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Quiz 1

1.An example of direct fund transfer without going through the financial system is:
(1 Point)
Corporation A has its IPO yesterday
Corporation A borrows money from Ms. Jansen, who is one of the company's shareholders
Corporation C borrows from a bank
2.A company issues shares on the stock market. A bank buys these shares using depositors' money.
Which of the following correctly describe the flow of fund in the financial system
(1 Point)
Funds flow from the surplus party, through a financial institution, then through financial markets,
and finally to the deficit party
Funds flow from the surplus party, through financial markets, then through a financial institution,
and finally to the deficit party
Funds flow from the surplus party, through a financial institution, then to the deficit party
Funds flow from the surplus party, through financial markets, then to the deficit party
3.Primary market
(1 Point)
Helps issuing firm increase their capital
Is where investors buy and sell securities that have been issued
Is very accessible to individuals
All other answers are wrong 
4.Treasury bonds are instruments in:
(1 Point)
Equity capital market
Money market
Long-term debt market

Quiz 2

Hôm nay bạn tròn 20 tuổi và lập kế hoạch nghỉ hưu. Bạn tính rằng mình cần có 10 tỷ lúc 65 tuổi để
dưỡng già. Ngay bây giờ bạn đề nghị bố mẹ (hay ai đó đủ giàu) cho mình một số tiền, bạn sẽ gửi tiết
kiệm để đạt được mục tiêu trên. Với lãi suất tiết kiệm 5%/năm, bạn cần đòi khoảng bao nhiêu tiền
ngay bây giờ:
Today you turn 20 and start planning your retirement. You calculate that you need 10 billion VND at
the age of 65. With a savings interest rate of 5% / year, how much money do you need to invest right
now to achieve your goal:

(1 Point)
1.42 billion
1.11 billion
1.05 billion
2.In the timeline, you  are standing at time 0. At time 1 (end of first year), you invest an amount of
money with interest rate R and receive a lump sum at time 5. To calculate that amount with the
formula FV = PV(1+R)^n, what should be the value of "n"?
(1 Point)
3.Trên trục thời gian, bạn đang ở mốc 0. At time 10 (end of year ten), you expect to receive an
amount of money. You want to calculate the value of that amount at time 4 (end of year four).
Applying the formula PV = FV/(1+r)^n, what should be the value of n =?   
(1 Point)

Quiz 3 Finance

1.You set a goal to buy a car exactly 4 years from now. The price of the car is currently 510
million VND and is guaranteed to remain the same for the next 4 years. Starting from year 1, at the
end of each year you deposit 120 million VND into a savings account with an interest rate of 6% per
year. By the end of 4 years, will you have saved enough money to buy the car?

(1 Point)
I will not have enough money to buy the car
I will have more than enough money to buy the car
I will have just enough money to buy the car
2.You just won the jackpot! You have two options to receive the money. Option A: receive 9
billion VND immediately. Option B: starting at the end of year 1, you will receive 1 billion VND every
year for 25 years. With an interest rate of 8%, which option is better?
(1 Point)
Option B
Two options bring about the same benefits
Option A
3.Assuming today is January 1st, 2022. You plan to make a deposit of 2 million VND into a savings
account on January 1st, 2027 and repeat this every year on January 1st. With an interest rate of 5.5%
per year, you will have a balance of approximately 54 million VND on January 1st in which year?

(1 Point)
4.Mr. An wants to donate a sum of money right now to a university to sponsor scholarships for
students. The money will be invested immediately, and bring in a perpetuity of 10 million VND per
year, the first perpetuity will be received exactly 3 years from now. The discount rate for the next 2
years is 5%, then increases to 7.5% from year 3. The value of the donation from Mr. An is closest to?

(1 Point)
121 million
133 million
132 million
120 million

Quiz 4 Finance

Hi, K60. When you submit this form, the owner will see your name and email address.
A large project has the following information: It costs 1000 billion VND per year, with the first payment made
immediately and the last payment at the end of year 3. The project generates annual cash inflows of 600
billion VND, starting from the end of year 6 and ending at the end of year 30. With a discount rate of 7%,
what is the approximate NPV of the project?

(1 Point)

2246 billion

1361 billion

2361 billion

Assuming that today is May 31st, Max is considering selling ice cream at the park during the summer. The
initial investment for buying the ice cream cart is 9 million VND. Assuming that Max will earn a profit of 1.5
million VND at the end of each month from June to September. When the project ends, Max will sell the ice
cream cart for 4.5 million VND. The annual IRR of the project is closest to:

(1 Point)




Project A has NPV = 20 billion, IRR = 15%. Project B has NPV = 17 billion, IRR = 18%. When ranking projects
using IRR, we:

(1 Point)

Choose the project with the higher annualized rate of return

Will make a mistake because NPV is the method that indicates which project has higher annualized rate of

Choose the project that makes the larger value 

You are considering project 1 or 2. Your cost of capital is 6%. Which one should you choose?

(1 Point)
Project 1 because it has larger NPV 

Project 2 because it has larger NPV

Project 2 because it has larger IRR

Cannot decide because NPV and IRR suggest conflicting ranking


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