned into their own work.
organization- and system-level. Finally, publications did not consistently support all
Fifth, publications highlighted several challenges re- of their recommendations and conclusions with evalua-
garding assessing sustainability of CS activities. tion findings. This appeared to be partially a conse-
Although CS is key to ensuring sustainable gains in de- quence of the fact that CS was not a focus of most
velopment (LaFond et al., 2002; Gurman et al., 2018), evaluations or publications. Evaluations sometimes in-
most publications did not explicitly assess sustainability. ferred the success of CS activities by indirect proxy
Publications did, however, cite continued funding as a measures, relying on behavioral outcomes of the SBCC
barrier to sustainable change in SBCC capacity. interventions that the CS activities may have supported
Evaluating capacity strengthening for social and behavior change communication 15

rather than outcomes of the CS activities themselves. FUNDING

Such indirect arguments for or against capacity may be This work was supported by the American people through the
common for various reasons. In the broader field of United States Agency for International Development [coopera-
health promotion, a direct trade-off typically exists be- tive agreement number AID-OAA-A-11-00058] under the
tween strengthening the capacity of health promotion Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) project.
workers and focusing on the implementation of health The contents are the responsibility of the authors and do not
promotion activities that produces an actual health gain necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States
(Hawe et al., 1997). This would explain not just the fre- Government.
quency of indirect measures of capacity but also the rar-

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ity of evaluations focused on CS for SBCC. In addition, ETHICAL ASPECTS
assessing capacity is difficult. Evaluators face challenges
This review did not require Institutional Review Board (IRB)
such as the dynamic nature of capacity, multi-level organi-
according to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
zational contexts, the long-time frame needed to develop
Health IRB’s definition of non-human subject’s research.
capacity and the difficulty of attributing cause or credit
for changes in capacity (Ebbesen et al., 2004; Gurman
et al., 2018). This finding is a concern for those in SBCC REFERENCES
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Communication Programs (CCP) for their support screening dren in Aceh. Findings from an evaluation of programs sup-
and reviewing publications. They also acknowledge the guid- ported by the Health Services Program. Columbia
ance of Douglas Storey, Director for Communication Science University, Mailman School of Public Health, Program on
and Research of CCP, and Zoe Hildon, a former member of Forced Migration and Health, New York, NY.
CCP, for their support in guiding the conception of the review. Brown, L., LaFond, A. K. and Macintyre, K. (2001) Measuring
The authors are particularly grateful to colleague Hope capacity building. In MEASURE Evaluation. Chapel Hill,
Hempstone (USAID) for her technical guidance and support. NC.
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